Re: [Haskell-cafe] Mining Twitter data in Haskell and Clojure

2010-06-15 Thread Ron de Bruijn

Op 14-06-10 07:00, braver schreef:

I'm computing a communication graph from Twitter data and then scan it
daily to allocate social capital to nodes behaving  in a good karmic
manner.  The graph is culled from 100 million tweets and has about 3
million nodes. First I wrote the simulation of the 35 days of data in
Clojure and then translated it into Haskell with great help from the
glorious #haskell folks.  I had to add -A5G -K5G to make it work.  It
does 10 days OK hovering at 57 GB of RAM; I include profiling of that

At first the Haskell executable goes faster than Clojure, not by an
order of magnitude, but by 2-3 times per day simulated.  (Clojure also
fits well in its 32 GB JVM with compressed references.)  However,
Haskell gets stuck after a while, and for good.  Clearly I'm not doing
Haskell optimally here, and would appreciate optimization advice.
Here's the code:

The data and problem description is in

-- also referred from the main

The main is in sc.hs, and the algorithm is in SocRun.hs.  The original
Clojure is in socrun.clj.  This is a continuation of active Twitter
research and the results will be published, and I'd really like to
make Haskell work at this scale and beyond!  The seq's sprinkled
already did no good.  I ran under ghc 6.10 with -O2 with or without -
fvia-C, with no difference in stallling, and am working to bring 6.12
to bear now.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

If you just want to optimize it and not compare exactly equal idiomatic code, 
you should stop using functional data structures and use a structure that fits 
your problem (the ST monad has been designed for that in Haskell), because 
compilers do not detect single-threaded usage and rewrite all your code to 
something mutable and thereby avoid O(log n) costs.

In practice it is probably easier to write the whole thing against the parallel 
Boost Graph Library (a C++ library), since that library provides the 
abstractions that you would want. If you go this path, it will probably end up 
being 10-100 times faster.


Best Regards,
Ron de Bruijn,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Nested Types stack size ...

2010-02-04 Thread Ron de Bruijn


Günther Schmidt schreef:


I'm using deeply nested types in my app and exceed some stack-size in ghci.

I can't remember the runtime option I have to pass to ghci anymore, it's 
been about a year since I last pursued this approach.

ghci +RTS --help suggests  -K Sets the maximum stack size (default 8M)
Egs: -K32k   -K512k. ghci is just another Haskell program which uses the GHC 

Is it also possible to set this stack-size via pragma in the source code?

Via an OPTIONS_GHC pragma, if possible.

Best Regards,
Ron de Bruijn,
Developer, Gamr7

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Marshalling arrays without flakiness?

2009-10-29 Thread Ron de Bruijn


I would like to know whether there is a good way to marshal the following 
structure to C without using pointer arithmetic done by a programmer (as opposed 
to a tool).

typedef struct{
double a[10];
double b[10];
double b[10];
} foo;

I don't need this functionality, but it would make Haskell -> C interfaces less 
flaky. Basically, writing Haskell -> C interfaces seem to be a very unpopular 
thing to do (as opposed to C -> Haskell interfaces).

For example, on Hackage (actually a checkout of a few months ago) there is only 
one package using pokeArray and it is not pretty; it uses pointer arithmetic and 
all other kinds of hard-coded addresses. If I change the order of the C fields 
it will break, if I change the length of the buffer they use, it breaks. Just 
look at it, and it will break ;)

If you are a bit creative, it is possible to make it work already, by using the 
best features of both hsc2hs and c2hs, but it is hardly elegant.

I suppose the real solution would be to extend c2hs with an offsetof function 
(for which patches already exist, btw), but it might be that I have missed some 
other solution.


Best Regards,
Ron de Bruijn,
Developer, Gamr7
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hsmagick crash

2009-06-08 Thread Ron de Bruijn

Mark Wassell schreef:
> Have you tried
> ?
Hi Mark,

I just did:

import Codec.Image.PNG

png_file_to_2d_array file = do
  either_error_string_or_png <- loadPNGFile file
(\s -> error $ "(png_file_to_2d_array) " ++ s)
(\png ->
  putStrLn (show (dimensions png))

and then calling it gives:

*** Exception: (png_file_to_2d_array) failed to parse chunk "IHDR", (line 1, 
column 1):

unexpected 0x0
expecting valid colorType: supported Ct2,Ct6

Best regards, Ron
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hsmagick crash

2009-06-08 Thread Ron de Bruijn


I am trying to extract the image data from various file formats and it appeared 
that hsmagick would be the right package to use.

