[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2009-12-28 Thread Will Ness

apfelmus  quantentunnel.de> writes:

> Dave Bayer wrote:
> > What I'm calling a "venturi"
> >
> >venturi :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
> >
> > merges an infinite list of infinite lists into one list, under the
> > assumption that each list, and the heads of the lists, are in
> > increasing order.
> >
> > I wrote this as an experiment in coding data structures in Haskell's
> > lazy evaluation model, rather than as explicit data. The majority of the
> > work done by this code is done by "merge"; the multiples of each prime
> > percolate up through a tournament consisting of a balanced tree of
> > suspended "merge" function calls. In order to create an infinite lazy
> > balanced tree of lists, the datatype
> > 
> >data List a = A a (List a) | B [a]
> > 
> > is used as scaffolding. One thinks of the root of the infinite tree as
> > starting at the leftmost child, and crawling up the left spine as
> > necessary.
> After some pondering, the  List a  data structure for merging is really
> ingenious! :) Here's a try to explain how it works:
> The task is to merge a number of sorted and infinite lists when it's
> known that their heads are in increasing order. In particular, we want
> to write
>   primes = (2:) $ diff [3..] $ venturi $ map multiple primes
> Thus, we have a (maybe infinite) list
>   xss = [xs1, xs2, xs3, ...]
> of infinite lists with the following  properties
>   all sorted xss
>   sorted (map head xss)
> where  sorted  is a function that returns  True  if the argument is a
> sorted list. A first try to implement the merging function is
>   venturi xss = foldr1 merge xss
> = xs1 `merge` (xs2 `merge` (xs3 `merge` ...
> where  merge  is the standard function to merge to sorted lists.
> However, there are two problems. The first problem is that this doesn't
> work for infinite lists since  merge  is strict in both arguments. But
> the property  head xs1 < head xs2 < head xs3 < ...  we missed to exploit
> yet can now be used in the following way
>   venturi xss = foldr1 merge' xss
>   merge' (x:xt) ys = x : merge xt ys
> In other words,  merge'  is biased towards the left element
>   merge' (x:_|_) _|_ = x : _|_
> which is correct since we know that (head xs < head ys).
> The second problem is that we want the calls to  merge  to be arranged
> as a balanced binary tree since that gives an efficient heap. It's not
> so difficult to find a good shape for the infinite tree, the real
> problem is to adapt  merge' to this situation since it's not associative:
> ..
> The problem is that the second form doesn't realize that y is also
> smaller than the third argument. In other words, the second form has to
> treat more than one element as "privileged", namely  x1,x2,... and y.
> This can be done with the aforementioned list data structure
>   data People a = VIP a (People a) | Crowd [a]
> The people (VIPs and crowd) are assumed to be _sorted_. Now, we can
> start to implement
>   merge' :: Ord a => People a -> People a -> People a


... replying to a two-years-old post here, :) :) and after consulting the 
full "VIP" version in haskellwiki/Prime_Numers#Implicit_Heap ...

It is indeed the major problem with the merged multiples removing code (similar 
one to Richard Bird's code from Melissa O'Neill's JFP article) - the linear 
nature of foldr, requiring an (:: a->b->b) merge function. To make it freely 
composable to rearrange the list into arbitrary form tree it must indeed be 
type uniform (:: a->a->a) first, and associative second.

The structure of the folded tree should be chosen to better suit the primes 
multiples production. I guestimate the total cost as Sum (1/p)*d, where p is a 
generating prime at the leaf, and d the leaf's depth, i.e. the amount of merge 
nodes its produced multiple must pass on its way to the top.

The structure used in your VIP code, 1+(2+(4+(8+...))), can actually be 
improved upon with another, (2+4)+( (4+8)+( (8+16)+...)), for which the 
estimated cost is about 10%-12% lower.

This can be expressed concisely as the following:

  primes :: () -> [Integer]
  primes () = 2:primes'
primes'= [3,5] ++ drop 2 [3,5..] `minus` comps
mults  = map (\p-> fromList [p*p,p*p+2*p..]) $ primes'
(comps,_)  = tfold mergeSP (pairwise mergeSP mults)
fromList (x:xs) = ([x],xs)

  tfold f (a: ~(b: ~(c:xs))) 
   = (a `f` (b `f` c)) `f` tfold f (pairwise f xs)
  pairwise f (x:y:ys)  = f x y : pairwise f ys

  mergeSP (a,b) ~(c,d) = let (bc,b') = spMerge b c
 in (a ++ bc, merge b' d)
  spMerge u@(x:xs) w@(y:ys) = case compare x y of
   LT -> (x:c,d) where (c,d) = spMerge xs w
   EQ -> (x:c,d) where (c,d) = spMerge xs ys
   GT -> (y:c,d) where (c,d) = spMerge u  ys
  spMerge u [] = ([], u)
  spMerge [] w = ([], w)

with ''merge'' and ''minus'' defined in the usual way. Its run times ar

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-30 Thread Thorkil Naur

On Wednesday 25 July 2007 01:42, Thorkil Naur wrote:
> Hello Melissa,
> On Tuesday 24 July 2007 19:09, Melissa O'Neill wrote:
> > ...
> > (See ONeillPrimes.hs in http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/code/haskell- 
> > primes.zip for the complete code.  I've also added Thorkil Naur's  
> > code from March, which is also a good performer, 
> Do you have detailed measurements that you wish to share? I would be most 
> interested, I assure you.
> > although its another   
> > case where most readers would find a detailed explanation of the code  
> > instructive.)
> I'll do my very best to provide such an explanation within, say, the next 
> couple of weeks.
> ...

