Re: [Haskell-cafe] Category Theory woes

2010-02-02 Thread Creighton Hogg
2010/2/2 Álvaro García Pérez

 You may try Pierce's Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists or
 Awodey's Category Theory, whose style is rather introductory. Both of them
 (I think) have a chapter about functors where they explain the Hom functor
 and related topics.

I think Awodey's book is pretty fantastic, actually, but I'd avoid Pierce.
 Unlike Types and Programming Languages, I think Basic Category
Theory... is a bit eccentric in its presentation and doesn't help the
reader build intuition.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What *is* a DSL?

2009-10-07 Thread Creighton Hogg
2009/10/7 Robert Atkey

 What is a DSL?

 How about this as a formal-ish definition, for at least a pretty big
 class of DSLs:

 A DSL is an algebraic theory in the sense of universal algebra. I.e. it
 is an API of a specific form, which consists of:
  a) a collection of abstract types, the carriers. Need not all be of
     kind *.
  b) a collection of operations, of type
         t1 - t2 - ... - tn
     where tn must be one of the carrier types from (a), but the others
     can be any types you like.
  c) (Optional) a collection of properties about the operations (e.g.
     equations that must hold)

 Haskell has a nice way of specifying such things (except part (c)): type

 Examples of type classes that fit this schema include Monad, Applicative
 and Alternative. Ones that don't include Eq, Ord and Show. The Num type
 class would be, if it didn't specify Eq and Show as superclasses.

 An implementation of a DSL is just an implementation of corresponding
 type class. Shallowly embedded DSLs dispense with the type class step
 and just give a single implementation. Deeply embedded implementations
 are *initial* implementations: there is a unique function from the deep
 embedding to any of the other implementations that preserves all the
 operations. The good thing about this definition is that anything we do
 to the deep embedding, we can do to any of the other implementations via
 the unique map.

 Thanks to Church and Reynolds, we can always get a deep embedding for
 free (free as in Theorems for Free). If our DSL is defined by some
 type class T, then the deep embedding is:
   type DeepT = forall a. T a = a
 (and so on, for multiple carrier types, possibly with type

 Of course, there is often an easier and more efficient way of
 representing the initial algebra using algebraic data types.

 Conor McBride often goes on about how the initial algebra (i.e. the deep
 embedding) of a given specification is the one you should be worrying
 about, because it often has a nice concrete representation and gives you
 all you need to reason about any of the other implementations.

It's funny, because I wouldn't have thought about this in terms of
type classes from the top of my head.  What I've been thinking about a
lot lately (because I'm trying to prepare notes on it) is building
classifying categories from signatures, then considering the category
of all possible functorial models (read: dsl embeddings) into the
target category.I guess we're essentially talking about the same
thing.  The difference from looking at it as type classes is that you
really do get all your equations preserved with product preserving
functors from your classifying category; however, the topic came up
earlier today of what would a language look like if it had a built in
notion of functorial semantics - my guess is that it'd be like a
stronger version of ML functors, but I don't really know.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad transformer, liftIO

2009-04-03 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Michael Roth wrote:
 Hello list,

 maybe I'm just stupid, I'm trying to do something like this:

        import Control.Monad
        import Control.Monad.Trans
        import Control.Monad.List

        foobar = do
                a - [1,2,3]
                b - [4,5,6]
                liftIO $ putStrLn $ (show a) ++   ++ (show b)
                return (a+b)

        main = do
                sums - foobar
                print sums

 But this apparently doesn't work... I'm total clueless how
 to achieve the correct solution. Maybe my mental image
 on the monad transformer thing is totally wrong?

Okay, so I think what you want is

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.List

foobar :: ListT IO Int
foobar = do
  a - msum . map return $ [1,2,3]
  b - msum . map return $ [4,5,6]
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ (show a) ++   ++ (show b)
  return (a+b)

main = do
  sums - runListT foobar
  print sums

There were a couple of things going on here:  first, that you tried to
use literal list syntax in do notation which I believe only works in
the actual [] monad.  Second, you didn't have the runListT acting on
the foobar, which is how you go from a ListT IO Int to a IO [Int].
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The votes are in!

2009-03-24 Thread Creighton Hogg
2009/3/24 John Van Enk
 Is this the part where all the pundits come out and talk about how Jeff
 isn't a citizen, eats babies, and wants to turn Haskell into an imperative

Well given the fact that Haskell has been called the world's best
imperative language, that we have a multinational community, and that
baby eating is an acceptable part of Haskell optimization* I think
he'll fit in just fine.

* Don Stewart might have a blog post about this, but I'm too lazy to look it up.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Request: warn about language extensions that are not used

2009-03-11 Thread Creighton Hogg
2009/3/11 Peter Verswyvelen
 When I put
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Werror #-}
 in my source file, I don't get compiler (GHC) warnings about redundant
 language extensions that I enabled.
 It would be nice if the compiler gave warnings about this, since after
 refactoring, some language extensions might not be needed anymore, and hence
 should be removed since fewer language extensions mean more stable and
 portable code no?
 What do you think?

So you mean something like if you put {-# LANGUAGE
GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} in a file, but never do newtype
deriving, it would warn you?

I have no idea how hard that'd be to implement, but that sounds kind
of cool.  Useful for both refactoring and when you've inherited old

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN : happs-tutorial 0.8

2009-03-08 Thread Creighton Hogg

I'd like to announce the release of the happstack-0.2 compatible
release of happs-tutorial on hackage and available for perusing on

A number of changes occurred in this release:
* General cleanup of code for readability
* Migration to the new Happstack.Server.SimpleHTTP api
* Addition of a chapter on multimaster, the Spread Toolkit based
system for syncing your applications across multiple Happstack
* Revised chapters on introducing Happstack.Server and
Happstack.State, with an emphasis on simple, well-commented examples
showing the orthogonality of these separate libraries.
* Minor bug fixes

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN : Crypto 4.2.0 Related News

2009-02-16 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hello Haskellers,

I'm pleased to announce version 4.2.0 of Crypto has been uploaded to
Hackage  that I am taking over maintenance of the library from
Dominic Steinitz.  As of this release it should be cabal install'able
on GHC 6.10.1.  I'm also pleased to announce that the darcs repo will
be moving from to being hosted on Patch-Tag at  You don't need to sign up for
Patch-Tag to use the read only repos, but you will need an account if
you want to be given write access to the crypto repository.

Please feel free to e-mail me with any issues or questions.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN : Crypto 4.2.0 Related News

2009-02-16 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Creighton Hogg wrote:
 Hello Haskellers,

 I'm pleased to announce version 4.2.0 of Crypto has been uploaded to
 Hackage  that I am taking over maintenance of the library from
 Dominic Steinitz.  As of this release it should be cabal install'able
 on GHC 6.10.1.  I'm also pleased to announce that the darcs repo will
 be moving from to being hosted on Patch-Tag at  You don't need to sign up for
 Patch-Tag to use the read only repos, but you will need an account if
 you want to be given write access to the crypto repository.

 Please feel free to e-mail me with any issues or questions.


 It's nice to see dogfooding of haskell frameworks - are there any
 announcements or blog postings anywhere for Patch-Tag?  Maybe I missed

 Also I'm getting a 'not authorized' message when opening the above link.

Ah, the repo was accidentally marked private.  I've fixed that now.
There have been a few bits of news about Patch-Tag so far, actually,
but I think a good place to look right now is their blog

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN : happs-tutorial 0.7

2009-02-07 Thread Creighton Hogg

I'm pleased to announce the release of happs-tutorial 0.7 on Hackage.

This is the first release of happs-tutorial built against the new
Happstack project.  Not much has changed in content since the last
release except a few minor cleanups  a little bit of reorganization.
The 0.8 release will consist of more extensive additions, with the
primary focus being a walk through of multimaster.

I've taken over the development of the tutorial from Thomas Hartman,
who has already put a rather massive effort into making
HAppS/Happstack more accessible.  Please feel free to e-mail me with
any comments, errata, or threats of bodily harm.

Creighton Hogg
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Happstack 0.1 Released!

2009-02-05 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 6:58 PM, Don Stewart wrote:
 Jochem Berndsen wrote:
 The HAppS project has been abandoned, see .

 The Happstack project is intended to continue development. For more
 details, see .

 So we've got HAppS, Happstack, WASH, Turbinado, probably others... Does
 anybody know how all these relate to each other? Where their strengths
 and weaknesses lie?

 It's nice to have choice, but without knowing what you're choosing
 between, it's hard to use it well.

 A comparative analysis of the 10+ Haskell web frameworks would be

 happstack, wash, fastcgi.., turbinado, perpubplat, riviera, salvia,
 kibro, ella, what was that one launched yesterday? *ah, yesod...

That's a lot of frameworks to try  compare and I don't think any one
person would have the time to do more than a couple, but perhaps we
could all agree on some kind of non-trivial, but still simple,
application that we could implement  deploy in the most natural way
for each framework.  It'd probably be easy to just point prospective
framework users to the resulting series of blog posts elucidating the
features of each.

I'd vote for something like a trimmed down reddit clone, something
that I'd expect everyone could do whether they deploy it via Apache or
something that's part of the framework such as happstack-server.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why binding to existing widget toolkits doesn't make any sense

2009-02-02 Thread Creighton Hogg
2009/1/29 Conal Elliott
 Hi Achim,

 I came to the same conclusion: I want to sweep aside these OO, imperative
 toolkits, and replace them with something genuinely functional, which for
 me means having a precise  simple compositional (denotational) semantics.
 Something meaningful, formally tractable, and powefully compositional from
 the ground up.  As long as we build on complex legacy libraries (Gtk,
 wxWidgets, Qt, OpenGL/GLUT, ...), we'll be struggling against (or worse yet,
 drawn into) their ad hoc mental models and system designs.

 As Meister Eckhart said, Only the hand that erases can write the true

I think working on a purely functional widget toolkit would actually
be a really cool project.  Do you have any ideas, though, on what
should be the underlying primitives?

The initial gut feeling I have is that one should just ignore any
notion of actually displaying widgets  instead focus on a clean
algebra of how to 'add'  widgets that relates the concepts of
inheritance  relative position.  What I mean by inheritance, here, is
how to direct a flow of 'events'.  I don't necessarily mean events in
the Reactive sense, because I think it'd be important to make the
model completely independent of how time  actual UI actions are

Any thoughts to throw in, here?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why binding to existing widget toolkits doesn't make any sense

2009-02-02 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Conal Elliott wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Creighton Hogg wrote:

 I think working on a purely functional widget toolkit would actually
 be a really cool project.  Do you have any ideas, though, on what
 should be the underlying primitives?

