[Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-07 Thread tpledger
Klaus Ostermann wrote:
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> data Labelled a = L String a
> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> The "SimpleExp" definition works fine,
> but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
> because I would need something like
> "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
> is a type-level lambda.
> However, I don't know how to do this in
> Haskell. I'd need something like the
> "." operator on the type-level.

One way, that I haven't spotted in any of the replies so
far, is to declare a composition type

data BComp m n a = BC (m (n a))

as seen in
http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mpj/pubs/springschool.html , so

type LabelledExp = Mu (BComp Labelled Exp)

for more crafty tricks, including making Eq instances for
such Mu-based recursive structures.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread paul
On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 05:25:07PM +0200, Klaus Ostermann wrote:
> Hi Niklas,
> thanks for your suggestion. Can you explain how your solution is better
> the very simple one, i.e.,
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> data Labeled  = L String e
> newtype SimpleExp = Exp SimpleExp
> newtype LabeledExp = Labelled (Exp LabeledExp)

hmm, I'm not sure it works, if at all. With the above definition
how do you construct a vallue of SimpleExp? In hugs, I type

Main> :t Num 1
Num 1 :: Exp a

but then

Main> Num 1 :: SimpleExp
ERROR - Type error in type annotation
*** Term   : Num 1
*** Type   : Exp a
*** Does not match : SimpleExp

Here is a solution to your original problem. 

The proper way is to do type level fixpoint 

> data Fix a = Fix (a (Fix a))

(which you called Mu), and also a sum type, which is explained below.

So initially you want Exp

> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e

Now, Fix Exp becomes what you want for the simple expression.

> type SimpleExp = Fix Exp

Here is a little evaluation function

 eval :: SimpleExp -> Int
 eval (Fix (Num i)) = i
 eval (Fix (Add e1 e2)) = eval e1 + eval e2

But this is not exactly versatile, you may want to
extend the eval when you add new data constructors.
Here is a better one 

> e eval (Num i) = i
> e eval (Add e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2

so to evaluate SimpleExp, you use

> evalE :: SimpleExp -> Int
> evalE (Fix e1) = e evalE e1

evalE is actually a fixed point of e.

Then you want to label the Exp, but without duplicating
the Exp structure.

> data Label e = Label String e

the eval for Labelled stuff is just

> f eval (Label _ e) = eval e

By now, both Exp and Label are actually type level functions.
To make Label as an extension to Exp type, you need the
fixed point of the sum of them, i.e., this fixed point
is both the fixed point of Exp and Label.

> data Sum a b c = Lt (a c)
>| Rt (b c)

Fix (Sum Exp Label) is all you need!

> type LabelledExp = Fix (Sum Exp Label)

eval for the LabelledExp is

> g eval (Lt x) = e eval x
> g eval (Rt y) = f eval y
> evalLE :: LabelledExp -> Int
> evalLE (Fix e1) = g evalLE e1

So we have achieved extending both original data type and evaluation
function without modifying them.

to easily construct data of LabelledExp, little helpers are handy

> num = Fix . Lt . Num
> add x = Fix . Lt . (Add x)
> label l = Fix . Rt . (Label l)

here are a few examples of using them

> t1 = num 1
> t2 = add t1 t1
> t1' = label "t1" t1
> t2' = label "t2" (add t1' t1')

to convert from LabelledExp to SimpleExp is also easy

> unlabel :: LabelledExp -> SimpleExp
> unlabel (Fix (Rt (Label _ e1))) = unlabel e1
> unlabel (Fix (Lt (Num i))) = Fix (Num i)
> unlabel (Fix (Lt (Add e1 e2))) = Fix (Add (unlabel e1) (unlabel e2))

This solution perhaps isn't what you intended, as it doesn't enforce that
there must be a Label for every LabelledExp value. But it is a nice way
to show how to extend data types and their functions without modifying 

Paul Liu
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Nicolas Frisby

Howdy. I've been working with this stuff pretty intimately in the last
few days; here's what I came up with. It's similar to Josef's except
let's us have many labels.

"Type-level currying" requires newtypes because any appearance of a
type synonym must be fulled applied. newtypes relax that restraint.

