Re: [Haskell-cafe] Errors in non-monadic code

2013-08-19 Thread Donn Cave,
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quoth Brandon Allbery,

> Even in IO, exceptions should be reserved for truly exceptional conditions
> (of the "program cannot safely continue" variety), not merely for error
> checking when this can be described as a normal flow of evaluation.
> Exceptions are not simply alternative flow of control, even in procedural
> languages; they are *disruptions* of flow of control.

I think that would be debatable, especially as applied to procedural languages
in general.  It's very common to use exceptions in routine flow of control in
Python programs, if I remember right.  Meanwhile, the Haskell library in my
opinion somewhat weakens your case by making ordinary conditions into 
for example end-of-file.  

In the end it's a large grey area.  Ideally, what the program has to do, or
whether it can even continue at all, is determined by the program using
information reported by the function that encounters the error.  If there's
a good reason why exceptions should be used only when the program won't be
able to continue, it must be that the language's exception handling facililty
isn't very robust.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-07 Thread Donn Cave
quoth Richard A. O'Keefe

> Check the OED.  Most of its meaning are about _turning back_,
> _resuming_, _reverting_.  Yielding or making a profit is not at
> all about "providing a value", but about money going out AND
> COMING BACK.  It's the coming back part that makes it a "return".

Yes.  Return means 'go/come back';  used transitively, it means
'go/come back with _'.

> "value" occurs twice in OED 'return, v.1", in neither case
> referring to providing a value.

But of course, the word "value" as we use it is specific to our
application, i.e. it's computer jargon, with an English meaning
that's more like "thing", "object", "datum".  Wouldn't look for
"value" to convey this meaning in an OED definition of "return".

> In all of the senses, the underlying idea is not provision of a
> value, but going, turning, or bending back.

[Which is actually what the Haskell return fails to do.]

What goes/turns/bends back?  When used intransitively, the subject;
used transitively, the object, our "value."

I'll give you the COBOL example, it's no better the Haskell
return.  FORTRAN makes a good deal more sense for an English
speaker but uses indirect object semantically - RETURN 2
means return to the second alternate return specified by the
caller.  (I never used that feature, so don't take my word
for it, check your manual before using it!)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative name for return

2013-08-07 Thread Donn Cave
quoth Richard A. O'Keefe,
> If you're familiar with *English* rather than, say, the C family of
> programming languages, "return" isn't _that_ bad, there is certainly
> nothing about the word that suggests providing a value.

The RFC822 headers of your email suggest that you use a Macintosh computer,
so apart from the apparently disputable question of whether you're familiar
with English, you have the same online dictionary as mine.  Second definition:
"give, put, or send (something) back to a place or person", with examples
"she returned his kiss", usage from tennis and football, verdicts, etc.
Third definition:  "yield or make a profit", fourth (re)elect a person or party.
"Return" is all about providing a value, in English.

When a term like "return" is used in a computer programming language in
a sense that confounds any prior expectation based on English or other
programming languages, that's the opposite of "intuitive".  It "is what
it is", and it's silly to talk about changing it at this point, but that
doesn't mean that we have to turn the notion of "intuitive" on its head.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: Non-recursive let

2013-07-23 Thread Donn Cave
quoth David Thomas ,

> It strikes me as unlikely static analysis would be confused by shadowing.

Not to mention that the example only created two expressions of type IO Fd?
(I.e., no file descriptors were opened, let alone leaked.)

But in any case, I would have guessed that the idea here is that much more
than a few examples and counter-examples will be needed to validate something
like `shadowing is bad.'  If the assertion isn't too simplistic, the examples
sure will be.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-recursive let [Was: GHC bug? Let with guardsloops]

2013-07-10 Thread Donn Cave
quoth Andreas Abel ,
> I would doubt that nhc98 would interpret  let xs = 0 : xs  differently 
> than ghc if it implemented anything close to the Haskell 98 standard. 

What I (so vaguely) remember was a compile error, for some reuse of
an identifier where GHC permitted it.  I suppose you're right, anyway,
probably something else - maybe unambiguous nested shadowing?

  let x = t + 1 in
  let y = x in
  let x = y + 1 in x

GHC allows this, and of course there's no recursion.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Non-recursive let [Was: GHC bug? Let with guardsloops]

2013-07-10 Thread Donn Cave
quoth Alberto G. Corona,

> Let is "recursive" because, unlike in the case of other
> languages, variables are not locations for storing values, but the
> expressions on the right side of the equality themselves. And obviously it
> is not possible for a variable-expression to be two expressions at the same
> time. The recursiveness is buildt-in. It comes from its pure nature.

I'm surprised that it would come down to purity.  It looks to me like
simply a question of scope.  I had to write an example program to see
what actually happens, because with me it isn't "intuitive" at all that
the name bound to an expression would be "visible" from within the
expression itself.  I suppose this is considered by some to be a feature,
obviously to others it's a bug.

I've gone to some trouble to dig up an nhc98 install (but can't seem to
find one among my computers and GHC 7 won't build the source thanks to
library re-orgs etc.)  Because, I vaguely recall that nhc98's rules
were different here?  Anyone in a position to prove me wrong?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess interferes with sockets?

2013-04-22 Thread Donn Cave
quoth Evan Laforge ,
> and it still waits for the subprocess to complete.  Actually, it looks
> like it's the client's hGetContents, since hGetChar comes back
> immediately.  I guess that's understandable, but even hGetLine blocks.

In the version I was looking at, if I change the server's output
{-- IO.hPutStr hdl "response" --} to "response\n", it works.  Otherwise
hGetLine will still be polling for the newline that will never come.

> System.IO doesn't seem to have a hRead :: Int -> IO String, I guess
> you have to go down to the POSIX fd level, or read char-by-char.

In the present case I believe we'd be talking about
Network.Socket.ByteString.recv.  With a POSIX device like a pipe,
then System.Posix.IO.fdRead.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess interferes with sockets?

2013-04-22 Thread Donn Cave
quoth Evan Laforge ,
> Oh I see, because the subprocess inherits the socket connection.  That
> makes sense, though it's tricky.  Tricky tricky unix.  Why does fork()
> have to be so complicated?

Well, it's very elegant really.  It's one of the tools UNIX gives
you to decompose a task into discrete modules, programs running
in separate processes - but inheriting file descriptors and other
common environmental stuff.  And in some respects should feel
familiar to a Haskell programmer - can't modify parent's environment,

For me, moral in the story should be that buffered I/O is not robust,
for a socket device or anything like it (UNIX pipe, whatever.)  That
isn't about UNIX, it's just inevitable.  Maybe your client is really
going to need the timely EOF anyway, but the immediate problem was
that the server wrote to the socket and the client couldn't see it.
Because the client read is buffered.  Not robust.

Some programmers are so wedded to the buffered language platform I/O
functions that they'll find a way to defeat the buffering or work
around it.  That can be "nonperformant" where the semantics of the
read depend on buffering, like getLine;  don't know what would happen
with hGetContents.  The path that makes sense to me is low level I/O
(read/recv) that simply returns what's there, up to the specified limit.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess interferes with sockets?

2013-04-21 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Evan Laforge ,

> sleep = Process.createProcess (Process.proc "sleep" ["5"])

 sleep = Process.createProcess
((Process.proc "sleep" ["5"]) {Process.close_fds = True})

- Because the client uses buffered I/O (hGetContents in this case, but
hGet-anything would be the same), it doesn't "see" the server response
until a) buffer full, or b) end of file (server closes connection.)

- The server does close the connection, but after the "sleep" process
has forked off with a copy of the connection fd.  If it doesn't close
that fd explicitly, it holds it open until process exit (5 seconds.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Overloading

2013-03-12 Thread Donn Cave
On Mar 13, 2013, at 12:54 AM, "Richard A. O'Keefe"  wrote:

> The interesting challenge here is that we should have
>Date   + Period -> Date  Date   - Period -> Date
>Period + Date   -> Date  Period - Date   -> ILLEGAL
>Period + Period -> DeriodPeriod - Period -> Period
>Date   + Date   -> ILLEGAL   Date   - Date   -> Date
> and _also_ (remember we are trying to beat C++ here) Int +/- Int -> Int.

I think I would also want

Period * Int -> Period
Period * Period -> ILLEGAL


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Overloading

2013-03-10 Thread Donn Cave
Peter Caspers ,

>> data Month = January | ...
> ok, I will try to change my code in that direction. The idea is clear.

To whatever extent these "algebraic" data types do map to integer
values for your purposes, you can implement that by making Month an
instance of Enum.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to return a network connection to C

2013-02-28 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth C K Kashyap ,

> Hey Donn ... when you say, implement the IO in C, you also imply
> implementing the SSL stuff too right?

Yes, if you need encrypted I/O from C.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to return a network connection to C

2013-02-28 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth C K Kashyap ,

> I am using
> So I create network connection in Haskell
> getConnection :: IO Connection
> I'd like this connection to be returned to C so that subsequent calls from
> C can send in the connection handle.

According to the documentation, he doesn't export enough of the
Connection type to access the handle inside, and there appears to
be no function provided to do that either.  So it looks to me like
you'd have to 1) make the connection "by hand" with Network.Socket.connect
etc., 2) get the Socket fd, 3) make a Handle from the Socket,
4) pass that to connectFromHandle, and 5) use the fd with your
C function.

Note that the socket connection itself, represented by the fd that
you return to C, will simply transmit data back and forth without
modification.  Specifically without SSL encryption.  If you need
SSL encryption in both Haskell and C, it would probably be simpler
to implement the I/O in C and call it from Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question about forkIO

2013-02-28 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth C K Kashyap ,
> Say I have a haskell function 'f' that does a forkIO and starts an action
> "a".  I create a DLL of this haskell code and inovke "f" from C. Can I
> expect the "a" to continue to run once "f" has returned to C?

Once control returns to f's caller, outside of the Haskell runtime,
then there isn't any way to dispatch IO threads - that's done by
the runtime, so it can happen only while executing in the runtime.
I am not a forkIO expert, that's just how it appears to me from my
limited understanding of how they work.

For extra credit - do the old IO threads resume if you call 'f' again,
so you'd have more each time?  (I don't know!)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is a Haskell way to implement flags?

2013-02-19 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Branimir Maksimovic ,
>  In C usual way is to set some bit in integer variable by shifting or oring,
> and than check flag integer variable by anding with particular flag value.
> What is Haskell way?

Of course you may do the very same thing, if you like.  I think if
there's only one of these for the entire program, most Haskell programmers
would use a Boolean value, as the space you save with a single bit
is of too little consequence to bother with bit twiddling in Haskell.
The various flags that belong together might be housed in a `record'.

Or, in some contexts a list of an algebraic type might be useful -
like,  "if elem FlagDebug flags", or
   "if any (flip elem flags) [FlagDebug, FlagVerbose]"


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunPtr to C function with #arguments determined atruntime?

2013-02-17 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Ryan Newton ,
> Anyway, in this case it wasn't *too *painful to just generate a bunch of
> extra boilerplate C functions for (1) creating a data structure to hold the
> arguments, (2) loading them in one at a time, and (3) deallocating the
> structure when the call is done.  Yuck.  But no extra dependencies.

If I understand you right, that's a better direction in my view -
and when I've done stuff like this I've allocated and marshalled the
data structure from the Haskell side fairly painlessly with
Foreign.Storable(poke) etc., and the .hsc preprocessor macros for
struct access (#poke, etc.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunPtr to C function with #arguments determined atruntime?

2013-02-17 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Ryan Newton ,

> The scenario is pretty simple.  I generate C code at runtime.  I compile it
> to a .so.  I know how many arguments it expects (but only at runtime), and
> I get a FunPtr back from 'dlsym'.  How do I call it?
> I was hoping there would be some "Raw" lower level FFI layer that I could
> use to invoke a C function without automagic marshaling and all the other
> goodness provided by the normal "foreign import" mechanism.

I feel that I might be confused about the problem, but since I don't
see anyone direct answers -- in order to call a FunPtr, you can use
foreign import ccall "dynamic", to create a regular function.   As
described in the library documentation for Foreign.Ptr, which I bet
you've seen, so you know this.

