Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0 - HTML vs. XHTML

2010-09-06 Thread Henning Thielemann
Mark Lentczner schrieb:

 The choice to generate Haddock output as XHTML 1.0 Transitional and Frames, 
 stored into files with an extension of .html, and that would likely be served 
 as text/html, was mine and I did so with review of current best practices. 
 The output Haddock now generates renders correctly and consistently in all 
 browses in use by the Haskell community (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE 
 6, IE 7, and IE 8), the Javascript is handled properly, and with one minor 
 exception[1] it validates as served by the W3C.

I use KDE's Konqueror, which I like much more than Firefox, because it
allows me to easily browse between WWW and local files, shows
highlighted source code, disk consumption of directories, dia shows etc.
In my opinion focusing on a small set of assumed popular browsers and
complying to their quirks is the wrong way. It seems to me that browsers
become popular because web authors choose to support their quirks and
bugs. It would be better if browsers would comply to the standards and
web authors do so as well.

All these incompatibilities between browsers and common abuse in HTML
and XHTML make it a nightmare for me to process web documents as in my
online web-site enhancement :-) service:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0 - HTML vs. XHTML

2010-09-06 Thread Mark Lentczner
On Sep 6, 2010, at 2:40 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 ... focusing on a small set of assumed popular browsers ...

I didn't want to assume either. I ran a survey of the Haskell community and got 
over a 150 responses. The multiple choice browser question yielded:

Firefox: 59%
Chrome:  51%
Safari:  24%
Other:   11%
IE 8: 2%
IE 7: 1%
IE 6: 1%

As I did the work on Haddock, I tested the results on five browser/os 
combinations on my own machines, and about 30 browser/os combinations via 

 and complying to their quirks is the wrong way.

I believe the only sop to browser quirks in the current Haddock output are 
three lines of CSS that came from YUI 3: CSS Fonts [2] to achieve consistent 
font sizing in IE. These are well researched and minimal.

There were a few times where I tried something (usually a choice of markup and 
CSS) that looked nice in WebKit browsers (Safari and Chrome), but didn't work 
in Firefox or others. In those cases I retreated to other approaches. A notable 
example is the Portability box in the upper right. I wanted that to be a dl 
list, and could get it to style nicely in all browsers except Firefox on Linux! 
I retreated to a table in that case. Since both the thing I tried and the 
result were valid markup and CSS, I'm hoping you won't consider this a major 
concession to quirks.

 All these incompatibilities between browsers and common abuse in HTML
 and XHTML make it a nightmare for me to process web documents as in my
 online web-site enhancement :-) service:

An excellent service! I hope the new, cleaner markup of Haddock works with less 

- Mark

Mark Lentczner
IRC: mtnviewmark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0 - HTML vs. XHTML

2010-09-06 Thread Christopher Done
On 6 September 2010 17:11, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 On Sep 6, 2010, at 2:40 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 ... focusing on a small set of assumed popular browsers ...

 I didn't want to assume either. I ran a survey of the Haskell community and 
 got over a 150 responses.

 On Sep 6, 2010, at 2:40 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:
 and complying to their quirks is the wrong way.

 I believe the only sop to browser quirks in the current Haddock output are 
 three lines of CSS that came from YUI 3: CSS Fonts [2] to achieve consistent 
 font sizing in IE. These are well researched and minimal.

Speaking as someone who worked at a company where we had to write 100%
valid XHTML and CSS for *non-trival* designs (groans at the
recollection), generally for fairly simple documents you can write
standard compliant web pages with (X)HTML/CSS/JavaScript and it will
render the same on Firefox/Chrome/Safari/Opera/IE8. It will probably
work but look less fancy on IE6 if it's simple. If other browsers
don't render correctly, that's not your problem. Regarding font
sizing, you shouldn't really have to care about the size of the font.
If your page renders differently on different browsers due to
different font settings, that's because the user/browser chose that
font set. Why do you care about consistent font sizes?

