[Haskell-cafe] haskell or lazy functional as procedure language

2011-08-24 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Ok, I know, I want something strange. But consider situation, when one
is starting a project and finds, that he need s

1) ACID relational storage
2) Power of good RDBMS system (postgresql for example)
3) Power of some very hight level language and compiled (haskell for
example) for stored procedures
4) And all data processing MUST be performed inside RDBMS
5) And does not have enough money to by Oracle ore other commercial RDBMS.

I already considered using ghc with postgresql. It could be very, very
good pair, but ghc runtime cannot be re-initialized, and reqular way
for stored procedures in postgresql is calling function from shared
object (meaning, I have to shut down ghc runtime each time stored
procedure ended).

What other options do you see?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Terminal library : which ?

2011-02-24 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
What terminal library you will recomedn?
Requirements: crossplatform (win/lin), with direct (i.e. with
line/column number pair) cursor positioning and possybly direct symbol
output. MUST provide function to get terminal dimensions. (could not
find one).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] File position

2011-02-08 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Is there any way to get current position from System.IO.Handle as
Integer? If no, what other b windows/unix portable/b IO function set
of file io with this functionality you can suggest? keeping track of
current position by hand is not an option, sorry.

I'm thinking about c's low-level functions such as open, read, write,
but there is no such functions in windows and I do not know if libc from
haskell platform provides emulation. If it does, I'll use lowlevel c
functions brainfree.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: extcore 1.0

2011-01-16 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 01/13/2011 10:45 PM, Tim Chevalier wrote:

 I've recently released version 1.0 of extcore, a library for
 processing code in GHC's text-based External Core format. extcore
 includes a parser, prettyprinter, typechecker, and interpreter for
 External Core, as well as modules for computing module dependencies
 and combining multiple Core modules into a single module. 

May be a stupid quesion, but does interpreter allow reasonably easy way
to expose some haskell functions and data types to interpreted code as
'primitives' ?  such an interpreter may be yet another scripting
language, yet quite verbose one.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] parsec2 vs. parsec3... again

2011-01-13 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 12/23/2010 06:01 AM, Evan Laforge wrote:

 This is not very encouraging!  Especially strange is how Text
 generates *more* allocation... I'd expect less since it doesn't unpack
 all the Texts.  
Errgh. To check against predicate, library HAS to unpack checked
character. There is no way around it.
 There's an obvious problem where I get the digits as a String and then
 parse that with list functions, but I can't see any way to get parsec
 to return a chunk of Text.  This is roughly how parsec itself parses
 numbers, in Text.Parsec.Token.

 Any ideas or experience?

If you wish performance so desperatley, you can try hand-coded parsing.
What I mean is, that if library has to unpack characters to check them
against isDigit predicate, why not to use it in building numeral value
immidiatley? This will eliminate intermidiate list.

However, every back-tracking parser is slow by definition. If you wish
maximum possible speed, consider hand-written lexer (this is not too
hard) and possibly Happy to generate parser.

BTW, how much utf16 text is around? I never found any in wild web.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] typesetting with lhs2tex

2010-12-16 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
I write docs for my iteratee-like library and I have problem with
lhs2tex. When I execute lhs2tex and then latex, I get a document with
long typesignatures and expressions expanded beyound page margins. I
attached a sourcefile I have problem with. Can someone give me an advise
how to force long signatures and expressions to be broken into multible
lines ?
This module contains basic types and combinators for building and processing streaming data
Note: any data constructor and field names may change. So, do NOT use them in your code, use only 
defined functions and instances.
module Data.Iteration.Types where

We wish full-fledged monad transformers. This imports classes from transformers package.
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class

Enumerator is something that may provide input element or input tail. Enumerator is
newtype for monadic action, that can result in 
Nothing - no more input 
Just (Left someError) - error occured
Just (Right s, t) - some output provided and computation for source tail provided

newtype Enumerator e s m
 = Enumerator 
	{ runEnumerator ::
		m (Maybe (Either e (s, Enumerator e s m) ) )

the following function is a wrapper so resulting interface for different modules be compatible.
It gets three computations: what to do if no input, what to do on error and
how to produce one step of input. Tail of input is reduced in the same computation
runE :: Monad m = Enumerator e s m - m r - (e - m r) - (s - Enumerator e s m - m r) - m r
runE en pr eh sh = runEnumerator en = \v - case v of
	Nothing			- pr
	Just (Left e)		- eh e
	Just (Right (s,e) )	- sh s e

Enumeratee is a tool for building enumerator. It is separate from enumerators to not mess the logic. 
A way to embed computations in nested monad is needed. A nested monad appears in enumerator only, so
to lift from inner monad we have to enclose computation into resulting enumerator.
newtype Enumeratee e s m a
 = Enumeratee 
 	{ runEnumeratee
		:: (a - Enumerator e s m)
		- Enumerator e s m 