 Again, my goal would not be a purely functional library, because even IO
 is purely functional.  My goal is a denotational library, i.e., one that
 has an elegant (denotational) semantics, and hence is powerfully
 compositional and good for reasoning.

Well, that is essentially what I meant but your point about clarity is
taken.  A truly mathematical semantic model is above  beyond what is
meant by purely functional.

 The initial gut feeling I have is that one should just ignore any
 notion of actually displaying widgets  instead focus on a clean
 algebra of how to 'add'  widgets that relates the concepts of
 inheritance  relative position.  What I mean by inheritance, here, is
 how to direct a flow of 'events'.  I don't necessarily mean events in
 the Reactive sense, because I think it'd be important to make the
 model completely independent of how time  actual UI actions are

 Any thoughts to throw in, here?


 The Fruit paper, Genuinely Functional User Interfaces, gives a semantic
 model, which could be a starting place for thinking about possibilities.  At
 the very least, I'd like to take it to 3D.  The idea there is that a UI is a
 function from flows (behaviors/signals) to flows, where the input includes
 mouse  keyboard stuff and the output includes an image.  An image is, as in
 Pan, a function from R^2 - Color, where color includes partial opacity.
 When UIs are transformed in time and/or space, they correspondingly see
 inversely-transformed input, thanks to a general principle of transforming

Thanks.  I'm reading it now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Employment

2009-01-20 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 Tom Hawkins wrote:

  Such a database would help me counter by boss's
 argument that it's impossible to find and hire Haskell programmers.

 There was a thread last week where someone asked who would be interested in
 a hypothetical Haskell job.  He got about 20 positive responses.  This
 agrees with the experience of Microsoft Research in 2006 when they
 advertised for a third person to help with GHC development.   They also had
 about 20 applicants.

 So next time I hear the you can't get the programmers line I'm going to
 respond with something like this:

   If you post an advert for a Haskell developer you will get 20
   applicants.  All of those people will be the kind of developer who
   learns new programming languages to improve their own abilities and
   stretch themselves, because nobody yet learns Haskell just to get a job.

   If you post an advert for a Java developer you will get 200
   applicants.  Most of them will be the kind of developer who learned
   Java because there are lots of Java jobs out there, and as long as
   they know enough to hold down a job then they see no reason to learn

Also, as an employee, I have to admit that any company that can say it
uses Haskell for even part of its codebase immediately goes up in my
esteem  puts it on the shortlist for where to send my resume.  The
same way that programmers knowing Haskell implies a certain interest
in CS beyond I want ma money, an employer using Haskell implies
technically interesting software  a stronger commitment to quality
over expediency.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comments from OCaml Hacker Brian Hurt

2009-01-15 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Ross Mellgren wrote:
 Usually when encountering something like Monoid (if I didn't already know
 it), I'd look it up in the library docs. The problem I've had with this
 tactic is twofold:

 First, the docs for the typeclass usually don't give any practical examples,
 so sometimes it's hard to be sure that the append in mappend means what
 you think it means.

 Second is that there appears to be no way to document an _instance_. It
 would be really handy if there were even a single line under Instances 
 Monoid ([] a) that explained how the type class was implemented for the
 list type. As it is, if you know what a Monoid is already, it's easy to
 figure out how it would be implemented. If you don't, you're either stuck
 reading a bunch of pages on the generic math term monoid and then finally
 realizing that it means appendable (and other similar things), or
 grovelling through the library source code seeing how the instance is

I think you have a good point regarding documentation.  Usually what I
end up doing is just going into ghci  testing out the instances with
some trivial cases to make sure I have good intuition for how it's
going to work.  I don't think this a problem with the term 'monoid'
though, but just a very generic problem with documentation.  I have to
do the same thing to understand an instance of Foldable despite how
literal the name is.  I don't know if it's very practical, but I like
the idea of haddock generating either links to the source of the
instance or some kind of expandable block that will show you the
literal code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Comments from OCaml Hacker Brian Hurt

2009-01-15 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Jonathan Cast wrote:
 On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 17:06 -0500, Steve Schafer wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:21:57 -0800, you wrote:

 Where, in the history of western civilization, has there ever been an
 engineering discipline whose adherents were permitted to remain ignorant
 of the basic mathematical terminology and methodology that their
 enterprise is founded on?

 Umm, all of them?

 Really.  So the engineer who designed the apartment building I'm in at
 the moment didn't know any physics, thought `tensor' was a scary math
 term irrelevant to practical, real-world engineering, and will only read
 books on engineering that replace the other scary technical term
 `vector' with point-direction-value-thingy?  I think I'm going to sleep
It feels like this conversation is going in circles.  What I'm taking
away from the two very different arguments being made is that

1) math terms have their place when they describe the concept very
precisely, e.g. monoid
2) the Haskell docs _don't_ do good enough a job at giving intuition
for what math terms mean

If we fix #2, then #1 is no longer a problem, yes?

For you folks who work on GHC, is it acceptable to open tickets for
poor documentation of modules in base?  I think leaving the
documentation to the tragedy of the commons isn't the best move, but
if even a few of us could remember to open tickets when new
Haskell'ers complain about something being confusing then it could be
on _someone's_ docket.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell not ready for Foo [was: Re: Hypothetical Haskell job in New York]

2009-01-09 Thread Creighton Hogg
2009/1/9 John A. De Goes

 If you're looking for a project to take on, I would suggest starting with
 the following:

 A high-level, type-safe AMQP client written in 100% Haskell, which provides
 a clean way of handling hundreds of unique message types.

 Then it would be possible to hook it up to any AMQP broker (most likely
 RabbitMQ). There are logical steps beyond the above (an embedded Haskell
 broker), but the above project is far from trivial. And the main
 undertaking, I think, consists not in coding to the spec (for which there is
 some help; a JSON representation of the AMQP specification can be processed
 and used to emit language-specific code), but in finding a design that works
 well in Haskell.
snip  reorder
I apologize, but my question was geared more towards understanding
what high-level OTP-like libraries Haskell is lacking, not full blown
applications that haven't been written in Haskell.  It sounded like
you had some specific insight into this.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell not ready for Foo [was: Re: Hypothetical Haskell job in New York]

2009-01-08 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:32 AM, John A. De Goes wrote:

 Haskell's networking support is very rudimentary. Erlang's is quite
 sophisticated. For network intensive applications, especially those
 requiring messaging, fault-tolerance, distribution, and so forth, there's no
 doubt that Erlang is a more productive choice.

 Not because of the language, per se, but because of all the stuff that is
 packaged with it, or available for it.

Now I understand that there aren't(?) any Haskell implementations that
can act as distributed nodes the way the Erlang implementation can,
but I'm not familiar enough with Erlang to understand what it has for
networking that the Haskell network packages don't have.  Could you
explain a bit further?  I've been thinking a lot about network
programming anyway lately  am looking for library opportunities.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell not ready for Foo [was: Re: Hypothetical Haskell job in New York]

2009-01-08 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Don Stewart wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 8:32 AM, John A. De Goes wrote:
  Haskell's networking support is very rudimentary. Erlang's is quite
  sophisticated. For network intensive applications, especially those
  requiring messaging, fault-tolerance, distribution, and so forth, there's 
  doubt that Erlang is a more productive choice.
  Not because of the language, per se, but because of all the stuff that is
  packaged with it, or available for it.

 Now I understand that there aren't(?) any Haskell implementations that
 can act as distributed nodes the way the Erlang implementation can
 There's nothing stopping you using Haskell nodes in a distributed
 fashion, and indeed there are groups doing this.

Didn't realize it was charted territory.
Sorry about that.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell not ready for Foo [was: Re: Hypothetical Haskell job in New York]

2009-01-08 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:02 PM, John A. De Goes wrote:

 On Jan 8, 2009, at 12:56 PM, Tim Newsham wrote:

 You replied to someone discussing using Haskell at a CDN to implement
 things like web servers by saying that Haskell wasn't suitable for
 the task.

 That is incorrect. I replied to Achim's message asking for elaboration on
 Haskell's unsuitability. It was a convenient point to discuss Haskell's
 networking deficiencies.

Part of the problem I'm having with this discussion, though, is that
it's still not clear to me what critical features are lacking.  I know
you've said Haskell doesn't have anything quite like the Erlang OTP
library, but that doesn't really help me much.  I've only looked a
little at OTP  I don't think I understand what you get from its
behaviors that you don't get from Control.Concurrent + mtl, i.e.
various forms of state  error handling independent of the concurrency

Can you elucidate a bit more?  I don't want the conversation to degenerate.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Reading group for Programming Collective Intelligence

2008-12-30 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hello Haskellers,

For those of your who aren't nose-deep in Real World Haskell at the
moment, I'd like to start a small group for the O'Reilly book
Programming Collective Intelligence*.  I think it might be very
instructive to convert the examples  exercises to Haskell.  I think
it would be good experience for doing neat applications in Haskell 
may provide opportunities for adding to Hackage if the book relies on
Python libraries that we don't have an equivalent for.

If anyone is interested, just e-mail me  I can work on the organization.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Questions for Free!

2008-10-19 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hello Haskellers,
So I have a bit of a follow up question after reading Theorems For
Free! this weekend.
There's a throw away comment near the beginning about how you can
recast the results into category theoretic form, but using lax natural
Now I'm assuming this means a natural transformation but where the
naturality square holds only up to isomorphism instead of equality,
but is that correct?  Also, why would you need such a condition?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI Newbie: c functions that want pointers to objects

2008-10-16 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 7:28 AM, Mauricio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some functions in C changes data using pointers,
 like this example:

 void change_int (int *n)
  *n ++;

 What is the proper way to handle that? I
 guess I should wrap it like this:

 foreign ccall change_int change_int
  :: Ptr CInt - IO ()

 Can I use that on a CInt in Haskell code?
 Like this obviously wrong code, but that
 probably shows what I want:

  let myN = 5
  change_int myN


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

(Sending to the list as well as just Mauricio this time...oops)
You are wrapping the function correctly, but you need to actually
create the Ptr CInt using the function malloc from
Foreign.Marshal.Alloc, or more conveniently, the function new from

Your code snippet would become
  myNPtr - new 5
  change_int myNPtr
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where did House/hOp go?

2008-10-16 Thread Creighton Hogg
2008/10/16 Donnie Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hello Svein Ove Aas,

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Svein Ove Aas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd finally gotten to the point in learning haskell at which they
 might be interesting to look at, and then.. they were gone.

 Does anyone know what happened to these projects? They used to be
 open-source, so the code should still be around somewhere, right?

 Below are a few links that hopefully you will find useful.

