[Haskell-cafe] Split package organization (AntTweakBar, Cabal, darcs)

2009-08-04 Thread Gregory D. Weber
I'm working on a Haskell binding for AntTweakBar,
a light user interface for OpenGL applications

I have three questions about how to organize it as a
Haskell package or packages, Cabal, and darcs.

First, since AntTweakBar provides support for handling
events from GLUT, GLFW, and SDL, as well as customizable
event handling from other sources, would it be best to
divide it into four packages -- AntTweakBar (core),
AntTweakBar-GLUT, AntTweakBar-GLFW, and AntTweakBar-SDL?
A few other "package groups" on Hackage have taken this
approach of splitting according to the user interface:
for example, grapefruit-ui-gtk, reactive-glut,
though not on such a large scale as I am proposing.

Advantages of four packages rather than one:
-- Fewer build dependencies, for example, for users who want to use
   just SDL and not have to install GLUT or GLFW.
-- If one of the build dependencies is broken (as for example GLFW
   is just at the moment with the latest OpenGL), users could still
   build the other AntTweakBar-* packages.

-- More packages to install, for those who want it all.
-- I might seem to be grabbing an undue share of the package namespace.
   And it could get way out of hand if I further split the examples
   from the library, making 
   AntTweakBar-(base|GLUT|GLFW|SDL)-(lib|examples) = 8 packages!
   Would that be a problem?  
-- Possible inconvenience for the developer (see second question).

Second question, assuming the four-way split is the best way to
package this: my impression is that a directory can have only one
cabal package file and one Setup.hs file.  
"Creating a Package")
So for example I could not have,
in the same directory, AntTweakBar.cabal, AntTweakBar-GLUT.cabal, etc.
That means the four packages would each have to have their own
directories, and it is sometimes inconvenient to be jumping 
back and forth between them.  Any good way around that?

Third question, assuming four separate directories for the four
Cabal package files.  Putting all four into one darcs repo
(i.e., the darcs repo would have one main directory and
a subdirectory for each package) seems to make it easier to coordinate
development of the related packages -- 
for example, a single 'darcs rec -a' takes
care of recording the related changes in all four subdirectories.
Any reason not to do it that way?

   ___   ___  __ _  
  / _ \ / _ \| || | Gregory D. Weber, Associate Professor
 / /_\// / | | | /\ | | Indiana University East
/ /_\\/ /__| | |/  \| | http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/
\/\_/\___/\__/  Tel. (765) 973-8420; FAX (765) 973-8550
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Cal3D animation library

2009-06-27 Thread Gregory D. Weber
The Cal3D for Haskell project provides a partial binding to the C++ Cal3D 
animation library.  The project homepage is


There are three packages available on hackage:

* cal3d-0.1 is a Haskell binding to the Cal3D library itself.

* cal3d-opengl-0.1 adds a few functions for using Cal3D with OpenGL.

* cal3d-examples-0.1 provides a simple example based on the Cally Demo.

Cal3D is a C++ library for skeletal-based character animation. 
It is platform-independent and independent of any particular
graphics API.  In fact, it does not actually render the animation,
but provides hooks that the graphics API (such as OpenGL) can use
to do the actual drawing. (As far as I know, though, the only 
graphics API available for Haskell is OpenGL.)

For more information about the (C++) Cal3D library, please see

* Cal3D FAQ:


* Cal3D Homepage:


   ___   ___  __ _  
  / _ \ / _ \| || | Gregory D. Weber, Associate Professor
 / /_\// / | | | /\ | | Indiana University East
/ /_\\/ /__| | |/  \| | http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/
\/\_/\___/\__/  Tel. (765) 973-8420; FAX (765) 973-8550
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Multi-module scripts

2009-06-26 Thread Gregory D. Weber
As long as OtherModule is in the same directory, Main should have no
trouble finding it.  

Do you mean like this?

$ ls
Greet.hs  hello*

$ cat hello
#!/usr/bin/env runghc

module Main where
import Greet

main = putStrLn (greet "world")
$ cat Greet.hs 
module Greet (greet) where

greet :: String -> String
greet s = "hello " ++ s

$ ./hello
hello world


On 2009-Jun-26, Maurí­cio wrote:
> Is it possible to write a Haskell script that
> uses a module that is also going to be interpreted?
> Like, say:
> #!/usr/bin/runhaskell
> module Main (main) where
> import OtherModule
> main = (...)
> where OtherModule is available in, say, OtherModule.hs
> and not in the already compiled and installed  library?
> Thanks,
> Maurício
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
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   ___   ___  __ _  
  / _ \ / _ \| || | Gregory D. Weber, Associate Professor
 / /_\// / | | | /\ | | Indiana University East
/ /_\\/ /__| | |/  \| | http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/
\/\_/\___/\__/  Tel. (765) 973-8420; FAX (765) 973-8550
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Linkage errors in scenegraph

2009-06-03 Thread Gregory D. Weber
Thank you very much.  Adding these lines to scenegraph.cabal makes it work:

other-modules: Graphics.SceneGraph.Matrix

I've contacted the author, who seems willing to fix the "official" package
-- although he'd like to find someone else to maintain it.


