Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-25 Thread Hans Aberg

On 25 Apr 2008, at 15:38, Tom Schrijvers wrote:

Prolog works under the assumption of a closed world. That's  
contrary to the open world view of regular type classes. So these  
aren't the intended semantics.

By which I gather you mean the interpretation of ":-" as logical  
connective "=>" rather than provability "|-"?

What I meant was that when Prolog says "there are no more  
solutions", it doesn't know of any more. In realtiy it means "there  
no more solutions under the closed world assumption". That means  
there could be more solutions if you haven't told Prolog  
everything. In this context, there may be more class instances (you  
simply haven't told the system yet).

I had no intention to deal with that problem. Just forget what Prolog  
says, and when it says "there are no more solutions" think of it as  
"no more solutions determined".

(If one interprets ":-" as provability "|-", there needs to be  
additional axioms for the object theory, and if the theory is  
consistent,  it becomes possible to prove that there are no more  

My point, though, was to interpret
class a b | a -> b
as a functional dependency b = b(a) rather than as
D a b, D a c ==> b=c
Thus trying to eliminate the use of "=".

I don't follow you here.

I got
  ?- instance(d, l(A), l(B)).
  B = b(A)
  ?- instance(d, l(A), C).
  C = l(b(A))
so pattern-wise C and l(B) are the same. But I do not bother  
introduce an explicit operator "=". So at least in this case, if say  
D [a] Int will be reject as Int is not of the feom l(_). If one has D  
[Int] [Char] and tries to define D [Int] [Float], the leads to trying  
to associate the implicit b(Int) with both Char and Float, which  
would be rejected.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-25 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Hans Aberg wrote:

On 25 Apr 2008, at 14:20, Tom Schrijvers wrote:

Prolog works under the assumption of a closed world. That's contrary to the 
open world view of regular type classes. So these aren't the intended 

By which I gather you mean the interpretation of ":-" as logical connective 
"=>" rather than provability "|-"?

What I meant was that when Prolog says "there are no more solutions", it 
doesn't know of any more. In realtiy it means "there no more 
solutions under the closed world assumption". That means there could be 
more solutions if you haven't told Prolog everything. In this context, 
there may be more class instances (you simply haven't told the system 

My point, though, was to interpret
class a b | a -> b
as a functional dependency b = b(a) rather than as
D a b, D a c ==> b=c
Thus trying to eliminate the use of "=".

I don't follow you here.


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-25 Thread Hans Aberg

On 25 Apr 2008, at 14:20, Tom Schrijvers wrote:

Prolog works under the assumption of a closed world. That's  
contrary to the open world view of regular type classes. So these  
aren't the intended semantics.

By which I gather you mean the interpretation of ":-" as logical  
connective "=>" rather than provability "|-"?

My point, though, was to interpret
  class a b | a -> b
as a functional dependency b = b(a) rather than as
  D a b, D a c ==> b=c
Thus trying to eliminate the use of "=".

Might that be exploited in the type theory context?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-25 Thread Tom Schrijvers

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Hans Aberg wrote:

On 18 Apr 2008, at 20:04, Martin Sulzmann wrote:

Let's consider our running example

class D a b | a -> b
instance D a b => D [a] [b]

which we can write in CHR notation

D a b, D a c ==> b=c(FD)

D [a] [b] <=> D a b   (Inst)

These rules overlap.

I experimented with translations into GNU Prolog (gprolog). Since "=" is hard 
to get working in Prolog unless integrated into unification, I tried (using 
the idea of rewriting unique existence as functions, possible if one assumes 
the axiom of choice):

class(d, A, b(A)).
instance(d, l(A), l(B)) :- class(d, A, B).
?- instance(d, l(A), l(B)).
B = b(A)

?- instance(d, l(A), C).
C = l(b(A))

?- instance(d, l(A), l(B)), instance(d, l(A), C).
B = b(A)
C = l(b(A))
Though I am not sure about the intended semantics, it does produce unique 

Prolog works under the assumption of a closed world. That's contrary to 
the open world view of regular type classes. So these aren't the intended 


Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-25 Thread Hans Aberg

On 18 Apr 2008, at 20:04, Martin Sulzmann wrote:

Let's consider our running example

class D a b | a -> b
instance D a b => D [a] [b]

which we can write in CHR notation

D a b, D a c ==> b=c(FD)

D [a] [b] <=> D a b   (Inst)

These rules overlap.

I experimented with translations into GNU Prolog (gprolog). Since "="  
is hard to get working in Prolog unless integrated into unification,  
I tried (using the idea of rewriting unique existence as functions,  
possible if one assumes the axiom of choice):

  class(d, A, b(A)).
  instance(d, l(A), l(B)) :- class(d, A, B).
  ?- instance(d, l(A), l(B)).
  B = b(A)

  ?- instance(d, l(A), C).
  C = l(b(A))

  ?- instance(d, l(A), l(B)), instance(d, l(A), C).
  B = b(A)
  C = l(b(A))
Though I am not sure about the intended semantics, it does produce  
unique solutions.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-21 Thread Martin Sulzmann

I now recall the reason for NOT using

D a b, D [a] c ==> c = [b]

The reason is that the above rule
creates a new critical pair with

instance D a b => D [a] [b]

To resolve the critical pair we need yet another rule

D a b, D [[a]] c ==> c =[[b]]

You can already see where this leads to.

In general, we need an infinite rules of the form

D a b, D [a]^k c ==> c = [b]^k


[a]^k stands for the k nested list [ ... [a] ... ]

The FD-CHR approach therefore proposes to use

D [a] c ==> c = [b]

which is a "stronger" rule (that is, is not a logical consequence).


Martin Sulzmann wrote:

Thanks Iavor! Things become now clear.

