Re: [Haskell-cafe] How would you replace a field in a CSV file?

2006-10-02 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello tpledger,

Monday, October 2, 2006, 3:11:29 AM, you wrote:

> For such a small self-contained task, I don't think Haskell
> is any better than Python.

i disagree. while it's hard to beat Python version in number of lines,
Haskell version may have the same length and better performance.

for this particular task, using list as intermediate datastructure
make program both long and inefficient. if ByteString will include
array-based splitting and joining, the things will become much better

main = B.interact $ B.unlines . map doline . B.lines
where doline= B.joinArray comma . mapElem 9 fixup . B.splitArray ','
  fixup s   = M.findWithDefault s s
  comma = B.pack ","

mapElem n func arr = arr//[(n,func (arr!n))]

if mapElem, splitArray, joinArray will be library functions (i think
they are good candidates) this program will be not longer than Python

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How would you replace a field in a CSV file?

2006-10-01 Thread tpledger
Hi Pete.

For such a small self-contained task, I don't think Haskell
is any better than Python.

Haskell would come into its own if you wanted some assurance
about type safety, and/or were taking on a task large enough
to warrant the use of records (and hence record update

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How would you replace a field in a CSV file?

2006-10-01 Thread Pete Kazmier
The other day at work an opportunity arose where I was hoping to sneak
some Haskell into the pipeline of tools used to process call detail
records (CDRs).  In the telecommunications industry, CDRs are used for
billing.  Each CDR is a single line record of 30 comma-separated
values.  Each line is approximately 240 characters in length.  The
task at hand is to replace field number 10 if a new value can be found
in a hashmap which is keyed using the contents of the field.

My colleague was going to write a C program (that's all he knows), but
I whipped up a trivial python program instead.  I was curious if a
haskell version could be faster and more elegant , but I have not been
able to beat my python version in either case.  So, I'm curious as to
how you would go about this task in Haskell.  The input files are
generally 300-400MB, and the hashmap will contain perhaps 20-30 items.

For those that know python, here is a very simple implementation that
happens to be very fast compared to my Haskell version and very short:

for line in sys.stdin:
fields = line.split(',')
fields[9] = tgmap.get(fields[9], fields[9])
print ",".join(fields),

For each line in standard input:

  - Splits the string on the comma: "field0,field1,...,field29" => 
["field0", "field1", ..., "field29"] to obtain a list of strings.

  - Gets the value associated with the key of field9 from tgmap, if it
does not exist, it returns a default value which is the original
value.  I.e., if it's not in the map, then don't replace the

  - Joins the list of fields with a comma to yield a string again
which is printed out to standard output.  The join method on the
string is a bit odd: ",".join([1,2,3]) => "1,2,3"

Here is my first Haskell attempt:

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B hiding (map,foldr)
import Data.List (map)
import Data.Map as M hiding (map)

-- This is just a placeholder until I actually populate the map
tgmap = M.singleton (B.pack "Pete") (B.pack "Kazmier")

main = B.interact $ B.unlines . map doline . B.lines
where doline= B.join comma . mapIndex fixup . B.split ','
  fixup i s = if i==9 then M.findWithDefault s s tgmap else s
  comma = B.pack ","

-- f is supplied the index of the current element being processed
mapIndex f xs = m f 0 xs
where m f i [] = []
  m f i (x:xs') = f i x : m f (i+1) xs'

After talking with dons on #haskell, he cleaned my version up and
produced this version which gets rid of 'if' statement and makes
mapIndex stricter:

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B hiding (map,foldr)
import Data.List (map)
import Data.Map as M hiding (map)

-- This will be populated from a file
dict = M.singleton (B.pack "Pete") (B.pack "Kazmier")

main = B.interact $ B.unlines . map doline . B.lines
where doline= B.join comma . mapIndex fixup . B.split ','
  comma = B.singleton ','
  fixup 3 s = M.findWithDefault s s dict
  fixup n s = s

-- f is supplied the index of the current element being processed
mapIndex :: (Int -> ByteString -> ByteString) -> [ByteString] ->
mapIndex f xs = m xs 0
where m []  _ = []
  m (x:xs') i = f i x : (m xs' $! i+1)

That helped things a bit, but I must confess I don't understand how
the strictness improved things as I had assumed things were going to
be evaluated in a reasonable amount of time due to the printing of
output.  I thought IO was interlaced with the execution and thus I
wasn't going to have to concern myself over laziness.  In addition,
the function is able to generate new elements of the list on demand so
I thought it was a good citizen in the lazy world.  Could anyone help

And then he came up with another version to avoid the 'unlines', but
that did not that really speed things up significantly.  So, with all
that said, is there a better approach to this problem?  Perhaps a more
elegant Haskell solution?


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