Re: AW: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-20 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Freitag, 20. Februar 2009 09:42 schrieben Sie:
> Hello,
> but to specify that “this function turns a list into its sorted equivalent”
> would probably require to specify e.g. "sort" in terms of the type system
> and to write code that actually does the sorting. The first task is much 
> like specifying what a sorted list is in first-order-logic (much like a
> Prolog program) and the second task is a regular functional program.
> If this is correct, dependent types would become more useful if the first
> task could be done by the compiler - which is probably impossible in
> general.

I might not really understand you. Do you mean the compiler should be able to 
infer the specification from the implementation? In a dependently-typed 
programming language this would just mean type inference since specifications 
are types. However, type inference isn’t possible for dependent type systems.

Personally, I think, it makes more sense to start with a specification (type)  
and then provide implementations. Systems like Agda and Epigram can actually 
use the reach information from the types to assist you in writing your 

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC - units

2009-02-20 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Thu, 19 Feb 2009, Sterling Clover wrote:

Thanks for the update on plugins! I look forward to trying them out from the 
GHC mainline at some point. I don't think that units as I envision them would 
need to mess with the type system directly, but could be implemented simply 
as a static analysis step, such as you describe.

I think it is widely agreed on that all these static checkers (e.g. for 
totality of functions) fill the gap of a type system that is not strong 
enough to handle these cases. Have you ever tried one of the 
units-by-types libraries so far? They catch many bugs and are already 
quite natural in usage.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

AW: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-20 Thread Kemps-Benedix Torsten

but to specify that “this function turns a list into its sorted equivalent” 
would probably require to specify e.g. "sort" in terms of the type system and 
to write code that actually does the sorting. The first task is much like 
specifying what a sorted list is in first-order-logic (much like a Prolog 
program) and the second task is a regular functional program.

If this is correct, dependent types would become more useful if the first task 
could be done by the compiler - which is probably impossible in general.

Am I right?

Best wishes,


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [] 
Im Auftrag von Wolfgang Jeltsch
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 14:22
Betreff: Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 11:35 schrieb Alberto G. Corona:
> 2009/2/19 Wolfgang Jeltsch 
> > Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 02:22 schrieb sylvain:
> > > Haskell is a nice, mature and efficient programming language.
> > > By its very nature it could also become a nice executable formal
> > > specification language, provided there is tool support.
> >
> > Wouldn't it be better to achieve the goals you describe with a
> > dependently typed programming language?
> But I wonder how a dependent typed language can express certain properties,
> for example, the distributive property between the operation + and * in a
> ring or simply the fact that show(read x)==x. As far as I understand,  a
> dependent type system can restrict the set of values for wich a function
> apply, but it can not express complex relationships between operations.

Each type system corresponds to some constructive logic and can enforce 
properties which are expressible in that logic. Dependent type systems 
correspond to higher order predicate logics or so and therefore can express 
almost everything you want. An Agda or Epigram type can cover a complete 
behavioral specification like “This function turns a list into its sorted 

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Sterling Clover

On Feb 18, 2009, at 4:43 AM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

2009/2/18 Sterling Clover :
The punchline: With GHC plugins, it should be possible, and  
reasonable, to

add a proper unit system for Haskell.

Alas, GHC plugins cannot change the type system - only meddle with the
compilation strategy or analyse the code and suchlike. I'm working
with Simon Peyton Jones to get plugins integrated fully into GHC
(parts of it have been commited already) but we're both busy and so
progress is slow. I don't think any GSoC projects should take a
dependency on it being both integrated into GHC and stable in time for
the summer.