However, it doesn't actually work or I use it incorrectly. If you have installed 
hsmagick and change the value of some_png_file to some existing png file, you 
should see that it crashes at some random pixel. For the particular 256*256 
image I had, it crashed on pixel_nr `elem` [54,56,57].

I am open to suggestions for better ways to get a Array (Int,Int) RGB from e.g. 
a png file.

import Graphics.Transform.Magick.Images
import Graphics.Transform.Magick.Types
import Foreign.Storable
import Control.Monad

image_file_name_to_2d_array file =   do
himage <- readImage file
let ptr_to_image = image himage
himage_ <- peekElemOff ptr_to_image 0
let bounds@(_rows, _cols) = (rows himage_,columns himage_)
number_of_pixels  = fromIntegral _rows * fromIntegral _cols
mapM (\pixel_nr -> do
   putStrLn ("Pixel: " ++ show pixel_nr)
   pixel_packet <- liftM background_color_  $
   let red_component = red pixel_packet
   putStrLn ("Pixel packet: " ++ show red_component)
   return red_component)
  [0.. number_of_pixels - 1]

some_png_file = "foo.png"

t = do
  image_file_name_to_2d_array some_png_file

initialize_image_library = initializeMagick

Best regards,
 Ron de Bruijn
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Marshalling recursive data structures with the FFI

2009-01-09 Thread Ron de Bruijn


A few days ago we published an article ( on 
using the FFI to marshal recursive data structures between Haskell and C 
(or Python if you use ctypes).

Best regards,

Ron de Bruijn
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Initializing GHC from Python

2008-12-23 Thread Ron de Bruijn


We have just published a small article on how one can initialize GHC 
from Python, with only optional use of C. You can read it at .

Best regards, 
Ron de Bruijn

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Writing binary files?

2004-09-11 Thread Ron de Bruijn
--- Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hal Daume III wrote:
> > There's a Binary module that comes with GHC that
> you can get somewhere (I 
> > believe Simon M wrote it).  I have hacked it up a
> bit and added support 
> > for bit-based writing, to bring it more in line
> with the NHC module.  
> > Mine, with various information, etc., is available
> at:
> > 
> >
> Hmmm, I'm not sure if that is what Ron asked for.
> What I guess is needed is
> support for things like:
> "read the next 4 bytes as a low-endian unsigned
> integer"
> "read the next 8 bytes as a big-endian IEEE 754
> double"
> "write the Int16 as a low-endian signed integer"
> "write the (StorableArray Int Int32) as
> big-endian signed integers"
> ...
> plus perhaps some String I/O with a few encodings.
> Alas, we do *not* have
> something in our standard libs, although there were
> a few discussions about
> it. I know that one can debate ages about byte
> orders, external representation
> of arrays and floats, etc. Nevertheless, I guess
> covering only low-/big-endian
> systems, IEEE 754 floats, and arrays as a simple
> 0-based sequence of its
> elements (with an explicit length stated somehow)
> would make at least 90% of all
> users happy and would be sufficient for most "real
> world" file formats. Currently
> one is bound to hGetBuf/hPutBuf, which is not really
> a comfortable way of doing
> binary I/O.
> Cheers,
> S.
Basically, I just want to have a function, that
converts a list with zeros and ones to a binary file
and the other way around. 

If I write  to a file, it would take 8 bytes.
But I want it to take 8 bits. 

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[Haskell-cafe] Writing binary files?

2004-09-11 Thread Ron de Bruijn

I would like to write and read binary files in
Haskell. I saw the System.IO module, but you need a
(Ptr a) value for using that, and I don't need
positions. I only want to read a complete binary file
and write another binary file. 

In 2001 somebody else came up with the same subject,
but then there wasn't a real solution. Now, 3 years
later, I can imagine there's *something*. 

What's that *something*?


