Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-04 Thread Jan-Willem Maessen

On Jan 4, 2006, at 8:11 AM, Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

Krasimir Angelov wrote:

In this particular case the flop function is very slow.
It can be optimized using a new mangle function:

mangle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
mangle m xs = xs'
(rs,xs') = splitAt m xs rs

splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt 0xs  ys = (xs,ys)
splitAt _[]  ys = ([],ys)
splitAt m (x:xs) ys = splitAt (m - 1) xs (x:ys)

The mangle function transforms the list in one step while the  

implementation is using reverse, (++) and splitAt. With this function
the new flop is:

flop :: Int8 -> [Int8] -> Int8
flop acc (1:xs) = acc
flop acc list@(x:xs) = flop (acc+1) (mangle (fromIntegral x) list)

You seem to have also discovered the fast way to flop.

This benchmarks exactly as fast as the similar entry assembled by
Bertram Felgenhauer using Jan-Willem Maessen's flop code:

flop :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
flop n xs = rs
  where (rs, ys) = fl n xs ys
fl 0 xs ys = (ys, xs)
fl n (x:xs) ys = fl (n-1) xs (x:ys)

Indeed, I believe these are isomorphic.  My "fl" function is the  
"splitAt" function above, perhaps more descriptively named  

-Jan-Willem Maessen

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-04 Thread Chris Kuklewicz
Krasimir Angelov wrote:
> 2006/1/3, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> And finially, the haskel entry for
>> is currently the *slowest* entry out of 28 languages.  It is 813x
>>slower than the c-code, 500x slower than OCaml.  Should be easy to make
>>it faster...
> In this particular case the flop function is very slow.
> flop :: Int8 -> [Int8] -> Int8
> flop acc (1:xs) = acc
> flop acc list@(x:xs) = flop (acc+1) mangle
> where   mangle = (reverse front) ++ back
> (front,back) = splitAt (fromIntegral x) list
> It can be optimized using a new mangle function:
> mangle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
> mangle m xs = xs'
>   where
> (rs,xs') = splitAt m xs rs
> splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
> splitAt 0xs  ys = (xs,ys)
> splitAt _[]  ys = ([],ys)
> splitAt m (x:xs) ys = splitAt (m - 1) xs (x:ys)
> The mangle function transforms the list in one step while the original
> implementation is using reverse, (++) and splitAt. With this function
> the new flop is:
> flop :: Int8 -> [Int8] -> Int8
> flop acc (1:xs) = acc
> flop acc list@(x:xs) = flop (acc+1) (mangle (fromIntegral x) list)

You seem to have also discovered the fast way to flop.

This benchmarks exactly as fast as the similar entry assembled by
Bertram Felgenhauer using Jan-Willem Maessen's flop code:

> import System (getArgs)
> import Data.List (foldl', tails)
> rotate n (x:xs) = rot' n xs where
> rot' 1 xs = x:xs
> rot' n (x:xs) = x:rot' (n-1) xs
> permutations l = foldr perm' [l] [2..length l] where
> perm' n l = l >>= take n . iterate (rotate n)
> flop :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
> flop n xs = rs
>   where (rs, ys) = fl n xs ys
> fl 0 xs ys = (ys, xs)
> fl n (x:xs) ys = fl (n-1) xs (x:ys)
> steps :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> steps n (1:_)= n
> steps n ts@(t:_) = (steps $! (n+1)) (flop t ts)
> main = do
> args <- getArgs
> let arg = if null args then 7 else read $ head args
> mapM_ (putStrLn . concatMap show) $ take 30 $ permutations [1..arg]
> putStr $ "Pfannkuchen(" ++ show arg ++ ") = "
> putStrLn $ show $ foldl' (flip (max . steps 0)) 0 $ permutations [1..arg]

[ This is on the wiki, and is 80-90 times faster than the old entry ]

I have not been able to make this run any faster by tweaking it.  It is
easily one of the nicest lazy Haskell-idiom entries on the whole
shootout.  It does not have to use IO or ST or unboxed anything or even
arrays to perform well in small space.

* Replacing the foldl' with the more legible foldl' max 0 $ map (steps
0) is a very very tiny speed loss
* Going to Word8 instead of Int does not improve speed or save space
* Using Control.Monad.fix explicitly is speed neutral:
> flopF :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
> flopF n xs = fst $ fix (flop' n xs) where
>  -- flop' :: Int -> [Int] -> ([Int],[Int]) -> ([Int],[Int])
> flop' 0 xs ~(_,ys) = (ys,xs)
> flop' n (x:xs) ~(rs,ys) = flop' (n-1) xs (rs,(x:ys))

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-04 Thread Krasimir Angelov
2006/1/3, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  And finially, the haskel entry for
>  is currently the *slowest* entry out of 28 languages.  It is 813x
> slower than the c-code, 500x slower than OCaml.  Should be easy to make
> it faster...

