OK -- I've managed to build it as follows.

1.  Got the readline from the source at ftp.gnu.org.  Always fun to ftp to the 
mothership, got the patches while at it.  Always fun to remember where to cd to 
patch and which -p level to supply.

2.  Built and installed readline 6.004 with default /usr/local prefix.

3.  In the readline-, manually ran ./configure 

4.  runghc Setup.hs build # no runghc Setup.hs configure, messes things right 

5. sudo runghc Setup.hs install

The only difference with cabal install is that (5) installs in /usr/local, but 
apparently subsequent cabal install modules which need readline finds it, even 
though installing in ~/.cabal/.

I wonder if having multiple libreadline5.x.dylib and ...6... in /opt/local/lib, 
the residue from the previous MacPorts, some not deactivated, may confuse 
Cabal.  In any case, installing things manually into /usr/local/ generally 
coexisted well with MacPorts for me, so this works for now.


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