Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with monad transformer stack

2010-10-04 Thread Michael Vanier
 Hmm, it seems like MonadState can be derived even with a non-concrete 
type, for instance:


{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Typeable

data SomeError =
  | Error2
  | ErrorFail
  deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)

data MyData a = MyData [a]

instance Error SomeError where
  noMsg = ErrorFail

newtype MyMonad a b =
  MyMonad ((StateT (MyData a) (Either SomeError) b))
  deriving (Monad,
MonadState (MyData a),
MonadError SomeError,


This compiles without errors.  So it looks to me like the real problem 
was the implicit dependency between the type 'a' in MyData and the 
return type 'b' of the monad, which the deriving mechanism couldn't 
enforce if 'b' was 'a'.  I'm finding it hard to get a good conceptual 
understanding of what's really going on here.


On 10/3/10 7:03 PM, Christopher Done wrote:

On 4 October 2010 03:40, Michael Vanier  wrote:

newtype MyMonad a =
  MyMonad ((StateT (MyData a) (Either SomeError) a))
  deriving (Monad,
MonadState (MyData a),
MonadError SomeError,

I think it's the `a'. I think it needs to be a concrete type. E.g. the
following is OK:

newtype MyMonad a =
  MyMonad ((StateT (MyData ()) (Either SomeError) a))
  deriving (Monad,
MonadState (MyData ()),
MonadError SomeError,


newtype MyMonad a =
  MyMonad ((StateT (MyData ()) (Either SomeError) [a]))
  deriving (Monad,
MonadState (MyData ()),
MonadError SomeError,

is not. This reminds me of the restriction that impredicative types
remove, but I don't think it's related.

These error messages mean nothing to me.  What's going on?  Can the more
specific code be made to work?  This is with ghc 6.12.3.

It seems like eta-reducing `X' or `x' is "enough", but Foo x,, i.e. a
parametrized type with a type variable isn't "enough". I think that's
what's going on, but I don't know why.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with monad transformer stack

2010-10-03 Thread Michael Vanier

 On 10/3/10 7:06 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Michael Vanier > wrote:

{- This doesn't work: -}
newtype MyMonad a =
 MyMonad ((StateT (MyData a) (Either SomeError) a))
 deriving (Monad,
   MonadState (MyData a),
   MonadError SomeError,

This simply isn't allowed by the generalised newtype derivation 
machinery, because the type variable "a" appears in one of the classes 
you're deriving.

In fact, I'm not sure how you're hoping for your type to actually work 
as a monad. If you try using (>>=) on your type synonym that currently 
appears to typecheck, you'll find that the only value that can inhabit 
the state parameter is bottom. Try writing out and using a definition 
of (>>=) by hand to understand your confusion.

I disagree with your second point.  I have this in working code:

newtype StateErrorIO e s a =
  StateErrorIO { runS :: (StateT s (ErrorT e IO) a) }
  deriving (Monad,
MonadState s,
MonadError e,

I can assure you that it works on non-bottom types.

As for the first point, that makes sense.  So if I do this:

newtype MyMonadS s a =
  MyMonad ((StateT s (Either SomeError) a))
  deriving (Monad,
MonadState s,
MonadError SomeError,

type MyMonad a = MyMonadS (MyData a) a

it type checks.  And yeah, writing out the instances by hand is the best 
way to understand what's going on.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with monad transformer stack

2010-10-03 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:40 PM, Michael Vanier  wrote:

> {- This doesn't work: -}
> newtype MyMonad a =
>  MyMonad ((StateT (MyData a) (Either SomeError) a))
>  deriving (Monad,
>MonadState (MyData a),
>MonadError SomeError,

This simply isn't allowed by the generalised newtype derivation machinery,
because the type variable "a" appears in one of the classes you're deriving.

In fact, I'm not sure how you're hoping for your type to actually work as a
monad. If you try using (>>=) on your type synonym that currently appears to
typecheck, you'll find that the only value that can inhabit the state
parameter is bottom. Try writing out and using a definition of (>>=) by hand
to understand your confusion.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Problem with monad transformer stack

2010-10-03 Thread Christopher Done
On 4 October 2010 03:40, Michael Vanier  wrote:
> newtype MyMonad a =
>  MyMonad ((StateT (MyData a) (Either SomeError) a))
>  deriving (Monad,
>            MonadState (MyData a),
>            MonadError SomeError,
>            Typeable)

I think it's the `a'. I think it needs to be a concrete type. E.g. the
following is OK:

newtype MyMonad a =
 MyMonad ((StateT (MyData ()) (Either SomeError) a))
 deriving (Monad,
   MonadState (MyData ()),
   MonadError SomeError,


newtype MyMonad a =
 MyMonad ((StateT (MyData ()) (Either SomeError) [a]))
 deriving (Monad,
   MonadState (MyData ()),
   MonadError SomeError,

is not. This reminds me of the restriction that impredicative types
remove, but I don't think it's related.

> These error messages mean nothing to me.  What's going on?  Can the more
> specific code be made to work?  This is with ghc 6.12.3.

It seems like eta-reducing `X' or `x' is "enough", but Foo x,, i.e. a
parametrized type with a type variable isn't "enough". I think that's
what's going on, but I don't know why.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list