Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type of scramblings

2012-10-11 Thread Marcelo Sousa
Hi Roman,

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Roman Cheplyaka  wrote:
> I am reading through Oleg's "Eliminating translucent existentials"[1].
> [1]: 
> He draws a distinction between
>   forall a . [a] -> [a]
> and
>   forall a . [a]^n -> [a]
> as types of "scramblings". This is something I'm struggling to understand.
> First of all, I think here we're talking about total functions, otherwise
> there's no point in introducing dependent types.
> There are of course more total functions of type `[a]^n -> [a]` than of type
> `[a] -> [a]`, in the sense that any term of the latter type can be assigned 
> the
> former type. But, on the other hand, any total function `f :: [a]^n -> [a]`
> has an "equivalent" total function
>   g :: [a] -> [a]
>   g xs | length xs == n = f xs
>| otherwise = xs
> (The condition `length xs == n` can be replaced by a similar condition that 
> also
> works for infinite lists.)
> The functions `f` and `g` are equivalent in the sense that for any list `xs` 
> of
> length `n` `f xs === g xs`. Thus, even though it seems that we allow more 
> total
> functions by replacing `[a]` with `[a]^n`, that doesn't buy us any additional
> expressiveness.
> What am I missing?

[a]^n -> [a] is a refinement of [a] -> [a].

The dependent type allows you to infer the number of transformations
possible. In this case, the useful case is when n == 0, since with
[a]^0 you know that there is only one possible transformation, namely
id. In the case where n > 0 there is an infinite number of
transformations because you can do countless drops and/or duplications
so I think you don't get any additional expressiveness between both


> Roman
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] One of the new buzz phrases is "Event-Sourcing"; is Haskell suitable for this?

2012-09-30 Thread Marcelo Sousa

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 4:22 AM, Alberto G. Corona  wrote:
> It´´s a very iteresting concept.
> The Workflow Monad transformer [1], in Control.Workflow perform
> logging and recovery of application istate from the log created.
> It has no implementation of roll-back or limited recovery upto a
> point, but this is easy to implement.

Is Control.Workflow similar with acid-state with respect to the way
you recovery the current state?

> It also has many inspection and synchronization primitives. It has
> been used also for translating the log of a program and recovering the
> state in another machine. The log  can be pretty-printed for
> debugging.

Can you "somehow" recover impure (IO) computations?

> [1]


> 2012/9/30 KC :
>> --
>> --
>> Regards,
>> KC
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> --
> Alberto.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] bus error trying to use Network

2010-12-16 Thread Marcelo Sousa

I'm getting a bus error with Network library on my Mac OS X 10.6.5.
I have ghc 6.12.3, network 2.3.

As an example:
main = withSocketsDo $ 
  do sock <- listenOn $ PortNumber 4244
 (handle,host,port) <- accept sock
 hPutStr handle "Hi!"
 sClose sock

Any idea of what the problem could be?
If I use the Network.Socket library it works fine:

main = withSocketsDo $
 do sock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet 4244 iNADDR_ANY)
listen sock 1
(csock,_) <- accept sock
send csock "Hi!\n"
sClose csock
sClose sock

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] doesDirectoryExist is always returning False

2010-11-20 Thread Marcelo Sousa

I'm having currently a problem with System.Directory in my mac os.
  System Version:   Mac OS X 10.6.5 
  Kernel Version:   Darwin 10.5.0

Prelude System.Directory> let dirTest = do {dir <- getCurrentDirectory; 
doesDirectoryExist dir}
Prelude System.Directory> dirTest 

I noticed also that I can't change the searchable field in the permissions 

Prelude System.Directory> getPermissions "."
Permissions {readable = True, writable = True, executable = True, searchable = 

I tried different versions of directory and filepath packages but with no 
success at the moment. 

Any suggestions?!

Marcelo Sousa___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] yi-editor: Duplicate instance declarations

2009-09-27 Thread Marcelo Sousa
Hey guys,

I'm trying to install yi using cabal but I got this error. Any ideas
how to solve it?!
I'm using ghc-6.10.1 and cabal-install version 0.6.2 using version of the Cabal library.



-- Code --

$ cabal install yi
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring yi-0.6.1...
Preprocessing library yi-0.6.1...
Preprocessing executables for yi-0.6.1...
Building yi-0.6.1...
[  1 of 120] Compiling System.FriendlyPath ( System/FriendlyPath.hs,
dist/build/System/FriendlyPath.o )
[  2 of 120] Compiling Shim.ProjectContent ( Shim/ProjectContent.hs,
dist/build/Shim/ProjectContent.o )
[  3 of 120] Compiling Parser.Incremental ( Parser/Incremental.hs,
dist/build/Parser/Incremental.o )
[  4 of 120] Compiling Data.Trie( Data/Trie.hs, dist/build/Data/Trie.o )
[  5 of 120] Compiling Data.DelayList   ( Data/DelayList.hs,
dist/build/Data/DelayList.o )
[  6 of 120] Compiling Data.Rope( Data/Rope.hs, dist/build/Data/Rope.o )
[  7 of 120] Compiling Data.Prototype   ( Data/Prototype.hs,
dist/build/Data/Prototype.o )
[  8 of 120] Compiling HConf.Utils  ( HConf/Utils.hs,
dist/build/HConf/Utils.o )
[  9 of 120] Compiling HConf.Paths  ( HConf/Paths.hs,
dist/build/HConf/Paths.o )
[ 10 of 120] Compiling Paths_yi (
dist/build/autogen/Paths_yi.hs, dist/build/Paths_yi.o )
[ 11 of 120] Compiling HConf( HConf.hs, dist/build/HConf.o )
[ 12 of 120] Compiling Yi.Char.Unicode  ( Yi/Char/Unicode.hs,
dist/build/Yi/Char/Unicode.o )
[ 13 of 120] Compiling Yi.UI.Common[boot] ( Yi/UI/Common.hs-boot,
dist/build/Yi/UI/Common.o-boot )
[ 14 of 120] Compiling Yi.String( Yi/String.hs, dist/build/Yi/String.o )
[ 15 of 120] Compiling Yi.Monad ( Yi/Monad.hs, dist/build/Yi/Monad.o )
[ 16 of 120] Compiling Yi.Keymap.Completion ( Yi/Keymap/Completion.hs,
dist/build/Yi/Keymap/Completion.o )
[ 17 of 120] Compiling Yi.Editor[boot]  ( Yi/Editor.hs-boot,
dist/build/Yi/Editor.o-boot )
[ 18 of 120] Compiling Yi.Debug ( Yi/Debug.hs, dist/build/Yi/Debug.o )
[ 19 of 120] Compiling Yi.Prelude   ( Yi/Prelude.hs,
dist/build/Yi/Prelude.o )

Duplicate instance declarations:
  instance Category Accessor.T -- Defined at Yi/Prelude.hs:182:9-38
  instance Category Accessor.T
-- Defined in data-accessor-0.2.1:Data.Accessor.Private
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
yi-0.6.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
exit: ExitFailure 1
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