Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advantages of using qualified names and a uniform naming convention

2006-09-04 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 4 Sep 2006, Brian Hulley wrote:

 Firstly, I found the following advice by Henning Thielemann very useful in my
 own code: (bottom of the page)
   In the style of Modula-3 I define one data type or one type
   class per module. The module is named after the implemented
   type or class. Then a type is named T, and a type class C.
   I use them qualified, e.g. Music.T or Collection.C.
   Similarly, if a type has only one constructor then I call it
   Cons and use it qualified MidiFile.Cons [I don't agree with
   this last suggestion].
   This style also answers the annoying question whether the
   module name should be in singular or plural form:
   Always choose singular form!


... and thanks for promoting that naming style. :-)  (I don't want to call
it my style, but the only Haskell libraries that use it and are used by
me, are those, I have written myself. :-)

 where the only thing I change is that the name of the value constructor for a
 type with only one value constructor should be the same as the name of the
 type constructor eg newtype T a = T (a-Int) which seems to be the normal
 convention anyway and seems better imho than introducing a different
 identifier for the value constructor when the namespaces for values and
 types/classes are already distinct.

I agree. I have chosen Cons, because I consider T as an abbreviation of
'Type', and 'Type' would be not a good name for a constructor. Initially I
used C, but found that this is better for type classes.

 It probably goes without saying that with the use of qualified imports,
 symbols are absolutely gross and should be avoided at all costs. They're
 totally unreadable, not just because they're a squiggly unpronouncable mess,
 but because you need to simulate an operator parser in your head to discover
 what's being applied to what. Someone could even define + to bind tighter
 than *, so it's not even safe to rely on normal conventions, and different
 modules in a program could use the same symbol in totally different ways with
 different precedences, leading to a real headache and unnecessary bugs when
 jumping between code in an editor. For readable code, plenty of descriptive
 words and parentheses are surely preferable. The only exception I'd make is
 the use of =,  (which is so fundamental the alternative do notation is
 built into the language), ($), ($!), (.), and common arithmetic ops.

I also like to remind a sparingly usage of infix operators, because of
these reasons. I want to add that precedences are not only a problem for
human readers but also for tools. Imagine a source code formatting tool
which respects precedences. It shall format
instead of
 in order to highlight sub-expressions. However, this is only possible if
the tool knows the precedences imported from all modules. That is, a
module alone can be formatted correctly only if all imported modules are
known and the tool must be able to fetch this information from the other
modules (which are possibly present only in compiled form).

 Thus I propose that (null) should actually have been called isEmpty,
 so that the relationship with the use of (empty) to denote the empty set
 is immediately apparent, and the use of the word is would immediately
 tell you that the function is a predicate.

I like that, too!

 It might even be advantageous to reserve more characters for use in
 identifiers (since the infamous ASCII symbols are so abhorrent anyway ;-) ) so
 we could have a similar rule to Scheme, that predicates would end with a
 question mark thus relieving us of the need to decide between is and has
 (to try and eliminate as much of the messiness and indecision caused by
 natural language as possible), though of course this would be a more long term
 idea eg:
 -- So related things appear alphabetically together...
empty? :: Set a - Bool
empty :: Set a

I think the separation of alpha-numeric characters and other symbols
simplifies things, and shall be preserved.

 It could be argued that it would be more in keeping with left-to-right
 thinking to put the '?' first but then we'd lose the related things should be
 together in any alphabetical list of functions/values, though such a
 compromise is already necessary when using isEmpty rather than emptyIs
 which would perhaps just sound too unnatural ;-)

In Mathematica 'is' functions are denoted by trailing 'Q' for 'Query'. May
this be an option?

 Moving on to Data.List, we find a confusion of different spatial, temporal,
 and historical viewpoints jostling valiantly for supremacy in the programmer's
head tail-- funny cartoon-like image of a list
last init  -- temporal
foldl foldr  -- spatial (left to right)
 Despite the fact that (last, init) is somehow the dual of (head, tail), we
 have to switch from a temporal conception 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advantages of using qualified names and a uniform naming convention

2006-09-04 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 4 Sep 2006, Brian Hulley wrote:

 The problem here is that these names, presumably both to do with Car, are
 not going to appear next to each other in any alphabetical listing (if there
 are other names too), whereas:
type CarBlue = ...
type CarRed = ...
 will. Thus the position of the adjective in natural language (in this case
 English) has to be ignored if you want a programming environment to display
 related things together.

 You have still not mentioned the C legacy Float and Double. Where the
first one is certainly an abbreviation for floating point number, the
second one abbreviates double precision floating point number, but the
abbreviations are quite different. What about Single and Double, or
FloatSingle and FloatDouble, or FloatSP and FloatDP?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Advantages of using qualified names and a uniform naming convention

2006-09-04 Thread Brian Hulley

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Mon, 4 Sep 2006, Brian Hulley wrote:

-- So related things appear alphabetically together...
   empty? :: Set a - Bool
   empty :: Set a

I think the separation of alpha-numeric characters and other symbols
simplifies things, and shall be preserved.

In Mathematica 'is' functions are denoted by trailing 'Q' for
'Query'. May this be an option?

Or possibly 'P' for 'Predicate', since the Q suffix is already used by 
Template Haskell though of course it's possible to use Q Exp instead of ExpQ 
in that case, and in fact I'm slightly mystified why Template Haskell 
defines type synonyms like:

   type ExpQ = Q Exp

when all this does is to force the reader of code, on encountering the 
identifier (ExpQ), to have to look for it's definition, when (Q Exp) would 
give the definition immediately inline at the bargain price of one space 
character, and the latter would also fit with the preference for writing (IO 
Int) as opposed to defining a type synonym to get (IntIO).

Though an advantage of 'Q' instead of 'P' for predicates would be that 'P' 
could then be used to mark partial versions of functions eg:

   viewL :: Monad m = [a] - m (a, [a])
   viewLP :: [a] - (a, [a]) -- when we already know the list is non-empty

   head tail-- funny cartoon-like image of a list

   atL atLs-- similar to (x:xs)

I may mix atLs up with today's 'init', because it sounds like many
elements beginning from the left.

I see what you mean. The problem seems to be that the rest of the left view 
of a list is that portion of the list which lies to the right (!) so there 
is a conflict between using the 'L' suffix to mean this operation refers to 
the left view versus this operation returns element(s) which are on the 


   viewLP :: [a] - (a, [a])
   viewRP :: [a] - ([a], a)

we could use (fst . viewLP) which suggests alternatives to head, tail, last, 
init eg (viewLPL) to mean the left part of the partially defined left view 
ie (head).

I think it is a question of individual psychology whether the name (viewRPL) 
is more difficult or easier to understand/remember than (init) - it might be 
a mistake to expect a consensus to emerge here. Maybe both methodical and 
folklore names could exist simultaneously in such cases.

Best regards, Brian.
Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

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