Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monadic Composition

2004-05-12 Thread Tomasz Zielonka
On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 01:33:40AM +0100, Jorge Adriano Aires wrote:
 This higher order function seems quite useful to me and not trivial, so I  
 expected it to be available. When this happens I wonder if I'm missing 
 something. Am I complicating things? Is it actually available (or some other 
 that does the trick) ? Or is it just me who finds this usefull enough to be in 
 the libs?

I've used such a function at least once, in context of processing
program options (search for foldl in

So, yes, it is useful, but should it be included in a standard Monad
module? After all, this module contains mostly trivial functions ;)

BTW. You can write this function using foldM:

compM l a = foldM (#) a l

where # is an often used reverse application operator:

x # f = f x

Best regards,

.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monadic Composition

2004-05-12 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires
 So, yes, it is useful, but should it be included in a standard Monad
 module? After all, this module contains mostly trivial functions ;)

 BTW. You can write this function using foldM:

 compM l a = foldM (#) a l

 where # is an often used reverse application operator:
 x # f = f x

Right. Now that I look at it, someone probably tried to give me this advice 
before but I failed to understand... (sorry monotonom!). It's all clear now. 
One more question. Isn't the foldM description a bit misleading? From the 
Report and also in GHC documentation:

The foldM function is analogous to foldl, except that its result is 
encapsulated in a monad.(...)
foldM f a1 [x1, x2, ..., xm ] == 
  a2 - f a1 x1
  a3 - f a2 x2
  f am xm

After reading this I expected left associativity, just like in my first 
definition. That'd mean a fail wouldn't stop a computation immediately but 
instead be passed from function to function. By checking its definition in 
the report I can see this is not the case though.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Monadic Composition

2004-05-11 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires
I needed to compose monadic functions, since I couldn't find anything in 
Control.Monad so I defined my own. I first came up with a left associative 

compLM [f1,..., fn] a = (f1 a = f2) = ... = fn
 compLM:: Monad m = [a-m a] - (a-m a)
 compLM mfs a  = foldl (=) (return a) mfs

Later a right associative version, which I believe to be more efficient, 
particularly when some computation returns fail:

compRM [f1,..., fn] a = \x-f1 x = (\x-f2 x = ... = \x-fn x) a
 compRM   :: Monad m = [a-m a] - (a-m a)
 compRM = foldr (\f g- (\x -f x = g)) return 

This higher order function seems quite useful to me and not trivial, so I  
expected it to be available. When this happens I wonder if I'm missing 
something. Am I complicating things? Is it actually available (or some other 
that does the trick) ? Or is it just me who finds this usefull enough to be in 
the libs?

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