[Haskell-cafe] SOE code on Mac OS X Lion

2012-04-24 Thread N. Raghavendra
I am trying to use code from the book `The Haskell School of Expression'
on an iMac with Mac OS X Lion.  I have installed the latest version of
Haskell Platform (2011.4.0.0 64bit).  I then followed step 1 on the Web
page http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/hudak/SOE/software1.htm, and did
`cabal install GLFW'.  There were no errors in the installation.

Regarding step 2 in the instructions, I have downloaded
SOE-20120121.zip, but don't know how to proceed further.  The Web page

  Note for OS X users: running graphics applications from GHCi is no
  longer supported. Instead, one has to compile a graphics program using
  GHC in order to run it (see example/GMIExamples.lhs for an example).

Also, SOE/src/Code.html says,

  For MacOS X, unfortunately SOE cannot be run from under GHCi
  interactively due to problems with the Graphics library it uses. SOE
  programs must be compiled in order to run OS X. This means you have to
  export the main function from a particular module (by adding it to the
  module export list) and compile with command line: ghc -main-is=

I am only trying to learn Haskell from SOE, and don't understand how
to compile the SOE software with GHC. What precisely is the command
that I should invoke in the Terminal for the compilation?  I'd
appreciate any help on compiling and using the SOE code.

Thanks and regards,

N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Suggestions for improvement

2010-10-04 Thread N. Raghavendra
At 2010-10-03T13:49:34-07:00, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

 It is worth noting that such a function already exists in the standard
 libraries;  it is the  operator in Control.Arrow:

 blowup = uncurry (++) . (blowup . allButLast  lastToTheLength)

Thanks for that.  More reading material!


N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Suggestions for improvement

2010-10-04 Thread N. Raghavendra
At 2010-10-04T01:52:05+04:00, Victor Nazarov wrote:

 I suggest to pay more attention to haskell's standard library.

 allButLast is called init in Data.List module.

Thanks for that.   I should keep printouts of the Prelude handy.

 Second, do not use explicit recursion. You can capture recursion using
 some high-order function like map, filter, foldr and so on:

 lastToTheLength xs = map f xs
   where f = const . last $ xs

 And last, your type signatures are too restrictive. You can apply your
 functions to arbitrary lists.

 lastToTheLength :: [a] - [a]

 Standard library knowledge is very helpful in producing short and
 clear definitions.

 blowup = concat . zipWith replicate [1..]

That looks neat!  Many thanks for the detailed remarks.


N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Suggestions for improvement

2010-10-04 Thread N. Raghavendra
At 2010-10-03T20:03:22-04:00, wren ng thornton wrote:

 And just to play a little Haskell golf:

 lastToTheLength = ap (flip map) (const . last)

Thanks for that.


N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
See message headers for contact and OpenPGP information.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Suggestions for improvement

2010-10-04 Thread N. Raghavendra
At 2010-10-05T09:21:51+13:00, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

 answer s = concat $ zipWith replicate [1..] s

 I looked at the examples and said, hmm, elements are being repeated
 varying numbers of times.  Looked up repeat, found that that was
 the wrong function, and saw replicate, which is the right one:
   replicate n x = [x . x] with n copies of x
 So zipWith [1..] abcd is [a, bb, ccc, ]
 and pasting those together is just what concat does.

 Had replicate, zipWith, concat not already been provided, I might
 have done one of two things.

Many thanks for the detailed explanation.  It is instructive because I
thought of a solution in a different way.  Another lesson is that I must
know the Prelude well.  I've also installed `pointfree'.  Together with
Hlint, it seems a useful tool for learning; for one thing, both of them
tell me about functions I didn't know earlier.