Let's consider our running example

class D a b | a -> b
instance D a b => D [a] [b]

which we can write in CHR notation

D a b, D a c ==> b=c(FD)

D [a] [b] <=> D a b   (Inst)

These rules overlap.

Let's consider the critical pair

D [a] [b], D [a] c

The following two derivations are possible

   D [a] [b], D [a] c
  -->FD   D [a] [b], c = [b]
  -->Inst   D a b, c = [b]

  D [a] [b], D [a] c
  -->Inst D a b, D [a] c

The two final stores differ which means that the
CHR system is non-confluent. Hence, the
proof theory is (potentially) incomplete.
What does this mean?
Logically true statement may not be derivable
using our CHR/typeclass-FD solver.

Iavor suggests to add the rule

D [a] c, D a b ==> c = [b](Imp1)

Makes perfect sense!

This rule is indeed a theorem and makes the system confluent.

But that's not what the FD-CHR paper does.

The FD-CHR paper generates the "stronger" rule

D [a] c ==> c = [b] (Imp2)

This rule is NOT a theorem (ie logical consequence from the
FD and Inst rule).
But this rule also makes the system confluent.

Why does the FD-CHR paper suggest this rule.
Some reasons:

- the (Imp2) matches the GHC and I believe also Hugs implementation
- the (Imp2) is "easier" to implement, we only need to look for
  a single constraint when firing the rule
- (Arguable) The (Imp2) matches better the programmer's intuition.
  We only consider the instance head when generating improvement
  but ignore the instance context.
- (Historical note: The rule suggested by Iavor were discussed
  when writing the FD-CHR paper but somehow we never
  pursued this alternative design space.
  I have to dig out some old notes, maybe there some other reasons,
  infinite completion, why this design space wasn't pursued).

To summarize, I see now where the confusion lies.
The FD-CHR studies a "stronger" form of FDs where the CHR
improvement rules generated guarantee confluence but the
rules are not necessarily logical consequence.
Therefore, the previously discussed property

 a -> b and a -> c iff a -> b c

does of course NOT hold. That is,
the combination of improvement rules derived from a -> b and a -> c
is NOT equivalent to the improvement rules derived from a -> b c.
Logically, the equivalence obviously holds.


Iavor Diatchki wrote:


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Martin Sulzmann
 Can you pl specify the improvement rules for your interpretation of 

That would help!

Each functional dependency on a class adds one extra axiom to the
system (aka CHR rule, improvement rule).  For the example in question
we have:

class D a b | a -> b where ...

the extra axiom is:

forall a b c. (D a b, D a c) => (b = c)

This is the definition of "functional dependency"---it specifies that
the relation 'D' is functional.  An improvement rule follows from a
functional dependency if it can be derived from this rule.  For
example, if we have an instance (i.e., another axiom):

instance D Char Bool

Then we can derive the following theorem:

(D Char a) => (a = Bool)

I think that in the CHR paper this was called "instance" improvement.
Note that this is not an extra axiom but rather a theorem---adding it
to the system as an axiom does not make the system any more
expressive.  Now consider what happens when we have a qualified

instance D a a => D [a] [a]

We can combine this with the FD axiom to get:

(D a a, D [a] b) => b = [a]

This is all that follows from the functional dependency.  Of course,
in the presence of other instances, we could obtain more improvement

As for the "consistency rule", it is intended to ensure that instances
are consistent with the FD axiom.  As we saw from the previous
examples, it is a bit conservative in that it rejects some instances
that do not violate the functional dependency.   Now, we could choose
to exploit this fact to compute stronger improvement rules---nothing
wrong with that.  However, this goes beyond FDs.



 I'm simply following Mark Jones' style FDs.

 Mark's ESOP'00 paper has a consistency condition:
 If two instances match on the FD domain then the must also match on 

 The motivation for this condition is to avoid inconsistencies when
 deriving improvement rules from instances.




Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-18 Thread Lennart Augustsson
BTW, here's a non-contrived example.  It's pretty easy to come up with
examples when you try to use type classes instead of a proper module system.

Here we have expressions parametrized over how identifiers and literals are
represented.  First a simple instance, and then one where all the types are
parametrized over the string representation.  These are the plug-and-play
type of things I'd like to be able to do.

class IsExpr expr id lit | expr -> id lit where
eId :: id -> expr
eLit :: lit -> expr
eApply :: expr -> expr -> expr

data SimpleExpr = SId Char | SLit Int | SApply SimpleExpr SimpleExpr

instance IsExpr SimpleExpr Char Int where
eId = SId
eLit = SLit
eApply = SApply

data FancyExpr str = FId (Id str) | FLit (Lit str) | FApply (FancyExpr str)
(FancyExpr str)

data Id str = Id str
data Lit str = LString str | LInt Int

instance IsExpr (FancyExpr str) (Id str) (Lit str) where
eId = FId
eLit = FLit
eApply = FApply

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Martin Sulzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> > To reuse a favorite word, I think that any implementation that
> > distinguishes 'a -> b, a -> c' from 'a -> b c' is broken. :)
> > It does not implement FD, but something else.  Maybe this something else
> > is useful, but if one of the forms is strictly more powerful than the other
> > then I don't see why you would ever want the less powerful one.
> >
> >  Do you have any good examples, besides the contrived one
> class D a b c | a -> b c
> instance D a b b => D [a] [b] [b]
> where we want to have the more powerful form of multi-range FDs?
> Fixing the problem who mention is easy. After all, we know how to derive
> improvement for multi-range FDs. But it seems harder to find agreement
> whether
> multi-range FDs are short-hands for single-range FDs, or
> certain single-range FDs, eg a -> b and a -> c, are shorthands for more
> powerful
> multi-range FDs a -> b c.
> I clearly prefer the latter, ie have a more powerful form of FDs.
> Martin
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-18 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Lennart Augustsson wrote:

I've never thought of one being shorthand for the other, really.
Since they are logically equivalent (in my interpretation) I don't 
really care which one we regard as more primitive.