-- An annotated functor is the applied functor with a label
newtype Anno f l x = Anno (f x, l)

anno f_x l = Anno (f_x, l)
unAnno  (Anno (f_x, _)) = f_x
getAnno (Anno (_, l)) = l

-- it keeps it functor property
instance Functor f => Functor (Anno f l) where
   fmap f (Anno (f_x, l)) = Anno (fmap f f_x, l)

-- An annotated AST is created by annotating the functor before
newtype AnnoAST f l = AnnoAST { unAnnoAST :: Fix (Anno f l) }

-- this function takes a normal term and annotates it with all ()
fromAST :: Functor f => Fix f -> AnnoAST f ()
fromAST = AnnoAST . cata phi
   where phi = inn . (`anno` ())

toAST :: Functor f => AnnoAST f lab -> Fix f
toAST = cata phi . unAnnoAST
   where phi = inn . unAnno

cata phi = phi . fmap (cata phi) . out

-- finally, your request is served
data Exp x = Num Integer
| Add x x

type SimpleExp = Fix Exp
type LabelledExp = AnnoAST Exp String

unLabel term = toAST term

I'm a little late on this post, but I think this is the general form
of labeling (within the solution involving explicit functors and fixed
points). Now you could, for instance, label your AST with types
instead of just strings--anything for that matter.

To take it one step further (this is what I just spent the last couple
days coding so it works for any language constructed this way), check

 "Comonadic functional attribute evaluation" by Tarmo Uustalu and Varmo Vene

It's pretty cool.


On 8/3/06, Josef Svenningsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You've gotten many fine answers to your question. I have yet another
one which is believe is closest to what you had in mind. The key to
the solution is to add an extra type parameter to Labelled like so:

data Labelled f a = L String (f a)

Now you can use it to form new recursive type with Mu:

type LabelledExp = Mu (Labelled Exp)

And it is also possible to write an unlabel function which knows very
little about the structure of Exp:

unlabel :: Functor f => Mu (Labelled f) -> Mu f
unlabel (Mu (L _ r)) = Mu (fmap unlabel r)

Another bonus is that it's all Haskell98.

The name I came up with for the trick of adding a higher-kinded type
parameter to Labelled is "Functor Transformer". "Transformer" -
because it transforms the type it is applied to (in this case Exp),
and "Functor" - because when using Mu to tie the recursive knot one
often require the types to be instances of functor, as I'm sure you're
aware of.

Good luck with whatever it is you need this for.


On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
> but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
> variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> repeating the structure of the AST.
> I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> data Labelled a = L String a
> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
> because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
> is a type-level lambda.
> However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
> "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
> curry type constructors.
> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> function
> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
> that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
> So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
> Klaus
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Niklas Broberg

On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thanks for your suggestion. Can you explain how your solution is better than
the very simple one, i.e.,

data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
data Labeled  = L String e
newtype SimpleExp = Exp SimpleExp
newtype LabeledExp = Labelled (Exp LabeledExp)

I'm not sure it *is* better, I guess it's a matter of taste, and just
what you want to do with it. I also realize that it's not quite what
you wanted in your first post, since my definition will not require
every subexpression to be labelled, and there can be labels on already
labelled expressions. None of this is possible with the two-tier
indirect composite you show above, but on the other hand it will
guarantee that it follows a given structure (this guarantee could be
added to my data type with more type class hackery though).

The main advantage I can see is that functions written to work over
full expressions, Exp a, automatically work on simple expressions,
since it's the same data type. For instance, if you write

eval :: Exp a -> Int
eval (Num n) = n
eval (Add e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
eval (Label _ e) = eval e

you could use eval on terms of type SimpleExp without further ado. But
if you have no use for this functionality, then it won't be an
advantage to you. Something that could be considered a disadvantage is
that it requires the use of GADTs, which are only supported by GHC,
and that support is still somewhat shaky.

Hope this helps you in deciding what to use! :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Josef Svenningsson


You've gotten many fine answers to your question. I have yet another
one which is believe is closest to what you had in mind. The key to
the solution is to add an extra type parameter to Labelled like so:

data Labelled f a = L String (f a)

Now you can use it to form new recursive type with Mu:

type LabelledExp = Mu (Labelled Exp)

And it is also possible to write an unlabel function which knows very
little about the structure of Exp:

unlabel :: Functor f => Mu (Labelled f) -> Mu f
unlabel (Mu (L _ r)) = Mu (fmap unlabel r)

Another bonus is that it's all Haskell98.

