Re: Monads

2003-12-31 Thread Ken Shan
Mark Carroll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in article [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
 Omitting the typeclass bit, I'm trying to write something like
 (s1 - s2) - StateT s1 m () - StateT s2 m a - StateT s1 m a
 That is, it sequences two StateT computations, providing a way to
 translate from the first's state to the second to keep the chain

Don't you need a (s2 - s1) function as well, to translate the final
state back into StateT s1?

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Infinite types

2003-12-08 Thread Ken Shan
On 2003-12-08T12:42:46-0800, Jeffrey A. Scofield wrote:
 b = () - (a, b)
 I'm wondering how to tell, as a relative newcomer to
 Haskell, that they aren't allowed.

I think the rule you're looking for is the following: Don't equate a
type variable with something that contains that type variable.  This
is known as the occurs check.  This rule prohibits equi-recursive
types like b above, but not iso-recursive types like

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

because the type List a is merely isomorphic to something containing
List a, but not equal to it.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Hypothetical reasoning in type classes

2003-11-23 Thread Ken Shan
On 2003-11-13T13:19:28-, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
 | Has anyone thought about adding hereditary Harrop formulas, in other
 | words hypothetical reasoning and universal quantification, to the
 | instance contexts in the Hsakell type class system?
 Yes, absolutely.  See
 Section 7, and Trifanov's paper at the Haskell Workshop 2003

Thanks for the pointers!  I am now thinking about encoding SML-style
module systems into Haskell using type classes with functional
dependencies.  For this purpose, I seem to need hereditary Harrop
formulas in instance contexts.  I wonder if such encodings have been
proposed previously in the literature?  The closest I was able to find
is Kahl and Scheffczyk's paper at the 2001 Haskell Workshop.

Thanks again,

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Hypothetical reasoning in type classes

2003-11-13 Thread Ken Shan

Has anyone thought about adding hereditary Harrop formulas, in other
words hypothetical reasoning and universal quantification, to the
instance contexts in the Hsakell type class system?  Just today (and not
only today) I wanted to write instance definitions like

instance (forall a. C a = D a) = E [a] where ...

This is analogous to wanting to write a rank-2 dictionary constructor

(forall a. C a - D a) - E [a]

at the term level, but with type classes, this dictionary constructor
should be applied automatically, in a type-directed fashion, at compile
time.  The theory behind such instance contexts doesn't seem so
intractable; indeed it looks decidable to my cursory examination.  The
opreational intuition is that we would like the type checker to generate
an eigenvariable a and perform hypothetical reasoning.

I would also like to quantify universally over type classes; in other
words, if ? is the kind of a type class constraint (aka a dictionary
type; perhaps o would be a better choice of notation), then I would
like to define not just types of kind *-*-? (aka type classes) or
kind (*-*)-? (aka constructor classes), but also types of kind
(*-?)-(*-?).  But that's for another day...


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Type tree traversals [Re: Modeling multiple inheritance]

2003-11-05 Thread Ken Shan
Brandon Michael Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in article [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
 There are two extensions here:
 More overlapping: [...]
 Backtracking search: [...]
 Overloading resolution: [...]

I'm sorry if I am getting ahead of Simon or behind of you, but have you
looked at

Simon L. Peyton Jones, Mark Jones, and Erik Meijer. 1997.  Type classes:
An exploration of the design space.  In Proceedings of the Haskell
workshop, ed. John Launchbury.

?  There is quite a bit of design discussion there, and I am not sure
how much has been obsoleted by more recent advances.  A primary
consideration seems to be that the compiler should be guaranteed to
terminate (so type checking must be decidable).

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: can this be written more easily?

2003-02-22 Thread Ken Shan
On 2003-02-21T13:37:26-0500, Mike T. Machenry wrote:
 Eh, state is not possible. This is a recursive state space search. I need
 to branch the state of the game and not allow branches to effect others.

I see-- so you don't care about performing array updates in place,
because you will be copying arrays from parent nodes in the state space
to child nodes anyway.  Is that correct?