Personally I'm pragmatic, I don't care about W3C validation, I do care
about standards and accessibility. If your page is semantic,
usable/accessible across the major browsers then you've done a great
job and W3C validation is just a pat on the back. I think it's a
matter of priorities. If we're going to appeal to authority, Google
see it fit to start using HTML5 straight away (and they really care
about validity) and (I was told at the Zurich Google offices by
someone who works on YouTube) that we have no business sending XHTML
to web browsers. But I don't see the particular mark-up as a Big Deal
like others do, when (as I demonstrate below) there are more important
issues to deal with that most people don't get right.

 As I did the work on Haddock, I tested the results on five browser/os 
 combinations on my own machines, and about 30 browser/os combinations via 

FWIW there's a great web site that provides screenshots of IE
immediately: Don't waste your time on
obscure browsers. You have better things to be doing.

 There were a few times where I tried something (usually a choice of markup 
 and CSS) that looked nice in WebKit browsers (Safari and Chrome), but didn't 
 work in Firefox or others. In those cases I retreated to other approaches. A 
 notable example is the Portability box in the upper right. I wanted that to 
 be a dl list, and could get it to style nicely in all browsers except Firefox 
 on Linux! I retreated to a table in that case. Since both the thing I tried 
 and the result were valid markup and CSS, I'm hoping you won't consider this 
 a major concession to quirks.

I'd like to see such cases of inconsistency between Webkit and Firefox
(on Linux), I can help out if you're having trouble. You want to do
the portability box as a definition list? For semantic meaning and
search engines, there should be one h1 in the page, many h2's, and
subheadings, etc. A really easy way to check your site's quality as a
structured document is by rendering it without CSS or JavaScript,
because it can make you aware of problems immediately:

There's no h1, what's the title of this page? The h2s have been
written as h1's, and the contents, title and description aren't
headings at all. The portability table is done with tds (table *data*)
with no th's (table *heading*) and there's no actual description for
the table. Headings are useful for navigating the document -- this is
how blind people work in a browser, they get a list of headings and
tab through it quickly (I have a reference study for this, I'll find
it if you're interested). Just think about what are the main points of
this document and the way to code it comes naturally. Like I said,
you're priority has been cross-platform and validation but basic
things like semantic document structure have been overlooked.

Anyway, I think you're doing a sterling job and you seem to really
care about doing it right, good job! It looks really nice, gives a
professional sheen to Haskell's documentation. I know you need to
build up a thick skin to deal with all the bikeshed-like criticism
that always seems to crop up when web sites are discussed. Don't worry
about my criticisms, I'm constructive about it! If you care about this
stuff then I'll put my money where my mouth is and send some patches
to address whatever I think could be improved, you don't have to lift
a finger. If you're not really bothered then disregard all my above
comments and just imagine I said awesome design, good job!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-06 Thread Mark Lentczner

On Sep 2, 2010, at 11:24 AM, Yuras Shumovich wrote:

 Is it possible to switch back from frame version to non frame version?
 The Frames button disappears in frame mode...

I usually just right-click on the main page and select Open frame in new 
window I could have made the Frames button become Unframe... do people 
think that's worth it?  I was worried about clutter, but can add it in easy 
enough if folks think it makes sense.

 Also style changing works only inside the main frame.

True - the Haddock team suspected that style changing was something people 
would play with a bit, pick a style they liked and leave it. Once you refresh 
the page - all the panels will change to the style you picked and continue to 
stay that way. I thought of adding logic to the Style menu to do this when in 
frames mode just didn't make the cut before we wanted to ship.

- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread John Millikin
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 23:02, David Menendez wrote:
 Yes, using foreign namespaces is one of the things recommended against
 when serving XHTML as text/html. This says nothing about documents
 following the recommendations in Appendix C.

 I'm not debating that it's *possible* to serve HTML with an XHTML
 mimetype and still see something rendered to the screen. Hundreds of
 thousands of sites do so every day. But to call this XHTML is absurd.

 I agree, if by absurd you mean consistent with the letter and
 spirit of the XHTML recommendation.

Content served as text/html is not XHTML, any more than content served
as text/plain or image/jpg is. *IF* XHTML could be served using
text/html, then my example pages would render identically in
browsers with XHTML support.

Appendix C is a guideline on how to make the same byte content render
*something* when treated as HTML or XHTML; it's intended as a
low-fidelity fallback for user agents without support for XHTML (IE).
It is *not* a means by which HTML may be labelled XHTML for the sake
of buzzword compliance.