And now that time has come, so brace yourselves. For your convenience, my 
"code from March" is


See also a preliminary description in 

The new explanation is here:


Best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-24 Thread Thorkil Naur
Hello Melissa,

On Tuesday 24 July 2007 19:09, Melissa O'Neill wrote:
> apfelmus wrote:
> > After some pondering, the  List a  data structure for merging is  
> > really
> > ingenious! :) Here's a try to explain how it works:
> Thanks apfelmus!  A detailed explanation of this code is really  
> helpful for anyone trying to understand what is going on.  The VIP/ 
> Crowd analogy is also very nice.
> > I think that this approach has the potential to outperform O'Neill's
> > (old?) code because it doesn't incorporates another prime number to  
> > the
> > sieve mechanism until it really has to. I mean the following: in the
> >
> >  1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...  step,
> >
> > O'Neill's code adds the multiples
> >
> >  2*2, 3*3, 5*5, 7*7, ...
> >
> > to the priority queue and uses them to sieve for potential prime  
> > numbers
> > from then on.
> Yeah, that's (only) what the code in my paper does -- it's good  
> enough for explicative purposes, but all recent versions have used a  
> slightly augmented priority queue.  It's a priority queue coupled  
> with a "feeder list" that provides entries to add to the queue (in  
> increasing order).  They are only admitted to the heap data structure  
> only once when the root of the heap "gets there".
> The two most important bits are:
>   type HybridQ k v = (PriorityQ k v, [(k,v)])
>  -- postRemoveHQ  is called when the min element of the heap  
> has changed
>  postRemoveHQ :: Ord k => HybridQ k v -> HybridQ k v
>  postRemoveHQ mq@(pq, []) = mq
>  postRemoveHQ mq@(pq, (qk,qv) : qs)
>  | qk < minKeyPQ pq = (insertPQ qk qv pq, qs)
>  | otherwise= mq
> (See ONeillPrimes.hs in http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/code/haskell- 
> primes.zip for the complete code.  I've also added Thorkil Naur's  
> code from March, which is also a good performer, 

Do you have detailed measurements that you wish to share? I would be most 
interested, I assure you.

> although its another   
> case where most readers would find a detailed explanation of the code  
> instructive.)

I'll do my very best to provide such an explanation within, say, the next 
couple of weeks.

> > the approach here adds 5*5=25 to the heap only after considering  
> > the 9th prime 23.
> Yep, that's what mine does too.
> Best Regards,
>  Melissa.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Thanks a lot and the best regards
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-24 Thread Melissa O'Neill

apfelmus wrote:
After some pondering, the  List a  data structure for merging is  

ingenious! :) Here's a try to explain how it works:

Thanks apfelmus!  A detailed explanation of this code is really  
helpful for anyone trying to understand what is going on.  The VIP/ 
Crowd analogy is also very nice.

I think that this approach has the potential to outperform O'Neill's
(old?) code because it doesn't incorporates another prime number to  

sieve mechanism until it really has to. I mean the following: in the

 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...  step,

O'Neill's code adds the multiples

 2*2, 3*3, 5*5, 7*7, ...

to the priority queue and uses them to sieve for potential prime  

from then on.

Yeah, that's (only) what the code in my paper does -- it's good  
enough for explicative purposes, but all recent versions have used a  
slightly augmented priority queue.  It's a priority queue coupled  
with a "feeder list" that provides entries to add to the queue (in  
increasing order).  They are only admitted to the heap data structure  
only once when the root of the heap "gets there".

The two most important bits are:

type HybridQ k v = (PriorityQ k v, [(k,v)])

-- postRemoveHQ  is called when the min element of the heap  
has changed

postRemoveHQ :: Ord k => HybridQ k v -> HybridQ k v
postRemoveHQ mq@(pq, []) = mq
postRemoveHQ mq@(pq, (qk,qv) : qs)
| qk < minKeyPQ pq = (insertPQ qk qv pq, qs)
| otherwise= mq

(See ONeillPrimes.hs in http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/code/haskell- 
primes.zip for the complete code.  I've also added Thorkil Naur's  
code from March, which is also a good performer, although its another  
case where most readers would find a detailed explanation of the code  

the approach here adds 5*5=25 to the heap only after considering  
the 9th prime 23.

Yep, that's what mine does too.

Best Regards,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-24 Thread apfelmus
Dave Bayer wrote:
> What I'm calling a "venturi"
>venturi :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
> merges an infinite list of infinite lists into one list, under the
> assumption that each list, and the heads of the lists, are in
> increasing order.
> I wrote this as an experiment in coding data structures in Haskell's
> lazy evaluation model, rather than as explicit data. The majority of the
> work done by this code is done by "merge"; the multiples of each prime
> percolate up through a tournament consisting of a balanced tree of
> suspended "merge" function calls. In order to create an infinite lazy
> balanced tree of lists, the datatype
>data List a = A a (List a) | B [a]
> is used as scaffolding. One thinks of the root of the infinite tree as
> starting at the leftmost child, and crawling up the left spine as
> necessary.

After some pondering, the  List a  data structure for merging is really
ingenious! :) Here's a try to explain how it works:

The task is to merge a number of sorted and infinite lists when it's
known that their heads are in increasing order. In particular, we want
to write

  primes = (2:) $ diff [3..] $ venturi $ map multiple primes

Thus, we have a (maybe infinite) list

  xss = [xs1, xs2, xs3, ...]

of infinite lists with the following  properties

  all sorted xss
  sorted (map head xss)

where  sorted  is a function that returns  True  if the argument is a
sorted list. A first try to implement the merging function is

  venturi xss = foldr1 merge xss
= xs1 `merge` (xs2 `merge` (xs3 `merge` ...

where  merge  is the standard function to merge to sorted lists.