Of course, a way to build Enumerator from Enumeratee is needed. 
mkE :: Enumeratee e s m (Enumerator e s m) - Enumerator e s m
mkE e = runEnumeratee e id

A Monad and Functor instances for Continuation monad are adopted brain-free
instance Monad (Enumeratee e s m) where
 return a = Enumeratee ($ a)
 m =  k = Enumeratee $ \c - runEnumeratee m  $ \v - runEnumeratee (k v) c

instance Functor (Enumeratee e s m) where
 fmap f m = m = return . f

To embed computation in inner monad, we have to dig into Enumerator as Enumeratee's newtype does not
contain explicit monadic computations. This implementation runs nested computation and then passes
result to continuation and opens newtype. 
instance MonadTrans (Enumeratee e s) where
 lift m = Enumeratee $ \c - Enumerator $ m = \v - runEnumerator (c v)

A very traditional MonadIO instance, found as is in most monad transformers libraries.
instance MonadIO m = MonadIO (Enumeratee e s m) where
 liftIO = lift. liftIO

The main part: yield a value. We postfix function with E (Enumeratee) to distinct from
similiar functions found later. 
yieldE :: Monad m = s - Enumeratee e s m ()
yieldE v = Enumeratee $ \c - Enumerator $ return $ Just $ Right (v, c () )

finalE is final computations returns 'dummy' enumerator. It is designed to be
last computation in do-block in Enumerator specification. An alternative exists:
failE, that indicates an error in stream. 
finalE :: Monad m = Enumeratee e s m (Enumerator e s m)
finalE = return $ Enumerator $ return Nothing

failE :: Monad m = e - Enumeratee e s m (Enumerator e s m)
failE e = return $ Enumerator $ return $ Just $ Left e 

Iterator is something, that takes enumerator and produces value. Unlike Enumerator, Iterator
is in control: it reduces enumerator whenever needed. However, basic definitions follows the
same pattern.
newtype Iterator r e s m 
 = Iterator 
 	{ runIterator 
		:: Enumerator e s m
		- m r

newtype Iteratee r e s m a
 = Iteratee 
 	{ runIteratee 
		:: (a - Iterator r e s m)
		- Iterator r e s m

mkI :: Iteratee r e s m (Iterator r e s m) - Iterator r e s m 
mkI i = runIteratee i id

instance Monad (Iteratee r e s m) where
 return a = Iteratee ($ a)
 m =  k = Iteratee $ \c - runIteratee m $ \v - runIteratee (k v) c

instance Functor (Iteratee r e s m) where
 fmap f m = m = return . f

instance MonadTrans (Iteratee r e s) where
 lift m = Iteratee $ \c - Iterator $ \e - m = \v - runIterator (c v) e

instance MonadIO m = MonadIO (Iteratee r e s m) where
 liftIO = lift . liftIO

This function produces final iterator that does nothing and simply returns value provided
finalI :: Monad m = r - Iteratee r e s m (Iterator r e s m)

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Iteratee-like

2010-12-15 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 12/15/2010 05:48 PM, John Lato wrote:

 From: Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com

 current links


 The main difference from 'original' iteratees I read about is that
 do not use 'chunks' and pass data one-by-one. So, what I wrote may be
 slower, but should be easier to maintain and more transparent for ghc
 optimising facilities. I wanted as clean and simple code as possible,
 but it is still very, very messy at some places and I want it cleaner.
 Any suggestions? I also want to check, how good ghc does its work with
 this messy modules. They may become interesting benchmarks.

 Have you tried comparing it to either iteratee or enumerator (which
 had mostly comparable performance last time I checked, with a slight
 edge to iteratee)?  Or to Oleg's library?  Try writing test cases, a
 simple byte-counting application, or similar, so you can compare the
 performance with the other versions.  Both enumerator and iteratee
 include demo programs that you could use as a starting point.
I wrote a simple counter (attached,works for both variants of package),
that literally counts bytes of given value in input. I got three-time
slower result then with lazy io ( 0_o) with rank2types variant and
six-seven time slower result with no CPS-version.  Looks like ghc is
really good with list fusion... I'm still reading tutorial from iteratee
package, so I have not compared with it yet. An equivalend lazy io
programm attached. Can someone give an advice how to improve performance?