You seem to be under the common misconception that XHTML is merely an
alternative encoding of HTML. This is incorrect. XHTML has a different
DOM, different CSS support, and different syntax. HTML and XHTML are
like Java and C# -- beneath a superficial resemblance, distinct.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread David Menendez
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 11:07 AM, John Millikin wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 23:02, David Menendez wrote:
 Yes, using foreign namespaces is one of the things recommended against
 when serving XHTML as text/html. This says nothing about documents
 following the recommendations in Appendix C.

 I'm not debating that it's *possible* to serve HTML with an XHTML
 mimetype and still see something rendered to the screen. Hundreds of
 thousands of sites do so every day. But to call this XHTML is absurd.

 I agree, if by absurd you mean consistent with the letter and
 spirit of the XHTML recommendation.

 Content served as text/html is not XHTML, any more than content served
 as text/plain or image/jpg is.

Metadata does not determine data. If I write created: 1810 on the
Haskell Report, that does not make it 200 years old. If I seve a JPEG
image as text/html, it's still a JPEG image. We just wouldn't expect a
browser to render it correctly, because the metadata is wrong.

Appendix C describes a subset of XHTML, such that a document in
conformance with it may be interpreted usefully as HTML by most web
browsers. The document is still XHTML, and may be given to XHTML or
generic XML tools without difficulty.

 You seem to be under the common misconception that XHTML is merely an
 alternative encoding of HTML.

HTML and XHTML are not encodings of anything. They are markup
languages defined using SGML and the XML subset of SGML. There are
multiple HTML definitions of varying popularity, and the fact that we
can pass some XHTML documents to a web browser expecting HTML and get
acceptable results is consistent with the fact that we can pass HTML
3.0 (never implemented by any popular browser) with minimal loss.

Dave Menendez
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread Jeremy Shaw
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 12:19 PM, David Menendez wrote:
 HTML and XHTML are not encodings of anything. They are markup
 languages defined using SGML and the XML subset of SGML. There are
 multiple HTML definitions of varying popularity, and the fact that we
 can pass some XHTML documents to a web browser expecting HTML and get
 acceptable results is consistent with the fact that we can pass HTML
 3.0 (never implemented by any popular browser) with minimal loss.

But what is the point? The w3c originally suggested serving xhtml as
text/html back in 2000
(, because they
believed that it would be an easy way for people to transition to
xhtml while the browsers caught up. Well, a decade later, ie still
doesn't support xhtml, so perhaps their recommendation should be
viewed in light of the fact that the web does not appear to be moving
to xhtml at any great speed.

Creating output that renders the same as both text/html and
application/xml is not a trivial task. For starters, the contents of
the script tag are treated as pcdata in html, and cdata in xhtml.
And it only gets worse from there...

So the choices are:

 1. only focus on getting the xhtml 1.0 served as application/xml
working correctly, and ie users get nothing..

 2. create xhtml 1.0 that would work correctly if served as
application/xml, but serve it as text/html, and ignore that fact that
some stuff might not be rendering correctly when treated as text/html.

 3. create xhtml documents which render correctly whether served as
application/xml or text/html, but then only serve them as text/html

 4. forget about how the xhtml documents render as application/xml,
and only focus on how they render as text/html.

Now, I think that options 1 and 2 are not even worth considering.

Option 4 seems silly. If you are going to create xhtml that does not
really work correctly when actually served as xhtml, then why create
xhtml in the first place. This is really just html masquerading as
xhtml. Why not actually create valid html and serve it as text/html,
instead of creating purposely broken html?

Option 3 requires extra work (and also means that you will never be
able to upgrade to xhtml 1.1 or xhtml 2.0). The idea of serving xhtml
1.0 as text/html was supposed to be a transitional measure. But if you
intend to do it forever.. that is not very transitional.

What benefit do you get by creating xhtml 1.0 that also happens to
render correctly as html ? What is the use case ? Seems that a vast
majority of the usage is going to be viewing the content in web
browsers. For that purpose, text/html seems superior, due to it being
supported in a much wider variety of browsers. No browser will
actually even try to render it as  xhtml since it is being served as

It seems that the only advantage of xhtml served as text/html is that
it is easier to process the output. But, is anyone actually going to
do that? Haddock has been around for a long time.. has anyone had a
need to do that so far? And even then, is processing it via an xml
parser really better than using tagsoup ?

