Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell implementation of ideas from StandardML as a Metaprogramming language

2010-01-14 Thread Stephen Tetley
Hello Kashyap

I can do MSL and Region, maybe I did the parser combinators but I
can't find them at the moment.

I tried to keep the code close to the original SML, so as Haskell code
its not pretty. Not having quasiquote was a problem.

Best wishes


-- MSL

module MSL where

type Expr = String
type Predicate = Expr
type Statement = String
type Fieldname = String

data Bitsource = Source Expr Expr
  deriving Show

newbitsource a i  = Source a i

initbs (Source _ i) =  i ++  = 0;

getByte (Source a i)  =  a ++ [ ++  i ++ /8]

getNthByte :: Bitsource - Int - Expr
getNthByte (Source a i) n
| n == 0= a ++ [ ++  i ++ /8]
| otherwise = a ++ [ ++  i ++ /8+ ++ show n ++ ]

advanceByte (Source a i) = i ++  =  ++ i ++ -( ++ i ++ %8)+8;

advanceNBytes (Source a i) n
| n == 0= 
| otherwise = i ++  =  ++ i ++ -( ++ i ++ %8)+(8* ++ show n++);

data Recordfield = Field Expr [Fieldname]
  deriving Show

recordptr :: Expr - Recordfield
recordptr e  = Field e []

subfield :: Recordfield - Fieldname - Recordfield
subfield (Field e fl) f  = Field e (f:fl)

deref :: Recordfield - Expr
deref (Field e fl)
= (* ++e++ ) ++ concat ( map cojoin (reverse fl) )
cojoin :: Fieldname - String
cojoin s = . ++ s 

type Message = Bitsource - Recordfield - Statement - Statement   

infield :: Fieldname - Message - Message
infield f m src tgt
= m src (subfield tgt f)

c_if :: Expr - Statement - Statement - Statement
c_if e s1 s2
= if e==1 || e==(1)
 then s1
 else if(++e++){
++ s1
++ } ++ if s2 /=  then else { ++ s2 ++ } else 

seqmsg :: [Message] - Message
seqmsg (m:ml) src tgt s
  = (m src tgt error_action();) ++  (seqmsg ml src tgt s)
seqmsg [] _ _ _ = 

asc2Int :: Int - (Int,Int) - Message
asc2Int w (lo,hi) src tgt s
 = c_if (inrange( ++ (getByte src) ++ , 
++ (ms w) ++ ,  ++ (ms lo)
++ ,  ++ (ms hi))

  ms n = show n 

alt :: [Message] - Message
alt (m:ml) src tgt s
  = m src tgt (alt ml src tgt s)

delim :: Expr - Message
delim e src tgt s
  = if ( ++ getByte src ++  ==  ++ e ++)
   ++ advanceByte src

rangex :: Int - Int - [Int]
rangex i j
| i  j = []
| otherwise = (i:(rangex (i+1) j))

c_and [] =  
c_and [pred] = ( ++ pred ++ )   
c_and (pred1:pred2:preds) = ( ++ pred1 ++++ c_and (pred2:preds) ++ )

asc :: String - String - Message
asc chars value src tgt s
  = c_if 
 (deref tgt ++  ==  ++ value ++ ; )

skip :: Int - Message
skip n src tgt s
  = (deref tgt) ++ = 1;
++ (advanceNBytes src n)

bs = newbitsource A bit
f = recordptr target

main = delim 6 bs f abort();

to_confidence = alt [ asc HH High
, asc MM Medium
, asc LL Low
, asc NN None

-- Region

-- This one doesn't work properly -
-- CPoints are difficult to manipulate as strings, hence the `hasVar`
-- problems, it gives some idea of the method though.

module Region where

import Data.Char ( isAlpha )
import Data.List ( foldl' )

-- Prolog
type CExpr = String
type CPred = String
type CFloat = Float

infixr 6 ++
(++) :: Show a = String - a - String
s ++ a = s ++ show a

sqrdist _ = 

add :: CPoint - CPoint - CPoint
add a b = a ++ + ++ b

sub :: CPoint - CPoint - CPoint
sub a b = a ++ - ++ b

hasVar :: CExpr - Bool
hasVar = any isAlpha

cfst :: CPoint - CExpr
cfst a | hasVar a   = a ++ .x
   | otherwise  = 1.1

csnd :: CPoint - CExpr
csnd a | hasVar a   = a ++.y
   | otherwise  = 2.2

pt :: (CFloat,CFloat) - CPoint
pt = show

intersect :: [Region] - Region
intersect (r:rs) = foldl' (/\) r rs
intersect [] = error $ intersect on empty list

-- presentation

type CPoint = CExpr
type Region = CPoint - CPred

circle :: CFloat - Region
circle n = \p - ( ++ sqrdist p ++  ++ n ++ * ++ n ++ )

halfplane :: CPoint - CPoint - Region
halfplane a b = \p - ( ++ zcross (a `sub` p) (b `sub` a) ++   0.0)
zcross e1 e2 =
  ( ++ cfst e1 ++ * ++ csnd e2 ++ - ++ csnd e2 ++ * ++
cfst e1 ++ )

(/\) :: Region - Region - Region
r1 /\ r2 = \p - ( ++ r1 p ++++ r2 p ++ )

(\/) :: Region - Region - Region
r1 \/ r2 = \p - ( ++ r1 p ++  ||  ++ r2 p ++ )

at :: Region - CPoint - Region
r `at` p0 = \p - r (p `sub` p0)

convexPoly :: [CPoint] - Region
convexPoly (p:ps) =
  intersect (zipWith halfplane ([p] ++ ps) (ps ++ [p]))

tightZone :: CPoint - CPred
tightZone =
  (convexPoly [pt (0.0,5.0), pt (118.0,32.0),
   pt (118.0,62.0), pt (0.0,25.0) ])
  (convexPoly [pt 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell implementation of ideas from StandardML as a Metaprogramming language

2010-01-14 Thread CK Kashyap
Thank you very much Stephen ... I'll try and work on the doc plus the code 
you've sent to understand it.
If you do find the parser combinators, please do send it to me.