You can cast the FunPtr to whatever type you like, so you can call the
function with an argument list different from its initial declaration.

There are two types of support you don't get, as I see it:  1) Haskell
isn't going to make it really super convenient to use a variably typed
function, and 2) there's the argument promotion issue mentioned in the
document you cited.  On that second point, however you go about this,
you'll need to thoroughly understand what that means, but it won't
strictly prevent you from calling this function, just puts you on
notice that the FFI is blind to the argument types and will make
default assumptions, so your C function needs to support that.

On the first point, of course that's how Haskell is - and from a
design point of view, if you're writing C code to be called from
Haskell, wouldn't there be better ways to accommodate variable
inputs than the argument list?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ifdef based on which OS you're on

2013-02-16 Thread Donn Cave
As counterpoint to Vincent Hanquez' note about the certificate store
on MacOS & Windows, I'd like to cast some doubt on the notion that
you can reliably find the cert store here on Linux or the *BSDs.

So, if my experience with platforms like that is any guide, you'd
rather not "hard code" this value in any case.  I suppose that means
application needs a configuration file.

>> #else
>> SSL.contextSetCADirectory ctx "/etc/ssl/certs"
>> SSL.contextSetVerificationMode ctx $
>> SSL.VerifyPeer True True Nothing
>> #endif

On the bright side, a configuration file makes operational parameters
like this very transparent for a sys admin who needs to work with
it but wasn't in on the original install.  Assuming the config file
is easy to find in the first place.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI - Approaches to C/C++

2013-01-31 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Casey Basichis ,
> I am using several other C++ libraries for which there are no existing
> bindings and no Haskell alternative packages that are even remotely
> close.
> Are you suggesting it would be better to write all my own FFI bindings
> for all the needed libraries?
> Everything I read suggests that Haskells strengths are in
> transformation and that interaction is not its strong suit.

I've done it, for my own amusement - wrapped a C++ graphics toolkit
and used it to write a couple small applications.

Most of us would probably object to your transformation/interaction
evaluation as presented above ... but it depends on your motivations.

In my case, I simply wanted to use Haskell, and in fact I started
with a model like yours where the UI was simply written in C++.
There were some very cumbersome things about that arrangement though,
so I was happy to integrate Haskell into the UI as soon as it became
possible.  On the other hand ... I'd be lying if I said the Haskell
code is "cleaner", or really advantageous in any compelling way if
we're just talking about the UI.  It has its moments - Haskell is
always going to pull a few things off pretty well, in a UI or whatever -
but of course, this particular UI API is specifically more suited
to C++, than Haskell.  So given that one can write good, clean code
in C++, too, the question is whether Haskell is so vastly advantageous
for such applications that it compensates for the sketchy binding.
It isn't, I think.

Whereupon we come to your original question.  Personally, I would
just work with the model that's natural to your API.  If it's a
C++ OO 3D graphics library, then go OO, for the very same reasons
discussed above.  FP may in principle have all the virtues mentioned
in that article, and it's good to be on the lookout for ways you can
deploy some of that in a C++ program, but when it comes time to use
that OO API, it's what you've got.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How can I avoid buffered reads?

2012-12-06 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Brandon Allbery ,
> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Tristan Seligmann
> wrote:
>>> On 29 Nov 2012 12:27 PM, "Leon Smith"  wrote:
>>> System.Posix.IO and Foreign.This appears to work,  but for better or
>>> worse,   it is using blocking calls to the "read" system call and is not
>>> integrated with GHC's IO manager.   This shouldn't be an issue for my
>>> purposes,  but I suppose it's worth pointing out.
>> Reading from an fd corresponding to an actual file is always blocking.
>> select() will always indicate that the fd is ready for reading and writing,
>> and I think epoll() will refuse to operate on the fd at all.
> This; it's a longstanding gripe among those of us who use network
> filesystems heavily, since it's entirely possible those reads *will*
> block... but the usual architecture of Unix-like kernel filesystem code
> doesn't provide any way to see it or do anything about it.

A wretched state of affairs indeed, but is that the same problem?

While I guess /dev/urandom isn't supposed to block, so it would look
about the same to select(2) either way, /dev/random is select-able, true?
If GHC IO is using blocking I/O on everything opened by name, on the
assumption it's talking to a filesystem, then that looks to me like
GHC's error, not UNIX's.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blocking IO & FIFOs

2012-10-21 Thread Donn Cave
>From Jason Dusek ,
> If I could somehow arrange to detect EOF when /tmp/exitpipe is
> closed, then I might as well redirect 1 and 2 to FIFOs and wait
> for them to EOF, collecting the output.
> However, all of my experiments suggest that there is simply no
> way in Haskell to detect the closing of the write end of a FIFO.
> With `openFileBlocking', one can detect when a FIFO is *opened*;
> but not when it is closed.

It looks to me like our colleague in another followup may have it
working in an example.  I have run into some trouble myself, with
an example program demonstrating the approach I proposed.  With a 
pre-existing named pipe, that I would just keep using, for whatever
reason it worked the first time, failed the second, and so forth,
working every other time.  If the test program created the named
pipe, it failed every time.  There are probably reasons for all this,
but I haven't looked very hard.

That was using "withFile".  If I use POSIX I/O, it works fine.
So it looks to me like there is indeed a way in Haskell to detect
a closed FIFO, it just may not be Haskell I/O without a lot more
work ironing out the possible causes of failure.

I believe that doesn't need to be a problem for you, though, because
1) your application is by nature exclusive to POSIX platforms, and
2) you need the named pipe only to detect command process exit, and
you can still apply Haskell I/O to the more interesting data that
accumulates in the command output disk file.

And there may be an answer for my problems with Haskell I/O.  Could
be as simple as using openFileBlocking, which apparently isn't supported
in the ghc I'm using.  Could have something to do with the fine points
of named pipes - for example, I believe you're supposed to open them
O_RDWR in situations you'd think would call for O_READONLY.  (Though
the latter worked for me with POSIX I/O.)

While I'm here ... I share the concern expressed in an earlier followup
about the outputs from bash in runInteractiveProcess.  This looks like
a feature of runInteractiveProcess that makes it intrinsically something
like a "code smell".  input-only and output-only processes are commonly
used and fairly tractable, where input-output processes are unusual and
and fragile, so it's an unfortunate convenience.  I think the idea is
that you'd use createProcess specifying only the input redirection.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Blocking IO & FIFOs

2012-10-20 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Jason Dusek ,
> For my application, it's important to be able to run multiple
> queries against the same Bash session. Waiting for Bash to shut
> down is thus not a viable way to finalize the response.

You could redirect to disk files and also use a pipe to wait for exit.

I suppose you redirect I/O for individual queries by applying shell
redirections to the command?  So like this,

   uname -a > /tmp/cmd1 2> /tmp/cmd2 7> /tmp/exitpipe

... then read from /tmp/exitpipe, ignore empty result and read command
outputs from the disk files.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Getting PID of a child process

2012-10-18 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Jason Dusek ,

> Using `System.Process.runInteractiveProcess', I can start a process
> and get a handle to it:
>   runInteractiveProcess
>:: FilePath
>-> [String]
>-> Maybe FilePath
>-> Maybe [(String, String)]
>-> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)
> For diagnostic purposes, I'd like to print the PID of the
> process attached to this handle -- how best to do that?

There's a good chance this isn't the best way, but it seems to work:

import System.Process
import System.Process.Internals (ProcessHandle__(..), PHANDLE, 

-- for use with withProcessHandle
getPID :: ProcessHandle__ -> IO (ProcessHandle__, Maybe PHANDLE)
getPID h@(OpenHandle t) = return (h, Just t)
getPID h@(ClosedHandle t) = return (h, Nothing)

main = do
(h0, h1, h2, hp) <- runInteractiveProcess "/bin/date" [] Nothing Nothing
mp <- withProcessHandle hp $ getPID
print mp

Seems like more scaffolding than this application really ought to require.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Issue building ghc on NetBSD/amd64

2012-10-16 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth lhagan ,

> Just tried changing the flag in, but I get the same error. Also,
> I'm pretty sure I need the --enable-hc-boot flag. Without it, I
> get: configure: error: GHC is required unless bootstrapping from .hc files.

Unless I've missed a whole lot of progress on this matter, it's going
to be much more work than just getting the flags right.

Several years ago, I managed to build 6.8, by starting with an OpenBSD
port of 6.6 as an hc donor, and of course building 6.6 on NetBSD, and
then using 6.6 to build 6.8.  There's a great deal of debugging and
patching that needs to be done in the process, some of it already done
for i386 and some novel to amd64.  I presented it to the NetBSD Haskell
maintainer, but obviously it's a low priority - I think in the intervening
years, you're the second person to mention it.  If that individual
(whose identity I can't recall at the moment) has a working NetBSD/amd64
port at this time, of any version, that would be extremely helpful;
unfortunately I don't, I think my amd64 hardware is defunct.  (I don't
think I got the interpreter working, by the way, and that also usually
means no haddock, etc.)

Today, you'd be obliged to follow the same course, but probably would have
to build one or two intermediate GHC versions as I doubt that 6.6 could
build the current version.  I understand the current version is not able
to be bootstrapped from hc files at all.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] forkProcess, forkIO, and multithreaded runtime

2012-10-16 Thread Donn Cave
Since we're talking about forkIO here - not forkOS - is it possible
to control the use of OS threads to avoid this problem?  As I
understand it, the problem is with real OS threads.  A program
running entirely in multiple `green' threads will fork to the same
set of threads in the same state, creating no problem with internal

I'm guessing this is why he sees the problem at 9 threads - maybe the
runtime picks up another OS thread at that point.  

Of course one could link the unthreaded RTS, and that will cause
everything, including runtime gc etc., to run in the parent thread,
true?  And there are some runtime options to control number of threads


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess running non-existent programs

2012-08-14 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Alexander Kjeldaas ,

> See access(2)

... a classic "code smell" in UNIX programming, for the same reasons.

We can solve this problem in an efficient way that works well, and equally
well, on any POSIX platform that supports F_CLOEXEC on pipes, and I can't
think of anything that doesn't.  The appended code is the basic gist of it.
This was not invented by the Python world, but as suggested it's one of
the things that we'd get from a review of their subprocess module.


spawn file cmd env = do
  (e0, e1) <- pipe
  fcntlSetFlag e1 F_CLOEXEC
  t <- fork (fex e0 e1)
  close e1
  rx <- readFd e0 256
  if null rx
 then return t
 else ioerr (chrToErrType rx) file
 fex e0 e1 = do
   close e0
   catch  (execve file cmd env)
  (\ e -> writeFd e1 (errToChr e : ioeGetErrorString e))
 ioerr (e, s) file = ioError (mkIOError e s Nothing (Just file))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess running non-existent programs

2012-08-13 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Brandon Allbery ,
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Donn Cave  wrote:
>> Though speaking of platforms, I guess one large headache would be
>> what to do about Microsoft operating systems.  Given the unusual
> Microsoft provides APIs that work as is for this, by my understanding; it's
> the POSIX fork/exec model that makes life difficult.

Or interesting, anyway.  I wasn't thinking of the `exception in child'
problem here, so much as more generally, how much is a fully cross-platform
API worth, in a situation where the eventual application of the API is
inherently unlikely to be of a cross platform nature.  The Python version
goes to some length, but can't fully resolve the inconsistencies.  That's
OK if someone wants to go to the trouble, but if I'm right about inherent
platform dependence, it runs the risk of being more irritating than helpful!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] createProcess running non-existent programs

2012-08-13 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Evan Laforge ,
> ... or at least make sure the haskell version doesn't suffer from
> problems fixed in the python one.

Exactly.  This morning I'm reading suggested solutions that would
work only some of the time, or on only some platforms, which wouldn't
be satisfactory in the long run.