However, there are two problems. The first problem is that this doesn't
work for infinite lists since  merge  is strict in both arguments. But
the property  head xs1 < head xs2 < head xs3 < ...  we missed to exploit
yet can now be used in the following way

  venturi xss = foldr1 merge' xss

  merge' (x:xt) ys = x : merge xt ys

In other words,  merge'  is biased towards the left element

  merge' (x:_|_) _|_ = x : _|_

which is correct since we know that (head xs < head ys).

The second problem is that we want the calls to  merge  to be arranged
as a balanced binary tree since that gives an efficient heap. It's not
so difficult to find a good shape for the infinite tree, the real
problem is to adapt  merge' to this situation since it's not associative:

   merge' xs (merge' (y:_|_)  _|_) = merge' xs (y:_|_) = x1:x2:..:y:_|_
   merge' (merge' xs (y:_|_)) _|_  = merge' (x1:x2:...:y:_|_) _|_
 = x1:_|_

The problem is that the second form doesn't realize that y is also
smaller than the third argument. In other words, the second form has to
treat more than one element as "privileged", namely  x1,x2,... and y.
This can be done with the aforementioned list data structure

  data People a = VIP a (People a) | Crowd [a]

The people (VIPs and crowd) are assumed to be _sorted_. Now, we can
start to implement

  merge' :: Ord a => People a -> People a -> People a

The first case is

  merge' (VIP x xt) ys = VIP x (merge' xt ys)

In other words, the invariant is that every VIP on the left of a  merge'
is guaranteed to be smaller than anyone on the right and thus will be
served first. The next case

  merge' (Crowd xs) (Crowd ys) = Crowd (merge xs ys)

is clear since it doesn't involve the invariant. What about the last case

  merge' (Crowd xs) (VIP y yt) = ??

Here, someone from the crowd  xs  may be smaller than  y. But should we
return a crowd or a VIP? The crucial answer is to always return a VIP

  merge' xs@(Crowd (x:xt)) ys@(VIP y yt)
| x <= y= VIP x (merge' (Crowd xt) ys)
| otherwise = VIP y (merge' xs yt)

because doing otherwise would turn a VIP into a member of some crowd.
But turning  x  into a VIP is no problem since that doesn't violated the
Now  merge'  is associative and everything works as we want.

I think that this approach has the potential to outperform O'Neill's
(old?) code because it doesn't incorporates another prime number to the
sieve mechanism until it really has to. I mean the following: in the

 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ...  step,

O'Neill's code adds the multiples

 2*3, 3*3, 5*5, 7*7, ...

to the priority queue and uses them to sieve for potential prime numbers
from then on. But the approach here adds 5*5=25 to the heap only after
considering the 9th prime 23.

>> trim p = let f m x = mod x m /= 0 in filter (f p)
> lurks in the prime sieve code, but it is only used with primes of size
> up to the square root of the largest output prime. I tried more
> thoughtful alternatives, and they all slowed down the sieve. Sometimes
> dumb is beautiful.

I still think that filtering the wheel when generating multiples is
wrong. In fact, most of the algorithmic work would be done here if there
wasn't the lucky coincidence that "it is only used with primes of size
up to the square root of the largest output prime". You are saved to
some extend by the fact that the cle

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-23 Thread Melissa O'Neill

Neil Mitchell wrote:
 -O3 is slower than -O2 and -O in ghc? If you want "fast code" then  
specify -O2, not -O3.

Oops. That ought to have been -O2.

But from what I can tell, -O3 is harmless (at least in this case).   
Both invocations generate identical executables, at least for these  
examples on my machine.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-23 Thread Neil Mitchell


But for the current version of my code, there is still a bit of a
performance gap between our two methods.  Here are the stats I get
(ghc -O3, 2.4GHz x86):

Are you aware that -O3 is slower than -O2 and -O in ghc? If you want
"fast code" then specify -O2, not -O3.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-23 Thread Melissa O'Neill

Dave Bayer wrote:

Here is another prime sieve.

It's great to know people are still having fun with this stuff...   
I've added your implementation to the zipfile available at


(FWIW, I added specializations for Int and Integer and also  
primesToNth and primesToLimit).

It is about half the length of the fastest contributed code  

I think you must be comparing it against an older version of my code  
(the zip file above now contains the most up to date version).  That  
older version actually contained two slightly different copies of the  
algorithm.  The more recent version doesn't.

FWIW, here are the statistics I see for lines of code (ignoring  
comments, blank lines, and compiler directives):

ONeillPrimes: 91 lines, 750 words, 4111 chars, 75628 bytes in .o file
BayerPrimes:  72 lines, 604 words, 2649 chars, 74420 bytes in .o file

So, I'd say the difference is at best 25% in source size and 2% in  
final binary size.

But in reality, a big chunk of my code is a general purpose heap/ 
priority-queue implementation.  If priority queue operations were  
provided as a standard part of Haskell in the same way that lists and  
BSTs are, the statistics would be:

ONeillPrimes: 47 lines, 331 words, 2039 chars

and nearly as fast

Your results are great!  It actually beats early versions of my  
method, before I made a couple of tweaks to improve performance.

