Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-04 Thread Yitzchak Gale

I wrote:

Am I missing something?

Yes! In reality, I do not need unsafeSTRef for this
at all, using a type suggested earlier by Udo:

stToState :: MonadState st m => (forall s. STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a
stToState f = do
   s <- get
   let (y, s') = runST (stm f s)
   put s'
   return y
   stm f s = do
 r <- newSTRef s
 y <- f r
 s' <- readSTRef r
 return (y, s')

This works! Thanks, Udo!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-04 Thread Yitzchak Gale

I wrote:

Combining ST and MTL can be messy, even in this simple
case. You will probably write something with a type like
RandomGen g => [a] -> g -> ST s ([a], g)

Udo Stenzel wrote:

But why would you even want to do this?  It's ugly and cumbersome.

Yes indeed.

You'd plug a runST in there and get
shuffle :: RandomGen g => [a] -> g -> ([a], g)

Yes. In fact, that is what I did in practice.

As you say, the overall effect is ugly and cumbersome.
And this is with only the simplest of stateful calculations.
I shudder to think about what happens when things are more
complex. That is why I am thinking that -

Wouldn't it be nice if instead you could just write:

shuffle :: (RandomGen g, MonadState g m) => [a] -> m [a]
shuffle = stToState . shuffleST

and then just use that directly inside a calculation that
is otherwise purely non-ST?

It seems, what you really want is
shuffleST :: RandomGen g => [a] -> StateT g ST [a]

Actually, I tried that. It didn't help - it was just one more
layer I had to peel away to get at the ST inside.

There seems to be no way to avoid the fact that you
think about state in two very different ways in these
two monads. Every program is written in either one style
or the other. Occasionally, you require an isolated use
of the opposite style, and I am looking for ways of simplifying
the resulting mess. "StateT st ST" and "MonadST" look like
ways of combining the two, but in practice I find that they
just seem to get in the way.

I am starting to be convinced that the only way to
write the function I want is by using unsafeRunST.

Or type it as

stToState :: MonadState st m => (st -> ST s (a, st)) -> m a

and then write in the documentation that the
user is require to write

 r <- newSTRef x
 y <- readSTRef r
 return (z, y)

by hand every time. Yuck.

Am I missing something?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-04 Thread Yitzchak Gale

Paul Moore wrote:

...your nice helpful intuitions about monads can break down into
real confusion when you hit complex monads, monad transformers and the
like - *and you hit them quite early in the APIs of some libraries*!

I don't think that is a problem with the design of the
libraries. It is a problem with the documentation.

Almost all library documentation could be written so that
any user could easily use the library in a simple, practical,
straightforward way.

I am not saying that it would be easy, but it could be

Nowadays, that type of documentation is taken for
granted for every popular programming language.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-04 Thread Yitzchak Gale

Seth Gordon wrote:

From a friendliness-to-newbies point of view,
these error messages are a tremendous wart...

Neil Mitchell wrote:

If the interface for some feature requires rank-2
types I'd call that an abstraction leak in most cases.

As the original poster of this thread, the one who was
bitten this time, let me point out that the use of
rank-2 polymorphism here is actually really nice.
It provides a strong safety guarantee for the ST monad
at *compile time*.

But the protection is a bit heavy-handed, so there are some
painful side effects that need to be addressed.

One is the confusion caused by the strange semantics
to those not familiar with the theory. That should be fixed
by simple, prominant, task-oriented documentation.
("You must always provide runST with an argument. So,
for example, you cannot write "runST $" or "runST .".)

And yes, perhaps the error messages in GHC could be
improved for newbies, but that was never intended to be the
strong point of GHC. I think Hugs is fine here.

The other is awkwardness in extending the capabilites
of ST. For that, I would propose that the function "unsafeRunST"
be added to the library.

Of course, if there is some way to improve both of these
situations by compilers relaxing the restrictions on rank-2
types somewhat, that would be great. But that is probably for
the future.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-04 Thread Paul Moore

On 1/3/07, Neil Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As for beginner issues with rank-2 types, I've been learning Haskell
for years now, and have never felt the need for a rank-2 type. If the
interface for some feature requires rank-2 types I'd call that an
abstraction leak in most cases. It certainly means that you can't
properly Hoogle for it, can't compile it with Yhc, can't do full type
inference etc.