 Haskell and Operating Systems:

 House OS official home page:
 This page doesn't seem to be loading at the moment, which I hope is only a
 temporary problem.  I know the source code was available there a few months
 ago since I downloaded the code to House myself.

The site is working for me even now.
Unfortunately, the site hasn't really been updated much over the past
couple of years and when I e-mailed some people on the Programatica
project about the status of House  Osker I never got anything back.
The biggest obstacle you may find when trying to set up House  hOp is
that hOp is based upon a modified version of a very old GHC and from
the last time I looked at it the GHC runtime has changed enough that
making a new hOp will be non-trivial.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Where did House/hOp go?

2008-10-16 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 3:47 PM, Kenny Graunke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 16, 2008, Donnie Jones donnie at wrote:
 The site is working for me even now.
 Unfortunately, the site hasn't really been updated much over the past
 couple of years and when I e-mailed some people on the Programatica
 project about the status of House  Osker I never got anything back.
 The biggest obstacle you may find when trying to set up House  hOp is
 that hOp is based upon a modified version of a very old GHC and from
 the last time I looked at it the GHC runtime has changed enough that
 making a new hOp will be non-trivial.

 Indeed!  House 0.8, as listed on the official programatica page, is
 based on GHC 6.2...not so fun to work with these days.

 I've spent the last year or so working on House as part of my research,
 and have updated it to GHC 6.8.2 (with a lot of help).  You can get a
 copy of my unofficial House 0.8.91 sources here:

 It's still a bit of a challenge to build.  Notably, you'll need a 32-bit
 Linux system - it doesn't build on 64-bit linux nor Mac OS X (yet).

 If you just want a floppy image, you may as well stick with House 0.8 from ... it's basically the same.

Awesome!  Thanks for working on this!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Network trouble: what to do?

2008-10-15 Thread Creighton Hogg
So in my quest to create bindings to BlueZ in Haskell, I've hit a bit
of a snag:  sockets programming.

In C, you can use the standard sockets library and just pass around
addresses as arrays of 6 bytes instead of arrays of 4 bytes like you
normally would.  The problem I'm having is that in Network.Socket,
there's no such wiggle room and you have to either provide a Word32 or
four Word32's to represent the address.

Is there a way around this that I just haven't seen, or should I write
a patch to Network to add an extra constructor to SockAddr and code to
handle it?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Network trouble: what to do?

2008-10-15 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 6:54 AM, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a way around this that I just haven't seen, or should I write
 a patch to Network to add an extra constructor to SockAddr and code to
 handle it?

 Linux and Windows support Bluetooth sockets, but they have different
 ideas of what the address family is called (AF_BTH vs AF_BLUETOOTH).
 Less popular platforms are all over the map: some (Solaris) have no
 support, others (NetBSD) don't use sockets for Bluetooth. I don't
 think that a patch to Network.Socket is the way to go for this, since
 it won't be portable enough. Perhaps a Network.Bluetooth package is in
 order to hide all the platform-specific gunk.

Ah, I've only ever used Bluetooth on Linux and didn't realize how
different it was between platforms.  I think you're right, then, and a
Network.Bluetooth would be a good idea.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Salsa: A .NET Bridge for Haskell

2008-10-13 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Albert Y. C. Lai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alex Queiroz wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Andrew Coppin

 In what way? As far as I'm aware, .NET never really caught on and has
 since become obsolete.

 In what alternate universe?

 Anthropic Principle: Everyone is in a different bubble of observable

Invoking the Anthropic Principle is the Physics equivalent of calling
someone a Nazi:  you automatically lose the discussion.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A round of golf

2008-09-18 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hey Haskell,
So for a fairly inane reason, I ended up taking a couple of minutes
and writing a program that would spit out, to the console, the number
of lines in a file.  Off the top of my head, I came up with this which
worked fine with files that had 100k lines:

main = do
 path - liftM head $ getArgs
 h - openFile path ReadMode
 n - execStateT (countLines h) 0
 print n

untilM :: Monad m = (a - m Bool) - (a - m ()) - a - m ()
untilM cond action val = do
 truthy - cond val
 if truthy then return () else action val  (untilM cond action val)

countLines :: Handle - StateT Int IO ()
countLines = untilM (\h - lift $ hIsEOF h) (\h - do
lift $ hGetLine h
modify (+1))

If this makes anyone cringe or cry you're doing it wrong, I'd
actually like to hear it.  I never really share my projects, so I
don't know how idiosyncratic my style is.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A round of golf

2008-09-18 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey Haskell,
 So for a fairly inane reason, I ended up taking a couple of minutes
 and writing a program that would spit out, to the console, the number
 of lines in a file.  Off the top of my head, I came up with this which
 worked fine with files that had 100k lines:

 main = do
  path - liftM head $ getArgs
  h - openFile path ReadMode
  n - execStateT (countLines h) 0
  print n

 untilM :: Monad m = (a - m Bool) - (a - m ()) - a - m ()
 untilM cond action val = do
  truthy - cond val
  if truthy then return () else action val  (untilM cond action val)

 countLines :: Handle - StateT Int IO ()
 countLines = untilM (\h - lift $ hIsEOF h) (\h - do
 lift $ hGetLine h
 modify (+1))

 If this makes anyone cringe or cry you're doing it wrong, I'd
 actually like to hear it.  I never really share my projects, so I
 don't know how idiosyncratic my style is.

 This makes me cry.

import System.Environment
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B

main = do
[f] - getArgs
s   - B.readFile f
print (B.count '\n' s)

 Compile it.

$ ghc -O2 --make A.hs

$ time ./A /usr/share/dict/words
./A /usr/share/dict/words 0.00s user 0.00s system 93% cpu 0.007 total

 Against standard tools:

$ time wc -l /usr/share/dict/words
52848 /usr/share/dict/words
wc -l /usr/share/dict/words 0.01s user 0.00s system 88% cpu 0.008 total

So both you  Bryan do essentially the same thing and of course both
versions are far better than mine.  So the purpose of using the Lazy
version of ByteString was so that the file is only incrementally
loaded by readFile as count is processing?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A round of golf

2008-09-18 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This makes me cry.
 import System.Environment
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
 main = do
 [f] - getArgs
 s   - B.readFile f
 print (B.count '\n' s)
  Compile it.
 $ ghc -O2 --make A.hs
 $ time ./A /usr/share/dict/words
 ./A /usr/share/dict/words 0.00s user 0.00s system 93% cpu 0.007 total
  Against standard tools:
 $ time wc -l /usr/share/dict/words
 52848 /usr/share/dict/words
 wc -l /usr/share/dict/words 0.01s user 0.00s system 88% cpu 0.008 total

 So both you  Bryan do essentially the same thing and of course both
 versions are far better than mine.  So the purpose of using the Lazy
 version of ByteString was so that the file is only incrementally
 loaded by readFile as count is processing?

 Yep, that's right

 The streaming nature is implicit in the lazy bytestring. It's kind of
 the dual of explicit chunkwise control -- chunk processing reified into
 the data structure.

To ask an overly general question, if lazy bytestring makes a nice
provider for incremental processing are there reasons to _not_ reach
for that as my default when processing large files?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A round of golf

2008-09-18 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey Haskell,
  So for a fairly inane reason, I ended up taking a couple of minutes
  and writing a program that would spit out, to the console, the number
  of lines in a file.  Off the top of my head, I came up with this which
  worked fine with files that had 100k lines:
  main = do
   path - liftM head $ getArgs
   h - openFile path ReadMode
   n - execStateT (countLines h) 0
   print n
  untilM :: Monad m = (a - m Bool) - (a - m ()) - a - m ()
  untilM cond action val = do
   truthy - cond val
   if truthy then return () else action val  (untilM cond action val)
  countLines :: Handle - StateT Int IO ()
  countLines = untilM (\h - lift $ hIsEOF h) (\h - do
  lift $ hGetLine h
  modify (+1))
  If this makes anyone cringe or cry you're doing it wrong, I'd
  actually like to hear it.  I never really share my projects, so I
  don't know how idiosyncratic my style is.
  This makes me cry.
 import System.Environment
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
 main = do
 [f] - getArgs
 s   - B.readFile f
 print (B.count '\n' s)
  Compile it.
 $ ghc -O2 --make A.hs
 $ time ./A /usr/share/dict/words
 ./A /usr/share/dict/words 0.00s user 0.00s system 93% cpu 0.007 total
  Against standard tools:
 $ time wc -l /usr/share/dict/words
 52848 /usr/share/dict/words
 wc -l /usr/share/dict/words 0.01s user 0.00s system 88% cpu 0.008 total

 So both you  Bryan do essentially the same thing and of course both
 versions are far better than mine.  So the purpose of using the Lazy
 version of ByteString was so that the file is only incrementally
 loaded by readFile as count is processing?

 Yep, that's right

 The streaming nature is implicit in the lazy bytestring. It's kind of
 the dual of explicit chunkwise control -- chunk processing reified into
 the data structure.

Hi Don,
I have a bit more of a followup, actually.  You make use of the built
in bytestring consumer count, which itself is built upon the
foldlChunks function which is only exported in the
ByteString.Lazy.Internal.  If I want to make my own efficient
bytestring consumer, is that what I need to use in order to preserve
the inherent laziness of the datastructure?

Also, I feel a little at a loss for how to make a good bytestring
producer for efficiently _writing_ large swaths of data via writeFile.
 Would it be possible to whip up a small example?

Oh, and lastly, I apologize to both you  Bryan for making you cry.  I
hope you can forgive my cruelty.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] one-way monads

2008-05-21 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Neil Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Real Haskell Programmers Only Use Top Level IO!
  (But then again, real programmers wouldn't use Haskell:

 It's amazing how many phone interviews I've done where the HR person
 at the other end tries to tick the knows Pascal box, despite me
 trying my hardest to pronounce Haskell. Maybe Haskell ==
 Pascal, under some fairly light equality


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

I've had the same experience!  I don't swallow my 'h's in the slightest, so
I'm presuming that it's just overly eager pattern matching.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Couple of formal questions

2008-05-11 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Wouter Swierstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 1 May 2008, at 16:58, Michael Karcher wrote:

  Wouter Swierstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Creighton,
Where could I find a proof that the initial algebras  final
coalgebras of CPO coincide?  I saw this referenced in the
Bananas.. paper as a fact, but am not sure where this comes from.
   I couldn't find the statement you are referring to in Functional
   Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes, and Barbed Wire - but
   I'm not sure if this holds for every CPO.
  Probably he was referring to the last paragraph of the introduction:
   Working in CPO has the advantage that the carriers of intial algebras
   and final co-algebras coincide, thus there is a single data type that
   comprises both finite and infinite elements.

