Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mapping Haskell Concepts To C# 3

2008-05-18 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

(I did not received your message in my mail box and I have seen it on
mailing list. I dot know why this happened (?).)

Maybe I am misguessing why you are asking your question, but wouldn't it
be better to ask how to map these Haskell concepts to CLR? If so, check out
work on Mondrian.

My intention is to employ Haskell techniques in C# where it fits. If I were
going to implement Haskell on CLR the way you mentioned was proper.

For something like: type Thing a b = ThisWay a | ThatWay b | NoWay actually
there is no equivalents for data constructor in C# 3 (I think). I asked it
if there are other ideas about this: Controlling the execution path by
deciding based of structure of data with a trick other than reflecting!

Thank you
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Mapping Haskell Concepts To C# 3

2008-05-17 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian
I have question on mapping some Haskell concepts to C# 3 ones. Maybe there
are not any strict equivalents; yet it helps:

1 - What is the equivalent of Type Constructor in C#?
2 - What is the equivalent of Data Constructor in C#?
3 - What is the logical implementation of pattern matching in C#? (For
example using structures with indicator fields or using interfaces and
inheritance and dynamically dispatch in calling overloaded methods. Also
this question contain a hidden one...GADTs!)

Best Regards

Kaveh Shahbazian
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monad Description For Imperative Programmer

2007-08-01 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian
This is about to put a definition/description to test. So please cooperate!
Is this a useful – sufficient, not complete – definition/description for a
monad; for an imperative mind: (?)

A monad is like a loop that can run a new function against it's variable in
each iteration.

(I insist on the simplicity! And I will resist any expansion of this
sentence (except for an exceptional note that I think of it hardly).
I think there is not any complete definitions in computer world. At least
there are many things to know when you want to use them in practice. So
please have this in mind and review me!)

Cheers :)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aim Of Haskell

2006-12-15 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Yes! You are right commercials benefits from academics; NO DOUBT!
No one will discuss anything against that because that's obvious where is
the source. But It is not obvious where is the destination. Maybe new-comers
need to be more Haskellized first. But that's not the problem. In this
thread many good libraries has been named for : XML, GUI, OpenGL, WEB, etc.
Yet this can not be named mature. As a research foundation point of view
Haskell is perfect. Again no doubt about It. But this feature-full dude
(Haskell) makes it's way in different directions without harmony. For
example some of the projects are dead for about 3-4 years (especially
So this libraries are living and growing in separate islands lonely! And
this can not be a plateform for development.
And about being over-demanding : Maybe this is true. But why Haskell is
over-demanding? Because It is attracting! That's a point of power and a big
plus (If it gets to be seen!).
Best Regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aim Of Haskell

2006-12-13 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

I think this is going out of the way. Excuse me, but the main discussion was
not about pascal!
And thanks again to all. Now I think there is a bigger whole between current
situation of Haskell and using It as a real tool, than what I thought
But any way; I still have a hope for rising a new folk of thinkers in
software world that will put ideas to work more practically. Haskell got
academic-centric-being syndrome, as JAVA got perfectionism syndrome (see
elegant and useless design patterns and architectures there!).
I can not imagine a pure and clear vision about this new folk that IT world
lakes now. If anyone helps me with clarification of this thing, It will be
great to me!
Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Aim Of Haskell

2006-12-12 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Thanks again.
Look all. When I (and I think everybody here) make a discussion about
Haskell, It is not about to dominating anyone('s opinions) or attacking to
Haskell (for Haskell evangelists!); Haskell is great enough that surely will
lead - if not be - the next picture for meaning of SOFTWARE DEVELOPING.
I did not know anything about functional programming. I have a B.S. in
telecommunications and ... as you know one day I woke up in bed lying beside
my beloved codes! And there I became a programmer! Then I came across with
scripting : Ruby! Lovely! Fantastic! At first It was very hard for my
c-writer mind to even understand what this scripting thing is. But at
last I felt It and learned how to do It.
And with more reading, suddenly there was something totally different :
Functional Programming.
See : Reduced of many many type of bugs in your code; why? No side effect!
Debugging! Profiling! Type safety!
So why I say that?

Again see : In less than five years we will have processors with normally
six cores or more and fast hardware - very cheap. Hold that.