True. See my response to Iavor's recent email.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-18 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Thanks Iavor! Things become now clear.

Let's consider our running example

class D a b | a -> b
instance D a b => D [a] [b]

which we can write in CHR notation

D a b, D a c ==> b=c(FD)

D [a] [b] <=> D a b   (Inst)

These rules overlap.

Let's consider the critical pair

D [a] [b], D [a] c

The following two derivations are possible

   D [a] [b], D [a] c
  -->FD   D [a] [b], c = [b]
  -->Inst   D a b, c = [b]

  D [a] [b], D [a] c
  -->Inst D a b, D [a] c

The two final stores differ which means that the
CHR system is non-confluent. Hence, the
proof theory is (potentially) incomplete.
What does this mean?
Logically true statement may not be derivable
using our CHR/typeclass-FD solver.

Iavor suggests to add the rule

D [a] c, D a b ==> c = [b](Imp1)

Makes perfect sense!

This rule is indeed a theorem and makes the system confluent.

But that's not what the FD-CHR paper does.

The FD-CHR paper generates the "stronger" rule

D [a] c ==> c = [b] (Imp2)

This rule is NOT a theorem (ie logical consequence from the
FD and Inst rule).
But this rule also makes the system confluent.

Why does the FD-CHR paper suggest this rule.
Some reasons:

- the (Imp2) matches the GHC and I believe also Hugs implementation
- the (Imp2) is "easier" to implement, we only need to look for
  a single constraint when firing the rule
- (Arguable) The (Imp2) matches better the programmer's intuition.
  We only consider the instance head when generating improvement
  but ignore the instance context.
- (Historical note: The rule suggested by Iavor were discussed
  when writing the FD-CHR paper but somehow we never
  pursued this alternative design space.
  I have to dig out some old notes, maybe there some other reasons,
  infinite completion, why this design space wasn't pursued).

To summarize, I see now where the confusion lies.
The FD-CHR studies a "stronger" form of FDs where the CHR
improvement rules generated guarantee confluence but the
rules are not necessarily logical consequence.
Therefore, the previously discussed property

 a -> b and a -> c iff a -> b c

does of course NOT hold. That is,
the combination of improvement rules derived from a -> b and a -> c
is NOT equivalent to the improvement rules derived from a -> b c.
Logically, the equivalence obviously holds.


Iavor Diatchki wrote:


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Martin Sulzmann

 Can you pl specify the improvement rules for your interpretation of FDs.
That would help!

Each functional dependency on a class adds one extra axiom to the
system (aka CHR rule, improvement rule).  For the example in question
we have:

class D a b | a -> b where ...

the extra axiom is:

forall a b c. (D a b, D a c) => (b = c)

This is the definition of "functional dependency"---it specifies that
the relation 'D' is functional.  An improvement rule follows from a
functional dependency if it can be derived from this rule.  For
example, if we have an instance (i.e., another axiom):

instance D Char Bool

Then we can derive the following theorem:

(D Char a) => (a = Bool)

I think that in the CHR paper this was called "instance" improvement.
Note that this is not an extra axiom but rather a theorem---adding it
to the system as an axiom does not make the system any more
expressive.  Now consider what happens when we have a qualified

instance D a a => D [a] [a]

We can combine this with the FD axiom to get:

(D a a, D [a] b) => b = [a]

This is all that follows from the functional dependency.  Of course,
in the presence of other instances, we could obtain more improvement

As for the "consistency rule", it is intended to ensure that instances
are consistent with the FD axiom.  As we saw from the previous
examples, it is a bit conservative in that it rejects some instances
that do not violate the functional dependency.   Now, we could choose
to exploit this fact to compute stronger improvement rules---nothing
wrong with that.  However, this goes beyond FDs.



 I'm simply following Mark Jones' style FDs.

 Mark's ESOP'00 paper has a consistency condition:
 If two instances match on the FD domain then the must also match on their
 The motivation for this condition is to avoid inconsistencies when
 deriving improvement rules from instances.



 class D a b | a -> b

 instance D a a => D [a] [a]
 instance D [Int] Char

 we get

 D [a] b ==> b =[a]
 D [Int] b ==> b=Char

 In case of

 D [Int] b we therefore get b=Char *and* b =[a] which leads to a
(unification) error.
 The consistency condition avoids such situations.

 The beauty of formalism FDs with CHRs (or type functions/families) is that
 the whole improvement process becomes explicit. Of course, it has to match
 the programmer's intuition. See the discussion regarding multi-range FDs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-18 Thread Lennart Augustsson
I've never thought of one being shorthand for the other, really.
Since they are logically equivalent (in my interpretation) I don't really
care which one we regard as more primitive.

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Martin Sulzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> > To reuse a favorite word, I think that any implementation that
> > distinguishes 'a -> b, a -> c' from 'a -> b c' is broken. :)
> > It does not implement FD, but something else.  Maybe this something else
> > is useful, but if one of the forms is strictly more powerful than the other
> > then I don't see why you would ever want the less powerful one.
> >
> >  Do you have any good examples, besides the contrived one
> class D a b c | a -> b c
> instance D a b b => D [a] [b] [b]
> where we want to have the more powerful form of multi-range FDs?
> Fixing the problem who mention is easy. After all, we know how to derive
> improvement for multi-range FDs. But it seems harder to find agreement
> whether
> multi-range FDs are short-hands for single-range FDs, or
> certain single-range FDs, eg a -> b and a -> c, are shorthands for more
> powerful
> multi-range FDs a -> b c.
> I clearly prefer the latter, ie have a more powerful form of FDs.
> Martin
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-18 Thread Iavor Diatchki

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 12:05 PM, Martin Sulzmann
>  Can you pl specify the improvement rules for your interpretation of FDs.
> That would help!