But for the current version of my code, there is still a bit of a  
performance gap between our two methods.  Here are the stats I get  
(ghc -O3, 2.4GHz x86):

1*10^6 | 2*10^6 | 3*10^6 | 4*10^6 | 5*10^6 | 6*10^6
  ONeillPrimes1.36 |   3.08 |   4.98 |   6.98 |   9.05 |  11.21
  ONeillPrimes*   1.35 |   3.07 |   4.94 |   6.93 |   8.99 |  11.14
  BayerPrimes 2.18 |   4.49 |   8.99 |  11.18 |  16.60 |  25.77

The "*" version is one that uses ``calcPrimes()'' rather than  
``primes'' to provide its list of primes, and thereby avoids needless  
remembering of the whole list of primes and all the memory that entails.

 until it blows up on garbage collection:

I think that is the biggest issue with many of the other prime  
generators.  At a glance (just looking at RSS with Unix's top  
command), your space usage seems like its about double mine.  And  
when I use ``calcPrimes()'' rather than ``primes'' I barely need any  
space at all (O(sqrt(N)) at the point where I've calculated N  
primes.  The difference there is striking -- a couple of MB vs hundreds.

Anyway, fun stuff...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-23 Thread Dave Bayer
It appears that at least on gmane, my posts to this thread ended up as
singletons, breaking the thread. Here are the posts:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-23 Thread Dave Bayer

As an exercise, trying to understand the beautiful paper

Stream Fusion
From Lists to Streams to Nothing at All
Duncan Coutts, Roman Leshchinskiy and Don Stewart

I recoded my prime sieve using a pared down version of their Stream  
datatype; this is the simplest version I could write that  achieves a  
significant speedup.

My reaction to their paper was, if streams are better internally than  
lists, why not code directly in streams? Lists enjoy a serious  
notational advantage in Haskell, but one could imagine a language  
where the list notation was reserved for stream semantics.

My sieve was spending half its time in "merge", so I made only the  
changes necessary to convert "merge" to use streams. My streams are  
infinite, and "merge" can be written to not use Skip, so Step goes away.

Even though "nextx" and "nexty" only have one case now, using case  
statements is significantly faster than using let or where clauses.  
I'm imagining that I read about this somewhere, but if I did, it  
didn't sink in until I was tuning this code. I don't know if this is  
related to fusion optimization, or a general effect.

The timings are

[Integer] -O2  1*10^6   2*10^6   3*10^6   4*10^6   5*10^6
ONeillPrimes |  3.338 |  7.320 | 11.911 | 18.225 | 21.785
StreamPrimes |  3.867 |  8.405 | 13.656 | 21.542 | 37.640
BayerPrimes  |  3.960 |  8.940 | 18.528 | 33.221 | 38.568

Here is the code:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

module StreamPrimes (primes) where

-- stream code

data Stream a = forall s. Stream (s -> (a,s)) s
data AStream a = A a (AStream a) | B (Stream a)

stream :: [a] -> Stream a
stream xs = Stream next xs
next [] = undefined
next (x:xt) = (x,xt)

astream :: [a] -> AStream a
astream [] = undefined
astream (x:xt) = A x $ B $ stream xt

merge :: Ord a => Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a
merge (Stream nextx vs) (Stream nexty ws) =
Stream next (vt,ws,Left v)
(v,vt) = nextx vs
next (xs,ys,Left x) =
case nexty ys of
(y,yt) ->
if   x < y
then (x,(xs,yt,Right y))
else (y,(xs,yt,Left x))
next (xs,ys,Right y) =
case nextx xs of
(x,xt) ->
if   x < y
then (x,(xt,ys,Right y))
else (y,(xt,ys,Left x))

mergeA :: Ord a => AStream a -> AStream a -> AStream a
mergeA (A x xt) ys = A x (mergeA xt ys)
mergeA (B xs)   ys = mergeB xs ys

mergeB :: Ord a => Stream a -> AStream a -> AStream a
mergeB s@(Stream next xs) ys@(A y yt) =
case next xs of
(x,xt) ->
if x < y
then A x (mergeB (Stream next xt) ys)
else A y (mergeB s yt)
mergeB xs (B ys) = B $ merge xs ys

-- Code for venturi :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]

root :: Ord a => AStream a -> [AStream a] -> [a]
root (A x xt) yss= x : (root xt yss)
root (B xs) (ys:yst) = root (mergeB xs ys) yst
root _ _ = undefined

pair :: Ord a => [AStream a] -> [AStream a]
pair (x:y:xt) = mergeA x y : (pair xt)
pair _ = undefined

group :: Ord a => [AStream a] -> [AStream a]
group (x:xt) = x : (group $ pair xt)
group _ = undefined

venturi :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
venturi (x:xt) = root (astream x) $ group $ map astream xt
venturi _ = undefined

-- Code for primes :: Integral a => [a]

diff  :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
diff xs@(x:xt) ys@(y:yt) = case compare x y of
LT -> x : (diff  xt ys)
EQ -> (diff  xt yt)
GT -> (diff  xs yt)
diff _ _ = undefined

trim :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> [a]
trim p = let f m x = mod x m /= 0 in filter (f p)

seed :: Integral a => [a]
seed = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17]

wheel :: Integral a => [a]
wheel = drop 1 [ m*j + k | j <- [0..], k <- ws ]
where m  = foldr1 (*) seed
  ws = foldr trim [1..m] seed

multiples :: Integral a => [a] -> [[a]]
multiples ws = map fst $ tail $ iterate g ([], ws)
where g (_,ps@(p:pt)) = ([ m*p | m <- ps ], trim p pt)
  g _ = undefined

primes :: Integral a => [a]
primes = seed ++ (diff wheel $ venturi $ multiples wheel)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-07-22 Thread Dave Bayer
Here is another prime sieve. It is about half the length of the  
fastest contributed code (ONeillPrimes) and nearly as fast until it  
blows up on garbage collection:

% cat ONeillPrimes.hs | grep -v "^--" | wc
% cat BayerPrimes.hs  | grep -v "^--" | wc
  85 5662418

[Integer] -O   1*10^6   2*10^6   3*10^6   4*10^6   5*10^6
ONeillPrimes |  3.555 |  7.798 | 12.622 | 18.927 | 23.529
BayerPrimes  |  3.999 |  8.895 | 18.003 | 22.977 | 38.053

