Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-19 Thread Tony Finch
On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, Creighton Hogg wrote:

 Okay, but these don't seem to really be design flaws so much as the
 inevitable results of age and the need for backwards compatibility.  I'm
 looking more for technical problems that you would want to see fixed in our
 magical UberOS.

I don't think I'll have much to say about Haskell or FP in general here,
so this is way off-topic. In particular, I'm skeptical about relying on
language guarantees as the basis of OS security, because that tends to
limit the scope of your platform - you still want to support legacy C
applications. Perhaps you can use typed assembly language techniques to
check machine code before running it... dunno.


(1) Security partitioning. Current OSs are based on timesharing security,
where users are protected from each other, but any process owned by a user
can do ANYTHING to any other process owned by that user. This makes you
utterly vulnerable to viruses, since if an attacker has compromised the
user of a single user machine, they've effectively compromised the
machine, whether or not they have got root.

Furthermore, users don't have enough privilege to create new security
partitions (i.e. new users), which would allow them protect themselves
against untrusted code. As others have mentioned, a capability-based
system is the ideal to aim for.

(2) Unix has an assumption that disks are fast and the network is slow, in
that you can't do something else while waiting for data from the disk, but
you can with data from the network (using select() etc.) There are some
AIO APIs that fix this problem, but they are disgusting and don't fit in
with the network APIs. There's also the problem of paging which means that
memory can unexpectedly take 10ms instead of 10ns to access.

(3) The network APIs assume that memory bandwidth is cheap and that it
makes sense to copy data from userland buffers to kernel buffers. It would
be faster if buffers were sharable. There are some zero-copy APIs (e.g.
sendfile), but they are not general. Cunning tricks to retro-fit zero copy
onto the existing API depend on page table hacks and often have
unexpectedly bad performance in some situations.

(4) The system-call-as-function-call model assumes that system calls take
negligible time. This is not true for filesystem calls, e.g. stat, open,
etc. especially ones that aren't supported by an AIO API. Even fast system
calls uncur the cost of two context switches. A better model is
system-api-as-network-protocol, in which userland can send a bunch of
requests to the kernel in one system call, and get the results back as and
when they are available. There are some APIs like this already in the
event-handling area, e.g. kqueue and epoll, but they are not general. The
Linux syslets idea is heading in this direction.

f.a.n.finch  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-19 Thread Andrew Coppin

Creighton Hogg wrote:

(Also, have you noticed that no large Haskell applications exist? It's
very hard to convince people that Haskell is not a toy language when
no large applications exist. Building an entire *OS* with it would
rather satisfy that requirement...!)

Well, I imagine that there are large applications being used at places 
like Galois or Credit Suisse that are just proprietary.  As for open 
source, I guess the largest application is probably GHC itself.

GHC is certainly the only large application that *I* can think of...

I don't know. It seems that Erlang is slowly taking over the world and 
all the rest of it, but you never hear anything about Haskell. Shame, 

To me, C is the pinacle of everything that is wrong with computer

At this point I can only say that we disagree and bow out of this tangent.

Tangent I will agree on. ;-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Creighton Hogg wrote:
 Well, since we're on the subject and it's only the Cafe list, what is
 it that you find messy about Linux that you would want to be solved by
 some hypothetical Haskell OS?

This is drifting off-topic again, but here goes...

Yeah, so I'll just split this off into a different thread.

There are lots of things to like about Linux. It doesn't cost money.

It's fast. It's reliable. It's flexible. It's secure.

Okay, I'm not sure if I'd agree with the reliable  secure points.  I mean,
relative to what could be done.  I'm a rank amateur when it comes to OS work
but when I've looked at recent papers Linux really isn't that cutting edge.
I mean, it may be reliable in comparison to Windows 98  has less known
exploits than any Windows system, but in terms of how good it *could* be I
think there's an awful lot of room for growth.


unfortunately it's still Unix. In other words, it's a vast incoherant
mess of largely incompatible ad-hoc solutions to individual problems
implemented independently by unrelated hackers over the 40+ years of
history that this software has been around. New software has to emulate
quirks in old software, and client programs work around the emulated
quirks in the new software to get the functionallity it actually wants.
One vast tangled mess of complexity and disorder. Exhibit A: Package
managers exist. Exhibit B: Autoconf exists. I rest my case.