The name I came up with for the trick of adding a higher-kinded type
parameter to Labelled is "Functor Transformer". "Transformer" -
because it transforms the type it is applied to (in this case Exp),
and "Functor" - because when using Mu to tie the recursive knot one
often require the types to be instances of functor, as I'm sure you're
aware of.

Good luck with whatever it is you need this for.


On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
but I am struggling with it nevertheless.

I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.

data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp

data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String

I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
repeating the structure of the AST.

I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:

data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e

data Labelled a = L String a

newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))

type SimpleExp = Mu Exp

type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp

The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
is a type-level lambda.

However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
"." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
curry type constructors.

The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a

unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp

that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.

So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Klaus Ostermann
Hi Niklas,

thanks for your suggestion. Can you explain how your solution is better than
the very simple one, i.e.,

data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
data Labeled  = L String e
newtype SimpleExp = Exp SimpleExp
newtype LabeledExp = Labelled (Exp LabeledExp)


-Original Message-
From: Niklas Broberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 5:15 PM
To: Klaus Ostermann
Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

Oops, sorry, I think I'm getting too addicted to flags. ;-)
The module I wrote actually doesn't need neither overlapping nor
undecidable instances, so just -fglasgow-exts will do just fine.


On 8/3/06, Niklas Broberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want the non-labelledness to be guaranteed by the type system,
> you could combine a GADT with some type level hackery. Note the flags
> to GHC - they're not that scary really. :-)
> In the following I've used the notion of type level booleans (TBool)
> to flag whether or not an expression could contain a label or not. A
> term of type Exp TFalse is guaranteed to not contain any labels, a
> term of type Exp TTrue is guaranteed *to* contain at least one label
> somewhere in the tree, and a term Exp a could contain a label, but
> doesn't have to.
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances
> -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
> module Exp where
> data TTrue
> data TFalse
> class TBool a
> instance TBool TTrue
> instance TBool TFalse
> class (TBool a, TBool b, TBool c) => Or a b c
> instance Or TFalse TFalse TFalse
> instance (TBool x, TBool y) => Or x y TTrue
> data TBool l => Exp l where
>  Num :: Int -> Exp TFalse
>  Add :: Or a b c => Exp a -> Exp b -> Exp c
>  Label :: String -> Exp a -> Exp TTrue
> type SimpleExp = Exp TFalse
> unlabel :: Exp a -> SimpleExp
> unlabel n@(Num _) = n
> unlabel (Add x y) = Add (unlabel x) (unlabel y)
> unlabel (Label _ x) = unlabel x

> Cheers,
> /Niklas
> On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell
> > but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> >
> > I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in
> > variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> >
> > data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> >
> > data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> >
> > I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> > repeating the structure of the AST.
> >
> > I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
> >
> > data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> >
> > data Labelled a = L String a
> >
> > newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> >
> > type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> >
> > type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> >
> > The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition
> > because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where
> > is a type-level lambda.
> >
> > However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like
> > "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
> > curry type constructors.
> >
> > The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> > function
> >
> > unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
> >
> > that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
> >
> > So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
> >
> > Klaus
> >
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> > Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> > http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
> >

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Niklas Broberg

Oops again, not only am I addicted to flags, I also don't think before
I write. Sorry for spamming like this. :-(

The definition of the Or class I gave is incorrect. Of course it needs
a functional dependency to work correctly, like this:

class (TBool a, TBool b, TBool c) => Or a b c | a b -> c

instance Or TFalse TFalse TFalse
instance (TBool x) => Or TTrue x TTrue
instance Or TFalse TTrue TTrue

Still no flags needed as there is no overlap between the instances.
And this time I've actually verified that it works. ;-)


On 8/3/06, Niklas Broberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oops, sorry, I think I'm getting too addicted to flags. ;-)
The module I wrote actually doesn't need neither overlapping nor
undecidable instances, so just -fglasgow-exts will do just fine.