I wrote this as an experiment in coding data structures in Haskell's  
lazy evaluation model, rather than as explicit data. The majority of  
the work done by this code is done by "merge"; the multiples of each  
prime percolate up through a tournament consisting of a balanced tree  
of suspended "merge" function calls. In order to create an infinite  
lazy balanced tree of lists, the datatype

data List a = A a (List a) | B [a]

is used as scaffolding. One thinks of the root of the infinite tree  
as starting at the leftmost child, and crawling up the left spine as  

What I'm calling a "venturi"

venturi :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]

merges an infinite list of infinite lists into one list, under the  
assumption that each list, and the heads of the lists, are in  
increasing order. This could be a generally useful function. If one  
can think of a better way to write "venturi", swapping in your code  
would in particular yield a faster prime sieve.

I found that a tertiary merge tree was faster than a binary merge  
tree, because this leads to fewer suspensions. One can speed this  
code up a bit by interleaving strict and lazy calls, but I prefer to  
leave the code short and readable.

It is bizarre that

trim p = let f m x = mod x m /= 0 in filter (f p)

lurks in the prime sieve code, but it is only used with primes of  
size up to the square root of the largest output prime. I tried more  
thoughtful alternatives, and they all slowed down the sieve.  
Sometimes dumb is beautiful.

Thanks to apfelmus for various helpful remarks that lead me to think  
of this approach.

Here is the code:

module BayerPrimes (venturi,primes) where

-- Code for venturi :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]

merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge xs@(x:xt) ys@(y:yt) zs@(z:zt)
| x <= y = if x <= z
then x : (merge xt ys zs)
else z : (merge xs ys zt)
| otherwise = if y <= z
then y : (merge xs yt zs)
else z : (merge xs ys zt)
merge _ _ _ = undefined

data List a = A a (List a) | B [a]

mergeA :: Ord a => List a -> List a -> List a -> List a
mergeA (A x xt) ys zs = A x (mergeA xt ys zs)
mergeA (B xs)   ys zs = mergeB xs ys zs

mergeB :: Ord a => [a] -> List a -> List a -> List a
mergeB xs@(x:xt) ys@(A y yt) zs = case compare x y of
LT -> A x (mergeB xt ys zs)
EQ -> A x (mergeB xt yt zs)
GT -> A y (mergeB xs yt zs)
mergeB xs (B ys) zs = mergeC xs ys zs
mergeB _ _ _ = undefined

mergeC :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> List a -> List a
mergeC xs@(x:xt) ys@(y:yt) zs@(A z zt)
| x < y = if x < z
then A x (mergeC xt ys zs)
else A z (mergeC xs ys zt)
| otherwise = if y < z
then A y (mergeC xs yt zs)
else A z (mergeC xs ys zt)
mergeC xs ys (B zs) = B $ merge xs ys zs
mergeC _ _ _ = undefined

root :: Ord a => List a -> [List a] -> [a]
root (A x xt) yss   = x : (root xt yss)
root (B xs) (ys:zs:yst) = root (mergeB xs ys zs) yst
root _ _ = undefined

wrap :: [a] -> List a
wrap [] = B []
wrap (x:xt) = A x $ B xt

triple :: Ord a => [List a] -> [List a]
triple (x:y:z:xs) = mergeA x y z : (triple xs)
triple _ = undefined

group :: Ord a => [List a] -> [List a]
group (x:y:xt) = x : y : (group $ triple xt)
group _ = undefined

venturi :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
venturi (x:xt) = root (wrap x) $ group $ map wrap xt
venturi _ = undefined

-- Code for primes :: Integral a => [a]

diff  :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
diff xs@(x:xt) ys@(y:yt) = case compare x y of
LT -> x : (diff  xt ys)
EQ -> (diff  xt yt)
GT -> (diff  xs yt)
diff _ _ = undefined

trim :: Integral a => a -> [a] -> [a]
trim p = let f m x = mod x m /= 0 in filter (f p)

seed :: Integral a => [a]
seed = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17]

wheel :: Integral a => [a]
wheel = drop 1 [ m*j + k | j <- [0..], k <- ws ]
where m  = foldr1 (*) seed
  ws = foldr trim [1..m] seed

multiples :: Integral a => [a] -> [[a]]
multiples ws = map fst $ tail $ iterate g ([], ws)
where g (_,ps@(p:pt)) = ([ m*p | m <- ps ], trim p pt)
  g _ = undefined

primes :: Integral a => [a]
primes = seed ++ (diff wheel $ venturi $ multiples wheel)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-25 Thread ajb
G'day all.

This one is pretty elegant.  A Pritchard sieve is actually an
Eratosthenes sieve with the loops reversed.  Unfortunately, it's
a bit slower.  Maybe someone else can speed it up a bit.

mergeRemove :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
mergeRemove [] ys = []
mergeRemove xs [] = xs
mergeRemove xs'@(x:xs) ys'@(y:ys)
= case compare x y of
LT -> x : mergeRemove xs ys'
EQ -> mergeRemove xs ys
GT -> mergeRemove xs' ys

pritchardSieve :: Integer -> [Integer]
pritchardSieve n
| n <= 16 = takeWhile (<=n) [2,3,5,7,11,13]
| otherwise = removeComposites [2..n] (sieve [2..n`div`2])
removeComposites ps [] = ps
removeComposites ps (cs@(c:_):css)
= removeComposites' ps
removeComposites' [] = []
removeComposites' (p:ps)
| p < c = p : removeComposites' ps
| otherwise = removeComposites (mergeRemove ps cs) css

pjs = pritchardSieve sn

sn = isqrt n

sieve [] = []
sieve (f:fs)
= composites pjs : sieve fs
composites [] = []
composites (p:ps)
| pf > n || f `mod` p == 0 = [pf]
| otherwise = pf : composites ps
pf = p*f

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-25 Thread Lennart Augustsson

Here's another program you can add.  It's fairly short and efficient.