Mark suggested that it was easier to achieve multi-browser
compatibility using xhtml instead of html, but I am quite certain he
is mistaken. There are really three different rendering modes found in

 1. standards mode
 2. quirks mode
 3. xhtml mode

By serving xhtml content as text/html, he is getting browsers to use
quirks mode instead of standards mode. That *can* sometimes lead to
better browser compatibility. He is never invoking the xhtml rendering
mode. If the aim is simply to trigger quirks mode, there is no need to
use xhtml to achieve that.

- jeremy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

On 10-09-04 01:31 AM, John Millikin wrote:

It's not correct. Here's the exact same XHTML document (verify by
viewing the source), served with different mimetypes:

This relies on xhtml+svg. While it is in the xhtml family, it is not 
xhtml 1.0 (Section 3.1.2). This is a non-example and non-reason.

New haddock pages are xhtml 1.0 (after repairing IDs).

I'm not debating that it's *possible* to serve HTML with an XHTML
mimetype and still see something rendered to the screen. Hundreds of
thousands of sites do so every day. But to call this XHTML is absurd.

You have got the order reversed.

serve html with an xhtml mimetype /= serve xhtml with the html mimetype

But suppose you made a typo.

And bear in mind again we are talking about specifically xhtml 1.0, and 
furthermore with restrictions.

serve xhtml with the html mimetype, call this xhtml is not absurd. The 
syntax is xhtml.

serve xhtml with the html mimetype, call this html is not absurd. A 
bit of a kludge, yes --- officially blessed kludge, mind you. But not 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread Mark Lentczner
We all seem to understand that there are a complex of issues surrounding the 
HTML and XHTML dialects, doc types, MIME Types, and file extensions. It is a 
tangle of intentions and compatibility issues, and one where experts and 
standards writers admit to practical compromises, which at times are even 

The choice to generate Haddock output as XHTML 1.0 Transitional and Frames, 
stored into files with an extension of .html, and that would likely be served 
as text/html, was mine and I did so with review of current best practices. The 
output Haddock now generates renders correctly and consistently in all browses 
in use by the Haskell community (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE 6, IE 7, 
and IE 8), the Javascript is handled properly, and with one minor exception[1] 
it validates as served by the W3C.

The main aim of the work was achieved: Being able to restyle the output with 
clear, semantic CSS, and do so in a way that works in all browsers, and all 
serving environments. If there is a particular issue that is causing the 
documentation generated to not be usable, please let me know.

- Mark

[1] John Milliken caught that anchor identifiers for groups didn't validate, 
though they did work in every browser. The fix is already coded and pushed to 
the development repo. The sample pages on my site updated. You can check the 
validation with:

This fix isn't crucial, and so I've recommended that we not produce a Haddock 
point release just for this.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

On 10-09-04 05:46 PM, Jeremy Shaw wrote:

Mark suggested that it was easier to achieve multi-browser
compatibility using xhtml instead of html, but I am quite certain he
is mistaken. There are really three different rendering modes found in

  1. standards mode
  2. quirks mode
  3. xhtml mode

By serving xhtml content as text/html, he is getting browsers to use
quirks mode instead of standards mode.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread Jeremy Shaw
On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 I am well aware of the differences between HTML and XHTML.

 I choose to switch Haddock's output from HTML to XHTML mostly because I have 
 found the consistency of rendering cross-browser to be greater and easier to 
 achieve with XHTML. I'm not alone in this opinion: Many well respected web 
 design authorities have promoted, and publish their own sites, in XHTML.[1] 
 Even Microsoft's own developer web site uses it[2]!

I am very glad for the new CSS based layout! Thanks!

I am very dubious that switching from HTML to XHTML makes anything
more consistent. If you have a counter example I would love to see it,
because this is an issue that affects my daily work.

Here is why I am dubious. Browsers that support html and xhtml have
two different code paths for rending html vs xhtml. The *only* way to
select which code path is taken is by specifying the mime-type when
you serve it. Either application/xml or text/html.

