Re: [Haskell-cafe] Big Arrays

2010-10-06 Thread Hemanth Kapila
Thanks for the response.
 That sounds sequence comparison seems very impressive

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Ketil Malde wrote:

 Hemanth Kapila writes:

  Let us say, we are using a bit-array of size 2^43 (that is, a byte array
  size 2^40) to store a bloom filter. And let us further assume that we are
  interested in a false-positive probability of 0.01

 Since we are just making up numbers, let us instead say we are using a
 bit array of size 2^32 - still too large for Int indexing (which was the
 issue here) but only 500MB in size.

  That means, I will be able to use this array to represent  a set of
  cardinality 9.18e11 ~ 10^12

 ...bringing it down to less than 10^9, easily reached for building an
 indexing of k-words (tuples) in e.g. the human genome (3GB).

 But: I'm about to start analyzing Illumina sequencing data, where we have
 sequences from two individuals of the same species.  I'm interesting in
 the differences between these species, so I might want to index both
 data sets and screen the sequences of each against the other to identify
 bits that don't appear in the other.  Since I'll have easily tens, maybe
 a hundred gigabytes of sequence from each, it's not impossible to get
 into the territory you describe.

 (In practice, things will be limited by available RAM, sadly still some
 orders of magnitude less than 2^40 - although apparently SGI can deliver
 it. I guess I just need a bigger budget.)

  I was curious to know what sort of programs would be dealing with sets of
  10^12 elements.

 Most likely a program using mutation, and probably not copying,
 multi-generation GC.

 Other data sets that have considerable size are acoustics data (I
 understand a modern sonar deliver about a Gbit/sec continously), and
 seismic data.

 Also, for more moderate bodies of data and more complex analysis, you
 might want to use less frugal data structure, like suffix arrays.

 If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy evaluation from Why Functional programming matters

2010-10-05 Thread Hemanth Kapila

Let us try to rewrite the code in a more java-esque syntax:

It translates to something like the below generic method. Correct?

static T T function(IBoundsCheckT within, DeltaT eps,  IteratorT
iterator, T initValue){
  T currVal = initVal;
T nextVal =;
 if(within.verify(delta, eps, currVal, nextVal))
  return currVal;
 currVal = nextVal

I have not tested it but I think this is a fair translation of the code.
 (For instance, by using an appropriate implementation of IBoundsCheck, I
will be able to implement the 'relativeSqrt' functionality of the example).

But this IS still a lazy evaluation. By passing an iterator instead of a
list as the third argument of the static method, I achieved 'laziness'.

In the example, the laziness is in the way we are iterating over the
sequence of values [a0,f(a0), f(f(a0)),...] and so on and not on when the
runtime evaluates appropriate values.

Just that having to write,

(repeat (next N) a0)

is (take 1000 (repeat 1)) times more intuitive and convenient than having to
implement the Iterator for T or implementing a true-while loop.

/Hemanth K

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 4:50 PM, C K Kashyap wrote:

 Hi All,

 I was going through the paper's lazy evaluation section where the
 square root example is given. It occurred to me that one could
 implement it in a modular way with just higher order functions
 (without the need for lazy evaluation that is).

 function f (within, eps, next, a0){
if(within(a0,a1,eps)return a0;

 Is this not the case?

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy evaluation from Why Functional programming matters

2010-10-05 Thread Hemanth Kapila

 I see ... I think I understand now.
 hmmm ... I am little disappointed though - does that mean that all
 the laziness cool stuffs can actually be done using
 As in, but for the inconvenient syntax, you can do it all in - say java?

Yes. It would slightly easier in, say,  C# or C++.
I think 'D' achieves its implementation of the 'lazy' keyword using a
similar approach.

But I did not understand why you are disappointed ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Big Arrays

2010-10-05 Thread Hemanth Kapila
Thanks Ketil.
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:36 AM, Ketil Malde wrote:

  Just out of curiosity, may I know a use case of such huge arrays?

 Bloom filters?

 Am probably dense - I still did not get an idea of where would one use such
a big array.

Let us say, we are using a bit-array of size 2^43 (that is, a byte array of
size 2^40) to store a bloom filter. And let us further assume that we are
interested in a false-positive probability of 0.01

That means, I will be able to use this array to represent  a set of
cardinality 9.18e11 ~ 10^12

I was curious to know what sort of programs would be dealing with sets of
10^12 elements.
Am mainly curious about how one would decide that bloom filters are the best
algorithm when dealing with this amount of data.What factors do we consider
when deciding the algorithm or the data structure?  The impact on GC would
be taken into account, for example (am guessing there would be at least one
copy from a younger generation to a permanent generation)?