Okay, but these don't seem to really be design flaws so much as the
inevitable results of age and the need for backwards compatibility.  I'm
looking more for technical problems that you would want to see fixed in our
magical UberOS.

An operating system should have a simple, clear, consistent design. Not

unlike a certain programming language named after a dead mathematition,
come to think of it...

(Have you ever programmed in C? You can certainly see where Unix gets
its features from - terse, cryptic and messy.)

This is another thing we're just going to disagree on.  I think C++ is a
pretty messy language, but feel that straight up C is rather simple and
elegant.  I had only used C++ before, but a friend rather easily convinced
me that C is in fact a very sexy language when used in its intended design

Still, I don't have the skill to write a functioning operating system -

much less one that's ready for the desktop - so that's that I suppose...

(I did seriously investigate the task once. Indeed, I got as far as
writing a bootloader. It worked too!)

Would you mind sharing the code?  I'd be interested.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Andrew Coppin

Creighton Hogg wrote:

There are lots of things to like about Linux. It doesn't cost money.
It's fast. It's reliable. It's flexible. It's secure. 

Okay, I'm not sure if I'd agree with the reliable  secure points.  I 
mean, relative to what could be done.  I'm a rank amateur when it 
comes to OS work but when I've looked at recent papers Linux really 
isn't that cutting edge.  I mean, it may be reliable in comparison to 
Windows 98  has less known exploits than any Windows system, but in 
terms of how good it *could* be I think there's an awful lot of room 
for growth. 

Isn't there a lot of room for improvement in *any* product?

Okay, but these don't seem to really be design flaws so much as the 
inevitable results of age and the need for backwards compatibility.  
I'm looking more for technical problems that you would want to see 
fixed in our magical UberOS.

Technically, both Windoze and Linux work. It would just be nice to 
have an OS with a coherent design, that's all. Nothing revolutionary 
(after all, it's an OS), just something done properly.

(Also, have you noticed that no large Haskell applications exist? It's 
very hard to convince people that Haskell is not a toy language when 
no large applications exist. Building an entire *OS* with it would 
rather satisfy that requirement...!)

(Have you ever programmed in C? You can certainly see where Unix gets
its features from - terse, cryptic and messy.)

This is another thing we're just going to disagree on.  I think C++ is 
a pretty messy language, but feel that straight up C is rather simple 
and elegant.  I had only used C++ before, but a friend rather easily 
convinced me that C is in fact a very sexy language when used in its 
intended design space.

To me, C is the pinacle of everything that is wrong with computer 
programming. How does the saying go? C combines the power and 
flexibility of machine code with the ease of use of machine code. 
(Which isn't quite fair - machine code is easier to read than C.)

For some reason, there is this perverse correlation... There are 
wonderful, beautiful languages like Haskell, that nobody uses and that 
you can't do anything practical with. And then there are ugly, complex, 
messy, flabby languages like C, C++, Perl, VisualBasic, etc. which are 
what everybody uses, and which have the power to actually do things. As 
somebody who's spent their entire life obsessively programming 
computers, this state of affairs makes me really sad. I really wish to 
God there was a language like Haskell that was useable in the real 
world. :-(

(I did seriously investigate the task once. Indeed, I got as far as
writing a bootloader. It worked too!)

Would you mind sharing the code?  I'd be interested.

Seriously - we're talking about 1 page of assembly. That's it. Write it 
to the boot sector of a floppy, reboot your PC and it says Hello World 
on the screen. That's the sum total of how far I got.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH
(someone else's quotes are scattered through here, my mailer lost the  
nested quoting)

On Jun 18, 2007, at 16:46 , Creighton Hogg wrote:

There are lots of things to like about Linux. It doesn't cost money.
It's fast. It's reliable. It's flexible. It's secure.

As someone who was involved with early Linux development but  
eventually bailed to FreeBSD for personal use, and who currently  
supports Linux in his day job, I'm somewhat dubious about reliable  
and secure.