That may well be true. Something I forgot to mention in my previous
posting was that I'm not 100% convinced that the issue I hit with
Takusen isn't a problem with the library - I find it very hard to read
or understand some parts of the library documentation, basically
because the types seem so complex. My intuition says that reading a
database is logically similar to reading a file, so types like

doQuery :: (Statement stmt sess q, QueryIteratee (DBM mark sess) q i
seed b, IQuery q sess b) => stmt -> i -> seed -> DBM mark sess seed

look pretty baffling to me - and don't match my intuition that

main = do
  withSession (connect "user" "password" "server") $ do
-- simple query, returning reversed list of rows.
r <- doQuery (sql "select a, b, c from x") query1Iteratee []
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show r
otherActions session

is "basically I/O". (Oh, by the way - that "$" on the withSession line
is the one that caused the error which started this thread...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-04 Thread Paul Moore

On 1/3/07, Seth Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David House wrote:
>> So I can't just tell someone who's just starting to learn Haskell that
>> "f $ g y" is equivalent to "f (g y)"; I have to say "those two are
>> *almost always* equivalent, but if you use $ and the compiler complains
>> about not being able to match the expected and the inferred type and a
>> type signature in the error message has the word 'forall', try rewriting
>> that expression without the $ and see if it compiles".  Eeeww.
> Why would someone just starting to learn Haskell be using ST? The
> canonical tutorial structure is to start with the pure stuff and only
> introduce the (more complicated!) impure stuff (ST, IORefs, etc.) in
> an 'advanced techniques' or similar section.

I (and one other person on this list) ran into this issue when I was
trying to use takusen to make Haskell talk to a RDBMS.  You obviously
need to learn advanced techniques to *implement* such a thing, but you
shouldn't need advanced knowledge to *use a library* that happens to use
higher-rank polymorphic types in its API.

That other person was me, and I agree entirely. I have a little sample
project, using databases and concurrency, which I wanted to rewrite in
Haskell, as a learning exercise. I hit exactly this issue when simply
trying out some sample code, and my reaction was very much one of
irritation, frustration and confusion.

One of the nice things about Haskell, coming to it from an imperative
POV, is that monads can be thought of a little like first-class
composable "statement blocks". When I understood that, I had a real
"hey, that's neat!" reaction.

One of the nasty things about Haskell (at my level of experience) is
that your nice helpful intuitions about monads can break down into
real confusion when you hit complex monads, monad transformers and the
like - *and you hit them quite early in the APIs of some libraries*!

It's not a big deal, but it's a bit offputting for a newcomer.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread C.M.Brown

> On the contrary, I think it's an excellent way of learning Haskell.
> I'm writing a lot of useful Haskell code with only one IO action
> (interact).  I don't think I could reasonably construct an
> introductory problem that couldn't be solved with it, and I haven't
> yet found an application for which I've needed more.  I think it's
> destructive to teach people "we have a wonderful new paradigm of
> programming that solves all sorts of problems, but all we're going to
> use it for is doing what we did with C++ anyway".

Yes, but the point is most students have already been poisoned with C++
(or Java). They don't see the point in Haskell becuase they can't see the
wood for the trees.
The only way to get them interested in Haskell in the first place is to
make it look vaguely like C++ (or Java) -- it's like coercing a Donkey
with a carrot. Once they are interested - show them there is a lot more
to Haskell than imperative-style behaviour, that way they may also see
the elegence of purely functional programming.

> That's just my 2¢ -- I like Haskell specifically because I don't have
> to do things in order and I don't have to do things in an imperative
> style, I would love for more people to be taught about this wonderful
> thing.

So would I. But in reality it just doesn't seem to work like that.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread Neil Mitchell


On the contrary, I think it's an excellent way of learning Haskell.
I'm writing a lot of useful Haskell code with only one IO action
(interact).  I don't think I could reasonably construct an
introductory problem that couldn't be solved with it, and I haven't
yet found an application for which I've needed more.