 I agree that iteratees which work on a per-element level are very
 clean and should be amenable to optimization by GHC.  It also shows a
 very clear relationship with stream-fusion techniques.  Unfortunately
 when I last tried it I couldn't get acceptable performance.  I was
 using ghc-6.12.1 IIRC, so it could be different now.


module Main where
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Environment

main = do
 (fn:ls:_) - getArgs
 flip mapM_ ls $ \ec - do
 	fc - readFile fn
	let v = foldl' (\n cc - if ec == cc then (n+1) else n ) 0 fc
	putStrLn $ for character  ++ show ec ++  count is  ++ show v
 putStrLn $ all done

module Main where
import Data.Char
import Data.Iteration.Types
import Data.Iteration.IO.File
import Data.Word
import System.Environment

main = do
 fn:cl:_ - getArgs
 flip mapM_ cl $ 
 	\c - 	do
		let ccc n = do
			cb - nextI (putStrLn $ count for char  ++ show c ++  is  ++ show n) (putStrLn . show)
			n `seq` if (cb == fromIntegral ( ord c ) ) then ccc (n + 1) else ccc n
		flip runIterator (fileE fn) $ mkI $ ccc 0

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Iteratee-like

2010-12-15 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 12/15/2010 05:48 PM, John Lato wrote:

 From: Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com

 current links


 The main difference from 'original' iteratees I read about is that
 do not use 'chunks' and pass data one-by-one. So, what I wrote may be
 slower, but should be easier to maintain and more transparent for ghc
 optimising facilities. I wanted as clean and simple code as possible,
 but it is still very, very messy at some places and I want it cleaner.
 Any suggestions? I also want to check, how good ghc does its work with
 this messy modules. They may become interesting benchmarks.

 Have you tried comparing it to either iteratee or enumerator (which
 had mostly comparable performance last time I checked, with a slight
 edge to iteratee)?  Or to Oleg's library?  Try writing test cases, a
 simple byte-counting application, or similar, so you can compare the
 performance with the other versions.  Both enumerator and iteratee
 include demo programs that you could use as a starting point.
Ok, I tested with ByteString chunks and got roughly the same performance
(less then 5 % difference) as with Data.Iteratee (as expected, as it is
not a monad a bottlenec when using chunks). However, with Word8' streams
I slows down to point six times slower then lazy IO. this is still may
be acceptable if IO actions has to be performed while making nontrivial
list fusions, but in general it is fail.

Well, ghc has another complicated case for compiler optimisation tests.

CPS-style with rank2 types provides boost to performance, but when using
chunks it is insignificant, so haskell-98 version of iteratees may be
used with no worries.

 I agree that iteratees which work on a per-element level are very
 clean and should be amenable to optimization by GHC.  It also shows a
 very clear relationship with stream-fusion techniques.  Unfortunately
 when I last tried it I couldn't get acceptable performance.  I was
 using ghc-6.12.1 IIRC, so it could be different now.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Iteratee-like

2010-12-14 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Ok, I think, I made it right now. I wrote two versions of the very same
module with roughly the same interface. It is minimalistic framework for
producing, transforming, zipping and folding streaming data (a sample
code that does file IO provided, but it is not well tested yet). One
version abuses CPS-style, requires rank2types, but should be slightly
faster and has cleaner code. Other version is plain haskell-98 and
should be reasonable portable, but is tricky at some plases and still
uses CPS for specifing stream processors. I want to add many things, but
currently I want to document code properly so it be easy to read (BTW,
has someone any article, produced from *.lhs with good typesetting and
with *.lhs itself avaible? )

current links


The main difference from 'original' iteratees I read about is that both
do not use 'chunks' and pass data one-by-one. So, what I wrote may be
slower, but should be easier to maintain and more transparent for ghc
optimising facilities. I wanted as clean and simple code as possible,
but it is still very, very messy at some places and I want it cleaner.
Any suggestions? I also want to check, how good ghc does its work with
this messy modules. They may become interesting benchmarks.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] lhs2tex build failure

2010-12-14 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
I use ghc-7.0.1 and cabal 1.10.0 . When tried to install lhs2tex-1.16 I
got error in Setup.lhs:
`programArgs' is not a (visible) field of constructor

`programArgs' is not a (visible) field of constructor

s/programArgs/programDefaultArgs/ resolves error (cabal changed
ConfiguredProgram definition)

however, later I had another problem when compiling:
[16 of 19] Compiling MathPoly ( MathPoly.lhs,
dist/build/lhs2TeX/lhs2TeX-tmp/MathPoly.o )

Ambiguous type variable `tok' in the constraint:
  (CToken tok) arising from a use of `mkFromTo'
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
In the expression:
[fromToken $ TeX False (indent (rn, rc) (n, c))]
In the expression:
rstack = dropWhile (\ (rc, _) - rc = c) stack
(rn, rc) = findrel (n, c) rstack
fstack = (c, l) : rstack
  [fromToken $ TeX False (indent (rn, rc) (n, c))]
In a case alternative:
Poly p@(((n, c), ts, ind) : rs)
  | first
  - let
   rstack = dropWhile (\ (rc, _) - ...) stack
   (rn, rc) = findrel ... rstack
 [fromToken $ TeX False (indent (rn, rc) (n, c))]
  | c `elem` z - mkFromTo stack n (n ++ E) c ts rs ls