Though speaking of platforms, I guess one large headache would be
what to do about Microsoft operating systems.  Given the unusual
nature of these functions (I mean, what operating-system-independent
command are you going to invoke, anyway?), maybe it would be OK for
the more elaborate support functions to be POSIX / Windows specific.
At the level where people are redirecting the output FD and not the
error FD, etc.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] do vs. pattern matching

2012-08-04 Thread Donn Cave
On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 7:05 AM, Alexander Solla  wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 11:34 PM, Matthew  wrote:
>> With do notation, I can write something like this:
>> do
>>   foo <- callFoo x
>>   bar <- callBar x
>>   return (baz)
> The short answer is to write a "one liner" using (>>=) and (>>), unless you
> need to bind more than one value to a variable.  In that case, you should
> use an applicative interface, if available and otherwise possible, and
> finally do-notation.

But the longer answer would be, it depends!  Right?  The `do' notation
is clear and easy to follow; it's low maintenance - even if you have
nothing to bind right now, if that comes up in the future, it will
drop right into that `do' block;  it's classic Haskell that doesn't
need any explaining to (hardly) anyone.  Maybe it's your last choice,
maybe it's my first.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Martin Odersky on "What's wrong with Monads"

2012-06-28 Thread Donn Cave
To be fair, while it's great that Functor et al. are available to
help solve problems like that with a Tree data structure, in the
present context it mostly shows that a trivial example was used
to illustrate the problem.  Unless I'm missing how this generic
fold functionality solves the more general problem.

Quoth Alberto G. Corona,

> ... There is no such problem in imperative languages, which work
> ever in an hardwired IO monad.

Or to look at it from the other direction, the problem with Haskell
is that it allows the programmer to write non-IO functions.  To the
extent that's a real problem, the solution would obviously be to
exercise some restraint with the pure code and write more in the
IO monad.  If you will humor me, we understand that this code is
equally satisfactory from a mathematical perspective and there's
no crime in it.  But does it help with the `flags problem?'

Suppose that functions f and g both have IO types;  f calls g,
and g has optional behavior depending on some IO value computed
previously, the flag.  The way I understand it, I can accomplish
this without passing the flag around:  with an IORef.

What's less clear to me is whether Haskell really supports the module
level accessible IORef value I need.  Also known as "top level mutable
state."  Is the NOINLINE pragma I've been using with GHC, really a
sound and reliable practice that we're reasonably confident will be
supported by other compilers?

It feels to me like I'm pulling a weird trick, to do something that's
trivial in other programming languages.  Maybe that's part of the
problem, that imperative programming receives something a little short
of full support in Haskell, inasmuch as basic features like top level
mutable state require relatively arcane incantations.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell integration with C/C++ (GSOC)

2012-04-05 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Anthony Cowley ,
> I think this is a consequence of line buffering rather than a bug. If
> you write your own increment function in Haskell, you get the same
> behavior. If you `hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering` before your `putStr`
> call, you should get the behavior you wanted.

Though if you must do one or the other, I think hFlush makes as much

I think his perspective may be that the C stdio library appears to
recognize that a TTY read is an occasion to flush stdout.  If you
already know better, there are ways to solve this problem - flush,
change buffering, or use stderr instead of stdout.  If you weren't
expecting it, though, Haskell might by comparison seem a little
retarded.  Maybe it isn't a bug.

> As things stand, it is quite a hassle to use a Haskell library of
> any complexity called from C.

And Haskell is slightly handicapped in this application, if it still
doesn't support any good mechanism for top level mutable state
(Cf. )

I wonder if the fact that we recognize these problems but haven't
been super-motivated to solve them, suggests that there hasn't really
been that much call for stand alone Haskell libraries?  (The proposal
seems to say that C++ programmers could jump at this opportunity because
they've been wanting to use Haskell but were afraid of the IO Monad?)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] thread killed

2012-04-03 Thread Donn Cave
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 6:37 AM, tsuraan  wrote:

> What sorts of things can cause a thread to get an asynchronous "thread
> killed" exception?  I've been seeing rare, inexplicable "thread
> killed" messages in my Snap handlers for a long time, but they aren't
> from Snap's timeout code.

This is a long shot, but it's easy to test - turn off GHC's RTS timer,
+RTS -V0 -RTS.  That removes a source of SIGALRM interrupts.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Theoretical question: are side effects necessary?

2012-03-17 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Chris Smith ,
> The answer is that side effects has become something of a figure of
> speech, and now has a specialized meaning in programming languages.
> When we're talking about different uses of the word "function" in
> programming languages, side effects refer to any effect other than
> evaluating to some result when applied to some argument.  For example,
> in languages like C, printf takes some arguments, and returns an int.
> When viewed as just a function, that's all there is to it; functions
> exist to take arguments and produce return values.

I'm surprised by the use of "function" as a unit.  I would have expected
"expression" or something, but maybe that isn't semantically interesting
as long as one can't exist independent of the other.

> ... But C extends the
> definition of a function to include additional effects, like making
> "Hello world" appear on a nearby computer screen.  Because those
> effects are "aside from" the taking of arguments and returning of
> values that functions exist to do, they are "side effects"... even
> though in the specific case of printf, the effect is the main goal and
> everyone ignores the return value, still for functions in general, any
> effects outside of producing a resulting value from its arguments are
> "side effects".

If that's so, it's unfortunate.  It would have been more profitable to
confine the application of this term (side effect) to the context of
the program, where it 1) makes sense in English, and 2) applies to a
programming device that has always been of some interest.

I have a little trouble defending this point of view because there's
some overlap, inasmuch as the program may also retrieve values via
external I/O.  And Haskell provides writeIORef/readIORef as a convenient
way to demonstrate that as a technical side effect without resorting
to actual I/O.  Still, the use of I/O and similar techniques to create
a side effect are interesting as such, and my point is that if we call
every I/O a side effect, the term loses its value as a way to describe
this programming feature.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Theoretical question: are side effects necessary?

2012-03-17 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Jeff Shaw ,
> I'm thinking that side effects are really only necessary because Haskell 
> programs expect to mutate the state of a computer outside of the haskell 
> program.

I'm not a computer scientist, but in English, "side effect" is an
effect that accompanies some other effect.  E.g., you may take
an antihistamine to relieve hay fever, and experience a side effect
of drowsiness.

Let's call the first an `intended effect'?  Then in the matter of
the computer outside the Haskell program - which is intended effect,
and which is side effect?

I'd have said, side effects would be like memory paging, deferred
resource access for other processes, etc.?  Some programs might
leave behind temporary files ...

I hope the answer is not that in computer science we regard all
effects as side effects because the ideal computer program simply
exists without consequence.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Theoretical question: are side effects necessary?

2012-03-16 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth KC ,

> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Jerzy Karczmarczuk
>  wrote:
>> ... but the question of purity of a program - in my opinion - concerns
>> the program, and nothing else.
> You might be thinking of software engineering purity.

Or software engineers might be thinking of purity in the same way.
I personally hope I think of purity in a way that's of some practical
use in terms of Haskell programs, and I would hope software engineers
in general would do likewise.  From that perspective, it seems to me
that M. Karczmarczuk is on pretty solid ground.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Preventing leaked open file descriptors whencatching exceptions

2012-02-21 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Bryan O'Sullivan" ,
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 8:16 AM, Ryan Newton  wrote:
>> FYI, lsof confirms that there are indeed many many open connections to the
>> same FIFO:
> Like all of the lowest-level I/O functions, openFD just gives you back an
> integer, and the Fd type has no notion that there's an underlying system
> resource associated with it. It's your responsibility to manage it (i.e.
> clean up manually when catching an exception).

What's more - if I understood the hypothesis correctly, that the
exception occurs during openFd - that fails to return an Fd because
the open(2) system call fails to return one, so it would presumably
be an OS level bug if there's really an open file descriptor left
from this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stable pointers: use of cast to/from Ptr

2012-02-13 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Yves_Par=E8s?= ,

> You mean I have to use a type like StablePtr (IORef Stuff)?
> Because there I can only "peek" (deRefStablePtr) the pointer, not "poke" it.
> I take it I should return to C a StablePtr to the new value if I don't want
> to use IORefs...

Yes ...

> Or else I have to use regular Ptrs with Foreign.Marshall.Alloc.malloc


Both of these are good ways, to do different things.  In your initial
message, you asked about a foreign function modifying a value in storage
accessible from Haskell - that's regular Ptr.  Either way, read or write,
communication with the foreign layer is through Ptr, not StablePtr.

StablePtr is for Haskell expressions, which would be totally inscrutable
to the foreign function anyway, and which naturally do not expect to
be modified, so yes, a new value shall be attached to a new StablePtr.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stable pointers: use of cast to/from Ptr

2012-02-12 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Yves Pares,
> If StablePtrs cannot have their pointed value modified (either C or
> Haskell-side), that mostly limits their interest, doesn't it?

I'm not sure I follow what's happening in the two cases you mention,
but in case it helps, I use StablePtr as a way to smuggle Haskell
values through a non-Haskell layer.  On the other side, they are
just things - not really pointers, so while void* is all right as
long as it's the right size, it is a little misleading.  "Tag" might
be a better word.

castStablePtrToPtr doesn't change that - you still get a tag, not
a memory address.  I can think of no use for it, unless you want
to call a function that happens to use a Ptr () without expecting
it to point somewhere in the memory address sense.

Since they're Haskell values, it would be perverse to modify them.
I just want them back, in a Haskell function dispatched by the
other layer.  If I want to pass data per se to the other side,
I have to marshal it to be readable CInts and such, and then pass
it as a Ptr.  And/or if the data is to be modified by the other
side, same deal, I have to un-marshal it back into Haskell.

I actually use them with a C++ layer, where of course the dispatch
happens through C++ object member functions.  That allows me to
map Haskell functions to the C++ API in a C++ derived class that
just maintains a table of the actual Haskell `member functions',
and a StablePtr for the actual Haskell data.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution -record update

2012-02-09 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth AntC ,
> Donn Cave> writes:
> The narrow issue we're trying to address is namespacing, and specifically name
> clashes: two different records with the same named field.
> Now in return for me answering that, please answer the questions in my earlier
> post about what limitations on update you'd like:
> * record-type changing?
> * Higher-ranked fields?
> * How many forall'd variables?
> * Constrained forall'd variables?

All right, but it won't be a very interesting answer;  partly because
I personally do not find the name clash issue per se as compelling as
some - I mean, it can be a nuisance for sure, but it isn't broken the
way update per se is broken - and partly because, as best as I can
make out, I have never dreamed of using any of those four features.
So I hope someone with more invested in the problem will chime in!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

2012-02-09 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Evan Laforge ,
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Donn Cave  wrote:
>> For example, in a better world you could write stuff like
>>   modifyConfig :: (Config -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Config -> Config
>>   modifyConfig fr fv a = a { fr = fv (fr a) }
>>   upTempo config = modifyConfig tempo (+ 20) config
> I think lenses already do better than this, since not only are they
> more concise than the above (once you've resigned yourself to a few TH
> splices), they aren't restricted to being only record fields.

How more concise?  Because =# is more concise than `modifyRecord', etc.,
or is there some real economy of expression I missed out on?  Asking
because, honestly I didn't get your earlier example -

setTempo :: Config -> Config
setTempo y = Config.deflt#Config.tempo =# y

... something's missing, I thought - but maybe it's conciser than
I can reckon with!

The rest - the functions that look like fields, the enforcing invariants,
etc. - are cool as lens features, but for Haskell records in general it
seems like something that would call for a lot of discussion.  Compared
to first class record update, where it's easy to see how close to broken
the current situation is.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution -record update

2012-02-09 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth AntC ,
> No, Donn, it's not the lack of syntax, it's the lack of semantics for first-
> class (polymorphic) record update. And there's very little that's obvious.

Ah, you're right, I certainly shouldn't have used the word "syntax" there.
But just to be clear on the point, I wonder if you could expand on what
you mean by "polymorphic" above.

I mean, when I wrote

  modifyRecord :: RecordType r => (a -> a) -> (r -> a) -> r -> r

... while this does obviously represent a polymorphic function,
if I write

  data Config { tempo :: Int, ...}
  f = modifyRecord tempo (+20)

... then f has type Config -> Config, it isn't polymorphic.
I am however vaguely aware that some parties to the Record
Question would like to make record fields themselves polymorphic, so
that 'tempo' could be defined for multiple record types and 'f'
would, I suppose, have a type like  RecordThatHasTempo r => r -> r

Maybe that's semantically more like "overloading", but in any case,
it isn't strictly necessary in order to support first class updates,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

2012-02-09 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Evan Laforge ,
> The non-composing non-abstract updates are what bug me, and
> make me scatter about tons of 'modifyThis' functions, both for
> composability and to protect from field renames.