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow in ghci

2004-09-02 Thread Ron de Bruijn

--- Tomasz Zielonka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 08:47:51AM -0700, Ron de
> Bruijn wrote:
> > I heard of the +RTS option. I used:
> > ghci SomeModule.hs -someoptions +RTS -K150,
> but
> > this doesn't seem to have any effect. 
> Try +RTS -K150M.
> -K150 means 150 bytes.
> Best regards,
> Tom
> -- 
> .signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
Ok, it works. I thought the K was equivalent to 1000,
but the first K doesn't have that meaning. Thanks.

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[Haskell-cafe] Stack overflow in ghci

2004-09-02 Thread Ron de Bruijn
I have an expression that gives a stack overflow in
ghci (official Debian unstable CVS version)) when I
evaluate it. The expression doesn't use more than
150MB of memory (I have more). How can I make sure the
stack overflow doesn't happen?

There are no strictness flags in my program. But I use
DData Maps(I don't know whether they are implemented
strict). I also don't know whether strictness/lazyness
has anything do to with it.  

*SomeModule> test
*** Exception: stack overflow
(148.67 secs, 250825284 bytes)

Sometimes I get a negative number of bytes.

I heard of the +RTS option. I used:
ghci SomeModule.hs -someoptions +RTS -K150, but
this doesn't seem to have any effect. I think there
should be someother option to change it? 

Thanks in advance,
  Ron de Bruijn

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell extension/improvement

2004-08-16 Thread Ron de Bruijn

--- Martin_Sjögren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 09:01:45 -0700 (PDT), Ron de
> Bruijn
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was playing with QuickCheck and I just wanted to
> put
> > all of my tests in a list, but that's not
> possible,
> > because of the fact that a list can only contain
> > values of the same type.
> > 
> > So concrete I would like to write down this:
> > 
> > prop_RevRev xs = reverse (reverse xs) == xs
> >   where types = xs::[Int]
> > 
> > --trivial test
> > prop_Simple = True == True
> > 
> > whatIwant::(Testable a)=>[a]
> > whatIwant = [prop_RevRev, prop_Simple]
> > 
> > testAll::IO ()
> > testAll = do sequence_ $ map quickCheck whatIwant
> > I saw this page:
> >
> > 
> > but you still have to explicitly add the relation
> via
> > Obj (and that's bad).
> Well, if you write
> data Test = forall a. Testable a => Test a
> instance Testable Test where
>   property (Test x) = property x
> you at least get the "unwrapping" for free, and can
> write things like
> mapM_ quickCheck [Test prop_revrev, Test
> prop_trivial, Test prop_something]
> Regards,
> Martin
I didn't expect these replies (including one
mentioning the HList idea(the enforced ordening is
nice, though)), while I tried to be precise. The idea
is that you don't write down the Test constructor in
any place, because you(that's the compiler) can check
that all the values you put in the list(or any other
datastructure) belong to a certain class. Everything
that can be derived should be derived. 

Regards, Ron

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[Haskell-cafe] Haskell extension/improvement

2004-08-16 Thread Ron de Bruijn
I was playing with QuickCheck and I just wanted to put
all of my tests in a list, but that's not possible,
because of the fact that a list can only contain
values of the same type. 

So concrete I would like to write down this:

prop_RevRev xs = reverse (reverse xs) == xs
  where types = xs::[Int]

--trivial test
prop_Simple = True == True 

whatIwant::(Testable a)=>[a]
whatIwant = [prop_RevRev, prop_Simple]

testAll::IO ()
testAll = do sequence_ $ map quickCheck whatIwant

quickCheck can work on all Testable values, so why
can't a list (any datastructure) can't hold Testable

What this gives you is, a lot more flexibility. Just
like you can define your functions on interfaces, now
you can use interfaces in your datastructures.  

I can't think of any reason why it couldn't be
implemented in any Haskell compiler. 

I saw this page:

but you still have to explicitly add the relation via
Obj (and that's bad). 

Regards, Ron

P.S. If it already exist in this exact way, how is it

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[Haskell-cafe] What versions do I need to compile the fptools?

2004-07-29 Thread Ron de Bruijn
I want to compile all of the fptools. This is what I

I got all files via CVS. And I did 

But with the make step gcc crashes with an internal
error on Syntax.hi. I already filled in a bug report
(not the most clear of them).  I especially installed
an "old" version of gcc (3.3.3)(I had gcc 3.4.1-2) to
be able to compile the C Macro's correctly. 

For the Haskell compilation I used ghc-6.2.1.
I think there is somewhere somebody that can compile
it, but I need the *exact* versions of the software
needed to do it. 

