Re: [Haskell-cafe] Employment

2009-01-19 Thread Tom Hawkins
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

 Like many people I'm sure, I'd like to get paid to code stuff in Haskell.
 But I can't begin to imagine how you go about doing that...

At Eaton, we're using Haskell to design automotive control systems
(see  In a 3 month span we went from 98K
lines of Simulink, Matlab, and VisualBasic to 4K lines of Haskell.
The system is now in vehicle testing and is going to production mid
this year.  In addition to tuning control laws and fault monitors,
other fun things we are using Haskell for is to integrate our
environment with an SMT solver for infinite state, bounded model

Unfortunately, due to economic conditions, all new openings have been
temporarily put on hold.  However, we expect new reqs to open as soon
as conditions improve.  When this happens, it would be nice if we had
a single source to find qualified people.

Maybe the community should consider building a database to help people
who want to write Haskell for a living get in touch with employers who
want to hire them.  Such a database would help me counter by boss's
argument that it's impossible to find and hire Haskell programmers.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type Family Relations

2009-01-04 Thread Tom Schrijvers

I like collecting examples of different type system related issues,
and I am curious in what way is the solution that I posted limited. Do
you happen to have an example?

Hi Iavor,

I think that

class HeaderOf addr hdr | addr - hdr

does not enforce that there must be a corresponding instance
AddressOf hdr addr. Hence, the type checker cannot use that information 
either. Do you have a way to remedy that?



On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Thomas DuBuisson wrote:

Thank you all for the responses.  I find the solution that omits type
families [Diatchki] to be too limiting while the solution 'class (Dual
(Dual s) ~ s) =' [Ingram] isn't globally enforced.  I've yet to
closely study your first solution, Ryan, but it appears to be what I
was looking for - I'll give it a try in the coming week.


On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Iavor Diatchki wrote:

Usually, you can program such things by using super-classes.  Here is
how you could encode your example:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
FlexibleInstances #-}

class HeaderOf addr hdr | addr - hdr
class HeaderOf addr hdr = AddressOf hdr addr | addr - hdr

data IPv4Header = C1
data IPv4   = C2
data AppAddress = C3
data AppHeader  = C4

instance AddressOf IPv4Header IPv4
instance HeaderOf IPv4 IPv4Header

{- results in error:
instance AddressOf AppHeader AppAddress
instance HeaderOf AppAddress [AppHeader]

Hope that this helps,

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 7:22 AM, Thomas DuBuisson wrote:

I am wondering if there is a way to enforce compile time checking of
an axiom relating two separate type families.

Mandatory contrived example:

type family AddressOf h
type family HeaderOf a

-- I'm looking for something to the effect of:
type axiom HeaderOf (AddressOf x) ~ x

-- Valid:
type instance AddressOf IPv4Header = IPv4
type instance HeaderOf IPv4 = IPv4Header

-- Invalid
type instance AddressOf AppHeader = AppAddress
type instance HeaderOf AppAddress = [AppHeader]

So this is  a universally enforced type equivalence.  The stipulation
could be arbitrarily complex, checked at compile time, and must hold
for all instances of either type family.

Am I making this too hard?  Is there already a solution I'm missing?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Typeclass question

2008-12-27 Thread Tom Pledger
Andrew Wagner wagner.andrew at writes:

 I'm sure there's a way to do this, but it's escaping me at present. I  
 want to do something like this:
 data Foo = Bar a = Foo a Bool ...
 That is, I want to create a new type, Foo, whose constructor takes  
 both a Boolean and a value of a type of class Bar.

Sometimes it's enough to declare

data Foo a = Foo a Bool

and to put the 'Bar a =' context onto the functions and instances that
involve Foo.

For example, in Chris Okasaki's book Purely Functional Data Structures,
the h in

data BootstrapHeap h a = ...

is always meant to satisfy 'Heap h =', but this is ensured by putting
the context at all the points where a BootstrapHeap is created, and not
exporting BootstrapHeap's data constructors.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] FunDeps vs. Associated Types

2008-12-05 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Fri, 5 Dec 2008, Sebastian Fischer wrote:

Dear Haskellers,

I have a question regarding the correspondence between functional
dependencies and associated types.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies,

With associated types, we can define a (useless[^1]) type class

class Useless a
  type T a
  useless :: a - T a

and instances

instance Useless ()
  type T () = ()
  useless = id

instance Useless a = Useless (() - a)
  type T (() - a) = T a
  useless f = useless (f ())

Now we can compute `()` in many different ways:

   useless ()
   useless (\()-())

I thought I could express the same with a multi-parameter type class
and a functional dependency:

class UselessFD a b | a - b
  uselessFD :: a - b

But the corresponding instances

instance UselessFD () ()
  uselessFD = id

instance UselessFD a b = UselessFD (() - a) b
  uselessFD f = uselessFD (f ())

are not accepted (at least by ghc-6.10.1) without allowing undecidable

 Illegal instance declaration for `UselessFD (() - a) b'
   (the Coverage Condition fails for one of the functional dependencies;
Use -XUndecidableInstances to permit this)
 In the instance declaration for `UselessFD (() - a) b'

Is there a simple explanation for this?

GHC does not implement the same conditions for type families and 
functional dependencies.

Theoretically the same conditions may be used for both.

The Coverage Condition is unnecessarily restrictive. A more relaxed 
condition has been proposed in the literature (JFP paper on using CHRs for 
FDs; our ICFP'08 paper), which GHC implements for type families but not 
functional dependencies.

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Searching for ADT patterns with elem and find

2008-11-12 Thread Tom Nielsen
somebody pointed out a few months back that list comprehensions do this nicely:

containsTypeB ts = not $ null [x | (B x) - ts]

no need for defining isTypeB.

not quite sure how you would write findBs :: [T]-[T] succinctly; maybe

findBs ts = [b | b@(B _) - ts]


findBs ts = [B x | (B x) - ts]

both of them compile but the first is ugly and the second is
inefficient (Tags a new T for every hit).


2008/11/12 Paul Keir [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi All,

 If I have an ADT, say

 data T
  = A String Integer
  | B Double
  | C

 and I want to find if a list (ts) of type T contains an element of subtype
 B Double, must my containsTypeX function use a second isTypeX function
 as follows:

 isTypeB :: T - Bool
 isTypeB (B _) = True
 isTypeB _ = False

 containsTypeB :: [T] - Bool
 containsTypeB ts = maybe False (\x - True) (find isTypeB ts)

 I understand that while something like find C ts will work, find (isTypeB
 _) ts will not, but is there no such thing as a pattern combinator(?), or
 lambda that could help with this situation. I find I have many individual
 isTypeB functions now.


 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What *not* to use Haskell for

2008-11-12 Thread Tom Hawkins
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 5:18 AM, Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Tapley wrote:

 Hi everyone

 So I should clarify I'm not a troll and do see the Haskell light. But
 one thing I can never answer when preaching to others is what does
 Haskell not do well?

 GHC's scheduler lacks any hard timeliness guarantees.

 Thus it's quite hard to use haskell in realtime or even soft-realtime

Actually, Haskell is an excellent language for hard real-time
applications.  At Eaton we're using it for automotive powertrain
control.  Of course, the RTS is not running in the loop.  Instead, we
write in a DSL, which generates C code for our vehicle ECU.

Thanks to this great language, we traded 100K lines of Simulink for 3K
lines of Haskell.  Our current program is planned to hit the
production lines in a few months.

With similar methods, Haskell is also a great language for ASIC and FPGA design.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haddock on cygwin

2008-10-21 Thread Tom Hawkins
I'm having the following issue with Haddock 2.0 and GHC 6.8.3 on cygwin:

$ haddock -o doc --html -B /cygdrive/c/Program\
Files/Haskell/ghc-6.8.3/lib Test.hs
$ haddock.exe: Can't find package.conf as \cygdrive\c\Program

The windows install of GHC 6.8.3 does not have a
driver/package.conf.inplace in ghc-6.8.3/lib.  Any ideas?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Hmm, what license to use?

2008-10-01 Thread Tom Schrijvers

   Don thinking that compiler developer fragmentation doesn't help now the language 
research is 'done'

Language researchers should move to a new language?


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Comparing GADTs for Eq and Ord

2008-09-16 Thread Tom Hawkins
Thanks for all the input.  It helped me arrive at the following
solution.  I took the strategy of converting the parameterized type
into an unparameterized type which can be easily compared for Eq and
Ord.  The unparameterized type enumerates the possible Const types
with help from an auxiliary type class.

-- The primary Expr type.
data Expr a where
  Const :: ExprConst a = a - Expr a
  Equal :: Expr a - Expr a - Expr Bool

-- An untyped Expr used to compute Eq and Ord of the former.
-- Note each type of constant is enumerated.
data UExpr
  = UConstBool   Bool
  | UConstIntInt
  | UConstFloat  Float
  | UEqual UExpr UExpr
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- A type class to assist in converting Expr to UExpr.
classExprConst a where uexprConst :: a - UExpr
instance ExprConst Bool  where uexprConst = UConstBool
instance ExprConst Int   where uexprConst = UConstInt
instance ExprConst Float where uexprConst = UConstFloat

-- The conversion function.
uexpr :: Expr a - UExpr
uexpr (Const a) = uexprConst a
uexpr (Equal a b) = UEqual (uexpr a) (uexpr b)

-- Finally the implementation of Eq and Ord for Expr.
instance Eq  (Expr a) where a == b = uexpr a == uexpr b
instance Ord (Expr a) where compare a b = compare (uexpr a) (uexpr b)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Comparing GADTs for Eq and Ord

2008-09-15 Thread Tom Hawkins
On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:11 PM, apfelmus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So, in other words, in order to test whether terms constructed with  Equal  
 equal, you have to compare two terms of different type for equality. Well,
 nothing easier than that:

(===) :: Expr a - Expr b - Bool
Const   === Const = True
(Equal a b) === (Equal a' b') = a === a'  b === b'
_   === _ = False

instance Eq (Expr a) where
(==) = (===)

OK.  But let's modify Expr so that Const carries values of different types:

data Expr :: * - * where
  Const :: a - Term a
  Equal :: Term a - Term a - Term Bool

How would you then define:

Const a === Const b  = ...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Currying function using values from array

2008-08-07 Thread Tom Nielsen
Maybe you want something like

curryWithList :: ([a]-b)-[a]-([a]-b)
curryWithList f lst1= \lst2 -f (lst1++lst2)

addThemUp = sum
curried = curryWithList addThemUp [1,2,3,4]
curried [5] =15

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Henning Thielemann

 On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, Sukit Tretriluxana wrote:

 Dear Haskell experts,

 I am currently studying Groovy language. An experiment I did with its
 closure is to perform closure/function curry using an array containing the
 values for the parameter binding. See the sample below.

 int addThemUp(a,b,c,d,e) { a+b+c+d+e }
 def arrayCurry(arr, cls) { arr.inject(cls) { c, v - c.curry(v) } }
 println addThemUp(1,2,3,4,5)
 println arrayCurry([1,2,3,4,5], this.addThemUp)()
 println arrayCurry([1,2,3,4], this.addThemUp)(5)

 The printouts from the above code are the same, verifying that the code
 works fine. Then I come to ask myself how I can do the same in Haskell. I'm
 not a Haskell expert so I couldn't figure it. I wonder if you guys could
 shed some light on this.

 I do not know Groovy, but maybe you want something like

  addThemUp :: Num a = (a,a,a,a,a) - a
  addThemUp (a,b,c,d,e) = a+b+c+d+e

  -- should be better named list5Curry or so
  arrayCurry :: ((a,a,a,a,a) - a) - [a] - a
  arrayCurry cls [a,b,c,d,e] = cls (a,b,c,d,e)

  print (addThemUp(1,2,3,4,5::Int))
  print (arrayCurry addThemUp [1,2,3,4,5::Int])

 However, it's hardly of any use, since you won't use a list if the number
 of elements is fixed (and small) or if the elements even must have
 distinct types.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Copying Arrays

2008-05-29 Thread Tom Harper
I'm trying to implement some file I/O where I can read in a file to an
array, but do so without having to know how much space I will need.
(Before you suggest it, lists are too slow/space consuming.)  I was
thinking that one possible solution is to use a strategy used in
dynamic arrays, where everytime you run out of space you double the
capacity of the array.  Trouble is, most arrays in Haskell would
require you to traverse the entire array and copy each individual
cell, which would make it worthless.