Each functional dependency on a class adds one extra axiom to the
system (aka CHR rule, improvement rule).  For the example in question
we have:

class D a b | a -> b where ...

the extra axiom is:

forall a b c. (D a b, D a c) => (b = c)

This is the definition of "functional dependency"---it specifies that
the relation 'D' is functional.  An improvement rule follows from a
functional dependency if it can be derived from this rule.  For
example, if we have an instance (i.e., another axiom):

instance D Char Bool

Then we can derive the following theorem:

(D Char a) => (a = Bool)

I think that in the CHR paper this was called "instance" improvement.
Note that this is not an extra axiom but rather a theorem---adding it
to the system as an axiom does not make the system any more
expressive.  Now consider what happens when we have a qualified

instance D a a => D [a] [a]

We can combine this with the FD axiom to get:

(D a a, D [a] b) => b = [a]

This is all that follows from the functional dependency.  Of course,
in the presence of other instances, we could obtain more improvement

As for the "consistency rule", it is intended to ensure that instances
are consistent with the FD axiom.  As we saw from the previous
examples, it is a bit conservative in that it rejects some instances
that do not violate the functional dependency.   Now, we could choose
to exploit this fact to compute stronger improvement rules---nothing
wrong with that.  However, this goes beyond FDs.


>  I'm simply following Mark Jones' style FDs.
>  Mark's ESOP'00 paper has a consistency condition:
>  If two instances match on the FD domain then the must also match on their
> range.
>  The motivation for this condition is to avoid inconsistencies when
>  deriving improvement rules from instances.
>  For

>  class D a b | a -> b
>  instance D a a => D [a] [a]
>  instance D [Int] Char
>  we get
>  D [a] b ==> b =[a]
>  D [Int] b ==> b=Char
>  In case of
>  D [Int] b we therefore get b=Char *and* b =[a] which leads to a
> (unification) error.
>  The consistency condition avoids such situations.
>  The beauty of formalism FDs with CHRs (or type functions/families) is that
>  the whole improvement process becomes explicit. Of course, it has to match
>  the programmer's intuition. See the discussion regarding multi-range FDs.
>  Martin
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-18 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
To reuse a favorite word, I think that any implementation that 
distinguishes 'a -> b, a -> c' from 'a -> b c' is broken. :)
It does not implement FD, but something else.  Maybe this something 
else is useful, but if one of the forms is strictly more powerful than 
the other then I don't see why you would ever want the less powerful one.

Do you have any good examples, besides the contrived one

class D a b c | a -> b c

instance D a b b => D [a] [b] [b]

where we want to have the more powerful form of multi-range FDs?

Fixing the problem who mention is easy. After all, we know how to derive
improvement for multi-range FDs. But it seems harder to find agreement 

multi-range FDs are short-hands for single-range FDs, or
certain single-range FDs, eg a -> b and a -> c, are shorthands for more 

multi-range FDs a -> b c.
I clearly prefer the latter, ie have a more powerful form of FDs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Lennart Augustsson
To reuse a favorite word, I think that any implementation that distinguishes
'a -> b, a -> c' from 'a -> b c' is broken. :)
It does not implement FD, but something else.  Maybe this something else is
useful, but if one of the forms is strictly more powerful than the other
then I don't see why you would ever want the less powerful one.

  -- Lennart

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:06 AM, Martin Sulzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mark P Jones wrote:
> > Martin Sulzmann wrote:
> >
> > > We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range"
> > > functional dependencies
> > >
> > > class C a b c | c -> a b
> > >
> > > Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the
> > > FD.
> > >
> > > It's tempting to convert the above to
> > >
> > > class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b
> > >
> > > but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.
> > >
> >
> > I agree with Iavor.
> >
> > In fact, the two sets of dependencies that you have given here
> > are provably equivalent, so it would be decidedly odd to have
> > a "type improvement" system that distinguishes between them.
> >
> >
> Consider
> class C a b c | a -> b, a -> c
> instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]
> Suppose we encounter the constraint
> C [x] y z
> What results can we expect from type improvement?
> 1) Single-range non-full FDs in GHC following the FD-CHR formulation:
> The first FD C a b c | a -> b in combination with
> the instance head C [a] [b] [b] will yield
> C [x] y z improved by y = [b1] for some b1
> A similar reasoning yields
> C [x] y z improved by z = [b2] for some b2
> So, overall we get
> C [x] y z improved by y= [b1] and z = [b2]
> Unfortunately, we couldn't establish that b1 and b2 are equal.
> Hence, we can *not* apply the instance.
> 2) Alternative design:
> We could now argue that the improvement implied by the FD
> is only applicable if we are in the "right" context.
> That is,
> C [x] y z doesn't yield any improvement because
> the context y is still underspecified (doesn't match
> the instance).
> In case of  C [x] [y] z we get z = [y]
> (and C [x] z [y] yields z = [y])
> 3) Multi-range FDs
> Consider
> class C a b c | a -> b c
> instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]
> This time it's straightforward.
> C [x] y z yields the improvement y = [b] and z = [b]
> which then allows us to apply the instance.
> 4) Summary.
> With multi-range FDs we can derive "more" improvement.
>C [x] y z   yields y = [b] and z = [b]
> Based on the FD-CHR formulation, for the single-range FD case we get
>C [x] y z yields y = [b1] and z = [b2]
> which is clearly weaker.
> The alternative design is even weaker, from C [x] y z we can derive
> any improvement.
> So, I conclude that in the Haskell type improvement context
> there's clearly a difference among single-range and multi-range FDs.
> Of course, we could define multi-range FDs in terms of single-range FDs
> which then trivially solves the "equivalence" problem (but some user
> may be disappointed that their multi-range FDs yield weaker improvement).
> Thanks for your pointers below but I believe that FDs in the Haskell
> context
> can be quite different from FDs in the database context.
> - Martin
>  While you're looking for unusual examples of fundeps, you
> > might also want to consider things like:
> >
> >  class C a b c | a -> b, b -> c
> >
> > Note that this is subtly different from a -> b c because
> >
> >  {a -> b, b -> c}  |=  {a -> b c}
> >
> > while the reverse does not hold.  Instead of type classes,
> > I'll give you some more down-to-earth examples of relations
> > that satisfy these dependencies:
> >
> >  {Paper, Conference, Year}
> >  {Professor, University, Country}
> >  {Person, FavoriteFood, FoodGroup}
> >  ...
> >
> > For further insight, you might want to take a look at the theory
> > of relational databases to see how functional dependencies are
> > used there.  In that context, some sets of dependencies (such
> > as {a -> b, b -> c}) can be interpreted as indicators of bad
> > design.  This, in turn, might give you some ideas about the kinds
> > of dependencies you can expect to encounter in well-designed
> > Haskell code.  (Of course, you might still find examples in other
> > Haskell code of dependencies that would make a database person
> > wince :-)
> >
> >
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Iavor Diatchki wrote:


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Martin Sulzmann

 leads to an instance improvement/instance improvement conflict,
 like in the single-range FD case

 class D a b | a -> b

 instance D a a => D [a] [a]
 instance D [Int] Char

Sorry to be picky but there is no violation of the FD here.  Note that
the class D has only a single ground instance and to violate an FD you
need at least two.  As in the previous example, we can add an instance
like this:

instance D Char Char

This results in more ground instances: { D [Int] Char, D Char Char, D
[Char] [Char], ... } but again, there is no violation of the FD.

I think that a lot of the confusion in discussions such as this one
(and we've had a few of those :-) stems from the fact that the term
"functional dependency" seems to have become heavily overloaded.
Often, the basic concept is mixed with (i) concepts related to
checking that the basic concept holds (e.g., various restrictions on
instances, etc), (ii) concepts related to how we might want to use the
basic concept (e.g., what improvement rules to use).  Of course, (i)
and (ii) are very important, and there are a lot possible design
choices.  However, a number of the discussions I have seen go like
  1) In general, it is hard to check if instances violate the stated
functional dependencies.
  2) So we have more restrictive rules, that are easier to check.
  3) These more restrictive rules give us stronger guarantees, so we
have more opportunity for improvement.
While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, it is important to
note that the extra improvement is not a result of the use of FDs but
rather, from the extra restrictions that we placed on the instances.
I think that this distinction is important because (i) it avoids
mixing concepts, and (ii) points to new things that we may want to
consider.  For example, I think that there is an opportunity for
improvement in situations where is class is not exported from a
module.  Then we know the full set of instances for the class, and we
may be able to compute improvement rules.

Hope this helps!


Can you pl specify the improvement rules for your interpretation of FDs. 
That would help!

I'm simply following Mark Jones' style FDs.

Mark's ESOP'00 paper has a consistency condition:
If two instances match on the FD domain then the must also match on 
their range.

The motivation for this condition is to avoid inconsistencies when
deriving improvement rules from instances.


class D a b | a -> b

instance D a a => D [a] [a]
instance D [Int] Char

we get

D [a] b ==> b =[a]
D [Int] b ==> b=Char

In case of

D [Int] b we therefore get b=Char *and* b =[a] which leads to a 
(unification) error.

The consistency condition avoids such situations.

The beauty of formalism FDs with CHRs (or type functions/families) is that
the whole improvement process becomes explicit. Of course, it has to match
the programmer's intuition. See the discussion regarding multi-range FDs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Iavor Diatchki

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:26 AM, Martin Sulzmann
>  leads to an instance improvement/instance improvement conflict,
>  like in the single-range FD case
>  class D a b | a -> b
>  instance D a a => D [a] [a]
>  instance D [Int] Char

Sorry to be picky but there is no violation of the FD here.  Note that
the class D has only a single ground instance and to violate an FD you
need at least two.  As in the previous example, we can add an instance
like this:

instance D Char Char

This results in more ground instances: { D [Int] Char, D Char Char, D
[Char] [Char], ... } but again, there is no violation of the FD.

I think that a lot of the confusion in discussions such as this one
(and we've had a few of those :-) stems from the fact that the term
"functional dependency" seems to have become heavily overloaded.
Often, the basic concept is mixed with (i) concepts related to
checking that the basic concept holds (e.g., various restrictions on
instances, etc), (ii) concepts related to how we might want to use the
basic concept (e.g., what improvement rules to use).  Of course, (i)
and (ii) are very important, and there are a lot possible design
choices.  However, a number of the discussions I have seen go like
  1) In general, it is hard to check if instances violate the stated
functional dependencies.
  2) So we have more restrictive rules, that are easier to check.
  3) These more restrictive rules give us stronger guarantees, so we
have more opportunity for improvement.
While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, it is important to
note that the extra improvement is not a result of the use of FDs but
rather, from the extra restrictions that we placed on the instances.
I think that this distinction is important because (i) it avoids
mixing concepts, and (ii) points to new things that we may want to
consider.  For example, I think that there is an opportunity for
improvement in situations where is class is not exported from a
module.  Then we know the full set of instances for the class, and we
may be able to compute improvement rules.