Is there anyone that *can* compile all of the fptools


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[Haskell-cafe] Laws in category theory..

2004-06-19 Thread Ron de Bruijn
I have been thinking about the following laws of a
monad. o is composition. 

# associative law of a monad 
mu o (mu o T) == mu o (T o mu)

The notation: Tmu, that's the same as T o mu, right?

How do I relate this to 
x*(y*z) == (x*y)*z ?

# the identity law of a monad 
mu o (T o eta) =={id}_\mathcal{C}= mu o (eta o T)

I also don't understand why I can't create the
following law out of the assocaitive law:
(mu o T) ==  (T o mu)
, bacause the first part of the expression is the

Please, enlighten me :)

Regards, Ron

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[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell-Cafe Digest, Vol 10, Issue 3

2004-06-10 Thread Ron de Bruijn
>G'day all.
Good day to you too.

>I don't know what you mean by "more complex".  A dot
>is just a dot, and
>it has no internal structure that we can get at using
>category theory
>alone.  Some dots may play specific roles in relation
>to other dots and
>arrows, but no dot is any more complex than any
other, >really.
Well, intuitvively seen, I meant. In some categories,
the dot might stand for a functor, and in some other
as a simple object. 

>For a counter-example, think of the dual category
>Set^{op}.  A morphism
>f : a -> b in that category means that there is a
>function f^{op} : b -> a
>where a and b are sets, however f probably isn't a
>function at all.
Well, what is it then? 

I see a function as something where you put something
in and you get a result. In this case, you already
say, there is a morphism b->a, wel than the following
of b to a and return a then is a function? 

A couple of days ago, I thought of the distinction
between a function and a morphism, as in that a
function operates on a hole set of objects, a.k.a.
domain. And a morphism only on one. Is that the
distinction you mean?

If all of the above is false, then probably I don't
know what a function is. (It looks like the more you
are busy with things, the less you seem to know of

>In a category which is a partial order, there is a
>morphism f : a -> b
>if and only if a <= b.  (Or is it a => b?  Can never
>remember.)  Here,
>the morphisms really have no internal structure at
>all.  If the 
>has a finite number of objects, you can represent the
>whole thing using
>a bit matrix, and each morphism can be identified
with >a bit set to
Preserving internal structure is not much more than
preservation of composition, right?

>I think the problem here is that you have the idea
>that a morphism is
>a process that turns one object into another.  In
many >(probably most)
>interesting, practically significant cases, that's
>true, but it need
>not be.
Well, I think I don't know what a function is, because
the following of an arrow, represents at least for me
a clear mapping of turning one object in to another. 

Or do you mean things like in logic, that you can see
the morphism, as relations (instances of axioms)
between logic objects. 

So the morphism a->b would mean that a implicates b.
This way, the arrow is not a process of turning an a
into a b. 

Hmm, that seems logical.

>I think it really helps to try to understand category
>theory mostly as
>a language for talking about things, and not
>necessarily "things" in
>and of themselves.  Using this understanding, a
>morphism is a noun, not
>a verb.  It's a concrete thing describing a
>relationship between 
>not necessarily an action that you perform on
I think you have already answered my question this
way. But a confirmation would be nice. It seems I had
to read your explanation  >1 time.  

>I don't know if any of this helps or not.
Well, it certainly helps.

Then the multiplication issue:
Is the following a good summary?
A multiplication is just a name for an operation that
is defined or not defined for each mathematical
construction in terms of to which laws the operation
should comply. The laws are then things like
communativity and so on.

Regards, Ron

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Join and it's relation to >>= and return

2004-06-09 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Hello again,

I have thought a while about morphisms and although I
had written down in my paper that a functor and also a
natural transformation are also morphisms, but in a
different category, I now am not sure anymore of this.

If you see everything(objects and morphisms) as dots
and arrows, and some arrows and some dots are just
some more complex than others, then this holds, but is
that legal? Intuitively seen, it is. 

According to some paper, morphisms are not like
functions, in that you can apply some morphism to an
object, but that you can only compose them. But I
would say that if you have the morphism f:a->b, that
is a arrow from dot a to dot b. That there clearly is
a notion of following that arrow, in effect applying a
function. And suppose there is the following path of
morphisms: a>b>c>d, with a..d are dots. 
Then I would say there are three functions(constructed
by composition)(in fact more, because of identity
mapping) from a that when followed give new objects. 
This following of arrows, looks a lot like general
function application, as in f(x) = 2x for example. 

