Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-26 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 24/04/2010, at 22:42, Roman Leshchinskiy wrote:

 On 24/04/2010, at 22:06, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
 I was thinking of this:
 data T = T Double deriving ( Eq, Ord )
 ... GHC basically produces
 instance Ord T where
 compare (T x) (T y) = compare x y
 t  u = compare t u == LT
 That is indeed what it does.  Which is a plain old bug, since it leads
 to inconsistent behaviour between wrapped vs unwrapped values.
 *Main T (0/0) == T (0/0)
 *Main T (0/0)  T (0/0)
 *Main T (0/0)  T (0/0)
 *Main (0/0)  (0/0)
 Urgh. You're right, I hadn't thought of this. Would you care to submit a bug 

I submitted one but on further reflection, this is not so simple. Let's look at 
pairs as an example. At the moment, () is implemented basically like this:

 (a,b)  (c,d) = case compare a c of
   LT - False
   EQ - compare b d
   GT - True

Of course, this means that (0/0,'a')  (0/0,'a'). So we could change the 

  (a,b)  (c,d) = a  c || (a == c  b  d)

But now we compare a to c twice which is very bad for, say, ([Int],Int). 
Clearly, we want to use the first definition but it leads to inconsistent 
results for Doubles. I don't see how to solve this while keeping IEEE semantics 
of silent NaNs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-25 Thread Richard O'Keefe

It seems to me that there's a choice here between

(A) Full conformance to the letter of IEEE arithmetic
AND full conformance to the letter of Haskell total ordering
with consequent inconvenience:
don't make floats Ord
create new IEEE comparison operations for floats

(B) Full conformance to the letter of IEEE arithmetic
and letting Haskell total ordering fend for itself
with consequent incoherence:
the present situation

(C) Full conformance to the letter of Haskell total ordering
and letting IEEE comparison rules blow away in the wind:
x == y if and only if x may be substituted for y
in any expression with no change in behaviour,
making -0.0  0.0 necessary I think,
and extending ordering to order NaNs

I haven't seen anyone advocate this, although it seems like an
obvious thing to think about.

(D) Revising the Haskell class hierarchy to have a new
ConfusingOrd class with weaker laws than Ord, and making the
floating point numbers instances of that.  This would NOT
extend Eq, so == (which identifies +0.0 and -0.0, though they
behave differently) would not be available for floats.

class ConfusingOrd a
  where (===) :: a - a - Bool
(/==) :: a - a - Bool
()   :: a - a - Bool
class (Eq a, ConfusingOrd a) = Ord a
  where x === y = x == y
x /== y = x /= y
compare :: a - a - Ord

To my feeble mind, this looks like possibly being the least
troublesome of the alternatives.  Yes, we'd stop being able
to sort collections of floats using compare, but there's a
way around that.  See (E).

(E) Have two sets of floating point numbers:
floats and ordered-floats, with explicit coercion from floats
to ordered-floats that might fail and explicit coercion from
ordered-floats to floats that always succeeds.  To sort a list,
we might do
map fromOrderedFloat (sort [x | Just x - map toOrderedFloat ys])

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-25 Thread Casey McCann
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
 It seems to me that there's a choice here between (...)

Nice! That's a very comprehensive summary of the situation regarding
issues of correctness. I do wonder, though, what (if any) are the
performance implications?

Editorializing a bit, I would actually go so far as to say that, in
the general case, using floating point values at all is a mistake.
Programmers failing to use them properly has been a small but
consistent source of bugs, even in low-level languages where one would
expect familiarity with their behavior to be the norm. The situation
is even worse in languages that are interpreted, VM-based, or
otherwise further removed from the hardware level, where I've seen
people who thought that IEEE specified behavior was a bug in the
language runtime.

To that end, I'd make a simultaneously conservative and radical
suggestion: Regard floating point types as, first and foremost, a
performance optimization, and strongly discourage their use as
general-purpose fractional numbers. Aside from issues of backwards
compatibility and such, I'd even advocate removing floating point
types from the Prelude and instead require an explicit import from a
separate module in the standard libraries. Use of floating point
values would, ideally, be limited to calculation-heavy code which
spends a non-trivial amount of its time doing fractional arithmetic,
with an assumption that anyone writing code like that ought to
understand both IEEE floats and Haskell's handling of them well enough
to do it correctly.