Hope this helps!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Iavor Diatchki wrote:


On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Martin Sulzmann

 3) Multi-range FDs


 class C a b c | a -> b c

 instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]

 This time it's straightforward.

 C [x] y z yields the improvement y = [b] and z = [b]
 which then allows us to apply the instance.

I don't think that this improvement rule is justified (unless there
are some assumptions that are added to the system that go beyond FD?).
  By the way, note that the above example does not have any instances
for C, so lets first add a base case like this:

instance C Char Bool Bool

Now the instances for C are: { C Char Bool Bool, C [Char] [Bool]
[Bool], ... }.  Certainly, if you just consider these instances, then
the improvement rule that you suggest is valid.  However, suppose that
we also add the instance:

instance C [Int] Char Bool

Note that this instance does not violate the FD: if we know the first
argument, then we know exactly what are the other two arguments.  In
this context, it is not OK to improve C [x] y z as you suggest because
'x' may be instantiate to 'Int'

There possible points of view here.

Consider  a -> b c as a short-hand for a -> b, a -> c. That's fine.

But we may also want to go beyond (single-range) FDs. That's why I have 
in mind.

Therefore, a -> b, a -> c is a short-hand for a -> b, c.
(At least there's one supporter, Ganesh, assuming that Tom and I are 
neutral :) )

Suppose we encode the  multi-range FD a -> b, c as defined in the FD-CHR 


class C a b c | a -> b c

instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]
instance C [Int] Char Bool

leads to an instance improvement/instance improvement conflict,
like in the single-range FD case

class D a b | a -> b

instance D a a => D [a] [a]
instance D [Int] Char

All of the above design choices make sense. There's no right or wrong.
But it's wrong to simply ignore possible FD variants which go beyond 
single-range FDs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Iavor Diatchki

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Martin Sulzmann
>  3) Multi-range FDs
>  Consider
>  class C a b c | a -> b c
>  instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]
>  This time it's straightforward.
>  C [x] y z yields the improvement y = [b] and z = [b]
>  which then allows us to apply the instance.

I don't think that this improvement rule is justified (unless there
are some assumptions that are added to the system that go beyond FD?).
  By the way, note that the above example does not have any instances
for C, so lets first add a base case like this:

instance C Char Bool Bool

Now the instances for C are: { C Char Bool Bool, C [Char] [Bool]
[Bool], ... }.  Certainly, if you just consider these instances, then
the improvement rule that you suggest is valid.  However, suppose that
we also add the instance:

instance C [Int] Char Bool

Note that this instance does not violate the FD: if we know the first
argument, then we know exactly what are the other two arguments.  In
this context, it is not OK to improve C [x] y z as you suggest because
'x' may be instantiate to 'Int'.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:
Why not instead transform single-range FDs into multi-range ones where 


That's a perfectly reasonable assumption and would establish the logical 
property that


a -> b /\ a -> c   iff a -> b /\ c


for FDs (by definition).


But what about programmers who'd like that


C [x] y z   yields the improvement y = [b], z =[b]




class C a b c | a -> b c
instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]

Isn't that precisely what you earlier said would happen with multi-range FDs?
Either I'm missing some difference or we're talking at cross-purposes.

My suggestion is that

"class C a b c | a -> b c" and "class C a b c | a -> b, a -> c" be both
treated as the former case, leading to both cases having the y=[b],z=[b]
improvement as above.


Misunderstanding. I see what you mean. Yes, I agree let's consider

a -> b, a -> c as equivalent to a -> b c  (I argued the other direction 
in my earlier email).

One subtle point (Tom and I just discussed).

It could happen that the programmer writes

class SuperCtxt => C a b c | a -> b

but there could be an implicit dependency a -> c
arising from the super class context SuperCtxt.
Hence, you suddenly get a -> b c.

The problem is to generate the proper improvement rules.
Well, it's not hard to generate these rules we just need to make
sure that the rules generated match the programmers intuition
how functional dependencies behave.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh

> > Why not instead transform single-range FDs into multi-range ones where 
> > possible?

> That's a perfectly reasonable assumption and would establish the logical 
> property that

> a -> b /\ a -> c   iff a -> b /\ c

> for FDs (by definition).

> But what about programmers who'd like that

> C [x] y z   yields the improvement y = [b], z =[b]

> where

> class C a b c | a -> b c
> instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]

Isn't that precisely what you earlier said would happen with multi-range FDs?
Either I'm missing some difference or we're talking at cross-purposes.

My suggestion is that

"class C a b c | a -> b c" and "class C a b c | a -> b, a -> c" be both
treated as the former case, leading to both cases having the y=[b],z=[b]
improvement as above.



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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Sittampalam, Ganesh wrote:

Martin Sulzmann wrote:

Mark P Jones wrote:

In fact, the two sets of dependencies that you have given here are 
provably equivalent, so it would be decidedly odd to have a "type 
improvement" system that distinguishes between them.


Based on the FD-CHR formulation, for the single-range FD case we
get [...] which is clearly weaker.
So, I conclude that in the Haskell type improvement context 
there's clearly a difference among single-range and multi-range FDs.

This seems like a flaw in FD-CHR, rather than a fundamental difference 
between the dependencies.


Of course, we could define multi-range FDs in terms of single-range FDs
which then trivially solves the "equivalence" problem (but some user 
may be disappointed that their multi-range FDs yield weaker improvement).

Why not instead transform single-range FDs into multi-range ones where


That's a perfectly reasonable assumption and would establish the logical 
property that

a -> b /\ a -> c   iff a -> b /\ c

for FDs (by definition).