So you still want to pay your developers for checking NULL values,
correctness of INTERFACES, writing IF ELSE and SELECT CASEs full of
side effect and junks (Something that can be simply implemented by Pattern
Matching), continuing OO world that has not even a accurate calculus for
describing things (and came from industrial engineering), code that may
crash through exceptions and very stupid-complex execution paths, checking
array out-of rang things, handling and passing and dereferencing pointers
correctly...H! Just calculate that how % of developer's time
is being consumed by this stupid tasks? You know; this will be a big-bang
for commercials! (If their stupid consultants can understand).
I am a usual developer, not smart and academic as you, and not as stupid
ones to pretend to know something better than all. Even this kind of
programming still is very hard for me. I am still struggling with monads and
monad transformers! So I am choosing the hard path - even very hard one.
Why? Because I am sure every mean developer like me can be productive in
functional programming in 6 to 12 months. And imagine that huge bunch of
stupid things that we are handling everyday : Just wast of life and money
without any joy and honor.
This is my vision : FIVE YEARS ...
Best Regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Best Introduction To Monads For Newbies ( Especially Imparative Minds) I'v Ever Read!!!

2006-10-18 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

This is the best introduction to Monads for newbies and imparative
mined that I'v ever read! For a long time I was searching for such an
excellent text on monads. Ofcourse there are many good text there. But
all of them are about mathematics and how clever the monads are. After
all most of them are useless for a practical approach. Take a look at
!! Have a good time with it!!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Microsoftish Haskell

2006-09-17 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Thanks Don
I sense the truth in your words. But I expect a more technical view of
point. I need it for presenting to other peoples i.e. to whom wanted
fom me an overview of Haskell/Using It/Licensing/Libraries/Communities
to be provided (BOSS!).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling To C And Why Not Compiling To Java Or C#?

2006-08-06 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

I made a mistake : popularity! This was a meaning that described my
thoughts at that moment.
Let me make it clear by another question : Can someone say perl is popular?
If we see it that way, I meant a good and efficient community-based
expansion and some good tools to use.

how can we decrease Haskell popularity?

Why? Because someone must prevent mean programmers to try Haskell? Or
it is a bit of old holy codex? Or maybe I must feal tired of hearing
newbies questions?

If Haskell replaces C++ is some places - which had been proved is many
areas - how amount of bugs will disapear just because of a well
designed language?

And If you are affraid of something that happens to java by j++ - a
lot of buzzy extensions from big boys - why not to have an ISO

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling To C And Why Not Compiling To Java Or C#?

2006-08-06 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Then I must apologize again. (Communications and activities are so
attractive that I cann't prevent my self from it. One aspect of it is
to apologize. :D).
Thankyou and Thank you too! ;)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling To C And Why Not Compiling To Java Or C#?

2006-08-06 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

I think we need a subset of haskell as a new language (or as a
developing pattern) to work with and teach and learn more easily as
you have mentioned.
I had read a text about mathematics which was something like this :
New mathematic theories does not populize because of their fabiolus
logical theorems, but because of death of elder mathematicians and
forging a new folk of them that were rised by new theories..
That is usefull to have in mind.
(And because of that, maybe there is no force to compele someone to
disturbe his mind on a peacfull friday afternoon! ;) )
Anyway the point is developing more efficient and easily; instead of
serving marketing features of languages.
And there must be - and will be - someone (or some will) to makes
things better. very high level of FP in Haskell is good but there is
no lower level of them somewhere else. So almost the only choice for a
usefull FP environment is Haskell.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Compiling To C And Why Not Compiling To Java Or C#?

2006-08-05 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

1  2 -
Maybe this is not a proper question but I think It has a point. Why
Not Compiling To Java Or C#? What is the need of implementing a class
interoperability between Haskell and other plateforms? Maybe we donot
need that. Haskell can be the big infrastructure and code snippets in
Java or C# can serve in a monadic wrapper. It looks like that we can
scripting Haskell in that languages. For example F# 's target code is
ILX (an extension of MSIL for functional languages). But I think
interoperablity between languages - like what .NET claims - is totaly
Again think of an infrastructure that has a Haskell core which defines
and controls very high level processes. Then there will be a running
machine that Haskell is sitting on top of it. This running machine
implement haskell in the plateform language. This is what I mean.
3 -
And for an OOP style interoperability between languages, I think most
usefull is to have a robust standard for Object-Broking. Something
like IEC 61850 in new power systems in industry. A tool from siemens
can understand what a hitachi high voltage key commands and all of
these devices are from different providers with different internal
implementations that meets the standard.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling To C And Why Not Compiling To Java Or C#?

