[Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-26 Thread Benjamin Franksen
I finally understood that George Russell's Library is not really about global 
variables. Rather it is about what I want to call 'execution contexts', which 
are -- as Marcin Kowalczyk observed -- a restricted form of dynamically 
scoped variables.

[NB: Another (maybe better) name would have been 'execution environment' but 
the name "environment" is too heavily associated with the related concept of 
process environment (the string to string map given to user processes as an 
implicit argument).]

An execution context is a mutable finite map from types to (monomorphic) 
values. Each IO action implicitly carries exactly one such map and by default 
passes it on to the actions that follow. A function is provided to 
(implicitly) create a new mapping and run a given IO action with the new 
mapping as its execution context, instead of the default one.

[NB: I also understand now why the library uses ThreadIds. This was obscure to 
me at first because in principle all this has nothing to do with concurrency 
(beside the requirement that accessing the context should be thread safe). 
ThreadIds are used simply because they are available as an index and nothing 
else is. Its just a hack.]

Seen this way, the whole thing smells very much of monads. Indeed, the monadic 
implementation is trivial. I attached a proof-of concept implementation, 
using George Russel's 'Dict' as an abstract data type in a separate module 
(copied verbatim from GlobalVariables.hs, see attached file Dict.hs). The 
idea: we define

type Context = MVar Dict

and introduce an eXtended version of the IO monad

type XIO a = StateT Context IO a

together with a small number of simple functions that implement the same 
interface as the original GlobalVariables.hs; no unsafe operations are used, 
everything is Haskell98 + Dynamics. Also ThreadIds do not appear and it is 
not necessary to change forkIO (apart from lifting it, of course). (code is 
in ExecutionContext.hs)

I modified George's test program so that it works with ExecutionContexts. The 
program is completely isomorphic to the original (and does the same, too ;). 
The only major difference is that all IO operations are lifted into the XIO 
monad. Again, almost everything is Haskell98, -fglasgow-exts is only needed 
to derive Typeable (which can also be done manually). (Code is in 

The only task that remains to support this programming style so that it can be 
used practically, is to redefine IO as XIO in the kernel libraries. The 
annoying liftIOs everywhere (and the necessity to invent higher order lifts 
along the way) would be gone. I am almost sure that even the trick of 
indexing the dictionary via types (and thus the dependency on Data.Typeable 
and ghc extensions) can be avoided with a little more effort.

-- ---
-- The Dict type
-- ---
module Dict (
  ) where

import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Maybe

-- | Stores a set of elements with distinct types indexed by type
-- NB.  Needs to use a FiniteMap, when TypeRep's instance Ord.
newtype Dict = Dict [(TypeRep,Dynamic)]

-- | Dict with no elements.
emptyDict :: Dict
emptyDict = Dict []

-- | Retrieve an element from the dictionary, if one of that type exists.
lookupDict :: Typeable a => Dict -> Maybe a
lookupDict (Dict list) =
  -- construct a dummy value of the required type so we can get at its
  -- TypeRep.
  Just dummy = (Just undefined) `asTypeOf` aOpt

  -- get at the required result type.
  dynOpt = lookup (typeOf dummy) list 

  aOpt = case dynOpt of
 Nothing -> Nothing
 Just dyn -> 
Just (
  (error "Inconsistent type in Dict")
  (fromDynamic dyn)

-- | Add an element to the dictionary if possible, or return Nothing if it
-- isn't because one of that type already exists.
addToDict :: Typeable a => Dict -> a -> Maybe Dict
addToDict (Dict list) val =
  typeRep = typeOf val
  case lookup typeRep list of
 Just _ -> Nothing
 Nothing -> Just (Dict ((typeRep,toDyn val) : list))

-- | Delete an element from the dictionary, if one is in it, or return Nothing
-- if it isn't.
delFromDict :: Typeable a 
   => Dict 
   -> a -- ^ this value is only interesting for its type, and isn't looked at.
   -> Maybe Dict
delFromDict (Dict list) val =
  typeRep = typeOf val

  dList [] = Nothing
  dList ((hd@(typeRep2,_)):list2) = 
 if typeRep == typeRep2
   Just list2
   fmap (hd:) (dList list2)
  fmap Dict (dList list)
module ExecutionContext where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Jules Bean
On 27 Nov 2004, at 00:59, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
I finally understood that George Russell's Library is not really about 
variables. Rather it is about what I want to call 'execution 
contexts', which
are -- as Marcin Kowalczyk observed -- a restricted form of dynamically
scoped variables.
type XIO a = StateT Context IO a
...which, amusingly, brings us almost full circle to the message which 
sparked off this particular iteration of the Great Global Variables 

