Re: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-20 Thread Bjorn Lisper
I finally got some time to answer Simon's posting:

Simon P-J:
| Between google searching and looking through the activity
| report, I take it that no one has really developed serious
| libraries for matrix manipulations, diff eqs, etc.
| Are there any practical reasons for this or is it just a
| matter of the haskell community being small and there not
| being many people interested in something so specialized?

The latter I think, but it's just the sort of thing that a functional
language should be good at.  Two other difficulties

(a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?

Hard to compete, yes. But on the other hand, the rewards can be high.
Numerical library code (especially matrix libraries) tends to be highly
optimized for the hardware architecture at hand. As a consequence a small
change in, say, the cache architecture, might require a thorough rewrite of
the library code to regain high utilisation of the hardware. This is since
languages like Fortran and C force you to code so close to the hardware. A
high-level language, with good optimizing compilation, would make also
library code more portable across hardware architectures. N.b. these
optimizations are non-trivial to say the least.

(b) A concern about efficiency, because numerical computation is
typically an area where people really care about how many instructions
you take.  It's a legitimate concern, but I don't think that it'll turn
out to be justified.  With unboxed arrays, and/or calling external
libraries for the inner loops -- and the potential for aggressive fusion
and/or parallelism, there is plenty of upward potential.  I also want to
work on nested data parallelism (a la NESL, and NEPAL) which fits right
in here.

The number of instructions is only one side of the coin. For
high-performance computing, memory issues are at least as important: both
the amount of memory used (e.g., will the computation fit into memory at
all), and how the memory hierarchy is utilized (caches, TLB:s, virtual
memory, ...). This is a really sweet spot of functional languages, and
laziness adds to it.

On the other hand, the increased abstraction of functional languages gives
an optimizing compiler larger freedom to reorder computations and choose
memory layouts of data structures like matrices. This is potentially very
useful, since optimizing for memory hierarchy utilization typically involves
both data layout and order of memory accesses. However, to achieve a good
result, the compiler must be able to predict a great deal of the computing
and the memory usage. For instance, dynamic memory handling of numeric data
structures will surely kill any serious attempt to predict the cache
behavior. To achieve good optimizing compilation, we need either very good
program analyses, or a library of recursion patterns or templates for
which the compiler knows how to allocate memory statically and order the
computations well, or possibly both.

Some encouraging examples: Sven-Bodo Scholz has achieved very good
performance for the restricted functional matrix language SAC, using
optimizations for cache. My former student Peter Drakenberg invented a
restricted functional matrix language, with analyses to infer matrix sizes
statically, and sharing analysis, to find opportunities to allocate memory
statically and update in-place. He also got some good experimental figures.
This leads me to believe that compilers in more general languages could do
something similar, by recognizing certain patterns or through advanced
program analyses.  However, both these languages are strict, and I am not
sure at all how to do this in a lazy language.

In any case, this is nontrivial compiler work and considerable research
efforts would be needed. Unfortunately, I don't see how to fund such
research, since the high-performance computing community largely seems to
have given up on functional languages since the demise of the data-flow

I'd love to see a little community of matrix manipulators spinning up.  

Yes. There might me a niche for high-level numerical coding, somehwere where
MATLAB is today. MATLAB isn't exactly blazingly fast, still very widespread.
On the other hand, MATLAB is already in that niche. The question to answer
is what advantages a functional language like Haskell could offer in this
niche. We need to come up with these answers, and then convince enough
people outside our own community.

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-20 Thread David Roundy
On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 11:47:49AM +0100, Bjorn Lisper wrote:
 (a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
 not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
 to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?
 Hard to compete, yes. But on the other hand, the rewards can be high.
 Numerical library code (especially matrix libraries) tends to be highly
 optimized for the hardware architecture at hand. As a consequence a small
 change in, say, the cache architecture, might require a thorough rewrite of
 the library code to regain high utilisation of the hardware. This is since
 languages like Fortran and C force you to code so close to the hardware. A
 high-level language, with good optimizing compilation, would make also
 library code more portable across hardware architectures. N.b. these
 optimizations are non-trivial to say the least.

The only particularly relevant numerical libraries today (atlas and fftw)
already do far better optimization than any compiler is going to acheive,
and in the case of fftw can respond to changes in memory configuration at
runtime.  In both cases they're written in ANSI C (although the C code for
fftw is written by an OCaml program... or at least some dialect of ML).  In
order to take advantage of cache behavior properly, it's necesary to allow
adjustments in the actual algorithm used, which isn't something that a
clever compiler is likely to accomplish.

Which is to say that while I'd love native Haskell code to run incredibly
fast, noone can compete with atlas or fftw when writing in any other
language either, unless they're willing to do either runtime or
compile-time (or coding-time) timings on the actual machine on which the
code will run.  There really is no reason to try to compete with these
libraries.  Unless, I suppose, your interest is in writing libraries...

fwiw, atlas takes close to a day to compile on my machine, since it spends
so long performing timings of various algorithms with various parameters.
I don't want my haskell compiler to take that long to compile *anything*.
David Roundy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-20 Thread Bjorn Lisper
David Roundy:
On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 11:47:49AM +0100, Bjorn Lisper wrote:
 (a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
 not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
 to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?
 Hard to compete, yes. But on the other hand, the rewards can be high.
 Numerical library code (especially matrix libraries) tends to be highly
 optimized for the hardware architecture at hand. As a consequence a small
 change in, say, the cache architecture, might require a thorough rewrite of
 the library code to regain high utilisation of the hardware. This is since
 languages like Fortran and C force you to code so close to the hardware. A
 high-level language, with good optimizing compilation, would make also
 library code more portable across hardware architectures. N.b. these
 optimizations are non-trivial to say the least.