On 8/3/06, Niklas Broberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want the non-labelledness to be guaranteed by the type system,
> you could combine a GADT with some type level hackery. Note the flags
> to GHC - they're not that scary really. :-)
> In the following I've used the notion of type level booleans (TBool)
> to flag whether or not an expression could contain a label or not. A
> term of type Exp TFalse is guaranteed to not contain any labels, a
> term of type Exp TTrue is guaranteed *to* contain at least one label
> somewhere in the tree, and a term Exp a could contain a label, but
> doesn't have to.
> ---
> {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances
> -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
> module Exp where
> data TTrue
> data TFalse
> class TBool a
> instance TBool TTrue
> instance TBool TFalse
> class (TBool a, TBool b, TBool c) => Or a b c
> instance Or TFalse TFalse TFalse
> instance (TBool x, TBool y) => Or x y TTrue
> data TBool l => Exp l where
>  Num :: Int -> Exp TFalse
>  Add :: Or a b c => Exp a -> Exp b -> Exp c
>  Label :: String -> Exp a -> Exp TTrue
> type SimpleExp = Exp TFalse
> unlabel :: Exp a -> SimpleExp
> unlabel n@(Num _) = n
> unlabel (Add x y) = Add (unlabel x) (unlabel y)
> unlabel (Label _ x) = unlabel x
> Cheers,
> /Niklas
> On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
> > but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> >
> > I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
> > variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> >
> > data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> >
> > data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> >
> > I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> > repeating the structure of the AST.
> >
> > I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
> >
> > data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> >
> > data Labelled a = L String a
> >
> > newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> >
> > type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> >
> > type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> >
> > The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
> > because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
> > is a type-level lambda.
> >
> > However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
> > "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
> > curry type constructors.
> >
> > The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> > function
> >
> > unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
> >
> > that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
> >
> > So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
> >
> > Klaus
> >
> > ___
> > Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> > Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> > http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe
> >

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Niklas Broberg

Oops, sorry, I think I'm getting too addicted to flags. ;-)
The module I wrote actually doesn't need neither overlapping nor
undecidable instances, so just -fglasgow-exts will do just fine.


On 8/3/06, Niklas Broberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you want the non-labelledness to be guaranteed by the type system,
you could combine a GADT with some type level hackery. Note the flags
to GHC - they're not that scary really. :-)

In the following I've used the notion of type level booleans (TBool)
to flag whether or not an expression could contain a label or not. A
term of type Exp TFalse is guaranteed to not contain any labels, a
term of type Exp TTrue is guaranteed *to* contain at least one label
somewhere in the tree, and a term Exp a could contain a label, but
doesn't have to.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances
-fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
module Exp where

data TTrue
data TFalse

class TBool a
instance TBool TTrue
instance TBool TFalse

class (TBool a, TBool b, TBool c) => Or a b c

instance Or TFalse TFalse TFalse
instance (TBool x, TBool y) => Or x y TTrue

data TBool l => Exp l where
 Num :: Int -> Exp TFalse
 Add :: Or a b c => Exp a -> Exp b -> Exp c
 Label :: String -> Exp a -> Exp TTrue

type SimpleExp = Exp TFalse

unlabel :: Exp a -> SimpleExp
unlabel n@(Num _) = n
unlabel (Add x y) = Add (unlabel x) (unlabel y)
unlabel (Label _ x) = unlabel x



On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
> but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
> variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> repeating the structure of the AST.
> I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> data Labelled a = L String a
> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
> because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
> is a type-level lambda.
> However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
> "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
> curry type constructors.
> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> function
> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
> that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
> So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
> Klaus
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Niklas Broberg

If you want the non-labelledness to be guaranteed by the type system,
you could combine a GADT with some type level hackery. Note the flags
to GHC - they're not that scary really. :-)

In the following I've used the notion of type level booleans (TBool)
to flag whether or not an expression could contain a label or not. A
term of type Exp TFalse is guaranteed to not contain any labels, a
term of type Exp TTrue is guaranteed *to* contain at least one label
somewhere in the tree, and a term Exp a could contain a label, but
doesn't have to.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances
-fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
module Exp where

data TTrue
data TFalse

class TBool a
instance TBool TTrue
instance TBool TFalse

class (TBool a, TBool b, TBool c) => Or a b c

instance Or TFalse TFalse TFalse
instance (TBool x, TBool y) => Or x y TTrue

data TBool l => Exp l where
Num :: Int -> Exp TFalse
Add :: Or a b c => Exp a -> Exp b -> Exp c
Label :: String -> Exp a -> Exp TTrue

type SimpleExp = Exp TFalse

unlabel :: Exp a -> SimpleExp
unlabel n@(Num _) = n
unlabel (Add x y) = Add (unlabel x) (unlabel y)
unlabel (Label _ x) = unlabel x



On 8/3/06, Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
but I am struggling with it nevertheless.

