Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Does laziness make big difference?

2007-02-19 Thread Nick


Cool! I really like your examples! Thank you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Does laziness make big difference?

2007-02-18 Thread Nick

Roughly, I'd say you can fudge laziness in data structures
in a strict language without too much bother. (I don't have much
experience with this, but the existence of a streams library for OCaml
is the sort of thing I mean. There are plenty of papers on co-iterative
streams and suchlike that show the general pattern.)

Yes, agree. And this was my initial point.

If you wish to add control structures you would need to use the lazy
keyword a lot, e.g.:
if cond then *lazy* S1 else *lazy* S2
and for more complicated structures it's not going to be always clear
what needs to be suspended. Laziness is a conservative default here.
(If you want to write an EDSL in a non-lazy language, you'll need to
use some kind of preprocessor / macros / ... - in other words, a
two-level language - or do thunking by hand, as above, or live with
doing too much evaluation.)
One way to gauge how useful laziness really is might be to look through
big ML projects and see how often they introduce thunks manually. A
thunk there is usually something like "fn () => ..." IIRC. Also
IIRC, Concurrent ML is full of them.
Probably, dealing with macros is not so scary and Paul Graham and Piter
Siebel show that it is quite easy. :-)

Ok, let's go from the another side:
I have searched through Darcs source and found 17 datastructures with
strict members (for example data Patch = NamedP !PatchInfo ![PatchInfo]
!Patch) and 36 occurrence of this dreaded seq. And Darcs is an
application being not speed critical.

And if one try to write cipher decoder on Haskell, I guess he has to
make his program full of '!' and 'seq' (or FFI).

Dare I say the tradeoff is between a relatively simple
operational model (so you can judge space and time usage easily) and
semantic simplicity (e.g. the beta rule is unrestricted, easing program

Cool! Thank you.

Best regards,

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Does laziness make big difference?

2007-02-15 Thread Peter Gammie


Roughly, I'd say you can fudge laziness in data structures in a  
strict language without too much bother. (I don't have much  
experience with this, but the existence of a streams library for  
OCaml is the sort of thing I mean. There are plenty of papers on co- 
iterative streams and suchlike that show the general pattern.)

If you wish to add control structures you would need to use the lazy  
keyword a lot, e.g.:

if cond then *lazy* S1 else *lazy* S2

and for more complicated structures it's not going to be always clear  
what needs to be suspended. Laziness is a conservative default here.  
(If you want to write an EDSL in a non-lazy language, you'll need to  
use some kind of preprocessor / macros / ... - in other words, a two- 
level language - or do thunking by hand, as above, or live with doing  
too much evaluation.)

One way to gauge how useful laziness really is might be to look  
through big ML projects and see how often they introduce thunks  
manually. A thunk there is usually something like "fn () => ..."  
IIRC. Also IIRC, Concurrent ML is full of them.

Dare I say the tradeoff is between a relatively simple operational  
model (so you can judge space and time usage easily) and semantic  
simplicity (e.g. the beta rule is unrestricted, easing program  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Does laziness make big difference?

2007-02-15 Thread Nick


The question is the following: how big the gap between strict languages
with lazy constructs and Haskell? Does the default lazyness have
irrefutable advantage over default strictness?

Laziness is needed to achieve true compositionality. This point is
elaborated in "Why functional programming matters" by John Hughes
Yes, I like the paper. But the examples can be just decomposed into 
generator and the rest, and the generator can be made lazy in case of 
strict languages. For instance, finding "Newton-Raphson Square Roots" 
can be expressed in strict language (Scala again):

   repeat (f, a) : Stream[Double] = Stream.cons(repeat f (f a))

or in hypothetical language "L" with some syntactic sugar

   repeat f a = *lazy* cons a (repeat f (f(a))

To be clear, I don't mind against laziness at all, I want to know what I 
get if I take laziness everywhere as default semantics.

I also think that the laziness in Haskell is already so implicit that
90% of the Haskell code written so far will simply break irreparably if
you experimentally remove it.
Yes, I understand, that the present Haskell code heavily bases on 
laziness, but I'm going into the problem in general: how much I get, if 
I switch from default strictness to default laziness in my hypothetical 
language L? Or, from other side, how much I throw away in the reverse case?

By the way, lazy evaluation is strictly more powerful than eager
evaluation (in a pure language, that is) with respect to asymptotic

  Richard Bird, Geraint Jones and Oege de Moor.
  "More Haste, Less Speed."

You gave me a lot of food for thought. Thank you for the link.

Best regards,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list