I cannot fix it on my own. Any suggestions ? Sorry, by I do not want
downgrade, if possible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A home-brew iteration-alike library: some extension quiestions

2010-12-13 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Well, It looks like with 'transformer' look onto iteratees it is
possible to fold two streams without anything except Iteratee, yet some
complications arise. Even real zipping. for example merging two sorted
streams with output stream sorted, is expressible. More preciesely, I
tried to write a separate module (attached) and with careful use of
'runners' I got stack of Iteratee/Enumeratee transformers, that shall do
the job. However, typing of the running function and input streams is a

t \i e g - mkEnumeration $ enumerateTo g $ mkIteration $ enumerateTo e
(mkIteration i)
\i e g - mkEnumeration $ enumerateTo g $ mkIteration $ enumerateTo e
(mkIteration i)
  :: Iteratee e2 a s2 (Iteratee e1 a s1 (Enumeratee e r s m)) a
 - Enumeration e2 a s2 (Iteratee e1 a s1 (Enumeratee e r s m))
 - Enumeration e1 a s1 (Enumeratee e r s m)
 - Enumeration e r s m

And lifting of innermost iteratee's 'nextIM' is not sufficient for merge
of sorting streams: A separate one must be written.
-- | Pure haskell 98 code : datatypes, instances and so on.
-- No fundeps/typefamilies: they will go to separate packages
module Data.Iteration.Types where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

newtype Enumeration e r s m
 = Enumeration 
 	{ runEnumeration:: m r -- executed if no more input
			- (e - m r)  -- executed if error encountered
			- (s - Enumeration e r s m - m r) -- executed if there is more input
			- m r

newtype Enumeratee e r s m a
 = Enumeratee 
 	{ runEnumeratee	:: ( a - Enumeration e r s m ) -- how to generate tail of enumeration ?
			- Enumeration e r s m

instance Monad (Enumeratee e r s m) where
 return a = Enumeratee ( $ a)
 m = k  = Enumeratee $ \c - runEnumeratee m $ \p - runEnumeratee (k p) c

instance Functor (Enumeratee e r m s) where
 fmap f m = m = return . f

instance MonadTrans (Enumeratee e r s) where
 lift m = Enumeratee $ 	\c - 
	Enumeration $ \pr eh ip - do
		v - m 
		runEnumeration (c v) pr eh ip

instance MonadIO m = MonadIO (Enumeratee e r s m) where
 liftIO = lift . liftIO

yield :: s - Enumeratee e r s m ()
yield s = Enumeratee $ \c - Enumeration $ \ _ _ n - n s $ c ()

failE :: e - Enumeratee e r s m a
failE e = Enumeratee $ \_ - Enumeration $ \_ eh _ - eh e

stopE :: Enumeratee e r s m a
stopE = Enumeratee $ \_ - Enumeration $ \r _ _ - r 

mkEnumeration :: Enumeratee e r s m a - Enumeration e r s m
mkEnumeration e = runEnumeratee e $ const $ Enumeration $ \pr _ _ - pr

enumerateTo :: Enumeration e r s m - Iteration e r s m - m r
enumerateTo = flip runIteration


newtype Iteration e r s m
 = Iteration
 	{ runIteration	:: Enumeration e r s m - m r } 

newtype Iteratee e r s m a 
 = Iteratee 
 	{ runIteratee 	:: ( a - Iteration e r s m )
 			- Iteration e r s m

instance Monad (Iteratee e r s m) where
 return a = Iteratee ($ a)
 m =  k = Iteratee $ \c - runIteratee m $ \ a - runIteratee (k a) c

instance Functor (Iteratee e r s m) where
 fmap f m = m = return . f

instance MonadTrans (Iteratee e r s) where
 lift m = Iteratee $ \c -
 	Iteration $ \e - do
		v - m
		runIteration (c v) e

instance MonadIO m = MonadIO (Iteratee e r s m) where
 liftIO = lift . liftIO

stopI :: Monad m = r - Iteratee e r s m a
stopI r = Iteratee $ \_ - Iteration $ \_ - return r

stopIM :: m r - Iteratee e r s m a
stopIM r = Iteratee $ \_ - Iteration $ \_ - r

nextI :: Monad m = r - (e - r) - Iteratee e r s m s
nextI pr eh = Iteratee $ \c - Iteration $ \e - 
 runEnumeration e (return pr) (return . eh) $ \s e' - runIteration (c s) e'

nextIM :: m r - (e - m r) - Iteratee e r s m s 
nextIM pr eh = Iteratee $ \c - Iteration $ \e - 
 runEnumeration e pr eh $ \s e' - runIteration (c s) e'

mkIteration :: Monad m = Iteratee e a s m a - Iteration e a s m
mkIteration i = runIteratee i $ \v - Iteration $ \_ - return v