Are there any low-level array types (MutableByteArray#, for example)
that support a memcpy-like function where I could copy the entire
array into the new one instead of copying it one value at a time?  Is
there another solution that I'm missing?

Tom Harper
MSc Computer Science '08
University of Oxford
Mobile: +44 (0)7533 998 591
Skype: +1 949 273 4627 (harpertom)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Copying Arrays

2008-05-29 Thread Tom Harper
 Why not just read it into a lazy ByteString?  Are you looking to use an
 array with elements of a different type?  You could then convert it to a
 strict ByteString.


Because I'm writing the Unicode-friendly ByteString =p

Tom Harper
MSc Computer Science '08
University of Oxford
Mobile: +44 (0)7533 998 591
Skype: +1 949 273 4627 (harpertom)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Benchmarking Framework

2008-05-28 Thread Tom Harper
I am in the process of writing a library for my MSc dissertation and
would like to do some benchmarking.  In doing so I need to compare
the time and space of my library with some other code.  Is there a
framework for doing so in Haskell, aside from the Profiling tools in
GHC?   Basically I'm looking for something like QuickCheck, but that
helps with generating repeatable tests to measure performance.  Is
there anything out there that anyone would recommend?

Tom Harper
MSc Computer Science '08
University of Oxford
Mobile: +44 (0)7533 998 591
Skype: +1 949 273 4627 (harpertom)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Analog data acquisition

2008-05-13 Thread Tom Nielsen

I would like to use a lazy, purely functional language to create an
experiement description (and execution!) language for cellular
neuroscience, i.e. electrical recordings and stimulation.
Unfortunately, this means I have to talk to a
Analog-to-Digital/Digital-to-Analog converter board, with a precision
of about 16 bit at a rate of 50 kHz. I currently have a National
Instruments M-series board, but would be happy to try another board.
I'm not looking for real-time control right now, but that might be of
interest in the future.

Has anyone looked at creating bindings to the NI-DAQmx drivers or the
open-source COMEDI project, or similar hardware? Would anyone be
interested in helping out with this driver binding?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Analog data acquisition

2008-05-13 Thread Tom Nielsen
Yes. I guess I have to wait for chapter 19, then?


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:35 PM, Don Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I would like to use a lazy, purely functional language to create an
   experiement description (and execution!) language for cellular
   neuroscience, i.e. electrical recordings and stimulation.
   Unfortunately, this means I have to talk to a
   Analog-to-Digital/Digital-to-Analog converter board, with a precision
   of about 16 bit at a rate of 50 kHz. I currently have a National
   Instruments M-series board, but would be happy to try another board.
   I'm not looking for real-time control right now, but that might be of
   interest in the future.
   Has anyone looked at creating bindings to the NI-DAQmx drivers or the
   open-source COMEDI project, or similar hardware? Would anyone be
   interested in helping out with this driver binding?

  I'm assuming there are existing C libraries for this? So a Haskell
  binding would just talk to these?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-25 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Hans Aberg wrote:

On 18 Apr 2008, at 20:04, Martin Sulzmann wrote:

Let's consider our running example

class D a b | a - b
instance D a b = D [a] [b]

which we can write in CHR notation

D a b, D a c == b=c(FD)

D [a] [b] = D a b   (Inst)

These rules overlap.

I experimented with translations into GNU Prolog (gprolog). Since = is hard 
to get working in Prolog unless integrated into unification, I tried (using 
the idea of rewriting unique existence as functions, possible if one assumes 
the axiom of choice):

class(d, A, b(A)).
instance(d, l(A), l(B)) :- class(d, A, B).
?- instance(d, l(A), l(B)).
B = b(A)

?- instance(d, l(A), C).
C = l(b(A))

?- instance(d, l(A), l(B)), instance(d, l(A), C).
B = b(A)
C = l(b(A))
Though I am not sure about the intended semantics, it does produce unique 

Prolog works under the assumption of a closed world. That's contrary to 
the open world view of regular type classes. So these aren't the intended 


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-25 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Hans Aberg wrote:

On 25 Apr 2008, at 14:20, Tom Schrijvers wrote:

Prolog works under the assumption of a closed world. That's contrary to the 
open world view of regular type classes. So these aren't the intended 

By which I gather you mean the interpretation of :- as logical connective 
= rather than provability |-?

What I meant was that when Prolog says there are no more solutions, it 
doesn't know of any more. In realtiy it means there no more 
solutions under the closed world assumption. That means there could be 
more solutions if you haven't told Prolog everything. In this context, 
there may be more class instances (you simply haven't told the system 

My point, though, was to interpret
class a b | a - b
as a functional dependency b = b(a) rather than as
D a b, D a c == b=c
Thus trying to eliminate the use of =.

I don't follow you here.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Tom Schrijvers

hackageDB has a substantial sample of code these days, which is handy
for questions like this.

Thanks, Ross. These examples are perfect!



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples ofnon-fullFunctional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Tom Schrijvers

a little more experimentation leaves me confused. consider

  class C a b c | a - b -- , a - c
  instance C a b b = C [a] [b] [b]

  :t undefined :: C [x] y z = (x,y,z)
  undefined :: C [a] [b] c = (a,[b],c)

  :t undefined :: C [x] y z = (x,y,z)
  undefined :: C [x] y z = (x,y,z) :: (C [x] [b] z) = (x, [b], z)

both systems improve 'y' to '[b]', but not to '[b] where z=[b]'.

ok, the third parameter is not in range of an FD, so cannot be
instantiated by improvement, and without that, 'y' cannot be
instantiated as far as the FD would suggest. it is slightly
surprising that 'y' get partially instantiated at this stage.

My understanding of an FD a - b is to improve, or in other words 
instantiate, b as much as possible based on information from a.

With C [x] y z we know for sure that y must be [b] for some b. Improvement 
adds (propagates) this information we know for sure. With our limited 
information, we may not know what b is, but just knowing the list type 
constructor [] may already be useful. For instance, if we had a 
second type class constraint D y for which there is an instance

instance D [a] where ...

Then inferring that y = [b] will allow us to figure out that we can use 
the above instance for it.

however, if we try to help the process along by instantiating
'z' to '[b]' ourselves, we get:

  :t undefined :: C [x] y [b] = (x,y,[b])
  undefined :: C [a] [b] [c] = (a,[b],[c])

  :t undefined :: C [x] y [b] = (x,y,[b])
  undefined :: C [x] y [b] = (x,y,[b]) :: (C [x] [b1] [b]) = (x, [b1], 

i would have expected 'C a c c = (a,[c],[c])' here, as
only instantiation of 'y' is required; so my intuition is still off,
and neither [A] nor [B] seems to capture Hugs' interpretation.

You did not provide the FD a - c (or even a - b c). That means that you 
did not allow the type checker to improve c based on a. Nor did you 
provide the FD a c - b. For that reason the type checker does not use any 
information from the third parameter to improve the second parameter.

It does indeed feel somewhat strange, because there is no alternative for 
y (except if you allow overlapping instances and add e.g. an instance C 
[a] [b] [Int]).



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Tom Schrijvers


I'm looking for practical examples of non-full functional dependencies and 
would be grateful if anyone could show me some or point to applications 
using them.

A non-full functional dependency is one involves only part of the 
parameters of a type class. E.g.

class C a b c | a - b

has a non-full functional dependency a - b which does not involve c.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type families and type signatures

2008-04-09 Thread Tom Schrijvers

However, I have this feeling that

 bar :: forall a . Id a - String

with a type family  Id  *is* parametric in the sense that no matter what  a 
is, the result always has to be the same. Intuitively, that's because we may 
not pattern match on the branch of a definition like

 type instance Id String = ..
 type instance Id Int= ..

But in a degenerate case there could be just this one instance:

type instance Id x = GADT x

which then reduces this example to the GADT case of which you said that is 
was clearly parametric.

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type families and type signatures

2008-04-08 Thread Tom Schrijvers

Hi Tom,

It seems we are thinking of different things.  I was referring to
the characterization of a type of the form P = t as being ambiguous
if there is a type variable in P that is not determined by the
variables in t; this condition is used in Haskell to establish
coherence (i.e., to show that a program has a well-defined semantics).


Technically, one could ignore the ambiguous type signature for
bar, because the *principal* type of bar (as opposed to the
*declared type*) is not ambiguous.  However, in practice, there
is little reason to allow the definition of a function with an
ambiguous type because such functions cannot be used in practice:
the ambiguity that is introduced in the type of bar will propagate
to any other function that calls it, either directly or indirectly.
For this reason, it makes sense to report the ambiguity at the
point where bar is defined, instead of deferring that error to
places where it is used, like the definition of bar'.  (The latter
is what I mean by delayed ambiguity checking.)

Thanks for explaining the ambiguity issue, Mark. I wasn't thinking about 
that. We have thought about ambiguity. See Section 7.3 in our paper

Note that neither Definition 3 nor Definition 4 demands that all 
unification variables are substituted with ground types during type 
checking. So we do allow for a form of ambiguity: when any type is valid 
(this has no impact on the semantics). Consider the initial program

type family F a

foo :: F a - F a
foo = id

You propose to reject function Foo because it cannot be used 
unambiguously. We propose to accept foo, because the program could be 
extended with

type instance F x = Int

and, for instance, this would be valid:

foo2 :: F Char - F Bool
foo2 = foo

If you look at the level of the equality constraints:

(F Char - F Bool) ~ (F alpha - F alpha)

we normalise first wrt the instance F x = Int, and get

(Int - Int) ~ (Int - Int)

which is trivially true. In this process we do not substitute alpha. So 
alpha is ambiguous, but any solution will do and not have an impact on 
program execution. GHC already did this before type functions, for this 
kind of ambiguity, it substitutes alpha for an arbitrary type. That's not 
unreasonable, is it?



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type families and type signatures

2008-04-07 Thread Tom Schrijvers

type instance Id Int = Int

foo :: Id a - Id a
foo = id

foo' :: Id a - Id a
foo' = foo 
Is this expected?

Yes, unfortunately, this is expected, although it is very unintuitive. 
This is for the following reason.

Huh? This sounds very wrong to me, simply because  foo  and  foo'  have the 
very same type.

Type systems reject programs that don't go wrong. It's hard to understand 
on the basis of such a single program why it should be rejected. The 
problem is decidability. There is no algorithm that accepts all 
well-behaved programs and rejects all ill-behaved programs. There 
probably is an algorithm that accepts a particular program.

So far we haven't found an algorithm that accepts this example, that is 
decidable and sufficiently general to cover many other useful cases. This 
is our motivation for rejecting this program.

Consider it a challenge to find a better algorithm in the design space.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: type families and type signatures

2008-04-07 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, Mark P Jones wrote:

The surprising thing about this example is the fact that
the definition of foo is accepted, and not the fact that
the definition of foo' is rejected.  At least in Manuel's
equivalent program using functional dependencies, both
functions have ambiguous types, and hence both would be
rejected.  It sounds like your implementation may be using
a relaxed approach to ambiguity checking that delays
ambiguity checking from the point of definition to the
point of use.  Although this is probably still sound, it
can lead to puzzling error diagnostics ...

On the algorithmic level I don't see a relaxed approach to ambiguity 

If alpha is a unifiction variable, you get for the first body

(Id a - Id a)  ~ (alpha ~ alpha)

where there is no ambiguity: the unique solution (modulo equality 
theory) is alpha := Id a.

For the second body you get

(Id a - Id a) ~ (Id alpha - Id alhpa)

This equation reduces to Id a ~ Id alpha. Our algorithm stops here. There 
is in general no single solution for alpha (*) in such an equation, as 
opposed to the above case.

I hope this clarifies our algorithm.



