Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell custom search engine

2006-10-25 Thread Diego Navarro

Google now lets us create our own custom search engine pages, so I
whipped one up for Haskell,

I volunteered.

Are you planning to add just sites for Haskell-related software, or
are research papers included in the scope of this?

(Dude, where's my english grammar.)

-- syntaxfree
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Announcements list

2006-11-07 Thread Diego Navarro

There should be a separate, moderated Haskell-announcements list. I
filter out haskell-cafe into a folder and read it separately from my
main inbox, but I'd like to have important announcements directly into
my inbox, and haskell@haskell.org still has some chatty
questions-and-answers sessions.

-- Diego Navarro/syntaxfree
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Shrinking the Prelude: The "categorical" approach

2006-12-20 Thread Diego Navarro

take map for example, and fmap, I don't think they
should be named different (fmap is ugly, not
suggestive, and conceptually the same).
mplus could be renamed (++) (they are conceptually the

Wouldn't this raise the same problems monad comprehensions raise?
Worse yet, beginners can't start off with lists -- and understand
error messages -- without knowing about monads first!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Mo' comprehensions

2006-12-30 Thread Diego Navarro

I was solving some programming puzzles today[1], and found myself
pining for Map comprehensions.

Maybe there should be a Comprehensible class that's automatically
mapped to comprehension syntax. It's rather odd to have them only for
lists. That would be both more general and more elegant than just
bringing back monad comprehensions.

Is there any obvious reason why this wouldn't work?

[1] www.projecteuler.net  <-- fun stuff!

-- Diego Navarro
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Modulo-foo equivalence classes in Haskell?

2007-02-01 Thread Diego Navarro

Watching the questions go by in #haskell, a still fuzzy but possibly
pregnant idea popped up in my mind. Someone needed a nubBy function
that returned an unique list modulo an arbitrary function foo. Well,
in this case it wasn't arbitrary; he had a list of transposable
matrices and wanted an unique list of matrices that couldn't be
transposed into each other.

I'm thinking there are many cases of fooBy functions that have to be
constantly rewritten, and also a lot of ugly code by having to
constantly add the modulo clauses (like in modular arithmetic).

I'm inexperienced with type classes -- I've only done the simplest
types and /some/ fundeps -- so I'm wondering what would be the
clearest, most general way of having a Modulo-foo Eq class that could
be parameterized with a function. The "transposable matrix" example
shows how this could be useful for (some limited form) of data
compression, but it could make some other forms of "algebraically
modular" (this is not a proper term, it's me trying to get thoughts
across) business rules, of which modular arithmetic is a special case.

Uh, I've probably not expressed myself well enough; I hope I have a
shot at trying to explain myself better if questions come up.

-- Diego Navarro
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Modulo-foo equivalence classes in Haskell?

2007-02-01 Thread Diego Navarro

newtype Y = Y { unY :: X }

instance Eq Y where (==) = foo

nub' :: [X] -> [X]
nub' = map unY . sort . map Y

Yes, I thought of that. I'm really thinking of how I can generalize
the Eq class so I dont have to go around manually "lifting" operations
that are already defined (like operations on integers for modulo-n

-- Diego Navarro
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Modulo-foo equivalence classes in Haskell?

2007-02-01 Thread Diego Navarro

Yes, I thought of that. I'm really thinking of how I can generalize
the Eq class so I dont have to go around manually "lifting" operations
that are already defined (like operations on integers for modulo-n

(I do realize it's a lucky chance that the ordinary (+) and (*) work
so well on modulo-n rings. Anyway, that's besides the point.)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list