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A home-brew iteration-alike library: some extension quiestions

2010-12-09 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Hi. I Wrote a simple iteration library. It was not intensively tested,
so it MAY contatin bugs, but it is very unlikely. The library is
currently on github: https://github.com/permeakra/iteration

I'm not ready to upload it to hackage, as some testing and extension is
really needed. However, I'd like to know about possible flaws.

Current goal is addition of byte-stream (de)compression and IO functions
extenstion. After this package will be cabalized and uploaded to
hackage. So, while design is not frozen yet, I'm interested in criticism -)/

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A home-brew iteration-alike library: some extension quiestions

2010-12-09 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Haskell-cafe] A home-brew iteration-alike library: some
extension quiestions
Date:   Thu, 09 Dec 2010 23:07:49 +0300
From:   Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com
To: Antoine Latter aslat...@gmail.com

On 12/09/2010 10:54 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
 I only have some surface level questions/comments -

 What existing packages is this similar to? How is it different from
 any previous work in the area?

Main idea was taken from Iteratees invented by Oleg Kiselev (there are
two packages on hackage implementing this ideas: data-iteraties and
enumerator packages)
The difference is, that I wished haskell-2010 compilant package for
left-foldable streams, including support for easy builing, transcoding,
merging and folding of streams relying on do-notation (see
Data.Iteration.Unicode.* for examples of transcoding streams: it is
quite clean and easily understandable) and ability to specify easily
monadic actions in stream processors.
 Also, likes looks like you don't need the 'Monad m' constraint on your
 various Monad and Functor instances in Data.Iteration.Types, which I
 think is one of the nicest properties of the continuation-based
 approach to something like this.
Errgh. That may be true, but I did not consider non-monadic context at
all, so I enforced this constrain mindlessly
 It's a mater of taste which way to go, but I prefer importing modules
 qualified rather than have type-suffixes on functions - so I would
 rather use 'I.next' and 'A.next' instead of 'nextI' and 'nextA'. But
 reasonable people can disagree on this.

 Take care,
 On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi. I Wrote a simple iteration library. It was not intensively tested,
 so it MAY contatin bugs, but it is very unlikely. The library is
 currently on github: https://github.com/permeakra/iteration

 I'm not ready to upload it to hackage, as some testing and extension is
 really needed. However, I'd like to know about possible flaws.

 Current goal is addition of byte-stream (de)compression and IO functions
 extenstion. After this package will be cabalized and uploaded to
 hackage. So, while design is not frozen yet, I'm interested in criticism -)/

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A home-brew iteration-alike library: some extension quiestions

2010-12-09 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 12/09/2010 11:17 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
 Also, one thing that tripped me up is that your Stream type is
 fundamentally different from the Stream types in the
 iteratee/enumerator libraries - yours is more of a monadic list in the
 inner monad, with explicit errors.

 How does this change the operation of the Iterator type?
The problem was that I wished Zippee. It means that external enumerator
must be suspended at some points so Zippee can process elements from
both left and right streams in desired order. It makes any other
approach I considered impossible to use.

 Also, in what way are the other libraries not Haskell-2010 compliant?
 I haven't experimented too much with this sort of thing, since Cabal
 defaults to the Haskell '98 language, and that's how I install most 
Haskell-2010 does not include functional dependencies (wich are
considered evil by many) and, as I recall, type families. This makes mtl
haskell-2010 and haskell-98 uncompilant -(. Functional dependencies and
type familes are tricky things, so it is better to avoid them.
 Thanks for your response,

 On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 12/09/2010 10:54 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
 I only have some surface level questions/comments -

 What existing packages is this similar to? How is it different from
 any previous work in the area?

 Main idea was taken from Iteratees invented by Oleg Kiselev (there are
 two packages on hackage implementing this ideas: data-iteraties and
 enumerator packages)
 The difference is, that I wished haskell-2010 compilant package for
 left-foldable streams, including support for easy builing, transcoding,
 merging and folding of streams relying on do-notation (see
 Data.Iteration.Unicode.* for examples of transcoding streams: it is
 quite clean and easily understandable) and ability to specify easily
 monadic actions in stream processors.
 Also, likes looks like you don't need the 'Monad m' constraint on your
 various Monad and Functor instances in Data.Iteration.Types, which I
 think is one of the nicest properties of the continuation-based
 approach to something like this.
 Errgh. That may be true, but I did not consider non-monadic context at
 all, so I enforced this constrain mindlessly
 It's a mater of taste which way to go, but I prefer importing modules
 qualified rather than have type-suffixes on functions - so I would
 rather use 'I.next' and 'A.next' instead of 'nextI' and 'nextA'. But
 reasonable people can disagree on this.