All the best,

Tom Schrijvers wrote:

type instance Id Int = Int

foo :: Id a - Id a
foo = id

foo' :: Id a - Id a
foo' = foo Is this expected?

Yes, unfortunately, this is expected, although it is very unintuitive. 
This is for the following reason.

Huh? This sounds very wrong to me, simply because  foo  and  foo'  have 
the very same type.

Type systems reject programs that don't go wrong. It's hard to understand 
on the basis of such a single program why it should be rejected. The 
problem is decidability. There is no algorithm that accepts all 
well-behaved programs and rejects all ill-behaved programs. There probably 
is an algorithm that accepts a particular program.

So far we haven't found an algorithm that accepts this example, that is 
decidable and sufficiently general to cover many other useful cases. This 
is our motivation for rejecting this program.

Consider it a challenge to find a better algorithm in the design space.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Wumpus World

2008-03-28 Thread Tom Schrijvers

Not all students and researchers can afford a Personal
License.  Can you recommend an alternative, fast
Prolog development system under a free licensing
agreement, such as GPL/GLPL?

SWI-Prolog is about the best and most popular open Prolog system:

It's not the fastest, just like GCC doesn't generates the fastest code. 
Who cares?

If you want speed, then Yap is the best open Prolog system.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-19 Thread Tom Schrijvers

could you please help me to clear up this confusion?-)

Let me summarize :-)

The current design for type functions with result kinds other than *
(e.g. * - *) has not gotten very far yet. We are currently stabilizing 
the ordinary * type functions, and writing the story up. When that's done 
we can properly focus on this issue and consider different design choices.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-12 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Hugo Pacheco wrote:

Yes, I have tried both implementations at the start and solved it by
choosing for the following:
type family F a :: * - *
type FList a x = Either () (a,x)
type instance F [a] = FList a

instance (Functor (F [a])) where
fmap _ (Left _) = Left ()
fmap f (Right (a,x)) = Right (a,f x)

For this implementation we do have that

F [a] b ~ F [c] d


F [a] ~ F [c] /\ b ~ d

Right? So for this instance, your para via hylo wouldn't work anyway.

I'd like to see some type instances and types such that the equation F d a 
~ F a (a,a) holds. With your example above, it's not possible to make the 
equation hold, .e.g.

F [t] [s] ~ F [s] ([s],[s])
Either () (t,[s]) ~ Either ()(s,([s],[s]))

is not true for any (finite) types t and s.

Do you have such an example? You should have one, if you want to be able to 
call para.


I have my suspicions about your mentioning of both Functor (F d) and
Functor (F a) in the signature. Which implementation of fmap do you want?
Or should they be both the same (i.e. F d ~ F a)?

This is an hard question to which the answer is both.

In the definition of an hylomorphism I want the fmap from (F d):

hylo :: (Functor (F d)) = d - (F d c - c) - (a - F d a) - a - c
hylo d g h = g . fmap (hylo d g h) . h

However, those constraints I have asked about would allow me to encode a
paramorphism as an hylomorphism:

class Mu a where
   inn :: F a a - a
   out :: a - F a a

para :: (Mu a, Functor (F a),Mu d, Functor (F d),F d a ~ F a (a,a), F d c ~
F a (c,a)) = d - (F a (c,a) - c) - a - c
para d f = hylo d f (fmap (id /\ id) . out)

In para, I would want the fmap from (F a) but that would be implicitly
forced by the usage of out :: a - F a a

Sorry for all the details, ignore them if they are too confusing.
Do you think there might be a definition that would satisfy me both Functor
instances and equality?

Thanks for your pacience,

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-11 Thread Tom Schrijvers

Hi Hugo,

I have encoded a type family such that:

type family F a :: * - *

and a function (I know it is complicated, but I think the problem is self

hyloPara :: (Functor (F a), Functor (F d), F d a ~ F a (a,a), F d c ~ F a
(c,a)) = d - (F d c - c) - (a - F d a) - a - c
hyloPara d g h = g . fmap (hyloPara d g h) . h

it all works fine.

However, if I change the declaration to (changed F d c for the
supposedly equivalent F a (c,a)):

hyloPara :: (Functor (F a), Functor (F d), F d a ~ F a (a,a), F d c ~ F a
(c,a)) = d - (F a (c,a) - c) - (a - F d a) - a - c

and I get

   Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: c = (c, a)
   When generalising the type(s) for `hyloPara'

This really messes up my notions on equality constraints, is it the expected
behavior? It would be essential for me to provide this definition.

I think you've uncovered a bug in the type checker. We made the design 
choice that type functions with a higher-kinded result type must be 
injective with respect to the additional paramters. I.e. in your case:

F x y ~ F u v = F x ~ F u /\ y ~ v

So if we apply that to F d c ~ F a (c,a) we get:

F d ~ F a /\ c ~ (c,a)

where the latter clearly is an occurs-check error, i.e. there's no finite 
type c such that c = (c,a). So the error in the second version is 
justified. There should have been one in the latter, but the type checker 
failed to do the decomposition: a bug.

What instances do you have for F? Are they such that F d c ~ F a (c,a) can 

By the way, for your function, you don't need equations in your type 
signature. This will do:

hyloPara ::
Functor (F d)
= d
- (F d c - c)
- (a - F d a)
- a
- c



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Equality constraints in type families

2008-03-11 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Hugo Pacheco wrote:

I know I do not need these constraints, it was just the simplest way I found
to explain the problem.

I have fought about that: I was not expecting F d c ~  F a (c,a) not mean
that F d ~F a /\ c ~(c,a), I thought the whole family was parameterized.
If I encoded the family

type family F a x :: *

F d c ~  F a (c,a) would be semantically different, meaning that this
decomposition rule does not apply?

Correct. However, then you cannot write Functor (F a) because 
type functions must be fully applied. So either way you have a problem.

Could you show the type instances for F you have (in mind)? This way we 
can maybe see whether what you want to is valid and the type checker could 
be adjusted to cope with it, or whether what you're trying to do would 
not be valid (in general).

I have my suspicions about your mentioning of both Functor (F d) and 
Functor (F a) in the signature. Which implementation of fmap do you want? 
Or should they be both the same (i.e. F d ~ F a)?



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Small displeasure with associated type synonyms

2008-03-06 Thread Tom Schrijvers


I tried lexically scoped type variables, but to no avail:

instance forall a b. (C a, C b) = C (a, b) where
  type T (a, b) = (T a, T b)
  val   = (val :: T a, val :: T b)

The problem is ambiguity. The type checker can't determine which val 
function to use, i.e. which dictionary to pass to val. Assume:

  instance C Int where
type T Int = Int
val= 0

  instance C Bool where
type T Bool = Int
val = 1

Now, if you want some val :: Int, which one do you get? The one of C Int 
of C Bool? Depending on the choice you may get a different result. We 
can't have that in a deterministic functional language. Hence the error.

Adding a type signature doesn't change the matter.

Providing an additional argument, as you propose, resolves the ambiguity.

I hope this helps.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Small displeasure with associated type synonyms

2008-03-06 Thread Tom Schrijvers

I don't see how your example explains this particular error.
I agree Int cannot be generalized to (T Int) or (T Bool).

Generalized is not the right word here. In my example T Int, T Bool and 
Int are all equivalent.

I see Stefan's local type signature is not (val :: a) like your (val ::Int) 
but (val :: T a) which is a whole different beast.

Not all that different. As in my example the types T Int, T Bool and Int 
are equivalent, whether one writes val :: Int, val :: T Int or val :: T 
Bool. My point is that writing val :: T Int or val :: T Bool does not help 
determining whether one should pick the val implementation of instance C 
Int or C Bool.

And (T a) is the type that ghc should assign here.

As my example tries to point out, there is not one single syntactic form 
to denote a type.

Consider the val of in the first component. Because of val's signature in 
the type class the type checker infers that the val expression has a type 
equivalent to T a2 for some a2. The type checker also expects a type 
equivalent to T a, either because of the type annotation or because of the 
left hand side. So the type checker must solve the equation T a ~ T a2 for 
some as yet to determine type a2 (a unification variable). This is 
precisely where the ambiguity comes in. The type constructor T is not 
injective. That means that the equation may hold for more than one value 
of a2 (e.g. for T Int ~ T a2, a2 could be Int or Bool). Hence, the type 
checker complains:

Couldn't match expected type `T a2' against inferred type `T a'.

Maybe you don't care what type is chosen, if multiple ones are possible. 
My example tried to show that this can effect the values computed by your 
program. So it does matter.

For this particular example, it seems that the type checker does not have 
have more than alternative for a2 in scope. However, it is not aware of 
that fact. It uniformly applies the same general strategy for solving 
equations in all contexts. This is a trade-off in type system complexity 
vs. expressivity.

There is an opportunity for exploring another point in the design space 


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Small displeasure with associated type synonyms

2008-03-06 Thread Tom Schrijvers

Am I correct in thinking this would have worked if it were an
associated type instead of an associated type synonym?


class C a where
   data T a
   val :: T a

Yes, you are. Associate data type constructors (as well as ordinary 
algebraic data constructors) are injective. So we have:

forall a b . T a = T b = a = b



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Jobs

2008-02-27 Thread Tom Hawkins

We have an opening for a software engineer, with the potential for a
lot of Haskell development.  Our group at Eaton
( develops real-time control software for
vehicle and machinery applications.  This position is specifically for
the design and verification of hydraulic hybrid vehicle systems.
Think Toyota Prius, but with a accumulator
and hydraulic pump instead of a battery and an electric motor.  That,
and these vehicles can weight over 30,000 pounds.

The primary tasks would include vehicle software design, system
verification with simulation and possibly formal analysis, telemetry
development for remote diagnostics, and tool development to further
automate our design flows.

Currently we use Haskell for our in-house data analysis tools, and
some vehicles run code partially generated by a Haskell DSL.  We hope
to expand our use of Haskell, especially for simulation regression
suites -- maybe QuickCheck in combination with a system modeling and
verification DSL.

If interested, send a resume.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Arrow combinator names

2008-02-17 Thread Tom Davies
Are there generally accepted English language names for the arrow combinators?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I love purity, but it's killing me.

2008-02-09 Thread Tom Hawkins
Hi Matt,

On Feb 9, 2008 1:07 PM, Matthew Naylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you go the real compiler route, would it not make sense to take the
 DSL as the source language rather than Haskell?  Or are the DSL and
 Haskell quite similar?

The two are nearly identical.  In fact the only significant difference
between the languages is the semantics of top level monad; it wouldn't
be IO, but something else.  With the syntax the same, it could
leverage much of Haskell's standard library.

 Or perhaps you are thinking of a two language
 system, where some code is evaluated at compile time by Haskell, and
 some is compiled to the target language?

Not necessarily in the same compilation flow, but I can think of
several scenarios where it would be advantageous for code written in
this other language to be pulled into a conventional Haskell program.

 Taking options 2 or 5 just to solve the sharing problem sounds to me
 like a lot of hard work for little reward.  But don't worry, I won't
 repeat my observable sharing speech. :-)

So is the general strategy with observable sharing to use
unsafePerformIO with Data.Unique to label expressions at construction?
 Ahh...clever!  I did not think of this.  Of course, now that you have
me reading up on Yhc.Core, option #5 is looking considerably more fun.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] I love purity, but it's killing me.

2008-02-08 Thread Tom Hawkins
On 2/8/08, Emil Axelsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know of a few of ways to express sharing in a pure language:

 1) Observable sharing, which, in general, is unsafe.
 2) Using Template Haskell
 3) Matthew Naylor has done some work on expressible sharing, which has
 4) Use a monad (but I'm sure this is what you're trying to avoid).


5) Forget embedding the DSL, and write a direct compiler.

In addition to the sharing problem, another shortcoming of Haskell
DSLs is they can not fully exploit the benefits of algebraic
datatypes.  Specifically, pattern matching ADTs can only be used to
control the compile-time configuration of the target, it can't be used
to describe the target's behavior -- at least for DSLs that generate
code that executes outside of Haskell's runtime.