-- Lennart

import System (getArgs)

infixr :>

data StreamInt = !Int :> StreamInt

(!>) :: StreamInt -> Int -> Int
(x :> _)  !> 0 = x
(_ :> xs) !> n = xs !> (n-1)

-- By replacing lprimes on the next line by '5 :> gen 7 4 2' this  

-- runs in very little space, but is somewhat slower.
primes = 2 :> 3 :> lprimes
  where isPrime (p:>ps) n = n `rem` p /= 0 && (p*p > n || isPrime ps n)
lprimes = 5 :> gen 7 4 2
gen n a b = if isPrime lprimes n then n :> gen (n+a) b a  
else gen (n+a) b a

printNthPrime n = print (n, primes !> (n-1))

main = do
args <- getArgs
printNthPrime $ read $ head args

On Feb 25, 2007, at 12:51 , Melissa O'Neill wrote:

For those enjoying the fun with prime finding, I've updated the  
source at


I've tweaked my code a little to improve its space behavior when  
finding primes up to some limit, added an up-to-limit version of  
the Naive Primes algorithm, and added Oleg's prime finding code too.

I also got a chance to look at space usage more generally.  I won't  
reproduce a table here, but the conclusions were more-or-less what  
you'd expect.  The "unlimited list" algorithms used O(n) space to  
find n primes (except for Runciman's algorithm, which appeared to  
be much worse), and the "primes up to a limit" algorithms used O 
(sqrt(n)) space to find the nth prime.

Both of these are better than the classic C algorithm, which uses O 
(n log n) space to find the nth prime.  For example, heap profiling  
shows that my own O(sqrt(n)) algorithm uses only 91200 bytes to  
find the 10^7th prime, whereas the classic C algorithm needs at  
least 11214043 bytes for its array -- a factor of more than 100  
different, and one that gets worse for larger n.

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
Another weird thing is that much of the Haskell code seems to work  
with Integer whereas the C code uses int.

Originally, I was comparing Haskell with Haskell, and for that  
purpose I wanted to have a level playing field, so going with  
Integer everywhere made sense.

That doesn't seem fair.

Actually, to the extent that any of the comparisons are "fair", I  
think this one is too.  After all, typical Haskell code uses  
Integer and typical C code uses int.  I could use arrays in my  
Haskell code and never use laziness, but when I program in Haskell,  
I'm not trying to exactly recreate C programs, but rather write  
their Haskell equivalents.  For example, to me, producing a lazy  
list was essential for a true Haskell feel.  For some people, the  
"Haskell feel" also includes treating the language as a declarative  
specification language where brevity is everything -- but for me,  
other things (like fundamental algorithmic efficiency and  
faithfulness to the core ideas that make the Sieve of Eratosthenes  
an *efficient* algorithm) are universal and ought to be common to  
both C and Haskell versions.

But to allow a better comparison with C, I've added a run for an  
Int version of my algorithm.  With that change, my code is closer  
to the speed of the C code.  More interestingly, for larger n, I  
seem to be narrowing the gap.  At 10^6, my code runs nearly 30  
times slower than the classic C version, but at 10^8, I'm only  
about 20 times slower.  This is especially interesting to me there  
was some (reasonable looking) speculation from apfelmus several  
days ago, that suggested that my use of a priority queue incurred  
an extra log(n) overhead, from which you would expect a worse  
asymptotic complexity, not equivalent or better.


Enc. (best viewed with a fixed-width font)

 Time (in seconds) for Number of Primes
   Algorithm 10^310^4 10^5 10^6 10^7 10^8
   C-Sieve   0.00  0.00 0.01 0.29  5.1288.24
   O'Neill (#3)  0.01  0.04 0.55 8.34122.62  1779.18
   O'Neill (#2)  0.01  0.06 0.9513.85194.96  2699.61
   O'Neill (#1)  0.01  0.07 1.0715.95230.11 -
   Bromage   0.02  0.39 6.50   142.85 - -
   "sieve" (#3)  0.01  0.25 7.28   213.19 - -
   Naive (#2)0.02  0.5914.70   386.40 - -
   Naive (#1)0.32  0.6616.04   419.22 - -
   Runciman  0.02  0.7429.25- - -
   Reinke0.04  1.2141.00- - -
   Zilibowitz0.02  2.50   368.33- - -
   Gale (#1) 0.12 17.99-- - -
   "sieve" (#1)  0.16 32.59-- - -
   "sieve" (#2)  0.01 32.76--

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-25 Thread Melissa O'Neill
For those enjoying the fun with prime finding, I've updated the  
source at


I've tweaked my code a little to improve its space behavior when  
finding primes up to some limit, added an up-to-limit version of the  
Naive Primes algorithm, and added Oleg's prime finding code too.

I also got a chance to look at space usage more generally.  I won't  
reproduce a table here, but the conclusions were more-or-less what  
you'd expect.  The "unlimited list" algorithms used O(n) space to  
find n primes (except for Runciman's algorithm, which appeared to be  
much worse), and the "primes up to a limit" algorithms used O(sqrt 
(n)) space to find the nth prime.

Both of these are better than the classic C algorithm, which uses O(n  
log n) space to find the nth prime.  For example, heap profiling  
shows that my own O(sqrt(n)) algorithm uses only 91200 bytes to find  
the 10^7th prime, whereas the classic C algorithm needs at least  
11214043 bytes for its array -- a factor of more than 100 different,  
and one that gets worse for larger n.