Thanks for the update on plugins! I look forward to trying them out  
from the GHC mainline at some point. I don't think that units as I  
envision them would need to mess with the type system directly, but  
could be implemented simply as a static analysis step, such as you  
describe. Units really do something quite different from standard  
types, and unit-correctness seems orthogonal to type correctness. A  
simple plugin would, e.g., allow unit annotations as distinct from  
type annotations (although, with an appropriate preprocessor step,  
they could, with cleverness, be written jointly), and simply track  
unit usage throughout the code to ensure correctness. It would, I  
assume, only need to operate on things which belonged to the Num  
typeclass to begin with, and assume that all unannotated numbers were  
scalars. Even lacking any sophisticated features, I would find this  
very useful, and certainly easier to envision than a more general  
extension to the type system that made unit tracking feasible, but  
yet, somehow, didn't veer fully into either simulated or actual  
dependent typing.

So I guess I'll just keep this idea in mind and pitch it for next  
year's GSoC. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Tillmann Rendel

Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Wouldn't it be better to achieve the goals you describe with a dependently
typed programming language?

But I wonder how a dependent typed language can express certain properties,
for example, the distributive property between the operation + and * in a
ring or simply the fact that show(read x)==x. As far as I understand,  a
dependent type system can restrict the set of values for wich a function
apply, but it can not express complex relationships between operations. 

In a dependently typed language, propositions can be encoded as types, 
and a value of such a type is a proof that the theorem holds, so one 
could imagine something like:

class ReadShow a where
  show :: a -> String
  read :: String -> Maybe a
  law :: forall (x : String), read (show x) = x

instance ReadShow Int where
  show x = 
  read x = 
  law = 

Note that the forall quantifies over values in a type, so this is indeed 
dependently typed.

With the new support for type classes in Coq 8.2, you can write stuff 
like that.

Require Import List.

Class Monoid (A : Type) := { 
  empty : A;

  concat : A -> A -> A;
  left_ident : forall (a : A), a = concat empty a;

  right_ident : forall (a : A), a = concat a empty;
  assoc : forall (a b c : A), concat (concat a b) c = concat a (concat b c)

Instance list_monoid : Monoid (list A) := {
  empty := nil;
  concat := fun x y => x ++ y;

  left_ident := fun a => refl_equal (nil ++ a);
  right_ident := @app_nil_end A;
  assoc := @app_ass A 

The class declaration lists the laws, the instance declaration has to 
give the proofs. Since these facts about lists are provided by the 
standard library, this is easy in this example. Of course, one can use 
the proof mode to prove the laws with a proof script. For example for 
the Monoid instance for Maybe we have in Haskell.

Instance option_monoid_lifted (A : Type) (MA : Monoid A) : Monoid (option A) := 
  empty := None;
  append := fun x y => match (x, y) with 
   | (None, b) => b

   | (a, None) => a
   | (Some a, Some b) => Some (append a b)
  destruct a; auto.

  destruct a; destruct b; destruct c; auto. f_equal. apply assoc.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Wouter Swierstra
Unfortunately the "proofs" in dependently typed languages are  
extremely long and tedious to write. Some kind of compiler proofing  
tool could ease the pain, but I do not think it has low enough  
complexity for a GSoC project.

I wouldn't say that.

Here's the complete proof script in Coq proving the theorem that was  
originally proposed: length (map f (xs ++ ys)) = length xs + length ys.

It weighs in at about 30 lines, although I could probably get it down  
to less than 10.

The proofs maybe look a bit unfamiliar if you haven't seen Coq before,  
but they are hardly "extremely long and tedious to write". I can  
understand that raw proof *terms* in type theory can be long and  
painful to write. But that's like saying Haskell is bad, because its  
hard to understand ghc-core.


Require Import List.

Variables a b : Set.
Variable f : a -> b.

Lemma lengthMap : forall (xs : list a),
  length (map f xs) = length xs.
induction xs; trivial.
simpl; rewrite IHxs.

Lemma appendLength : forall (xs ys : list a),
  length (xs ++ ys) = length xs + length ys.
induction xs; trivial.
simpl; rewrite IHxs.

Lemma main : forall (xs ys : list a),
  length (map f (xs ++ ys)) = length xs + length ys.
rewrite lengthMap.
rewrite appendLength.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 14:50 schrieb John A. De Goes:
> Unfortunately the "proofs" in dependently typed languages are
> extremely long and tedious to write. Some kind of compiler proofing
> tool could ease the pain, but I do not think it has low enough
> complexity for a GSoC project.