So ... at the risk of stating the obvious, is it fair to say the root
of this problem is at least the lack of `first class' update syntax?
For example, in a better world you could write stuff like

   modifyConfig :: (Config -> a) -> (a -> a) -> Config -> Config
   modifyConfig fr fv a = a { fr = fv (fr a) }

   upTempo config = modifyConfig tempo (+ 20) config

... but today you get "`fr' is not a (visible) constructor field name"
So you need a modifyConfigTempo, etc. - when even the above is
inconveniently specific, as we'd rather have

   modifyRecord :: RecordType r => (r -> a) -> (a -> a) -> r -> r

I'm not saying "modifyRecord (+ 20) tempo config" would be the ideal
syntax for everyone who's been dreaming of records improvement, just
trying to get at the underlying problem with minimal syntactic
distractions.  Nested structure doesn't look like a special problem -

   modifyRecord innerRecord (modifyRecord inInField (+ 20)) outRecord

An operator with some infixing doesn't seem to buy a lot -

   (innerRecord \{} (inInField \{} (+ 20))) outRecord

... but better might be possible without sacrificing composability.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

2012-02-06 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth AntC ,
> It was a surprise to me that dot without spaces around is still legal
> syntax for function composition.

It isn't even unusual.  You can find stuff like "fromIntegral.ord" in
packages downloaded to build cabal-install for example.  It graphically
appeals to the notion of a function composed of several functions, so
the programmers in question will likely not even be repentant!

It's hard to imagine this all going anywhere, really, without some
way around the code breakage.  Maybe a different separator, like
record\field, that really doesn't occur in infix like that.

> Are all pseudo- or virtual or calculated 'fields'. (Or if not fields, then 
> attributes or properties.)
> I presume you're not suggesting we have both a function `area' and a pseudo-
> field `.area'?

Well - there's no conflict between those two names, if `.area' is an
identifier that starts with a dot.  But virtual or calculated fields
would presumably not be supported.  Depends on whether it's legal to
define a function `.area', or `.' spelling is allowed only for declared
record fields.  Personally I think the latter would be the right choice
there - left of the dot must be a record value, right of the dot must
be a field declared for that record.  I understand this is not the
direction you're going.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

2012-02-03 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth AntC ,
> We're on the slippery slope! Where will it end?
> And now that I've found it, I so love:
> customer.lastName.tail.head.toUpper-- Yay!

... compared to present practice, with where dot is function
composition only -

(toUpper.head.tail.lastName) customer

So two competing meanings of ".", where one is literally the reverse
of the other.  Of course we won't be able to spell composition
without spaces any more, so technically the backwards and forward
sense of . are distinct, but it seems kind of unfortunate anyway.


If you'll consider an idea from the peanut gallery ...  for me, the
dot notation for fields may as well be "spelling" as an operator -
that is, customer.lastName deploys a field named ".lastName".

If someone modified Haskell to allow postfix notation from this
perspective, when compiler sees "customer.lastName", it would
look for an identifier ".lastName", so it would work only where
the fields are so declared:

data Customer = Customer { .lastName :: String, .firstName :: String }

Without explicit dot nomenclature (as per current practice), only
normal function application syntax would be supported (as per current
practice.)  Unspaced composition (fromInteger.ord) would still be
broken, I suppose, but the error (Not in scope: `.ord') would at
least be pretty obvious.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

2012-01-31 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth AntC ,
> My proposal is that field selection functions be just ordinary functions, and 
> dot notation be just function application(tight-binding). Then:
>   object.fieldfuncmethod   ==> fieldfuncmethod object
> (Subject to the tight binding for the dot.)
> And one-sided dot application is pointless (! errk I mean 'without purpose', 
> no different to writing the bare object or bare fieldfuncmethod).

That's interesting!  The wiki page on SORF (Simple Overloaded Record Fields,
has some language that, as I interpreted it, meant that Has/Get syntactic
sugar depended on the dot, so it's indispensable.  Your proposal actually
has some similar language but, I see you don't mean it that way.  That's
great news for anyone who's really dying to get somewhere with records,
if it means that the functionality could in principle be introduced
independently of changes to the interpretation of "." that would break
a lot of code.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell Cafe] strict version of Haskell - doesit exist?

2012-01-30 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Richard O'Keefe" ,
> On the other hand, a designed-to-be-strict language-and-libraries
> with close-to-Haskell *syntax* would be nice.  I recently
> described F# as combining the beauty of Caml with the functional
> purity of C# -- both of course are like the snakes of Ireland.

Ouch, the beauty of Caml, tsk.

I guess it may not have been a very lively project of late, but the
Timber language, a descendant of O'Haskell, is supposed to be strict,
I suppose because they were using it in real time controllers.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Exceeding OS limits for simultaneous socketconnections

2012-01-30 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Marc Weber ,
> - replace getContents conn by something strict and close the handle
>   yourself? (not sure about this.)

That's an easy one to try, right?  Just force evaluation of the
getContents return value, in getMsg.  If lazy I/O is the culprit
here, it wouldn't be the first time.

But that will only reduce the magnitude of the problem (albeit perhaps
vastly reduce), and as you say, the more reliable solution is to limit
the number of concurrent accepts, and concurrent open-and-sends.  It
isn't like socket I/O really benefits from unlimited concurrency, as all
the data is still serially pushed through a wire; you just need enough
concurrent peer connections to keep the interface busy.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

2012-01-30 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Steve Horne ,
> On 30/01/2012 07:09, Donn Cave wrote:

>> ((separate . crack . .smallEnd) egg).yolk
>> (f egg).yolk where f = separate . crack . .smallEnd
> Scary - that ".smallEnd" worries me. It's like a field is being 
> referenced with some magical context from nowhere.
> Obviously I need to read that full proposal.

As I said:
> (assuming for the sake of discussion a functional dot notation
>  .field = \ r -> r.field)

By that, I meant to say that I just made that up.  I am sure that
various proposals have made some notational provision for `\ r -> r.field',
but it may or may not be `.field', I don't recall.

But that's all the magic there is to it.  Either you have a notational
shorthand for it, or you're obliged to write out `\ r -> r.field'


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Some thoughts on Type-Directed Name Resolution

2012-01-29 Thread Donn Cave
On 28/01/2012 13:00, Paul R wrote:
> All this dot syntax magic frankly frightens me. Haskell, as a pure
> functionnal language, requires (and allows !) a programming style that
> just does not mix well with object oriented practices. Stretching the
> syntax to have the dot feel a-bit-but-not-really like object oriented
> programming, mainly to have IDE autocompletion on some cases, does not
> make much sens.

In the glasgow-haskell-users discussion, it has been pointed out (to 
little apparent effect) that the current notation for access by field
name, `field record', is naturally functional and is easier to read
for a functionally trained eye than a postfix `record.field' alternative.
It isn't so much of an issue for OO programmers because the languages
are also procedural and the expressions tend to be simpler.  In a
language like Haskell, an expression could switch back and forth several
times between pre-fix (functional) and post-fix (dot) notation.  Like,
`yolk (separate (crack (largeEnd egg)))' becomes
`(separate (crack (egg.smallEnd))).yolk'

That elementary example doesn't give me much trouble, but it sure
doesn't seem to be much of an improvement in notational elegance.
See how natural the transformation with function composition -

yolk (separate (crack (largeEnd egg)))
yolk ((separate . crack . largeEnd) egg)
yolk (f egg) where f = separate . crack . largeEnd

... compared to the re-shuffing necessary with post-fix dot notation
(assuming for the sake of discussion a functional dot notation
 .field = \ r -> r.field)

(separate (crack (egg.smallEnd))).yolk
((separate . crack . .smallEnd) egg).yolk
(f egg).yolk where f = separate . crack . .smallEnd


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] named pipe interface

2012-01-14 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Serge D. Mechveliani" ,

> By  openFile  you, probably, mean  openFd.

Yes, sorry!

> Another point is the number of open files, for a long loop.
>   toA_IO   = openFd "toA"   WriteOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
> When applying  axiomIO  in a loop of 9000 strings, it breaks:
> "too many open files".
> I do not understand why it is so, because  toA_IO and fromA_IO  are 
> global constants (I have not any experience with `do').

toA_IO is a global constant of type "IO Fd", not "Fd".  You now see
the importance of this distinction - the action actually transpires at
"toA <- toA_IO", and each time that executes, you get a new file

> Anyway, I have changed this to
>   toA   = unsafePerformIO toA_IO
>   fromA = unsafePerformIO fromA_IO
> (I need to understand further whether my usage of  unsafePerformIO  
> really damages the project).

It's actually similar to the way some libraries initialize global
values, but there are some additional complexities and it isn't
clear to me that it's all guaranteed to work anyway.  You can read
much more about this here:
I'm no expert in this, but they're sure here on haskell-cafe, so
if you want to take this up, you might start a new topic here,
something like "global initialization with unsafePerformIO",
describe what you're doing and explain why you can't just pass
the open file descriptors as function parameters.

> Indeed. Initially, I tried  C <-> C,  and used  fgets, fputs, fflush.
> And it did not work, it required to open/close files inside a loop;
> I failed with attempts. Again, do not understand, why (do they wait
> till the buffer is full?).

I don't know.  When I was younger, I used to track these problems down
and try to explain in detail why buffered I/O is a bad bet with pipes,
sockets etc.  I don't think anyone listened.  I think I am going to
experiment with "I am old, so listen to me" and see if it works any better.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] named pipe interface

2012-01-13 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Serge D. Mechveliani" ,
> Initially, I did the example by the Foreign Function Interface for C.
> But then, I thought "But this is unnatural! Use plainly the standard
> Haskell IO, it has everything".
> So, your advice is "return to FFI" ?

Well, it turns out that the I/O system functions in System.Posix.IO
may work for your purposes.  I was able to get your example to work
with these functions, which correspond to open(2), read(2), write(2).

I would also use these functions in C, as you did in your C program.
Haskell I/O functions like hGetLine are analogous to C library I/O
like fgets(3) - in particular, they're buffered, and I would guess
that's why they don't work for you here.

   openFile "toA" WriteOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
   openFile "fromA" ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags

   fdWrite toA str
   (str, len) <- fdRead fromA 64
   return str


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] named pipe interface

2012-01-13 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Serge D. Mechveliani" ,
[ ... why in Haskell instead of FFI ... ]

> Because it is a direct and the simplest approach. Why does one need a
> foreign language, if all the needed functions are in the standard 
> Haskell library?

The GHC Haskell library makes some compromises with normal I/O
functionality for the sake of its runtime thread system.  As
difficult as named pipes can be in any case, they can be even
trickier in GHC Haskell for this reason.  I didn't suggest an
FFI approach myself, in my previous follow-up, only because
if you haven't worked with the FFI it's a significant initial
investment, but I believe it's what I would do.  (If I were
somehow compelled to used named pipes.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] named pipe interface

2012-01-12 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Serge D. Mechveliani" ,

> (I wonder: is this for ?)

No, not really!  As already mentioned, the use of UnsafePerformIO
goes a little beyond what I think is its intended purpose, and I
think you might have better luck here with a test program that
illustrates the problem and doesn't depend on that.

But while you're looking into that ... you might be interested to
know that there's a problem with named pipes in GHC (beyond the
problems that afflict anyone who tries to work with named pipes.)
GHC I/O routinely sets file descriptors to non-blocking, unlike
the IO libraries for C and other languages, and this could add
to your troubles with named pipes.  You can read up on that and
possibly find clues to the present problem.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to terminate the process group of aprocesscreated with createProcess?

2012-01-12 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Brandon Allbery ,
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 06:56, André Scholz 
> wrote:
>>gid <- createProcessGroup pid
>> but i get the error message:
>> "createProcessGroup: permission denied"

> the documentation for terminateProcess is incorrect and should not
> mention process groups

Right - and terminateProcess should _not_ be fixed to work like the
documentation says!  I think it's just a point of confusion over how the
shell works - in fact, process groups are normally created by the shell,
but only when it's serving as the top level interactive shell.