So, if you take xhtml and serve it as text/html, then the browser will
treat it as html and send it to the html code rendering path. In other
words, it will send it down a code path that knows nothing about

The reason it works at all is because browsers do their darnest to
make it render. So in xhtml you might have a tag like:

 br /

Which, in xhtml, is short for br/br.

When you send it down the html path, it the html render will see it as:

 br / 

That is, it will see it as the normal br tag with a bogus attribute named /.

Now, perhaps you can understand why I am dubious? Whether or not you
send html or xhtml, it is being rendered by the same code that only
understands html. So it is hard to see how adding bogus attributes
like / to elements is going to improve cross browser compatibility.
You are basically saying that if you add bogus markup to your html
that the browser ignores, it is works more reliably than producing
valid html. The fact that the bogus markup happens to make it valid
xhtml is unimportant, because the code path knows nothing of xhtml

If you converted the current code from xhtml to html, and anything
changes in the rendering, I, for one, will be shocked, and very
curious about why that happened.

Also, if you plan to eventually migrate to the x/html 5, that spec says:

 generally speaking, authors are discouraged from trying to use XML on the Web

Since the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group is full
of people that actually develop browsers, I think their opinion
carries some weight ;)

Anyway, I expect the use of xhtml (served as text/html) instead of
valid html in haddock will have no negative effects for me whatsoever.
But the use of CSS will be a big win! So thanks again for doing that!

- jeremy
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
Hash: SHA1

On 9/4/10 21:27 , Jeremy Shaw wrote:
 Here is why I am dubious. Browsers that support html and xhtml have
 two different code paths for rending html vs xhtml. The *only* way to
 select which code path is taken is by specifying the mime-type when
 you serve it. Either application/xml or text/html.

XHTML starts with a !DOCTYPE.  You've just asserted that no browser is
capable of noticing that and responding to it even though it's right at the
start, while somehow managing to support META HTTP-EQUIV=... tags buried
in the HEAD that can force it to go back and start from scratch.  Really?
 Or have we all been imagining the latter for the past, oh, 15 or so years?
 (Mozilla had a serious bug relating to that restart for years; I assure you
it's not a fantasy.)

I wouldn't be surprised if HTML and XHTML ultimately follow different
rendering paths --- but your assertions are raising red flags and smell
suspiciously like ideology taking offense at reality not automatically
constraining itself to fit in its assigned pigeonhole.

- -- 
brandon s. allbery [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university  KF8NH
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread Jeremy Shaw
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 8:47 PM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 9/4/10 21:27 , Jeremy Shaw wrote:
 Here is why I am dubious. Browsers that support html and xhtml have
 two different code paths for rending html vs xhtml. The *only* way to
 select which code path is taken is by specifying the mime-type when
 you serve it. Either application/xml or text/html.

 XHTML starts with a !DOCTYPE.  You've just asserted that no browser is
 capable of noticing that and responding to it even though it's right at the
 start, while somehow managing to support META HTTP-EQUIV=... tags buried
 in the HEAD that can force it to go back and start from scratch.  Really?

Browsers *could* look at the doctype to pick the path. But they  *do
not*. What they look at is the http header that is sent before the
response body is even parsed. (Obviously, things are a little
different if it is reading a file from the disk).

For example, if you do, curl -v, you will see this:

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
html xmlns=; xml:lang=en lang=en

Where the, Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8, is an HTTP response
header. Rather than second guess what the response body is, the
browsers consider that content-type header to be authoritative over
the meta / tag.

If you open that url in firefox, and go to, Tools  Page Info, it will tell you:

Type: text/html
Render Mode: Standards Compliance Mode
Encoding: utf-8

Meaning that even though it has the xhtml doctype (clearly shown in
the curl output), firefox is only paying attention to the text/html
content type.

If you visit this page,

Then it shows:

Type: application/xhtml+xml

Or, perhaps more relevant is this page:

Which contains an xml error. You can tell it is using the XML
rendering path, because it correctly gives an error instead of trying
to guess what you mean and rendering the page anyway.

Now, in the case of firefox. If you serve an xhtml with the DOCTYPE as
text/html, it will trigger the use of the text/html renderer. If the
DOCTYPE is xhtml 1.0 transition, then the browser will sniff that and
use 'almost standards' mode. Which is exactly like the normal
text/html standards mode except for one thing: the layout of images
inside table cells is handled as they are in Gecko's quirks mode.