 Take care,
 On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:42 PM, Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com 
 Hi. I Wrote a simple iteration library. It was not intensively tested,
 so it MAY contatin bugs, but it is very unlikely. The library is
 currently on github: https://github.com/permeakra/iteration

 I'm not ready to upload it to hackage, as some testing and extension is
 really needed. However, I'd like to know about possible flaws.

 Current goal is addition of byte-stream (de)compression and IO functions
 extenstion. After this package will be cabalized and uploaded to
 hackage. So, while design is not frozen yet, I'm interested in criticism 

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] haskell-2010 binary IO

2010-12-09 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Does haskell 2010 include binary IO? If no, what was the reason?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Digests

2010-12-03 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 12/03/2010 10:48 AM, Serguey Zefirov wrote:
 2010/12/3 Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com:
 Most of the time you can get away with usual block ciphers (and even
 with weaker parameters). There is a scheme that transforms block
 cipher into hash function:
 */me wrote it into to_read list. The problem is, however, that block
 ciphers are quite unfriendly to plain word8 streams. It is not a deadly
 problem, but i'd like to avoid block collections.
 All one-way hashes do block collections. This is unavoidable.
Why ? Is there some math behind this proposition ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Digests

2010-12-03 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 12/03/2010 11:40 AM, Serguey Zefirov wrote:
 2010/12/3 Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com:
 */me wrote it into to_read list. The problem is, however, that block
 ciphers are quite unfriendly to plain word8 streams. It is not a deadly
 problem, but i'd like to avoid block collections.
 All one-way hashes do block collections. This is unavoidable.
 Why ? Is there some math behind this proposition ?
 This is hard - to add single byte into the sum with cryptographic (or
 near cryptographic) security. To quote Wikipedia again: The avalanche
 effect is evident if, when an input is changed slightly (for example,
 flipping a single bit) the output changes significantly (e.g., half
 the output bits flip).
This simply means, that active set of bits must be at least of the size
of final value and value to be added must be added somehow to every byte
in active set. The simplest way to do it is multiplication of vector
[active-state-bits++current-byte] and some matrix of size [resulting
bytes count|resulting bytes count + 1] (of cource, not in floating-point
math, but, for example, using modulo-256 arithmetic or even hand-coded
tables for mul and sum). This, of course, means, that byte-streaming
hashes needs some initial seed (that must be paired with resulting value
to check) and that every byte will cause much operations to perform,
resulting in poor performance. So, the conclusion is: byte-streaming
hashes are possible, but because of requirements definitly will have
poor performance, much worse then block ones. Am I correct?

 This is true for hashes too. Hash should change about half of the
 random output bits when single bit of input changes. Especially if you
 aim to tamper-proof hashes. You have to have that property on every
 round of hashing, because you don't know when to stop. For bytes, you
 have to guarantee that you get an avalanche effect for every byte - it
 means, that you have to transform your entire block plus input byte in
 an expensive way. MD5 and all other hashes have internal state of
 various size, they all keep input blocks to make hashing transform
 less expensive.

 Fast methods like sum-modulo-poly (CRC variants) or linear
 congruential generators do not have good avalanche property when used
 for stream hashing or encryption. Even their combination (one in ZIP
 encryption) wasn't strong enough.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Digests

2010-12-02 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
The data integrity checks is well-known problem. A common soluting is
use of 'checksums'. Most of them , however, are built in quite
obfuscated manner (like md5) that results in ugly and error-prone
implementations (see reference implementation for same md5).

So, the question is: is there a checksum, that is easy to implement over
stream of bytes and may work as good checksum and is good in sence that
creation of messages with same checksum that given message has is very
hard problem (at least 2^128 tries) ?

The reason is that I wish a good checksum to be implemented im my
stream-oriented library.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Digests

2010-12-02 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 12/03/2010 12:33 AM, Serguey Zefirov wrote:
 2010/12/3 Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com:
 The data integrity checks is well-known problem. A common soluting is
 use of 'checksums'. Most of them , however, are built in quite
 obfuscated manner (like md5) that results in ugly and error-prone
 implementations (see reference implementation for same md5).