I was not saying that I want such a thing done as a GSoC project. I just 
wanted to say that if one wants a programming language with an integrated 
proof language, it might be better to put work into Agda or Epigram instead 
of extending Haskell.

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread John A. De Goes

Yes, this is indeed the point. Right now we express properties that a  
type class should obey, but there is no compiler assistance to prove  
or verify them.

A compiler aware of "properties" can do additional symbolic  
manipulation to increase performance. Surely there has been some  
research in this area already.


John A. De Goes
The Evolution of Collaboration|877-376-2724 x 101

On Feb 19, 2009, at 3:35 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

2009/2/19 Wolfgang Jeltsch 
Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 02:22 schrieb sylvain:
> Haskell is a nice, mature and efficient programming language.
> By its very nature it could also become a nice executable formal
> specification language, provided there is tool support.

Wouldn't it be better to achieve the goals you describe with a  

typed programming language?

But I wonder how a dependent typed language can express certain  
properties, for example, the distributive property between the  
operation + and * in a ring or simply the fact that show(read x)==x.  
As far as I understand,  a dependent type system can restrict the  
set of values for wich a function apply, but it can not express  
complex relationships between operations. My knowledge on dependent  
types is very limited. I would like to be wrong on this.

The point is that permits the automatic checking of such properties  
at the class level (or module level) are critical, to make sure that  
derived instances agree with that. This would be very good to feel  
confident and program at higuer levels of abstraction.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread John A. De Goes

Unfortunately the "proofs" in dependently typed languages are  
extremely long and tedious to write. Some kind of compiler proofing  
tool could ease the pain, but I do not think it has low enough  
complexity for a GSoC project.


John A. De Goes
The Evolution of Collaboration|877-376-2724 x 101

On Feb 19, 2009, at 1:37 AM, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 02:22 schrieb sylvain:

Haskell is a nice, mature and efficient programming language.
By its very nature it could also become a nice executable formal
specification language, provided there is tool support.

Wouldn’t it be better to achieve the goals you describe with a  

typed programming language?

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 11:35 schrieb Alberto G. Corona:
> 2009/2/19 Wolfgang Jeltsch 
> > Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 02:22 schrieb sylvain:
> > > Haskell is a nice, mature and efficient programming language.
> > > By its very nature it could also become a nice executable formal
> > > specification language, provided there is tool support.
> >
> > Wouldn't it be better to achieve the goals you describe with a
> > dependently typed programming language?
> But I wonder how a dependent typed language can express certain properties,
> for example, the distributive property between the operation + and * in a
> ring or simply the fact that show(read x)==x. As far as I understand,  a
> dependent type system can restrict the set of values for wich a function
> apply, but it can not express complex relationships between operations.

Each type system corresponds to some constructive logic and can enforce 
properties which are expressible in that logic. Dependent type systems 
correspond to higher order predicate logics or so and therefore can express 
almost everything you want. An Agda or Epigram type can cover a complete 
behavioral specification like “This function turns a list into its sorted 

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Wouter Swierstra

This could look like:

module Integer where
 theorem read_parses_what_show_shows :
   (a :: Integer, Show a, Read a) =>
   show . read a = id a

There are several problems with this approach.

For example, I can show:

const 0 (head []) = 0

But if I pretend that I don't know that Haskell is lazy:

const 0 (head []) = const 0 (error ) = error ...

Which would allow me to substitute each occurrence of 0 with "error" -  
which probably isn't a good idea. So to do proper equational reasoning  
in a lazy language you need to be extremely careful with evaluation  
order. Predicting the evaluation order of code generated by "ghc -O2  
Main.hs" is non-trivial to say the least.

To make matters worse, as you're working in a language with general  
recursion, you have to be fight quite hard to avoid introducing  
inconsistencies in your proof language.

