  I have a yesod project that used to be compilable. Now when I migrate it
to latest yesod, it failed compiling.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Magicloud Magiclouds <magicloud.magiclo...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Yesod] Type issue in new yesod
To: "yesod...@googlegroups.com" <yesod...@googlegroups.com>

The error message is as following. And the new code is here:

[12 of 13] Compiling Handler.FetchProcessPathRollup (
dist/build/Handler/FetchProcessPathRollup.o )

    No instance for (PersistUnique
                          (containers- Text Text)
(GHandler App App)))))
      arising from a use of `getKey'
    Possible fix:
      add an instance declaration for
            (containers- Text Text)
               (Database.Persist.GenericSql.Raw.SqlPersist (GHandler App
    In a stmt of a 'do' block:
      reportKey <- getKey
                     (UniqueReport (t "Report")) (Report (t "Report"))
    In the expression:
      do { let t = (!) r
               d = liftM fst . double . t
           reportKey <- getKey
                          (UniqueReport (t "Report")) (Report (t "Report"));
           lineitemKey <- getKey
                            (UniqueLineitem (t "LineItem Name") (t
"LineItem Id"))
                            (Lineitem (t "LineItem Id") (t "LineItem
           mainProcessKey <- getKey
                               (UniqueMainProcess (t "Main Process"))
                               (MainProcess (t "Main Process"));
           .... }
    In the second argument of `($)', namely
      `\ r
         -> do { let ...;
                 reportKey <- getKey
                                (UniqueReport (t "Report")) (Report (t
                 .... }'

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Michael Snoyman <mich...@snoyman.com> wrote:

> Can you provide the new source code and the new compiler error message?
> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:18 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds <
> magicloud.magiclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, the first error about CSV was due to parsePPR's type. If I set it
>> type, then CSV error was gone. And the error of PersistUnique reported on
>> first getKey call, instead of processPPR call.
>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Michael Snoyman <mich...@snoyman.com>wrote:
>>> This doesn't look like it's anything to do with Yesod; it looks like a
>>> problem with the usage of conduit and csv-conduit. Did you try following
>>> the GHC recommendation and adding a type signature to parsePPR?
>>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Magicloud Magiclouds <
>>> magicloud.magiclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>   I have a yesod project that used to be compilable. Now when I migrate
>>>> it to latest yesod, it failed compiling.
>>>>   The failed part is here: http://pastebin.com/pWn5FdeS .
>>>>   And the error message is:
>>>> Handler/FetchProcessPathRollup.hs:27:30:
>>>>     No instance for (Data.CSV.Conduit.CSV
>>>>                        Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString
>>>>                        (containers- a0 Text))
>>>>       arising from a use of `intoCSV'
>>>>     The type variable `a0' is ambiguous
>>>>     Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
>>>>     Note: there is a potential instance available:
>>>>       instance (Data.CSV.Conduit.CSV
>>>>                   s (csv-conduit-0.5.1:Data.CSV.Conduit.Types.Row s'),
>>>>                 Ord s', Data.String.IsString s) =>
>>>>                Data.CSV.Conduit.CSV s (MapRow s')
>>>>         -- Defined in `Data.CSV.Conduit'
>>>>     Possible fix:
>>>>       add an instance declaration for
>>>>       (Data.CSV.Conduit.CSV
>>>>          Data.ByteString.Internal.ByteString
>>>>          (containers- a0 Text))
>>>>     In the first argument of `(=$=)', namely `intoCSV defCSVSettings'
>>>>     In the second argument of `($$+-)', namely
>>>>       `(intoCSV defCSVSettings
>>>>         =$= parsePPR (zonedTimeToUTC day) k =$ sinkPersist)'
>>>>     In a stmt of a 'do' block:
>>>>       responseBody src
>>>>       $$+-
>>>>         (intoCSV defCSVSettings
>>>>          =$= parsePPR (zonedTimeToUTC day) k =$ sinkPersist)
>>>> Handler/FetchProcessPathRollup.hs:27:57:
>>>>     No instance for (PersistUnique
>>>>                        (Data.Conduit.Internal.ConduitM
>>>>                           (containers- a0 Text)
>>>>                           ProcessPathRollup
>>>>                           (ResourceT
>>>>  (Database.Persist.GenericSql.Raw.SqlPersist (GHandler App App)))))
>>>>       arising from a use of `parsePPR'
>>>>     Possible fix:
>>>>       add an instance declaration for
>>>>       (PersistUnique
>>>>          (Data.Conduit.Internal.ConduitM
>>>>             (containers- a0 Text)
>>>>             ProcessPathRollup
>>>>             (ResourceT
>>>>                (Database.Persist.GenericSql.Raw.SqlPersist (GHandler
>>>> App App)))))
>>>>     In the first argument of `(=$)', namely
>>>>       `parsePPR (zonedTimeToUTC day) k'
>>>>     In the second argument of `(=$=)', namely
>>>>       `parsePPR (zonedTimeToUTC day) k =$ sinkPersist'
>>>>     In the second argument of `($$+-)', namely
>>>>       `(intoCSV defCSVSettings
>>>>         =$= parsePPR (zonedTimeToUTC day) k =$ sinkPersist)'
>>>> --
>>>> 竹密岂妨流水过
>>>> 山高哪阻野云飞
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>> 竹密岂妨流水过
>> 山高哪阻野云飞
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