Given that distinction, I'd say that the order of priorities for
floats should be 1) anything that supports writing high-performance
code 2) accuracy to IEEE standards as the expected behavior 3)
minimize the ugliness from a Haskell perspective as much as possible
without harming the first two. What that works out to, I'm not sure,
but I'd tolerate creating _|_s or breaking Ord's semantics if that's
what it takes.

Alas, I expect that's far too disruptive of existing code to be a
viable approach.

- C.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-24 Thread Barak A. Pearlmutter
 And yet a lot of generic code is written in terms of compare.

That's can be an advantage, because often that code *should* blow up
when it gets a NaN.  E.g., sorting a list of Floats which includes a

 Even deriving(Ord) only produces compare and relies on standard
 definitions for other methods.

I don't think that's actually a problem.  Surely the IEEE Floating
Point types would give their own definitions of not just compare but
also , =, etc, overriding the problematic deriving(Ord) definitions
of comparison in terms of compare and vice-versa.

 Don't get me wrong, I don't think the current situation is ideal
 (although it doesn't seem all that bad to me). But this change would
 have far-reaching implications for performance which ought to be
 evaluated before it can be seriously considered, in my opinion.

Completely agree.  The underlying issue is when a NaN should be
treated like a Nothing, and when it should be treated like _|_.  It
seems clear that in some places the Nothing interpretation is
preferred (say, arithmetic), and in other places _|_ (say, commanding
the aperture of a therapeutic radiation device).  It is a subtle
issue, with effects on coding style, allowable code transformations
both manual and automatic, correctness, and efficiency.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-24 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 24/04/2010, at 19:56, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:

 And yet a lot of generic code is written in terms of compare.
 That's can be an advantage, because often that code *should* blow up
 when it gets a NaN.  E.g., sorting a list of Floats which includes a

However, often you will know that the list doesn't contain NaNs and will still 
have to pay a performance penalty. It's a question of what the right default is 
- safety or performance. In the case of floating point numbers, I'm leaning 
towards performance.

That said, I would be very much in favour of providing a SafeFloat or whatever 
type with much safer semantics than IEEE floats and trying to get people to use 
that type by default unless they really need the performance.

 Even deriving(Ord) only produces compare and relies on standard
 definitions for other methods.
 I don't think that's actually a problem.  Surely the IEEE Floating
 Point types would give their own definitions of not just compare but
 also , =, etc, overriding the problematic deriving(Ord) definitions
 of comparison in terms of compare and vice-versa.

I was thinking of this:

data T = T Double deriving ( Eq, Ord )

Unless I'm mistaken, at the moment GHC basically produces

instance Ord T where
  compare (T x) (T y) = compare x y
  t  u = compare t u == LT

That is, all comparisons on T would be paying the NaN performance tax.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-24 Thread Barak A. Pearlmutter
 It's a question of what the right default is - safety or
 performance. In the case of floating point numbers, I'm leaning
 towards performance.

I quite agree.

Currently the standard prelude has default definition:

compare x y
 | x == y=  EQ
 | x = y=  LT
 | otherwise =  GT

I'd suggest

compare x y
 | x == y=  EQ
 | x = y=  LT
 | x = y=  GT
 | otherwise =  error violation of the law of the excluded middle

or even the most symmetric

compare x y
 | x  y =  LT
 | x == y=  EQ
 | x  y =  GT
 | otherwise =  error no consistent ordering

It is not clear to me that this would cause a measurable performance
hit in the case of floating point numbers.  We're talking about at
most two extra instructions: a compare and a conditional branch.  The
operands are already in registers, and scheduling considerations make
it quite likely that the extra instructions could be put into
otherwise unoccupied slots.  For datatypes like Int or Integer or Char
where the compiler should know that the law of the excluded middle
holds, there should be zero overhead.

 I was thinking of this:

 data T = T Double deriving ( Eq, Ord )

 ... GHC basically produces

 instance Ord T where
   compare (T x) (T y) = compare x y
   t  u = compare t u == LT

That is indeed what it does.  Which is a plain old bug, since it leads
to inconsistent behaviour between wrapped vs unwrapped values.