From what you originally wrote, it seems to me that you are forced
to write awkward code because very often you need to reach into a
data structure and perform some manipulation on a part of it without
affecting anything else.  This seems like a common pattern that deserves

If you have a function from a to a, and you have an Array of a's, you
can apply that function to update a certain element of that Array:

atIndex :: (Ix i) = i - (a - a) - (Array i a - Array i a)
atIndex i f a = a // [(i, f (a!i))]

Similarly, whenever you have a tickets-to-tickets function (by the way, it
seems that you renamed tickets to dTickets or vice versa while composing
your message), you can turn it into a GameState transformer:

atTickets :: (Array Player (Array Ticket Int) -
  Array Player (Array Ticket Int))
  - (GameState - GameState)
atTickets f s = s { tickets = f (tickets s) }

Your removeTicket function can now be written

removeTicket s d t = (atTickets $ atIndex d $ atIndex t $ pred) s

This technique generalizes from arrays and records to other container
data structures like lists and finite maps.

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Re: newbie questions

2003-01-08 Thread Ken Shan
On 2003-01-08T09:19:10+0200, Max Ischenko wrote:
  - To be able to run it both in Hugs and by GHC I need an
`import Data.Char(isSpace) for GHC`. Can this be conditionally
included in a source for GHC only?

You could use say the C preprocessor to do this, but a better way to
solve your problem would be to say

import Char (isSpace)

This should work with Hugs, GHC, as well as other implementations of
Haskell 98.

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Re: Monad Maybe?

2002-09-21 Thread Ken Shan

On 2002-09-21T12:56:13-0700, Russell O'Connor wrote:
 case (number g) of
  Just n - Just (show n)
  Nothing -
   case (fraction g) of
Just n - Just (show n)
Nothing -
 case (nimber g) of
  Just n - Just (*++(show n))
  Nothing - Nothing

How about something like:

msum [ liftM show (number g)
 , liftM show (fraction g)
 , liftM ((*++).show) (nimber g) ]

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So the choice which Lomborg presents us with, of whether to save a drowning
Tuvaluan (climate change) or a dying Somalian (water and sanitation) is not 
a choice at all -- in fact we need to do both, and not least because one is
unlikely to be successful without the other.

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Re: Modification of State Transformer

2002-08-08 Thread Ken Shan

On 2002-08-08T14:11:54-0500, Shawn P. Garbett wrote:
 newtype St a s = MkSt (s - (a, s))
 instance Monad St where

This line should say

instance Monad (St a) where

because it is (St a) that is a Monad, not St by itself.

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Infix expressions

2002-07-29 Thread Ken Shan


In Haskell, backquotes can be used to convert individual identifiers
into infix operators, but not complex expressions.  For example,

[1,2,3] `zip` [4,5,6]

is OK, but not

[1,2,3] `zipWith (+)` [4,5,6]

Is there any reason other than potential confusion when one of the two
backquotes is accidentally omitted?

In any case, perhaps some people on this mailing list would appreciate
the following implementation of infix expressions that Dylan Thurston
and I came up with -- as algebraic and perverse as we could manage:

infixr 0 -:, :-
data Infix f y = f :- y
x -:f:- y = x `f` y

main = print $ [1,2,3] -: zipWith (+) :- [4,5,6]

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The trick is that there is no trick.

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Re: newtype/datatype (was efficiency)

2002-01-16 Thread Ken Shan

A while ago, to help myself understand newtype, data, and strictness,
I tried to write down how Haskell types correspond to lifted domains.
Here is a cleaned-up version of my attempt.  I am not sure that what
follows is entirely correct -- please point out any errors.  I would
also appreciate comments or pointers to where this stuff is better
described.  In particular, I have not considered recursive types.

Every type t in Haskell can be denotationally modeled by a complete
partial order (CPO), which we will notate as [t].  In fact, every
type in standard Haskell corresponds to a -pointed- CPO, meaning a CPO
with a least element bottom.  GHC, in addition, supports -unboxed-
types, which correspond to CPOs in general.

Given a CPO D, we can -lift- it to a pointed CPO lift D by adding
a bottom.

Given two (not necessarily pointed) CPOs D and E, we can take
their -cartesian product- D x E, which is like the set-theoretic

Given two pointed CPOs D and E, we can take their -smash product-
D * E, which is like the set-theoretic/cartesian product, but which
identifies all pairs of the form (x,bottom) or (bottom,y) into one
single new bottom element.  The identity of * is the two-element
pointed CPO 1, which consists of a bottom and a top.

Given two pointed CPOs D and E, we can take their -coalesced sum-
D + E, which is like the set-theoretic sum, but which identifies the
bottom from D and the bottom from E into one single new bottom
element.  The identity of + is the one-element pointed CPO 0,
which consists only of a bottom.

Given any two (not necessarily pointed) CPOs, we have the property

lift D * lift E = lift (D x E).

