[Haskell-cafe] memory usage in repeated reading of an external program's output

2007-06-21 Thread Andrea Rossato

I have this very simple program that executes an external program,
reads its output and prints it (the program is date).
The readings is done with pipes.

The problem is that memory usage constantly increases over time.
Profiling does not show garbage collection of any sort.

File descriptors and handles seem to be properly closed. Still I
cannot find out where the problem lays.

Can it be related to the fact that runProcess closes the handles so
that the write file descriptor of the pipe is left open? using a
closeFd w after runProcess gives a Bad fd error. Moreover,
fdToHandle converts the fd into a handle, so I presume that closing
the second should be enough. 

And indeed  removing or inserting 
rc - handleToFd rh
closeFd rc
doesn't change anything.

Thanks for your help.


The code:

module Main where

import System.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent

runComLoop :: String - IO ()
runComLoop command =
do (r,w) - createPipe
   wh - fdToHandle w
   hSetBuffering wh LineBuffering
   p - runProcess command [] Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just wh) (Just wh)
   rh - fdToHandle r
   str - hGetLine rh
   rc - handleToFd rh
   hClose rh
   closeFd rc
   -- get and print the status of handles
   swh - hShow wh
   srh - hShow rh
   putStrLn $ show swh
   putStrLn $ show srh

   putStrLn str
   threadDelay $ 10 * 1
   runComLoop command

main = runComLoop date
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] memory usage in repeated reading of an external program's output

2007-06-21 Thread Dougal Stanton

On 21/06/07, Andrea Rossato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

runComLoop :: String - IO ()
runComLoop command =
do (r,w) - createPipe
   wh - fdToHandle w
   hSetBuffering wh LineBuffering
   p - runProcess command [] Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just wh) (Just wh)
   rh - fdToHandle r
   str - hGetLine rh
   rc - handleToFd rh
   hClose rh
   closeFd rc
   -- get and print the status of handles
   swh - hShow wh
   srh - hShow rh
   putStrLn $ show swh
   putStrLn $ show srh

   putStrLn str
   threadDelay $ 10 * 1
   runComLoop command

main = runComLoop date

I honestly don't know the answer to this, and no doubt someone
intelligent will swoop in momentarily - but have you tried decomposing
runComLoop into smaller chunks to see which is using the most memory?
You could also try the 'bracket' function, which I find enormously
useful for showing which handles, etc are in scope.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] memory usage in repeated reading of an external program's output

2007-06-21 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Jun 21, 2007, at 6:40 , Andrea Rossato wrote:

I have this very simple program that executes an external program,
reads its output and prints it (the program is date).
The readings is done with pipes.

The problem is that memory usage constantly increases over time.
Profiling does not show garbage collection of any sort.

Huh.  Thank you; I'd observed that behavior in one of my programs but  
hadn't sat down to figure out why yet, mostly because I have a  
workaround:  if you cap the heap (+RTS -M...) it *does* do GC.

Which makes it sound like something I don't know how to debug.  :/

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] memory usage in repeated reading of an external program's output

2007-06-21 Thread Andrea Rossato
On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 08:18:23AM -0400, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
  On Jun 21, 2007, at 6:40 , Andrea Rossato wrote:
  I have this very simple program that executes an external program,
  reads its output and prints it (the program is date).
  The readings is done with pipes.
  The problem is that memory usage constantly increases over time.
  Profiling does not show garbage collection of any sort.
  Huh.  Thank you; I'd observed that behavior in one of my programs but hadn't 
  sat down to figure out why yet, mostly because I have a workaround:  if you 
  cap the heap (+RTS -M...) it *does* do GC.
  Which makes it sound like something I don't know how to debug.  :/

well, I followed Dougal's suggestion and riduced the program into
pieces. I'm also testing the difference of runProcess and
runInteractiveProcess. The first seems better but I need some more

In the first case pipes2Handles gets 80.4% alloc.
In the second is runRunIntProcess to get 88%.

Results are pretty much the same after all.

Now I'm going to profile for memory usage: I've seen that some GC
happens if you are patient enough.

Thanks for your kind attention.

This is the code broken up:

module Main where

import System.Process
import System.Posix.IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent

readOutput rh =
do str - hGetLine rh
   return str

mkPipe =
do (r,w) - createPipe
   return (r,w)

pipes2Handles r w =
do wh - fdToHandle w
   rh - fdToHandle r
   return (rh,wh)

runRunProcess wh c =
do p - runProcess c [] Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just wh) (Just wh)
   return p

closeHandle rh wh =
do hClose wh
   hClose rh

runWithRunProcess c = 
 do (r,w) - mkPipe
(rh,wh) - pipes2Handles r w
p - runRunProcess wh c
exit - waitForProcess p
str - readOutput rh
closeHandle wh rh
putStrLn str
threadDelay $ 10 * 1
runWithRunProcess c 

runRunIntProcess c =
do (sin,sout,serr,p) - runInteractiveProcess c [] Nothing Nothing
   return $! (sin,sout,serr,p)

cHandles i o e =
do hClose i
   hClose o
   hClose e

runWithRunIntProcess c = 
 do (i,o,e,p) - runRunIntProcess c
exit - waitForProcess p
str - readOutput o
cHandles i o e
putStrLn str
threadDelay $ 10 * 1
runWithRunIntProcess c 

main' = runWithRunProcess date

main = runWithRunIntProcess date

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] memory usage in repeated reading of an external program's output

2007-06-21 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan

Andrea Rossato wrote:

Now I'm going to profile for memory usage: I've seen that some GC
happens if you are patient enough.

Yes, the process will hit a steady state of a few megabytes of heap 
after a short time.

By the way, your program leaks ProcessHandles.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] memory usage in repeated reading of an external program's output

2007-06-21 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan

Andrea Rossato wrote:

Still I do not understand you reference to the leak problem. Could you
please elaborate a bit?

The runProcess function returns a ProcessHandle.  If you don't call 
waitForProcess on that handle, you'll leak those handles.  On Unix-like 
systems, this means you'll accumulate zombie processes and potentially 
fill your process table, DoSing your machine.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] memory usage in repeated reading of an external program's output

2007-06-21 Thread Andrea Rossato
On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 01:36:16PM -0700, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
  Andrea Rossato wrote:
  Still I do not understand you reference to the leak problem. Could you
  please elaborate a bit?
  The runProcess function returns a ProcessHandle.  If you don't call 
  waitForProcess on that handle, you'll leak those handles.  On Unix-like 
  systems, this means you'll accumulate zombie processes and potentially fill 
  your process table, DoSing your machine.

ahhh, yes, I found out the hard way. By the way, in the code I'm
writing I was waiting for the exit code of the process. I forgot to
copy it in the first example, and when I run it...;-)

as you can see, the second version already corrected the problem.

Thanks for your kind attention.

All the best.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list