Re: List comprehensions

2003-01-30 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

* Rijk J. C. van Haaften <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-30 11:41 +0100]:

> Recently, I came accross this expression:
> [ x + y | x <- xs | y <- ys ]
Put a comma ',' here.

That's something totally different. Two examples:
1. Comma
  [ x + y | x <- [1,2], y <- [3,4] ]
= [4,5,5,6]

2. Bar
  [ x + y | x <- [1,2] | y <- [3,4] ]
= [ x + y | (x,y) <- zip [1,2] [3,4] ]
= zipWith (+) [1,2] [3,4]
= [4,6]

The first is according to the standard. No problems so far.
However, I couldn't find a description of the semantics of
the second (and it is clearly non-standard), though I think
the semantics given above using zip and zipWith are correct.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

List comprehensions

2003-01-30 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

Recently, I came accross this
[ x + y | x <- xs | y <- ys ]

As far as I can see (Haskell Report),
this is not allowed by the haskell 98
standard. So I assume it to be an ex-
tension. Where can I find information
about this?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Binary search tree

2002-04-29 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

>Hi everybody,
>I studied haskell this semester at the university and I was required to
>implement a binary search tree in haskell.
>I would appreciate if anyone could send me an example code of this data

Just read a standard textbook. Some useful course notes
by Jeroen Fokker are available online at
Enough to solve your problem.

Rijk-Jan van Haaften

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: hashmap withdrawal and poor haskell style

2002-04-03 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

At 13:27 03-04-02 +0100, D. Tweed wrote:
>On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Michal Wallace wrote:
> > module Main where
> > alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
> > count ch str = length [c | c <- str , c == ch]
> > hist str = [count letter str | letter <- alphabet]
> > oneline ch str = [ch] ++ " " ++ stars (count ch str)
> > stars x = if x == 0
> >   then ""
> >   else "*" ++ stars ( x - 1 )
> > report str ch = do putStrLn ( oneline ch str )
> > loop f (h:t) = if t == []
> >then f h
> >else do f h
> >loop f t
> > main = do content <- getContents
> >   let rpt letter = report content letter
> >   loop rpt alphabet
> > """
> >
> > Other than ignoring upper case letters, and being really
> > really slow, it seems to work fine in hugs
>I'm a bit confused how this can have worked... in Haskell `let' is used in
>the context of a `let ..<1>.. in ..<2>..' where the code ellided in <1>
>binds some names to values which are then used in the expression <2> (as
>in `let x=sqrt 2 in exp x') and so the contents of main isn't (unless I'm
>missing something) syntactically Haskell.

It's correct Haskell. Have a look at


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Rectification Hugs bug

2002-03-07 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

Dear all, 

After intensive investication of several people here at
Utrecht University, these are the results
 1. The very latest Hugs version doesn't have the bug
 2. All before-december-2001 versions don't have the bug
I were using a version downloaded some weeks ago. After
installing the current distribution, the problems disappeared

Therefore, I suspect there have been one or more
bug-fix updates after December 2001, fixing this problem.
However, I couldn't find that documented on the Hugs site.

Can anyone confirm such an update? Where can I find last-
minute distribution information?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Bug in Hugs Dec 2001: type inferencer incorrect!

2002-03-06 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

Hello everybody,

Although I didn't manage to reproduce the
bug with a minimal example, I think it is
still important enough to tell you (and
especially the Hugs writers and maintainers).

Yesterday evening, I tried to add some correct
(!) code (by-hand-verifyable; by GHC accepted;
just using plain Haskell 98) to one of the
projects I'm working on.

Hugs however said this:
Type checking
ERROR "TypeInferDecls.hs":102 - Type error in application
*** Expression : checkedUnify (snd newTyEnv) inferredHpPtr explicitHpPtr (\t1 t2 
ue -> ([l],ExplicitError n t1 t2 ue))
*** Term   : checkedUnify
*** Type   : NonGenerics -> HpPtr -> HpPtr -> ErrorFunction -> TI Error ()
*** Does not match : a -> b -> c -> d -> e
*** Because: types do not match

I've read this ten times, checked my code
looking whether I were doing strange things,
but I can only conclude:
This is, even without a minimal example,
clearly a bug: the types do match.

Moreover, the bug is reported about a completely
different part of the file (relative to the location
I edited), in code almost unrelated to the code
I added (about line 300).

I have explicit types everywhere in that file,
so if it were wrong, the error should be
reported about line 300. So the reporting-place
is wrong (but I don't expect Hugs to report
good error-placement).

Though I didn't manage to write a minimal
example, I hope our Hugs experts are able
to find the bug soon.

As a last point: the file is rather big:
726 lines of code, 27KB.

Rijk-Jan van Haaften

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Ground Up

2002-02-28 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

Jerry wrote

>However, my problems are:
>* I still don't understand most of the codes I found, like the various
>   haskell libraries
Practice is the only answer to this problem, as Keith Wansbrough says.

>* I still have no clue of most (ok, almost all) of what is being
>   discussed in this mailing list
Though I am a CS student, being highly interested in Haskell and
practising a lot, I didn't understand most of the discussions on
this mailing list.
I started understanding them only after I got involved in implementing
a Haskell compiler.
Therefore, don't worry about this point. A haskell-user doesn't
need to know the details of the haskell compiler ins and outs.

Rijk-Jan van Haaften

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Help

2002-02-25 Thread Rijk J. C. van Haaften

You probably want to do something like this:

main =
 do {
 contents <- input "twoboxes.dat"
 return (control (parser contents))

At 11:53 25-02-02 -0300, Juan M. Duran wrote:
>Hi, I'm writting a small parser in Haskell and, when it is all done, I get
>the following problem: Type Binding.
>The thing is, I have 3 main functions:
>1) Read the file, its type is: [Char] ->IO [Char] (see InputOutput.hs)
>2) Parse a string (using words and readDec), its type is: Integral a =>
>[Char] -> [a] (see Parse.hs)
>3) Parse a list of integer, its type is: [Float] -> [[Float]]
>Now the problem is that I cannot run the first function, then use its
>results as an input of the second function and, finally, its results as
>the input of the third function.
>How can I fix this without modifing all my functions because they,
>independly, works fine.

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