> In any case, I would not mix System.Process and System.Posix.Process.  I'd
> probably use the latter, but that's because it's closer to what I'm used to
> as a Unix/SVID/POSIX programmer.

Same here, and in any case I don't expect there's any way to do this
with System.Process, i.e., portably on non-UNIX platforms.

In the System.Posix.Process variant, you get to use "fork" directly:

   spawn :: String -> [String] -> IO ProcessID
   spawn exe cmd = forkProcess $ executeFile exe False cmd Nothing

To set the process group,

   spawnpg exe cmd = forkProcess $ do
getProcessID >>= joinProcessGroup  -- equivalent to setpgrp()
executeFile exe False cmd Nothing

... to terminate the process group,

   signalProcessGroup sigTERM pid

... and wait for the spawned process

   getProcessStatus True False pid

When you're running Haskell in the child fork like this, you could
run afoul of runtime thread support, and depending on your situation
it might make sense to move the fork/setpgrp/exec out into a C function
to avoid that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to terminate the process group of a processcreated with createProcess?

2012-01-11 Thread Donn Cave

Quoth Brandon Allbery ,
> terminateProcess passes on the semantics of kill(2); on SVID-compliant (and
> I think POSIX.1-compliant) systems, the negative of the process group
> leader's process ID is used to signal the process group.  Note that you may
> need to arrange for your initial child process to invoke setpgrp() to
> insure that the parent program is not part of the process group.

... and that stuff can be found in System.Posix.Process.  Support for
POSIX killpg can be found in System.Posix.Signals, by the way in case
you think that would make your intention more transparent.

> However I'm unclear as to the situation you are encountering, as your
> example does not appear to be spawning an intermediate process.

I missed that at first myself -- he actually invokes "time sleep 60".


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-30 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Steve Horne ,
> On 30/12/2011 10:41, Bardur Arantsson wrote:
>> This doesn't sound right to me. To me, a "side effect" is something 
>> which happens as a (intended or unintended) consequence of something 
>> else. An effect which you want to happen (e.g. by calling a procedure, 
>> or letting the GHC runtime interpreting an IO Int) is just "an effect".

> Trouble is, whether it sounds right doesn't really matter - that's just 
> an artifact of the meaning you're most familiar with. Any specialist 
> field has it's own jargon, including old words given new 
> related-but-different meanings.

It may help to recall that the point of Haskell is to write computer
programs, and by extension the point of discussing its properties
and semantics.  Mostly we intend to refine our understanding of those
properties and semantics;  sometimes we may hope to actually improve
them by questioning things that haven't been, but perhaps could be,
rigorously defined. (That's how I read some of Conal Elliott's recent
posts, for example - but of course, it's still a legitimate question:
does it matter, if we only want to write programs?)

That's why we use terms in a sense that apply meaningfully to computer
programming languages in general and Haskell in particular.  To do
otherwise - for example to insist on a definition of "pure" that could
not even in principle apply to any useful programming language, or a
definition of "side effect" that would have to apply every time a
program does anything - seems to me like an inane waste of time, to
put it mildly.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Steve Horne ,
> On 29/12/2011 18:41, Chris Smith wrote:
>> On Thu, 2011-12-29 at 10:04 -0800, Donn Cave wrote:
>>> We can talk endlessly about what your external/execution results
>>> might be for some IO action, but at the formulaic level of a Haskell
>>> program it's a simple function value, e.g., IO Int.

>> Not to nitpick, but I'm unsure what you might mean by "function value"
>> there.  An (IO Int) is not a function value: there is no function
>> involved at all.  I think the word function is causing some confusion,
>> so I'll avoid calling things functions when they aren't.

> Except that it *is* a function value.

He's right, I should have omitted "function", I just meant "value."

I think the rest of what came out when he entered "tutorial mode"
should be very helpful, if there's anything left that remains to
be clarified about how Haskell manages to be a pure functional


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Gregg Reynolds ,
> A minor point maybe, but germane to the original post (I hope).

It isn't - I mean, I'm not really sure what your point is, but
the example really returns the same IO value, not just one of
the same type.

Consider an example with implementation:

   wint :: Int -> IO Int
   wint a = let s = show a in do
   putStr s
   return (length s)

Now the expression "wint 994" is a value of type IO Int, and
any instance of that expression is the same value - an action
is not the same as the action's result.  You can use this
value in pure Haskell expressions with confidence.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Windows: openFile gives permission deniedwhenfilein use

2011-12-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Antoine Latter ,
> Would this program then loop:
> append fromFilePath toFilePath = do
>   str <- readFile fromFile
>   writeFile toFile str
> if 'from' and 'to' where the same file?
> Currently the locking prevents this.

Do you mean, locking makes that work, or just makes it fail in a
different way?  Anyway, I think that's an example that would have
the same issues without hGetContents - that is, any way you set
out to overwrite a file by modifying its contents, you have the
same problem.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Steve Horne ,
> On 29/12/2011 08:48, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> Well, it's a matter of terminology: "impure" /= "has side effects". 
>> The ability of a language to describe side effects is not tied to its 
>> (im)purity.
>> Again, purity refers to the semantics of functions (at run-time): 
>> given the same argument, will a function always return the same 
>> result? The answer to this question solely decides whether the 
>> language is pure or impure. Note that this depends on the meaning of 
>> "function" within that language. In C, side-effects are part of the 
>> semantics of functions, so it's an impure language. In Haskell, on the 
>> other hand, functions will always return the same result, so the 
>> language is pure. You could say that side effects have been moved from 
>> functions to some other type (namely IO) in Haskell.
> Anyway, if you're using IO actions, your code is not referentially 
> transparent and is therefore impure - by your own definition of 
> "impure". Causing side-effects may not be pedantically the issue, but 
> the mix of causing and reacting to them - ie interacting with the 
> "outside" - clearly means that some of your function results are 
> dependent on what's happening "outside" your program. That includes 
> side-effects "outside" your program yet caused by program program.

No, code can be referential transparent and pure and at the same time
use IO actions.  In order to understand that, you need to untangle the
notion you describe above as "function result" from Haskell function
value.  We can talk endlessly about what your external/execution results 
might be for some IO action, but at the formulaic level of a Haskell
program it's a simple function value, e.g., IO Int.

> Again, this is nothing new - it's clear from SPJs "Tackling the Awkward 
> Squad" that this is what the IO monad is meant for, and if it's evil 
> then at least it's controlled evil.

IO is not evil.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Windows: openFile gives permission denied whenfilein use

2011-12-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Antoine Latter ,
>> ... wherein Ian Lynagh proposed to remove this feature and let the
>> programmer enforce locking or not, as in other programming languages'
>> base I/O libraries.  This met with enthusiastic universal support,
>> so whatever the Report may say, it looks to me like the GHC libraries
>> will eventually not do this.
> Wouldn't this lead to 'getContents' and friends being much less safe
> than they already are? Or would we have to do something at the GHC
> runtime level of things to add locking?

Interesting question.  I tend to steer clear of that function, rather
than try to keep track of all the things that can go wrong with it!
but I would guess, the effect is the same on any I/O strategy that
executes the same way: e.g. if you were to read pieces of the file
iteratively you would be similarly exposed to the possibility of
concurrent modifications.

That risk may be less obvious with getContents if you take the naive
view that it returns the contents of the file in the same way that normal
I/O operations return data, but then you will eventually be punished for
that naivety anyway!

Are you aware of some possible special issue with getContents?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Windows: openFile gives permission denied whenfile in use

2011-12-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Andrew Coppin ,
> On 29/12/2011 04:29 AM, Antoine Latter wrote:
>> This bug and its discussion is similar, but not identical:
> This one has been rumbling on for ages. As others have said, the Report 
> demands that locking occur, which is probably a mistake.

The rationale that followed may have been a little sketchy, but
apparently everyone agrees with with the point.  I see the ticket
led to a discussion on the libraries list -

... wherein Ian Lynagh proposed to remove this feature and let the
programmer enforce locking or not, as in other programming languages'
base I/O libraries.  This met with enthusiastic universal support,
so whatever the Report may say, it looks to me like the GHC libraries
will eventually not do this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] On the purity of Haskell

2011-12-29 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Gregg Reynolds ,
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Heinrich Apfelmus
>  wrote:
>> The beauty of the IO monad is that it doesn't change anything about purity.
>> Applying the function
>>   bar :: Int -> IO Int
>> to the value 2 will always give the same result:
>>   bar 2 = bar (1+1) = bar (5-3)
> Strictly speaking, that doesn't sound right.

Look again at the sentence you trimmed off the end:

>> Of course, the point is that this result is an *IO action* of
>> type IO Int, it's not the Int you would get "when executing this
>> action".

I believe that more or less points to the key to this discussion.
If it didn't make sense to you, or didn't seem relevant to the
question of pure functions, then it would be worth while to think
more about it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to get Cabal to spit out a .a library suitable for linking into C/Objective-C

2011-12-26 Thread Donn Cave
Sorry about the belated response, but this shouldn't be a problem since
it isn't going to be very helpful anyway!

I've managed to follow the process described on this page:
to link Haskell code to a non-Haskell main program, via Xcode.

You've probably already seen this, it's mostly about a few iterations
of trial and error linking, to get the list of GHC library dependencies,
which is what you need whether you're using Xcode or not.  If you really
need a single library with your code and all those dependencies, that
may be technically feasible, though awfully tedious.

The only clear problem I encountered while experimenting with it is that
GHC run time options need ghc -rtsopts, so they're unavailable if your
program isn't built by ghc.  I believe I worked around that with a special
rtsmain.o, could probably recover the details if that's of interest.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-26 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Hans Aberg,
> For example, I set one entry so that typing x |-> a becomes x ↦ a, the
> TeX \mapsto, in Unicode ↦ RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR U+21A6.
> It might be tedious to make a lot of entries, though, but something to
> start with.

Something to finish me with, too.  I wouldn't be able to do much
in a programming world that used glyphs like that.  My vision
isn't perfect, but I think it's within a fairly normal range,
and it isn't good enough to decode a lot of hieroglyphics at
normal font size at reading speed.

The ASCII limit of 100 or so normal characters may be a barrier
to expression, but it's a boost to comprehension.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] terminateProcess leaves zombie processes around

2011-12-07 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Felipe Almeida Lessa ,
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Brandon Allbery  wrote:
>> They *do* terminate; a zombie is a dead process waiting for its parent to
>> reap it with waitForProcess.  There's also some POSIX stuff you can do to
>> have them auto-reaped, but doing that correctly and portably is somewhat
>> painful.
> But zombie processes do consume a row in the process table, right?  If
> so, then it's bad to have them around.

Correct.  As noted above, clean up with waitForProcess to release this
resource.  If it's more convenient, that could be done up front, by
forking twice and waiting for the intermediate process.  One possibly
convenient way to do that might be something like runCommand "eprover &".


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to get a file path to the program invoked?

2011-12-04 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth wren ng thornton ,

> There was a discussion about this recently over on libraries@, IIRC. The 
> short answer is that, at present, there is no function to give you $0. 
> We'd like to add such a function, but it's not been done yet.
> Part of the problem is that, as Alexey says, the first element of argv 
> is just whatever is passed to exec, which is not guaranteed to be a 
> complete path, a canonical path, or any other specific thing we'd 
> desire. It's not at all straightforward to determine the actual location 
> of the executable, especially not in a platform-independent manner. 
> argv[0] can't be trusted, scanning through $PATH isn't guaranteed to 
> find it (and even if you find something of the right name, it's not 
> guaranteed to be the correct executable), etc etc.

This isn't your problem, though.

I mean, if the proposed function is to return the path to the executable
file, then indeed you have a big problem with argv[0].  argv[0] can be
anything - or nothing (it can be a null string.)

But if we've turned to the question of whether to return argv[0],
that's much simpler:  you don't need to consider why a programmer
might want it.  It's appalling to think that library developers
would withhold access to standard POSIX 1003.1 features while they
decide whether they approve of them.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can't establish subprocess communication

2011-11-13 Thread Donn Cave
As mentioned by the first person to follow up, you need to set
line buffering in the "copier" program.  It's filling up its buffer
while you write small lines to it - unlike the test run at the
terminal prompt, where it's connected to a TTY device and therefore
behaved differently.