Alberto wrote:
As far as I understand,  a dependent type system can restrict the  
set of values for wich a function apply, but it can not express  
complex relationships between operations. My knowledge on dependent  
types is very limited. I would like to be wrong on this.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Dependent types can encode the kind of  
equational proofs Sylvain mentioned perfectly adequately. Lennart  
Augustsson has a nice note explaining the principle in the context of  

The good news is: in languages like Coq and Agda you can write total  
functional programs, like map or ++, verify such properties and  
extract Haskell code.

Hope this helps,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Alberto G. Corona
2009/2/19 Wolfgang Jeltsch 

> Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 02:22 schrieb sylvain:
> > Haskell is a nice, mature and efficient programming language.
> > By its very nature it could also become a nice executable formal
> > specification language, provided there is tool support.
> Wouldn't it be better to achieve the goals you describe with a dependently
> typed programming language?

But I wonder how a dependent typed language can express certain properties,
for example, the distributive property between the operation + and * in a
ring or simply the fact that show(read x)==x. As far as I understand,  a
dependent type system can restrict the set of values for wich a function
apply, but it can not express complex relationships between operations. My
knowledge on dependent types is very limited. I would like to be wrong on

The point is that permits the automatic checking of such properties at the
class level (or module level) are critical, to make sure that derived
instances agree with that. This would be very good to feel confident and
program at higuer levels of abstraction.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-19 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 02:22 schrieb sylvain:
> Haskell is a nice, mature and efficient programming language.
> By its very nature it could also become a nice executable formal
> specification language, provided there is tool support.

Wouldn’t it be better to achieve the goals you describe with a dependently 
typed programming language?

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-18 Thread Daniel Kraft


sylvain wrote:

In my humble opinion, Haskell presently fall short of its promises
because it does not embed theorem proving. Quickcheck-like testing is
truly great, but can not replace proofs to produce bug free software.

With use of equational reasoning + induction, one can already prove a
huge amount of useful properties of an Haskell program [1].

this sounds like a really interesting project to me...  Especially as
I'm doing maths instead of CS as main subject (and it is simply
inherently interesting :D).

theorem : ( xs :: [a], ys :: [a], f :: a -> b) => 
  length (map f (xs ++ ys )) = length xs + length yx

length (map f (xs ++ ys )) =
length (xs ++ ys) = {- use length++ -}
length xs ++ length ys

That's of course nice, but I'm at the moment not yet convinced something
like this could be more or less easily implemented also for larger
programs; and, I don't see from your example how the real implementation
of the program should play in.  Do you expect that Haskell figures out
from the implementation that (map f) does not alter a lists length?  Or
should this be an already available theorem within the Prelude?

I guess it should be the former, as otherwise the whole proofing seems
to be just documentation, without real connection to the Haskell code.
But in this case, I wonder whether something like that can be
successfully done on more sophisticated code, and especially done as
part of a GSoC project...  But I guess with a competent mentor and
clearly defined goals it should be possible.

But all in all, as stated above, this could be really interesting :)
Thanks for this suggestion and your ideas!


Done:  Arc-Bar-Cav-Ran-Rog-Sam-Tou-Val-Wiz
To go: Hea-Kni-Mon-Pri

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-18 Thread sylvain
Le mercredi 11 février 2009 à 11:12 +0100, Daniel Kraft a écrit : 
> Hi,


> Do you think something would be 
> especially nice to have and is currently missing?

In my humble opinion, Haskell presently fall short of its promises
because it does not embed theorem proving. Quickcheck-like testing is
truly great, but can not replace proofs to produce bug free software.

With use of equational reasoning + induction, one can already prove a
huge amount of useful properties of an Haskell program [1].

The idea would be to extend Haskell with a syntax to write such proofs,
and implement support for it in the GHC compiler.