The only particularly relevant numerical libraries today (atlas and fftw)
already do far better optimization than any compiler is going to acheive,
and in the case of fftw can respond to changes in memory configuration at
runtime.  In both cases they're written in ANSI C (although the C code for
fftw is written by an OCaml program... or at least some dialect of ML).  In
order to take advantage of cache behavior properly, it's necesary to allow
adjustments in the actual algorithm used, which isn't something that a
clever compiler is likely to accomplish.

That's a valid point. You may want to change, e.g., the size of blocks in a
block-oriented matrix algorithm to match the cache. This will, in general,
require the use of algebraic laws like associativity and commutativity,
which are not valid for floating-point arithmetics and thus can change the
numerical behaviour, so a compiler shouldn't fiddle around with them unless
under strict control of the programmer. Interestingly, the language invented
by my aforementioned former PhD student contains a nondeterministic matrix
decomposition primitive, which allows the partitioning of a matrix into a
fixed number of blocks, but where block sizes can vary. This is exactly to
let the programmer give an optimizing compiler this degree of freedom when
deemed safe. Alas, he never got around to any serious experiments with this

Björn Lisper
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-10 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
| Between google searching and looking through the activity
| report, I take it that no one has really developed serious
| libraries for matrix manipulations, diff eqs, etc.
| Are there any practical reasons for this or is it just a
| matter of the haskell community being small and there not
| being many people interested in something so specialized?

The latter I think, but it's just the sort of thing that a functional
language should be good at.  Two other difficulties

(a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?

(b) A concern about efficiency, because numerical computation is
typically an area where people really care about how many instructions
you take.  It's a legitimate concern, but I don't think that it'll turn
out to be justified.  With unboxed arrays, and/or calling external
libraries for the inner loops -- and the potential for aggressive fusion
and/or parallelism, there is plenty of upward potential.  I also want to
work on nested data parallelism (a la NESL, and NEPAL) which fits right
in here.

I'd love to see a little community of matrix manipulators spinning up.  


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-10 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Fri, 10 Feb 2006, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

 | Between google searching and looking through the activity
 | report, I take it that no one has really developed serious
 | libraries for matrix manipulations, diff eqs, etc.
 | Are there any practical reasons for this or is it just a
 | matter of the haskell community being small and there not
 | being many people interested in something so specialized?

 The latter I think, but it's just the sort of thing that a functional
 language should be good at.

Yes, I think lazy functional languages are great for this job! Languages
of which other kind can represent power series and (infinite) sequences so

 (a) It's hard to compete with existing libraries.  The obvious thing is
 not to compete; instead, just call them.  But somehow that doesn't seem
 to be as motivating.  Perhaps some bindings exist though?

I collected the efforts of matrix libraries seen so far:

 I'd love to see a little community of matrix manipulators spinning up.

Here, here, here! :-)

I wrote some little, really very basic modules for me for numerical
integration, solving differential equations, approximation with Newton's
method and Co., power series manipulation, wrapping GNUPlot for display of
numerical data. Due to increasing interest I could make the repository
public, but I can't guarantee for a stable interface.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk gives a fine overview over how functional lazy
languages assist solving mathematical problems:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-10 Thread Jeremy Shaw

If you are working on finance type stuff, you may be interested in my
Decimal library:

I think my 'last even' rounding algorithm is broken because I misread
the spec -- so be warned:

hunk ./Decimal/Operations.hs 78
-| roundHint == RoundOneHalf  (lastIsEven d) = (Decimal s (coef + 1) exp)
+| roundHint == RoundOneHalf  (lastIsEven d) = (Decimal s (coef + 1) exp) 
-- FIXME: this may be wrong, see pep327

Jeremy Shaw

At Fri, 10 Feb 2006 14:09:23 -0500,
Rob Tougher wrote:
 I'm currently working on a mathematics library in Haskell. I'm not a
 mathematician -- I'm basically writing this library as an excuse to
 learn mathematics and Haskell at the same time.
 Feel free to check out the code:
 My main focus is financial mathematics (options pricing, etc), but I took
 a detour last week and implemented basic matrix stuff. I might work on
 some Linear Programming algorithms (simplex, interior point) before
 returning to finance.
 - Rob
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Numerical methods in Haskell

2006-02-09 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Creighton,

Friday, February 10, 2006, 12:45:21 AM, you wrote:

CH Between google searching and looking through the activity
CH report, I take it that no one has really developed serious 
CH libraries for matrix manipulations, diff eqs, etc.

it was a discussion and development in this direction, but seems that
there is no ultimate result

see for example june thread Re: [Haskell-cafe] matrix computations
based on the GSL

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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