On 2009-May-17, Sven Panne wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 17. Mai 2009 01:07:55 schrieb Gregory D. Weber:
> > I'd like to get the scenegraph package
> > (http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/scenegraph)
> > to work, but am encountering linkage errors.
> > [...]
> > Also, I notice that in the cabal file for scenegraph, the
> > list of exposed modules
> >
> > Exposed-Modules: Graphics.SceneGraph,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.Basic,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.Vector,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.Render,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.SimpleViewport,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.GraphViz,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.Library,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.Dump,
> > Graphics.SceneGraph.Textures
> >
> > does not include Graphics.SceneGraph.Matrix, but that should only mean
> > that I can't call functions of that module directly -- not that the
> > other SceneGraph modules can't call them -- right? [...]
> That basically means that the scenegraph package is broken. ;-) Internal 
> modules have to be listed in "other-modules:", a section the Cabal file 
> doesn't contain. As a quick fix, you can add all missing modules in this 
> section, but this should of course be fixed in the official package, too.
> http://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/cabal-latest/doc/users-
> guide/authors.html#buildinfo
> Cheers,

   ___   ___  __ _  
  / _ \ / _ \| || | Gregory D. Weber, Associate Professor
 / /_\// / | | | /\ | | Indiana University East
/ /_\\/ /__| | |/  \| | http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/
\/\_/\___/\__/  Tel. (765) 973-8420; FAX (765) 973-8550
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Linkage errors in scenegraph

2009-05-16 Thread Gregory D. Weber
I'd like to get the scenegraph package
to work, but am encountering linkage errors.

I installed scenegraph for ghc-6.10.1 on Fedora 10 Linux.
# runghc Setup configure --prefix=/opt
# runghc Setup build
# runghc Setup install

Then I created this little program based on the example at
(in file SGTest.hs):

module Main where

import Graphics.SceneGraph
import Control.Monad.Identity

main :: IO ()
main = runScene $ osgt $ myScene

myScene :: OSGT Identity SceneNode
myScene = 
  cube 0.5 `colour` Green
   `scale` v1x 40
   `translate` vy 2
  <+> camera `translate` vy (-10)
  <+> light `translate` vz 10

Then I compiled it and got a long list of linker errors;
here are the first few lines:

ghc --make SGTest
Linking SGTest ...
In function `sdE1_info':
(.text+0x8d): undefined reference to 
In function `scenegraphzm0zi1zi0zi1_GraphicsziSceneGraphziBasic_translate_srt':
(.data+0x0): undefined reference to 
In function `sdDq_info':
(.text+0x7e): undefined reference to 
In function `scenegraphzm0zi1zi0zi1_GraphicsziSceneGraphziBasic_scale_srt':
(.data+0x0): undefined reference to 
 undefined reference to 

Also with this command, same result but a lot more detail:
ghc --make -v -package scenegraph SGTest

With -v, the output includes

gcc -v -o SGTest -DDONT_WANT_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT SGTest.o 
   -lgsl -llapack -lHSstorable-complex-0.2 -lHSQuickCheck- 

which seems to show that the proper -L and -l options are included.

If I'm decoding the first "undefined reference" symbol --

(.text+0x8d): undefined reference to 

-- correctly, then the missing symbol is in the scenegraph- package,
in module Graphics.SceneGraph.Matrix, and is associated with the translateM
function defined in that module.

I looked for this symbol with nm:

# pwd
# nm HSscenegraph- | grep translateM
 U scenegraphzm0zi1zi0zi1_GraphicsziSceneGraphziMatrix_translateM_info
# nm libHSscenegraph- | grep translateM
 U scenegraphzm0zi1zi0zi1_GraphicsziSceneGraphziMatrix_translateM_info

but I understand the "U" means that it is referenced by some other
function in these files, but is undefined in them.

Since the module Graphics.SceneGraph.Matrix does not declare any exports,
I thought that might be the reason the symbol was undefined.  But
looking back at the Haskell 98 language definition, I found that
the absence of an export declaration in a module means that
all the symbols of the module are exported.

Also, I notice that in the cabal file for scenegraph, the 
list of exposed modules

Exposed-Modules: Graphics.SceneGraph,

does not include Graphics.SceneGraph.Matrix, but that should only mean
that I can't call functions of that module directly -- not that the
other SceneGraph modules can't call them -- right?

So, why is this symbol undefined?  And how can I get it to work?

Oh by the way: I can actually use this package if I move into its
src directory, add a main function to Examples.hs, and compile
and run it right there.  Just can't use it as an installed library,
it seems.

   ___   ___  __ _  
  / _ \ / _ \| || | Gregory D. Weber, Associate Professor
 / /_\// / | | | /\ | | Indiana University East
/ /_\\/ /__| | |/