I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.

data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp

data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String

I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
repeating the structure of the AST.

I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:

data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e

data Labelled a = L String a

newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))

type SimpleExp = Mu Exp

type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp

The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
is a type-level lambda.

However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
"." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
curry type constructors.

The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a

unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp

that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.

So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Klaus,

Thursday, August 3, 2006, 2:51:01 PM, you wrote:

> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp

> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String

> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> function

> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp

> that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.

> So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?

Template Haskell (compile-time code generator) can be used to
automatically generate unlabel and SimpleExp from the LabelledExp
definition. you can also see to other generic programming solutions
which was overviewed in

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Piotr Kalinowski

On 03/08/06, Piotr Kalinowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm no expert, but was wondering, why not make labelled AST a tree,
which nodes are tupples holding a node of unlabeled tree and a label ?

Ups, I'm stupid. I guess I should think more before typing anything next time...

Intelligence is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Christophe Poucet
Hello Klaus,

Indeed I am reerring to the ICFP'06 paper.  However after reading your other 
posts, it seems you want tags to be something that are guaranteed by the type.  
I wanted this too for my highlevel AST (but as you can see with the newtype 
stuff, it can be very unpretty).  However once I had completely typed my input 
and added the necessary tagging to ensure everything was correct, I then moved 
onto a lower AST (namely ANF) where I used the proposed solution.  However if 
you want the type-guaranteed labelling per node, this solution will not work.


Klaus Ostermann wrote:
> Hi Christophe,
> you are right of course. It works with a custom newtype.
> I still wonder whether it is possible to do the same by reusing the "Mu"
> type constructor. It captures exactly the recursion structure you use for
> the LabeledExp type, hence it would be nice to reuse it here.
> Thanks for the GADT suggestion. I assume you are referring to Bringert's
> ICFP'06 paper? I will take a look.
> Klaus
> -Original Message-
> From: Christophe Poucet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 1:02 PM
> To: Klaus Ostermann
> Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure
> Hello,
> I have had similar difficulties.  My first approach (for my AST) was to use
> indirect composite.  You seem to have the beginnings of that.  However it
> would require a custom newtype for each AST form:
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> newtype SimpleExp = Exp SimpleExp
> newtype LabeledExp = Labelled (Exp LabeledExp)
> For my reduced AST, however, I switched to a different principle.  I
> combined the idea of tagging with the concepts of GADTs and this worked
> quite succesfully.  It even makes it very easy to remove any tagging:
> data Exp_;
> data Exp :: * -> *
>   Num :: Int -> Exp a 
>   Exp :: Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
>   Tag :: a -> Exp a -> Exp a
> I have combined this with bringert's GADT paper and that worked quite
> successfully.  (However in my case it is a GADT with two parameters as I
> don't only have Exp's, so it would look more like this:
> data Exp_;
> data Var_;
> data Value_;
> data Exp :: * -> * -> * where
>   VDef   :: String -> Exp Var_ tag
>   VVar   :: Exp Var_ tag -> Exp Value_ tag
>   EValue :: Exp Value_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag
>   EAdd   :: Exp Exp_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag
>   Tag:: tag -> Exp a tag -> Exp a tag
> )
> Hope this helps,
> Cheers
> Klaus Ostermann wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell
> experts,
>> but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
>> I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
>> variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
>> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
>> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
>> I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
>> repeating the structure of the AST.
>> I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
>> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
>> data Labelled a = L String a
>> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
>> type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
>> type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
>> The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition
> doesn't
>> because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
>> is a type-level lambda.
>> However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like
> the
>> "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
>> curry type constructors.
>> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
>> function
>> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
>> that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
>> So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
>> Klaus
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
>> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
>> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Christophe Poucet
Ph.D. Student

Phone:+32 16 28 87 20
E-mail: Christophe (dot) Poucet (at) imec (dot) be
IMEC vzw – Register of Legal Entities Leuven VAT BE 0425.260.668 – Kapeldreef 
75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium – http://www.imec.be

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Fwd: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure]

2006-08-03 Thread Conor McBride

Hi folks

Sorry, meant to send this around, not just to Klaus

--- Begin Message ---

Hi Klaus

Deep breath!

Klaus Ostermann wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
but I am struggling with it nevertheless.

I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.

data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp

data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String

I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
repeating the structure of the AST.

