Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-08-02 Thread Alexander Foremny
First of all I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this
discussion! Most approaches look very promising, especially the last
is what I imagined, but were unable to write. Thanks for that,

I will try to solve my problem using these approaches and report back
once I succeed or run into trouble.

Alexander Foremny

2012/8/1 Paolino
 This is without class :-)

 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}
 import Prelude hiding (lookup)
 import Data.Typeable

 type family Value a :: *

 data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a) = Assoc a (Value

 insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] -

 insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

 lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a, Eq a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a

 lookup k [] = error noassoc
 lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
 Nothing - lookup k xs
 Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
 Nothing - error nocast
 Just v' - v'
 else lookup k xs

 *Main type instance Value Integer  = Char
 *Main type instance Value Int = String
 *Main let u = insert (1::Integer) 'c' $ insert (1::Int) ciao []
 *Main lookup (1 :: Integer)  u
 *Main lookup (1 :: Int)  u


 2012/8/1 Paolino

 Hello, I made some trial and error with ghci to make it happy. I'm not
 really sure this has the type safety you asked.

 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}

 import Prelude hiding (lookup)
 import Data.Typeable

 class Typeable a = Key a where
 type Value a :: *

 data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a),Key a) = Assoc a (Value a)

 insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Key a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] -
 insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

 lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Eq a, Key a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a
 lookup k [] = error noassoc
 lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
 Nothing - lookup k xs
 Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
 Nothing - error nocast
 Just v' - v'
 else lookup k xs

 I've tried without the typeclass with no luck.
 For some reasons

 type family Key a :: *
 type family Value a :: *

 and adding Typeable (Key a) to the contexts and Key 'a' in place of 'a'
 leads to a lot of type errors.
 Maybe it's possible with more help.

 Hope I got it right.


 2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny

 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

  -- Scope of possible keys.
  type Label = String
  data Key a where
  KeyStr :: Label - Key String
  KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
  KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

  -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
  strKey Some String
  strKey' Another String
  intKey Some integer
  choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

  data MapG = ...
  type Value a = a
  insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
  lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-08-01 Thread Heinrich Apfelmus

Alexander Foremny wrote:

At first glance I noticed some problems with the vault library for my
particular approach.

Despite from being unique, Key values don't appear to carry any
information like the Label I need. However, it might be possible to
work around that.

The more grave problem seems to be that a Key cannot be
(de-)serialized. This might be impossible due to the type parameter a
in Key a.

Vault is intended to be a store for values of any type, so it doesn't 
include any restriction on the type  a  in  Key a . For reasons of type 
safety, this means that keys have to be abstract. You can't create a 
typed key from an untyped label alone, because this would allow you to 
coerce a value to a different type (just create two keys of different 
types from the same label).

However, it is no problem to fix the types of values to some finite collection.

That should work. You have to reify the type  a  in  Key a  in the value 
of the key. I think it's possible to use a data type family for the map 

Best regards,
Heinrich Apfelmus


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-08-01 Thread Paolino
Hello, I made some trial and error with ghci to make it happy. I'm not
really sure this has the type safety you asked.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}

import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Typeable

class Typeable a = Key a where
type Value a :: *

data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a),Key a) = Assoc a (Value a)

insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Key a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] - [Assoc]
insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Eq a, Key a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a
lookup k [] = error noassoc
lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
Nothing - lookup k xs
Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
Nothing - error nocast
Just v' - v'
else lookup k xs

I've tried without the typeclass with no luck.
For some reasons

type family Key a :: *
type family Value a :: *

and adding Typeable (Key a) to the contexts and Key 'a' in place of 'a'
leads to a lot of type errors.
Maybe it's possible with more help.

Hope I got it right.