This could look like:

module Integer where
  theorem read_parses_what_show_shows :
(a :: Integer, Show a, Read a) => 
show . read a = id a

In the case above, programmers may resort to the "axiom" keyword, which
would at last have the merit of explicitly document assumptions. For
axioms, one would have to fall back to quickcheck and consort, so these
tools would not be made obsolete ;)

Another example:

theorem : ( xs :: [a], ys :: [a], f :: a -> b) => 
  length (map f (xs ++ ys )) = length xs + length yx
length (map f (xs ++ ys )) =
length (xs ++ ys) = {- use length++ -}
length xs ++ length ys

Theorems can be named, like "length++" (which is not shown here).
Successfully proven theorems would be automatically added to the current
theorem database and could be reused in further proofs in the same

The compiler could even be instructed to make use of this database to
optimize the program.

This theorem prover could also be used to ensure the soundness of
refinement, rewrite of an obvious version of a function/module in a more
efficient but less obvious version.

Furthermore, the compiler could be instructed to generate a "proof
obligation", which would have to be discharged by the programmer. 

instance Read Integer where

instance Show Integer where

constraint read_parses_what_show_shows where
  (Read a, Show a) => read . show a = id a

The compiler would complain if, for any couple of Read/Show instance of
the same data type, the constraint is not proved to be satisfied. 

There is more to it, of course. "Tactics" would be needed to make this
practical. Hopefully, at this stage, this project would catch interest
of the "academics", and development would take off, until we get an
almost automated theorem prover.

Haskell is a nice, mature and efficient programming language. 
By its very nature it could also become a nice executable formal
specification language, provided there is tool support. This would be
quite unique[2] and there really would be no excuse to not use it in one
step or another of the development process :)

Hope I didn't uttered nonsense.

PS A package even exists that may serve as basis for this work

[1] I currently think that equational reasoning + induction is
effectively enough to prove every theorems on Haskell programs. Please
somebody knowledgeable, correct me if I am wrong?
[2] I know of "B", but it is not "nice".

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC - Units

2009-02-18 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Sterling Clover wrote:

Something that hit me tonight: Last GSoC gave us GHC compiler plugins.

Never heard of it. Sometimes I thought it would be nice to modify or 
extend GHCs error messages by libraries in order make they feel more like 
domain specific languages. E.g. instead of or additionally to saying 'type 
A infered, but type B expected' it could state 'you have probably made the 
common error to use function f instead of (uncurry f)'. Is this possible 
with compiler plugins?

Plugins, in essence, as I understand them, let us extend the type system 
in useful ways. Haskell has libraries for units[1], but no lightweight 
(i.e. without simulated dependent types or a dsl) way to embed units in 
Haskell calculations. Units in a functional language are possible, and 
implemented in, e.g., F# [2]

I think units as separate extensions are not a good goal. The type system 
should be made strong enough to handle this application without hassle.


There is also both dynamic and static unit checking in NumericPrelude:
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-18 Thread Max Bolingbroke
2009/2/18 Sterling Clover :
> Something that hit me tonight: Last GSoC gave us GHC compiler plugins. We
> have examples, but no documented significant uses, suitable for production
> code. Plugins, in essence, as I understand them, let us extend the type
> system in useful ways. Haskell has libraries for units[1], but no
> lightweight (i.e. without simulated dependent types or a dsl) way to embed
> units in Haskell calculations. Units in a functional language are possible,
> and implemented in, e.g., F# [2]
> The punchline: With GHC plugins, it should be possible, and reasonable, to
> add a proper unit system for Haskell.

Alas, GHC plugins cannot change the type system - only meddle with the
compilation strategy or analyse the code and suchlike. I'm working
with Simon Peyton Jones to get plugins integrated fully into GHC
(parts of it have been commited already) but we're both busy and so
progress is slow. I don't think any GSoC projects should take a
dependency on it being both integrated into GHC and stable in time for
the summer.

