[Haskell-cafe] Re: Syntax question: class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

2008-11-02 Thread Mauricio


I've reading Control.Monad.Reader source code and
arrived here:

class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

I can't understand that syntax. Since this is not a
'data' line, what is the '|' supposed mean?

It's called a functional dependency. This is not part of the 
Haskell-98 language standard; check the GHC manual.

The documentation says There should be more documentation, but there 
isn't (yet). Yell if you need it. :)

But I think I was able to understand everything from
the examples.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Syntax question: class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

2008-11-02 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Mauricio,

Sunday, November 2, 2008, 6:13:15 PM, you wrote:

 It's called a functional dependency. This is not part of the
 Haskell-98 language standard; check the GHC manual.

 The documentation says There should be more documentation, but there 
 isn't (yet). Yell if you need it. :)

you probably don't found it. since 6.6 (or 6.8?) ghc includes great
tutorial on fundeps derived from hugs docs

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Syntax question: class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

2008-11-02 Thread Mauricio

It's called a functional dependency. This is not part of the
Haskell-98 language standard; check the GHC manual.

The documentation says There should be more documentation, but there 
isn't (yet). Yell if you need it. :)

you probably don't found it. since 6.6 (or 6.8?) ghc includes great
tutorial on fundeps derived from hugs docs

It's here, on 'latest' directory:


But yes, you're right, there's a lot of good examples and
explanations. But that comment is still there, just in
the end of the first paragraph.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: Syntax question: class (Monad m) = MonadReader r m | m - r where

2008-11-02 Thread Austin Seipp
This message is literate haskell.

 {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, EmptyDataDecls, FlexibleContexts #-}

Just to add on for people watching, a fundep pretty much just says that if:

 class Foo a b | a - b where
   bar :: a - b
   baz :: b - a

Then if you have an instance:

 data A -- we hold types abstract for simplicity
 data B
 data C
 u = undefined -- convenience
 instance Foo A B where 
   bar x = u
   baz y = u

Then there can be no other instance for the class Foo of the form 'A
x' where x /= B, e.g. it would be invalid to then have:

 -- uncommenting this will error:
 -- instance Foo A C where
 --   bar x = u
 --   baz y = u

Why? We have established in the class declaration that 'a' determines 'b'
and in an actual instance of that class (concretely) stated that in
this case, the type A determines the type B and that relation holds
true for any usage of the class (in something like a constraint.)

The only way the typechecker can resolve that /relation/ is if
(roughly speaking I think) the set of types that can be of type 'b'
given an already known type 'a' are constrained in some way.

If you do not have the fundep, then the class will work and so will
instances, but you will get ambiguous type errs when trying to use
functions of the type class.

 class Foo2 a b where
   foobar :: a - b
   foobaz :: b - a

In the usage of 'foobar,' with no functional dependency, the compiler
cannot determine the type 'b' because in the instances of of 'Foo' we
do not 'bind' types together in any way, so for any instance of 'Foo A
x' an x could work here:

 instance Foo2 Bool Int where
foobar x = u
foobaz y = u
 instance Foo2 Bool Char where
foobar x = u
foobaz y = u

This instance will compile, but attempting to use it does not:

$ ghci ...
GHCi, version 6.8.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( fundeps-assoc.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main :t foobar
foobar :: (Foo2 a b) = a - b
*Main let z = foobar True

No instance for (Foo2 Bool b)
  arising from a use of `foobar' at interactive:1:8-18
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Foo2 Bool b)
In the expression: foobar True
In the definition of `z': z = foobar True

The compiler is not able to determine what to declare the result type
of 'foobar True' as, since there is both an instance of 'Foo2 Bool'
for multiple types!

However, in the original Foo class we do have a fundep, and so we know
that if we give 'bar' a value of type 'A' then we get a 'B' in return
- hence, the fundep is a relation and constrains the possible values
of the type variable 'b' in the declaration, so the compiler can
figure this out.

*Main let z = bar (u::A)
*Main :t z
z :: B

Functional dependencies are a little tricky, but they can basically
set up relations between types however you want to (for example, using
a fundep of 'a - b, b - a' specifies a 1-to-1 correlation between
the types which instantiate 'a' and 'b'.)

However, there is an alternative which I think is far easier to grok
and can express the same 'set of equations' - associated types. I
think they are nicer mainly because they make the connections between
types in a /functional/ way, not a relational one (despite the name of
functional dependencies.)

For instance, the Foo class above could be rewritten as:

 class (Show a, Show (Boom a), Eq (Boom a)) = Foo3 a where
   type Boom a :: *
   barfoo :: a - Boom a
   bazfoo :: Boom a - a

This states that along with method declarations for an instance we
must also specify a type declaration - 'Boom' is an associated type
synonym that takes one type a, and the overall kind of 'Boom a' is *
(that is, it is a 'fully satured' type.) The functional part is seen
in the instance.

 instance Foo3 Bool where
   type Boom Bool = Int
   barfoo x = 10
   bazfoo y = u

So we can see 'Boom' as a function at the type level, indexed by

*Main let z = barfoo True
*Main :t z
z :: Boom Bool
*Main print (z::Int)

In this case evaluation is undefined but we can see that the equation
overall results in a type of 'Int' as the typechecker can unify the
types 'Boom Bool' and Int, even though we have to explicitly type it.

For an even better example, I think the type-vector trick is pretty
cute too (uses GADTs): 


This message is getting somewhat long but, I hope that's an adequate
explanation for those who might be hazy or interested. For more on
associated types you should probably look here:


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