I think interact is a bit ugly. Most introductory problems are "take a
small amount of data, do something". In that case using Hugs/GHCi with
:main arguments to give in the arguments, getArgs to read them and
putStrLn to show the results is a very beautiful and does about all
that you need. Very few programs are actually interactive - if they
are they should usually get a GUI.

As for beginner issues with rank-2 types, I've been learning Haskell
for years now, and have never felt the need for a rank-2 type. If the
interface for some feature requires rank-2 types I'd call that an
abstraction leak in most cases. It certainly means that you can't
properly Hoogle for it, can't compile it with Yhc, can't do full type
inference etc.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread Thomas Davie

It's true that this is the typical way of learning Haskell, but I for
one think it's a bad way of learning Haskell.
Very few real world programs get by without the "impure" stuff, so if
you give the newbie the impression that it isn't there (by postponing
it) there's a chance he'll run into a situation where he needs it
before it's been even mentioned (queue newbie going "bah, academic
language" and switching to C++).
On the contrary, I think it's an excellent way of learning Haskell.   
I'm writing a lot of useful Haskell code with only one IO action  
(interact).  I don't think I could reasonably construct an  
introductory problem that couldn't be solved with it, and I haven't  
yet found an application for which I've needed more.  I think it's  
destructive to teach people "we have a wonderful new paradigm of  
programming that solves all sorts of problems, but all we're going to  
use it for is doing what we did with C++ anyway".

That's just my 2¢ -- I like Haskell specifically because I don't have  
to do things in order and I don't have to do things in an imperative  
style, I would love for more people to be taught about this wonderful  


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread C.M.Brown

> It's true that this is the typical way of learning Haskell, but I for
> one think it's a bad way of learning Haskell.
> Very few real world programs get by without the "impure" stuff, so if
> you give the newbie the impression that it isn't there (by postponing
> it) there's a chance he'll run into a situation where he needs it
> before it's been even mentioned (queue newbie going "bah, academic
> language" and switching to C++).

I agree. It also confuses matters when the newbie is suddenly given a
library of IO code to use -- but told to ignore it -- they suddenly start
wondering why it is so difficult to do anything "useful" in Haskell. A
consequence of which seems that the student becomes afraid (and ignorant)
of Haskell.

> I find that the Haskell introductions I like the most are the ones
> that accompany papers about STM and such. I.e. ones which have to
> teach the reader about the basics of Haskell IO, but doesn't have
> enough space to start with the pretty stuff.

I agree with this also. I don't think it is a difficult feat teaching an
absolute beginner how do some some basic stuff with the IO monad. This
shows straight away that haskell can do some useful stuff other than
adding numbers together in Hugs.

>Mix that with some actual
> comutations to show off some pretty stuff and you'll have a newbie who
> is both excited about the cool looking features of the pure aspects of
> Haskell, but completely aware of the fact that you can do impure stuff
> as well.

Yes, I wish this approach was applied much more often. Semi-related to
this: I taught an algorithms and data structures class last term. In one
of the classes the students were given an equation to solve and they were
frantically typing it into their calculators, replacing the variable
parameters with numbers. I told them they could all finish the class in 5 
minutes if they
used Haskell. Type the equation as it is and use higher-order functions to
work out the parameters. The look of horror on the student's faces when I
mentioned the 'H' word was priceless. However, they were all prepared to
spend 50 minutes writing a Java program which would have the same effect.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread Sebastian Sylvan

On 1/3/07, David House <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 03/01/07, Seth Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I can't just tell someone who's just starting to learn Haskell that
> "f $ g y" is equivalent to "f (g y)"; I have to say "those two are
> *almost always* equivalent, but if you use $ and the compiler complains
> about not being able to match the expected and the inferred type and a
> type signature in the error message has the word 'forall', try rewriting
> that expression without the $ and see if it compiles".  Eeeww.

