I've seen it done explicitly as is shown in the code below. 'f' in
'longest' is the function which is being memoized by the 'dp'. It's
pretty slick, IMO.
(not sure where this code came from. Also I may have broken it, but
you get the idea):
module Diff where
import Data.Array
-- * Dynamic Programming
dp :: (Ix a) => (a,a) -> ((a->b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b
dp bounds f = (memo!)
where memo = tabulate bounds (f (memo!))
tabulate :: (Ix a) => (a,a) -> (a -> b) -> Array a b
tabulate bounds f = array bounds [(i,f i) | i <- range bounds]
-- * Two-way diff
-- NOTE: I copied lcs/longest off the web somewhere, not sure what the license
lcs :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [(Int, Int)]
lcs xs ys = snd $ longest lenx leny xarr yarr (0,0)
lenx = length xs
leny = length ys
xarr = listArray (0,lenx-1) xs
yarr = listArray (0,leny-1) ys
longest :: Ord a
=> Int -> Int
-> Array Int a
-> Array Int a -> (Int, Int)
-> (Int, [(Int, Int)])
longest a b c d| a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` False = undefined
longest lenx leny xarr yarr = dp ((0,0),(lenx,leny)) f
f rec (x,y)
| x'ge'lenx && y'ge'leny = (0, [])
| x'ge'lenx = y'
| y'ge'leny = x'
| xarr ! x == yarr ! y = max (match $ rec (x+1,y+1)) m
| otherwise = m
m = max y' x'
x'ge'lenx = x >= lenx
y'ge'leny = y >= leny
y' = miss (rec (x,y+1))
x' = miss (rec (x+1,y))
match (n,xs) = (n+1, (x,y):xs)
miss = id
--miss z (n,xs) = (n,z:xs)
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