2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny

 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

  -- Scope of possible keys.
  type Label = String
  data Key a where
  KeyStr :: Label - Key String
  KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
  KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

  -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
  strKey Some String
  strKey' Another String
  intKey Some integer
  choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

  data MapG = ...
  type Value a = a
  insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
  lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-08-01 Thread Paolino
This is without class :-)

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Typeable

type family Value a :: *

data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a) = Assoc a (Value

insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] -
insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Typeable a, Eq a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a
lookup k [] = error noassoc
lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
Nothing - lookup k xs
Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
Nothing - error nocast
Just v' - v'
else lookup k xs

*Main type instance Value Integer  = Char
*Main type instance Value Int = String
*Main let u = insert (1::Integer) 'c' $ insert (1::Int) ciao []
*Main lookup (1 :: Integer)  u
*Main lookup (1 :: Int)  u


2012/8/1 Paolino

 Hello, I made some trial and error with ghci to make it happy. I'm not
 really sure this has the type safety you asked.

 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts #-}

 import Prelude hiding (lookup)
 import Data.Typeable

 class Typeable a = Key a where
 type Value a :: *

 data Assoc = forall a . (Typeable (Value a),Key a) = Assoc a (Value a)

 insert :: (Typeable (Value a), Key a) = a - Value a - [Assoc] - [Assoc]
 insert k v = (Assoc k v :)

 lookup :: (Typeable (Value a), Eq a, Key a) = a - [Assoc] - Value a
 lookup k [] = error noassoc
 lookup k ((Assoc k' v):xs) = case cast k' of
 Nothing - lookup k xs
 Just k'' - if k'' == k then case cast v of
 Nothing - error nocast
 Just v' - v'
 else lookup k xs

 I've tried without the typeclass with no luck.
 For some reasons

 type family Key a :: *
 type family Value a :: *

 and adding Typeable (Key a) to the contexts and Key 'a' in place of 'a'
 leads to a lot of type errors.
 Maybe it's possible with more help.

 Hope I got it right.


 2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny

 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

  -- Scope of possible keys.
  type Label = String
  data Key a where
  KeyStr :: Label - Key String
  KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
  KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

  -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
  strKey Some String
  strKey' Another String
  intKey Some integer
  choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

  data MapG = ...
  type Value a = a
  insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
  lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-07-31 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Alexander Foremny wrote:
 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

 -- Scope of possible keys.
 type Label = String
 data Key a where
 KeyStr :: Label - Key String
 KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
 KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

 -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
 strKey Some String
 strKey' Another String
 intKey Some integer
 choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

 data MapG = ...
 type Value a = a
 insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
 lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

I think you might be looking for something like vault[1].



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-07-31 Thread Alexander Foremny
Dear Michael,

thank you very much for your quick and interesting response. This
looks very much like what I want!

Alexander Foremny

2012/7/31 Michael Snoyman
 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Alexander Foremny wrote:
 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

 -- Scope of possible keys.
 type Label = String
 data Key a where
 KeyStr :: Label - Key String
 KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
 KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

 -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
 strKey Some String
 strKey' Another String
 intKey Some integer
 choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

 data MapG = ...
 type Value a = a
 insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
 lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 I think you might be looking for something like vault[1].



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-07-31 Thread Alexander Foremny
At first glance I noticed some problems with the vault library for my
particular approach.

Despite from being unique, Key values don't appear to carry any
information like the Label I need. However, it might be possible to
work around that.

The more grave problem seems to be that a Key cannot be
(de-)serialized. This might be impossible due to the type parameter a
in Key a.
However, it is no problem to fix the types of values to some finite collection.

Because of this some solution built around Dynamic seems to be more
and more appropriate. But I'll try to investigate vault further.

Alexander Foremny

2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny
 Dear Michael,

 thank you very much for your quick and interesting response. This
 looks very much like what I want!

 Alexander Foremny

 2012/7/31 Michael Snoyman
 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Alexander Foremny wrote:
 Hello list,

 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.

 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.

 -- Scope of possible keys.
 type Label = String
 data Key a where
 KeyStr :: Label - Key String
 KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
 KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a

 -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
 strKey Some String
 strKey' Another String
 intKey Some integer
 choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String

 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.

 data MapG = ...
 type Value a = a
 insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
 lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)

 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.

 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.

 Alexander Foremny

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

 I think you might be looking for something like vault[1].