Why would someone just starting to learn Haskell be using ST? The
canonical tutorial structure is to start with the pure stuff and only
introduce the (more complicated!) impure stuff (ST, IORefs, etc.) in
an 'advanced techniques' or similar section.

(slightly OT)

It's true that this is the typical way of learning Haskell, but I for
one think it's a bad way of learning Haskell.
Very few real world programs get by without the "impure" stuff, so if
you give the newbie the impression that it isn't there (by postponing
it) there's a chance he'll run into a situation where he needs it
before it's been even mentioned (queue newbie going "bah, academic
language" and switching to C++).

I find that the Haskell introductions I like the most are the ones
that accompany papers about STM and such. I.e. ones which have to
teach the reader about the basics of Haskell IO, but doesn't have
enough space to start with the pretty stuff. Mix that with some actual
comutations to show off some pretty stuff and you'll have a newbie who
is both excited about the cool looking features of the pure aspects of
Haskell, but completely aware of the fact that you can do impure stuff
as well.

Oh yeah, I agree that the relationship between ($) and (.) is a bit
ugly from the user's perspective. It may have very good reasons, but
I'd prefer consistency towards the user (i.e. spot when someone is
using ($) with higher ranked types and do rewriting) rather than
consistency towards the compiler.

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread Seth Gordon
David House wrote:
>> So I can't just tell someone who's just starting to learn Haskell that
>> "f $ g y" is equivalent to "f (g y)"; I have to say "those two are
>> *almost always* equivalent, but if you use $ and the compiler complains
>> about not being able to match the expected and the inferred type and a
>> type signature in the error message has the word 'forall', try rewriting
>> that expression without the $ and see if it compiles".  Eeeww.
> Why would someone just starting to learn Haskell be using ST? The
> canonical tutorial structure is to start with the pure stuff and only
> introduce the (more complicated!) impure stuff (ST, IORefs, etc.) in
> an 'advanced techniques' or similar section.

I (and one other person on this list) ran into this issue when I was
trying to use takusen to make Haskell talk to a RDBMS.  You obviously
need to learn advanced techniques to *implement* such a thing, but you
shouldn't need advanced knowledge to *use a library* that happens to use
higher-rank polymorphic types in its API.

There are many routes to fluency in a language, and not everybody is
suitable for the route of "here are the axioms underlying the language
and the simplest code that applies them; after you thoroughly understand
those, we'll show you how to make something practical".  Some of us
prefer the route of "here are some examples of how to get practical
things done; after you're comfortable with them, we'll show you the
theory that underlies them".  Actually, I suspect that *most* of us
prefer the second route.  Set theory is closer to the theoretical
foundations of mathematics than arithmetic, but when elementary schools
tried teaching kids set theory, it didn't work out so well.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread David House

On 03/01/07, Seth Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I can't just tell someone who's just starting to learn Haskell that
"f $ g y" is equivalent to "f (g y)"; I have to say "those two are
*almost always* equivalent, but if you use $ and the compiler complains
about not being able to match the expected and the inferred type and a
type signature in the error message has the word 'forall', try rewriting
that expression without the $ and see if it compiles".  Eeeww.

Why would someone just starting to learn Haskell be using ST? The
canonical tutorial structure is to start with the pure stuff and only
introduce the (more complicated!) impure stuff (ST, IORefs, etc.) in
an 'advanced techniques' or similar section.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread Seth Gordon
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> Conor and others are right; it's all to do with type inference.  There is 
> nothing wrong with the program you are writing, but it's hard to design a 
> type inference algorithm that can figure out what you are doing.
> The culprit is that you want to instantiate a polymorphic function (here (.) 
> or ($) in your examples) with a higer-rank polymorphic type (the type of 
> runST, in this case).  That requires impredicative polymorphism and while GHC 
> now allows that, it only allows it when it's pretty obvious what is going on 
> --- and sadly this case is not obvious enough.

I don't know enough type theory to suggest a specific patch, but I hope
a future version of GHC can do the right thing for (.) and ($) in this
situation (and possibly for other functions that simply rearrange their
arguments, like flip).