 Ah - thanks for pointing that out. According to my more categorically
 inclined office mates, Marcelo Fiore's thesis is a good reference:

 Hope that answers your question,


I've had a lot of good reading material from this thread, and I greatly
appreciate it:
As a more background reading on this, I think Meijer  Fokkinga's Program
Calculation Properties of Continuous Algebras is good, though the notation
is a little idiosyncratic.

I've also liked Baez et al's Rosetta Stone paper as food for thought

Creighton Hogg
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Couple of formal questions

2008-04-29 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hello Haskell,
So there's two questions that have been bothering me lately  while they
are, as usual, a little off topic I figured this might be a good forum:

Where could I find a good treatment on data vs. codata  the difference
between well-founded recursion  well-founded(?) corecursion?

Where could I find a proof that the initial algebras  final coalgebras of
CPO coincide?  I saw this referenced in the Bananas.. paper as a fact, but
am not sure where this comes from.

Creighton Hogg
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Problems with Bananas

2008-04-19 Thread Creighton Hogg
This isn't about Haskell per se, but I was reading the old Meijer et al.
paper  Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed
Wire  I think there's a notational pun that's really confusing me.
On page 12 we have the CataEval equation
(|phi|) . in = phi . (|phi|)_L
Now, the subscript L  the following example of cons lists implies that L is
a functor in this equation, yet the line immediately after this equation
says that (CataEval) states how to evaluate an application of (|phi|) to an
arbitrary element of L so then that makes it sound like the L here is
the fixed point of some functor F, not the functor itself.

I'm sure I'm just being dumb, but this is really bugging me.

Creighton Hogg
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Pierce on type theory and category theory

2007-09-25 Thread Creighton Hogg
On 9/25/07, Philippa Cowderoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Seth Gordon wrote:

  Are Benjamin C. Pierce's _Types and Programming Languages_ and/or _Basic
  Category Theory for Computer Scientists_ suitable for self-study?

 Basic Category Theory depends on your mindset somewhat. TaPL is great
 though, and frequently recommended. The follow-up is also good.

Basic Category Theory is cute, but I think the exercises are sometimes
phrased strangely.  In some ways, the book makes more sense if you've
already seen these ideas once  are trying to get a more CS perspective of
the math.  I'll probably be alone in this, but I think Mac Lane is a
fantastic book for learning category theory.  It's hard, but if you trudge
along and do the exercises you learn quite a bit.  It's fun!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Math] Category theory research programs?

2007-07-13 Thread Creighton Hogg

Hi Haskell,
Sorry to contribute to the noise but given that we've been talking about
categories lately, I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on good
universities for studying category theory.  I'm trying to figure out where
to apply for my phd.  I want to either be at a place with a strong category
theory program or a strong differential geometry program.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Clearly, Haskell is ill-founded

2007-07-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 7/9/07, Dan Piponi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 7/8/07, Thomas Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The basic claim appears to be that discrete mathematics is a bad
 foundation for computer science. I suspect the subscribers to this
 list would beg to disagree.

Wearing my tin foil hat for the moment, I think that there is a
conspiracy by some computer scientists to drive a wedge between
mathematicians and computer scientists. You can see hints of it in
many places where both mathematicians and computer scientists hang out
and there have been quite a few recent articles setting up mathematics
and computer science as somehow in competition with each other.

Many of the structures studied by mathematicians are algebraic. Many
of the structures studied by computer scientists are coalgebraic (eg.
the web itself can be seen as a vast coalgebraic structure).

Okay Mr. Piponi, as a math geek I can't let that comment about the web slide
without further explanation.  Is it just the idea that coalgebras can
capture the idea of side affects (a - F a) or is there something more
specific that you're thinking of?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Clearly, Haskell is ill-founded

2007-07-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 7/9/07, Conor McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all

On 9 Jul 2007, at 06:42, Thomas Conway wrote:

 I don't know if you saw the following linked off /.


 The basic claim appears to be that discrete mathematics is a bad
 foundation for computer science. I suspect the subscribers to this
 list would beg to disagree.

It's true that some systems are better characterised as corecursive
coprograms, rather than as recursive programs. This is not a
popular or well-understood distinction. In my career as an advocate
for total programming (in some carefully delineated fragment of a
language) I have many times been gotcha'ed thus: but an operating
system is a program which isn't supposed to terminate. No, an
operating system is supposed to remain responsive. And that's what
total coprograms do.

I'm sorry, but can you expand a little further on this?  I guess I don't
understand how a corecursion = responsive to input but not terminating.
Where does the idea of waiting for input fit into corecursion?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: In-place modification

2007-07-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 7/10/07, Aaron Denney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2007-07-10, Sebastian Sylvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/07/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
  That might eliminate the concurrency imperative (for a while!), but
  doesn't adress the productivity point. My hypothesis is this: People
  don't like using unproductive tools, and if they don't have to, they
  When the next mainstream language comes along to solve the
  concurrency problem (to some extent), it would seem highly likely
  there will relatively soon be compilers for it for most embedded
  devices too, so why would you make your life miserable with C in that
  case (and cost your company X dollars due to inefficiency in the

 ...because only C works on bizzare and unusual hardware?

 By what magic is this the case? Hardware automatically supports C
 without the efforts of compiler-writers?

No, of course not.  But the most popular architectures support C with
/much smaller/ efforts of compiler writers.

Now is this just because of the relative simplicity of C, because of a
larger amount of collective experience in writing C compilers, or something
else entirely
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Very freaky

2007-07-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 7/10/07, Jim Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:

 On the one hand, it feels exciting to be around a programming language
 where there are deep theoretical discoveries and new design territories
 to be explored. (Compared to Haskell, the whole C / C++ / Java /
 JavaScript / Delphi / VisualBasic / Perl / Python thing seems so

 On the other hand... WHAT THE HECK DOES ALL THAT TEXT *MEAN*?! _

I agree, it's exciting to use Haskell because of its theoretical
underpinning and the sense of it as a lab for PL ideas. The cost of taking
part in that (even as an observer) is the background knowledge and common
vocabulary you need in order to make sense of a lot of the papers that you
may get referred to, presuming you start asking the kind of questions that
elicit answers like that. I don't think the amount of background knowledge
required is actually that big but if it's missing you will feel like
going one step forwards and two steps back.

The Getting Started thread on Lambda the Ultimate is good  - maybe we
a wikipage like that but of links to sources of the type theoretical
background to Haskell (is there one already? I see Research Papers,
obviously has a different purpose).

I don't know where the best place to start would be but, as I said in
another thread Andrew, TAPL is great. Re. Curry-Howard, have a look Simon
Thompson's book (online for free)  . Not quick reads (by any
means!), but depending on your learning style, better value than asking ad
hoc questions and joining the dots via blog posts/wiki pages etc.

I'd like throw in another vote for TAPL.  I've been reading it lately and it
honestly makes type theory feel fairly simple and natural.  I think Pierce's
writing is very clear, but occasionally the exercises make the problem sound
harder than it is and it gets a little confusing.  A friend of mine has the
same problem with his category theory book.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Collections

2007-06-19 Thread Creighton Hogg

A lot of people have had comments on this thread, but I have a off-hand
question:  what data types are required by the 98 standard?  I figured it
was just lists  tuples because they have syntactic support, but is that

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] yi or not to yi was: IDE?

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pasqualino 'Titto' Assini wrote:
 I think that we should not underestimate the transforming power of

 Think of Linux: only a terminal idiot could have conceived the plan of
 from scratch a clone of a 20 years old operating system (Unix) when
 knew that momentum was on the side of the weaker solution (Microsoft) in
 PC market and on the many existing commercial Unix versions in the
 professional market.

 Well, we all know what that stupid idea has led to. I certainly do, as I
 writing this message under Linux.

That reminds me... Somebody should write an *OS* in Haskell! :-D

If that happened, then maybe at last I'd be able to have a choice other
than M$ Windows (with all it's well-documented faults), and Unix (with
its legendary unfriendliness and unecessary complexity).

OTOH... how the heck do you write an operating system in a language that
doesn't even support I/O? :-S

Well, there hasn't been a lot of work done on the subject but you probably
should look at
Now if you're seriously asking how one would do it, the basic approach taken
in the paper was to create a monad H that was a controlled subset of IO 
that did all the fundamental interactions with the the hardware.  The
operations of H, as with IO, have to be primitives in the runtime that
you're using and probably written in C or assembly.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IDE?

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mark T.B. Carroll wrote:
 Are KWrite and Kate something to do with KDE or something? One of the
 first things I do with a new Linux install is to dump all the KDE and
 Gnome stuff on the basis that it's an enormous amount of bloatware for
 little gain. Others may think differently! (-:

Yeah, that'll be it then. ;-)

Gnome and KDE are both rather bloated... Unfortunately, nothing better
exists. :-(

But then, the entire Linux world is too messy for me... hence my request
for a petter OS.

Well, since we're on the subject and it's only the Cafe list, what is it
that you find messy about Linux that you would want to be solved by some
hypothetical Haskell OS?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] yi or not to yi was: IDE?

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Creighton Hogg wrote:

 On 6/18/07, *Andrew Coppin* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That reminds me... Somebody should write an *OS* in Haskell! :-D

 Well, there hasn't been a lot of work done on the subject but you
 probably should look at
 Now if you're seriously asking how one would do it, the basic approach
 taken in the paper was to create a monad H that was a controlled
 subset of IO  that did all the fundamental interactions with the the
 hardware.  The operations of H, as with IO, have to be primitives in
 the runtime that you're using and probably written in C or assembly.

I read about House once. It seemed too far-out to be true.

OTOH, it's only a proof-of-concept system. I doubt it will ever become a
real, usable system, sadly.

Well if no one works on it, that's kind of a given. :-P
But more seriously, what seems so far out about it?  I'm curious.
Also, if this thread of operating systems  functional programming isn't
interesting to other people then we should probably just take it to e-mail 
not the list.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Creighton Hogg wrote:
 Well, since we're on the subject and it's only the Cafe list, what is
 it that you find messy about Linux that you would want to be solved by
 some hypothetical Haskell OS?

This is drifting off-topic again, but here goes...

Yeah, so I'll just split this off into a different thread.

There are lots of things to like about Linux. It doesn't cost money.

It's fast. It's reliable. It's flexible. It's secure.

Okay, I'm not sure if I'd agree with the reliable  secure points.  I mean,
relative to what could be done.  I'm a rank amateur when it comes to OS work
but when I've looked at recent papers Linux really isn't that cutting edge.
I mean, it may be reliable in comparison to Windows 98  has less known
exploits than any Windows system, but in terms of how good it *could* be I
think there's an awful lot of room for growth.


unfortunately it's still Unix. In other words, it's a vast incoherant
mess of largely incompatible ad-hoc solutions to individual problems
implemented independently by unrelated hackers over the 40+ years of
history that this software has been around. New software has to emulate
quirks in old software, and client programs work around the emulated
quirks in the new software to get the functionallity it actually wants.
One vast tangled mess of complexity and disorder. Exhibit A: Package
managers exist. Exhibit B: Autoconf exists. I rest my case.