In a situation where you can confidently say your software will
only ever be run in a POSIX environment, I like to use the Posix
functions directly, because a buffered Handle on a pipe is nothing
but extra trouble, and similarly the convenient wrapping of the
POSIX API seems to cause more trouble than it's worth.  Did your
first attempt fail because the file name was not a complete path?
Do that on purpose and see if runInteractiveProcess gives you a
useful error message.  Engineer some other kind of problem into
your copier program, and see what happens to the error message ...
oh, rats, it looks like runInteractiveProcess puts unit 2 on
another pipe, when you might have worked better for you to leave
it the way it was.  (This kind of thing is what we call a "user
friendly" API, which is why we say "with friends like that, who
needs enemies!")

Here's how the start process function could be written -

import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Process

startproc = do
ip <- createPipe
op <- createPipe
pid <- forkProcess $ do
forRead ip >>= onStdUnit 0
forWrite op >>= onStdUnit 1
executeFile "./copier" False [] Nothing
to <- forWrite ip
from <- forWrite op
return (to, from, pid)
forRead (i, o) = closeFd o >> return i
forWrite (i, o) = closeFd i >> return o
onStdUnit i fd = do
dupTo fd i
closeFd fd

-- and then for I/O to the file descriptors (remember to supply
-- explicit newlines, if the other process is line buffered, e.g. "boo\n",
-- But if the other process also uses Posix.readFd, it isn't buffered
-- at all, so you don't need newlines. "cat" is in the latter category,
-- but most command line applications are in the former, like, say, "awk".)

sendrecv to from s = do
forkIO $ fdWrite to s >> return ()
(v, _) <- fdRead from 1024
putStrLn ("recvd: " ++ show v)

-- try it


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Getting started on Mac OSX

2011-11-11 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth hstenstrom ,

> I have a book on Haskell, and I've downloaded and installed Haskell Platform
> for Mac OS X. What do I do now? 
> XCode is a requirement, and I have it, but I don't know how to run it. To
> begin with, I want to test small examples from the book, using ghc or ghci.
> I have read file:///Library/Haskell/doc/start.html.
> - Where is the software I've just installed?
> - How is ghci started? Or the "platform", whatever that is?

The location of the software is covered in /Library/Haskell/doc/start.html.
The key point is that the executables - like ghci - are in your path
via /usr/bin.  What they mean by "should be available in any shell", is
that when you run Terminal, you can just type "ghci" at the prompt.

Terminal may be hiding in Applications/Utilities.  Apple clearly
underestimates the value of this application for its users, but you
won't - you're going to be using Terminal a lot, for GHC.  You need
XCode only because GHC needs its compiler and libraries, you won't
use XCode directly yourself just to run examples from the book.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] control-c only caught once -- bug?

2011-10-30 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Brian Johnson ,
> On further thought, there is something sensible here: the RTS might crash
> while trying to exit.  I propose, for POSIX environments, the following
> change to SIGINT handling:
> * SIGINT is transformed into UserInterrupt during normal program execution
> * Once the RTS is committed to exiting, it resets the signal handler for
> SIGINT so that any additional control-c causes an immediate exit

The picture I get from the commentary (below) is that we're talking
about shutting down, one way or another - either "gracefully", or
if that isn't making satisfactory progress, abruptly on the second ^C.
Because the user entered a keyboard interrupt, and the program hasn't
installed a signal handler for it.  If you have your own shutdown
procedure that you want to have happen at that time, then it would
make sense to me to catch this exception for that purpose.

If you want to handle keyboard interrupts, throughout the lifetime
of the program process, then you should handle the signals.

If the SIGINT handler described below is too confusing, then I would
solve that problem by simply removing it.  Programs written in other
languages simply abort on unhandled signals, and I'm a little skeptical
that there's any reliable way to improve on that.  We're just teaching
people to press C twice if it's a Haskell program.


> From
>> "When the interrupt signal is received, the default behaviour of the
>> runtime is to attempt to shut down the Haskell program gracefully. It does
>> this by calling interruptStgRts() in 
>> rts/Schedule.c
>>  (see 
>> Commentary/Rts/Scheduler#ShuttingDown).
>> If a second interrupt signal is received, then we terminate the process
>> immediately; this is just in case the normal shutdown procedure failed or
>> hung for some reason, the user is always able to stop the process with two
>> control-C keystrokes"

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] control-c only caught once -- bug?

2011-10-29 Thread Donn Cave

> The second time I press control-c, it isn't caught -- the program exits
> instead.  Why?

I don't know why.  Same behavior on my platform (Haiku.)

While I imagine someone intimately acquainted with RTS signal handling
might be able to explain it, I think the real problem is that
Control.Exception.Catch isn't a real signal handler.  For example,
your program doesn't catch SIGHUP, or SIGALRM, or probably anything but
SIGINT.  The SIGINT handler looks like more of a quirk of the RTS, than
a feature whose behavior you should depend on in great detail.

I can use System.Posix.Signals.installHandler to catch C (SIGINT)
in a repeatable way, on MacOS X, so that's working as it should.  If you
want it to return control to the user interface, that's going to take
some work - for all I know, there may be some way to hook a signal handler
up with Control.Exception.catch.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance Enum Double considerednotentirelygreat?

2011-09-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Chris Smith ,
> I certainly don't agree that wanting the exact value from a floating
> point type is a reasonable expectation.  The *only* way to recover those
> results is to do the math with the decimal or rational values instead of
> floating point numbers.  You'll get the rounding error from floating
> point regardless of how you do the computation, because the interval
> just isn't really 0.1.  The difference between those numbers is larger
> than 0.1, and when you step by that interval, you won't hit 0.5.

You may have misunderstand - you're right, it isn't reasonable to expect
`exact values' out of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc., in the sense of the values
classically denoted by those terms on paper.  But I believe they do have
specific values of type Double, and it isn't unreasonable to expect the
range to produce those values and not some approximation that may have
been convenient to compute.

I think it's more than reasonable to expect

  [0.1,0.2..0.5] == [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]

and that would make everyone happy, wouldn't it?

If it's expensive to compute, hopefully people won't write code that
makes intensive use of Double range generation.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance Enum Double considered notentirelygreat?

2011-09-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Chris Smith ,
> So that's what this is about: do we think of Float as an approximate
> real number type, or as an exact type with specific values.  If the
> latter, then "of course" you exclude the value that's larger than the
> upper range.  If the former, then using comparison operators like '<'
> implies a proof obligation that the result of the computation remains
> stable (loosely speaking, the function continuous) at that boundary
> despite small rounding error in either direction.  In that case,
> creating a language feature where, in the *normal* case of listing the
> last value you expect in the list, 0.3 (as an approximate real number)
> is excluded from this list just because of technicalities about the
> representation is an un-useful implementation, to say the least, and
> makes it far more difficult to satisfy that proof obligation.

It doesn't appear to me to be a technicality about the representation -
the value we're talking about excluding is not just represented as
greater than 0.3, it is greater than 0.3 when applied in computations.
For example you can subtract 0.3 and get a nonzero value (5.55e-17.)

Isn't the problem here with ranges really that they're computed in a
way that doesn't work for FP?  I mean, when I specify [0.1,0.2..0.5],
I really do mean to include 0.5 among those values, as you surmise -
so I imply a computation that actually produces that value, i.e.,
0.5::Double.  The disappointment with iterative addition is not that
its fifth value [should be] omitted because it's "technically" greater,
it's that range generation via iterative addition does not yield the
values I specified.

In other words, a range is a shorthand expression, where the correct
value is the one that would have resulted from evaluating the corresponding
list of constant expressions.  If we don't know how to generate that
list correctly for Double, then I suppose range shouldn't be supported,
but I thinking I'm seeing hints that we may indeed know how to do this?
(I sure don't! though of course for a specific case it can be easy,
e.g., (map (/ 10.0) [1..5]).)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance Enum Double considered not entirelygreat?

2011-09-26 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Richard O'Keefe" ,

 [ ... re " Why would you write
   an upper bound of 0.3 on a list if you don't expect that to be included
   in the result? " ]

> Because upper bounds are *UPPER BOUNDS* and are NOT as a rule included
> in the result.  If you write [0,2..9] you
>  - DO expect 0 in the result
>  - DON'T expect 9 in the result
>  - would be outraged if 10 were in the result.

Pardon the questions from the gallery, but ... I can sure see that
0.3 shouldn't be included in the result by overshooting the limit
(i.e., 0.30004), and the above expectations about
[0,2..9] are obvious enough, but now I have to ask about [0,2..8] -
would you not expect 8 in the result?  Or is it not an upper bound?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance Enum Double considered not entirelygreat?

2011-09-20 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Chris Smith ,
> As for Enum, if someone were to want a type class to represent an
> enumeration of all the values of a type, then such a thing is reasonable
> to want.  Maybe you can even reasonably wish it were called Enum.  But
> it would be the *wrong* thing to use as a desugaring for list range
> notation.  List ranges are very unlikely to be useful or even meaningful
> for most such enumerations (what is [ Red, Green .. LightPurple]?); and
> conversely, as we've seen in this thread, list ranges *are* useful in
> situations where they are not a suitable way of enumerating all values
> of a type.

It isn't a life or death requirement, but I have dealt with enum values
that are ordered and that could usefully be represented in a range.
Even your example -- given a set of hues, it's sensible to order them
following the spectrum, so [Cyan .. YellowGreen] might represent the
hues in the set that are at all in the green range.

I'm frankly using Enum as an equivalent to C "enum", symbolic integers,
where the range is more or less implicit as by default the integer values
are [0..].  While I (vaguely) understand that Haskell's Enum is different,
the C idiom should at least testify that there's some practical value
in the notion of a range of Enum, or something like it.  Though not
with floating point values, of course.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] efficient chop

2011-09-14 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Ivan Lazar Miljenovic ,

> Why the extra case for go?  The otherwise guard can be part of the
> second case...

I noticed that myself, so I thought "let's see if it's just a matter of
style that comes out the same after compilation ..."

... and after a few minutes fooling around with that, I'm none the wiser.
I could not, within the time allotted, make out what's going on in the
-fvia-C .hc files.  I guess the way to answer questions like this is to
apply the function in question to massive amounts of data and infer the
answer from resulting performance?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with readProcess

2011-08-11 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Charles-Pierre Astolfi ,

> I've found my mistake: I was calling readProcess cmd ["-p -t"] instead
> of readProcess cmd ["-p","-t"]

That would do it.

> Not sure what are the semantics of quotation in this case, though. And
> I'm pretty sure my analysis is wrong because of that :)

The principle isn't complicated. In UNIX, anyway, quotes are for the shell -
   $ cmd a b

is a string interpreted by the shell as a UNIX command (path, [args]).
If an argument contains white space or something it needs to be quoted,
and the shell supports all kinds of ways to do that.  Of course it uses
the quotes, the executed command doesn't see them.

But when a Haskell process function's command takes a list of args, 
we infer that there isn't any shell interpretation, so no quotes.
If you want a shell command, for example because you want a pipeline
or something, then you may invoke the shell yourself, like

 readProcess "/bin/sh" ["-c", "cmd -p -t"]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble with readProcess

2011-08-11 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Charles-Pierre Astolfi ,

> readProcess cmd [opt1,opt2] seems to execute the following:
> $ cmd "opt1" "opt2"
> That is usually fine, but I'm using an external program that doesn't
> understand the quotes, so I need to execute instead:
> $ cmd opt1 opt2
> How should I do that?

I think your analysis is wrong.  I don't know what to suggest,
though if you follow up you probably should mention what platform
you're running on.  Maybe you could devise a simple test program
that illustrates the problem?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] State of play with Haskell-Cocoa (Objective-C)bindings?