Writing a real compiler would solve both of these problems.  Is there
any Haskell implementation that has a clean cut-point, from which I
can start from a fully type-checked, type-annotated intermediate

And thanks for the link to John's paper describing Hydra's use of
Template Haskell.  I will definiately consider TH.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] I love purity, but it's killing me.

2008-02-07 Thread Tom Hawkins
I've been programming with Haskell for a few years and love it.  One
of my favorite applications of Haskell is using for domain specific
languages.  However, after designing a handful of DSLs, I continue to
hit what appears to be a fundamental hurdle -- or at least I have yet
to find an adequate solution.

My DSLs invariably define a datatype to capture expressions; something
like this:

data Expression
  = Add Expression Expression
  | Sub Expression Expression
  | Variable String
  | Constant Int
  deriving Eq

Using the datatype Expression, it is easy to mass a collections of
functions to help assemble complex expressions, which leads to very
concise programs in the DSL.

The problem comes when I want to generate efficient code from an
Expression (ie. to C or some other target language).  The method I use
invovles converting the tree of subexpressions into an acyclic graphic
to eliminate common subexpressions.  The nodes are then topologically
ordered and assigned an instruction, or statement for each node.  For

let a = Add (Constant 10) (Variable i1)
b = Sub (Variable i2) (Constant 2)
c = Add a b

would compile to a C program that may look like this:

  a = 10 + i1;
  b = i2 - 2;
  c = a + b;

The process of converting an expression tree to a graph uses either Eq
or Ord (either derived or a custom instance) to search and build a set
of unique nodes to be ordered for execution.  In this case a, then
b, then c.  The problem is expressions often have shared,
equivalent subnodes, which dramatically grows the size of the tree.
For example:

let d = Add c c
e = Add d d-- e now as 16 leaf nodes.

As these trees grow in size, the equality comparison in graph
construction quickly becomes the bottleneck for DSL compilation.
What's worse, the phase transition from tractable to intractable is
very sharp.  In one of my DSL programs, I made a seemingly small
change, and compilation time went from milliseconds to

Prior to Haskell, I wrote a few DSLs in OCaml.  I didn't have this
problem in OCaml because each let expression was mutable, and I
could use the physical equality operator to perform fast comparisons.
Unfortunately, I have grown to love Haskell's type system and its lack
of side effects, and could never go back.

Is there anything that can be done to dramatically speed up
comparisons, or is there a better approach I can take to extract
common subexpressions?  I should point out I have an opportunity to
get Haskell on a real industrial application.  But if I can't solve
this problem, I may have to resort to far less eloquent languages.

Thanks for any and all help.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Access to list

2008-01-13 Thread Tom Phoenix
On Jan 13, 2008 7:55 AM, Fernando Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If I define the follwoing functions:

 car (x:_) = x
 car [] = []

What's the type signature for that function?


--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell-cafe reply-to etiquette

2007-12-27 Thread Tom Phoenix
On Dec 27, 2007 3:36 PM, Justin Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When I joined the haskell-cafe mailing list, I was surprised to see
 the reply-to header on each message was set to the sender of a given
 message to the list, rather than the list itself. That seemed counter
 to other mailing lists I had been subscribed to, but I didn't think
 too much about it.


--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] instance Monad Either?

2007-12-20 Thread Tom Phoenix
On 12/20/07, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to this
 Either is an instance of class Monad, but when I try to use the do
 notation I get a compiler error. What's going on?

Near the bottom of that page is a comment by Luis Cabellos. Does that
comment bring you any closer to enlightenment?


--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Point and link

2007-12-07 Thread Tom Davies
Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin at writes:


You might like to look at OpenQuark:
 -- its 'GemCutter' provides a visual environment for linking together functions
written in a Haskell-like language.

I'm not sure if it would be flexible enough for you out of the box, but it's 
source so you might be able to adapt it.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: atom 2007.12

2007-12-03 Thread Tom Hawkins

Atom is a language embedded in Haskell for describing reactive
software, primarily for realtime control applications.  Based on
conditional term rewriting, an atom
description is composed of a set of state transition rules.  The name
atom comes from the atomic behavior of rules: if a rule is selected
to fire, all its transitions occur or none at all.  A hallmark of the
language, rule atomicity greatly simplifies design reasoning.

This release of atom is a major redirection.  Atom is no longer a
hardware description language (I changed jobs.  I'm now in software.).
 Much of the frontend language and backend generators have changed,
though rule scheduling remains nearly the same.  On the frontend,
atom's Signal datatypes have been replaced with Terms and Vars, which
leverage Haskell's GADTs.  The 4 supported Term and Var types include
Bool, Int, Float, and Double.  At the backend, atom generates C and
Simulink models.  The Verilog and VHDL generators have been dropped,
but they may reappear in the future.

darcs get

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] SingHaskell 2007, November 28 2007

2007-11-20 Thread Tom Schrijvers

We're pleased to invite you to SingHaskell:

What is SingHaskell?

Sing(apore)Haskell is a Haskell (and related languages) meeting in 
Singapore. The meeting is organized by Tom Schrijvers and Martin Sulzmann 
and will be hosted by the National University of Singapore.

Date and location

Sing(apore)Haskell takes place on Wed 28 Nov 2007 (right before APLAS'07 The meeting will be held somewhere 
on the National University of Singapore campus (details will follow 

Let Tom or Martin know if you are interested in coming. Either to attend 
the meeting or even give a talk.

For more information and tentaive talks:

Best regards,

Martin Sulzmann and Tom Schrijvers

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stream fusion for Hackage

2007-11-18 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Sat, 17 Nov 2007, Don Stewart wrote:

Just a quick announce: the stream fusion library for lists,
that Duncan Coutts, Roman Leshchinskiy and I worked on earlier this year
is now available on Hackage as a standalone package:

As described in the recent paper:

   Stream Fusion: From Lists to Streams to Nothing at All
   Duncan Coutts, Roman Leshchinskiy and Don Stewart. ICFP 2007

This is a drop-in replacement for Data.List.

Will it eventually replace Data.List in GHC?


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Job Opportunity

2007-11-15 Thread Tom Hawkins

Eaton (, Eden Prairie, MN US) is seeking software engineers
for design and verification of electro-hydraulic control systems for
industrial, automotive, and aerospace applications.  Though I am still
trying to get Haskell on the official job description, here are a few
of the potential Haskell applications:

- Domain specific languages.
- Compiler design and embedded code generation.
- Model checking and equivalence checking.
- SAT decision procedures.
- Constrained random simulation.
- Software timing analysis.

General knowledge of the following would be helpful:

- Control theory.
- Real-time, embedded programming.
- Automotive and industrial systems.
- Hydraulics and fluid power.

If interested, send me a resume.


-Tom Hawkins
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Type Synonyms

2007-10-10 Thread Tom Davies
Newbie question:

I was wondering the other day if type synonyms might be more useful 
if they were more restricted, that is, with the definitions:

type Foo = String
type Bar = String

foo :: Foo
foo = a foo

bar :: Bar
bar = a bar

x :: Foo - ...
x f b = ...only valid for Foo Strings...

both 'x foo' and 'x bar' type check correctly.

Wouldn't it be useful if Foo and Bar were both equivalent to String,
but Foo and Bar were not equivalent themselves? 

For instance, 
if you are using Strings as properties of something and want 
to associate the type of the property with its value, without 
wrapping the String. 

Would this break a transitivity property of 
the type system?

Am I just suffering from laziness?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Type Synonyms

2007-10-10 Thread Tom Davies
Andrew Wagner wagner.andrew at writes:

 If you change your type declarations to 'newtype' declarations, I
 believe you would get the effect that you want, depending on what you
 mean by 'equivalent'. In that case, Foo and Bar would essentially be
 strings, but you could not use either of them in a place where the
 other is expected, nor where a String is expected. See for more information. Hope this

I wanted to avoid wrapping the string with a constructor.

I suppose what I'm really asking for is for each type to implicitly define a 
'type class with no methods', and to be able to create new instances of
 that type class which simply behave as the underlying

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Where would I find fromInt?

2007-09-09 Thread Tom Harper
Hi Paul --

The function you want is called fromIntegral, and works for all Integral types.

Using it, you can add a type signature to specify what you want to
change the number to (Float, Double, other Integral type, etc.


 fromIntegral (4 :: Int) :: Double

Hope this helps!

Tom Harper
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:

On 9/9/07, PR Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where would I find the fromInt function, please?
 Better still, would anyone know how to write a func for converting
 int to float and vice versa?
 Thanks, Paul

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Harper
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learning advice

2007-09-06 Thread Tom Harper
No, that book is not outdated.  Can you give an example of what's not
working for you?

On 9/6/07, Chris Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wish to learn Haskell.  I purchased a book – An Introduction to Functional
 Programming Systems Using Haskell but I think this might be too outdated.
 I'm using GHC and it seems that some of the functions used in the book are
 no longer a part of Haskell.  I'm looking for advice on books or tutorials
 that might be more up to date.

 So far I'm finding Haskell difficult – I may be too thick.


 Chris Saunders
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Harper
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learning advice

2007-09-06 Thread Tom Harper
Don't bang your head against a wall too long.  Like Brent said,
#haskell is quite a good resource.  There's always (and I mean ALWAYS)
a group of people online at any given time that can answer your

On 9/6/07, Chris Saunders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks to all that responded (I enjoyed very much the story).  From the 
 response below I think my thickness is showing too much and I'll try a 
 little harder on my own first.

 Thanks again,
 Chris Saunders

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Harper
 Sent: September-06-07 12:21 PM
 To: Chris Saunders
 Cc: haskelll-cafe
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Learning advice

 No, that book is not outdated.  Can you give an example of what's not
 working for you?

 Tom Harper
 +1 949 235 0185
 Public Key:

Tom Harper
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] expension of fractions

2007-07-25 Thread Tom Pledger

Arie Groeneveld wrote:
 | Looking at the result of my rewriting gives me the idea it isn't
 | Haskelly enough.
 | Anyways, here's my interpretation:
 | -- period m/n base = (period length, preperiod digits, period digits)
 | period :: Integer - Integer - Integer - (Int, ([Integer], [Integer]))


I'd be inclined to try using a Rational (from Data.Ratio) and the  
properFraction function, instead of numerators and denominators and gcd.

You could do away with the parts where you subscript a linked list, if  
you did something with elem and zip and span instead of findIndex and  

Instead of translating Nothing to -1 and Just i to i, you could use  
the result of findIndex directly in a case expression.


*Main period 8 70 10

That should be (6,([1],[1,4,2,8,5,7])).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] xkcd #287 NP-Complete

2007-07-15 Thread Tom Pledger
We've seen some nice concise solutions that can deal with the original  

solve 1505 [215, 275, 335, 355, 420, 580]

I'll be a nuisance and bring up this case:

solve 150005 [2, 4, 150001]

A more scalable solution is to use an explicit heap that brings  
together all the ways to get to each partial sum.  I coded one using  
Data.Map, but it's a bit long-winded and ugly.  Perhaps a  
purpose-built heap monad would make it more elegant... as long as it  
could be reused elsewhere.  Just musing.  :-)

- Tom

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Functional dependencies *not* part of the next Haskell standard?

2007-07-13 Thread Tom Schrijvers

| I think the implementation is some 90% complete though, in GHC head.
| Certainly you can write many associated types programs already -- the
| missing part is finishing off associated type synonyms, iirc.

...and we have a working implementation of that too, thanks to Tom
Schrijvers.  It's not in the HEAD yet, but it will be in a few weeks.

so it will be a part of 6.8? great news! afaiu, ATS, rather than AT,
is direct substitution for FD?

Functional dependencies desugar to indexed type families, an extension
of the original associated, in GHC head already. For the full story,
see the wiki page.

which includes an example of porting functional dependencies to
associated types

It's really simple to replace a functional dependency with a type 

A class declaration

class C a b | a - b


class FD a ~ b = C a b where
  type FD a

and an instance

instance C [x] x


instance C [x] x where
  type FD [x] = x

That's it: only class and instance declarations have to be modified.