One vast tangled mess of complexity and disorder. Exhibit A: Package
managers exist. Exhibit B: Autoconf exists. I rest my case.

Erm, package managers should exist regardless.  That *multiple*  
incompatible package managers exist can be argued as a flaw.

The real problem indicated by your exhibits (assuming the preceding  
adjustment) is that Unix is not a monolithic entity; it's the  
result of dozens of companies extending the original research OS in  
multiple incompatible directions, then multiple standards committees  
harmonizing them more or less by legitimizing every incompatible  
spec for which they couldn't get people to agree on a single path.   
The development of the pax utility by the POSIX committee is a  
particularly horrifying example.

That said, autoconf also deals with some monstrosities nobody should  
have to deal with these days.  (Ancient Eunice, anyone?  Domain/OS?)

(Have you ever programmed in C? You can certainly see where Unix gets
its features from - terse, cryptic and messy.)

Heh.  Actually, Unix is terse because it was developed and originally  
used on 110-baud teletypewriters.  I've *used* a KSR33; you quickly  
come to appreciate the fact that Unix commands are terse.

C has its issues, but the original KR C was quite simple and  
elegant.  (And IMO preferable to its predecessor BCPL.)

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Creighton Hogg wrote:
  There are lots of things to like about Linux. It doesn't cost
  It's fast. It's reliable. It's flexible. It's secure.
  Okay, I'm not sure if I'd agree with the reliable  secure points.  I
  mean, relative to what could be done.  I'm a rank amateur when it
  comes to OS work but when I've looked at recent papers Linux really
  isn't that cutting edge.  I mean, it may be reliable in comparison to
  Windows 98  has less known exploits than any Windows system, but in
  terms of how good it *could* be I think there's an awful lot of room
  for growth.

 Isn't there a lot of room for improvement in *any* product?

Well, I'm not just talking about improvement.  I'm talking about things
like capabilities, self-healing kernels, separation kernels, exo kernels,
things that may have serious advantages but can't necessarily be strapped on
to a preexisting kernel such as Linux.

Bah.  Of course after I say this I get a bad feeling, so I checked the
interwebs and found out that there has been work on incorporating
self-healing into Linux.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Jaap Weel
   Well, since we're on the subject and it's only the Cafe list, what is
   it that you find messy about Linux that you would want to be solved by
   some hypothetical Haskell OS?

The hypothetical Haskell OS, especially if it were targeted toward 64
bit machines, could keep processes from messing with each other by way
of language based security, and run them all in a single memory
space. (The first system to do this, I believe, was the MULTIPOP
timesharing system, but there are other precedents, too.) This would
eliminate or simplify lots of context switches and buffer copies and
memory management and other nastiness that now goes into kernels.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Jun 18, 2007, at 19:51 , Creighton Hogg wrote:

The hypothetical Haskell OS, especially if it were targeted toward 64
bit machines, could keep processes from messing with each other by way
of language based security, and run them all in a single memory
space. (The first system to do this, I believe, was the MULTIPOP
timesharing system, but there are other precedents, too.) This would
eliminate or simplify lots of context switches and buffer copies and
memory management and other nastiness that now goes into kernels.

Okay, I remember seeing an example of this before , but I'm not  
sure if I see what language based security Haskell's type system  
could provide in protecting address spaces from each other.   
Normally I've seen capabilities used so that you can't access  
anything you can't name.  Can you elaborate a little?

He's saying that the language itself prevents programs from writing  
outside their address spaces or (via things like STM or runST)  
accessing resources they don't own.  Which is a nice theory, but is  
dependent on the runtime not being buggy (I think some problems have  
been demonstrated with large arrays in GHC...).

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Thomas Conway

On 6/19/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Okay, I remember seeing an example of this before , but I'm not sure if I
see what language based security Haskell's type system could provide in
protecting address spaces from each other.  Normally I've seen capabilities
used so that you can't access anything you can't name.  Can you elaborate a

Nothing new here. Haskell might be more elegant than some of the
earlier proposals, but the idea is old. FWIW, my PhD supervisor,
Zoltan Somogyi did his PhD thesis on exactly such a scheme, using
logic programming, rather than lazy functional programming. I'm not
sure if the thesis itself is online.