In Haskell, if you write

newtype t' = T t-- ,

then [t'] is exactly isomorphic to [t].  Pattern matching on the
T is a no-op (i.e., always succeeds).

Now turn to a data declaration

data t' = T1 ... | T2 ... | ... -- .

Each branch in the declaration specifies a pointed CPO by naming zero
or more data types, each of which can be strict or non-strict.  We
lift the non-strict ones, then take the smash product of everything.
The result is the pointed CPO denoted by the branch.  The pointed CPO
[t'] denoted by the combined data type t' is the coalesced sum of
the pointed CPOs denoted by all the branches.

For example, if we write

data t' = T1 !t11 !t12 | T2 t2 | T3 -- ,


[t'] = [t11] * [t12] + lift [t2] + 1-- .

Pattern-matching on any data-declared type such as t' above is
always strict, in the sense that if the value being matched against is
bottom, then the whole expression denotes bottom.  For example, given
how we defined t' above, the expression

case x' of T1 _ _ - y
   T2 _   - y
   T3 - y

is entirely equivalent to

x' `seq` y  -- .

The only reason to have `seq` is because primitive types such as
Int cannot be pattern-matched against.  (Hence people call seq
polymorphic case.)

Unboxed types are non-pointed CPOs, so it doesn't make sense to say

data t' = T !t

if t is an unboxed type, but it does make sense to say

data t' = T t

because [t] can be lifted to a pointed CPO.  You ought to be able to

newtype t' = T t

to define a new unboxed type t' from an existing unboxed type t,
but I faintly remember this being not implemented or allowed or

Tuple types are special notation for what could be otherwise defined
using data declarations as follows:

data () = ()
data (,)   t1   = (,)   t1
data (,,)  t1 t2= (,,)  t1 t2
data (,,,) t1 t2 t3 = (,,,) t1 t2 t3
-- ...

So we have

[()] = 1
[(t1  )] = lift [t1]
[(t1,t2   )] = lift [t1] * lift [t2]
 = lift ([t1] x [t2])
[(t1,t2,t3)] = lift [t1] * lift [t2] * lift [t3]
 = lift ([t1] x [t2] x [t3])

If [t1] has 3 elements including its bottom, and [t2] has 5
elements including its bottom, then [(t1,t2)] has 3 * 5 + 1 = 16
elements including its bottom.

Given the definitions above, let us consider some corner and not so
corner declarations:  (When I write that foo denotes bar, I mean that
foo denotes something isomorphic to bar.)

data T1 -- denotes 0, the identity for +
-- (but this is not standard Haskell)

data T2 = T2-- denotes 1, the identity for *

data T3 = T3 () -- denotes lift 1, because () denotes 1

data T4 = T4 !()-- denotes 1, because () denotes 1

newtype T5 = T5 ()  -- denotes 1, because () denotes 1

data T6 = T6 !T1 Int-- denotes 0 * lift [Int], which is just 0

Note that although both T4 and T5 denote 1, pattern-matching on them
is different:

case T4 undefined of T4 _ - y === undefined
case T5 undefined of T5 _ - y === y


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Re: Funny type.

2001-05-28 Thread Ken Shan

On 2001-05-27T22:46:37-0500, Jay Cox wrote:
 data S m a = Nil | Cons a (m (S m a))
 instance (Show a, Show (m (S m a))) = Show (S m a)  where
   show Nil = Nil
   show (Cons x y) = Cons  ++ show x ++   ++ show y

Here's how I've been handling such situations:

data S m a = Nil | Cons a (m (S m a))

-- ShowF f means that the functor f preserves Show
class ShowF f where
showsPrecF :: (Int - a - ShowS) - (Int - f a - ShowS)

-- instance ShowF [] is based on showList
instance ShowF [] where
showsPrecF sh p [] = showString []
showsPrecF sh p (x:xs) = showChar '[' . sh 0 x . showl xs
  where showl [] = showChar ']'
showl (x:xs) = showChar ',' . sh 0 x . showl xs

-- S preserves ShowF
instance (ShowF m) = ShowF (S m) where
showsPrecF sh p Nil = showString Nil
showsPrecF sh p (Cons x y) = showString Cons 
. sh 0 x . showChar ' ' . showsPrecF (showsPrecF sh) 0 y

-- Now we can define instance Show (S m a) as desired
instance (Show a, ShowF m) = Show (S m a) where
showsPrec = showsPrecF showsPrec

You could call it the poor man's generic programming...

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