Now you can start to drop dependent parameters, if you want.

There are a few examples in my slides as well (if you don't mind 
the pptx):



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: To yi or not to yi, is this really the question? A plea for a cooperative, ubiquitous, distributed integrated development system.

2007-06-21 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Pasqualino 'Titto' Assini wrote:

Thanks for the explanation.

But, doesn't this simply mean that the correct signature would be:

serialize :: (Int - Int) - IO String

to take in account the fact that serialise really use  'external' information
that is not in the domain of pure Haskell functions?

I'm afraid not. The beauty of the IO monad is that it permits
equational reasoning over I/O operations. E.g. because of the definition

print = putStrLn . show

the compiler can freely inline calls to print. Although there's I/O 
involved, equational reasoning is still valid: the inlined call will 
behave in the same way as the original code. Hence, the compiler does not 
have to be aware of IO and treat it in a different way.

Your serialize function does not have that property. You don't want its 
argument to be inlined or otherwise replaced with an equivalent 


Having serialize in the IO monad would do no harm as usually one serialise
precisely to output a value :-)

So, is it correct to conclude that there is no theoretical reason why Haskell
cannot have a built-in reification/serialisation facility?


On Wednesday 20 June 2007 17:05:04 apfelmus wrote:

Pasqualino 'Titto' Assini wrote:

Is there any fundamental reasons why Haskell functions/closures cannot be

I believe that this is precisely what the distributed version of GHC used
to do.

Most languages, even Java, have a reflection capability to dynamically
inspect an object. It is surprising that Haskell doesn't offer it.

Inspecting functions is not referentially transparent. In Haskell,
function equality is extensional, i.e. two functions are equal when
their results are equal on all arguments. Intensional equality would
mean that functions are equal when they have the same representation. If
you allow a function

 serialize :: (Int - Int) - String

that can give different results on intensionally different functions,
you may not expect equations like

 f (*3) == f (\n - n+n+n)

to hold anymore (because f might inspect its argument). Also, having
serialize somehow check whether intensionally different arguments are
extensionally the same and should have a unique serialization is no
option because this problem is undecidable.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell serialisation, was: To yi or not to yi...

2007-06-21 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Pasqualino 'Titto' Assini wrote:

Hi Tom,

On Thursday 21 June 2007 08:59:42 Tom Schrijvers wrote:

On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Pasqualino 'Titto' Assini wrote:

Thanks for the explanation.

But, doesn't this simply mean that the correct signature would be:

serialize :: (Int - Int) - IO String

to take in account the fact that serialise really use  'external'
information that is not in the domain of pure Haskell functions?

I'm afraid not. The beauty of the IO monad is that it permits
equational reasoning over I/O operations. E.g. because of the definition

print = putStrLn . show

the compiler can freely inline calls to print. Although there's I/O
involved, equational reasoning is still valid: the inlined call will
behave in the same way as the original code. Hence, the compiler does not
have to be aware of IO and treat it in a different way.

Your serialize function does not have that property. You don't want its
argument to be inlined or otherwise replaced with an equivalent

Is it so?

I understand that, depending on what the compiler does the result of :

   let  f = (*) 2
   print $ serialise f

might differ as, for example, the compiler might have rewritten f as \n -

But, why would that make equational reasoning on serialise not valid?

Isn't that true for all functions in the IO monad that, even when invoked with
the same arguments, they can produce different results?

Not if you take the ``state of the world to be part of the arguments. If 
two programs behave differently for the same arguments and the same state 
of the world, then they're not equivalent. You do want your compiler to 
preserve equivalence, don't you?


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell serialisation, was: To yi or not to yi...

2007-06-21 Thread Tom Schrijvers

Tom Schrijvers wrote:

I understand that, depending on what the compiler does the result of :

   let  f = (*) 2
   print $ serialise f

might differ as, for example, the compiler might have rewritten f as
\n -

But, why would that make equational reasoning on serialise not valid?

Isn't that true for all functions in the IO monad that, even when
invoked with the same arguments, they can produce different results?

Not if you take the ``state of the world to be part of the arguments.
If two programs behave differently for the same arguments and the same
state of the world, then they're not equivalent. You do want your
compiler to preserve equivalence, don't you?

You can put the internal representation of the argument into the state
of the world.

That wouldn't make a difference. If, from the pure Haskell point of view 
we can't tell the difference between two expressions that denote the same 
function, then operations in the IO monad should not be able to do so 
either. Otherviews a whole lot of program transformations based on 
rewriting of expressions would be invalid. How do you account for that?


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell serialisation, was: To yi or not to yi...

2007-06-21 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Thursday 21 June 2007, Tom Schrijvers wrote:

That wouldn't make a difference. If, from the pure Haskell point of view
we can't tell the difference between two expressions that denote the same
function, then operations in the IO monad should not be able to do so

This doesn't make any sense to me.  IO is a non-determinism monad (among many
other things).  That's already true --- randomIO is one example;
Control.Exception.evaluate is another (and is already dependent on the
particular compilation choices made).  I think of Haskell `values' as sets of
legal representations anyway --- why shouldn't serialize be free to make a
non-deterministic choice from among those sets, just like evaluate can make a
non-deterministic choice from the set of exceptions an expression can throw?

Good point. I agree, if the specification is non-deterministic, this 
should be alright.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Perl-style numeric type

2007-06-19 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 6/19/07, Brent Yorgey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've started developing a library to support a Perl-style numeric type
that does the right thing without having to worry too much about types.

But before I get too far (it looks like it will be straightforward yet
tedious to implement), I thought I would throw the idea out there and see if
anyone knows of anything similar that has already been done before

Do you know about Pugs?

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Construct all possible trees

2007-06-13 Thread Tom Pledger

*Andrew Coppin wrote:

| I'm trying to construct a function
|   all_trees :: [Int] - [Tree]
| such that all_trees [1,2,3] will yield


If you write a helper function that takes an N element list, and returns 
all 2^N ways of dividing those elements into 2 lists, e.g.

   splits ab -- [(ab,),(b,a),(a,b),(,ab)]

then you can use it both for dividing the initial list into kept and 
discarded elements, and for dividing a list between a left subtree and a 
right subtree.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] LaTeX

2007-06-11 Thread tom

I got this from the Literate Haskell page on the Emacs Wiki[1]:

  {\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]
literate={+}{{$+$}}1 {/}{{$/$}}1 {*}{{$*$}}1 {=}{{$=$}}1
 {}{{$$}}1 {}{{$$}}1 {\\}{{$\lambda$}}1
 {-}{{$\rightarrow$}}2 {=}{{$\geq$}}2 {-}{{$\leftarrow$}}2
 {=}{{$\leq$}}2 {=}{{$\Rightarrow$}}2
 {\ .}{{$\circ$}}2 {\ .\ }{{$\circ$}}2
 {}{{}}2 {=}{{=}}2

That replaces various strings (including ++) with their symbol
equivalents and generally makes things quite pretty.



On 6/8/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anybody know what the magical LaTeX command is to turn (say) ++
into two overprinted pluses? (As seems to be fashionable...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Just curios

2007-06-11 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Mon, 11 Jun 2007, Stephen Forrest wrote:

On 6/10/07, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You're pretty close, actually :)  Names derived from Hebrew were
fairly common in the Bible belt back when he was born.  (Haskell
from , wisdom.  I half suspect Curry has a Biblical origin
as well, from .)

Bible belt?  Curry was born in Millis, Massachusetts, and grew up in Boston.

The word Haskell seems to occur much more frequently as a surname,
originating in the British Isles.  It seems more plausible that he got the
name Haskell from some relative or family friend somewhere than ascribing
a Hebrew origin for his name.

I found this:

HASKEL:  Hebrew name meaning intellect.  Variant, Haskell, exists.

in a list name explanations:


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Switch optimization

2007-06-10 Thread Tom Pledger

Stefan O'Rear wrote:
 | On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 09:43:17AM +1000, Thomas Conway wrote:
 |  codeLen 127 = 0
 |  codeLen 128 = 1
 |  ...
 |  codeLen 255 = 8
 |  Now, compiling with ghc 6.6.1 and -O3, I see that it generates a long
 |  chain of conditional branches.

That's deeply tied in with Num being a subclass of Eq, isn't it?   
Pattern matching for /non-numeric/ data constructors should be more  
direct, at any optimisation level, thanks to the taglessness of the  
STG machine.

 | I'd suggest learning how to hack on GHC, I get a chain of branches even
 | at the maximum optimization setting.  Hackers are always appreciated!

Such a GHC hack may have to be limited to some known, standard numeric  
types.  User-defined numeric types may not provide anything that you  
can use to look up a jump table.

How would an array go, as a user-level optimisation?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] New book: Real-World Haskell!

2007-05-23 Thread Tom Harper

I really hope they choose the flying squirrel.

On 5/23/07, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What power animal have you chosen for the cover of your O'Reilly book?
Alas, most of the good ones are gone already!

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart and John Goerzen are pleased, and frankly,
 very excited to announce that were developing a new book for O'Reilly, on
 practical Haskell programming. The working title is Real-World Haskell.

 The plan is to cover the major techniques used to write serious,
 real-world Haskell code, so that programmers can just get to work in the
 language. By the end of the book readers should be able to write real
 libraries and applications in Haskell, and be able to:

 * design data structures
 * know how to write, and when to use, monads and monad transformers
 * use Haskells concurrency and parallelism abstractions
 * be able to write parsers for custom formats in Parsec.
 * be able to do IO and binary IO of all forms
 * be able to bind Haskell to foreign functions in C
 * be able to do database, network and gui programming
 * know how to do exception and error handling in Haskell
 * have a good knowledge of the core libraries
 * be able to use the type system to track and prevent errors
 * take advantage of tools like QuickCheck, Cabal and Haddock
 * understand advanced parts of the language, such as GADTs and MPTCs.

 That is, you should be able to just write Haskell!

 The existing handful of books about Haskell are all aimed at teaching
 programming to early undergraduate audiences, so they are ill-suited to
 people who already know how to code. And while theres a huge body of
 introductory material available on the web, you have to be both
 tremendously motivated and skilled to find the good stuff and apply it
 to your own learning needs.

 The time has come for the advanced, practical Haskell book.

 Heres the proposed chapter outline:

1. Why functional programming? Why Haskell?
2. Getting started: compiler, interpreter, values, simple functions, and 
3. Syntax, type system basics, type class basics
4. Write a real library: the rope data structure, cabal, building projects
5. Typeclasses and their use
6. Bringing it all together: file name matching and regular expressions
7. All about I/O
8. I/O case study: a DSL for searching the filesystem
9. Code case study: barcode recognition
   10. Testing the Haskell way: QuickCheck
   11. Handling binary files and formats
   12. Designing and using data structures
   13. Monads
   14. Monad case study: refactoring the filesystem seacher
   15. Monad transformers
   16. Using parsec: parsing a bioinformatics format
   17. Interfacing with C: the FFI
   18. Error handling
   19. Haskell for systems programming
   20. Talking to databases: Data.Typeable
   21. Web client programming: client/server networking
   22. GUI programming: gtk2hs
   23. Data mining and web applications
   24. Basics of concurrent and parallel Haskell
   25. Advanced concurrent and parallel programming
   26. Concurrency case study: a lockless database with STM
   27. Performance and efficiency: profiling
   28. Advanced Haskell: MPTCs, TH, strong typing, GADTs
   29. Appendices

 We're seeking technical reviewers from both inside and outside the
 Haskell community, to help review and improve the content, with the
 intent that this text will become the standard reference for those
 seeking to learn serious Haskell. If you'd like to be a reviewer, please
 drop us a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED], and let us
 know a little about your background and areas of interest.

 Finally, a very exciting aspect of this project is that O'Reilly has
 agreed to publish chapters online, under a Creative Commons License!
 Well be publishing chapters incrementally, and seeking feedback from our
 reviewers and readers as we go.

