Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-15 Thread Sebastian Fischer
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Luke Palmer  wrote:
> For this problem, it is too slow to memoize everything; you have to use a
> bounded memo table.  That's why I use a combinator-based memo approach as
> opposed to the type-directed approach used in eg. MemoTrie.  The memo table
> you need is something like
> switch (<10^6) integral id

I think because of the definition of `Data.Function.fix`

 fix f = let x = f x in x

which uses sharing, the definition

fibonacci = fix (switch (<10^6) integral id . fib)

chaches results even of independent global calls. If `fix` would be defined

fix f = f (fix f)

it would only cache the recursive calls of each individual call.

Do you agree?

Here is a fixpoint combinator that is parameterized by a memo combinator:

fixmemo :: Memo a -> ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> (a -> b)
fixmemo memo f = fix (memo . f)

If I use

fixmemo (switch (<=10^6) integral id) collatz

the computation of the maximum Collatz length between 1 and 10^6 takes
around 16 seconds (rather than 4 seconds without memoization). But when

fixmemo (arrayRange (1,10^6)) collatz

memoization actually pays off and run time goes down to around 3 seconds. I
uploaded the program underlying my experiments to github (spoiler alert):

I knew that memocombinators are more flexible than a type-based MemoTrie but
it is nice to see that they also lead to more efficient implementations and
allow to define the other array-based implementation from this thread in a
modular way.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-15 Thread David Virebayre
2011/4/14 Sebastian Fischer 

> The advantage of this complicated definition is that you get a
> memoized version of the `fibonacci` function simply by using `fixmemo`
> instead of `fix`:

Wow. I think something about 'fix' just made sense thanks to your post,
though I had read a few blog posts about it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Eduard Sergeev
Hi Dmitri,

> *** Question: I wonder how to implement cache for this problem in Haskell?
> At the moment, I am not so much interested in the speed of the code, as in
> nice implementation.

Yet another option for memoization implementation: to use "monad-memo"
package [1] which provides memoization for monadic function (using
Data.Map by default).

To use it we need to define our recursive function in monadic form and
add `memo` in place of its recursive call:

> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Monad.Memo
> -- calculates the length of sequence (with memoization)
> calcM 1 = return 1
> calcM n = succ <$> memo calcM (if even n then n `div` 2 else n*3 + 1)

Here is a helper-function to run this calculation (we don't really
need it here since `calcM` is going to be called from other monadic
function directly):

> runCalc :: Integer -> Integer
> runCalc = startEvalMemo . calcM

NB: the inferred type for `calcM` might look a little bit.. verbose,
but we don't really need to specify it or expose `calcM` from our
> calcM :: (MonadMemo a1 a m, Num a, Functor m, Integral a1, Enum a) => a1 -> m 
> a

The implementation of the function to calculate the maximum length of
the sequence for all numbers in a range is straightforward (and also

> -- NB: memoization cache is shared among all 'calcM' calls (very efficient)
> calcRangeM f t = maximum <$> forM [f..t] calcM

and a similar helper run-function (is not needed for the task either):

> runCalcRange :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
> runCalcRange f t = startEvalMemo $ calcRangeM f t

To run `calcRangeM` for the input list of values (map the function
over it) we can define yet another simple monadic function which calls
`calcRangeM` directly (thus reusing/building the same memoization

> solM = mapM (uncurry calcRangeM)

and a helper run-function:

> runSol :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> [Integer]
> runSol = startEvalMemo . solM

Composing all these together results in the following test code (I
hard-coded the input for the sake of simplicity):

> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Monad.Memo
> calcM 1 = return 1
> calcM n = succ <$> memo calcM (if even n then n `div` 2 else n*3 + 1)
> calcRangeM f t = maximum <$> forM [f..t] calcM
> solM = mapM (uncurry calcRangeM)
> runSol = startEvalMemo . solM
> main = print $ runSol [
>(1, 10),
>(100, 200),
>(201, 210),
>(900, 1000) ]