It's btw quite hard to write the essence of monads
down in a clear and precise way. I hope you can give
some feedback on the above. 
Ragards, Ron

P.S. The question about multiplication still stands.
Probably multiplication is a set of laws defined on a
mathematical object that must hold. And for each
mathematical object there is such definition. Is this

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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Join and it's relation to >>= and return

2004-06-09 Thread Ron de Bruijn

--- "Iavor S. Diatchki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi ron,
> here are the relations between the two formulations
> of monads:
> (using haskell notation)
> map f  m = m >>= (return . f)
> join m = m >>= id
> m >>= f  = join (fmap f m)
> there are quite a few general concepts that you need
> to understand in what sense monads are monoids, but
> to understand how monads work you don't need to know
> that.
> Ron de Bruijn wrote:
> >I am pretty sure, that >>= is to monads what * is
> to
> >for example natural numbers, but I don't know what
> the
> >inverse of >>= is. And I can't really find it
> anywhere
> >on the web(papers, websites, not a single sole does
> >mention it. 
> >  
> >
> this is not quie correct.  (join & return) for a
> monad are like
> (*,1) or (+,0) for the set of integers.  however
> those operations on
> integers have more structure than join and return.
> there is no operation for "inverse". in mathematical
> terms:
> monads are a monoid (given that the notion is
> generalized considerably
> from its usual use), and not a group. 
> if one was to add such an operation
> (i am not sure what it would do), but it would be of
> type:
> inverse :: M a -> M a (and of course must satisfy
> some laws)
> also while you are pondering these things, it may be
> useful to use
> the "backward join" (=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> (m a -> m
> b).
> the reason for that is that strictly speaking tha
> arrow in the middle
> is different from the left and the right arrows
> i am not sure how useful this information is for
> you,
> but if you have more questions ask away
> -iavor
I found out what a group is:
A group is a monoid each of whose elements is

Only I still find it weird that join is called a
multiplication, because according to the definition of
multiplication, there should be an inverse. I think,
thus that multiplication is only defined on a group.
And now still remains: why do they call it a
multiplication, while by definition it's not. Or
should I understand it as: there's a concept called
multiplication and for different structures there's a
definition? I think, now I think over it, that it
would seem logical.

It could be possible that the definition is incorrect,
though. Does anyone knows of a definition that is more
general (and not absolute nonsens ;))? 

The information you give me is *very* usefull, because
I don't just want to work with monads, I truly want to
understand them. 


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Re: [Haskell-cafe] Join and it's relation to >>= and return

2004-06-08 Thread Ron de Bruijn
I am pretty sure, that >>= is to monads what * is to
for example natural numbers, but I don't know what the
inverse of >>= is. And I can't really find it anywhere
on the web(papers, websites, not a single sole does
mention it. 

It should have type, at least that's what I think:
inv::M a->M b

I say this, because I find this definition of a
multiplication operation:

   1. There exists a unique special element called
neutral such that the operation on any element and the
neutral does not change the element.
   2. For every element there exists an inverse such
that the operation on an element and its inverse is
always neutral.
   3. The operation is associative: it does not matter
how you apply the operation to three elements. You may
apply it to the first two and then to the result and
the third element. Or you may first apply the
operation to the last two and then to the first and
the result of the previous operation. 

An operation may also be commutative

   4. The order of two elements in operation is not

According to 2 there should be an inverse. For join
such an inverse is simple: to apply the type
constructor on the monad. But I tried to somehow link
it with bind, but than the types don't seem to match.
So to be concrete: what's the inverse of bind? 

If I did make some errors, please tell me so. 

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[Haskell-cafe] Join and it's relation to >>= and return

2004-06-07 Thread Ron de Bruijn

The last 3 or 4 days I have been studying a lot of
Category Theory so that I would be able to explain the
concept of a monad to some people at the university in
a "learn to present something"-course. 

newtype S a = State -> (a,State) -- functor T to map
mapS::(a-> b) -> (S a -> S b)  -- functor T to map 
unitS :: a -> S a  --\eta 
joinS::S(S a)-> S a -- \mu

This is a complete monad using a direct mapping from
Category Theory. I really like it, because it's
mathematically grounded. But I don't know how to map
this to Haskell monads using the standard "bind" and
"return", as I explain below. 