I agree this would be a cool feature :-). Fully pluggable compilers
are hard work though, and would require at the very least very large
amounts of GHC refactoring.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-18 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009 21:01 schrieben Sie:
> Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> > * making Applicative a superclass of Monad
> >
> > * getting rid of MonadPlus (use (Alternative m, Monad m) instead of
> > (MonadPlus m) or, with another extension, even something like
> > (forall a. Monoid (m a), Monad m))
> >
> > * getting rid of ugly Monoid method names (empty, append, concat or
> > something totally different instead of mempty, mappend, mconcat)
> >
> > * redesigning numeric classes
> Let's make these ideas more concrete and add them to the Other Prelude,
> if they haven't been already!

Is this really good? First, I’m not only talking about prelude stuff but also 
stuff from other libraries. Second, the page “The Other Prelude” states right 
at the beginning that this project is (just) a fun project. However, I mean 
my comment very seriously. My agenda is not “This would be nice but won’t be 
realized anyway.” but “I really want to see this implemented.”.

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-17 Thread Sterling Clover
Something that hit me tonight: Last GSoC gave us GHC compiler  
plugins. We have examples, but no documented significant uses,  
suitable for production code. Plugins, in essence, as I understand  
them, let us extend the type system in useful ways. Haskell has  
libraries for units[1], but no lightweight (i.e. without simulated  
dependent types or a dsl) way to embed units in Haskell calculations.  
Units in a functional language are possible, and implemented in,  
e.g., F# [2]

The punchline: With GHC plugins, it should be possible, and  
reasonable, to add a proper unit system for Haskell.

Given a suitable SoC candidate, I'd love to see this, and if it  
worked reasonably enough, I'm sure that I would use it.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-17 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:

* making Applicative a superclass of Monad

* getting rid of MonadPlus (use (Alternative m, Monad m) instead of
(MonadPlus m) or, with another extension, even something like
(forall a. Monoid (m a), Monad m))

* getting rid of ugly Monoid method names (empty, append, concat or
something totally different instead of mempty, mappend, mconcat)

* redesigning numeric classes

Let's make these ideas more concrete and add them to the Other Prelude, 
if they haven't been already!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-17 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009 01:13 schrieb Martijn van Steenbergen:
> Daniel Kraft wrote:
> > Do you think something would be especially nice to have and is currently
> > missing? 
> Have type class aliases been implemented yet? This proposal (or parts or
> it) seems like a very useful compiler extension to have, and might be an
> interesting GSoC project.
> Kind regards,
> Martijn.

It would be great to have something like class aliases implemented.

However, the proposal(s) should be reviewed and discussed before someone 
starts implementing them. Once something is implemented, it is difficult to 
change it.

It’s similar to libraries. Several libraries were implemented as part of 
research and their developers didn’t seem to think very deeply about choosing 
identifiers and such things. Later, these libraries were in wider use and 
changing the identifiers got problematic. I think of such things like the DPH 
identifiers. In my opinion, it’s bad practice to include single letters in 
identifiers to denote namespace. Parallel.filter would be much better than 

That said, I want to reinforce that class aliases are far too long not 
implemented. My dream is that we thoroughly improve library interfaces and 
class aliases could be important for doing so without breaking compatibility 
very much. So we should probably also think about what kinds of library 
interface changes would be desirable in order to know what features some 
class alias extension should provide. Some things that come to my mind 

* making Applicative a superclass of Monad

* getting rid of MonadPlus (use (Alternative m, Monad m) instead of
(MonadPlus m) or, with another extension, even something like
(forall a. Monoid (m a), Monad m))

* getting rid of ugly Monoid method names (empty, append, concat or
something totally different instead of mempty, mappend, mconcat)

* redesigning numeric classes

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-16 Thread Martijn van Steenbergen

Daniel Kraft wrote:
Do you think something would be 
especially nice to have and is currently missing?

Have type class aliases been implemented yet? This proposal (or parts or 
it) seems like a very useful compiler extension to have, and might be an 
interesting GSoC project.