 So, the question is: is there a checksum, that is easy to implement over
 stream of bytes and may work as good checksum and is good in sence that
 creation of messages with same checksum that given message has is very
 hard problem (at least 2^128 tries) ?
 2^128 tries needed for hash size of 256 bits. See
Ok, I have to use at least 256 bit resulting value. This is four Word64
or 32 Word8 ... Well, maybe it will work
 Most of the time you can get away with usual block ciphers (and even
 with weaker parameters). There is a scheme that transforms block
 cipher into hash function:
*/me wrote it into to_read list. The problem is, however, that block
ciphers are quite unfriendly to plain word8 streams. It is not a deadly
problem, but i'd like to avoid block collections.
 RC5, for example, parametrized by number of encryption rounds. RC5
 with 12 rounds has sufficiently good avalanche (spread of bit change)
 so that you can use 12-round RC-5 instead of full death proof

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cabal-install is broken

2010-11-22 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
current cabal-install (0.8.2) cannot be compiled with ghc-7.0.1 set of
boot libraries. It requires cabal 1.8.* wich fails to compile. Does
anyone worked this out ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] xml packages

2010-11-09 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
First question. As I saw in sources, both hxt and haxml uses [Char]'s.
this is very inefficient. I want to know, does any effective parser for
haskell, written in haskell, exists. Efficient means using ByteString to
store strings and possibly building representations that shares one
string for all similiary named elements. If there is no, is anyone
interested in writing one?

Second question. I'd like to have a package for read-write-edit SVG
graphics. I think, xslt (both transformations and formatting object) are
interesting too. Is anyone considering writing such packages?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is simplest extension language to implement?

2010-11-04 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
ehm. I missed something and ghc api is well documented and stable ?

 There are other ways of adding Haskell as a scripting language -
 bundling ghc is not necessary.
I still have not found haskell interpreter, that is written in pure
haskell and has good quality (i.e. stable, written in stable subset of
ghc haskell, is small and so on). I know, that there is
haskell-src(-ext), but interpreter (or at least compiler to ext-core) is
needed. However, it may be a way... if no other will be found.
 It is inacceptable for scripting language, faced to no-programmers. Such
 languages must be as plain and regular, as possible.

 We give Haskell as a embedded scripting language to non-programmers,
 and they love it.  They especially like the strong typing, which finds
 their bugs before they ever get the chance to run their script.  The
 terseness and lack of similarity to other programming languages is
 another benefit.
I loved it as well and I was not programmer at that moment. However, I
spent about 30-40 evenings to learn it well enough. I wish language,
that can be learned in 3 evenings and used well enough for 3 days of
work... And many of it's fetures are not standardized yet.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] What is simplest extension language to implement?

2010-11-02 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Let us think, that we need some scripting language for our pure haskell
project and configure-compile-run is not a way. In such a case a
reasonably simple, yet standartized and wide known language should be
implemented. What such language may be?
 R(4/5/6)RS ?
 EcmaScript ?
 Some other ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is simplest extension language to implement?

2010-11-02 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
Forth is quite easy to implement, but can it be used as extension
language? Wiki describes it as quite low level...
TCL ... Well, I'll consider it if it have written standart, like RxRS does.
On 11/02/2010 09:31 AM, Miguel Mitrofanov wrote:
 Ehm... Forth? TCL?

 Отправлено с iPhone

 Nov 2, 2010, в 9:04, Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com написал(а):

 Let us think, that we need some scripting language for our pure haskell
 project and configure-compile-run is not a way. In such a case a
 reasonably simple, yet standartized and wide known language should be
 implemented. What such language may be?
 R(4/5/6)RS ?
 EcmaScript ?
 Some other ?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is simplest extension language to implement?

2010-11-02 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
ehm. I missed something and ghc api is well documented and stable ?

The problem is that haskell is overkill here and it requires esoteric
extensions for some tasks (Rank2Types for reflection, for example). It
is inacceptable for scripting language, faced to no-programmers. Such
languages must be as plain and regular, as possible. So, statically
typed languages are out of consideration: they either have poor
expressive power, or have expressive, but  complex type system (as
haskell), or relies on hacks within language for some tasks(typecasts
and duck typing in c++). Scheme may be acceptable, and possibly
EcmaScript. I do not know any other acceptable standartized language. 
Yet, Scheme has really ugly synthax and Ecma-262 standard is 250 pages
long (Of course, it is not C++ with about 1000 pages in standart, but it
still hurts to read 250 pages of techdocs in foreign language).

On 11/02/2010 12:21 PM, Lennart Augustsson wrote:
 I don't understand.  Why don't you use Haskell as the scripting language?

 On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 7:04 AM, Permjacov Evgeniy permea...@gmail.com wrote:
 Let us think, that we need some scripting language for our pure haskell
 project and configure-compile-run is not a way. In such a case a
 reasonably simple, yet standartized and wide known language should be
 implemented. What such language may be?
  R(4/5/6)RS ?
  EcmaScript ?
  Some other ?
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Finite but not fixed length...