Although, I do believe I understand most parts of
it(as in Functor, Natural Transformation and so on), 
I don't really understand how the join function
(conventional monadic multiplication as it's called in
the documentation) relates to the >>= and return
functions that are mostly used. I read somewhere at
Google that join can be expresed in terms of >>= and
return, but I couldn't find it anymore. 

I also read that the Kleisli triple has more
resemblance to how monads are used in practice, but it
has some additional constraints. I don't understand
why there are these additional constraints and I don't
understand it's relevance, because according to some
book there's a one-one mapping from monads to Kleisli
triples and reverse.

I also don't understand why join is a
"multiplication", because a multiplication takes two
operands (as in 5*4), at least all multiplication
operators I know do so. I think what's happening is
that one structure is taken out of the other. And
then, the two are "merged" in some way. So this way,
there are two operands. Is this correct? (I really
could use a function definition in Haskell of join in
terms of bind and return). 

Can somebody explain me (with a lot of detail)  how
this works? 


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[Haskell-cafe] 2-CNF Sat algorithm/haskell code

2004-03-16 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Dear Haskellers,

Today I searched over more than an hour on the web to
find an implementation of an algorithm that was first
written in the 1970's that solves 2-Conjuntive Normal
Form logical sentences in polynomial time. 

The only thing I could find were some homework
assignments for students of universities and I learned
that there exist an algoritm for 2-CNF. Although I am
a student, what I am doing is no homework.

I believe the datastructure used was a strongly
connected graph (perhaps this rings any bells). 

If you don't know any implementation in any imperative
language or functional language (not to far off when
compared to Haskell), a clear pseudo-code description,
either written by yourself or a URL to a webpage/paper
with that information would also be very welcome.

Thanks in advance,
    Ron de Bruijn

P.S. This is really offtopic, but I would like to hear
some opinions about this project:

I don't know whether they are for real, but when this
works it would greatly impacts the use of inefficient
functional programs(when applied to it ofcourse). Like
in Haskell,
a lot of programs could be written like:
[x|x<-someList, somePred x]
Although they computationally seen would be very slow,
without "supercompilation", with they would perform
just as good as some smart way of doing it.

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[Haskell-cafe] Sat solver

2004-02-05 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Hi there,

I need a complete 3-CNF-Sat solver that can solve
sentences of about length 20 (or shorter). 

Now I use simple model checking, but that's a bit slow
, you understand :)

I have seen some algorithms on the web and some
code-sniplets in papers. But I presume there is some
implementation available, so I thought: Let's ask, and
don't reinvent the wheel. 

Greets Ron

P.S. Thanks to those who answered my previous
question, although I have found another way of
expressing my problem. 

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[Haskell-cafe] Generalized list-comprehension

2004-01-31 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Hi there,

I have written this little function:

f :: (Num a, Enum a) => a -> [[a]]
f n =  [[a]|a<-fu n] ++ [a:[b]|a<-fu n,b<-fu n] ++
[a:b:[c]|a<-fu n,b<-fu n,c<-fu n]
fu n = [1..n]

This is an example of the function in action:

*Mod> f 4

This is ofcourse nice and all, but I need a function
that does this same trick, but then doesn't only
generate listelements
of the maximum hard-coded length of three, but to
length m, where m is an extra parameter.
It's important that the elements are precisely in this

I tried rewriting the listcomprehension to map, concat
and filter, but that only complicated things.

There is a possibility where I can write a function
that gives the next of a list. So the next of [1,1,1]
would be [1,1,2], but that would be somewhat
inefficient when the list becomes large.
Then I just call this function with (replicate n (head
$ fu n)) and (last $ fu n).
Then I just apply this function next to the rest,
until I reach a state where all elements of the list
equal the last value of the inputlist, so I have the
required list of length n.
Then to simply get the complete list as in function f.
I need to map(\x->otherFunction x) [1..], but this
"next"-function is almost identical to what the
built-in listcomprehension does.
I just don't like my solution.

Then I can probably use Template Haskell(which I have
never used), but that seems overkill.

So does anyone has a better solution?