A trick we use all the time in the implementation of Epigram, for pretty 
much the purpose you suggest, is to abstract over a type constructor 
which packs recursive nodes. Thus

> type Node exp node = node (exp node)
>   -- Node :: ((* -> *) -> *) -> (* -> *) -> *
> data Exp node = Num Int | Add (Node Exp node) (Node Exp node)
>   -- Exp :: (* -> *) -> *

So now, with

> data Id x = An x

you get

> type SimpleExp = Node Exp Id
> type LabelledExp = Node Exp ((,) String)

Being incremental programmers, us Epigram folk also like syntax with holes

> type UnfinishedExp = Node Exp Maybe

Now we can make a node reshaping gadget like this

> renode :: ((Exp m -> Exp n) -> Node Exp m -> Node Exp n) ->
>   Node Exp m -> Node Exp n
> renode transform me = transform inside me where
>   inside (Num i)= Num i
>   inside (Add me1 me2)  = Add (renode transform me1) (renode 
transform me2)

> unlabel :: LabelledExp -> SimpleExp
> unlabel = renode (\f (_,x) -> An (f x))

Of course, to see what's going on, you might want something like {- 
needs -fglasgow-exts -}

> instance Show SimpleExp where
>   show (An (Num i))= "(Num " ++ show i ++ ")"
>   show (An (Add x y))  = "(Add " ++ show x ++ " " ++ show y ++ ")"

So you get {- genuine output -}

*Nodes> unlabel ("fred", Add ("jim", Num 1) ("sheila", Num 2))
(Add (Num 1) (Num 2))

Of course, you can also play the same sort of game, making Node 
explicitly a fixpoint operator and removingthe recursion from Exp, like 

newtype Node exp node = Node (node (exp (Node exp node)))
data Exp exp = Num Int | Add exp exp

but we don't, because it makes mutually defined syntactic categories get 
way out of hand.

Third order programming. It's a whole other order.



--- End Message ---
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Klaus Ostermann
Hi Christophe,

you are right of course. It works with a custom newtype.

I still wonder whether it is possible to do the same by reusing the "Mu"
type constructor. It captures exactly the recursion structure you use for
the LabeledExp type, hence it would be nice to reuse it here.

Thanks for the GADT suggestion. I assume you are referring to Bringert's
ICFP'06 paper? I will take a look.


-Original Message-
From: Christophe Poucet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 1:02 PM
To: Klaus Ostermann
Cc: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure


I have had similar difficulties.  My first approach (for my AST) was to use
indirect composite.  You seem to have the beginnings of that.  However it
would require a custom newtype for each AST form:

data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e

newtype SimpleExp = Exp SimpleExp
newtype LabeledExp = Labelled (Exp LabeledExp)

For my reduced AST, however, I switched to a different principle.  I
combined the idea of tagging with the concepts of GADTs and this worked
quite succesfully.  It even makes it very easy to remove any tagging:

data Exp_;

data Exp :: * -> *
  Num :: Int -> Exp a 
  Exp :: Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
  Tag :: a -> Exp a -> Exp a

I have combined this with bringert's GADT paper and that worked quite
successfully.  (However in my case it is a GADT with two parameters as I
don't only have Exp's, so it would look more like this:

data Exp_;
data Var_;
data Value_;
data Exp :: * -> * -> * where
  VDef   :: String -> Exp Var_ tag
  VVar   :: Exp Var_ tag -> Exp Value_ tag
  EValue :: Exp Value_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag
  EAdd   :: Exp Exp_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag
  Tag:: tag -> Exp a tag -> Exp a tag


Hope this helps,


Klaus Ostermann wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell
> but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
> variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> repeating the structure of the AST.
> I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> data Labelled a = L String a
> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition
> because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
> is a type-level lambda.
> However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like
> "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
> curry type constructors.
> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> function
> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
> that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
> So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
> Klaus
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Christophe Poucet
Ph.D. Student

Phone:+32 16 28 87 20
E-mail: Christophe (dot) Poucet (at) imec (dot) be
IMEC vzw - Register of Legal Entities Leuven VAT BE 0425.260.668 -
Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium - http://www.imec.be


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Klaus Ostermann
Dear Matthias,

I did not choose your approach because I want the type system to enforce
that I have either completely labelled AST or completely unlabelled ASTs. 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Matthias Fischmann