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-07-31 Thread Alp Mestanogullari
Would ixset or HiggsSet be suitable?

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Alexander Foremny wrote:

 At first glance I noticed some problems with the vault library for my
 particular approach.

 Despite from being unique, Key values don't appear to carry any
 information like the Label I need. However, it might be possible to
 work around that.

 The more grave problem seems to be that a Key cannot be
 (de-)serialized. This might be impossible due to the type parameter a
 in Key a.
 However, it is no problem to fix the types of values to some finite

 Because of this some solution built around Dynamic seems to be more
 and more appropriate. But I'll try to investigate vault further.

 Alexander Foremny

 2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny
  Dear Michael,
  thank you very much for your quick and interesting response. This
  looks very much like what I want!
  Alexander Foremny
  2012/7/31 Michael Snoyman
  On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Alexander Foremny wrote:
  Hello list,
  I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
  there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
  parametrized over the lookup type.
  I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
  it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
  to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
  list of keys.
  -- Scope of possible keys.
  type Label = String
  data Key a where
  KeyStr :: Label - Key String
  KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
  KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a
  -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
  strKey Some String
  strKey' Another String
  intKey Some integer
  choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String
  Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.
  data MapG = ...
  type Value a = a
  insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
  lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)
  I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
  phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
  Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
  Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
  and would like to hear your opinion.
  I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
  phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
  has been asked already.
  Alexander Foremny
  Haskell-Cafe mailing list
  I think you might be looking for something like vault[1].

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Alp Mestanogullari
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Key-Parametrized Lookup Table

2012-07-31 Thread James Cook
Another option which allows you to define your own key type is the 
dependent-map[1] package.  It requires implementing some classes for your key 
type that encode a proof that key equality entails equality of the type 
indices. If the documentation is insufficient feel free to ask me for more 
details or examples.


On Jul 31, 2012, at 6:56 AM, Alexander Foremny 

 At first glance I noticed some problems with the vault library for my
 particular approach.
 Despite from being unique, Key values don't appear to carry any
 information like the Label I need. However, it might be possible to
 work around that.
 The more grave problem seems to be that a Key cannot be
 (de-)serialized. This might be impossible due to the type parameter a
 in Key a.
 However, it is no problem to fix the types of values to some finite 
 Because of this some solution built around Dynamic seems to be more
 and more appropriate. But I'll try to investigate vault further.
 Alexander Foremny
 2012/7/31 Alexander Foremny
 Dear Michael,
 thank you very much for your quick and interesting response. This
 looks very much like what I want!
 Alexander Foremny
 2012/7/31 Michael Snoyman
 On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Alexander Foremny wrote:
 Hello list,
 I am currently thinking that a problem of mine would best be solved if
 there was a Map-like data structure in which the value returned is
 parametrized over the lookup type.
 I wonder is this makes sense and if such a data structure exists or if
 it could be created while still being well typed. I essentially want
 to statically define a scope of Key values and dynamically define a
 list of keys.
 -- Scope of possible keys.
 type Label = String
 data Key a where
KeyStr :: Label - Key String
KeyInt :: Label - Key Int
KeyChoice :: Label - [a] - Key a
 -- Some key values, to be extended at runtime.
 strKey Some String
 strKey' Another String
 intKey Some integer
 choiceKey Chose one [ a, b, c ] :: KeyChoice String
 Now I need a data structure to possibly associate a value to the key.
 data MapG = ...
 type Value a = a
 insert :: Key a - Value a - MapG Key Value - MapG Key Value
 lookup :: Key a - MapG Key Value - Maybe (Value a)
 I tried implementing this with multiple Map k a's. I tried adding a
 phantom type on some storage type of to implement KeyChoice as of type
 Key Int, but I ran into troubles with this approach. I wonder if
 Dynamic or Type Families could achieve this, but I am quite at a loss
 and would like to hear your opinion.
 I did try to search for this a bit, but I don't quite know how to
 phrase my problem. I'd like to apologize in advance if this question
 has been asked already.
 Alexander Foremny
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list
 I think you might be looking for something like vault[1].
 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list