>From a friendliness-to-newbies point of view, these error messages are a
tremendous wart.  I've been on haskell-cafe for a little over three
months and seen postings from three people who were tripped up by this
(the first of them was myself).

So I can't just tell someone who's just starting to learn Haskell that
"f $ g y" is equivalent to "f (g y)"; I have to say "those two are
*almost always* equivalent, but if you use $ and the compiler complains
about not being able to match the expected and the inferred type and a
type signature in the error message has the word 'forall', try rewriting
that expression without the $ and see if it compiles".  Eeeww.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-03 Thread Udo Stenzel
Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> Here is a concrete example:
> Let's say you want to shuffle a large list randomly,
> within a larger application that lives inside some
> MTL monad stack. Among other things, your monad
> m satisfies (RandomGen g, MonadState g m), perhaps
> after a lift.
> Well, it turns out that using Data.Sequence or Data.IntMap
> to shuffle a list becomes prohibitive if you might have
> more than about 10^5 elements in your list. So in that
> case you will need to use a mutable array, and you now
> need ST.
> Combining ST and MTL can be messy, even in this simple
> case. You will probably write something with a type like
> RandomGen g => [a] -> g -> ST s ([a], g)

But why would you even want to do this?  It's ugly and cumbersome.
You'd plug a runST in there and get 

shuffle :: RandomGen g => [a] -> g -> ([a], g)

or lift it into a state monad.  Telling the world that you messed with
imperative code inside is completely pointless, since the only thing you
could possibly do with the result anyway is apply runST to it.

> Wouldn't it be nice if instead you could just write:
> shuffle :: (RandomGen g, MonadState g m) => [a] -> m [a]
> shuffle = stToState . shuffleST

It seems, what you really want is

shuffleST :: RandomGen g => [a] -> StateT g ST [a]

No need to stick the generator into a mutable variable.  Maybe you even
want a MonadST class, analogous to MonadIO.

> >Uhm... use MonadState in the first place?
> You mean use ST in the first place.

No, I don't.


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-02 Thread Yitzchak Gale

Hi Thomas,

You wrote:

How do I "import" Control.Monad.ST so I can experiment with it from
ghci and just do
like you had. Instead of qualifying it in some way.

In GHCi, use the :module command (:m) for built-in
modules, and :load and :add  for source files.

In Hugs, use :load and :also for both. You need to run Hugs
with the -98 flag to use Control.Monad.ST.

how do I do runST as fully qualified?

Like this:

Prelude> Control.Monad.ST.runST (do {r <- Data.STRef.newSTRef 2007;
Data.STRef.readSTRef r})

Have fun with monads!

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Yitzchak Gale

I wrote:

It seems to me that a natural notion of a state transformer
in the ST monad is the type:
STRef s st -> ST s a

Udo Stenzel wrote:

Are there any useful functions of this type?

Sure. Anything that can be written as a pure state
transformer can be written this way, of course.
In addition, you can use mutable arrays for speed.

Here is a concrete example:

Let's say you want to shuffle a large list randomly,
within a larger application that lives inside some
MTL monad stack. Among other things, your monad
m satisfies (RandomGen g, MonadState g m), perhaps
after a lift.

Well, it turns out that using Data.Sequence or Data.IntMap
to shuffle a list becomes prohibitive if you might have
more than about 10^5 elements in your list. So in that
case you will need to use a mutable array, and you now
need ST.

Combining ST and MTL can be messy, even in this simple
case. You will probably write something with a type like

RandomGen g => [a] -> g -> ST s ([a], g)

apply runST (tiptoeing carefully around the paradoxes
mentioned in this thread), and then build an MTL state
thing out of it.

Wouldn't it be nice if instead you could just write:

shuffle :: (RandomGen g, MonadState g m) => [a] -> m [a]
shuffle = stToState . shuffleST

I guess, your intention is that this "transformer" makes
no other use of the ST monad than reading
or writing a single variable.