On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 12:51:01PM +0200, Klaus Ostermann wrote:
> To: haskell-cafe@haskell.org
> From: Klaus Ostermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 12:51:01 +0200
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure
> Hi all,
> I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
> but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
> variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> repeating the structure of the AST.

if you don't need to enforce that an exp is either completely labelled
or not at all, how about this?:

data Exp = Num Int | Add Exp Exp | Label Exp String

this allows you to attach labels wherever you want, at the cost of an
extra case each time you take an expression apart, which can be done
in a separate function:

unlabel :: Exp -> Exp
unlabel (Label e _) = unlabel e
unlabel (Add e e')  = Add (unlabel e) (unlabel e')

> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> function
> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp

that function is almost identical to the one above.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Piotr Kalinowski


I'm no expert, but was wondering, why not make labelled AST a tree,
which nodes are tupples holding a node of unlabeled tree and a label ?

Intelligence is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Christophe Poucet

I have had similar difficulties.  My first approach (for my AST) was to use 
indirect composite.  You seem to have the beginnings of that.  However it would 
require a custom newtype for each AST form:

data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e

newtype SimpleExp = Exp SimpleExp
newtype LabeledExp = Labelled (Exp LabeledExp)

For my reduced AST, however, I switched to a different principle.  I combined 
the idea of tagging with the concepts of GADTs and this worked quite 
succesfully.  It even makes it very easy to remove any tagging:

data Exp_;

data Exp :: * -> *
  Num :: Int -> Exp a 
  Exp :: Exp a -> Exp a -> Exp a
  Tag :: a -> Exp a -> Exp a

I have combined this with bringert's GADT paper and that worked quite 
successfully.  (However in my case it is a GADT with two parameters as I don't 
only have Exp's, so it would look more like this:

data Exp_;
data Var_;
data Value_;
data Exp :: * -> * -> * where
  VDef   :: String -> Exp Var_ tag
  VVar   :: Exp Var_ tag -> Exp Value_ tag
  EValue :: Exp Value_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag
  EAdd   :: Exp Exp_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag -> Exp Exp_ tag
  Tag:: tag -> Exp a tag -> Exp a tag


Hope this helps,


Klaus Ostermann wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
> but I am struggling with it nevertheless.
> I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
> variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.
> data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp
> data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String
> I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
> repeating the structure of the AST.
> I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:
> data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e
> data Labelled a = L String a
> newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))
> type SimpleExp = Mu Exp
> type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp
> The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
> because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
> is a type-level lambda.
> However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
> "." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
> curry type constructors.
> The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a
> function
> unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp
> that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.
> So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?
> Klaus
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Haskell-Cafe@haskell.org
> http://www.haskell.org/mailman/listinfo/haskell-cafe

Christophe Poucet
Ph.D. Student

Phone:+32 16 28 87 20
E-mail: Christophe (dot) Poucet (at) imec (dot) be
IMEC vzw – Register of Legal Entities Leuven VAT BE 0425.260.668 – Kapeldreef 
75, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium – http://www.imec.be

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Variants of a recursive data structure

2006-08-03 Thread Klaus Ostermann
Hi all,

I have a problem which is probably not a problem at all for Haskell experts,
but I am struggling with it nevertheless.

I want to model the following situation. I have ASTs for a language in two
variatns: A "simple" form and a "labelled" form, e.g.

data SimpleExp = Num Int | Add SimpleExp SimpleExp

data LabelledExp = LNum Int String | LAdd LabelledExp LabelledExp String

I wonder what would be the best way to model this situation without
repeating the structure of the AST.

I tried it using a fixed point operator for types like this:

data Exp e = Num Int | Add e e

data Labelled a = L String a

newtype Mu f = Mu (f (Mu f))

type SimpleExp = Mu Exp

type LabelledExp = Mu Labelled Exp

The "SimpleExp" definition works fine, but the LabeledExp definition doesn't
because I would need something like "Mu (\a -> Labeled (Exp a))" where "\"
is a type-level lambda.

However, I don't know how to do this in Haskell. I'd need something like the
"." operator on the type-level. I also wonder whether it is possible to
curry type constructors.

The icing on the cake would be if it would also be possible to have a

unlabel :: LabeledExp -> Exp

that does *not* need to know about the full structure of expressions.

So, what options do I have to address this problem in Haskell?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list