 You can find more details and updates at the following locations:

 * The web site,
 * The authors,
 * The blog,

 -- Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart and John Goerzen.
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Harper
Computer Science Major '07
Syracuse University
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Scope of type variables in associated types

2007-05-21 Thread Tom Schrijvers

Ok, thanks for the clarification. One final question then, how could I
rewrite the following in associated types:

class OneStep a b | a - b
instance OneStep (Cons v t) t

class TwoStep a b | a - b
instance (OneStep a b, OneStep b c) = TwoStep a c

If the fundep and b is dropped then I get:

class OneStep a
   data OS a :: *
instance OneStep (Cons v t)
   data OS (Cons v t) = t  data constructor missing !!!

class TwoStep a
   data TS a :: *
instance (OneStep a, OneStep b) = TwoStep a

This last one can't be right, as I can't express the fact that the OS in
OneStep a provides the link with OneStep b. So is there a way to
achieve this sort of chaining with associated types?

You'd have to write

class OneStep a
   data OS a :: *
instance OneStep (Cons v t)
   data OS (Cons v t) = OSC t

class TwoStep a
   data TS a :: *
instance (OneStep a, OneStep (OS a)) = TwoStep a where
   type TS a = TSC (OS (OS a))

which seems rather awkward with all these additional data type 

You'd be better off with associated type synonyms:

class OneStep a
   type OS a :: *
instance OneStep (Cons v t)
   type OS (Cons v t) = t

class TwoStep a
   type TS a :: *
instance (OneStep a, OneStep (OS a)) = TwoStep a
   type TS a = OS (OS a)

which are currently under development.

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell on OS X

2007-05-19 Thread Tom Harper

I use Aquamacs with the haskell mode from  MacPorts
wasn't being useful with ghc, I downloaded binaries, and they work

On 5/19/07, Johan Tibell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just switched to OS X and was wondering if someone would like to
share their setup. Install binaries from or Mac Ports?
Which emacs build? etc

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Harper
Computer Science Major '07
Syracuse University
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] global variables

2007-05-17 Thread Tom Harper

You can also use mutable variables (MVars) found in Control.Concurrent.MVar

They might work depending on your implementation.  The reading and
writing of MVars returns IO actions.

On 5/17/07, Dougal Stanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 17/05/07, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of a simple and straightforward way to use global
 variables in Haskell?

You can pass around an environment with the State or Reader monads
(read/write and read-only respectively). If you want to do IO with the
data you'll probably need the transformer equivalents: StateT or

I think there are some hackish ways of making IO variables but I don't
know how that's done. I'd imagine it's frowned on from a stylistic
point of view, too...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Harper
Computer Science Major '07
Syracuse University
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ambiguous type variables at MPTC

2007-05-13 Thread Tom Schrijvers

If f2 is legal, why if f3 illegal? For some usage site of f3, the
constraint C String b might allow b to be resolved given whatever
instances of C are in effect.

Is there a motivation for these behaviors?

Are these sorts of cases discussed in the CHR/FD paper that motivated
the coverage condition (which I have yet to read)?

It should be possible to resolve the constraints from the types in the 
signature. That rules out f1 and f3.

For f2, given a type for a, say Int, not just any odd instance for b will 
do, say

instance C Int Bool

GHC says:

No instance for (C Int b)
  arising from use of `f2' at Q.hs:30:6-9
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (C Int b)
In the expression: f2 x
In the definition of `f': f x = f2 x

No, it has to be an instance for all possible types b:

instance C Int b

So, you can only call f2 with types a for which the instance C a b is 
completely independent of b. There is no ambiguity.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] hash of a lazy bytestring?

2007-05-13 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Sun, 13 May 2007, David Roundy wrote:

I was just contemplating hashes, and it occurred to me that it would be
nice to be able to compute the hash of a lazily constructed bytestring and
lazily consume its output without requiring the whole string to ever be in
memory.  Or in general, it'd be nice to be able to perform two simultaneous
consumptions of a lazy list without requiring that the entire list be

How about reading the same file twice?

do l1 - readFile foo
   l2 - readFile foo
   let len = length l1
   writeFile bar l2
Another solution would be loop fusion:

do l - readFile foo
   len - writeFileAndComputeLength bar l

A compiler might be able to do that for you.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monad pronounced like gonad?

2007-05-10 Thread Tom Harper

Hahahah, it's pronounced the way you've been saying it =)

On 5/10/07, Dan Weston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been pronouncing monad like gonad (moh-nad), but it occurs to me
that it might be pronounced like monoid (mah-nad).

Is there an official way to pronouce this word - maybe with a Scottish
accent? :)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Harper
Computer Science Major '07
Syracuse University
+1 949 235 0185
Public Key:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Vanishing polymorphism

2007-05-09 Thread Tom Schrijvers

To cut a long story short, could someone explain why:

:t negate

negate :: forall a. (Num a) = a - a

:t let f (fn :: forall a . Num a = a - a) r s = (fn r, fn s) in f negate

let f (fn :: forall a . Num a = a - a) r s = (fn r, fn s) in f negate
   :: forall r s. (Num r, Num s) = r - s - (r, s)


:t let f r s = (return negate) = (\fn - return (fn r, fn s)) in f

let f r s = (return negate) = (\fn - return (fn r, fn s)) in f
   :: forall a (m :: * - *). (Num a, Monad m) = a - a - m (a, a)


:t let f r s = (return negate) = (\(fn::forall n . (Num n) = n - n) - 
return (fn r, fn s)) in f

   Couldn't match expected type `a - a'
  against inferred type `forall n. (Num n) = n - n'
   In the pattern: fn :: forall n. (Num n) = n - n
   In a lambda abstraction:
   \ (fn :: forall n. (Num n) = n - n) - return (fn r, fn s)
   In the second argument of `(=)', namely
   `(\ (fn :: forall n. (Num n) = n - n) - return (fn r, fn s))'

I.e. why does the polymorphism get destroyed?

Unless annotated otherwise, functions destroy the polymorphism of their 

In your first example f's argument is annotated to be 
polymorphic, hence you can call it with two different types.

In your second example, the lambda abstraction does not declare it expects 
a polymorphic argument. So you get a monomorhpic one. Neither does return 
or =. So that all works fine.

In your third example, return destroys the polymorphism of negate. becomes 
monomorphic for some a, the a - a without forall. = is happy with the 
monomorphism. Then it is received by the lambda abstraction that expects a 
polymorphic type and causes the error.

You can read more about this in the paper:
Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types
Simon Peyton Jones, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Stephanie Weirich, and Mark Shields

Basically, it comes down to the fact that preserving polymorphism is too 
hard for type inference, unless you the prorgrammer provide 
sufficient declarations for it.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Vanishing polymorphism

2007-05-09 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Tue, 8 May 2007, David House wrote:

On 08/05/07, Matthew Sackman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 :t let f r s = (return negate) = (\(fn::forall n . (Num n) = n - n) 
- return (fn r, fn s)) in f

Couldn't match expected type `a - a'
   against inferred type `forall n. (Num n) = n - n'
In the pattern: fn :: forall n. (Num n) = n - n
In a lambda abstraction:
\ (fn :: forall n. (Num n) = n - n) - return (fn r, fn s)
In the second argument of `(=)', namely
`(\ (fn :: forall n. (Num n) = n - n) - return (fn r, fn s))'

I.e. why does the polymorphism get destroyed?

Here fn is bound by a lambda abstraction, and is therefore
monomorphic. I can't find anything in the Report about that,

This won't be in the Haskell 98 report. I have to enable -fglasgow-exts in 
GHCi to get this even parsed.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Bloom Filter

2007-05-02 Thread tom

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the comments, it really helps to have someone else's
opinion on my code.  I'll be applying what you've said as soon as I
get a chance and I'm sure I'll have some more questions then. I'll
certainly look more closely at the Set interface and try and duplicate
all the parts which make sense.

I've been using Darcs for a while with non-haskell projects as well as
this project, however it seems that cabal strips out the darcs
meta-data when making up a distribution tar file. Is there an option
to have it include the darcs stuff? it seems like it could be quite
useful and I can't really see a downside. If you're interested the
Darcs repository is at:




Quoting tom [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm pretty new to Haskell, I've been working on a Bloom filter[1]
 implementation as a learning exercise.

Excellent!  Sounds like a fun test.

 I'd really appreciate it if someone more experienced would comment on
 the code. I'm sure there's plenty of places where I'm doing things in
 silly or overly complex ways.


All in all, very well done.  It works, and it looks pretty efficient.
My quibbles are mostly stylistic or syntactic in nature.  Please
understand that the relative triviality of my quibbles is a sign that
there are really no major problems.

This is not a criticism, but more an advertisement: What are you using
for source control here?  Darcs is nice, and as a bonus, it's trivially
browsable from a web browser, which saves downloading and unpacking.

General comments:

You overuse parentheses.  A lot.  Definitions like this:

ary = (listArray (0, wordc-1) (repeat 0))

don't need parentheses around them, and just add to the general noise

And (.. ((size b)-1)) is much more cleanly expressed as (.. (size b - 1)).

Rather than carrying around a hash function, it might be better to use
a type class:

class BloomHash k where
bloomHash :: k - [Word8]

In wordsize:

You don't need to hard-code this.  You can use:

wordsize = bitSize (undefined::Word32)  -- Or Int, of course!

bitSize is defined in Data.Bits.

In splitup:

I got a bit confused by the local binding names.  It's usual, especially
in generic code, to use xs, ys etc for a list of x and y.
Something like this might be more idiomatic:

splitup n xs = let (xs1, xs2) = splitAt n xs
   in xs1 : splitup n xs2

In indexes:

(fromIntegral $ x `div` wordsize, fromIntegral $ x .. (wordsize-1))

Seems intuitively wasteful.  Either use divMod or bit operations.

Similarly, (hashfunc b) key is the same as hashfunc b key.  But even
better is:

split bytecount . hashfunc b $ key

That makes it obvious that it's a pipeline of functions applied to the key.

This looks cool:

bytes2int = foldr ((. (256 *)) . (+)) 0 . (map toInteger)

but I'm not smart enough to parse it.  This is both more readable and

bytes2int = foldr (\x r - r*256 + fromInteger x) 0

Integer log2's are probably better done using integers only, or at least
abstracted out into a separate function.

In bloom:

Function guards are your friends!  This:

bloom hf sz hc = if condition
 then b
 else error Badness

is almost always better expressed as:

bloom hf sz hc
  | condition = b
  | otherwise = error Badness

You can now inline b.  (I can see why you put it in a where clause; now
you don't have to.)

wordc, again, only needs integral arithmetic:

wordc = ceiling ((fromIntegral a) / (fromIntegral b :: Double))

is more or less:

wordc = (a+b-1) `div` b

And drop the parentheses around the definition of ary.

In add:

Try to use function names that are close to names in existing libraries,
like Data.Set.  insert sounds better here.

Also, rather than this:

add :: Bloom a - a - Bloom a

a better argument order is this:

insert :: a - Bloom a - Bloom a

That way, you can use it with foldr.

In test:

Again, probably misnamed.  Data.Set calls this member.  And again,
arguably the wrong argument ordering.

Once again, well done.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Bloom Filter

2007-04-30 Thread tom

Hi all,

I'm pretty new to Haskell, I've been working on a Bloom filter[1]
implementation as a learning exercise.

I'd really appreciate it if someone more experienced would comment on
the code. I'm sure there's plenty of places where I'm doing things in
silly or overly complex ways.

I've packaged it all with Cabal because I wanted to see how that all
worked, I don't think it's ready for release yet! I would like to at
some point get it polished up and release it if anyone thinks it might
be useful.

You can download it at:

I've also put the Haddock docs for it online at:

All comments will be very much appreciated :p



[1] There's a nice description of what a Bloom filter is here:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Creating pseudo terminals

2007-04-30 Thread Tom Hawkins

On 4/29/07, Georg Sauthoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 2007-04-29, Tom Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I haven't done this before in any language, so any tips would be
 appreciated.  From what I gather, a call to posix_openpt or openpty
 returns a master and a slave, or alternatively opening /dev/ptmx
 followed by calls to grantpt and unlockpt.

well, then I suggest 'Stevens, Advanced programming in the unix
environment' for basic pseudo terminal programming.