Dr Thomas Conway

Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
I were but little happy, if I could say how much.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Creighton Hogg

On 6/18/07, Thomas Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/19/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Okay, I remember seeing an example of this before , but I'm not sure if
 see what language based security Haskell's type system could provide in
 protecting address spaces from each other.  Normally I've seen
 used so that you can't access anything you can't name.  Can you
elaborate a

Nothing new here. Haskell might be more elegant than some of the
earlier proposals, but the idea is old. FWIW, my PhD supervisor,
Zoltan Somogyi did his PhD thesis on exactly such a scheme, using
logic programming, rather than lazy functional programming. I'm not
sure if the thesis itself is online.

Actually it is!  Thank you for the reference.
in case anyone else is interested
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Jaap Weel
  Normally I've seen capabilities used so that you can't access
  anything you can't name.  Can you elaborate a little?

 He's saying that the language itself prevents programs from writing
 outside their address spaces

Yep. Capabilities are usually not actually unforgeable, they are just
picked from a largish key space. You can guess at them if you want to
bother. Somewhere in the Exokernel papers, there is some discussion of
this, and reference to the fact that a 64 bit capability is at least
as secure as an 8 byte UNIX password, which I suppose is a fair
assessment of the situation. 

With language based security, you can have unforgeable capabilities,
though. An example of a system based on that idea, although expressed
in different words, is

An alternative approach to unforgeable capabilities is to build them
into the hardware using a tagged architecture. There is a paper by Tom
Knight (mastermind of the original Lisp Machine) and Jeremy Brown
that is relevant here, although it actually deals with the somewhat
different problem of data dissemination control (think DRM but more
for military applications and suchlike):

Note that earlier tagged architectures, including the Knight Machine
and the K-machine, used tags mostly to speed up Lisp and not to
enforce any sort of type discipline.

 Which is a nice theory, but is dependent on the runtime not being
 buggy (I think some problems have been demonstrated with large
 arrays in GHC...).

There are three ways to deal with this. The first is the
aforementioned tagged architecture in hardware. The second is running
everything within a virtual machine that has a tagged architecture. In
both of these cases, there would be a trusted security kernel, but
you could make it pretty damn small. Unfortunately hardware is
expensive and virtual machines are slow (although people keep claiming
that they're getting better, and FPGAs are getting faster and cheaper
all the time).

The third way is to have a compiler that compiles Haskell, or any
other typesafe language, into a typed assembly language with a
sufficiently expressive type system. You can then feed TAL-annotated
binaries to the (trusted) loader. This way, you can also support
multiple programming languages while still maintaining language based
security and a small trusted security kernel, viz. the TAL type


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Stefan O'Rear
On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 02:36:31AM +0200, Jaap Weel wrote:
   Normally I've seen capabilities used so that you can't access
   anything you can't name.  Can you elaborate a little?
  He's saying that the language itself prevents programs from writing
  outside their address spaces
 Yep. Capabilities are usually not actually unforgeable, they are just
 picked from a largish key space. You can guess at them if you want to
 bother. Somewhere in the Exokernel papers, there is some discussion of
 this, and reference to the fact that a 64 bit capability is at least
 as secure as an 8 byte UNIX password, which I suppose is a fair
 assessment of the situation.

Every capability system I've seen works like Unix file descriptors.  The
kernel assigns capability numbers, and since the numbers are only valid
in one process, and the only valid capability numbers are to
capabilities your have, there is no danger caused by guessing.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Jaap Weel
 Every capability system I've seen works like Unix file descriptors.  The
 kernel assigns capability numbers, and since the numbers are only valid
 in one process, and the only valid capability numbers are to
 capabilities your have, there is no danger caused by guessing.

