[Haskell-cafe] Strange things with type literals of kind Nat

2012-10-02 Thread Troels Henriksen
Consider the following definition of lists with a statically determined
minimum length.

data Nat' = Z | S Nat'

data NList (n::Nat') a where
  Rest :: [a] -> NList Z a
  (:>) :: a -> NList n a -> NList (S n) a

uncons :: NList (S n) a -> (a, NList n a)
uncons (x :> xs) = (x, xs)

This works fine.  Now consider an implementation using the new type
literals in GHC:

data NList (n::Nat) a where
  Rest :: NList 0 [a]
  (:>) :: a -> NList n a -> NList (n+1) a

uncons :: NList (n+1) a -> NList n a
uncons (x :> l) = l

This gives a type error:

Could not deduce (n1 ~ n)
from the context ((n + 1) ~ (n1 + 1))
  bound by a pattern with constructor
 :> :: forall a (n :: Nat). a -> NList n a -> NList (n + 1) a,
   in an equation for `uncons'
  at /home/athas/code/nonempty_lists.hs:41:9-14
  `n1' is a rigid type variable bound by
   a pattern with constructor
 :> :: forall a (n :: Nat). a -> NList n a -> NList (n + 1) a,
   in an equation for `uncons'
   at /home/athas/code/nonempty_lists.hs:41:9
  `n' is a rigid type variable bound by
  the type signature for uncons :: NList (n + 1) a -> NList n a
  at /home/athas/code/nonempty_lists.hs:40:11
Expected type: NList n a
  Actual type: NList n1 a
In the expression: l
In an equation for `uncons': uncons (x :> l) = l

I don't understand why GHC cannot infer that the two types are the same.
My guess is that 'n+1' is not "structural" to GHC in the same way that
'S n' is.  The page
mentions that "type level numbers of kind Nat have no structure", which
seems to support my suspicion.  What's the complete story, though?

\  Troels
/\ Henriksen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Associative prefix operators in Parsec

2012-03-08 Thread Troels Henriksen
Christian Maeder  writes:

> The simplest solution is to parse the prefixes yourself and do not put
> it into the table.
> (Doing the infixes "&" and "|" by hand is no big deal, too, and
> possibly easier then figuring out the capabilities of
> buildExpressionParser)

Is there another solution?  My post was a simplified example to showcase
the problem; in general I would prefer to use a function to build the
expression parser.  I could just write my own that does not have this
problem, and in fact, I already have, I just wanted to know whether
Parsec could be wrangled into shape.

\  Troels
/\ Henriksen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Associative prefix operators in Parsec

2012-03-07 Thread Troels Henriksen
Consider a simple language of logical expressions:

> import Control.Applicative
> import Text.Parsec hiding ((<|>), many)
> import Text.Parsec.String
> import Text.Parsec.Expr
> data Expr = Truth
>   | Falsity
>   | And Expr Expr
>   | Or Expr Expr
>   | Not Expr
> deriving (Show, Eq)

I define a simple expression parser using Parsec:

> expr :: Parser Expr
> expr= buildExpressionParser table (lexeme term)
>  "expression"
> term :: Parser Expr
> term=  between (lexeme (char '(')) (lexeme (char ')')) expr
> <|> bool
>  "simple expression"
> bool :: Parser Expr
> bool = lexeme (string "true" *> pure Truth)
><|> lexeme (string "false" *> pure Falsity)
> lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
> lexeme p = p <* spaces
> table   = [ [prefix "!" Not ]
>   , [binary "&" And AssocLeft ]
>   , [binary "|" Or AssocLeft ]
>   ]
> binary  name fun assoc = Infix (do{ lexeme (string name); return fun }) assoc
> prefix  name fun   = Prefix (do{ lexeme (string name); return fun })

Now this doesn't work:

> test1 = parseTest expr "!!true"

But this does:

> test2 = parseTest expr "!(!true)"

I have studied the code for buildExpressionParser, and I know why this
happens (prefix operators are treated as nonassociative), but it seems
like one would often want right-associative prefix operators (so test1
would work).  Is there a common workaround or solution for this problem?
I assume the nonassociativity in Parsec is by design and not a bug.

\  Troels
/\ Henriksen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list