/Hemanth K
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Big Arrays

2010-10-04 Thread Hemanth Kapila
Just out of curiosity, may I know a use case of such huge arrays?
At such sizes, I thought, the array would not have the expected array
properties (constant access time) due to thrashing.

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[Haskell-cafe] Embedded scripting Language for haskell app

2010-08-17 Thread Hemanth Kapila

Can some one please give me a suggestion on the best choice for an embedded
scripting Language for a haskell application?
I mean, something like guile/lua for c/c++ and groovy/jruby for java.

For quite some time, I've been using a lisp-like interpreter that I
implemented myself. But this is not going too well - going by this road, I
suspect I will end up with a mule. I am looking for a pony (a declarative
programming language). I am okay with a donkey too.

baskell[1] seems interesting. And there's hslua[2].
Can one use hint[3] like this ?

Hemanth K
[1] baskell -
[2] hslua -
[3] hint -
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Embedded scripting Language for haskell app

2010-08-17 Thread Hemanth Kapila
thanks to all for the responses.

I tried hint and hslua and haskell and both are very nice. My sincere thanks
and kudos to the developers and maintainers of the packages (and to Bulat
for the tutorial on hslua).

FWIW, a couple of observations:

   1.  haskell indeed makes a great scripting language (as expected)
   2. hint is fast* , for the examples that I ran on. (I had this
   'superstition' that haskell , when interpreted, is kinda slow).

  I was about to toss a coin to decide which one to pickup. Perhaps I should
worry about the size.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] unboxed arrays restricted to simple types (Int, Float, ..)

2009-11-11 Thread Hemanth Kapila
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Tillmann Vogt


 I tried to use unboxed arrays for generating an antialiased texture. To
 make it easier to understand, here is the stripped down code that produces
 an error:

 import Control.Monad.ST
 import Data.Array.ST
 import Data.Array.Unboxed
 import Data.Word
 type BitMask = UArray Int Word16 -- for determining the grey value of a
 type Pixels = (Int, Int, T)
 data T = N | B BitMask -- this does not work
 -- type T = Int -- this works if int the next line N is replaced by ..lets
 say 0
 f = newArray (0,10) N :: (ST s (STUArray s Int T))
 shows that mutable/unboxed arrays only allow simple types:
 i.e.  MArray (STUArray s) Int32 (ST s)

 Isn't this ugly? Imagine this would be the case in C:

 struct stupidArrayElement{
  int a;
  int b; // not allowed!

 stupidArrayElement s[10];

 Wouldn't it be nice to have something like: MArray (STUArray s) e (ST s)
 with e being a non-recursive data type (like data T = N | B Bitmask).
 My understanding of Haskell isn't deep enough to know if I have overlooked
 something or if the problem is solvable without a language extension. With a
 language extension I guess that it is not hard to find out if an abstract
 data type is non-recursive. Then this type should be serializable

 What do you think?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Actually, there's a cool package called  storable record. Could it be of
some use to you? (Perhaps you *might* be able to use it if the BitMasks  are
of uniform length). Am not 100% sure though.

Isn't this ugly?

I am not sure if it is really *ugly*...and if am allowed to nit-pick,
the analogy with C  is not appropriate either.
Arrays are just different.  (At least thats how I console myself, when am
looking for a high performance strict array). Also, on an approximately
related issue,
 I was suggested to look into data parallel arrays.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Storable Vector as a Storable record?

2009-11-04 Thread Hemanth Kapila

Is it possible to somehow make a StorableVector of a StorableVector via
store-record or something?
If yes, could some one please provide me with some hint?

I need a very fast and efficient array of a large number of $ arrays of *Int
And the storableVector seems to be extremely nice.

Am trying to understand the way a tuple is made a storable record in the
synthesizer package on hackage but I thought I will ask it here too.

Thanks in advance
Hemanth K
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Suggestions for simulating Object ID

2009-06-30 Thread Hemanth Kapila
Hello all,
Can some one please suggest something on simulating some sort of
object-Ids in Haskell?