You know, when I typed that, I knew I really ought to qualify it a
bit, because the word capability is used in several ways. You are, of
course, right to say that this is a common implementation of
capabilities in operating systems with multiple memory spaces, but it
does not work in a single memory space design without language
security where user processes can access the kernel tables.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread Ryan Dickie

On 6/18/07, Creighton Hogg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/18/07, Andrew Coppin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Creighton Hogg wrote:
  Well, since we're on the subject and it's only the Cafe list, what is
  it that you find messy about Linux that you would want to be solved by
  some hypothetical Haskell OS?

 This is drifting off-topic again, but here goes...

Yeah, so I'll just split this off into a different thread.

There are lots of things to like about Linux. It doesn't cost money.
 It's fast. It's reliable. It's flexible. It's secure.

Okay, I'm not sure if I'd agree with the reliable  secure points.  I
mean, relative to what could be done.  I'm a rank amateur when it comes to
OS work but when I've looked at recent papers Linux really isn't that
cutting edge.  I mean, it may be reliable in comparison to Windows 98  has
less known exploits than any Windows system, but in terms of how good it
*could* be I think there's an awful lot of room for growth.

 unfortunately it's still Unix. In other words, it's a vast incoherant
 mess of largely incompatible ad-hoc solutions to individual problems
 implemented independently by unrelated hackers over the 40+ years of
 history that this software has been around. New software has to emulate
 quirks in old software, and client programs work around the emulated
 quirks in the new software to get the functionallity it actually wants.
 One vast tangled mess of complexity and disorder. Exhibit A: Package
 managers exist. Exhibit B: Autoconf exists. I rest my case.

Okay, but these don't seem to really be design flaws so much as the
inevitable results of age and the need for backwards compatibility.  I'm
looking more for technical problems that you would want to see fixed in our
magical UberOS.

An operating system should have a simple, clear, consistent design. Not
 unlike a certain programming language named after a dead mathematition,
 come to think of it...

 (Have you ever programmed in C? You can certainly see where Unix gets
 its features from - terse, cryptic and messy.)

This is another thing we're just going to disagree on.  I think C++ is a
pretty messy language, but feel that straight up C is rather simple and
elegant.  I had only used C++ before, but a friend rather easily convinced
me that C is in fact a very sexy language when used in its intended design

Still, I don't have the skill to write a functioning operating system -
 much less one that's ready for the desktop - so that's that I

 (I did seriously investigate the task once. Indeed, I got as far as
 writing a bootloader. It worked too!)

Would you mind sharing the code?  I'd be interested.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

While this isn't an operating system written in a functional programming
language it is quite an important part of one.
NixOS is an experiment to see if we can build an operating system in which
software packages, configuration files, boot scripts and the like are all
managaed in a purely functional way, that is, they are all built by
deterministic functions and they never change after they have been built.,

One thing microsoft has being doing which is interesting is singularity. It
is a research OS done in .NET and is completely managed. It will be
interesting to see the effects of a managed runtime environment and quite
possibly open the door for a functional language to target the runtime.

I think operating systems, and software design in general, will be headed
towards integrating functional techniques from languages like Haskell into C
and C++. Google's map/reduce paper is an excellent example but so is Tim
Sweeney's talk on the future of video game design.

I suppose more importantly.. would haskell kernel be done as a microkernel
or a monolithic kernel ;-) Marketing it would be hard. Who would want to buy
a lazy os?

--Ryan Dickie
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] OS design FP aesthetics

2007-06-18 Thread brad clawsie

 software packages, configuration files, boot scripts and the like are all
 managaed in a purely functional way, that is, they are all built by
 deterministic functions and they never change after they have been built.,
  One thing microsoft has being doing which is interesting is

its just not clear what these projects are trying to fix. i am all for
good research, indeed a lot of it manifests itself in linux, bsd
etc...but chucking a decade+ of debugging, userland tools, docs,
etc...its a nonstarter. who is downloading minix3? purity of design at
the os level has few takers in the real world. people want high
performance, small footprint, and security. linux is delivering on
these as good as anything else actually in use by mass markets.

there have been other softball comments here, like the offhand comment
that linux is not reliable and secure, but i haven't seen any
substantial commentary on why this is the case. try these comments
out on the kernel mailing list if you want to be brave AND ontopic.

i say all of this as a freebsd user, so don't construe my defense of
linux as a political bias.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list