Everything I have ever read says that browsers only look at the
content-type header to choose html vs xhtml rendering. And the
supporting evidence seems to indicate that is true. If you have
contrary evidence I would be glad to hear it. It's really difficult to
find reliable information on this topic.

- jeremy

  Or have we all been imagining the latter for the past, oh, 15 or so years?
  (Mozilla had a serious bug relating to that restart for years; I assure you
 it's not a fantasy.)

 I wouldn't be surprised if HTML and XHTML ultimately follow different
 rendering paths --- but your assertions are raising red flags and smell
 suspiciously like ideology taking offense at reality not automatically
 constraining itself to fit in its assigned pigeonhole.

 - --
 brandon s. allbery     [linux,solaris,freebsd,perl]
 system administrator  [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
 electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university      KF8NH
 Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (Darwin)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-04 Thread John Millikin
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 14:46, Jeremy Shaw wrote:
 So the choices are:

  1. only focus on getting the xhtml 1.0 served as application/xml
 working correctly, and ie users get nothing..

  2. create xhtml 1.0 that would work correctly if served as
 application/xml, but serve it as text/html, and ignore that fact that
 some stuff might not be rendering correctly when treated as text/html.

  3. create xhtml documents which render correctly whether served as
 application/xml or text/html, but then only serve them as text/html

  4. forget about how the xhtml documents render as application/xml,
 and only focus on how they render as text/html.

5. Do as my patch does; default to HTML 4 (supported by all browsers),
and allow users to generate correct XHTML if they want/need to.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-03 Thread Albert Y. C. Lai

On 10-09-02 09:57 PM, John Millikin wrote:

Is there any particular reason you're using XHTML instead of HTML?
You're using a transitional doctype, invalid IDs, and the .html file
extension -- in short, HTML with an incorrect doctype. The markup
doesn't even validate.


XHTML is supported by most modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome,
Safari, Opera, etc), but not by any currently released version of
Internet Explorer.

Although I dislike transitional personally, it is perfectly legal xhtml 1.0.

I see in another message that the author will repair all IDs if I 
understand correctly. (If not, easy to pressure the author to repair.)

File extension is a more complicated story. Which story do you want, the 
theory story or the practice story?

(It is easy to test that enough platforms out there are happy with it. 
That should end the practice story. So if you bother to claim there is 
an issue, you likely want the theory story.)

In theory, what does file extension matter? Media type is the dictator. 
The normative Section 5.1 permits the choice of application/xhtml+xml or 
text/html. While the latter entails extra requirements in the 
informative Appendix C, as far as I can see (after all IDs are repaired) 
they are all met.

In a cunning combination of theory and practice in our reality, the file 
extension .html implies the media type text/html unless the server 
specifies otherwise. But since text/html is allowed in theory, so is 
.html allowed in practice. Indeed, Internet Explorer plays along just 
fine with text/html; it stops only when you claim application/xhtml+xml. 
For example works.

This is a correct use of xhtml 1.0, and I fully endorse it.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-03 Thread David Menendez
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:40 AM, John Millikin wrote:

 Haddock is generating files with an .html extension, which causes
 webservers to serve it using text/html, the incorrect MIME-type.

Secton 5.1 of the XHTML recommendation states: XHTML Documents which
follow the guidelines set forth in Appendix C, 'HTML Compatibility
Guidelines' may be labeled with the Internet Media Type 'text/html'
[RFC2854], as they are compatible with most HTML browsers.

I haven't checked Haddock's conformance with Appendix C, but it is
incorrect to say that XHTML cannot be served as text/html.

Dave Menendez
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-03 Thread wren ng thornton

On 9/2/10 9:57 PM, John Millikin wrote:

Is there any particular reason you're using XHTML instead of HTML?
You're using a transitional doctype, invalid IDs, and the .html file
extension -- in short, HTML with an incorrect doctype. The markup
doesn't even validate.

Because HTML is evil? Though, yes, invalid XHTML is evil too...

In case you're not aware, HTML and XHTML are separate file formats.
HTML is a dialect of SGML, whereas XHTML is a dialect of XML.