2006-08-05 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

I do not meant to compile Haskell to MSIL/JVM. I meant to compile
Haskell to the Java or C# itself! And GHC will be there for a high
performance language (but still O'Caml is better by the time). But
Java proves that in enterprise solution, performance is a complex
factor of many thing other than speed alone. I love high performance
implementation like Haskell. But there must be a way to populize
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Imparative Usage Example

2006-08-05 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Very Thankyou
I am starting to feel it. I think about it as a 'context' that wraps
some computations, which are handled by compiler environment (please
make me correct if I am wrong). Now I think I need to find out how
this 'monads' fit in solving problems. And for that I must go through
bigger programs to write.
Thanks again
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad Imparative Usage Example

2006-08-04 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Thanks All
This is about my tries to understand monads and handling state - as
you perfectly know - is one of them. I have understood a little about
monads but that knowledge does not satidfy me. Again Thankyou

On 8/2/06, Duncan Coutts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 13:26 +0330, Kaveh Shahbazian wrote:
 Haskell is the most powerfull and interesting thing I'v ever
 encountered in IT world. But with an imparative background and lack of
 understanding (because of any thing include that maybe I am not that
 smart) has brought me problems. I know this is an old issue. But
 please help it.
 Question : Could anyone show me a sample of using a monad as a
 statefull variable?
 For example see this code in C# :
 public class Test
 int var;
 static void Fun1() { var = 0; Console.Write(var); }
 static void Fun2() { var = var + 4; Console.Write(var); }
 static void Main() { Fun1(); Fun2(); var = 10; Console.Write(var
 =  + var.ToString()); }
 I want to see this code in haskell.

As other people have noted, you probably don't want to to see this code
in Haskell. It's possible to translate stateful code in a 1-1 style but
that's not really the point. You'll not get much of the advantages of
the language if you do that.

You can certainly use console IO etc but for your object containing
mutable state, well in a functional style you'd simply not do that and
solve the problem in a different way.

That's why you see the code people have suggested as translations are
bigger than the code you started with, because the language is not
naturally imperative.

So the trick is to solve your problem in Haskell, not translate your
imperative solution to Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monad Imparative Usage Example

2006-08-02 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Haskell is the most powerfull and interesting thing I'v ever
encountered in IT world. But with an imparative background and lack of
understanding (because of any thing include that maybe I am not that
smart) has brought me problems. I know this is an old issue. But
please help it.
Question : Could anyone show me a sample of using a monad as a
statefull variable?
For example see this code in C# :
public class Test
   int var;
   static void Fun1() { var = 0; Console.Write(var); }
   static void Fun2() { var = var + 4; Console.Write(var); }
   static void Main() { Fun1(); Fun2(); var = 10; Console.Write(var
=  + var.ToString()); }
I want to see this code in haskell.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monad Imparative Usage Example

2006-08-02 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Monad Imparative Usage Example

Thanks for your replies. I have not haskell on this computer and I
will try this solutions tonight.
I must notice that IO computations is not the point here. My target is
to have this code for mutable variable 'var'.

Haskell is the most powerfull and interesting thing I'v ever
encountered in IT world. But with an imparative background and lack of
understanding (because of any thing include that maybe I am not that
smart) has brought me problems. I know this is an old issue. But
please help it.
Question : Could anyone show me a sample of using a monad as a
statefull variable?
For example see this code in C# :
public class Test
  int var;
  static void Fun1() { var = 0; Console.Write(var); }
  static void Fun2() { var = var + 4; Console.Write(var); }
  static void Main() { Fun1(); Fun2(); var = 10; Console.Write(var
=  + var.ToString()); }
I want to see this code in haskell.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Apache HTTP Server And Haskell

2006-07-31 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Is there a mod_haskell (like mod_perl and mod_python) for Apache HTTP
server? Does anyone know about it?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Fwd: [Haskell-cafe] Apache HTTP Server And Haskell

2006-07-31 Thread Kaveh Shahbazian

Thanks, But it seems to be dead! (Last news on 18 Apr 2002). Is there
a more mature one?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list