*Main T (0/0) == T (0/0)
*Main T (0/0)  T (0/0)
*Main T (0/0)  T (0/0)
*Main (0/0)  (0/0)

GHC should instead basically produce

   (T x)  (T y) = x  y


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-24 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 24/04/2010, at 22:06, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:

 Currently the standard prelude has default definition:
compare x y
 | x == y=  EQ
 | x = y=  LT
 | otherwise =  GT
 I'd suggest
compare x y
 | x  y =  LT
 | x == y=  EQ
| x  y =  GT
 | otherwise =  error no consistent ordering
 It is not clear to me that this would cause a measurable performance
 hit in the case of floating point numbers.  We're talking about at
 most two extra instructions: a compare and a conditional branch.  The

The problem are not so much the additional instructions. Rather, it's the fact 
that compare for Float and Double can fail at all which inhibits some 
optimisations. For instance, GHC is free to eliminate the comparison in (x 
`compare` y) `seq` a but wouldn't be with your change. It doesn't actually do 
that at the moment, which looks like an optimiser deficiency to me. But in any 
case, the property can fail has a significant effect on optimisations 

 I was thinking of this:
 data T = T Double deriving ( Eq, Ord )
 ... GHC basically produces
 instance Ord T where
  compare (T x) (T y) = compare x y
  t  u = compare t u == LT
 That is indeed what it does.  Which is a plain old bug, since it leads
 to inconsistent behaviour between wrapped vs unwrapped values.
 *Main T (0/0) == T (0/0)
 *Main T (0/0)  T (0/0)
 *Main T (0/0)  T (0/0)
 *Main (0/0)  (0/0)

Urgh. You're right, I hadn't thought of this. Would you care to submit a bug 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-24 Thread David Menendez
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 5:56 AM, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
 Even deriving(Ord) only produces compare and relies on standard
 definitions for other methods.

 I don't think that's actually a problem.  Surely the IEEE Floating
 Point types would give their own definitions of not just compare but
 also , =, etc, overriding the problematic deriving(Ord) definitions
 of comparison in terms of compare and vice-versa.

There is the issue of deriving Ord for algebraic types that include Float.

data Foo = Foo Float deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

*Main Foo (0/0)  Foo (0/0)
*Main 0/0  0/0

If compare (0/0) (0/0) = _|_, then Foo (0/0) == Foo (0/0) = _|_.

Dave Menendez
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-24 Thread Barak A. Pearlmutter
 The problem are not so much the additional instructions. Rather,
 it's the fact that compare for Float and Double can fail at all
 which inhibits some optimisations. For instance, GHC is free to
 eliminate the comparison in (x `compare` y) `seq` a but wouldn't be
 with your change. It doesn't actually do that at the moment, which
 looks like an optimiser deficiency to me. But in any case, the
 property can fail has a significant effect on optimisations

Yeah, the IEEE FP people knew what they were doing from a performance
perspective.  This kind of problem (eg, being able to remove a dead
x+y without proving all kinds of conditions on x and y) is exactly
whey they mandated a NaN value upon arithmetic exception rather than
making the computation fail with a synchronous exception.  Or at
least, a mode, almost always used by default, with this behaviour.

What you're describing is a similar performance problem, which argues
for a similar solution:

  data Ordering = LT, EQ, GT, OoO

where OoO means Out of Order.

But just because you could doesn't mean you'd have to do this:

  compare x y =
case map (\o-x`o`y) [(),(=),(==),(=),(),(/=)] of
  [True,True,False,False,False,True] - LT
  [False,True,True,True,False,False] - EQ
  [False,False,False,True,True,True] - GT
  otherwise  - OoO

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-23 Thread John Lato
 From: Barak A. Pearlmutter

 ... An invalid comparison evaluating to _|_ is arguably more
 correct, but I personally find the idea of introducing more bottoms
 rather distasteful.

 Too late!  NaN is pretty much the _|_ of IEEE Floating Point.

 That was certainly the intent of the IEEE standard, and is why NaN is
 so contagious.  But they wanted to relax the usual strictness of their
 languages (FORTRAN, C) when this particular _|_ is around.  So NaN is
 contagious through strict arithmetic (+, *, etc) like _|_.  But it has
 strange behaviour with respect to comparison.  In the context of
 Haskell, which does not have the issue of needing to relax strictness
 just for NaN, I think the right thing would be to have compare give
 _|_, and maybe also , , ==.  After all, NaN is outside the carefully
 defined total ordering of all other IEEE floating point values
 including +/- Infinity.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-23 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 23/04/2010, at 01:34, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:

 I'd suggest that compare involving a NaN should yield
error violation of the law of the excluded middle

Please think of the poor guys trying to write high-performance code in Haskell!


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-23 Thread Casey McCann
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
 ... An invalid comparison evaluating to _|_ is arguably more
 correct, but I personally find the idea of introducing more bottoms
 rather distasteful.

 Too late!  NaN is pretty much the _|_ of IEEE Floating Point.

Yes, of course. But I don't have to like it...