2011-07-31 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Luke Evans ,
> I'm planning to start an Objective-C/Cocoa project and would like to
> write it in Haskell as much as possible.
> Of course, I can contrive to split the project into app logic (Haskell)
> and UI (Objective-C) with some sort of minimal interface between them;
> possibly just plain old C FFI.
> However, I would like an interface that's as 'automatic' as possible -
> one that preferably means that I don't have to spend a lot of time
> maintaining a somewhat heavy-weight special interface layer as I grow
> my code on both sides of the divide.
> Preferably the suture line is as far over on the Objective-C side as
> possible, so that I can write pretty much everything in Haskell.
> Now, I see a couple of references to some options:
> - HOC seems very close to what I'm looking for, but the project looks
> pretty 'dormant'.
> - I see some mention of an Objective-C FFI, but am uncertain if this
> is in any current build of GHC.
> Are there any other options up anyone's sleeves?  Anybody working on
> something interesting I could play with?

You've probably seen this already and it didn't qualify as
"something interesting", but
still works as of MacOS 10.6 and GHC 7.0.3.  No extra libraries or
tools needed - you just wrangle your Haskell .o files and all the
attendant Haskell libraries into the Xcode project, give Interface
Builder Objective C stubs to work with, and call out to Haskell
with C FFI.  I have done only one program this way, with a very simple 
interface, not enough to have any real idea how painful it's going to be.
(Actually it didn't work with -threaded, and because GHC doesn't do
the linking I couldn't figure out how to exercise the new option to
allow +RTS options, but it seems to be fine without -threaded.)

> Until recently, I was concerned about being able to use GC on the
> Objective-C side, but with Apple's new ARC memory management model,
> that's no longer an issue. 
> Most Haskell-ObjC bindings that already exist are surely designed
> for Retain-Release, which I assume is not disrupted by ARC as this
> is just RR at runtime.

I don't know - I'm using standard (C) FFI out of the box, and both
languages must support foreign C libraries that manage their own
memory, so I perhaps erroneously have not been worrying about it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack space overflow in HaskellNet

2011-07-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Manfred Lotz ,

> In the end the only thing I need is to get the full message because I
> want to feed bogofilter to learn that a message is ham or spam.
> For the time being I decided to write my own program to fetch the data
> because it is a good exercise for a Haskell beginner as I am.

Sure, for a very limited case where you don't have to support any
options at all, it's as easy as you want it to be.  All the responses
are one line only and only one to a line, so you can read line by line
(and then switch to block read after a line that ends with {count}.)

The way I understand it, though, you do not need the full message,
you would be better off with the first part only.  The following
parts in a multipart/mixed message will just be reams of byte64
encoded nonsense for bogofilter's purposes, true?  If you fetch
"BODY[1]", you may once in a while get more than you need - both
text and HTML versions of a multipart/alternative sub-part - but
that won't happen often.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack space overflow in HaskellNet

2011-07-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Manfred Lotz ,
> The problem seems to lie in the HaskellNet package. If for example I
> only fetch a specific message 
>m <- fetch con 2092
> having a size of some 1.2m then I get the same stack overflow.
> If at runtime I specify +RTS -K40M -RTS it works but takes over 40
> seconds to fetch the message. 

That's not so good, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a natural parsing
problem, I mean it's just a lot of data to run through a Haskell parser.

IMAP does give you the means to mitigate the problem - the big data
transfer in a FETCH response is preceded by a byte count - but to really
take advantage of that, how far do you go?  I don't have much experience
with general purpose parsers, do they often support an efficient counted
string read?  Is it OK to return String, or do we need a more efficient
type (e.g., ByteString?)  Is it OK to return any kind of string value -
given that a message part could be arbitrarily long (and needs to be
decoded), do you go to a lot of trouble to support large message parts
but not extremely large ones?

For me, the answer is for the parser to bail out, reporting the counted
input as a count but leaving it to the application to actually effect
the data transfer and return to finish the parse.  That's only moderately
complicated, but it's part of a general philosophy about application
driven I/O vs. protocol parsing that seems to be mine alone.

I have no idea how much could be done to tighten up HaskellNet.IMAP.
Someone who understands it well enough might be able to get a miraculous
improvement with a strictness annotation or something.  Maybe you
could track that down with profiling.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XCode Dependency for HP on Mac - old XCodeversions

2011-07-27 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Clive Brettingham-Moore ,

>> To get XCode on my 10.6 machine, I...
> I had quite a hunt recently to find the most recent XCode for my
> not-so-recent mac... so I'll share what I found:

Were you able to look on your install CD?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack space overflow in HaskellNet

2011-07-26 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Manfred Lotz ,
> I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. Stack overflow comes
> from this:
> forM_ msgs (\x -> fetch con x >>= print)
> If I change it to:
> mapM_  (\x -> fetch con x >>= print) msgs
> there is the same stack overflow.

I didn't understand that myself, but neither do I know what might
be wrong.  One thing to consider is that email messages can be very
large.  Looking at messages received in the last 10 days I see I
have one that exceeds your reported stack size, and that isn't
counting the extra space required for text representation of non
printing characters etc.  There may be messages that you simply
can't "print".

The HaskellNet IMAP "fetch" is actually FETCH ... BODY[], i.e.,
the whole contents of the message.  Normal practice for giant data
files is to send them as part of a MIME multipart/mixed message,
and something like the above can proceed with a reasonable chance
of success if it avoids these attachments by fetching BODY[1]
(or BODY[1.1], etc. depending on actual structure.)  I just fetched
the 10Mb message I mentioned above to check the structure, and it
happened in the blink of an eye - BODY[1] is smaller than the header.

I don't see any support for fetch by part, you might have to hack
that up yourself.  You may ideally also want to fetch BODYSTRUCTURE,
but practically I might go out on a limb and predict that you won't
run into messages where the first part is a multipart/mixed with a
large attachment - so if the object is just a survivable first part,
you could live without BODYSTRUCTURE analysis and optimistically
ask for BODY[1].

Moving on to practical use of email via IMAP, you'd also want to
be able to fetch and decode the attachments.  At this point, it's
interesting to return to the question of space requirements.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] partial inheritance

2011-07-18 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth "Richard O'Keefe" ,
[ ... re Werner Kuhn "An Image-Schematic Account of Spatial Categories" ... ]

> class BUILDING building where
> class BUILDING house => HOUSE house where
> any instance of HOUSE *will* have in its interface everything that
> any instance of BUILDING will.

But ... for those who might be overly influenced by a superficial
similarity to OOP here ... the idea that the above relationship
makes House a subclass of Building isn't really a natural way to
look at it.  It's true that a House instance will also "have
in its interface everything that any instance of Building will",
but only because the programmer is constrained to do that.  To
consider the whole outline: 

  class Building building where
... specify the behavior of buildings here, if any
  class Building house => House house where
... specify additional behavior of houses here, if any
  data Shed = Shed "shed"
  instance Building Shed where
... define Building functions for Shed
  instance House Shed where
... define House functions for Shed

The Building => House constraint doesn't add anything, it just
checks that each instance of House also is an instance of Building.
If you omit this constraint, everything will work the same - even
the constraint will still be there, implicitly, albeit not at the
same level.  To me, it's somewhat misleading to use words like
"inheritance" and "subclass" for the relationship between Building
and House, unless there's some feature of the system I missed.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why aren't files flushed at exit?

2011-07-17 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Felipe Almeida Lessa ,
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Paul Johnson  wrote:
>> If you open a file for writing and then exit with output unflushed, then
>> Haskell does not flush the file for you.  In ghci the program seems to work,
>> but then when you compile it in ghc it mysteriously fails.
>> I've just been bitten by this, but when I went to the bug tracker I found
>> ticket 4119, which describes
>> this behaviour and was resolved as "invalid".  So presumably this behaviour
>> is by design.
>> Given that most environments get this right, why doesn't Haskell?
> If you are asking why finalizers are not guaranteed to run, I don't
> really know the answer for sure.
> But if you are asking why that bug was marked invalid, then that's
> because it's good practice anyway to know the lifetime of you handles,
> specially since they are a scarce resource.  If you need a handle for
> the whole lifetime of your program, use withFile on the main function.
>  If you don't need it for the whole lifetime, then you already should
> be careful about not leaving it opened.  If your program is a
> long-running process, maybe you should also hFlush at some points to
> minimize damage on hardware failures and system reboots.

The use of withFile on the main function is a good practice in Haskell
only because of this defect in the GHC library implementation.

There's no question, if there were two competing Haskell library
implementations, GHC and one that worked like buffered I/O in other
languages, which one would better support Haskell programmers.
It's too bad that doesn't qualify it as "valid" bug.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FFI for a beginner

2011-07-14 Thread Donn Cave
>> The docs 
>> say that -#include pragmas no longer work, but fail to explain how to
>> load code without them. Suffice to say I have no recourse but trial
>> and error."
> Ah, now that is a GHC documentation question.  Can you tell us what
> should the docs should say instead?  Then we can fix the docs.

- I believe I would say (agreeing with M Parès) that hsc2hs serves this
purpose - put "#include " in the .hsc file and use hsc2hs 
features like #const and (#peek x, y).  The termios example could
cover a lot more ground by operating on the termios struct and calling
tcsetattr directly from Haskell, using hsc2hs # macros (I append an
example implementation), but you'd also want to explain that hsc2hs
is only needed for these # macros, not for FFI in general.

But hsc2hs as of GHC 7.0.3 generates a "{-# INCLUDE" pragma, which
of course is cause for complaint from ghc.  So there might be more
to be fixed, beyond just the documentation.  That line probably has
no actual purpose other than to annoy ghc, and as a workaround it
can simply be removed from the .hs file.

- My impression is that Greencard isn't the best way to get started
with FFI and hasn't been for a decade or so, so it should probably
be purged from docs.

- The "root" page needs some attention from someone who understands
what "safe" and "unsafe" mean.  Currently (under "Improving efficiency")
it cites the conventional interpretation that a function must be "safe"
if it calls back into the runtime, but neglects to mention that it
must also be "safe" if it is not to block execution of other threads,
including bound OS threads - so related to efficiency issues you
might want to make any slow I/O operation "safe" to avoid this.
There may be other points about "unsafe" that need to be documented.


{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module TTY (clearICANON) where
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C


type TCFlag = (#type tcflag_t)
type Speed = (#type speed_t)

data Termios = Termios {
  termios_c_iflag :: TCFlag
, termios_c_oflag :: TCFlag
, termios_c_cflag :: TCFlag
, termios_c_lflag :: TCFlag
, termios_c_cc :: [CChar]
, termios_c_ispeed :: Speed
, termios_c_ospeed :: Speed
deriving Show

instance Storable Termios where
sizeOf _ = #size struct termios
alignment _ = alignment (undefined::CDouble)
peek a = do
iflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_iflag) a
oflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_oflag) a
cflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_cflag) a
lflag <- (#peek struct termios, c_lflag) a
cc <- peekArray 20 ((#ptr struct termios, c_cc) a)
ispeed <- (#peek struct termios, c_ispeed) a
ospeed <- (#peek struct termios, c_ospeed) a
return (Termios iflag oflag cflag lflag cc ispeed ospeed)
poke a (Termios iflag oflag cflag lflag cc ispeed ospeed) = do
(#poke struct termios, c_iflag) a iflag
(#poke struct termios, c_oflag) a oflag
(#poke struct termios, c_cflag) a cflag
(#poke struct termios, c_lflag) a lflag
pokeArray ((#ptr struct termios, c_cc) a) (take 20 (cc ++ repeat 0))
(#poke struct termios, c_ispeed) a ispeed
(#poke struct termios, c_ospeed) a ospeed

foreign import ccall "tcgetattr" tcgetattr
:: CInt -> Ptr Termios -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "tcsetattr" tcsetattr
:: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr Termios -> IO CInt

setLFlag :: TCFlag -> Termios -> Termios
setLFlag c a = a { termios_c_lflag = ((termios_c_lflag a) .|. c) }
clearLFlag :: TCFlag -> Termios -> Termios
clearLFlag c a = a { termios_c_lflag = ((termios_c_lflag a) .&. (complement c)) 

setTTYAttr :: CInt -> (Termios -> Termios) -> IO ()
setTTYAttr fd fn = alloca $ \ termiosp -> do
status <- tcgetattr fd termiosp
if status == 0
then do
termios <- peek termiosp
poke termiosp (fn termios)
status <- tcsetattr fd (#const TCSAFLUSH) termiosp
if status == 0
then return ()
else throwErrno "tcgetattr"
else throwErrno "tcgetattr"

clearICANON = setTTYAttr 0 (clearLFlag (#const ICANON))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] how to change a process name

2011-07-07 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Kazu Yamamoto (=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCOzNLXE9CSScbKEI=?=) ,

> I would like to know how to change a process name in Haskell. When we
> are programming in C, we can change it by overriding argv on Unix.
> But I cannot find the same way to do in Haskell. Can anyone suggest
> how in Haskell? I'm not talking about the result of
> System.Environment.getProgName but talking about the process name
> which we can see by the "ps" command.

