Hello, sorry for this bother, I'm a student of computer science of one university of Bolivia (UMSS, Cochabamba - Bolivia http://www.umss.edu.bo/).

In my university the principal tool is Java and the OO paradigm, but for the area of programming languages we use the functional programming paradigm and Haskell.

I´m working in my project of grade, and one teacher suggest me to use something new, in this case "Hugs98 for .NET" for develop something interesant. At this time I have learned about ASP.NET and C# and I think to develop a Web Service, but I'm not so happy with the idea of my project, please, can you suggest me something interesant to develop with Hugs98 for .NET?, in other words, I'm asking you about a something interesant thing to develop using the .NET framework and haskell, something interesant to apply the functional paradigm and a intelligent architecture to implement it.

Thanks, and sorry for my bad english :(

Best regards.

Horóscopo, tarot, numerología... Escucha lo que te dicen los astros. http://astrocentro.msn.es/

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