..which uses StateT Env IO
Although your work is rather more complete than what I sketch in that 

A problem is the ability to pass callbacks to external libraries...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Keean Schupke
Jules Bean wrote:
A problem is the ability to pass callbacks to external libraries...
Why not just put all the state in a record, then there's only one thing to
pass around... you can use the state monad to hide this (or the state monad
transformer if you need to layer over IO) then use partial function 
to pass the necessary state to the callback on creation?

Also another take on the TWI question... Doesn't this equate to the same 
as first class modules... then a module can be defined within the scope 
of a

printablePoint x_init = do
   x <- newIORef x_init
   return $ module PrintablePoint where
  getX = readIORef x
And the above can be seen as a model of an object... So using the HList 
you can write this:

class_printable_point x_init self = do
   x <- newIORef x_init
   returnIO $
   mutableX .=. x
   .*. getX .=. readIORef x
   .*. moveD .=. (\d -> modifyIORef x ((+) d))
   .*. ooprint .=. ((self # getX ) >>= print)
   .*. emptyRecord
Of course true top-level TWIs behave like static objects... But with dynamic
objects you can guarantee that each object is only initialised once, but
cannot guarantee that only one object of a given type exists (and I think
encapsulation is a more important property than uniqueness).
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Ian . Stark
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
> An execution context is a mutable finite map from types to (monomorphic)
> values. Each IO action implicitly carries exactly one such map and by default
> passes it on to the actions that follow.

Execution contexts sound a good description of them.  Building on your
recoding of this, if you have top-level declarations of newMVar / newIORef
then how much of this can you do by just keeping a dictionary in a global
variable?  This should certainly save some of the StateT plumbing; and
such declarations are safe, becuase they are affine central (see
http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=fa.doh68b9.96sgjd%40ifi.uio.no )

> A function is provided to (implicitly) create a new mapping and run a
> given IO action with the new mapping as its execution context, instead
> of the default one.

Update the global MVar, do the IO, then reset it?

> I am almost sure that even the trick of indexing the dictionary via
> types (and thus the dependency on Data.Typeable and ghc extensions) can
> be avoided with a little more effort.

Another global MVar to issue a sequence of unique index keys?


Ian Stark   http://www.ed.ac.uk/~stark
LFCS, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Keean Schupke
A general point on top-level TWIs. It occurs to me that all variables 
are local to
something (function, object, thread, process, machine, network, 
world...). I think it
is an error to limit Haskells domain. If we allow unique per process 
variables (top-level
TWI's) we limit our level of abstraction to a process - haskell cannot 
dispatch processes
beacuse it cannot handle the multiple process contexts required.

All the attempts at modelling execution contexts therefore seem a better 
solution than
top-level TWIs which limit us to a single process world model. It seems 
the real world
is an infinitely deep nesting of abstractions, so uniqueness is always 
relative to its context.
Using the object model, we can have a process object, this object can 
ensure uniqueness
of values within the context of a process - which is what Adrian wants. 
However if we
want uniqueness at the next level, say the per CPU level, then a CPU 
object is the relavent

It seems to me the object model fits perfectly, and what people are 
trying to do is
turn modules into primitive objects complete with data-hiding and 
(top-level TWIs)... However modules cannot be nested so the model breaks 
down, and
we end up needing first-class modules anyway.

Of course objects can be modeled another way (see 
using the HList library... The syntax is simple enough, but would still 
benefit from a little
sytactic sugar (hopefully to be providied by template-haskell, but this 
part is a work in

So in conclusion, it seems to me that that objects in Haskell solve all 
the problems
that top-level TWIs solve, and still allow encapsulation and multiple 
contexts to be handled by the RTS. So use them!