Okay, but these don't seem to really be design flaws so much as the
inevitable results of age and the need for backwards compatibility.  I'm
looking more for technical problems that you would want to see fixed in our
magical UberOS.

An operating system should have a simple, clear, consistent design. Not

unlike a certain programming language named after a dead mathematition,
come to think of it...

(Have you ever programmed in C? You can certainly see where Unix gets
its features from - terse, cryptic and messy.)

This is another thing we're just going to disagree on.  I think C++ is a
pretty messy language, but feel that straight up C is rather simple and
elegant.  I had only used C++ before, but a friend rather easily convinced
me that C is in fact a very sexy language when used in its intended design

Still, I don't have the skill to write a functioning operating system -

much less one that's ready for the desktop - so that's that I suppose...

(I did seriously investigate the task once. Indeed, I got as far as
writing a bootloader. It worked too!)

Would you mind sharing the code?  I'd be interested.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Creighton Hogg wrote:
  There are lots of things to like about Linux. It doesn't cost
  It's fast. It's reliable. It's flexible. It's secure.
  Okay, I'm not sure if I'd agree with the reliable  secure points.  I
  mean, relative to what could be done.  I'm a rank amateur when it
  comes to OS work but when I've looked at recent papers Linux really
  isn't that cutting edge.  I mean, it may be reliable in comparison to
  Windows 98  has less known exploits than any Windows system, but in
  terms of how good it *could* be I think there's an awful lot of room
  for growth.

 Isn't there a lot of room for improvement in *any* product?

Well, I'm not just talking about improvement.  I'm talking about things
like capabilities, self-healing kernels, separation kernels, exo kernels,
things that may have serious advantages but can't necessarily be strapped on
to a preexisting kernel such as Linux.

Bah.  Of course after I say this I get a bad feeling, so I checked the
interwebs and found out that there has been work on incorporating
self-healing into Linux.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Thomas Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/19/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Okay, I remember seeing an example of this before , but I'm not sure if
 see what language based security Haskell's type system could provide in
 protecting address spaces from each other.  Normally I've seen
 used so that you can't access anything you can't name.  Can you
elaborate a

Nothing new here. Haskell might be more elegant than some of the
earlier proposals, but the idea is old. FWIW, my PhD supervisor,
Zoltan Somogyi did his PhD thesis on exactly such a scheme, using
logic programming, rather than lazy functional programming. I'm not
sure if the thesis itself is online.

Actually it is!  Thank you for the reference.
in case anyone else is interested
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just for a laugh...

2007-05-31 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/31/07, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On May 31, 2007, at 15:47 , Andrew Coppin wrote:

 If you're bored... can you come up with a solution to this?

Is it me, or does this look like a job for Data.Binary?

It's not just you.
When I read it I thought First I'd steal code from Data.Binary...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memoization

2007-05-30 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/26/07, Mark Engelberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to write a memoization utility.  Ideally, it would look
something like this:

memoize :: (a-b) - (a-b)

memoize f gives you back a function that maintains a cache of
previously computed values, so that subsequent calls with the same
input will be faster.

I've searched the web for memoization examples in Haskell, and all the
examples use the trick of storing cached values in a lazy list.  This
only works for certain types of functions, and I'm looking for a more
general solution.

In other languages, one would maintain the cache in some sort of
mutable map.  Even better, in many languages you can rebind the name
of the function to the memoized version, so recursive functions can be
memoized without altering the body of the function.

I don't see any elegant way to do this in Haskell, and I'm doubting
its possible.  Can someone prove me wrong?

Now maybe I'm being dense here, but would you really *want* a way in Haskell
to do something like
memo :: (a-b) - a-b
since it changes the semantics of the function?
It seems like a better abstraction would be to have
memo :: (a-b)- M a b
where M is an instance of Arrow so that you can keep a proper notion of
composition between memoized functions.
Is there something wrong with my thinking?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Language extensions [was: Memoization]

2007-05-30 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/29/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Claus Reinke wrote:

 phantom types:
  the types of ghost values (in other words, we are only interested in
  the type, not in any value of that type).

Mmm... Still not seeing a great amount of use for this one.

Okay, well phantom types are something I like because they allow some notion
of static capabilities, a la
One of my big interests is how much of a true capability based security
system can be pushed up into the type level.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Memoization

2007-05-30 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/30/07, Isaac Dupree [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Creighton Hogg wrote:
 Now maybe I'm being dense here, but would you really *want* a way in
 to do something like
 memo :: (a-b) - a-b
 since it changes the semantics of the function?
 It seems like a better abstraction would be to have
 memo :: (a-b)- M a b
 where M is an instance of Arrow so that you can keep a proper notion of
 composition between memoized functions.
 Is there something wrong with my thinking?

memoize f gives you back a function that maintains a cache of
previously computed values, so that subsequent calls with the same
input will be faster.

Speed isn't part of Haskell function semantics (luckily, or we wouldn't
be able to have an optimizer in the first place).

memoize does not change the semantics of the function (I think)

Your better abstraction is, anyway, better in terms of being
implementable in existing Haskell - you might need an (Eq a) context or
something. However it interferes with code structure for a
non-semantical change (strong effects on memory use and speed which you
might _want_ to manage more explicitly, but that's not theoretically
affecting purity)

Eh, I guess I was just being fascist.  I suppose that even if there are side
effects involved in the memoization, it doesn't break referential
transparency which is the real measure of purity.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OpenGL

2007-05-30 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/30/07, Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've found HOpenGL and the Debian package libghc6-opengl-dev. The former
to be very out of date (last release 2003) but I can't find any demos for

Where should I go to get started with OpenGL and Haskell?

For at least GHC you can use the libraries that come with.
Check out this blog entry as a nice starting place
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-23 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/23/07, Tom Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I really hope they choose the flying squirrel.

They should just use that picture of Philip Wadler as Lambda-Man.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance monad problem

2007-05-14 Thread Creighton Hogg


On 5/14/07, Veer Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to learn haskell , but i am struggling with types  , its
been around 7 days , it will be very kind if some explain it why this
error , i think this is the only stumbling block . I am looking for
the comparison on why similar code works , while other code not .

I get this error on ghci  :
`a' is not applied to enough type arguments
Expected kind `*', but `a' has kind `* - *'
In the type `SS a'
In the type `(Monad a) = {Monad (SS a)}'
In the instance declaration for `Monad (SS a)'

Here is the very small code with comments:

data SS a = SS a Int
data Maybe1 a = Nothing1 | Just1 a

instance Monad Maybe1  where
  (Just1 x) = f = f x

--^^ this loads fine in ghci

-- where as this
instance (Monad a)= Monad (SS a) where
  (SS x y) = f = f (x y)

--^^ does not work , so whats the difference , both have type parameters

-- something similar works like this :
instance (Eq a)=Eq (SS a) where
  (SS x y)  == (SS b c) = (y == c)  (x == b)

The problem is that you've overspecified the monad SS.
Notice that you only had to write
instance Monad Maybe1
instance Monad (Maybe1 a)

That's because you declared Maybe1 to only take in one type parameter.  SS
also takes in only one type parameter, so you're actually telling it that it
should make SS a b into a monad, but there is no SS a b.

It might help to look at the definition of the State monad in All About
You'll see that state is defined as
newtype State s a =...
and they declare
instance Monad (State s)
instance Monad (State s a)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad pronounced like gonad?

2007-05-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 5/10/07, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been pronouncing monad like gonad (moh-nad), but it occurs to me
that it might be pronounced like monoid (mah-nad).

Is there an official way to pronouce this word - maybe with a Scottish
accent? :)

I've always said mah-nad, mah-noyd, and I think it might be because I always
heard mah-no-morphism, not mo-no-morphism.  I'll admit that doesn't really
make sense, given then it's ho-mo-morphism.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Topoi, the categorical Analysis of Logic

2007-05-06 Thread Creighton Hogg

I've been reading it off and on for a couple of months.  I definitely
wouldn't say it'll make you a better programmer, but it's a pretty nice,
gentle, introduction to some basic category theory and some uses of topoi.
Read it if you're interested in all that, not if you're just focused on

On 5/6/07, Philippe de Rochambeau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


has anybody on this list read Goldblatt's Topoi, the categorical
Analysis of Logic? Did reading that book make you a better Haskell
programmer? If so, how?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad/Functor Book

2007-03-27 Thread Creighton Hogg


Given the amount of material posted at and elsewhere
explaining IO, monads and functors, has anyone considered publishing
a comprehensive book explaining those subjects?  (I am trying to
read all the material online, but books are easier to read and don't
require sitting in front of a computer to do so. Plus I can write in
books :-). )

Well, how much in depth are you interested in getting?  I started reading
Categories for the Working Mathematician a couple of months ago, and while
it sometimes takes a bit of work it's a very good introduction.  The only
caution I have is that if you don't have that strong of a math background,
or hadn't done it in a few years (like myself), you may have to lookup a lot
of definitions in order to understand his examples.  Wikipedia usually
provides enough of a detailed description that you can get the point.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad/Functor Book

2007-03-27 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 3/27/07, Dan Piponi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Given the amount of material posted at and elsewhere
 explaining IO, monads and functors, has anyone considered publishing
 a comprehensive book explaining those subjects?  (I am trying to
 read all the material online, but books are easier to read and don't
 require sitting in front of a computer to do so. Plus I can write in
 books :-). )

I've thought about writing extended tutorials on the relationship
between Haskell programming and category theory but there's a problem
I run into. It's tempting to make the identifications:
types-objects, Haskell function-arrows, suitably polymorphic
functions-natural transformations, and so on. But the fact is, this
doesn't really work in the obvious way even though it seems like it
should at first (eg. Haskell functions aren't always total functions
in the mathematical sense and if you allow partial functions you can
do weird stuff). So either:

(1) we need some technical work to patch up the differences (and
unfortunately I don't know what the patch-up is),
(2) we restrict ourselves to certain types of Haskell function for
which the theory works or
(3) we deliberately leave things a little vague.

I usually tend to go for option (3), but that wouldn't be satisfactory
for an extended treatment.

Has anyone else given this subject much thought?