Thanks for the reference.

Does Haskell's standard library support pseudo terminals, or will I
have to write foreign interfaces for grantpt and unlockpt?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Creating pseudo terminals

2007-04-29 Thread Tom Hawkins

How can I create a pseudo terminal in Linux with Haskell?  Nothing is
jumping out at me in the standard library.

I haven't done this before in any language, so any tips would be
appreciated.  From what I gather, a call to posix_openpt or openpty
returns a master and a slave, or alternatively opening /dev/ptmx
followed by calls to grantpt and unlockpt.

I'm building a load balancing and sharing system similar to Platform's
LSF.  The pseudo terminal is for interactive jobs running on a remote

Thanks for any help!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Compilling GHC on Vista

2007-04-24 Thread Tom Schrijvers

I still get the same message even with these instructions.  I guess it
may be due to some Vista security checking...

Do you still get the same error message in your config.log now? Or a 
different one? There is also an error on Vista with checking whether a 
file is executable. I don't know whether there's already a solution 
for that in the repository?




On 4/24/07, Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tom Schrijvers wrote:

 Here's the more complete error message:

 configure:3321: checking for C compiler default output file name
 configure:3348: c:/MinGW/bin/gccconftest.c  5
 ld: /mingw/lib/crt2.o: No such file: No such file or directory
 configure:3351: $? = 1
 configure:3389: result:
 configure: failed program was:
 configure:3396: error: C compiler cannot create executables
 See `config.log' for more details.

 Do make sure that MingW's bin/ and libexec/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/ are the
 very first two in your path. I get the same error message if I don't do

Hi Tom - would you mind adding the right incantation to the Vista 

at the top of


Monique Monteiro, MSc
MCP .NET Framework 2.0 / SCJP / IBM OOAD
Project Manager
Recife Microsoft Innovation Center
+55 81 34198137
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compilling GHC on Vista

2007-04-23 Thread Tom Schrijvers

I'm trying to compile GHC on Windows Vista, but I encountered the
following error when running ./configure --host=i386-unknown-mingw32

configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.
./configure: line 3404: cannot create temp file for here document: No such 

or directory
./configure: line 3441: cannot create temp file for here document: No such 

or directory

Has anyone any idea about what may be happening?


What does the config.log say?

Are you able to run the MingW's gcc compiler yourself on a simple C 

I had a similar error, cause by the fact that gcc.exe cannot find cc1.exe,
which is in MingW/libexec/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/. I had to add it to my PATH.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compilling GHC on Vista

2007-04-23 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Mon, 23 Apr 2007, Monique Monteiro wrote:


On 4/23/07, Tom Schrijvers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What does the config.log say?

Are you able to run the MingW's gcc compiler yourself on a simple C

I had a similar error, cause by the fact that gcc.exe cannot find cc1.exe,
which is in MingW/libexec/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/. I had to add it to my PATH.

I did the same, but it still doesn't work...

Here is config.log:

Here's the more complete error message:

configure:3321: checking for C compiler default output file name
configure:3348: c:/MinGW/bin/gccconftest.c  5
ld: /mingw/lib/crt2.o: No such file: No such file or directory
configure:3351: $? = 1
configure:3389: result:
configure: failed program was:
configure:3396: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details.

Do make sure that MingW's bin/ and libexec/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/ are the very 
first two in your path. I get the same error message if I don't do that.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] ANN: Atom - Yet another Haskell HDL

2007-04-03 Thread Tom Hawkins


Haskell has a rich history of embedded hardware description languages.
Here's one more for the list.

Inspired by the work of Arvind, Hoe, and all the sharp folks at
Bluespec, Atom is a small HDL that compiles conditional term rewriting
systems down to Verilog RTL.  In Atom, a circuit description is
composed of a set of state elements (registers) and a set of rules.
Each rule has two components: an enabling condition and a collection
of actions, or state updates.  When a rule is enabled, it's actions
may be selected to execute atomically.  In contrast to Verilog
always blocks, multiple rules can write to the same state element.

Here's an enabled counter in Atom:

counter :: Int - Signal - System Signal
counter width enable = do
 count - reg count width 0
 rule updateCount $ do
   when enable
   count == value count +. one width
 return $ value count



A few details:  The Atom compiler attempts to maximize the number of
rules that can execute in a given clock cycle without breaking the
semantics of one-rule-at-a-time.  For simplicity, rules are assigned
a global, linear priority.  Data dependencies between rules form a
graph.  A acyclic graph is ideal, because all rules become
sequentially composable.  The compiler attempts to order the rules
to minimize the number of edges feeding back from lower to higher
priority rules.  This is equivalent to the feedback arc set problem.
(Atom's FAS optimization is pretty poor at the moment.)

In a rule-data dependency graph, many of the edges are irrelevent
because pairs of rules are often mutually exclusive, ie. can not be
enabled at the same time.  MiniSat is used to hunt and prune edges
from mutually exclusive rules.  By only looking back to primary inputs
and registers, the SAT procedure is not guaranteed to find all
mutually exclusive rules, but it does a pretty good job.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell for Accessibility

2007-03-06 Thread Tom Hawkins

I love programming in Haskell, yet even its concise expressions have
not saved my tendons from chronic RSI.  Has anyone put any thought
into building an accessible Haskell development interface for those
who may not be able to use a keyboard?

One inspirational program is Dasher
(  Not only is it godsend
for people with a wide range of disabilities, Dasher is also a lot of
fun to use.

Though Dasher is good at general text entry, it's not well suited for
programming.  However, combining Dasher's statistical inference with
Haskell's type inference might yield a graphical, cursor driven
interface even more efficient than the conventional keyboard.

Is there interested in such a project?  I don't have the expertise or
typing strength (pun intended) to go it alone, but I could lend a

Here are a few random ideas:

A tree viewer to navigate and manage directories, modules, module
declarations, and expressions.  Similar to a directory explorer, nodes
in the tree can be collapsed and expanded.  Collapsed module
definitions would display the type annotation, while hiding the

Another interface for composing expressions.  This interface could be
similar to Dasher, but use both statistical inference and type
inference to weight and prune the decision tree.  The expression
composer interface could directly assemble the abstract syntax tree,
thus eliminating the need for whitespace and ()s.  Of course, the tree
viewer would pretty print all expressions in the familiar Haskell

The development environment could be hosted as a web server,
delivering SVG and minimal JavaScript for the client-side interface,
allowing Haskell program development from any web browser with a 2
button mouse -- head mounted or eye tracked, of course. The
client-server architecture would allow developers to concurrently work
from the same source code.


From the tree viewer, click any expression to view the compiler's

inferred type, with the ability to turn any inferred type into a
concrete type annotation.  And the ability to compare inferred
types to type annotations.  Type violations highlighted in red.

Variable references would not have to be explicitly spelled out.
Instead, variables could be selected from either the tree viewer or
expression composer, forming a hard link.  When a variable's name
changes, all references could be automatically updated.  When an
expression is either moved or copied into a new lexical scope, the
variable references could be automatically rebound to variable
definitions in the new scope.  Unmatched referenced names and
ambiguous names would be highlighted in red.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Leaves of a Tree

2007-02-21 Thread Tom Hawkins


Any recommendations for speeding up extracting the set of leaves from a tree?

data Tree = Branch Tree Tree | Leaf Int deriving (Eq, Ord)

My slow, naive function:

leaves :: Tree - Set Int
leaves (Leaf n) = singleton n
leaves (Branch left right) = union (leaves left) (leaves right)

In my case, many of the branches in the tree are the same.  I suspect
the fixed point operation mentioned in the thread speeding up
fibonacci with memoizing is applicable, but I'm having a tough time
making the connection.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Leaves of a Tree

2007-02-21 Thread Tom Hawkins

On 2/21/07, Chad Scherrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think inserting elements would be a lot faster than multiple unions.
I would try:

leafList :: Tree - [Int]
leafList (Leaf n) = [n]
leafList (Branch left right) = leafList left ++ leafList right

leaves = fromList . leafList

If you're writing many functions on Trees (or maybe even if you're
not), you might consider writing a fold function and putting leafList
in terms of this. Do you have experience with folds?

Folding was my first approach:

leaves :: Tree - Set Int
leaves tree = accumLeaves Set.empty tree

accumLeaves :: Set Int - Tree - Set Int
accumLeaves set (Leaf n) = insert n set
accumLeaves set (Branch l r) = foldl accumLeaves set [l,r]

However, with this approach I quickly ran out of stack space.  I found
this odd, since I thought this program was tail recursive and
shouldn't be using the stack.

My next attempt was to use some form of memorization.  Since many of
the branches in my trees are equal, memorization should prevent
following branches that have already been calculated.  My question is,
what is the best way to transform the original function to incorporate


 My slow, naive function:

 leaves :: Tree - Set Int
 leaves (Leaf n) = singleton n
 leaves (Branch left right) = union (leaves left) (leaves right)

 In my case, many of the branches in the tree are the same.  I suspect
 the fixed point operation mentioned in the thread speeding up
 fibonacci with memoizing is applicable, but I'm having a tough time
 making the connection.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Can't figure out how to show for type Int - (Int, Int)

2007-01-11 Thread Tom Titchener

Typing up and running (via Hugs) the examples in Wadler's excellent Monads for 
functional programming (here: I hit 
the inevitable show function error:

ERROR - Cannot find show function for:
*** Expression : eval answer
*** Of type: Int - (Int,Int)

I can find lots of nice text about extending data for show (including the 
miraculous Deriving) but... I'm showing my Haskell newbie roots by utterly 
failing to understand how to do this of a higher-order type (my best guess 
for the right term for the type Int - (Int, Int)).

It'd be a big help if somebody could tell me either:

a)  It's obvious, you moron, just insert Haskell code here


b)  It's impossible, you moron, you're trying to violate the insert 
Haskell rule here

Here' my code:

data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term
type M a = State - (a, State) -- higher-order type, e.g. function type
type State = Int -- type synonym
eval :: Term - M Int
eval (Con a) x = (a, x)
eval (Div t u) x = let (a, y) = eval t x in
let (b, z) = eval u y in
(a `div` b, z + 1)
answer, error :: Term
answer = (Div(Div(Con 1972)(Con 2))(Con 23))
error = (Div(Con 1)(Con 0))

I get the ERROR message when I type eval answer at the Hugs prompt.


Tom Titchener

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Post mesg

2006-11-01 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 11/1/06, Farida Mishra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i would like to post mesg this list

Your wish has been granted.


--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] function result caching

2006-10-12 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 10/12/06, Silviu Gheorghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to know if the results are cached  by the compiler

Hardly ever, as I understand things.

if they are not I'd like to know what is the best way to cache them
manually, and where can I read more about this, and the optimizations the
compiler does, because I've searched the web before and i found very little
on this topic.

You need to search for the word memoize (or memoise). Here's a
page about a memo function for GHC.

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Slow IO

2006-09-11 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 9/11/06, Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The problem spec states that the input file contains about 500 test cases,
each given by between 1 and 100,000 lines, each line containing a single word
of between 2 and 1000 letters.
So the file should be about 12.5G on average.

I don't think that that necessarily follows. Although I've never seen
the input file, of course, I imagine that many cases are fairly small,
but designed to test the accuracy of your algorithm. A few are large
(in one way or another) to test the extremes of your algorithm. But
the overall size of the input file is probably much, much smaller than
that estimate. (Maybe 1MB? Maybe 10MB?)

A time limit of 7s is given.

That's CPU time, and thus not including I/O, right? I couldn't find
the answer on the SPOJ site. Their FAQ is a forum, but I don't see it

In any case, the problem can't be too large; the top twenty programs
all finished in under 0.35 (CPU seconds?). Even if yours is a tenth as
fast as the C and C++ programs, that would be 3.5s -- twice as fast as
it needs to be.

Of course, you don't have access to these other programs for
comparison; but I hope that this gives you a better idea of the size
(and manageability) of the task.

Good luck with it!