Sorry for the rambling explanation and shameless promotion of HLists...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Saturday 27 November 2004 17:10, you wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Nov 2004, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
> > An execution context is a mutable finite map from types to (monomorphic)
> > values. Each IO action implicitly carries exactly one such map and by
> > default passes it on to the actions that follow.
> Execution contexts sound a good description of them.  Building on your
> recoding of this, if you have top-level declarations of newMVar / newIORef
> then how much of this can you do by just keeping a dictionary in a global
> variable?
> This should certainly save some of the StateT plumbing; and 
> such declarations are safe, becuase they are affine central (see
> http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=fa.doh68b9.96sgjd%40ifi.uio.no )

I like your definition of ACIO and I think it is sound (I have also suggested 
centrality, see 

I would think that with ACIO we have a nice mathematical characterization for 
the IO actions that would be "safe" even at the top-level. ("Safe" meaning 
mainly that we do not open a can-of-worms with regard to execution order.) I 
don't know how easy or hard it is to prove of a certain IO action that is in 
fact in ACIO.

However, monadic execution contexts don't need any safety proofs, because they 
are purely functional. With modest support from the compiler they could be 
implemented quite efficiently. And they would solve almost all problems for 
which global variables have been used or proposed as a solution. To be more 
precise, they would solve all those problems, provided you replace any 
reference to "the whole program" by "a certain execution context". I think 
this would be good enough for almost all applications.

> > A function is provided to (implicitly) create a new mapping and run a
> > given IO action with the new mapping as its execution context, instead
> > of the default one.
> Update the global MVar, do the IO, then reset it?

This breaks down as soon as the IO action does a forkIO. This breakdown is one 
of the reasons I dislike global variables so much. Sure, you can find a way 
to code around this special probem.(*) But the fact that you have to 
(explicitly take concurrency into consideration) doesn't bode well for global 

One of the nice features of (monadic) execution contexts is that they are 
automatically protected from such problems, without taking any special 

> > I am almost sure that even the trick of indexing the dictionary via
> > types (and thus the dependency on Data.Typeable and ghc extensions) can
> > be avoided with a little more effort.
> Another global MVar to issue a sequence of unique index keys?

Maybe this is possible. But I'd rather have a library that depends on Dynamics 
(plus some compiler support) than a highly controversial new language 

(*) You'd probably need a hack like using ThreadIds to identify the IO action 
being run under the new context, see George Russel's implementation.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-27 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Saturday 27 November 2004 17:55, you wrote:
> A general point on top-level TWIs. It occurs to me that all variables
> are local to
> something (function, object, thread, process, machine, network,
> world...).
> [...]
> It seems to me the object model fits perfectly, and what people are
> trying to do is
> turn modules into primitive objects complete with data-hiding and
> constructors
> (top-level TWIs)... However modules cannot be nested so the model breaks
> down, and
> we end up needing first-class modules anyway.
> So in conclusion, it seems to me that that objects in Haskell solve all
> the problems
> that top-level TWIs solve, and still allow encapsulation and multiple
> 'process'
> contexts to be handled by the RTS. So use them!

Timber (formerly O'Haskell) has gone this way. Its object model is defined 
(and in fact was implemented) by a straight-forward translation into a 
(state) reader monad transformer over the IO monad. It is noteworthy that in 
this translation the (local) state of a Timber object is not a record but 
just an (IORef to an) anonymous tuple. [It is true that they added 'real' 
records and subtyping to the language but these additions are completely 
orthogonal to the object model. Records are merely used to group the monadic 
actions that define the interface of an object into a suitable type hierarchy 
(in order to model a weak form of interface inheritance).]

So, one of the things I learned when studying Timber's object model is that 
records (or modules) with mutable fields (and inheritance and so on) are 
*not* the whole story. The most interesting aspect is how objects react to 
external stimulus, i.e. their representation as monadic effects.

One *can* program in such a way in Haskell. What's missing is not so much 
records or first class modules, nor top-level IO actions (safe or not), but 
suitable syntactic sugar to alleviate the burden of having to lift (sic!) all 
IO actions to a suitable object/context monad.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-28 Thread Ian . Stark
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004, Benjamin Franksen wrote:
> I would think that with ACIO we have a nice mathematical
> characterization for the IO actions that would be "safe" even at the
> top-level. ("Safe" meaning mainly that we do not open a can-of-worms
> with regard to execution order.) I don't know how easy or hard it is to
> prove of a certain IO action that is in fact in ACIO.

Hard, because it depends on observational equivalence of IO effects, and
for that you need a semantics for the RealWorld.

Maybe a better way to treat it is that whereas doing an IO action puts it
in an execution trace at a specific point, doing an ACIO action is simply
"perform this some time, maybe, if required".  Giving something like
newUnique an ACIO type indicates that semantics is sufficient; whereas for
readIORef it typically isn't, and you want the stronger guarantee of an IO

> This breaks down as soon as the IO action does a forkIO.