As for the performance, `main = print $ runSol [(1, 100)]` takes
~40 seconds with -O2 on my laptop.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Luke Palmer
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 4:29 AM, Dmitri O.Kondratiev wrote:

> 3n+1 is the first, "warm-up" problem at Programming Chalenges site:
> (This problem illustrates Collatz conjecture:
> )
> As long as the judge on this site takes only C and Java solutions, I
> submitted in Java some add-hock code (see at the end of this message) where
> I used recursion and a cache of computed cycles. Judge accepted my code and
> measured  0.292 sec with best overall submissions of 0.008 sec to solve the
> problem.
> *** Question: I wonder how to implement cache for this problem in Haskell?
> At the moment, I am not so much interested in the speed of the code, as in
> nice implementation.

This is the exact problem data-memocombinators was written to solve.

For this problem, it is too slow to memoize everything; you have to use a
bounded memo table.  That's why I use a combinator-based memo approach as
opposed to the type-directed approach used in eg. MemoTrie.  The memo table
you need is something like

switch (<10^6) integral id

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Sebastian Fischer
Hi Dimitri,

> When asking "how to implement cache in Haskell" I was hopping that there
> exists some solution without using Data.Array, more "functional" approach,
> if I may say so  ...

Steven's second solution is purely functional. It uses so-called tries
to cache results instead of mutable arrays. Here is an alternative
definition of Steven's `fixmemo` function:

fixmemo :: HasTrie a => ((a -> b) -> (a -> b)) -> (a -> b)
fixmemo f = fix (memo . f)

It uses the standard fixpoint combinator

Data.Function.fix :: (a -> a) -> a

and has a similar (but more restrictive) type. In order to understand
Steven's solution you need to know how to define recursive functions
using a fixpoint combinator. For example, you can define the Fibonacci
function as follows:

fibonacci :: Int -> Integer
fibonacci = fix fib

fib :: (Int -> Integer) -> (Int -> Integer)
fib fib 0 = 0
fib fib 1 = 1
fib fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

Note how the first argument `fib` of the function `fib` shadows the
name of the global function `fib`.

The advantage of this complicated definition is that you get a
memoized version of the `fibonacci` function simply by using `fixmemo`
instead of `fix`:

memoFib :: Int -> Integer
memoFib = fixmemo fib

This definition avoids to recompute the same recursive calls over and
over again in is therefore much faster than the original version.

That said, memoization helps to solve your original problem only if
you reuse the cache for different top-level calls of the Collatz
length function. According to the Collatz conjecture no argument
appears again when computing the Collatz length of a number (otherwise
the computation would not terminate).

Ryan's solution achieves reuse of the cache by defining it at the top
level and you can do the same with tries. For the `fib` example it
would look like this:

fibCache :: Int :->: Integer
fibCache = trie (fib cachedFib)

cachedFib :: Int -> Integer
cachedFib = untrie fibCache

Now even independent calls to `cachedFib` reuse previously computed results.

In my experiments, caching did not pay off, even for computing the
maximum Collatz length of a given range. Without caching it took less
than 5 seconds to compute the maximum Collatz length of all numbers
between 1 and 100. With caching, it took 30 seconds.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Christian Maeder

Am 14.04.2011 12:29, schrieb Dmitri O.Kondratiev:

3n+1 is the first, "warm-up" problem at Programming Chalenges site:

(This problem illustrates Collatz conjecture:

As long as the judge on this site takes only C and Java solutions, I
submitted in Java some add-hock code (see at the end of this message)
where I used recursion and a cache of computed cycles. Judge accepted my
code and measured  0.292 sec with best overall submissions of 0.008 sec
to solve the problem.

*** Question: I wonder how to implement cache for this problem in
Haskell? At the moment, I am not so much interested in the speed of the
code, as in nice implementation.