But what about programmers who'd like that

C [x] y z   yields the improvement y = [b], z =[b]


class C a b c | a -> b c
instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]

It's hard to say who's right or wrong but there's a design space which needs
to be explored further.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Tom Schrijvers

hackageDB has a substantial sample of code these days, which is handy
for questions like this.

Thanks, Ross. These examples are perfect!



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-17 Thread Sittampalam, Ganesh

Martin Sulzmann wrote:
> Mark P Jones wrote:

> > In fact, the two sets of dependencies that you have given here are 
> > provably equivalent, so it would be decidedly odd to have a "type 
> > improvement" system that distinguishes between them.

> Based on the FD-CHR formulation, for the single-range FD case we
> get [...] which is clearly weaker.
> [...]
> So, I conclude that in the Haskell type improvement context 
> there's clearly a difference among single-range and multi-range FDs.

This seems like a flaw in FD-CHR, rather than a fundamental difference 
between the dependencies.

> Of course, we could define multi-range FDs in terms of single-range FDs
> which then trivially solves the "equivalence" problem (but some user 
> may be disappointed that their multi-range FDs yield weaker improvement).

Why not instead transform single-range FDs into multi-range ones where


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Martin Sulzmann

Mark P Jones wrote:

Martin Sulzmann wrote:
We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range" 
functional dependencies

class C a b c | c -> a b

Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.

It's tempting to convert the above to

class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b

but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.

I agree with Iavor.

In fact, the two sets of dependencies that you have given here
are provably equivalent, so it would be decidedly odd to have
a "type improvement" system that distinguishes between them.


class C a b c | a -> b, a -> c

instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]

Suppose we encounter the constraint

C [x] y z

What results can we expect from type improvement?

1) Single-range non-full FDs in GHC following the FD-CHR formulation:

The first FD C a b c | a -> b in combination with
the instance head C [a] [b] [b] will yield

C [x] y z improved by y = [b1] for some b1

A similar reasoning yields

C [x] y z improved by z = [b2] for some b2

So, overall we get

C [x] y z improved by y= [b1] and z = [b2]

Unfortunately, we couldn't establish that b1 and b2 are equal.
Hence, we can *not* apply the instance.

2) Alternative design:

We could now argue that the improvement implied by the FD
is only applicable if we are in the "right" context.

That is,
C [x] y z doesn't yield any improvement because
the context y is still underspecified (doesn't match
the instance).

In case of  C [x] [y] z we get z = [y]
(and C [x] z [y] yields z = [y])

3) Multi-range FDs


class C a b c | a -> b c

instance C a b b => C [a] [b] [b]

This time it's straightforward.

C [x] y z yields the improvement y = [b] and z = [b]
which then allows us to apply the instance.

4) Summary.

With multi-range FDs we can derive "more" improvement.

C [x] y z   yields y = [b] and z = [b]

Based on the FD-CHR formulation, for the single-range FD case we get

C [x] y z yields y = [b1] and z = [b2]

which is clearly weaker.

The alternative design is even weaker, from C [x] y z we can derive
any improvement.

So, I conclude that in the Haskell type improvement context
there's clearly a difference among single-range and multi-range FDs.

Of course, we could define multi-range FDs in terms of single-range FDs
which then trivially solves the "equivalence" problem (but some user
may be disappointed that their multi-range FDs yield weaker improvement).

Thanks for your pointers below but I believe that FDs in the Haskell context
can be quite different from FDs in the database context.

- Martin

While you're looking for unusual examples of fundeps, you
might also want to consider things like:

  class C a b c | a -> b, b -> c

Note that this is subtly different from a -> b c because

  {a -> b, b -> c}  |=  {a -> b c}

while the reverse does not hold.  Instead of type classes,
I'll give you some more down-to-earth examples of relations
that satisfy these dependencies:

  {Paper, Conference, Year}
  {Professor, University, Country}
  {Person, FavoriteFood, FoodGroup}

For further insight, you might want to take a look at the theory
of relational databases to see how functional dependencies are
used there.  In that context, some sets of dependencies (such
as {a -> b, b -> c}) can be interpreted as indicators of bad
design.  This, in turn, might give you some ideas about the kinds
of dependencies you can expect to encounter in well-designed
Haskell code.  (Of course, you might still find examples in other
Haskell code of dependencies that would make a database person
wince :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Mark P Jones

Martin Sulzmann wrote:
We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range" functional 

class C a b c | c -> a b

Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.

It's tempting to convert the above to

class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b

but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.

I agree with Iavor.

In fact, the two sets of dependencies that you have given here
are provably equivalent, so it would be decidedly odd to have
a "type improvement" system that distinguishes between them.

While you're looking for unusual examples of fundeps, you
might also want to consider things like:

  class C a b c | a -> b, b -> c

Note that this is subtly different from a -> b c because

  {a -> b, b -> c}  |=  {a -> b c}

while the reverse does not hold.  Instead of type classes,
I'll give you some more down-to-earth examples of relations
that satisfy these dependencies:

  {Paper, Conference, Year}
  {Professor, University, Country}
  {Person, FavoriteFood, FoodGroup}

For further insight, you might want to take a look at the theory
of relational databases to see how functional dependencies are
used there.  In that context, some sets of dependencies (such
as {a -> b, b -> c}) can be interpreted as indicators of bad
design.  This, in turn, might give you some ideas about the kinds
of dependencies you can expect to encounter in well-designed
Haskell code.  (Of course, you might still find examples in other
Haskell code of dependencies that would make a database person
wince :-)

All the best,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Dan Weston

I think I was the one confused.

I guess I was (falsely) thinking that both

  C Int  Char T
  C Char Int  T

could both be instances of class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b but only one 
could be an instance of C a b c | c -> a b.