I consider myself to be distinctly in the target audience of a thorough
treatment of CT  it's relationship to Haskell, so I'll throw out there that
I think some superposition of options (2) and (3) would be the most
satisfying.  You can handwave a little bit, but knowing *where* the naive
mappings between category theoretic constructs and Haskell's system
breakdown would be very nice.  Personally, one of the biggest things for me
is not really having any intuition for what kind of category the Haskell
type system lives in.  I mean, it looks cartesian closed because you can do
currying but what more to it is there than that?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Call-by-name: moved to haskell-cafe

2007-03-20 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 3/20/07, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dan Weston wrote:
 Douglas Philips wrote:
 On 2007 Mar 20, at 3:30 PM, Dan Weston indited:

 I looked up John Backus on wikipedia and followed a link to ALGOL:
 where the following undesirable property of call-by-name is

 ALGOL 60 allowed for two evaluation strategies for parameter
 passing: the common call-by-value, and call-by-name. Call-by-name had
 certain limitations in contrast to call-by-reference, making it an
 undesirable feature in language design. For example, it is impossible
 in ALGOL 60 to develop a procedure that will swap the values of two
 parameters if the actual parameters that are passed in are an integer
 variable and an array that is indexed by that same integer variable.
 However, call-by-name is still beloved of ALGOL implementors for the
 interesting thunks that are used to implement it.

 I suppose that call-by-name is still beloved of Haskell implementors
 as well?

 Notice that the problem with call-by-name is when side-effects are
 involved. In a pure-functional-environment those problems don't


 It was the phrase making it an undesirable feature in language design
  that jumped out at me. Here language is an implicitly universally
 quantified variable, and the phrase beta-reduces to call-by-name is an
 undesirable feature in Haskell design.

Ah, but since everything on wikipedia is true yet the conclusion you reached
by beta-reduction is false, I believe you have shown that beta-reduction is
That's alright though, I never liked function application much anyway.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strange memory consumption problems in something that should be tail-recursive

2007-02-13 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 2/13/07, Duncan Coutts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 15:27 -0500, Jefferson Heard wrote:
 Hi, I am running the following code against a 210 MB file in an attempt
 determine whether I should use alex or whether, since my needs are very
 performance oriented, I should write a lexer of my own.  I thought that
 everything I'd written here was tail-recursive

Isn't that exactly the problem - that it's tail recursive? You do not
want it to be tail recursive since then it must consume the whole input
before producing any output. You want it to be as lazy as possible so
that it can start producing tokens as soon as possible without having to
consume everything.

This may be silly of me, but I feel like this is an important point:  so
you're saying that tail recursion, without strictness, doesn't run in
constant space?

So for example in the case of,
facTail 1 n' = n'
facTail n n' = facTail (n-1) (n*n')
You'll just be building a bunch of unevaluated thunks until you hit the
termination condition?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Strange memory consumption problems in something that should be tail-recursive

2007-02-13 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 2/13/07, Bernie Pope [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Creighton Hogg wrote:
 This may be silly of me, but I feel like this is an important point:
 so you're saying that tail recursion, without strictness, doesn't run
 in constant space?

It is an important point, and a classic space bug (see foldl in the

It it not the fault of tail recursion per se, in fact tail recursion is
often important in Haskell too.

 So for example in the case of,
 facTail 1 n' = n'
 facTail n n' = facTail (n-1) (n*n')

The problem with this example is that it will build up an expression of
the form:

   (n1 * n2 * n3 .)

in the second argument. It's size will be proportional to the number of
recursive calls made (n).
 You'll just be building a bunch of unevaluated thunks until you hit
 the termination condition?

To fix it you will want the function to evaluate its second argument

facTail n n' = facTail (n-1) $! (n*n')

For a long time now I've been interested in Haskell, and studied it from the
math side, but haven't actually really written anything.  This mailing list,
the wiki, and #haskell are proving to be a great resource.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] pythags

2007-02-12 Thread Creighton Hogg



the Advanced Monads page in the Haskell Wikibook
( contains the
example of a List Monad

pythags = do
x - [1..]
y - [x..]
z - [y..]
guard (x^2 + y^2 == z^2)
return (x, y, z)

However, whenever you load that function definition into Hugs or GHCi, you
get a
message saying that guard is an undefined variable.

Does anyone know why?



In the context of the tutorial, guard isn't defined until the next section:
additive monads.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimization fun

2007-02-11 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 2/10/07, Matthew Brecknell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Rafael Almeida said:
 I've always found the following definition of the sieve of eratosthenes
 the clearest definition one could write:

 sieve [] = []
 sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve [y | y - xs, y `mod` x /= 0]

 It doesn't perform better than Augustsson's solution. It does fairly
 worse, actually, but it performs way better than Hogg's 13s algorithm.
 It took around 0.1s on my machine.

Interesting. I found the sieve to be somewhere around the 13s mark,
while Lennart's solution was about 0.15s. But that may just be because I
haven't yet made the jump from GHC 6.4.2 to 6.6...

I also found that a handcrafted loop-fusion reduced Lennart's solution
to 0.08s:

primes :: [Int]
primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3,5..] where
  f x p r = x  p*p || mod x p /= 0  r
  isPrime x = foldr (f x) True primes

This looks really slick to me, thanks.
So if I understand correctly, the main thing that makes this work is that
'ing the test with the accumulator r will make it bail out of the fold as
soon as one of the two tests is failed because the result must be False?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Optimization fun

2007-02-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

Hello Haskell-ers,
So a friend and I were thinking about making code faster in Haskell, and I
was wondering if there was a way to improve the following method of
generating the list of all prime numbers.  It takes about 13 seconds to run,
meanwhile my friend's C version took 0.1.  I'd love to learn a bit more
about how to optimize Haskell code.

Creighton Hogg

-- Naive way to calculate prime numbers, testing each new n to see if it has
prime factors less than sqrt(n).
import Data.List
primes = 2:(foldr (\x y - if isPrime x then x:y else y) [] [3..])
   where isPrime x = foldl' (\z y - z  (if x `mod` y == 0 then False
else True)) True (take (floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral x) primes)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization fun

2007-02-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 2/10/07, Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There are many things that makes your code slow.
* The default for Haskell is to compute with Integer, not Int.  So
that makes from Integral and floor very slow.
* foldl' is a bad choice, because it is too strict, you want to abort
the loop as soon as possible.

Now why is foldl' too strict?  I don't think I understand?

* your take is really wrong.  The number of primes you need to take

cannot be computed like that.  You want to take primes while the sqrt
of x is larger than the prime.

Yeah, I don't know what the %#*( happened there.  I should have proofread.

Also, your code is not idiomatic Haskell.

Here's a different version:

primes :: [Int]
primes = 2:filter isPrime [3,5..]
 where isPrime x = all (\ y - x `mod` y /= 0) $ takeWhile (\ p -
 p*p = x) primes

On Feb 10, 2007, at 21:02 , Creighton Hogg wrote:

 primes = 2:(foldr (\x y - if isPrime x then x:y else y) [] [3..])
 where isPrime x = foldl' (\z y - z  (if x `mod` y == 0 then
 False else True)) True (take (floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral x) primes)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization fun

2007-02-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 2/10/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2/10/07, Lennart Augustsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are many things that makes your code slow.
 * The default for Haskell is to compute with Integer, not Int.  So
 that makes from Integral and floor very slow.
 * foldl' is a bad choice, because it is too strict, you want to abort
 the loop as soon as possible.

Now why is foldl' too strict?  I don't think I understand?

I think I can explain my confusion better.  For a finite list, I thought a
fold would always pass through the entire list.  I take it that what you
mean is that, since the fold is over an , then it can bail as soon as it
encounters the first false, but it only does that if it's allowed to not be
strict.  I suppose this reveals my ignorance of how laziness really works.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Optimization fun

2007-02-10 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 2/10/07, Peter Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gah! Gmail has really broken defaults for posting to lists.

On 10/02/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Haskell-ers,
 So a friend and I were thinking about making code faster in Haskell, and
 was wondering if there was a way to improve the following method of
 generating the list of all prime numbers.  It takes about 13 seconds to
 meanwhile my friend's C version took 0.1.  I'd love to learn a bit more
 about how to optimize Haskell code.

Which subproblem takes 13 seconds? (Surely generating a list of all
primes will take an infinite amount of time, since there are
infinitely many of them?)

Apparently I shouldn't send e-mails quickly, as it comes out as gibberish.
It was the first 1.  The thirteen seconds was just approximate, but it
showed the C one was much faster, which I figured was because I had
constructed it poorly.  Apparently I had, and I even managed to type it in
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Optimization fun

2007-02-10 Thread Creighton Hogg


Creighton Hogg wrote:
 Hello Haskell-ers,
 So a friend and I were thinking about making code faster in Haskell, and
 was wondering if there was a way to improve the following method of
 generating the list of all prime numbers.  It takes about 13 seconds to
 run, meanwhile my friend's C version took 0.1.
 I'd love to learn a bit more about how to optimize Haskell code.

Of course, the best optimization is a better algorithm. In case this is
what you're after, have a look at

   Colin Runciman, Lazy Wheel Sieves and Spirals of Primes

snip helpfullness

The glitches may have been unintentional, but the flaw intentionally

degrades performance: you should not use a strict all' but the lazy

  all prop = foldr (\y z - prop y  z) True

from the Prelude. The point is that the lazy version stops inspecting
the elements of the remaining list whenever (prop y) turns False for the
first time. This is because  is lazy:

  False  x = False

for whatever x we supply. For example, take the list

  [True, False, True, True] ++ replicate 100 True

Here, all returns False after inspecting the first two elements while
all' inspects every one of the 104 list elements just to return False
afterwards. As every second number is even, your all' is busy wasting
time like crazy.

Okay, this is sinking in a good bit better, thank you.  I think I've had a
conceptual block about what laziness really means.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Picking out elements of a heterogenous list

2006-12-05 Thread Creighton Hogg

Hi Haskell-ers,
So I think I understand the idea of creating a heterogenous list using
typeclasses and existentials, but I don't see how to filter the list
to retrieve elements of the list that are of only one type.