Greets Ron

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2003-07-29 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Hi there,

I used the PARSEC parser combinator library to create
an following XML-Parser. It's not exactly XML, but
it's a usefull format for saving various data.
The big difference there is, is that I don't have
attributes, but those could easily be added, although
I don't need them.
Below is the complete code (20! lines of code  for the
core). I was excited when I saw it also worked like I
had imagined, but then I tested it sometimes with
increasingly big data. 
Using my test function below I noticed that there's
some exponentional behaviour. I don't see a reason for
this. Although I use the try combinator, it should at
max double the time, because the parser uses the other
parser when there occurs a parse error in the one. 

My definition of xmlParser looks also a bit odd, but
without at least one of the functions
of(subEnTop,topEnSub) it will fail parsing.
I also don't understand why.

Then I question myself: why does my program work with
the downloaded version, and not with the PARSEC
library that ships with GHC, I atleast thought
that Parsec hasn't changed for a long time?

Does anyone have an explanation for the above

Greets Ron

module XMLCreator where
--this module can parse XML

import Parsec
import GHC.Show
import System.Time

--datatype om XML te representeren: XML bestaat altijd
uit een topelement en een aantal nestingen
data XML a = TopElement String [XML a]
   | SubElement String a deriving Show

type Level = Int

--not finished Pretty Printer
ppXML::XML a->Level->String
ppXML (TopElement name (xml:xmls)) level = concat(take
level (repeat " "))++openTag name
ppXML _ _ = "hallo"
--ppXML (NestedElement name info) level  =

openTag s = "<"++s++">"

--run :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO ()
run p input= do printTijd
case (parse p "" input) of
 Left err -> do{ putStr "parse error
at ";
print err
 Right x -> do print x

--prints time(used above for printing the start time
and the endtime of the algoritm
printTijd = do time<-getClockTime
   ( time

test n = run xmlParser (concat(replicate n str))
--test n = parseTest xmlParser (concat(replicate n

str =

--determine which sign can not be in the elementname
or in the informationpiece
signs = noneOf ['<','>']

--parses a piece of xml
xmlParser::Parser ([XML String])
xmlParser =  choice [try (many1 sub),try topEnSub,try
subEnTop, many1 top]
--xmlParser = choice[try(many1 sub),many1 top]

getName::Parser String
getName = do teken '<'
 name<-many1 signs
 teken '>'
 return name
  where teken t = do skipMany space
 char t
 skipMany space
end::String->Parser String
end name = do skipMany space
  string ("")

sub::Parser (XML String)
sub = do name<-getName
 info<-many1 signs
 end name
 return (SubElement name info)

top::Parser (XML String)
top = do name<-getName
 end name
 return (TopElement name moreXml)

subEnTop::Parser [(XML String)]
subEnTop = do x<-many1 sub
  y<-many1 top
  return (x++y)

topEnSub::Parser [(XML String)]
topEnSub = do x<-many1 top
  y<-many1 sub
  return (x++y)

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RE: functional graph

2003-07-15 Thread Ron de Bruijn

--- Hal Daume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I think that the
> >> difficulties you are
> >> facing are from the fact that you are trying to
> >> express a purely
> >> functional "updatable" graph.
> > 
> > Should I understand from this, that this is a
> > difficult problem and that there exist no easy way
> to
> > do this at the moment?
> Well, I think he was being a bit ironic.  You can
> either have a
> functional graph or an updatable graph, but not
> both.  It sounds like
> either would do and given that later in this message
> you discuss that
> you don't like imperativeness, then a functional
> graph (ala the
> Functional Graph Library -- FGL) would suit you
> perfectly.
> > About the graphs:Well, I never had graphs at
> school
> > yet(first year student)... Although it is
> somewhere in
> > my textbooks...
> They're very simple.  You have a collection of
> nodes, N, and a
> collection of edges between elements of N.  Nodes
> and edges can have
> labels.  So for instance you could have Teachers and
> Classes as the
> nodes and the edges could be between the teacher and
> the class(es) which
> go together.
> > To solve my problem... I need an mutable array,
> but in
> > Haskell my program will then be unbelievable
> > imperative. 
> No, you just need a graph :).
> > I have been following the discussion about the
> graph
> > and so, but the arrow classes and so on, are like
> > something too sophisticated for me at this moment
> I
> > think, although I have some idea of how they work,
> I
> > really don't know when to apply them. I just found
> > out, how Monads work, so...
> THe discussion about arrows is a complete
> divergence.  You don't need
> anything about them.
> > But I certainly believe that my problem must be
> fixed
> > before it's easy to program in Haskell.
> Theorem: this problem is already fixed.
> Proof: it is easy to program in Haskell.  QED.
> :)
>  - Hal

I have read the chapter in my textbook :) and I have
read and played with the FGL module. 