Thanks and Regards,

- Original Message 
 From: Stephen Tetley
 Sent: Fri, January 15, 2010 1:08:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell implementation of ideas from StandardML 
 as a Metaprogramming language
 Hello Kashyap
 I can do MSL and Region, maybe I did the parser combinators but I
 can't find them at the moment.
 I tried to keep the code close to the original SML, so as Haskell code
 its not pretty. Not having quasiquote was a problem.
 Best wishes
 -- MSL
 module MSL where
 type Expr = String
 type Predicate = Expr
 type Statement = String
 type Fieldname = String
 data Bitsource = Source Expr Expr
   deriving Show
 newbitsource a i  = Source a i
 initbs (Source _ i) =  i ++  = 0;
 getByte (Source a i)  =  a ++ [ ++  i ++ /8]
 getNthByte :: Bitsource - Int - Expr
 getNthByte (Source a i) n
 | n == 0= a ++ [ ++  i ++ /8]
 | otherwise = a ++ [ ++  i ++ /8+ ++ show n ++ ]
 advanceByte (Source a i) = i ++  =  ++ i ++ -( ++ i ++ %8)+8;
 advanceNBytes (Source a i) n
 | n == 0= 
 | otherwise = i ++  =  ++ i ++ -( ++ i ++ %8)+(8* ++ show n++);
 data Recordfield = Field Expr [Fieldname]
   deriving Show
 recordptr :: Expr - Recordfield
 recordptr e  = Field e []
 subfield :: Recordfield - Fieldname - Recordfield
 subfield (Field e fl) f  = Field e (f:fl)
 deref :: Recordfield - Expr
 deref (Field e fl)
 = (* ++e++ ) ++ concat ( map cojoin (reverse fl) )
 cojoin :: Fieldname - String
 cojoin s = . ++ s
 type Message = Bitsource - Recordfield - Statement - Statement
 infield :: Fieldname - Message - Message
 infield f m src tgt
 = m src (subfield tgt f)
 c_if :: Expr - Statement - Statement - Statement
 c_if e s1 s2
 = if e==1 || e==(1)
  then s1
  else if(++e++){
 ++ s1
 ++ } ++ if s2 /=  then else { ++ s2 ++ } else 
 seqmsg :: [Message] - Message
 seqmsg (m:ml) src tgt s
   = (m src tgt error_action();) ++  (seqmsg ml src tgt s)
 seqmsg [] _ _ _ = 
 asc2Int :: Int - (Int,Int) - Message
 asc2Int w (lo,hi) src tgt s
  = c_if (inrange( ++ (getByte src) ++ , 
 ++ (ms w) ++ ,  ++ (ms lo)
 ++ ,  ++ (ms hi))
   ms n = show n
 alt :: [Message] - Message
 alt (m:ml) src tgt s
   = m src tgt (alt ml src tgt s)
 delim :: Expr - Message
 delim e src tgt s
   = if ( ++ getByte src ++  ==  ++ e ++)
++ advanceByte src
 rangex :: Int - Int - [Int]
 rangex i j
 | i  j = []
 | otherwise = (i:(rangex (i+1) j))
 c_and [] =  
 c_and [pred] = ( ++ pred ++ )
 c_and (pred1:pred2:preds) = ( ++ pred1 ++++ c_and (pred2:preds) ++ 
 asc :: String - String - Message
 asc chars value src tgt s
   = c_if 
  (deref tgt ++  ==  ++ value ++ ; )
 skip :: Int - Message
 skip n src tgt s
   = (deref tgt) ++ = 1;
 ++ (advanceNBytes src n)
 bs = newbitsource A bit
 f = recordptr target
 main = delim 6 bs f abort();
 to_confidence = alt [ asc HH High
 , asc MM Medium
 , asc LL Low
 , asc NN None
 -- Region
 -- This one doesn't work properly -
 -- CPoints are difficult to manipulate as strings, hence the `hasVar`
 -- problems, it gives some idea of the method though.
 module Region where
 import Data.Char ( isAlpha )
 import Data.List ( foldl' )
 -- Prolog
 type CExpr = String
 type CPred = String
 type CFloat = Float
 infixr 6 ++
 (++) :: Show a = String - a - String
 s ++ a = s ++ show a
 sqrdist _ = 
 add :: CPoint - CPoint - CPoint
 add a b = a ++ + ++ b
 sub :: CPoint - CPoint - CPoint
 sub a b = a ++ - ++ b
 hasVar :: CExpr - Bool
 hasVar = any isAlpha
 cfst :: CPoint - CExpr
 cfst a | hasVar a   = a ++ .x
| otherwise  = 1.1
 csnd :: CPoint - CExpr
 csnd a | hasVar a   = a ++.y
| otherwise  = 2.2
 pt :: (CFloat,CFloat) - CPoint
 pt = show
 intersect :: [Region] - Region
 intersect (r:rs) = foldl' (/\) r rs
 intersect [] = error $ intersect on empty list
 -- presentation
 type CPoint = CExpr
 type Region = CPoint - CPred
 circle :: CFloat - Region
 circle n = \p - ( ++ sqrdist p ++  ++ n ++ * ++ n ++ )
 halfplane :: CPoint - CPoint - Region