2010-10-13 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
 infinite value is value, that have no upper bound (see infinity
definition). So, you have to provide upper bound at compile time. Tree
example provides such bound.

On 10/13/2010 03:27 PM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
 Again, the question is not how to arrange that all non-bottom values
 are finite: this can easily be done using strictness, as in your List

 The trick is to reject infinite values in compile time. How can *this* be 

 13 октября 2010 г. 15:26 пользователь Permjacov Evgeniy
 permea...@gmail.com написал:
  On 10/13/2010 03:09 PM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:

 1-st scenario: If you have, for example, 2-3 tree, it definitly has a
 root. If you construct tree from list and then match over root, the
 entire tree (and entire source list) will be forced. And on every
 update, 2-3 tree's root is reconstructed in functional setting. So, if
 you'll try to build 2-3 tree from infinite list, it will fail in process
 due insuffisient memory.
 Of course, you can make the same with
  data List a = Cons a (!List a) | Nil

 second scenario
 data Node a = Nil | One a | Two a a
 and so Node (Node (Node (Node a))) has at most 2^4 = 16 elements. with
 some triks you'll be able to set upper bound in runtime.

 I don't see how. Could you elaborate?

 13 октября 2010 г. 14:46 пользователь Permjacov Evgeniy
 permea...@gmail.com написал:
  On 10/13/2010 12:33 PM, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
 I think, tree-like structure, used as sequence (like fingertrees), will
 do the work.
 but it's not so easy to make infinite lists fail to typecheck...
 That's what I'm wondering about.

 2010/10/13 Miguel Mitrofanov miguelim...@yandex.ru:
  hdList :: List a n - Maybe a
 hdList Nil = Nothing
 hdList (Cons a _) = Just a

 hd :: FiniteList a - Maybe a
 hd (FL as) = hdList as

 *Finite hd ones

 this hangs, so, my guess is that ones = _|_

 13.10.2010 12:13, Eugene Kirpichov пишет:
 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, GADTs, EmptyDataDecls #-}
 module Finite where

 data Zero
 data Succ a

 class Finite a where

 instance Finite Zero
 instance (Finite a) =  Finite (Succ a)

 data List a n where
   Nil :: List a Zero
   Cons :: (Finite n) =  a -  List a n -  List a (Succ n)

 data FiniteList a where
   FL :: (Finite n) =  List a n -  FiniteList a

 nil :: FiniteList a
 nil = FL Nil

 cons :: a -  FiniteList a -  FiniteList a
 cons a (FL x) = FL (Cons a x)

 list123 = cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))

 ones = cons 1 ones -- typechecks ok
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Arrow transformers: how to make them wright?

2010-08-31 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
 A Control.Arrow in base package introduces an arrow type, and ghc have
good support for arrow notation. Many things, avaible in monads, are
avaible in arrows as well. There is an arrows package, that introduces
some arrow classes : state, reader, writer and so on. However, it does
not introduce systematic lifting of arrow classes operations.

Arrows are generalisation of monads. There are libraries, that
introduces systematic lifting of operations from monad classes.

So, the quesions are:
 what operations should be in arrow transformer class? Captain Obvious
says, it should look at least like:
class ArrowTrans t where
lift :: ( Arrow a, Arrow (t a) ) = a b c - t a b c

 what laws arrow transformers must obey? C.O. says, at least
lift a b c  lift a c d == lift ( a b c  a c d )
 how to perform lifting of actions for classes like this:
  class Arrow a = ArrowError a e| a- e where
 raise :: a e ()
 handle :: a e c - a b c - a b c

class Arrow a = ArrowReader a e | a - e where
   look :: a () e
   local :: a b c - a (b,e) c

The answers lies somewhere in category theory, C.O. says. Of course,
such answer is not satisfactory.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Parsing of bytestrings with non-String errors?

2010-02-21 Thread Permjacov Evgeniy
On 02/21/2010 11:57 PM, haskell-cafe-requ...@haskell.org wrote:
 Message: 2
 Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 12:36:21 +
 From: Magnus Therning mag...@therning.org
 Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Parsing of bytestrings with non-String errors?
 To: haskell-cafe haskell-cafe@haskell.org
 Message-ID: 4b8128c5.6030...@therning.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 I've looked at polyparse and attoparsec and they seem to have in common that
 the error always is a String.  My current ideas for a project would be a lot
 easier if I could just return some other type, something that I can pattern
 match on.

 Is there a parser combinator library out there that works on bytestrings and
 allows using a custom error type?

 Or maybe there's some very basic reason why String is so commonly used?


You can try to play with ParsecT / ErrorT

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