More concretely, taking the example
here could we take
a list of shapes [Shape] and pull out all objects that are
I don't see an obvious way this makes sense.
Is there a way of doing heterogenous lists that would make this possible?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] More threading confusion

2006-08-17 Thread Creighton Hogg
Good afternoon Haskellers,So I'm trying to understand how STM works, and wrote a quick 'eating philosophers' example to see if I understood how it's supposed to work.The problem is that while it executes, it doesn't appear to *do* anything.
Did I completely write things wrongheadedly or am I being bitten by something more subtle?Thanks.import Control.Concurrent.STMimport Control.Concurrentimport Data.Arrayimport System.Random
think :: IO ()think = do ms - randomRIO (20,1000) threadDelay msdata Philosopher = Philosopher {left::Bool,right::Bool,neighbors::(Int,Int)} deriving ShowmakeInitPhilosopher a = Philosopher {left=False,right=False,neighbors=a}
 initPhilosophers = listArray (0,4)  (map makeInitPhilosopher [(1,4),(2,0),(3,1),(4,2),(0,3)])main = do z - atomically $ newTVar initPhilosophers
 mapM_ (\x - forkIO (loop x z 0 1)) [0,1,2,3,4]loop n tps c l | c  l = (atomically (readTVar tps)) = (\x - print x) | otherwise = dothink 
 atomically $ eat n tps loop n tps (c+1) leat :: Int - TVar (Array Int Philosopher) - STM ()eat n tps = do
 takeLeft n tps takeRight n tps releaseLeft n tps releaseRight n tpstakeLeft :: Int - TVar (Array Int Philosopher) - STM ()takeLeft n tps = do ps - readTVar tps let p = ps ! n
 if right (ps ! (fst $ neighbors p)) == False then (writeTVar tps $ ps // [(n,p{left=True})]) else retrytakeRight :: Int - TVar (Array Int Philosopher) - STM ()takeRight n tps = do
 ps - readTVar tps let p = ps ! n if left (ps ! (snd $ neighbors p)) == False then (writeTVar tps $ ps // [(n,p{right=True})]) else retryreleaseLeft n tps = do ps - readTVar tps
 let p = ps ! n writeTVar tps $ ps // [(n,p{left=False})] releaseRight n tps = do ps - readTVar tps let p = ps ! n writeTVar tps $ ps // [(n,p{right=False})]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Questions on threads and IO

2006-08-16 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hello Haskell'rs,

I've been playing with threads and I tried to do a toy example (that used java) from a class.
When run, the program should print a prompt and accept commands just like a linux shell. It doesn't have to do anything
fancy, just spawn new threads that make system calls when commands are entered at the prompt.
The problem is that the UI doesn't work very well. It will seem fine
at first, but in order to get back a prompt you have to hit enter one
more time than you should. I've tried playing with the buffering
settings but it seems to cause the same problem no matter what. The
problem seems to be coming from calls of the form
(forkIO . system_) ls /usr/bin
Just entering this into ghci I get the same thing where I need to hit enter *again* in order to get back to the ghci prompt.
I'm sure this is something silly on my part, but it is rather confusing.

import Control.Concurrent
import System
import System.IO

main = do
 z - getLine
 runCommands z

genWords :: Char - String - [String]
genWords c s = gwhelper c s [] []

gwhelper :: Char - String - [String] - String - [String]
gwhelper c [] acc temp = acc ++ [(reverse temp)]
gwhelper c (x:xs) acc temp | x /= c = gwhelper c xs acc (x:temp)
 | otherwise = gwhelper c xs (acc++[(reverse temp)]) []

runCommands s = mapM_ (forkIO .system_) (genWords '' s)

system_ :: String - IO ()
system_ s = do
 system s
 return ()
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] and Google Summer of Code 2006

2006-04-22 Thread Creighton Hogg
Well, now that we've started this discussion I presume it's okay if I
ask a few things.  I don't know if these are good ideas, but I thought
I'd throw them out.

Basically, I am a student and would be eligible for the SoC.
I'd like to work on something related to numerics support or
performance in Haskell.  Either building on existing gsl bindings,
making something out of whole cloth, or spending some intensive work
on compiler optimizations.

My dream would be to build up enough monte carlo
support in haskell that things like high energy physics event
simulators could be coded in the language without sacrificing too much
performance and having a hundred times the flexibility and

Creighton Hogg

On 4/22/06, Paolo Martini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody, nice to meet you all.

 Last year I did work on an Haskell project during the first year of
 the Google Summer of Code programme[1].  I wrote the bindings to the
 Cairo Vector Graphics library and integrated them in Gtk2Hs.  You can
 see last year's announcement on the website[2].

 I had to take Google itself as my mentoring organization, in absence
 of a better-suited one, no wonder I was the only one with an Haskell
 project, eventually I got one of its 13 slots available -- Chris
 DiBona[3], the project leader, seem to like Haskell very much!

 They recently announced they would be running the programme again
 this year, and I thought we could surely do better!  My idea is that
 the best way we are going to get more Haskell projects done is having as a mentoring organization this year.

 Let me briefly summarize how the project works; it starts with a
 number of mentoring organizations that support active open source
 projects.  They are required to publish a list of projects for
 students to apply for, and some mentors which will take care of the
 pupils during their work.  Part of the fun is of course that the
 students can propose their own projects too.  Each successful
 applicant gets an initial $500, three months of coding time, a mid-
 term $2,000 of are doing well and a final $2,000 on successful
 completion of the project (The site[4] does explain it all.)

 I contacted many of the people who usually reside in the #haskell IRC
 channel asking for collaboration, and they promptly accepted, forming
 a quite big number of well organized people -- as now, those three
 people are in charge for the administrative work:

 - Isaac Jones,
 - Donald Bruce Steward,
 - David Himmelstrup

 Not surprisingly, since the people of the channel are known to be
 very kind and helpful, answering questions at every time of the day,
 I've got a good number of volunteers for mentoring too (which I'm
 very happy about):

 - David Himmelstrup,
 - John Goerzen,
 - Cale Gibbard,
 - Einar Karttunen,
 - Shae Matijs Erisson,
 - Duncan Coutts
 - Andres L\¨oh,
 - Ian Lynagh,

 And the list is getting bigger and bigger!

 Unsure about where to get an authoritative answer about things like
 this I have mailed Simon Peyton-Jones, he likes the idea (Thanks very
 much!)  He explained to me that since the Haskell community is very
 decentralized I would better send a message to the Haskell mailing
 list to propose this project.

 I hope you will be as enthusisatic as I am.  Hacking Haskell code
 during the summer, funded enough to keep up with the other things
 (and getting some pretty cool hardware lately), was a *great*

 I sincerely hope that many students will apply for Haskell works.  We
 need projects done!  I'll be mailing you the url of the wikipage
 collecting projects and details.

 Thank you very much,


 Haskell mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Fundeps: I feel dumb

2006-04-13 Thread Creighton Hogg
On 13 Apr 2006 03:27:03 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Creighton Hogg wrote:

  No instance for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
arising from use of `*' at interactive:1:3-5
  Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (MatrixProduct a
  (Vec b) c)
  In the definition of `it': it = 10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))

 Let us look at the instance

   class MatrixProduct a b c | a b - c where
 (*) :: a - b - c
   instance (Num a) = MatrixProduct a (Vec a) (Vec a) where

 it defines what happens when multiplying a vector of some numeric type
 'a' by a value _of the same_ type. Let us now look at the error
(MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)

 That is, when trying to compile your expression
 10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))
 the typechecker went looking for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
 where the value and the vector have different numeric types. There is
 no instance for such a general case, hence the error. It is important
 to remember that the typechecker first infers the most general type
 for an expression, and then tries to resolve the constraints. In your
 10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))
 we see constants 10, 10, 0, 9. Each constant has the type Num a = a.
 Within the expression 0 .. 9, both 0 and 9 must be of the same type
 (because [n .. m] is an abbreviation for enumFromThen n m, and
 to the type of the latter
   enumFromThen :: a - a - [a]
 both arguments must be of the same type).

 But there is nothing that says that the first occurrence of 10 must be
 of the same numeric type as the occurrence of 9. So, the most general
 type assignment will be (Num a = a) for 10, and (Num b = b) for 9.

Thank you very much for the explanation:  it makes alot of sense.
So, if one does not want to for alot of type declarations into the
code, which would be fairly awkward, is there a way to do this with
fundeps or other type extensions that will be alot prettier or is any
way of defining type classes going to run into the same problems?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Fundeps: I feel dumb

2006-04-12 Thread Creighton Hogg
So I'm trying the fun-deps example from and seeing if I can
use it, but I can't really get things to work the way I want.
The code follows below, and the error I get if I try to multiply
10 * (vector 10 [0..9]) is

No instance for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
  arising from use of `*' at interactive:1:3-5
Probable fix: add an instance declaration for (MatrixProduct a (Vec b) c)
In the definition of `it': it = 10 * (vector 10 ([0 .. 9]))

import Array
-- The elements and the size
data Vec a = Vec (Array Int a) Int
   deriving (Show,Eq)
type Matrix a = (Vec (Vec a))
class MatrixProduct a b c | a b - c where
(*) :: a - b - c
instance (Num a) = MatrixProduct a (Vec a) (Vec a) where
(*) num (Vec a s) = Vec (fmap (*num) a) s
vector n elms = Vec (array (0,n-1) $ zip [0..n-1] elms) n
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Matching constructors

2006-02-10 Thread Creighton Hogg
If I have something like
data Patootie = Pa Int | Tootie Int
and I want to pull out the indices of all elements of a list 
that have type constructor Tootie, how would I do that?

I thought I might be able to use findIndices, but I don't 
know how to express the predicate.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Encapsulation in Haskell

2005-12-22 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hi guys,
So one of the big things in object oriented programming is 
encapsulation, and I'm wondering how to do it properly in 
Haskell.  How do you define new data types but minimize the 
dependence of external packages on the exact nature of the 
data definition?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Tutorial uploaded

2005-12-21 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Robin Green wrote:

 Henning Thielemann wrote:
  Starting with IO in Haskell is like starting LaTeX with rotating text and
  making it colorful.
 Not at all!
  Indeed IO _is_ complicated regardless of whether it is
  modelled by Monads in Haskell or differently in other languages.
 IO isn't complicated in BASIC.
I agree.
Not that it's *really* complicated in haskell, though.
I think all a tutorial needs to do is explain
= means a definition, - means the left side is the result 
of the right side
In order to show that
x = getLine means that x is the function getLine while
x - getLine means that x is the result of getLine

Monads can come *way* later I think, but even then they're 
not difficult at all.  
  Beginners should start with non-monadic functions in order to later avoid
  IO in their functions whereever possible.
 Whilst localising IO to a small part of the program is generally a good 
 idea, beginners should not be scared off by the thought that IO in 
 Haskell is so hard it has to be covered on page 94. This is not the 
 case. It should be introduced on page 1.
 If people want Haskell to be treated as a practical language, not just 
 something for doing academic teaching and research with, it should be 
 taught as a practical language - which means that things like IO and 
 space/time usage come to the forefront.

I agree with this wholeheartedly.  When I first started 
playing with Haskell, some of the tutorials made it look 
like it was very difficult to do anything practical with it 
because doing real input and output seemed like an advanced 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functions with side-effects?