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
Another weird thing is that much of the Haskell code seems to work  
with Integer whereas the C code uses int.

Originally, I was comparing Haskell with Haskell, and for that  
purpose I wanted to have a level playing field, so going with Integer  
everywhere made sense.

That doesn't seem fair.

Actually, to the extent that any of the comparisons are "fair", I  
think this one is too.  After all, typical Haskell code uses Integer  
and typical C code uses int.  I could use arrays in my Haskell code  
and never use laziness, but when I program in Haskell, I'm not trying  
to exactly recreate C programs, but rather write their Haskell  
equivalents.  For example, to me, producing a lazy list was essential  
for a true Haskell feel.  For some people, the "Haskell feel" also  
includes treating the language as a declarative specification  
language where brevity is everything -- but for me, other things  
(like fundamental algorithmic efficiency and faithfulness to the core  
ideas that make the Sieve of Eratosthenes an *efficient* algorithm)  
are universal and ought to be common to both C and Haskell versions.

But to allow a better comparison with C, I've added a run for an Int  
version of my algorithm.  With that change, my code is closer to the  
speed of the C code.  More interestingly, for larger n, I seem to be  
narrowing the gap.  At 10^6, my code runs nearly 30 times slower than  
the classic C version, but at 10^8, I'm only about 20 times slower.   
This is especially interesting to me there was some (reasonable  
looking) speculation from apfelmus several days ago, that suggested  
that my use of a priority queue incurred an extra log(n) overhead,  
from which you would expect a worse asymptotic complexity, not  
equivalent or better.


Enc. (best viewed with a fixed-width font)

 Time (in seconds) for Number of Primes
   Algorithm 10^310^4 10^5 10^6 10^7 10^8
   C-Sieve   0.00  0.00 0.01 0.29  5.1288.24
   O'Neill (#3)  0.01  0.04 0.55 8.34122.62  1779.18
   O'Neill (#2)  0.01  0.06 0.9513.85194.96  2699.61
   O'Neill (#1)  0.01  0.07 1.0715.95230.11 -
   Bromage   0.02  0.39 6.50   142.85 - -
   "sieve" (#3)  0.01  0.25 7.28   213.19 - -
   Naive (#2)0.02  0.5914.70   386.40 - -
   Naive (#1)0.32  0.6616.04   419.22 - -
   Runciman  0.02  0.7429.25- - -
   Reinke0.04  1.2141.00- - -
   Zilibowitz0.02  2.50   368.33- - -
   Gale (#1) 0.12 17.99-- - -
   "sieve" (#1)  0.16 32.59-- - -
   "sieve" (#2)  0.01 32.76-- - -
   Oleg  0.18 68.40-- - -
   Gale (#2) 1.36268.65-- - -

- The dashes in the table mean "I gave up waiting" (i.e., > 500 seconds)
- "sieve" (#1) is the classic example we're all familiar with
- "sieve" (#2) is the classic example, but sieving a list without  
multiples of 2,3,5, or 7 -- notice how it makes no real difference
- "sieve" (#3) is the classic example, but generating a lazy-but- 
finite list (see below)
- O'Neill (#1) is basically the algorithm of mine discussed in http:// 
www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf, with a few minor tweaks
- O'Neill (#2) is a variant of that algorithm that

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-25 Thread Lennart Augustsson


Another weird thing is that much of the Haskell code seems to work  
with Integer whereas the C code uses int.  That doesn't seem fair.

-- Lennart

On Feb 25, 2007, at 02:40 , Melissa O'Neill wrote:

Someone asked if I'd include a "classic C" version of the Sieve in  
my comparisons.  Having done so, Lennart wrote (slightly rephrased):
How did you compare the C version with the Haskell versions? The  
Haskell programs produce the Nth prime, whereas the C code  
produces the last prime less than M.

True.  But since I have to know what M is to find the Nth prime,  
it's easy enough to ask the C code to produce the right prime.

To make the C code to what the Haskell code does you need to set  
some upper bound that is related to the prime number  
distribution.  I see no trace of this in your code.

The Haskell versions that go up to a limit do this, so I could  
easily have written code to do it -- it's not hard, but has no real  
bearing on the time complexity of the code, so I didn't bother.

You could argue that it's cheating to tell it so blatantly when to  
stop, but I hate the C code I'd found enough that I didn't really  
want to touch it any more than I had to.

A much more legitimate complaint about the comparison with the C  
code is actually on space usage.  It uses much more space than some  
of the algorithms it's competing with.  More about that in an  
upcoming message.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-25 Thread Donald Bruce Stewart
> Someone asked if I'd include a "classic C" version of the Sieve in my  
> comparisons.  Having done so, Lennart wrote (slightly rephrased):
> >How did you compare the C version with the Haskell versions? The  
> >Haskell programs produce the Nth prime, whereas the C code produces  
> >the last prime less than M.

I've taken the liberty of adding the benchmark programs to the nobench suite,


so they'll be run across a range of haskell compilers.

-- Don
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-24 Thread Melissa O'Neill
Someone asked if I'd include a "classic C" version of the Sieve in my  
comparisons.  Having done so, Lennart wrote (slightly rephrased):
How did you compare the C version with the Haskell versions? The  
Haskell programs produce the Nth prime, whereas the C code produces  
the last prime less than M.

True.  But since I have to know what M is to find the Nth prime, it's  
easy enough to ask the C code to produce the right prime.

To make the C code to what the Haskell code does you need to set  
some upper bound that is related to the prime number distribution.   
I see no trace of this in your code.