I'ld use something like:

import qualified Data.Map as Map

addToMap :: Integer -> Map.Map Integer Integer
  -> Map.Map Integer Integer
addToMap n m = case Map.lookup n m of
  Nothing -> let
l = if even n then div n 2 else 3 * n + 1
p = addToMap l m
Just s = Map.lookup l p
in Map.insert n (s + 1) p
  Just _ -> m

addRangeToMap :: Integer -> Integer -> Map.Map Integer Integer
  -> Map.Map Integer Integer
addRangeToMap i j m = if j < i then m else
  addRangeToMap i (j - 1) $ addToMap j m

getMaxLength :: Integer -> Integer -> Map.Map Integer Integer -> Integer
getMaxLength i j =
Map.foldWithKey (\ k l -> if i > k || k > j then id else max l) 0

-- putting it all togeter
getRangeMax :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
getRangeMax i j = getMaxLength i j $ addRangeToMap i j
  $ Map.singleton 1 1

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Dmitri O.Kondratiev
Thanks, everybody!
Your feedback is a great food for my mind (as Lewis Carroll once wrote :)
When asking "how to implement cache in Haskell" I was hopping that there
exists some solution without using Data.Array, more "functional" approach,
if I may say so  ...
I must be wrong, though (need more time to fully comprehend solution that
Steven described in this thread ).

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:22 PM, Ryan Ingram  wrote:

> So if we were to emulate your Java solution, we'd do
> import Data.Array
> cacheSize :: Int
> cacheSize = 65536
> table :: Array Int Integer
> table = listArray (1,cacheSize) (1 : map go [2..cacheSize]) where
> go n
> | even n = 1 + lookup (n `div` 2)
> | otherwise = 1 + lookup (3 * n + 1)
> lookup :: Integer -> Integer
> lookup n
> | n < cacheSize = table ! (fromInteger n)
> | even n = 1 + lookup (n `div` 2)
> | otherwise = 1 + lookup (3 * n + 1)
> The rest of the code is just some simple i/o.
> The table is filled up lazily as you request values from it.
> --
All the best,
Dmitri O. Kondratiev

"This is what keeps me going: discovery"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Ryan Ingram
So if we were to emulate your Java solution, we'd do

import Data.Array

cacheSize :: Int
cacheSize = 65536

table :: Array Int Integer
table = listArray (1,cacheSize) (1 : map go [2..cacheSize]) where
go n
| even n = 1 + lookup (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 1 + lookup (3 * n + 1)

lookup :: Integer -> Integer
lookup n
| n < cacheSize = table ! (fromInteger n)
| even n = 1 + lookup (n `div` 2)
| otherwise = 1 + lookup (3 * n + 1)

The rest of the code is just some simple i/o.

The table is filled up lazily as you request values from it.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Dmitri O.Kondratiev wrote:

> 3n+1 is the first, "warm-up" problem at Programming Chalenges site:
> (This problem illustrates Collatz conjecture:
> )
> As long as the judge on this site takes only C and Java solutions, I
> submitted in Java some add-hock code (see at the end of this message) where
> I used recursion and a cache of computed cycles. Judge accepted my code and
> measured  0.292 sec with best overall submissions of 0.008 sec to solve the
> problem.
> *** Question: I wonder how to implement cache for this problem in Haskell?
> At the moment, I am not so much interested in the speed of the code, as in
> nice implementation.
> To illustrate my question I add the problem description and my Java
> solution at the end of this message.
> Thanks!
> *** Problem
> Consider the following algorithm to generate a sequence of numbers. Start
> with an integer *n*. If *n* is even, divide by 2. If *n* is odd, multiply
> by 3 and add 1. Repeat this process with the new value of *n*, terminating
> when *n* = 1. For example, the following sequence of numbers will be
> generated for *n* = 22:
> 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1
> It is *conjectured* (but not yet proven) that this algorithm will
> terminate at *n* = 1 for every integer *n*. Still, the conjecture holds
> for all integers up to at least 1, 000, 000.
> For an input *n*, the *cycle-length* of *n* is the number of numbers
> generated up to and *including* the 1. In the example above, the cycle
> length of 22 is 16. Given any two numbers *i* and *j*, you are to
> determine the maximum cycle length over all numbers between *i* and *j*, *
> including* both endpoints.
> Input The input will consist of a series of pairs of integers *i* and *j*,
> one pair of integers per line. All integers will be less than 1,000,000 and
> greater than 0.
> OutputFor each pair of input integers *i* and *j*, output *i*, *j* in the
> same order in which they appeared in the input and then the maximum cycle
> length for integers between and including *i* and *j*. These three numbers
> should be separated by one space, with all three numbers on one line and
> with one line of output for each line of input.
> Sample Input
> 1 10
> 100 200
> 201 210
> 900 1000
> Sample Output
> 1 10 20
> 100 200 125
> 201 210 89
> 900 1000 174
> *** my Java solution
> import;
> import;
> public class Main {
>   final static BufferedReader reader_ = new BufferedReader(new 
> InputStreamReader(;
>   /**
>* @param args
>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>   new Problem().run();
>   }   
>   static String[] ReadLn() {
>   String[] tokens = null;
>   try {
>   String line = reader_.readLine();
>   String REGEX_WHITESPACE = "\\s+";
>   String cleanLine = 
> line.trim().replaceAll(REGEX_WHITESPACE, " ");
>   tokens = cleanLine.split(REGEX_WHITESPACE); 
>   } catch (Exception e) {}
>   return tokens;
>   }
> }
> class Problem implements Runnable {
>   long CACHE_SIZE = 65536;
>   private final long[] cache_ = new long[(int) CACHE_SIZE];
>   /**
>* Compute cycle length for a single number
>* @param n number for which we find cycle length
>* @return cycle length
>   long cycleLen(long n) {
>   long len = 1;
>   if (n != 1) {
>   len = getFromCache(n);
>   if (len == 0) { //not yet in cache
>   // Recursively compute and store all 
> intermediate values of cycle length
>   if ((n & 1) == 0) {
>   len = 1 + cycleLen(n >> 1);
>   } else {
>   len = 1 + cycleLen(n * 3 + 1);
>   }
>   putInCache(n, len);
>   }
>   }
>   return len;
>   }

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Dmitri O.Kondratiev
Thanks, Felipe!
Sure I will try to code solution myself. Doing it all by yourself is the
main fun of everything, isn't it?
I was just asking about the *idea* of implementing cache in Haskell, in
general, not just in this case only.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Felipe Almeida Lessa <> wrote:

> This is very similar to the Problem 14 on Project Euler [1].  Should
> you really want a nice solution in Haskell, and noting that this is a
> big spoiler, there are some on the wiki [2].  But I highly recommend
> you to try coding your own solutions before looking at the site =).
> Cheers!
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Felipe.

All the best,
Dmitri O. Kondratiev

"This is what keeps me going: discovery"
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Steven Keuchel
Hi Dmitri,

As a reference you might want to take a look at the Project Euler
problem #14 and the corresponding dubious entry in the HaskellWiki:

> *** Question: I wonder how to implement cache for this problem in Haskell?
> At the moment, I am not so much interested in the speed of the code, as in
> nice implementation.

a while ago I wondered about the same question: memoization and more
specifically tabulation (DP) in Haskell. After some time I came up
with code which does it IMO in a fairly nice way using an array of
lazy computations which gives you top-down DP for free at the expense
of performance. Another way is to use lazily built tries ala MemoTrie: .

Specific implementation:

> import Data.Array
> import Data.MemoTrie

I write the collatz function using open recursion in order to separate
the recursive function from the memo scheme.

> type Gen a = a -> a
> type Fix a = Gen a -> a
> collatzGen :: Gen (Integer -> Integer)
> collatzGen c 1 = 1
> collatzGen c n | even n= 1 + c (div n 2)
>| otherwise = 1 + c (3*n + 1)

We can use plain old Data.Function.fix to get the usual stupid
recursive function or use our custom fixpoint combinators. |fixtab|
for example uses an array to cache the result in the given range. When
the argument is outside of the range the normal recursive scheme is

> fixtab :: Ix i => (i, i) -> Fix (i -> r)
> fixtab b f = f'
>   where a= listArray b [ f f' i | i <- range b ]
> f' i = if inRange b i then a!i else f f' i

Another option is to use the MemoTrie package where we can write a
fixpoint combinator like this:
> fixmemo :: HasTrie i => Fix (i -> r)
> fixmemo f = let m = memo (f m); in m

And of course the final collatz function:
> collatz :: Integer -> Integer
> collatz = fixtab (1,100) collatzGen


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
This is very similar to the Problem 14 on Project Euler [1].  Should
you really want a nice solution in Haskell, and noting that this is a
big spoiler, there are some on the wiki [2].  But I highly recommend
you to try coding your own solutions before looking at the site =).




Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Programming Chalenges: The 3n+1 problem

2011-04-14 Thread Dmitri O.Kondratiev
3n+1 is the first, "warm-up" problem at Programming Chalenges site:

(This problem illustrates Collatz conjecture:

As long as the judge on this site takes only C and Java solutions, I
submitted in Java some add-hock code (see at the end of this message) where
I used recursion and a cache of computed cycles. Judge accepted my code and
measured  0.292 sec with best overall submissions of 0.008 sec to solve the

*** Question: I wonder how to implement cache for this problem in Haskell?
At the moment, I am not so much interested in the speed of the code, as in
nice implementation.

To illustrate my question I add the problem description and my Java solution
at the end of this message.

*** Problem

Consider the following algorithm to generate a sequence of numbers. Start
with an integer *n*. If *n* is even, divide by 2. If *n* is odd, multiply by
3 and add 1. Repeat this process with the new value of *n*, terminating
when *n* = 1. For example, the following sequence of numbers will be
generated for *n* = 22:
22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1
It is *conjectured* (but not yet proven) that this algorithm will terminate
at *n* = 1 for every integer *n*. Still, the conjecture holds for all
integers up to at least 1, 000, 000.

For an input *n*, the *cycle-length* of *n* is the number of numbers
generated up to and *including* the 1. In the example above, the cycle
length of 22 is 16. Given any two numbers *i* and *j*, you are to determine
the maximum cycle length over all numbers between *i* and *j*, *including* both

InputThe input will consist of a series of pairs of integers *i* and *j*,
one pair of integers per line. All integers will be less than 1,000,000 and
greater than 0.

OutputFor each pair of input integers *i* and *j*, output *i*, *j* in the
same order in which they appeared in the input and then the maximum cycle
length for integers between and including *i* and *j*. These three numbers
should be separated by one space, with all three numbers on one line and
with one line of output for each line of input.

Sample Input

1 10
100 200
201 210
900 1000

Sample Output

1 10 20
100 200 125
201 210 89
900 1000 174

*** my Java solution

public class Main {
final static BufferedReader reader_ = new BufferedReader(new
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Problem().run();
static String[] ReadLn() {
String[] tokens = null;
try {
String line = reader_.readLine();
String REGEX_WHITESPACE = "\\s+";
String cleanLine = 
line.trim().replaceAll(REGEX_WHITESPACE, " ");
tokens = cleanLine.split(REGEX_WHITESPACE); 

} catch (Exception e) {}
return tokens;

class Problem implements Runnable {
long CACHE_SIZE = 65536;
private final long[] cache_ = new long[(int) CACHE_SIZE];
 * Compute cycle length for a single number
 * @param n number for which we find cycle length
 * @return cycle length
long cycleLen(long n) {
long len = 1;
if (n != 1) {
len = getFromCache(n);
if (len == 0) { //not yet in cache
// Recursively compute and store all 
intermediate values of cycle length
if ((n & 1) == 0) {
len = 1 + cycleLen(n >> 1);
} else {
len = 1 + cycleLen(n * 3 + 1);
putInCache(n, len);
return len;

void putInCache(long n, long len) {
if(n < CACHE_SIZE) {
cache_[(int)n] = len;

long getFromCache(long n) {
long result = 0;
if(n < CACHE_SIZE) {
result = cache_[(int)n];
return result;

 * Find max cycle on interval
 * @param from interval start
 * @param to interval end
 * @return max cycle
Long maxCycle(Long from, Long to) {
Long result = 0L;
Long cycle = 0L;
// Get all values of cycle length on the interval and put these
values into