Kind regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GSoC -> Haskell for Math type setting

2009-02-13 Thread Henning Thielemann

I think the recent discussion about advanced markup for Haddock 
documentation could yield a Summer of code project. I still like my 
suggestion to use Haskell code as description for math formulas and I like 
Wolfgang's idea to use an existing tool like Template Haskell for 
conversion from Haskell code to an output format (TeX, MathML, or 
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-13 Thread Henning Thielemann

Daniel Kraft wrote:


I noticed last year was a mentoring organization for 
Google's Summer of Code, and I barely noticed some discussion about it 
applying again this year :)

I participated for GCC in 2008 and would like to try again this year; 
while I'm still active for GCC and will surely stay so, I'd like to see 
something new at least for GSoC.  And would surely be a 
very, very nice organization.

Since I discovered there's more than just a lot of imperative languages 
that are nearly all the same, I love to do some programming in Prolog, 
Scheme and of course Haskell.  However, so far this was only some toy 
programs and nothing "really useful"; I'd like to change this (as well 
as learning more about Haskell during the projects).

Here are some ideas for developing Haskell packages (that would 
hopefully be of general use to the community) as possible projects:

- Numerics, like basic linear algebra routines, numeric integration and 
other basic algorithms of numeric mathematics.

I have some unsorted routines for that:

- A basic symbolic maths package; I've no idea how far one could do this 
as a single GSoC project, but it would surely be a very interesting 
task.  Alternatively or in combination, one could try to use an existing 
free CAS package as engine.


- Graphs.

There was some discussion here about improved API of fgl:

- A logic programming framework.  I know there's something like that for 
Scheme; in my experience, there are some problems best expressed 
logically with Prolog-style backtracking/predicates and unification. 
This could help use such formulations from inside a Haskell program. 
This is surely also a very interesting project.

LogicT ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-12 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009 09:15 schrieben Sie:
> g9ks157k:
> > Am Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009 18:51 schrieb Don Stewart:
> > > For example, if all the haddocks on were a wiki, and
> > > interlinked, every single package author would benefit, as would all
> > > users.
> >
> > You mean, everyone should be able to mess about with my documentation?
> > This would be similar to give everyone commit rights to my repositories
> > or allow everyone to edit the code of my published libraries. What is the
> > good thing about that?
> No one said anything about unrestricted commit rights ... we're not
> crazy ... what if it were more like, say, RWH's wiki .. where comments
> go to editors to encorporate ...

“Wiki” sounds like you could edit the documentation of the package. This 
wouldn’t necessarily mean that these modifications are written back to the 
repository. However, it would men that Hackage is not longer showing the real 
documentation of the repository but what others made of it by wiki editing. I 
would dislike this.

However, a commenting system like that of RWH is a very different thing. 
People would not edit the actual documentation (so the documentation is not a 
wiki). People would just add comments. This might be a good idea.

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-12 Thread Bayley, Alistair
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Don Stewart
> > 
> > You mean, everyone should be able to mess about with my 
> documentation? This 
> > would be similar to give everyone commit rights to my 
> repositories or allow 
> > everyone to edit the code of my published libraries. What 
> is the good thing 
> > about that?
> No one said anything about unrestricted commit rights ... we're not
> crazy ... what if it were more like, say, RWH's wiki .. where comments
> go to editors to incorporate ...

Yes. PostgreSQL online docs have a similar feature, although their
implementation isn't perhaps as nice as RWH's (I like RWH's inline
comments feature). See e.g.

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-12 Thread Don Stewart
> Am Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009 18:51 schrieb Don Stewart:
> > For example, if all the haddocks on were a wiki, and
> > interlinked, every single package author would benefit, as would all
> > users.
> You mean, everyone should be able to mess about with my documentation? This 
> would be similar to give everyone commit rights to my repositories or allow 
> everyone to edit the code of my published libraries. What is the good thing 
> about that?

No one said anything about unrestricted commit rights ... we're not
crazy ... what if it were more like, say, RWH's wiki .. where comments
go to editors to encorporate ...

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-12 Thread Wolfgang Jeltsch
Am Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009 18:51 schrieb Don Stewart:
> For example, if all the haddocks on were a wiki, and
> interlinked, every single package author would benefit, as would all
> users.