Well, it can do whatever it wants inside, but it needs to expose
any state that is shared externally. If that state is complex,
you can use the same techniques that you would use for
a State monad - either build the complexity into the state
type using, say, records, or compose several transformers.
In this case composition would be:

STRef s st1 -> STRef s st2 -> ST s a

It seems, every such function better have
a purely functional interface anyway,

Yes, that is the intended use.

even if it makes use of runST internally.

You would not need to, stToState would take care
of runST.

stToState :: MonadState st m => (STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a
The type signatures above do ensure (as far as I can see)
that the opacity of the ST state thread is not violated.

I doubt that.  The "transformer" you pass in could have captured
references from a different state thread, which is exactly the problem
the rank-2 type should prevent.

Hmm, you're right.

I guess, the type signature you want is
stToState :: MonadState st m => (forall s . STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a

Or use some opaque type or monad and do something unsafe inside.

> Any ideas? A better approach?

Uhm... use MonadState in the first place?

You mean use ST in the first place. Yes, but I
want to avoid that.

The converse is comparatively
easily accomplished...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Udo Stenzel
Yitzchak Gale wrote:
> It seems to me that a natural notion of a state transformer
> in the ST monad is the type:
> STRef s st -> ST s a

Are there any useful functions of this type?  I guess, your intention is
that this "transformer" makes no other use of the ST monad than reading
or writing a single variable.  It seems, every such function better had
a purely functional interface anyway, even if it makes use of runST

> stToState :: MonadState st m => (STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a
> The type signatures above do ensure (as far as I can see)
> that the opacity of the ST state thread is not violated.

I doubt that.  The "transformer" you pass in could have captured
references from a different state thread, which is exactly the problem
the rank-2 type should prevent.  I guess, the type signature you want is

stToState :: MonadState st m => (forall s . STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a

which should actually work with runST and which would also be a bit
pointless (see above).  At least if I got rank-2 types correctly, which
isn't guaranteed.

> Any ideas? A better approach?

Uhm... use MonadState in the first place?  The converse is comparatively
easily accomplished:

stateToST :: STRef s st -> State st a -> ST s a
stateToST ref action = do (a, st') <- readSTRef ref >>= runState action
  writeSTRef ref st'
  return a

"Human legalese is the schema language of our society."
-- Tim Berners-Lee in

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Anatoly Zaretsky

On 1/1/07, Yitzchak Gale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

stToState :: MonadState st m => (STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a

That would make it very convenient, for example, to
use arrays inside a pure state monad.

The type signatures above do ensure (as far as I can see)
that the opacity of the ST state thread is not violated. But
unfortunately, the protective shield in runST created by the
higher-rank polymorphism is too thick.

stToState :: MonadState st m => (forall s. STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a


stToState :: MonadState st m => (forall s. STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a
stToState f = do
 s <- get
 let (x, s') = runST (do
   r <- newSTRef s
   x <- f r
   s' <- readSTRef r
   return (x, s'))
 put s'
 return x

Best regerds,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Yitzchak Gale

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

There is nothing wrong with the program you are writing,
but it's hard to design a type inference algorithm that can
figure out what you are doing.

Thank you for your response. What I was actually trying to
do was this:

It seems to me that a natural notion of a state transformer
in the ST monad is the type:

STRef s st -> ST s a

That is in some sense intermediate between pure monadic
state transformers on the one hand, and doing state completely
within the ST or IO monad with STRefs or IORefs.

The idea is that you could then write converter functions
like this:

stToState :: MonadState st m => (STRef s st -> ST s a) -> m a

That would make it very convenient, for example, to
use arrays inside a pure state monad.

The type signatures above do ensure (as far as I can see)
that the opacity of the ST state thread is not violated. But
unfortunately, the protective shield in runST created by the
higher-rank polymorphism is too thick.

Any ideas? A better approach?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
Conor and others are right; it's all to do with type inference.  There is 
nothing wrong with the program you are writing, but it's hard to design a type 
inference algorithm that can figure out what you are doing.

The culprit is that you want to instantiate a polymorphic function (here (.) or 
($) in your examples) with a higer-rank polymorphic type (the type of runST, in 
this case).  That requires impredicative polymorphism and while GHC now allows 
that, it only allows it when it's pretty obvious what is going on --- and sadly 
this case is not obvious enough.

