I forgot the subject, sorry for reposting...

I'm trying to apply the nested regions (as in Lightweight Monadic Regions by 
Oleg Kiselyov and Chung-chieh Shan) design pattern, if that's the proper term, 
in hope to gain a bit more type safety in this little library I'm working on 
(Streaming Component Combinators, available on Hackage). I guess the problem is 
that I'm getting too much type safety now, because I can't get the thing to 
compile. Most of the existing code works, the only exceptions seem to be 
various higher-order functions. I've reduced the problem to several lines of 
Literate Haskell code below, can anybody find a solution or confirm there isn't 

> {-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, Rank2Types #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, 
> FlexibleInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
> module Main where
> main = undefined

I'll call the main type, originally a monad transformer, simply Region. I'm 
leaving out the Monad and MonadTransformer instances, because they don't 
contribute to the problem. The parameter r is the phantom region type.

> newtype Region r a = Region a

The Ancestor class is used to denote relationship between two regions where one 
is nested in another.

> data Child r

> class Ancestor r r'

> instance                   Ancestor r (Child r)
> instance Ancestor r1 r2 => Ancestor r1 (Child r2)

Handle is a simple wrapper around a value. It carries information about the 
region that originates the value.

> data Handle r x = Handle x

A typical calculation in the Region monad will take a bunch of Handles 
inherited from an Ancestor region and do something with them. The Ancestor 
constraint is there to ensure that the handles are not fake but genuinely 

> type SingleHandler x y = forall r1s rs. Ancestor r1s rs =>
>                          Handle r1s x -> Region rs y
> type DoubleHandler x y z = forall r1d r2d rd. (Ancestor r1d rd, Ancestor r2d 
> rd) =>
>                            Handle r1d x -> Handle r2d y -> Region rd z

And now I get to the problem. The following higher-order function doesn't 

> mapD :: (SingleHandler x z -> SingleHandler y z)
>         -> DoubleHandler x w z -> DoubleHandler y w z
> mapD f d = \y w-> f (\x-> d x w) y

I get the same error from GHC 6.8.2 and 6.8.2:

    Could not deduce (Ancestor r2d rs)
      from the context (Ancestor r1s rs)
      arising from a use of `d' at Test.lhs:36:28-32
    Possible fix:
      add (Ancestor r2d rs) to the context of
        the polymorphic type
          `forall r1s rs. (Ancestor r1s rs) => Handle r1s x -> Region rs z'
    In the expression: d x w
    In the first argument of `f', namely `(\ x -> d x w)'
    In the expression: f (\ x -> d x w) y

The same code compiles just fine if all the Ancestor constraints are removed. I 
don't see any place to add the extra (Ancestor r2d rs) constraint, as GHC 
recommends. I think it ought to be able to figure things out based on the 
exisisting constraints, but I may be wrong: perhaps higher-order functions pose 
a fundamental problem for type-level programming. Can anybody shed any light on 

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