And XML is just a dialect of SGML if we want to get picky.

Live well,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-03 Thread John Millikin
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 20:39, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:
 In theory, what does file extension matter? Media type is the dictator. The
 normative Section 5.1 permits the choice of application/xhtml+xml or
 text/html. While the latter entails extra requirements in the informative
 Appendix C, as far as I can see (after all IDs are repaired) they are all

 In a cunning combination of theory and practice in our reality, the file
 extension .html implies the media type text/html unless the server specifies
 otherwise. But since text/html is allowed in theory, so is .html allowed in
 practice. Indeed, Internet Explorer plays along just fine with text/html; it
 stops only when you claim application/xhtml+xml. For example works.

 This is a correct use of xhtml 1.0, and I fully endorse it.

It's not correct. Here's the exact same XHTML document (verify by
viewing the source), served with different mimetypes:

Notice that the version served as HTML does not render properly. This
is because the browser is treating it as HTML with an unknown doctype,
not as XHTML.

I'm not debating that it's *possible* to serve HTML with an XHTML
mimetype and still see something rendered to the screen. Hundreds of
thousands of sites do so every day. But to call this XHTML is absurd.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread Mark Lentczner
On Sep 2, 2010, at 5:00 AM, David Waern wrote:
 -- Haddock 2.8.0
 A new version of Haddock, the Haskell documentation tool, is out!
 The biggest news this time is that we have a shiny new XHTML backend, created
 by Mark Lentczner, ... Included is a new default CSS theme created by Thomas 
 Schilling, Mark and Johan Tibell, as well as the classic theme converted to 
 work with the new backend.

If you'd like to see the new look in action, I've generated some pages for a 
few packages here:

- Mark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread Yuras Shumovich
2010/9/2 Mark Lentczner
 On Sep 2, 2010, at 5:00 AM, David Waern wrote:
 If you'd like to see the new look in action, I've generated some pages for a 
 few packages here:

Is it possible to switch back from frame version to non frame version?
The Frames button disappears in frame mode...
Also style changing works only inside the main frame.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread Henk-Jan van Tuyl
On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 14:00:56 +0200, David Waern  

-- Haddock 2.8.0

A new version of Haddock, the Haskell documentation tool, is out!

It doesn't install on Windows + MinGW:

cabal install --global haddock

Resolving dependencies...
Downloading haddock-2.8.0...
[ 9 of 33] Compiling Haddock.Utils( src\Haddock\Utils.hs,  
dist\build\Haddock\Utils.o )

src\Haddock\Utils.hs:435:8: parse error on input `import'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
haddock-2.8.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

This concerns a line with a foreign import:

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
foreign import ccall unsafe _getpid getProcessID :: IO Int -- relies on  
Int == Int32 on Windows

getProcessID :: IO Int
getProcessID = fmap fromIntegral System.Posix.Internals.c_getpid

Adding the line:
  {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
to the top of file  src\Haddock\Utils.hs helped.

Henk-Jan van Tuyl

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread David Waern
2010/9/2 Henk-Jan van Tuyl
 On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 14:00:56 +0200, David Waern

 -- Haddock 2.8.0

 A new version of Haddock, the Haskell documentation tool, is out!

 It doesn't install on Windows + MinGW:

 cabal install --global haddock

 Resolving dependencies...
 Downloading haddock-2.8.0...
 [ 9 of 33] Compiling Haddock.Utils    ( src\Haddock\Utils.hs,
 dist\build\Haddock\Utils.o )

 src\Haddock\Utils.hs:435:8: parse error on input `import'
 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
 haddock-2.8.0 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
 ExitFailure 1

 This concerns a line with a foreign import:

 #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
 foreign import ccall unsafe _getpid getProcessID :: IO Int -- relies on
 Int == Int32 on Windows
 getProcessID :: IO Int
 getProcessID = fmap fromIntegral System.Posix.Internals.c_getpid

 Adding the line:
  {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
 to the top of file  src\Haddock\Utils.hs helped.

Thanks for catching this!

I'll wait a little while in case other issues are reported before I
upload 2.8.1.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread David Waern
2010/9/2 Daniel Peebles
 Mmm, delicious! Thanks to all involved! Any idea how long it'll take for
 this to make it to hackage and regenerate all the documentation up there?
 It'd be wonderful to do the same to the GHC documentation too.