The system GHC uses is described in our paper


| -Original Message-
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
| Conor McBride
| Sent: 01 January 2007 13:49
| To:
| Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST
| Hi
| Yitzchak Gale wrote:
| > Can anyone explain the following behavior (GHCi 6.6):
| I don't know if I can explain it entirely, or justify it properly, but I
| do have some idea what the issue is. Type inference with higher-ran
| types is weird. The primary reference is
|   Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types
|   Simon Peyton Jones, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Stephanie Weirich, and Mark
| Shields.
|   To appear in the Journal of Functional Programming.
|   'The paper is long, but is strongly tutorial in style.'
| Back in the Hindley-Milner days, we knew exactly what polymorphism could
| happen where. All the free type variables were existential (hence
| specialisable); generalisation over free type variables happened at let.
| Unification was untroubled by issues of scope or skolem constants. The
| machine could always guess what your idea was because you weren't
| allowed to have interesting ideas.
| Now you can ask for polymorphism in funny places by writing non-H-M
| types explicitly. As in
|   runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
| When you apply runST, you create a non-let source of (compulsory)
| polymorphism. You get a new type variable a and a new type constant s,
| and the argument is checked against (ST s a). Let's look.
| > Prelude Control.Monad.ST> runST (return 42)
| > 42
| Can (return 42) have type ST s a, for all s and some a? Yes! Instantiate
| return's monad to (ST s) and a to the type of 42 (some Num thing? an Int
| default?). In made up System F, labelling specialisable unknowns with ?
|   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (/\s. return@(ST s)@?a ([EMAIL PROTECTED]))   such that   
Num ?a
| Now what's happening here?
| > Prelude Control.Monad.ST> (runST . return) 42
| We're trying to type an application of (.)
|   (.) :: (y -> z) -> (x -> y) -> (x -> z)
| We get two candidates for y, namely what runST wants (forall s. ST s a)
| and what return delivers (m b) and these must unify if the functions are
| to compose. Oops, they don't.
| The point, I guess, is that application in Haskell source code is no
| longer always translated exactly to application in System F. We don't
| just get
|   ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@?b)   such that   (forall s. ST s 
?a) = ?m ?b
| we get that extra /\s. inserted for us, thanks to the explicit request
| for it in the type of runST. The type of (.) makes no such request. Same
| goes for type of ($), so runST behaves differently from (runST $).
| It's a murky world.
| Happy New Year
| Conor
| ___
| Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Conor McBride


Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Can anyone explain the following behavior (GHCi 6.6):

I don't know if I can explain it entirely, or justify it properly, but I 
do have some idea what the issue is. Type inference with higher-ran 
types is weird. The primary reference is

 Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types
 Simon Peyton Jones, Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Stephanie Weirich, and Mark 

 To appear in the Journal of Functional Programming.

 'The paper is long, but is strongly tutorial in style.'

Back in the Hindley-Milner days, we knew exactly what polymorphism could 
happen where. All the free type variables were existential (hence 
specialisable); generalisation over free type variables happened at let. 
Unification was untroubled by issues of scope or skolem constants. The 
machine could always guess what your idea was because you weren't 
allowed to have interesting ideas.

Now you can ask for polymorphism in funny places by writing non-H-M 
types explicitly. As in

 runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a

When you apply runST, you create a non-let source of (compulsory) 
polymorphism. You get a new type variable a and a new type constant s, 
and the argument is checked against (ST s a). Let's look.

Prelude Control.Monad.ST> runST (return 42)

Can (return 42) have type ST s a, for all s and some a? Yes! Instantiate 
return's monad to (ST s) and a to the type of 42 (some Num thing? an Int 
default?). In made up System F, labelling specialisable unknowns with ?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (/\s. return@(ST s)@?a ([EMAIL PROTECTED]))   such that   
Num ?a

Now what's happening here?

Prelude Control.Monad.ST> (runST . return) 42

We're trying to type an application of (.)

