Re: [Haskell-cafe] getting a DB library working with ghc 6.6 and PostgreSQL 7.4.7

2006-10-17 Thread Seth Gordon
 I installed HDBC, but when I tried running a simple program that used
 it, I get the error message
 unknown symbol `PQserverVersion'

Ah, I figured it out.  The PQserverVersion function is documented in the
PostgreSQL 8.0 and 8.1 manuals as follows:

Applications may use this to determine the version of the database
server they are connected to. The number is formed by converting the
major, minor, and revision numbers into two-decimal-digit numbers and
appending them together. For example, version 7.4.2 will be returned as
70402, and version 8.1 will be returned as 80100 (leading zeroes are not
shown). Zero is returned if the connection is bad.

You'd think, from the description, that the libpq for PostgreSQL 7.4
would also have this function.  But it doesn't.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] getting a DB library working with ghc 6.6 and PostgreSQL 7.4.7

2006-10-16 Thread Seth Gordon

I'm looking for an alternative to HSQL for database connectivity -- the
lack of prepared statements in HSQL is particularly worrisome.

I installed HDBC, but when I tried running a simple program that used
it, I get the error message

unknown symbol `PQserverVersion'

Looking more closely at the README.txt file there, it seems that the
PostgreSQL driver is expecting 8.1, and I'm using 7.4.7.

I installed the ODBC driver, and I know that in theory one can connect
to my PostgreSQL server with ODBC, but as far as I can tell from the 
documentation, I would have to configure a separate DSN for every 
database instance that I would want to connect to, which makes it kind 
of useless for a utility that any user could pass database names to on 
the command line.

The takusen package looks interesting, but when I checked it out and 
tried to build it (with ghc --make -o setup Setup.hs), I got the error 

Could not find module `Distribution.Compat.FilePath':
  it is hidden (in package Cabal-1.1.6)

How do I work around these?  Is there another library worth looking into?
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