What annoys me is that, conceptually, the silently-propagating NaNs
more strongly resemble Nothing, with the arithmetic functions lifted
into Maybe, Applicative-style. Likewise, comparisons could sensibly be
interpreted as returning Maybe Bool or Maybe Ordering. But there's no
good way to work that into Haskell without making floats incredibly
awkward to use.

 In the context of
 Haskell, which does not have the issue of needing to relax strictness
 just for NaN, I think the right thing would be to have compare give
 _|_, and maybe also , , ==.  After all, NaN is outside the carefully
 defined total ordering of all other IEEE floating point values
 including +/- Infinity.

The reason this makes me unhappy is that evaluating bottoms is a
terrible way to deal with error conditions in pure code. It also makes
using floating point values in generic code written for Ord dangerous,
because the generic code won't (and can't) do anything to check
whether calling compare will produce _|_ even if both arguments are
already known to be fully evaluated.

 (By the stringent criteria some people are giving for allowing
 something to be Eq and Ord, Char would also be stripped of them, since
 after all Char includes _|_.  Sort of.)

The difference, of course, is that getting _|_ as a result of using
_|_ is tolerable; getting _|_ as a result of using only non-_|_ values
makes me sad. To my mind, the fewer ways there are to accidentally
introduce _|_, the better.

- C.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-23 Thread Barak A. Pearlmutter
 Please think of the poor guys trying to write high-performance code in 

Like me?  (Well, not in Haskell per-se, but in a pure functional context.)

In all seriousness, I think it is reasonable when isNaN x for
 x  C
 x == C
 x  C
 C  x
 C == x
 C  x
to all be False, for all floats C, even C=x, as a sort of efficient
weak Bool bottom. This is what the FP hardware does --- so it is very

But if you force the system to choose one of the three, which is what
 compare x C
is doing, I think the result should be _|_.  Because there is no way
to choose, no reasonable Ordering to return.

It is possible to write generic Ord n = code under these
conditions, if you're careful to case out ,==, when you don't want a
NaN to kill the computation, and when necessary handle the case that
all three come out false.  That's what good numeric programmers
actually do.  But compare giving a wrong Ordering is an invitation
to get it wrong.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-23 Thread wren ng thornton

Casey McCann wrote:

The only correct solution would be to strip floating point types of
their instances for Ord, Eq, and--therefore, by extension--Num. For
some reason, no one else seems to like that idea. I can't imagine

I'm not terribly opposed to it. But then, I've also defined classes for 
partial orderings[1] and for types containing transfinite values[2] in 
order to try to render floats usable. Also, don't forget some of the 
other bugs[3] in Hugs.




Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-23 Thread Roman Leshchinskiy
On 24/04/2010, at 07:15, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:

 In all seriousness, I think it is reasonable when isNaN x for
 x  C
 x == C
 x  C
 C  x
 C == x
 C  x
 to all be False, for all floats C, even C=x, as a sort of efficient
 weak Bool bottom. This is what the FP hardware does --- so it is very
 But if you force the system to choose one of the three, which is what
 compare x C
 is doing, I think the result should be _|_.  Because there is no way
 to choose, no reasonable Ordering to return.
 It is possible to write generic Ord n = code under these
 conditions, if you're careful to case out ,==, when you don't want a
 NaN to kill the computation, and when necessary handle the case that
 all three come out false.  That's what good numeric programmers
 actually do.  But compare giving a wrong Ordering is an invitation
 to get it wrong.

And yet a lot of generic code is written in terms of compare. Even 
deriving(Ord) only produces compare and relies on standard definitions for 
other methods. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the current situation is ideal 
(although it doesn't seem all that bad to me). But this change would have 
far-reaching implications for performance which ought to be evaluated before it 
can be seriously considered, in my opinion.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-22 Thread Barak A. Pearlmutter
Comparison of exceptional IEEE floating point numbers, like Nan, seems
to have some bugs in ghci (version 6.12.1).