 (.) :: (y -> z) -> (x -> y) -> (x -> z)

We get two candidates for y, namely what runST wants (forall s. ST s a) 
and what return delivers (m b) and these must unify if the functions are 
to compose. Oops, they don't.

The point, I guess, is that application in Haskell source code is no 
longer always translated exactly to application in System F. We don't 
just get

 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@?b)   such that   (forall s. ST s ?a) = 
?m ?b

we get that extra /\s. inserted for us, thanks to the explicit request 
for it in the type of runST. The type of (.) makes no such request. Same 
goes for type of ($), so runST behaves differently from (runST $).

It's a murky world.

Happy New Year


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Yitzchak Gale

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

I think the problem is that technically runST is a data constructor
(possibly not relevant)

No, at least not in GHC. It is a function.

which takes a function as a parameter (definitely relevant).

It takes the type (forall s. ST s a) as its only parameter.
How is that more or less a function than anything else?

In the normal compositional model, (f . g) x
= f (g x), you're conceptually invoking f on the result of g x (g is
independent of f); here, you're lifting the function g x into the ST
s a monad via f (g is dependent on f).

I don't think I am using any special lifting mechanism here.
The "return" function does exploit the fact that ST s has a Monad
instance, but I only used the "return" function for simplicity. The
same thing happens if you construct a function that explicitly
returns (forall s. ST s a) and use that instead of "return":

Prelude Control.Monad.ST> :set -fglasgow-exts
Prelude Control.Monad.ST> let {f :: a -> (forall s. ST s a); f x = return x}
Prelude Control.Monad.ST> runST (f 42)
Prelude Control.Monad.ST> (runST . f) 42

   Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s a'
  against inferred type `ST s a1'

Here is another possible clue to what is happening. When I
try to define that same function f using monomorphic syntax,
it fails:

Prelude Control.Monad.ST> let {f :: a -> (forall s. ST s a); f = return}

   Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
 Quantified type variable `s' escapes
 Expected type: a -> forall s1. ST s1 a
 Inferred type: a -> ST s a
   In the expression: return
   In the definition of `f': f = return

(Of course, the MR is not relevant here, because I am providing
an explicit type signature.)

_ _ ...   ... _ _
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Yitzchak Gale

I wrote:

Prelude Control.Monad.ST> runST (return 42)
Prelude Control.Monad.ST> (runST . return) 42

   Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s a'
  against inferred type `m a1'

Brian Hulley wrote:

Hazarding a guess, I suggest it *might* be due to the fact that

forall s. ST s a


forall s. (ST s a)

whereas you'd need it to mean

(forall s. ST s) a

in order for it to unify with (m a).

But then why does "return 42" type successfully as
forall s. (ST s a)? It needs that same unification.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Jan 1, 2007, at 6:02 , Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Prelude Control.Monad.ST> (runST . return) 42

   Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s a'
  against inferred type `m a1'

I think the problem is that technically runST is a data constructor  
(possibly not relevant) which takes a function as a parameter  
(definitely relevant).  In the normal compositional model, (f . g) x  
= f (g x), you're conceptually invoking f on the result of g x (g is  
independent of f); here, you're lifting the function g x into the ST  
s a monad via f (g is dependent on f).

brandon s. allbery[linux,solaris,freebsd,perl] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Composing functions with runST

2007-01-01 Thread Brian Hulley

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Can anyone explain the following behavior (GHCi 6.6):

Prelude Control.Monad.ST> runST (return 42)
Prelude Control.Monad.ST> (runST . return) 42

   Couldn't match expected type `forall s. ST s a'
  against inferred type `m a1'
   In the second argument of `(.)', namely `return'
   In the expression: (runST . return) 42
   In the definition of `it': it = (runST . return) 42

Section 7.4.8 of GHC manual states that a type variable can't be 
instantiated with a forall type, though it doesn't give any explanation why.

Hazarding a guess, I suggest it *might* be due to the fact that

   forall s. ST s a


   forall s. (ST s a)

whereas you'd need it to mean

   (forall s. ST s) a

in order for it to unify with (m a).

Just a guess - I'd be interested to know the real reason as well.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list