RE: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Basic FFI with GHC

2007-09-13 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
|  So, after more searching on the internet and some RTFM, I think I
|  found my answer, and it seems to work, but I don't know if it's the
|  right answer to generalize from.
| i have added your recipe to

Thank you Bulat.

There's also a GHC page about the FFI here:

It seems reasonable to have two: one generic to Haskell and one specific to GHC.

- But it would make sense to add a pointer from the generic one to the GHC one
- And perhaps some of the material on the GHC page is actually generic,
and should be moved?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[4]: [Haskell-cafe] Basic FFI with GHC

2007-09-13 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Simon,

Thursday, September 13, 2007, 2:12:18 PM, you wrote:

 There's also a GHC page about the FFI here:

this page, despite its name, is only about dealing with Visual C++ via
DLLs. it's cookbook-style material, although rather long to be merged
with former page

 It seems reasonable to have two: one generic to Haskell and one specific to 
 - But it would make sense to add a pointer from the generic one to the GHC one


 - And perhaps some of the material on the GHC page is actually generic,
 and should be moved?

current ghc material is step-by-step recipe of implementing one particular
application and i think that another description should be written if
we want split it into ghc-specific and common parts

moreover, i bet that there are not too much non-ghc FFI users, so it
will be hard and almost useless to work on such splitting :(

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Basic FFI with GHC

2007-09-12 Thread Ronald Guida

Ronald Guida wrote:
 How do I create C-libraries that I can load into GHCi?  I am trying to
 do some basic FFI, and it's not working.

So, after more searching on the internet and some RTFM, I think I
found my answer, and it seems to work, but I don't know if it's the
right answer to generalize from.

1. I can leave test_foo.lhs and foo.cpp as-is.

2. I need to change foo.h to the following:

// foo.h

#define DECLSPEC __declspec(dllexport)
#define DECLSPEC __declspec(dllimport)

extern C
 DECLSPEC __stdcall int foo(int x);

3. I need to create a DEF file and list the functions to be exported
  in a DLL.


Note: The library name on the first line must match the dll name.
  LIBRARY foo corresponds to foo.dll

4. The build process is as follows.

(1) gcc -DBUILD_DLL -c foo.cpp

(2) gcc -shared -o foo.dll foo.o foo.def \

5. At this point, I'll have foo.dll and libfoo.a.  I can load my
  foo library, as a DLL, into GHCi with the command:
$ ghci -lfoo
  In reality, I would use:
$ ghci test_foo.lhs -lfoo

6. Once I'm satisfied and ready to compile:

   ghc --make test_foo.lhs -L. -lfoo

(1) -L. directs GHC to look in the current directory for
libraries.  GHCi seems to look there by default.

(2) The resulting test_foo.exe will dynamicly load foo.dll.

7. If I want a staticly linked executable instead:

   ar rcs libfoo_static.a foo.o
   ghc --make test_foo.lhs -L. -lfoo_static

8. Finally, I can put the build steps into a makefile.

# Makefile for foo

test_foo.exe : test_foo.lhs libfoo.a foo.dll
   ghc --make test_foo.lhs -L. -lfoo

test_foo_static.exe : test_foo.lhs libfoo_static.a
   ghc --make test_foo.lhs -L. -lfoo_static -o test_foo_static.exe

libfoo.a : foo.dll

foo.dll : foo.o foo.def
   gcc -shared -o foo.dll foo.o foo.def \

libfoo_static.a : foo.o
   ar rcs libfoo_static.a foo.o

foo.o : foo.cpp foo.h
   gcc -DBUILD_DLL -c foo.cpp

.PHONY: clean
   rm -f *.[oa]
   rm -f *.dll
   rm -f *.hi
   rm -f *.exe

-- Ron

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Basic FFI with GHC

2007-09-12 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Ronald,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 11:18:05 PM, you wrote:

 So, after more searching on the internet and some RTFM, I think I
 found my answer, and it seems to work, but I don't know if it's the
 right answer to generalize from.

i have added your recipe to

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Basic FFI with GHC

2007-09-11 Thread Ronald Guida

How do I create C-libraries that I can load into GHCi?  I am trying to
do some basic FFI, and it's not working.

Here's the background.  I created three files, foo.h, foo.cpp, and
test_foo.lhs. (source code below)

Note: I am using MinGW/Msys under Windows XP.

If I compile foo.cpp and then try to load test_foo into GHCi, I get an
error.  OTOH, if I compile test_foo with GHC, it works.  I just don't
understand why it works one way and not the other.

What am I doing wrong?

-- Ron

Shell commands

$ gcc -c foo.cpp

$ ghci test_foo.lhs foo.o
  ___ ___ _
 / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
/ /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.6.1, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading object (static) foo.o ... done
final link ... done
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test_foo.lhs, interpreted )

During interactive linking, GHCi couldn't find the following symbol:
This may be due to you not asking GHCi to load extra object files,

$ ghc --make test_foo.lhs foo.o
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test_foo.lhs, test_foo.o )
Linking test_foo.exe ...

$ test_foo.exe
Entering main
y = 22
Exiting main

$ ar rcs libfoo.a foo.o

$ ghc --make test_foo.lhs -lfoo

$ test_foo.exe
Entering main
y = 22
Exiting main

$ ghci test_foo.lhs -lfoo
  ___ ___ _
 / _ \ /\  /\/ __(_)
/ /_\// /_/ / /  | |  GHC Interactive, version 6.6.1, for Haskell 98.
/ /_\\/ __  / /___| |
\/\/ /_/\/|_|  Type :? for help.

Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading object (dynamic) foo ... failed.
Dynamic linker error message was:
  addDLL: unknown error
Whilst trying to load:  (dynamic) foo
Directories to search are:
: user specified .o/.so/.DLL could not be loaded.

Source code

// foo.h

extern C
 __stdcall int foo(int x);


// foo.cpp
#include foo.h

__stdcall int foo(int x)
 return 3 * x + 1;



 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
 module Main
 import Foreign
 import Foreign.C

 foreign import stdcall unsafe foo
   c_Foo :: Word32 - IO Word32

 main = do
   putStrLn Entering main
   let x = 7::Word32
   y - c_Foo(x)
   putStrLn $ y =  ++ show y
   putStrLn Exiting main

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