If you mean, while the program is running - I don't agree that we can
change it by overriding argv on UNIX.  This might work on some specific
operating systems, but not on all of them.  I believe POSIX does not
specify any way to do this, and in fact there is no reasonably portable
way to do it.  That's probably why Haskell doesn't support it.

Now, if you mean argv[0] in execve(2), through which the caller
determines the name for the new process ... I can't explain why
Haskell's System.Posix.Process.executeFile doesn't support that,
it looks like gratuitous breakage to me.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to ensure code executes in the context ofaspecific OS thread?

2011-07-06 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Brandon Allbery ,
> I don't know about the general case, but OS X does treat the main
> thread specially here; the (native, not X11) framework sets up the
> connection to Core Graphics in the main thread before invoking the
> main program, so you can't make whatever it is (thread local storage
> seems likely) happen in a different thread.

For one general case, C++ static constructors run prior to main(),
so any thread dependency introduced by a static C++ object would
target the initial program thread.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to ensure code executes in the context of aspecific OS thread?

2011-07-06 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth =?ISO-8859-1?Q?G=E1bor_Lehel?= ,
> Stated another way: I suspect most GUI libraries don't really actually
> care that you only execute GUI code from the main OS thread, as much
> as they care that only one (thread-unsafe) GUI function is being
> called at any given time. If you only ever call GUI code from the same
> (main) OS thread, that fulfills this requirement, because an OS thread
> is only capable of running one library function at a time;
> alternately, if you only ever call GUI code from the same Haskell
> thread, that also fulfills this requirement, because one Haskell
> thread is also only capable of running one library function at a time,

I thought in the present case, the program now works when compiled,
but fails when run in GHCi, and we believe that the only difference
here is that GHCi took the main thread and put the program, and hence
the GUI, in some other thread?

I.e., your requirement is indeed met, per the second alternative,
but the program still fails, because this library really does need
to execute in the initial "main" program thread.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to ensure code executes in the context of aspecific OS thread?

2011-07-06 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Jason Dagit ,
> Yes.  From my perspective (that of a library writer) that's what makes
> this tricky in GHCi.  I need GHCi's cooperation.  From GHCi's
> perspective it's tricky too.

It seems to me that ideally, GHCi would do its thing in a child
thread, like the extra runtime threads, and let the program
execute in the main thread, as in a compiled program.  I mean,
ideal from the point of view of supporting the general case of
library functions that care what the main thread is doing.

I'm not saying that's possible - have no idea - but just that
where you're dealing with a possibly unconscious and probably
poorly documented expectation like that, it's better to not
break it in the first place, than to have to try to patch it
up at run time.  I have been wondering while reading this thread
if my Haiku API functions are subject to this restriction -
there is an application object that normally runs in main() -
but while that would be easy to verify empirically, it wouldn't
really tell me what I need to know.  A subsequent OS release
could easily introduce some thread sensitivity, and I guess if
my Haskell programs must run from a child thread under certain
circumstances, even if I could make them work I would have to
consider that success temporary and provisional.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Replacing stdin from within Haskell

2011-06-09 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Erik Hesselink ,
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 13:40, Neil Davies  
> wrote:
>> Anyone out there got an elegant solution to being able to fork a haskell 
>> thread and replace its 'stdin' ?
> If you don't mind being tied to GHC you can use hDuplicateTo from
> GHC.IO.Handle [1]. You can also use dupTo from the unix package [2],
> but that ties you to unix-like platforms instead.

>From reading about it, I would expect hDuplicate to to close and
replace the input file descriptor for _all_ threads.

Processes are of course the elegant way to separate effects like this.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OK! I have a Mac with Snow Leopard 10.6.7

2011-06-05 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth KC ,

> ... Xcode3.2.6, Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.1
> What are 2or 3 ways so far to get a GUI & graphics?

... if you don't mind that there will be some Objective C involved.

I have written only a very minor application this way, that connects
to my IMAP service, retrieves a message by index and part, and displays
it in a text window.  The network connection and computation is Haskell,
so in this case only the absolute minimal Objective C.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to install GhC on a Mac without registering?

2011-06-05 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Chris Smith ,

> That's interesting... whatever the reason, though, I concur that using
> Haskell seems much easier on Linux and Windows.  I had to abandon a plan
> to introduce Haskell in a class I taught this past semester because of
> issues with getting it installed on the Macintosh laptops that some of
> the students had.  It's very unfortunate that Haskell on Mac requires
> software which can neither be bundled in the install kit nor downloaded
> freely from elsewhere.
> The part of this that is actually needed is the GCC build system, right?
> Can't that be bundled on its own in a freely downloadable location?
> Spoken as a non Mac user...

Exactly.  If you don't use MacOS, let alone develop on it, I guess
it's possible that this looks like an formidable obstacle, but then
wouldn't that pose some limits to how much you're going to be able
to enjoy GHC anyway?

I might be missing something here, since I have never really gotten
into the Darwin ports thing, but it seems to me like the "real" issues
confronting Haskell developers on MacOS have to do with access to the
Cocoa etc. APIs, and in view of that it seems possibly sort of suicidal
to provide an install option that more or less guarantees that no solution
to that problem will work (because the free gcc package won't include


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to install GhC on a Mac without registering?

2011-06-03 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Daniel Peebles ,
> I thought Apple had stopped bundling the dev tools with installation DVDs?

Do you have an install DVD with no Xcode on it?  I have it on a
10.6 DVD, when would this have happened (or stopped happening)?

Quoth Nathan Howell ,

> XCode 4 is for sale in the App Store for $5. You do need an account, but not
> a developer account... so it may be a bit more palatable.

But you don't need Xcode 4, do you?  The Xcode 3 that comes with
the install DVD will work fine!

The text on the GHC download page should provide abundant clues to
the process and requirements.  I think it makes sense to believe
what the port maintainer says there, for starters anyway.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell + Mac + GUIs & graphics

2011-05-18 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth wren ng thornton ,
> But yes, the mere process of making bindings isn't especially 
> cumbersome. Anyone interested in prior art should take a look at the 
> Perl--ObjectiveC bridgework, CamelBones:

Note (again) that there's already some work in this area,

My recollection from trying it several years ago was that there
must indeed have been something especially cumbersome about it,
given the prodigiously long time it would take to build an
application, but it could be better now.

In any case, I don't think it would be a crime to try a fresh start.
With good Haskell-like high-level bindings, or not.  If I were to
work on it (as I was somewhat inspired to think about after reading
Jason Dagit's comments), it would be the thinnest possible layer,
with names unchanged and semantics preserved as possible.  High
level bindings can be applied on top of that, as required.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell + Mac + GUIs & graphics

2011-05-18 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jurri=EBn_Stutterheim?= ,
> So here's my (perhaps slightly provoking) question: do we need to
> care at all about good GUI toolkits being available? Web applications,
> especially with an HTML 5 front-end, have become increasingly more
> powerful. If we can also find a good, standardized way to generate
> JS from our Haskell code, we're pretty much all set.

That isn't so controversial - do we need to care about good GUI
toolkits being available?  Evidently not, we can say that from the
fact that we're still looking for GUI support on the Mac in 2011.

The Web application idea might be a useful workaround for some,
like X11 may be acceptable for others, but these could be thought
of as exceptions that prove the rule.  If that's enough to solve
the problem, then there would appear to be little call for Mac GUI

My only Haskell application on my ancient PPC Mac uses the terminal,
but long ago I tried a Haskell Cocoa library, HOC, that would have
supported native graphics, if it had worked for me.  Has anyone
taken that route with an application?  I have been using native
API graphics on another more obscure platform (Haiku), of course not
portable but much easier to get working than the gigantic cross
platform GUI toolkits, and maybe that would address the chicken
vs egg problem that helps make Mac GUI apps a non-issue for Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question on a common pattern

2011-03-15 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Tillmann Rendel ,
> Where-clauses can only be used on equations, not on expressions or 
> statements, so you would need to float the where clause outwards:

So ... not to put too fine a point on it, but ... as useful as
function notation could be for the present purposes, you seem to
agree that because of syntax limits, "where" isn't an answer to
the problem.  Recalling that we were talking about a common pattern

   v <- fx
   case v of ...
   ... (where v never appears again)

Where a Haskell programmer's reflex seems to call for  fx >>= case ...,
or from the old thread mentioned earlier, a lambda with multiple
definitions -

   fx >>= \ Opt1 -> ...
Opt2 -> ...

Donn Cave,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Question on a common pattern

2011-03-15 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Achim Schneider ,
> I use 
> someIO >>= f where
>   f Opt1 = ...
> If it's a common pattern, you can even do
> opts f _ _ (Opt1 x) = f x
> opts _ g _ (Opt2 x) = g x
> opts _ _ h (Opt3 x) = h x
> . Functions are easier to mess around with than case expressions.

I like this ... or, I would like it, if I could make it work!

I get "The last statement in a 'do' construct must be an expression",
if I don't drag the `where' clause down to the end of the `do' block
around `someIO', which of course is what we're trying to avoid with
the case expression.  I must have missed a trick with the layout?

Donn Cave,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to daemonize a threaded Haskell program?

2011-03-05 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Bas van Dijk ,
> I understand why it's problematic to fork a process which is in the
> middle of running multiple simultaneous threads. However, in the case
> of a daemon the fork happens in the beginning of the program. So if I
> can manage to create a program that first daemonizes my process then
> starts the Haskell program, all is good.

type ProcessID = CInt
type Fd = CInt

foreign import ccall "fork" c_fork :: IO CInt
foreign import ccall "_exit" _exit :: CInt -> IO ()

fork :: IO Int -> IO ProcessID
fork fn = do
pid <- c_fork
if pid == 0
then do
fn >>= _exit . fromIntegral
return 0 -- unused, I reckon
else if pid > 0
then return pid
else throwErrno "fork"

System.PosixProcess (exitImmediately) is supposed to be "_exit".

I would not care to hazard a guess as to whether this will work
reliably for you.

If you figure out how to use your own custom C main() function,
I'd be interested to know.  I use separate C programs that
exec my Haskell programs.  My current GHC can't compile -via-C,
but if you can compile a minimal "main" module to C that way,
it probably calls hs_main() or something like that?  and you
could add your own xx_main() to the stack.

Donn Cave,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why is there no "splitSeperator" function inData.List

2011-02-14 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Peter Simons ,
> having a dictator is not a necessary prerequisite for the ability to
> make decisions. It's quite possible to decide controversial matters
> without a dictator -- say, by letting people vote.

The problem might be slightly miscast here, as an inability to reach
a decision in the face of controversy, and overall I don't think you
could make much of a case that Python's development is noticeably
more decisive.  If you really have 8 candidates for the semantics
of separator-split, then even if everyone can bring themselves to
agree on one, it's still just one, out of 8 missing functions, and
it's fairly understandable that this might not be very appealing.

Python also
  - is different in that function semantics can be conveniently overloaded
(I forgot the "count" parameter, I often want that one - split at the
first (n - 1) locations and leave the remainder intact)
  - is different as a general matter of style and niche
  - doesn't have our division between String and ByteString
  - makes it harder and more expensive to implement string.split()

Anyway, before it gets to the point where the crowds are camping in
the city square and demanding a vote, it might be interesting to see
where the code comes down on the matter, so I looked at the hackage
source I already happen to have at hand, a measly 252 Haskell source

I found one (1) separator-split implementation.  I was surprised
at so few, as I've done it myself several times, so maybe I happen
to have an unrepresentative sample?


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