The Haskell versions that go up to a limit do this, so I could easily  
have written code to do it -- it's not hard, but has no real bearing  
on the time complexity of the code, so I didn't bother.

You could argue that it's cheating to tell it so blatantly when to  
stop, but I hate the C code I'd found enough that I didn't really  
want to touch it any more than I had to.

A much more legitimate complaint about the comparison with the C code  
is actually on space usage.  It uses much more space than some of the  
algorithms it's competing with.  More about that in an upcoming message.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-24 Thread Lennart Augustsson

How did you compare the C version with the Haskell versions?
The Haskell programs produce the Nth prime, whereas the C code
produces the last prime less than N.
To make the C code to what the Haskell code does you need to set some
upper bound that is related to the prime number distribution.  I see
no trace of this in your code.

-- Lennart

On Feb 23, 2007, at 05:27 , Melissa O'Neill wrote:

Bulat Ziganshin asked:
but how it looks compared with classic C implementation of sieve  

It's still worse.  I Googled for a "typical" implementation and  
added it to the collection.  The best Haskell implementation is  
still about two orders of magnitude slower, but remember that the  
Haskell versions we'd looked at so far are able to incrementally  
produce a list of primes of arbitrary length.

Andrew Bromage wrote:

Just to fill out the implementations:


Math/Prime.hs has an implementation  of the Atkin-Bernstein sieve.

Cool, thanks.  When I ran your code trying to find the 10,000th  
prime, I got
  AtkinSieveTest: Ix{Integer}.index: Index (36213) out of range  

but that went away when I made your array one bigger.

Here's the updated table...

 Time (in seconds) for Number of Primes
   Algorithm 10^310^4  10^510^6 10^7 10^8
   C-Sieve   0.00  0.00 0.01 0.29  5.1288.24
   O'Neill (#2)  0.01  0.09 1.4522.41393.28-
   O'Neill (#1)  0.01  0.14 2.9347.08- -
   Bromage   0.02  0.39 6.50   142.85- -
   "sieve" (#3)  0.01  0.25 7.28   213.19- -
   Naive 0.32  0.6616.04   419.22- -
   Runciman  0.02  0.7429.25   - - -
   Reinke0.04  1.2141.00   - - -
   Gale (#1) 0.12 17.99-   - - -
   "sieve" (#1)  0.16 32.59-   - - -
   "sieve" (#2)  0.01 32.76-   - - -
   Gale (#2) 1.36268.65-   - - -

- Bromage is Andrew Bromage's implementation of the Atkin-Bernstein  
sieve.  Like O'Neill (#2) and "sieve" (#3), asks for some upper  
limit on the number of primes it generates.  Unlike O'Neill (#2)  
and "sieve" (#3), it uses arrays, and the upper limit causes a  
large initial array allocation.  Also, unlike the other Haskell  
algorithms, it does not produce a lazy list; no output is produced  
until sieving is complete
- C-Sieve is a "typical" simple implementation of the sieve in C  
found with Google; it skips multiples of 2 and uses a bit array.   
Also, obviously, it doesn't produce incremental output.

I've also updated the zip file of implementations at



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-23 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Melissa O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Cool, thanks.  When I ran your code trying to find the 10,000th
> prime, I got
>AtkinSieveTest: Ix{Integer}.index: Index (36213) out of range
> ((0,36212))
> but that went away when I made your array one bigger.

Fixed, thanks.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Code and Perf. Data for Prime Finders (was: Genuine Eratosthenes sieve)

2007-02-22 Thread Melissa O'Neill

Bulat Ziganshin asked:
but how it looks compared with classic C implementation of sieve  

It's still worse.  I Googled for a "typical" implementation and added  
it to the collection.  The best Haskell implementation is still about  
two orders of magnitude slower, but remember that the Haskell  
versions we'd looked at so far are able to incrementally produce a  
list of primes of arbitrary length.

Andrew Bromage wrote:

Just to fill out the implementations:


Math/Prime.hs has an implementation  of the Atkin-Bernstein sieve.

Cool, thanks.  When I ran your code trying to find the 10,000th  
prime, I got
  AtkinSieveTest: Ix{Integer}.index: Index (36213) out of range  

but that went away when I made your array one bigger.

Here's the updated table...

 Time (in seconds) for Number of Primes
   Algorithm 10^310^4  10^510^6 10^7 10^8
   C-Sieve   0.00  0.00 0.01 0.29  5.1288.24
   O'Neill (#2)  0.01  0.09 1.4522.41393.28-
   O'Neill (#1)  0.01  0.14 2.9347.08- -
   Bromage   0.02  0.39 6.50   142.85- -
   "sieve" (#3)  0.01  0.25 7.28   213.19- -
   Naive 0.32  0.6616.04   419.22- -
   Runciman  0.02  0.7429.25   - - -
   Reinke0.04  1.2141.00   - - -
   Gale (#1) 0.12 17.99-   - - -
   "sieve" (#1)  0.16 32.59-   - - -
   "sieve" (#2)  0.01 32.76-   - - -
   Gale (#2) 1.36268.65-   - - -

- Bromage is Andrew Bromage's implementation of the Atkin-Bernstein  
sieve.  Like O'Neill (#2) and "sieve" (#3), asks for some upper limit  
on the number of primes it generates.  Unlike O'Neill (#2) and  
"sieve" (#3), it uses arrays, and the upper limit causes a large  
initial array allocation.  Also, unlike the other Haskell algorithms,  
it does not produce a lazy list; no output is produced until sieving  
is complete
- C-Sieve is a "typical" simple implementation of the sieve in C  
found with Google; it skips multiples of 2 and uses a bit array.   
Also, obviously, it doesn't produce incremental output.

I've also updated the zip file of implementations at



Haskell-Cafe mailing list