I mean, something like the following relation will hold:
 a1 == a2  =  (objectID a1) == (objectID a2)

Currently I have something like
 import Data.Hash
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8  as B

 newtype UniqueID = UniqueID (Hash, B.ByteString)

I have a type class called Identifiable, the instances of which are supposed
to give a unqiue bytestring representation of the instance which can be
arbitrarily long but should satisfy the condition mentioned earlier.

 class  Identifiable a  where
instanceID :: a  - B.ByteString

and finally, the required funtion objectID is defined as :
 objectID :: (Hashable a, Identifiable a) = a - UniqueID
 objectID a1 = UniqueID (hash a1, instanceID a1)

while comparing object Ids, I compare the hash values first (which can be
faster for arbitrary values). Only if they are equal then I
compare the instanceIDs and count on laziness for avoiding the construction
of the bytestrings where they are not needed.

Can you please suggest a better approach?
 I also toyed with the idea of storing all the data 'objects' in an array
and use the index as the identifier but the trouble is I am not aware of all
the number of instances before hand under all the circumstances.

Many thanks
Hemanth K
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Leksah works!

2009-06-30 Thread Hemanth Kapila

Thanks for the update. I just tried it and it is quite cool.Atlhough I am
too addicted to emacs and can't imagine leaving it (at least before hIDE),
I still think leksah is quite useful.

Thanks again

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Eugene Kirpichov ekirpic...@gmail.comwrote:

 Quite a while ago I launched Leksah and couldn't get anything done at
 all; so I thought it is probably never be completed and abandoned
 attempts to find an IDE for Haskell.

 However, 3 days ago I launched the new version and it works fantastic!
 It has an IntelliSense popup with type annotations, a module browser,
 build-on-the-fly and other things, even though I used it only for 15
 minutes (then the ICFP contest began, where I wrote in Python and

 Main point: It seems a vastly more convenient IDE for Haskell than vim
 (don't know about emacs-mode).

 So, I'd like to encourage haskellers to install it and give it a try :)

 Eugene Kirpichov
 Web IR developer,
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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Suggestions for simulating Object ID

2009-06-30 Thread Hemanth Kapila
Thank you. It looks perfect for now.
Just that I can create it only inside an IO
(newUnique  is of type  IO Unique)

Perhaps it involves some magic with random numbers or system time.

Can't we come up with something like this staying within the limits of purity?


On 6/30/09, Felipe Lessa wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 03:25:26PM +0530, Hemanth Kapila wrote:
 Can some one please suggest something on simulating some sort of
 object-Ids in Haskell?



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[Haskell-cafe] Ensuring Type Class instances follow the 'rules'

2009-05-29 Thread Hemanth Kapila
Hi all,
Recently, I participated in a coding competition.
As part of it, I had to write a program wherein I had to make my data-type
an instance of Ord. An error in my implementation of compare resulted in me
losing quite a bit of  valuable time.
As  I wrote it, I had tested it out on the ghci and it seemed to work fine
but I noticed that there was trouble when the List.sort started giving weird
output. I then noticed that for certain instances (say t1,t2),  both compare
t1 t2 AND compare t2 t1 returned LT. Once I spotted it, it was easy enough
to fix but I did lose an hour or so thinking something went wrong before I
fed the list to the sort function.

I was the only haskeller in the competition and I believe am among the first
to finish a correct application (by a large margin, and) and I did manage to
raise a bit of haskell-awareness,  but if I had managed to spot the error
earlier, the results would have been dazzling.
Does any one here have any advice on dealing with such maladroitness on the
part of the programmer, especially while creating instances to

Thanks and regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ensuring Type Class instances follow the 'rules'

2009-05-29 Thread Hemanth Kapila
Thanks Eugene and wren.
Serves me right, actually. The one chapter I skipped in RWH was the 11th one
called Testing and Quality Assurance thinking it is too boring.

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 12:44 PM, wren ng thornton w...@freegeek.orgwrote:

 Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

 Use QuickCheck.

 Also use SmallCheck or lazy SmallCheck.

 All of these are automatic tools that allow you to specify laws[1] and
 automatically generate values for testing the law. QuickCheck generates
 values randomly, which can be useful but is very often insufficient. Both
 versions of SmallCheck do exhaustive search of all values down to a bounded
 depth (lazy SmallCheck can often search deeper and faster).

 If you want to have decent assurances of correctness then use (lazy)
 SmallCheck. If you're dealing with a really branchy type which makes it
 prohibitive to search to any reasonable depth, then use QuickCheck in
 addition. Occasionally QuickCheck can be good for ferreting out really
 obscure corner cases, but SmallCheck is much better about guaranteeing you
 get all the basic cases.

 [1] e.g.

 prop_compare a b =
compare a b == negateOrdering (compare b a)
negateOrdering LT = GT
negateOrdering EQ = EQ
negateOrdering GT = LT

 Live well,

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