I must say the FGL module looks impressive, but I find
it hard to start with it, because the most intuitive
way of doing it for me was, to have different
datatypes for Teacher Subject and so on. 

But it looks the Graph class works on types a and b
where a is the Node type where b is the Edge type, or
just the other way around :), I don't have the code
right now.

The above rules out my way of representing the data,
or doesn't it (i.e. is there some fancy, magical way
of doing this) ? 

The second intuitive solution is to take a datatype
data GraphNode|Teacher etc
  |Subject etc 
  |Student etc

Should this be the way to do it?

And then yet another question: I need some kind of way
to remember, which possibilities I already had.

In example in my C++ program I used a couple of
array's with in each array pointers to the
StudentObjects, TeacherObjects. 

So I had the notion of the first teacher, the second
teacher, the third and so on(in 0(1)), although I only
need the notion of did I test this possibility and
give me the next of Student/Teacher/whatever. 

I must be able to put it somewhere, but where?
In the Graph itself there isn't really space for it,
unless I create a complete timetable in the beginning
with all Studentnodes pointing to this first teacher.
But now I have to be able to change the Graph in such
a way that I can change the first node where an
error(schedulingerror) occurs, (for example a "room is
full" error) to let the Student point to the next
room(see the notion above). 

But then I yet have another problem. How can I
guarantee, to do a complete path traversal, each time
in exactly the same way?

Greets Ron

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Re: functional "updatable" graph

2003-07-13 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Are you sure that your data structure shouldn't be
expressed by a 
In that case, there is a very recent thread (last post
today) on
functional graph algorithms. I think that the
difficulties you are
facing are from the fact that you are trying to
express a purely
functional "updatable" graph.

Should I understand from this, that this is a
difficult problem and that there exist no easy way to
do this at the moment?

About the graphs:Well, I never had graphs at school
yet(first year student)... Although it is somewhere in
my textbooks...

To solve my problem... I need an mutable array, but in
Haskell my program will then be unbelievable

I have been following the discussion about the graph
and so, but the arrow classes and so on, are like
something too sophisticated for me at this moment I
think, although I have some idea of how they work, I
really don't know when to apply them. I just found
out, how Monads work, so...

But I certainly believe that my problem must be fixed
before it's easy to program in Haskell.

Greets Ron

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Multiple "pointers" to "objects"

2003-07-12 Thread Ron de Bruijn
Hi there,

I was almost certain that Haskell was a great language
until I wanted to make a real usefull program and got
the following problem.

I have
data Lesson = Lesson Teacher SomeOtherProperties
 deriving Show

data Subject = Subject Name [Teacher]
 deriving Show

data Teacher = Teacher TimeTable SomeOtherProperties

What I want is that when I put some lesson in my
timetable, the resources needed for that lesson are
used up, so for example the timetable of a teacher
will fill with each lesson that it gives. 

The problem is that when I "model" it this way, the
state of the teachers that can give a certain subject
will not change (suppose I have some function that
fills one timeslot of the timetable of a teacher).

It makes it even harder, because of the fact that one
teacher can teach multiple subjects.

In an OO-language I would simply let each element of
the list of TeacherObjects of Subjects point to some
TeacherObject, so it remembers it state, but that's

It's ofcourse possible to put a list of Subjects that
a Teacher teaches in the data declaration of the
teacher. But then there is no way of saying
efficiently (O(1) Just a pointer or index):"Give me a
list of all teachers that give Physics", and that's
just what I need.

I could use a hashtable which includes the
teachersobjects as values and the subjects as keys,
but that isn't a very beautiful solution. This would
give me(building of Hashtable O(n) and getting all
teachers of some subject O(1)), so it would do.  

I am almost sure there exist some nice way of doing
this, because otherwise Haskell would be completely
useless IMHO, but I don't know it.

Do you have any idea? 

Greets Ron

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