These are correct, according to the IEEE floating point standards:

Prelude 0  (0/0)
Prelude 0  (0/0)
Prelude 0 == (0/0)

But these are inconsistent with the above, and arguably incorrect:

Prelude compare (0/0) (0/0)
Prelude compare (0/0) 0
Prelude compare 0 (0/0)
Prelude compare (0/0) (1/0)
Prelude compare  (1/0) (0/0)

I'd suggest that compare involving a NaN should yield

error violation of the law of the excluded middle

The min and max functions have strange behaviour with regard to NaN,
especially when mixed with Infinity:

Prelude max (0/0) (1/0)
Prelude max (1/0) (0/0)
Prelude min (0/0) (1/0)
Prelude max (0/0) 0
Prelude max 0 (0/0)

Hugs (Version: September 2006) has similar issues:

Hugs compare (0/0) (0/0)
Hugs compare (0/0) 1
Hugs (0/0) == (0/0)
Hugs min (0/0) 1
Hugs min 1 (0/0)
Hugs max (0/0) 1

Barak A. Pearlmutter
 Hamilton Institute  Dept Comp Sci, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-22 Thread Nick Bowler
On 16:34 Thu 22 Apr , Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
 Comparison of exceptional IEEE floating point numbers, like Nan, seems
 to have some bugs in ghci (version 6.12.1).
 These are correct, according to the IEEE floating point standards:
 Prelude 0  (0/0)
 But these are inconsistent with the above, and arguably incorrect:
 Prelude compare 0 (0/0)
 I'd suggest that compare involving a NaN should yield
 error violation of the law of the excluded middle

The problem stems from the fact that Float and Double are instances of a
class for totally ordered data types (namely Ord), which they are not.

While it might be worthwhile to make compare error in this case, the
consequences of this instance are much, much worse.  For example, max
is not commutative (as you have observed).  Data.Map.insert with Double
keys can cause elements to disappear from the map (at least as far as
Data.Map.lookup is concerned).  Using sort on a list of doubles
exposes the underlying sorting algorithm used.

Nick Bowler, Elliptic Technologies (
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-22 Thread Casey McCann
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
 Comparison of exceptional IEEE floating point numbers, like Nan, seems
 to have some bugs in ghci (version 6.12.1).

Arguably, the bug in question is the mere existence of Eq and Ord
instances for IEEE floats. They don't, can't, and never will work
correctly. A similar topic was discussed here not too long ago; IEEE
floating point so-called numbers lack reflexive equality and
associativity of addition and multiplication, among other properties
one might take for granted in anything calling itself a number. If
memory serves me, someone provided this informative link in the
previous thread:

That said, given that Haskell seems to be following the
well-established tradition of willfully disregarding the inconvenient
aspects of floats as far as the type system is concerned, I would say
that compare returning GT is particularly unintuitive. If something
must stand in for a result of arguments are non-comparable, EQ is
marginally more appealing, as it is expected to be reflexive, as
non-comparable is. An invalid comparison evaluating to _|_ is
arguably more correct, but I personally find the idea of introducing
more bottoms rather distasteful. On the other hand, crashing the
program is usually better than incorrect results, so in this case it's
probably justified.

The only correct solution would be to strip floating point types of
their instances for Ord, Eq, and--therefore, by extension--Num. For
some reason, no one else seems to like that idea. I can't imagine

- C.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proper Handling of Exceptional IEEE Floating Point Numbers

2010-04-22 Thread Nick Bowler
On 13:30 Thu 22 Apr , Casey McCann wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Barak A. Pearlmutter 
  Comparison of exceptional IEEE floating point numbers, like Nan, seems
  to have some bugs in ghci (version 6.12.1).
 Arguably, the bug in question is the mere existence of Eq and Ord
 instances for IEEE floats. They don't, can't, and never will work
 correctly. A similar topic was discussed here not too long ago; IEEE
 floating point so-called numbers lack reflexive equality and
 associativity of addition and multiplication, among other properties
 one might take for granted in anything calling itself a number.

Lack of reflexivity in the Eq instance is, in my opinion, an extremely
minor detail.  I can't think of any library functions off-hand that both

 (a) Might reasonably be used in the context of floating point
 (b) In the presence of NaNs, depend on reflexivity of (==) for correct

Now, lack of totality of the Ord instance is actually a severe problem,
because I can immediately think of a function that is both useful and
depends on this: sort.  If we define list is sorted as every element
except the last is less than or equal to its successor, sort does not
necessarily produce a sorted list!  In fact, as I posted elsewhere, the
result of sort in this case depends on the particular algorithm used.

For all intents and purposes, a class for partial orders would be
totally fine for floating point.  Sure, it's not reflexive in the
presence of NaNs.  Sure, it's not antisymmetric in the presence of
negative zeros.  On the other hand, it does satisfy a restricted form
of reflexivity and antisymmetry:

  * x == y implies x = y
  * x = y and y = x implies x == y

Nick Bowler, Elliptic Technologies (
Haskell-Cafe mailing list