N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
See message headers for contact and OpenPGP information.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Suggestions for improvement

2010-10-04 Thread N. Raghavendra
At 2010-10-03T22:45:30+02:00, Dominique Devriese wrote:

 You need a function like the following for that:

 comma :: (a - b) - (a - c) - a - (b,c)
 comma f g x = (f x, g x)

 Then you could say:

 blowup = (uncurry (++)) . comma (blowup . allButLast) lastToTheLength

 Ignore this if you haven't read about Applicative or type classes yet,
 but using the Applicative instance for arrow types (-) a, you can
 also write

 comma = liftA2 (,)


 blowup = (uncurry (++)) . liftA2 (,) (blowup . allButLast) lastToTheLength

I tried both of them, but they don't seem to work:

-- Pointfree blowup.
blowup1 :: String - String
blowup1 = (uncurry (++)) . comma1 (blowup1 . allButLast) lastToTheLength

comma1 :: (a - b) - (a - c) - a - (b,c)
comma1 f g x = (f x, g x)

blowup2 :: String - String
blowup2 = (uncurry (++)) . comma2 (blowup2 . allButLast) lastToTheLength

-- Imported Control.Applicative earlier.
comma2 :: (a - b) - (a - c) - a - (b,c)
comma2 = liftA2 (,)

% ghci
GHCi, version 6.12.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
Prelude :l Chapter01.hs 
[1 of 1] Compiling Chapter01( Chapter01.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Chapter01.
*Chapter01 comma1 allButLast lastToTheLength abcd
*Chapter01 comma2 allButLast lastToTheLength abcd
*Chapter01 blowup1 abcd
*Chapter01 blowup2 abcd

It looks like both the above versions of blowup go into some infinite
recursion, and have to be interrupted.


N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
See message headers for contact and OpenPGP information.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Suggestions for improvement

2010-10-03 Thread N. Raghavendra
I am reading the book `The Haskell Road to Math, Logic,   One of
the exercises in the first chapter asks for a function that maps a
string abcd to abbccc and bang! to baannn!.  Since
such a function f fixes the empty word, and maps wa to
f(w)a^(length(w)+1) for any word w and any letter a, I came up with the
following solution:

-- Map abcd to abbccc and bang! to baannn!.
blowup :: String - String
blowup [] = []
blowup x = blowup (allButLast x) ++ lastToTheLength x

-- Map abcd to abc.
allButLast :: String - String
allButLast [] = []
allButLast [x] = []
allButLast (x : xs) = x : allButLast xs

-- Map abcd to d^4 = .
lastToTheLength :: String - String
lastToTheLength [] = []
lastToTheLength [x] = [x]
lastToTheLength (_ : xs) = lastToTheLength xs ++ [last xs]

One question I have is whether I can eliminate points in the above
definition of blowup, and write something like

blowup = (++) . (blowup . allButLast, lastToTheLength)

thinking of (++) as a function String x String - String.  Also, I can't
figure out whether it is possible to get a shorter solution using fold.
I have tried Hlint on my file, but it gave no suggestions.

I am sure there are better ways, and would like some pointers and any
general suggestions for improvement.

Thanks and regards,

N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
See message headers for contact and OpenPGP information.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Suggestions for improvement

2010-10-03 Thread N. Raghavendra
At 2010-10-03T22:45:30+02:00, Dominique Devriese wrote:

 Additionally, you can't combine the functions (blowup . allButLast)
 and lastToTheLength into a function that returns a pair like you seem
 to attempt. You need a function like the following for that:

 comma :: (a - b) - (a - c) - a - (b,c)
 comma f g x = (f x, g x)

 Then you could say:

 blowup = (uncurry (++)) . comma (blowup . allButLast) lastToTheLength

Thanks, I'll try that.

 Ignore this if you haven't read about Applicative or type classes yet,
 but using the Applicative instance for arrow types (-) a, you can
 also write

 comma = liftA2 (,)

I hadn't come up to that point, but will read about it now.


N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cabal-install prefix

2010-09-22 Thread N. Raghavendra
I am new to Haskell, and am trying to install a package (scan) using
cabal-install.  I want it to install all files under the directory
${HOME}/nonvc, like in ~/nonvc/share and ~/nonvc/bin.  So I specified

install-dirs user
  -- prefix: /home/raghu/nonvc

in ~/.cabal/config.  But when I do `cabal install scan', it still
installs the files in ~/.cabal/bin and ~/.cabal/share.  How do I make
cabal install these files in ~/nonvc?

Thanks and regards,

N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Cabal-install prefix

2010-09-22 Thread N. Raghavendra
At 2010-09-22T16:11:34+10:00, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

 So remove the -- from the front of the line to get it working.

Thanks very much.  That works.  I'd read the header in the config file
which said that lines beginning with `--' were comments, but somehow
missed uncommenting the line I wanted.


N. Raghavendra ra...@mri.ernet.in | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
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