Sorry for adding noise to the discussion.

Ryan Ingram wrote:

I'm still confused about this point:

On 4/16/08, Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 class C a b c | c -> a b

 Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.

 It's tempting to convert the above to

 class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b

 but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.

In both cases the statement is that given a type x, the instance C x y
z for some y,z and the constraint C x a b, we unambiguously have a ~
y, b ~ z (where ~ is type equality)

How does the order in (c -> a b) matter?

  -- ryan

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Ryan Ingram
I'm still confused about this point:

On 4/16/08, Dan Weston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  class C a b c | c -> a b
> > >
> > >  Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.
> > >
> > >  It's tempting to convert the above to
> > >
> > >  class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b
> > >
> > >  but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.

In both cases the statement is that given a type x, the instance C x y
z for some y,z and the constraint C x a b, we unambiguously have a ~
y, b ~ z (where ~ is type equality)

How does the order in (c -> a b) matter?

  -- ryan
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Dan Weston

Iavor Diatchki wrote:


On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 8:06 AM, Martin Sulzmann

We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range" functional

 class C a b c | c -> a b

 Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.

 It's tempting to convert the above to

 class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b

 but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.

Could you elaborate on this?  I think that a system that distinguishes
these two would be very confusing.   If you think of the FDs as
logical statements about what is known of type variables, then the FDs
on the two classes correspond to equivalent logical statements, so I
am not sure why would we distinguish them for improvement purposes.
Also, it seems fairly easy to convert between the two forms purely
based on syntax, so if the one somehow results in better improvements,
why would we ever use the other one?

The two are not isomorphic. The first one c -> a b contains an explicit 
order (class parameter order is significant), whereas the second does 
not (the FDs form a set). I think the isomorphic functional dependency 
in the first case would be the set of all FDs under permutation of class 
parameters, in this case: c -> a b, c -> b a

As for examples of interesting uses of functional dependencies,
perhaps the literature on relational databases would provide some?

Elaborating on the relational connection, it seems at first blush that

class C a b c | a -> b

is not ideally normalized and might presumably be profitably broken up into

class A a b | a -> b
class A a b => B a b c

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Iavor Diatchki

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 8:06 AM, Martin Sulzmann
> We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range" functional
> dependencies
>  class C a b c | c -> a b
>  Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.
>  It's tempting to convert the above to
>  class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b
>  but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.

Could you elaborate on this?  I think that a system that distinguishes
these two would be very confusing.   If you think of the FDs as
logical statements about what is known of type variables, then the FDs
on the two classes correspond to equivalent logical statements, so I
am not sure why would we distinguish them for improvement purposes.
Also, it seems fairly easy to convert between the two forms purely
based on syntax, so if the one somehow results in better improvements,
why would we ever use the other one?

As for examples of interesting uses of functional dependencies,
perhaps the literature on relational databases would provide some?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Martin,

Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 7:06:07 PM, you wrote:

i'm not 100% sure that you'll find there appropriate examples but i
suggest you too look into
where i've used very sophisticated (for me) FDs

> We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range" functional
> dependencies

class C a b c | c ->> a b

> Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.

> It's tempting to convert the above to

class C a b c | c ->> a, c -> b

> but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.

> Thanks,
>  Martin

> Tom Schrijvers wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm looking for practical examples of non-full functional dependencies 
>> and would be grateful if anyone could show me some or point to 
>> applications using them.
>> A non-full functional dependency is one involves only part of the 
>> parameters of a type class. E.g.
>> class C a b c | a -> b
>> has a non-full functional dependency a -> b which does not involve c.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> -- 
>> Tom Schrijvers
>> Department of Computer Science
>> K.U. Leuven
>> Celestijnenlaan 200A
>> B-3001 Heverlee
>> Belgium
>> tel: +32 16 327544
>> e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> url:
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Ross Paterson
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 04:30:27PM +0200, Tom Schrijvers wrote:
> I'm looking for practical examples of non-full functional dependencies 
> and would be grateful if anyone could show me some or point to 
> applications using them.
> A non-full functional dependency is one involves only part of the  
> parameters of a type class. E.g.
>   class C a b c | a -> b
> has a non-full functional dependency a -> b which does not involve c.

hackageDB has a substantial sample of code these days, which is handy
for questions like this.  There are examples of non-full FDs in the
following packages:


However for most of these there are indirect dependencies.  The only
exceptions I can find are those in ArrayRef, parsec and StrategyLib.

On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 05:06:07PM +0200, Martin Sulzmann wrote:
> We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range" functional
> dependencies
> class C a b c | c -> a b

Look in

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Martin Sulzmann
We're also looking for (practical) examples of "multi-range" functional 

class C a b c | c -> a b

Notice that there are multiple (two) parameters in the range of the FD.

It's tempting to convert the above to

class C a b c | c -> a, c -> b

but this yields a weaker (in terms of type improvement) system.


Tom Schrijvers wrote:


I'm looking for practical examples of non-full functional dependencies 
and would be grateful if anyone could show me some or point to 
applications using them.

A non-full functional dependency is one involves only part of the 
parameters of a type class. E.g.

class C a b c | a -> b

has a non-full functional dependency a -> b which does not involve c.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] looking for examples of non-full Functional Dependencies

2008-04-16 Thread Tom Schrijvers


I'm looking for practical examples of non-full functional dependencies and 
would be grateful if anyone could show me some or point to applications 
using them.

A non-full functional dependency is one involves only part of the 
parameters of a type class. E.g.

class C a b c | a -> b

has a non-full functional dependency a -> b which does not involve c.



Tom Schrijvers

Department of Computer Science
K.U. Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3001 Heverlee

tel: +32 16 327544
Haskell-Cafe mailing list