2005-12-21 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Daniel Carrera wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm a Haskell newbie and I don't really understand how Haskell deals 
 with functions that really must have side-effects. Like a rand() 
 function or getLine().
 I know this has something to do with monads, but I don't really 
 understand monads yet. Is there someone who might explain this in newbie 
 terms? I don't need to understand the whole thing, I don't need a rand() 
 function right this minute. I just want to understand how Haskell 
 separates purely functional code from non-functional code (I understand 
 that a rand() function is inevitably not functional code, right?)

Well, it's *all* functional fundamentally but when people 
say non-functional in relation to Haskell code what they 
mean is in a monad.  Monads, I believe, can be just thought 
of as containers for state.  
So like I said in an e-mail on the tutorial thread the only 
distinction you need to make is between = which is truly a 
statement of definition and not subject to change, and - 
which says that the left hand side is the result of the 
action of the right hand side.  In terms of types, - 
strips away the monadic type. 

Note for example that if you want your main program to take 
in a string and then print it to the screen, it is *NOT*
main = putStrLn . getLine (which was I first thought)
main = putStrLn (getLine) (which you might guess from the 
type sig)
but rather

main = do
x - getLine
putStrLn x

Because you want putStrLn to act on the string that 
*resulted* from getLine, and not on getLine itself.

I'd check out this link from HaWiki on monads,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Tutorial uploaded

2005-12-21 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Henning Thielemann wrote:

 On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Creighton Hogg wrote:
  I agree with this wholeheartedly.  When I first started
  playing with Haskell, some of the tutorials made it look
  like it was very difficult to do anything practical with it
  because doing real input and output seemed like an advanced
 The drawback is that I saw many Haskell programs implemented with IO
 read/write functions which could be easily implemented without IO, using

Can you think of any examples of things like that?  Given 
that I'm still learning how to take advantage of laziness 
it'd be pretty interesting.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functions with side-effects?

2005-12-21 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Daniel Carrera wrote:

 Thanks for all the help. I think things are much clearer now. And this bit:
  main = do putStrLn Hello, what is your name?
name - getLine
putStrLn (Hello,  ++ name ++ !)
 Looks quite straight forward.
 I just wrote my very first IO program with Haskell:
 main = do
  x - getLine
  putStrLn( show(length x) )
 That's not so scary. The next thing I need to figure out is how to act 
 on the input data itself (not just its length). For example, if I wanted 
 a program to output the nth element of the fibonacci sequence:
 $ ./fib 12
 My first inclination would be to write it as:
 main = do
  x - getLine
  putStrLn( show(fib x) )
 Of course that won't work because x is an IO String and 'fib' wants an 
 Int. To it looks like I need to do a conversion IO a - b but from 
 what Cale said, that's not possible because it would defeat the 
 referential transparency of Haskell.

x is a String, getLine has type IO String.  That's what I 
was getting at in one of my last e-mails.
So you just need something that can read in a string and 
convert it to an int.
Something like
let y = (read x)
putStrLn $ show $ fib y
should work, yes?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functions with side-effects?

2005-12-21 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Daniel Carrera wrote:

 Creighton Hogg wrote:
  x is a String, getLine has type IO String.  That's what I 
  was getting at in one of my last e-mails.
 Hmm... let's see if I understand:
 * getLine() has type IO String.
 * The - will convert an IO String to a plain String
 * So if I do  x - getLine() then x has the type String.
 So, the - effectively ammounts to an IO a - a conversion.

Yeah, pretty much.  You're saying that x is the result of 
action getLine, and in terms of types it means you're 
getting the a out of m a.
 In another email John Hughes said that one could think of IO a as a 
 set of instructins for obtaining a. I guess that means that IO is a sort 
 of imperative layer that helps the purely functional code interact with 
 the outside world.
 So I can have an IO bit (e.g. a do-block) that calls functions (which 
 are purely functional code) but I can't have a function that executes 
 any IO.
 For example, it is not possible to write a function my_read_file that 
 could work like this:
 my_data = my_read_file(my_file.txt)
 Correct? Otherwise this would be a function that is not referentially 

Assuming I understand correctly, then you are right.  = 
implies definition.  my_data is the symbol assigned to the 
result of a computation, not a defined constant or function.
That's at least how I think of referential transparency.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: problems with square roots...

2005-12-21 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Scherrer, Chad wrote:

 From: Daniel Carrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The sqrt function is not doing what I want. This is what I want:
 round sqrt(2)
 A lot of Haskell folks like to avoid parentheses as much as possible, and 
 there's a really
 convenient way to do this. There is a Prelude function
 ($) f x = f x
 which is right-associative, so you can write
 round $ sqrt x == round (sqrt x)
 This becomes really convenient when multiple application is involved:
 print $ round $ sqrt x == print (round (sqrt x))

Doesn't it sometimes feel like the $ operator is Haskell's 
way of saying We're not with those Lisp guys, seriously?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Learning about haskell compilers

2005-12-20 Thread Creighton Hogg
Hi guys,
I was wondering where I should get started in learing about 
how to implement a haskell compiler?
Are there papers, wiki entries, or other things people think 
would be helpful or should I just start looking at the 
source of one of the compilers?  
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learning about haskell compilers

2005-12-20 Thread Creighton Hogg

On Tue, 20 Dec 2005, John Meacham wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 10:36:36AM -0600, Creighton Hogg wrote:
  I was wondering where I should get started in learing about 
  how to implement a haskell compiler?
Snip Absolute Awesomeness

Wow!  That was a great response, with more references than 
I could have ever hoped for.  I am totally saving that e-mail.  

I have learned the basics of compilers.  I just finished a 
class on it that I took basically for the purpose of being 
able to work on a functional language like haskell.

I really want to be able to help with all the work in 
Haskell and help improve both its performance and 
capabilities.  Haskell  lisp are the two languages I love 
most and I really want to be able to use them in my own 
native land of physics.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell School of Expression?

2005-12-15 Thread Creighton Hogg
Has anyone recently tried to install the graphics libraries 
included on ?
I've tried to make the libraries, but I get these errors.

make: Entering directory 
ffihugs +G +LX_stub_ffi.c X.hs 
Warning: unknown toggle `G'; ignoring.
Warning: unknown toggle `L'; ignoring.
runhugs: Unable to initialise Hugs (Unrecognised option


I honestly can't figure out what the incompatibility is?
I'm using version 20050308 of Hugs
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monads as control structures?

2005-10-27 Thread Creighton Hogg
so I'm a newbie getting used to Haskell.  I'm writing some 
simple things like genetic algorithms in it for practice, 
and I keep coming across something that really bugs me:  
are there any standard libraries that allow you to 
do imperative style for or while loops using monads to keep 
track of state?

I know there's things like until, but honestly that's not 
quite what I'm looking for.  

I just think there should be a simple way to say execute 
this block of code 10 times without having to wrap it up in 

Haskell seems to me to be a very powerful language, and it 
looks like it should be possible to define control 
structures such as for loops using monads.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads as control structures?

2005-10-27 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Creighton Hogg wrote:

 On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Robert Dockins wrote:
  On Oct 27, 2005, at 11:54 AM, Creighton Hogg wrote:
   so I'm a newbie getting used to Haskell.  I'm writing some
   simple things like genetic algorithms in it for practice,
   and I keep coming across something that really bugs me:
   are there any standard libraries that allow you to
   do imperative style for or while loops using monads to keep
   track of state?
  One way is to create a list of the actions you want to execute, and  
  then use one of the sequence family of functions.
  The actions can share state with an IORef or STRef or whatever.   
  Another option is to use a fold with = to allow
  actions to pass their results directly to the next action.  This  
  works even in stateless monads like the list monad.
  Some examples using sequence:
  forMonad :: Monad m = a - (a - Bool) - (a - a) - (a - m ()) -  
  m ()
  forMonad init cond inc f = sequence_ $ map f $ takeWhile cond $  
  iterate inc init
  xTimes :: Monad m = Int - (Int - m ()) - m ()
  xTimes x f = sequence_ $ map f [0..(x-1)]
  main = do { forMonad 0 (10) (+1) (putStrLn . show); xTimes 10 (\_ -  
  putStrLn hi) }
 Thanks to all who answered, this gives me a lot to chew on.
 I especially like these examples, because it makes me 
 realize that I've been thinking about monads and evaluation 
 I think doing genetic programming in Haskell is going to be 
 easier than I thought.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Nice way to calculate character frequency in astring

2005-10-25 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

 | Ugh! These are all horrid. If something on the lines of
 |  calc = accumArray (+) 0 (minBound, maxBound) . (map (\x-(x,1)))
 | isn't fast enough, complain to the implementors! What's the
 | point of functional programming if one has to twist into a
 | shape that allows inspection of one's own fundament to get
 | stuff to run in decent time?
 I agree.  
 Better still, help us make it faster!

What can your average Haskell user do to help other than 
point out things they don't like?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell versus Lisp

2005-09-16 Thread Creighton Hogg
On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Mark Carter wrote:

 This is not a troll, honest, so please bear with me ...
 I'm a C/C++/VBA programmer (although the former 2 are several years old 
 for me), with a sprinkling of Python. Needless to say, I was looking to 
 see if there were any better ways of doing things. I've given things 
 like Ruby and Scheme a bit of peck, and failed to get particularly 
 enthusiastic about them. Two very interesting choices, though, appear to 
 be Lisp and Haskell. It struck me that Lisp was, perhaps, the Ultimate 
 Programming Language, the One True Language to rule them all; except 
 that I always kept  abandoning it for one reason or another (fiddly 
 installation, lack of libraries, compatability problems,  cost, possible 
 license issues, etc.). My current foray in Haskell seems encouraging. 
 wxHaskell installed a breeze, and seems quite usable (even though I'm a 
 raw n00b to the language, and admittedly haven't grokked the semantics, 
 and all this IO a - IO () 
 business). On the one hand, it  seems kinda academic, but on the other, 
 it looks like it wants to be practical, too.
 Bearing this in mind, and hoping you can see where I'm coming from, I 
 think my question is: shouldn't you guys be using Lisp?

As someone else that has been learning both Haskell and 
Lisp, I think you should really look at Haskell as a 
wonderful experiment.  Essentially, while Lisp can do pretty 
much anything, it isn't perfect and shouldn't be the last 
word., I don't think we should be satisfied with a language just 
the way it is.  Haskell is very, very different than most languages.  
It's *purely* functional and lazy evaluating.  The latter is 
most interesting to me from the compiler writing aspect.  
When I have a little more free time and a little more 
experience I'd love to have a deeper look at ghc and 
understand how it works.
In essence though, I think that Haskell is worth learning 
simply because it tries something different.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list