Isn't sharing global variables the correct semantics for forkIO ?
That explicitly creates a 'lightweight' thread, which shares execution
context with its invoker.

I agree that forkOS, with its own local context, is harder.  I suspect
that, yes, as soon as you want to have more than one execution context
simultaneously, then you need to manage them.  For which XIO seems
to do the job.


Ian Stark   http://www.ed.ac.uk/~stark
LFCS, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-28 Thread Ian . Stark

On Sat, 27 Nov 2004, Benjamin Franksen wrote (apropos ACIO topdecls):
> ... a highly controversial new language feature.

The language feature is easily done, and just what has been happening all

  type ACIO = IO

  declare :: ACIO a -> a

  {-# NOINLINE declare #-}
  declare e = unsafePerformIO e

All 'affine central' does is give a label to one particular idiomatic use
of IO.  The controversial part would be wading through libraries arguing
over what things were ACIO.

OK, I admit it would be nice if the compiler would manage everything, use
<- syntax, and take advantage of affine central actions being
well-behaved.  But not vital.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-28 Thread Keean Schupke
Benjamin Franksen wrote:
Timber (formerly O'Haskell) has gone this way. Its object model is defined 
(and in fact was implemented) by a straight-forward translation into a 
(state) reader monad transformer over the IO monad. It is noteworthy that in 
this translation the (local) state of a Timber object is not a record but 
just an (IORef to an) anonymous tuple. [It is true that they added 'real' 
records and subtyping to the language but these additions are completely 
orthogonal to the object model. Records are merely used to group the monadic 
actions that define the interface of an object into a suitable type hierarchy 
(in order to model a weak form of interface inheritance).]

Well without propper records you cannot do inheritance and other
things relavent to the object model - so it is not orthogonal - but it
is certainly true that you can define the state of an object using an
IORef, and local scoping can provide the data-hiding necessary.
We are using HLists to provide records and sub-typing, which are
implemented using ghc's existing extensions to the class system
(multi-parameter type and fundeps) - so no language extensions are
necessary for these features - Haskell already has them, and they
can be used quite reasonably from a library without syntax extensions.
So, one of the things I learned when studying Timber's object model is that 
records (or modules) with mutable fields (and inheritance and so on) are 
*not* the whole story. The most interesting aspect is how objects react to 
external stimulus, i.e. their representation as monadic effects.

Well the records implement method dictionaries, so they determine
which inheritance and interface methods are possible.
One *can* program in such a way in Haskell. What's missing is not so much 
records or first class modules, nor top-level IO actions (safe or not), but 
suitable syntactic sugar to alleviate the burden of having to lift (sic!) all 
IO actions to a suitable object/context monad.

Erm no, all the objects can be implemented directly in the IO monad
if you so wish, so no lifting is necessary... here is an example object
in actuall Haskell code using the HList library...
>point = do
>  x <- newIORef 0
>  returnIO $ mutableX .=. x
>   .*. getX .=. readIORef x
>   .*. moveD .=. (\d -> modifyIORef x ((+) d))
>   .*. emptyRecord
And here's the object in use:
>myFirstOOP = do
> p <- point
> p # getX >>= print
> p # moveD $ 3
> p # getX >>= print
As you can see no lifting or awkwardness involved... the syntax looks
very much like the OCaml example it was ported from. Admittedly a little
syntactic sugar may make it more palatable to OO programers. (But
notice how all the types for the objects methods are inferred by the
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Execution Contexts

2004-11-28 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Sunday 28 November 2004 13:53, Keean Schupke wrote:
> ... here is an example object
> in actuall Haskell code using the HList library...
>  >point = do
>  >  x <- newIORef 0
>  >  returnIO $ mutableX .=. x
>  >   .*. getX .=. readIORef x
>  >   .*. moveD .=. (\d -> modifyIORef x ((+) d))
>  >   .*. emptyRecord
> And here's the object in use:
>  >myFirstOOP = do
>  > p <- point
>  > p # getX >>= print
>  > p # moveD $ 3
>  > p # getX >>= print
> As you can see no lifting or awkwardness involved... the syntax looks
> very much like the OCaml example it was ported from.

Very nice. This would be enough for single threaded programs and as long as 
the local state is simple.

I think it would get quite awkward as soon as you want to provide

- more mutable members
- synchronized access + asynchronous methods

(i.e. _reactive_ objects)

I am ready to be proved wrong, though.

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