You mean, everyone should be able to mess about with my documentation? This 
would be similar to give everyone commit rights to my repositories or allow 
everyone to edit the code of my published libraries. What is the good thing 
about that?

Best wishes,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-11 Thread Don Stewart
> Hi,
> I noticed last year was a mentoring organization for  
> Google's Summer of Code, and I barely noticed some discussion about it  
> applying again this year :)
> I participated for GCC in 2008 and would like to try again this year;  
> while I'm still active for GCC and will surely stay so, I'd like to see  
> something new at least for GSoC.  And would surely be a  
> very, very nice organization.
> Since I discovered there's more than just a lot of imperative languages  
> that are nearly all the same, I love to do some programming in Prolog,  
> Scheme and of course Haskell.  However, so far this was only some toy  
> programs and nothing "really useful"; I'd like to change this (as well  
> as learning more about Haskell during the projects).
> Here are some ideas for developing Haskell packages (that would  
> hopefully be of general use to the community) as possible projects:
> - Numerics, like basic linear algebra routines, numeric integration and  
> other basic algorithms of numeric mathematics.

I think a lot of the numerics stuff is now covered by libraries (see
e.g. haskell-blas, haskell-lapack, haskell-fftw)
> - A basic symbolic maths package; I've no idea how far one could do this  
> as a single GSoC project, but it would surely be a very interesting  
> task.  Alternatively or in combination, one could try to use an existing  
> free CAS package as engine.

Interesting, but niche, imo.
> - Graphs.
> - Some simulation routines from physics, though I've not really an idea  
> what exactly one should implement here best.

True graphs (the data structure) are still a weak point! There's no
canonical graph library for Haskell. 

> - A logic programming framework.  I know there's something like that for  
> Scheme; in my experience, there are some problems best expressed  
> logically with Prolog-style backtracking/predicates and unification.  
> This could help use such formulations from inside a Haskell program.  
> This is surely also a very interesting project.

Interesting, lots of related work, hard to state the benefits to the
community though.
> What do you think about these ideas?  I'm pretty sure there are already  
> some of those implemented, but I also hope some would be new and really  
> of some use to the community.  Do you think something would be  
> especially nice to have and is currently missing?

Think about how many people would benefit.

For example, if all the haddocks on were a wiki, and
interlinked, every single package author would benefit, as would all

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] GSoC

2009-02-11 Thread Daniel Kraft


I noticed last year was a mentoring organization for 
Google's Summer of Code, and I barely noticed some discussion about it 
applying again this year :)

I participated for GCC in 2008 and would like to try again this year; 
while I'm still active for GCC and will surely stay so, I'd like to see 
something new at least for GSoC.  And would surely be a 
very, very nice organization.

Since I discovered there's more than just a lot of imperative languages 
that are nearly all the same, I love to do some programming in Prolog, 
Scheme and of course Haskell.  However, so far this was only some toy 
programs and nothing "really useful"; I'd like to change this (as well 
as learning more about Haskell during the projects).

Here are some ideas for developing Haskell packages (that would 
hopefully be of general use to the community) as possible projects:

- Numerics, like basic linear algebra routines, numeric integration and 
other basic algorithms of numeric mathematics.

- A basic symbolic maths package; I've no idea how far one could do this 
as a single GSoC project, but it would surely be a very interesting 
task.  Alternatively or in combination, one could try to use an existing 
free CAS package as engine.

- Graphs.

- Some simulation routines from physics, though I've not really an idea 
what exactly one should implement here best.

- A logic programming framework.  I know there's something like that for 
Scheme; in my experience, there are some problems best expressed 
logically with Prolog-style backtracking/predicates and unification. 
This could help use such formulations from inside a Haskell program. 
This is surely also a very interesting project.

What do you think about these ideas?  I'm pretty sure there are already 
some of those implemented, but I also hope some would be new and really 
of some use to the community.  Do you think something would be 
especially nice to have and is currently missing?

Thanks for your comments,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list