--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] nondet function

2006-09-09 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 9/9/06, Ashley Yakeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is it possible to write nondet?

Yes; it (or something very similar) is discussed here:

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to round off frational number?

2006-09-08 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 9/8/06, Sara Kenedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I try to find some functions in Haskell library to deal with numeric
such that the result in the following format (but I did not find)
For example,

You're talking about a number-to-string conversion, right?

You probably want showFFloat, from the Numeric module. There's also
the Text.Printf module. Or you could write your own display code; but
it's tricky to get it right for every possible case.

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ReadP question

2006-08-30 Thread Tom Phoenix

On 8/30/06, Chris Kuklewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -- Simulate (a?|b+|c*)*d regular expression

But 'go' seems to not terminate with the leading 'star'

Unless I'm missing something... The part of the pattern inside the
parentheses should successfully match at least the empty string at the
beginning of the string. Since it's regulated by the second (outer)
'star', it will keep matching as long as it keeps succeeding; since it
keeps matching the empty string, it keeps matching forever in the same

To solve this problem, your implementation of 'star' could perhaps be
changed to answer no more matches rather than infinitely many
matches once the body fails to consume any characters.

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why does Haskell have the if-then-else syntax?

2006-07-27 Thread Tom Schrijvers

I often find myself at odds with this choice. The reason is that I use
Haskell as a host for embedded languages, and these often come with
their own control flows. So I find myself wanting to write my own
definition of the if-then-else construct that works on terms of some
other type, e.g. tests on values of type Exp Bool instead of Bool, and
at the same time make sure that the user doesn't use the built-in
if-then-else. Sure, I can (and do) call my own version if_, ifElse or
something else along those lines, but it's sure to be a constant
source of programmer errors, writing if-then-else instead of if_ by

A thought that has crossed my mind on several occasions is, why not
make the syntactic if-then-else construct rebindable, like the do
notation? I think I know the answer already -- the do notation is
syntactic sugar for = and company so it's easy to translate it into
non-prelude-qualified versions of functions with those names. This is
not the case for if-then-else. But it could be, the prelude could
define a function if_ (or whatever) that the if-then-else construct is
made to be sugar for, and thus also amenable to rebinding by not

Wouldn't this cause a conflict with specialized knowledge the compiler has 
about if-then-else, e.g. for optimizations?


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Type-Level Naturals Like Prolog?

2006-07-20 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Jared Warren wrote:

 % defining natural numbers
 natural(s(X)) :- natural(X).

 % translate to integers
 toInt(zero, 0).
 toInt(s(X), N) :- toInt(X, Y), N is Y + 1.

 Thank you. I can now more precisely state that what I'm trying to
 figure out is: what is 's', a predicate or a data structure? If it's a
 predicate, where are its instances? If not, what is the difference
 between the type language and Prolog such that the type language
 requires data structures?

it's data structure, to be exact, it's data constructor - just like,
for example, Just in Haskell. Haskell requires that all data
constructors should be explicitly defined before they can be used. you
can use Just to construct data values only if your program declares
Just as data constructor with data definition like this:

data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing

Prolog is more liberate language and there you can use any data
constructors without their explicit declarations, moreover, there is
no such declarations anyway


i once said you about good paper on type-classes level programming. if
you want, i can send you my unfinished article on this topic which shows
correspondences between logic programming, type classes and GADTs

So predicates and data constructors have similar syntax but different
semantics in Prolog?

That is right. The syntax and naming are different from Haskell though. 
They are called respectively predicate and function symbols/functors, and 
written like f(x1,...,xn) rather than F x1 ... xn. Terms are made of 
possibly nested function symbols and variables, e.g.

f(f(f(a,X))) where f and a are used as function symbols

Atoms are made of a predicate symbol and terms,e.g.

p(f(f(f(a,X where p is used as a predicate symbol
  f and a are used as function symbols

Note that the same name can be used with multiple argument numbers and
both as a predicate and a function symbol.

Say, for the sake of argument, if I wanted to do
automatic translation, how would I tell which was which in a Prolog

Based on the syntax. Basically the top-level symbols are predicate symbols
and the nested ones are function symbols, e.g. in a clause

p(f(X)) :-
j(k) = l(m).

p, q and '=' are predicate symbols and all the rest are function symbols.

It's probably good to read a bit about it in a proper reference. 
Wikipedia's Prolog entry lists a number of tutorials.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: help with MPTC for type proofs?

2006-05-27 Thread Tom Schrijvers

David Roundy wrote:

class Commutable a b d c

commute :: Commutable a b d c =
  (Patch a b, Patch b c) - (Patch a d, Patch d c)

But for this to work properly, I'd need to guarantee that

1. if (Commutable a b d c) then (Commutable a d b c)

2. for a given three types (a b c) there exists at most one type d
  such that (Commutable a b c d)

The problem seems easily solvable, exactly as described. We need to
take care of the two requirements separately.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module D1 where

data Patch a b = Patch String deriving Show

-- This is identical to what Tom Schrijvers wrote
class Commutable a b c d |
a b c - d, -- 2.
a d c - b  -- based on 1. + 2.

-- But how do we make sure that Commutable a d c b exists whenever
-- Commutable a b c d does? very easily: with the help of another
-- type class
instance (Commutable' a b c d, Commutable' a d c b)
= Commutable a b c d

I had not thought of using a double constraint. Very clever.

Why not also put this constraint in the class declaration? You don't want 
any other instances of Commutable (or do you?):

class (Commutable' a b c d, Commutable' a d c b)
= Commutable a b c d |
 a b c - d, -- 2.
 a d c - b  -- based on 1. + 2.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] help with MPTC for type proofs?

2006-05-26 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Thu, 25 May 2006, David Roundy wrote:

Hi all,

I've been thinking about extending some (experimental) GADT-based proof
code that verifies that the darcs patch theory code is properly used.  A
given patch has type (Patch a b), and I'd like to be able to write
something like

commute :: (Patch a b, Patch b c) - (Patch a d, Patch d c)

in such a way that the type system know that the type d is one particular
type, uniquely determined by the types a, b and c.  Currently, which I do
is to make d be existential with

data Pair a c where
  (:.) :: Patch a d - Patch d c - Pair a c

commute :: Pair a c - Pair a c

which prevents misuse of the returned pair, but doesn't allow proper use,
for example we ought to be able to compile:

test (a :. b) = do (b' :. a') - return $ commute (a :. b)
  (b'' :. a'') - return $ commute (a :. b)
  (a''' :.  b''') - return $ commute (b' :. a'')
  return ()

but this will fail, because the compiler doesn't know that b' and b'' have
the same type.

So I'd like to write something like

class Commutable a b d c

commute :: Commutable a b d c =
  (Patch a b, Patch b c) - (Patch a d, Patch d c)

But for this to work properly, I'd need to guarantee that

1. if (Commutable a b d c) then (Commutable a d b c)

2. for a given three types (a b c) there exists at most one type d
  such that (Commutable a b c d)

I have a feeling that these may be enforceable using fundeps (or associated
types?), but have pretty much no idea to approach this problem, or even if
it's soluble.  Keep in mind that all these types (a, b, c and d) will be
phantom types.

Hi David,

I've quickly tried to a few alternatives in Hugs using FDs, but I've not
been able to fully implement your requirement 1:

1) only FDs

class Commutable a b c d |
a b c - d,  -- 2.
a d c - b   -- based on 1. + 2.

but this does not enforce the existence of mirror instance Commutable a d 
c b.

2) FD + cyclic class hierarchy

Alternatively, I wanted to write the following to capture 1.:

class (Commutable a d c b) =  -- 1.
Commutable a b c d |
a b c - d,-- 2.

but this is not accepted by Hugs (or GHC) because their type inference 
algorithms would go into a loop:

Class hierarchy for Commutable is not acyclic

Perhaps some cycle detection techniques would allow type inference to deal 
with this sort of code?

3) FDs + Overlapping instances

class CommutativePartners b d = Commutable a b c d | a b c - d

-- b and d commute
class Partners b d

-- commutative closure of Partners class
class CommutativePartners b d
instance Partners b d = CommutativePartners b d
instance Partners b d = CommutativePartners d b

The last two instances are overlapping. GHC has a flag 
-fallow-overlapping-instances to allow this. This approach is not entirely 
safe if additional instances of CommutativePartners can be declared. 
Support for closed type classes is needed to prevent this.

I'm not sure whether there is a way to fully realise requirement 1.
AFAIK associated types are no more expressive than FDs.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code Review: Sudoku solver

2006-04-06 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, Claus Reinke wrote:

Curry does not have a constraint solver of its own. It simply delegates all 
constraints to the FD solver of SICStus Prolog. 

or that of SWI Prolog (which prompted my attempt to install Curry).

which was implemented by..hi, again!-)  (*)

The SWI-Prolog FD library is just a prototype implementation... looking 
for someone to replace it with a state-of-the-art implementation.

The all_different constraint subsumes the rules that you describe, 
depending on the consistency algorithm used. FD solvers implement general 
but efficient algorithms that are much more complex than a few simple 

I haven't yet been able to get Curry to work on my windows machine,
but it seems to do a straightforward translation of these constraints to 
Prolog  +FD solver, close to the one I've attached (an easy way to use external

constraint solvers from Haskell;-).


the docs you pointed to state that all_different, in declarative view, simply 
translates into mutual inequalities between the list members, and although I 
don't fully understand the sources, they seem to confirm that not much more 
is going on.

The SWI-Prolog prototype library does nothing more than the declarative 
meaning, that's why it's a prototype.

State-of-the-art all_different implementations are a lot more complicated 
(often based on graph algorithms) to do very strong propagation.

Here is a paper about solving Sudoku with constraint (logic )
programming comparing a number of all_different algorithms and additional 



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Code Review: Sudoku solver

2006-04-03 Thread Tom Schrijvers

since I haven't factored out the constraint propagation into a
general module, the core of my code is a lot longer than the Curry version 
(about 60 additional lines, though I'm sure one could reduce that;-). the 
only negative point I can find about the Curry example is that it isn't 
obvious what tricks the FD-constraint solver is using

Curry does not have a constraint solver of its own. It 
simply delegates all constraints to the FD solver of SICStus Prolog. 
The all_different constraint subsumes the rules that you describe, 
depending on the consistency algorithm used. FD solvers implement general 
but efficient algorithms that are much more complex than a few simple 


for the SICStus FD all_different documentation.

(ie., it would be nice 
to have a concise language for expressing propagation techniques, and then 
explicitly to apply a strategy to the declarative specification, instead of 
the implicit, fixed strategy of the built-in solver).

CHR is meant as a highlevel language for expressing propagation. It 
(currently) does not include a strategy language though.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: (!!) operator usage

2006-03-26 Thread Tom Davies
Tom Davies tomdavies at writes:


Apologies for the complete misinformation! I don't know what I was thinking!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: (!!) operator usage

2006-03-24 Thread Tom Davies
Neil Rutland neilrutland2 at writes:

 type Bob = [(Int, Int)]
 newLine :: Bob
 newLine = [(1,4)]
 i have tried to use the follwing but it returns the error below it.
 newLine !! 0 - (so that should give it the newLine list and try and return 
 the 1st element of the list)
 the error reads thus
 ERROR file:.\VicotriaLine.txt:107 - Type error in final generator
 *** Term   : newLine !! 0
 *** Type   : (Int,Int)
 *** Does not match : IO a

newLine is already defined -- call it 'x' instead and !! will do what you 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Picking a shell for runCommand

2006-02-28 Thread Tom Hawkins
It appears runCommand uses /bin/sh by default, but  our environment
needs tcsh.  Is there any way to set an alternative shell?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Cyclical Type Synonyms

2006-02-16 Thread Tom Hawkins
I want to define a type for a function that returns its own type...

type F a = a - (F a,a)

But the compiler gives me an error: Cycle in type synonym declaration: 

Why is this a restriction?

Of course I can create a user defined type, but then I need an extra
mechanism to call the embedded function:

data F a = F (a - (F a ,a))

call :: F a - a - (F a, a)
call (F f) a = f a

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