I don't actually know yet if it's possible to regenerate the
documentation on hackage. We're looking into the matter.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
On 3 September 2010 11:57, John Millikin wrote:
 Is there any particular reason you're using XHTML instead of HTML?


 XHTML is supported by most modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome,
 Safari, Opera, etc), but not by any currently released version of
 Internet Explorer.

Sounds like a good enough reason to me... :p

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread Mark Lentczner
I am well aware of the differences between HTML and XHTML.

I choose to switch Haddock's output from HTML to XHTML mostly because I have 
found the consistency of rendering cross-browser to be greater and easier to 
achieve with XHTML. I'm not alone in this opinion: Many well respected web 
design authorities have promoted, and publish their own sites, in XHTML.[1] 
Even Microsoft's own developer web site uses it[2]!

Indeed, there is just one kind of validation error in the pages: the ids for 
section headings within a page are pure numbers and need an alphabetic prefix. 
That said, they work just fine in all browsers. I did fix the very bad 
validation problems with other ids (those that link to specific program 
symbols), and several other classes of ids. I will push my fix for the 
remaining ids and it will appear in the next release.[3,4]

As for extensions and doctypes, I believe that we are following best practices 
for the most interoperable result among browsers, and given that we need to 
produce output that will be served in a variety of ways including different web 
servers, and being browsed directly off the file system.[5]

Of course, as soon as it is viable, I would love to move Haddock's output to 
HTML 5. However, given the pace of adoption of such standards, and the range, 
age and mix of browsers that readers of Haddock's output use, it is likely to 
be two years off.

- Mark

[1] See, for example:

all of which are published as XHTML

[2] See:

[3] Considerable thought was put into both making identifiers validating, while 
maximizing browser interoperability and forward/backward compatibility. See:

[4] Given that the prior Haddock produced pages with much more significant 
validation errors and they didn't seem to cause issues, I don't think we should 
rush a point fix just for this change.

[5] I can't find any evidence for your assertion that Internet Explorer doesn't 
support XHTML, or the way Haddock names the files (and hence URLs). 

Mark Lentczner
IRC: mtnviewmark

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haddock version 2.8.0

2010-09-02 Thread John Millikin
On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 21:14, Mark Lentczner wrote:
 I choose to switch Haddock's output from HTML to XHTML mostly because I have 
 found the consistency of rendering cross-browser to be greater and easier to 
 achieve with XHTML. I'm not alone in this opinion: Many well respected web 
 design authorities have promoted, and publish their own sites, in XHTML.[1] 
 Even Microsoft's own developer web site uses it[2]!

You're not generating anything browsers will parse as XHTML, so I find
it unlikely that attaching the correct doctype will cause problems. I
am extremely skeptical that using an HTML4 doctype will render
incorrectly when an unrecognized doctype works as expected across all

 [1] See, for example:

        all of which are published as XHTML

 [2] See:

Browsers treat any data sent using the text/html MIME-type as HTML.
Those pages are being served as HTML, so browsers treat them as HTML
with an unknown doctype. In particular, CSS and JS behavior on these
sites will be that of HTML, *not* XHTML.

Firefox will show you how the page is being rendered (HTML or XHTML)
in the page info dialog. I don't know of any similar feature in

 [5] I can't find any evidence for your assertion that Internet Explorer 
 doesn't support XHTML, or the way Haddock names the files (and hence URLs).

IE versions 8 and below (I've not tested IE9) will not render XHTML --
they pop up a save as dialog box. You're welcome to verify this by
opening an XHTML page (such as ) in
IE. You may be confused, because the pages you mentioned earlier *are*
rendering in IE. However, they are not being rendered as XHTML --
again, browsers are rendering them as HTML with an unrecognized

Haddock is generating files with an .html extension, which causes
webservers to serve it using text/html, the incorrect MIME-type. The
correct extension for XHTML content is .xhtml.

For some reason, it is common to use XHTML doctypes in HTML documents
-- I assume because people think the X makes it more modern.
However, this is incorrect behavior. It is better to serve a page
correctly as HTML4 than incorrectly as tag soup.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list