In this particular case the flop function is very slow.

flop :: Int8 -> [Int8] -> Int8
flop acc (1:xs) = acc
flop acc list@(x:xs) = flop (acc+1) mangle
where   mangle = (reverse front) ++ back
(front,back) = splitAt (fromIntegral x) list

It can be optimized using a new mangle function:

mangle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
mangle m xs = xs'
(rs,xs') = splitAt m xs rs

splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt 0xs  ys = (xs,ys)
splitAt _[]  ys = ([],ys)
splitAt m (x:xs) ys = splitAt (m - 1) xs (x:ys)

The mangle function transforms the list in one step while the original
implementation is using reverse, (++) and splitAt. With this function
the new flop is:

flop :: Int8 -> [Int8] -> Int8
flop acc (1:xs) = acc
flop acc list@(x:xs) = flop (acc+1) (mangle (fromIntegral x) list)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-04 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer
Chris Kuklewicz wrote:
> Could you post your code to this mailing list or to the wiki at
> ?

I added it to the wiki. (I added it at the top - if anyone feels
put down by this, I apologize. Feel free to move it.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-04 Thread Chris Kuklewicz
Could you post your code to this mailing list or to the wiki at ?

Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:
>>And for sanity's sake, I wish one of the entries would have documentated
>>a clear way to understand the permutation generator.   The PHP and Lua
>>versions are almost legible.
> Here's a neat Haskell version:
> -- rotate initial n elements of the list left by one place
> rotate n (x:xs) = rot' n xs where
> rot' 1 xs = x:xs
> rot' n (x:xs) = x:rot' (n-1) xs
> permutations l = foldr perm' [l] [2..length l] where
> perm' n l = l >>= take n . iterate (rotate n)
> Combined with Jan-Willem Maessen's ideas (i.e. the single-pass flop)
> this runs about 85 times faster than the current shootout entry.
> Bertram
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-04 Thread Chris Kuklewicz

I collected all of the code snippets posted to this thread into the wiki
under including old haskell code
already on the shootout.

The Fannkuch benchmark drew a lot of interest, but a new entry that
creates the correct permutation order (for the 30 printed ones, at
least) has not been assembled.  But I think the rest of the pieces are
there on the wiki,

The Reverse-Complement benchmark had a "Complement" code snippet
collected from the mailing list to

The has only the two old
entries from the shootout, which are also the two slowest entries and
seem to use 10x too much space (possible leak).

The has a proposed entry which will
be submitted soon, but more tweaking is welcome.

The has been submitted, and
will be on the shootout soon.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-04 Thread Bertram Felgenhauer
> And for sanity's sake, I wish one of the entries would have documentated
> a clear way to understand the permutation generator.   The PHP and Lua
> versions are almost legible.

Here's a neat Haskell version:

-- rotate initial n elements of the list left by one place
rotate n (x:xs) = rot' n xs where
rot' 1 xs = x:xs
rot' n (x:xs) = x:rot' (n-1) xs

permutations l = foldr perm' [l] [2..length l] where
perm' n l = l >>= take n . iterate (rotate n)

Combined with Jan-Willem Maessen's ideas (i.e. the single-pass flop)
this runs about 85 times faster than the current shootout entry.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 1/4/06, Sebastian Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/3/06, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >   Where there were no entries to the
> >
> > benchmark, there are now two.  The one by Josh Goldfoot is already
> > posted, the one Einar Karttunen and I optimized has been submitted and
> > will run faster/smaller.  Our code is at
> >
> >
> >   Now for improving the fasta benchmark,
> > ,
> > which currently has a space leak in the Haskell entry.
> >
> >   A non-leaking version which has been optimized to run 3.5 times faster
> > is now up at ( spelling
> > mistake).
> >
> >   It could still be made to run about 3 times faster, if the other
> > languages are any guide.  Anyone want to help polish this one?
> >
> >  Also, two other existing entries have space leaks, as can be seen at
> >
> I took a stab at the rev-comp one due to boredom. It's not a space
> leak, believe it or not, it's *by design*...
> My god, I think someone is consciously trying to sabotage Haskell's 
> reputation!
> Instead of reading input line-by-line and doing the computation, it
> reads a whole bunch of lines (hundreds of megs worth, apparently) and
> only does away with them when a new header appears.
> Anyway, I uploaded a dead simple "first-naive-implementation" which is
> significantly faster (and more elegant):
> complement i = complArr ! i'
>  where i' = toUpper i
> complArr = array ('A','Z') (self ++ complAssoc)
>where self = az `zip` az
>  az = ['A'..'Z']
> complAssoc = [
> ('A','T'),('C','G'),('G','C'),('T','A'),('U','A'),('M','K'),('R','Y'),('W','W'),
> ('S','S'),('Y','R'),('K','M'),('V','B'),('D','H'),('D','H'),('B','V'),('N','N')
>  ]
> process header@('>':xs) = putStrLn header
> process x = putStrLn (map complement x)
> main = do xs <- getContents
>mapM process (lines xs)

Oops! Apologies to whoever wrote the orignal version! Apparently I
didn't read the spec carefully enough, the sequences are supposed to
be reversed, which is why simply writing one line at a time doesn't


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Dylan Thurston
On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 03:02:29AM +0100, Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> I took a stab at the rev-comp one due to boredom. It's not a space
> leak, believe it or not, it's *by design*...
> My god, I think someone is consciously trying to sabotage Haskell's 
> reputation!
> Instead of reading input line-by-line and doing the computation, it
> reads a whole bunch of lines (hundreds of megs worth, apparently) and
> only does away with them when a new header appears.
> Anyway, I uploaded a dead simple "first-naive-implementation" which is
> significantly faster (and more elegant):
> ...

The program is supposed to do "reverse and complement".  The code you
posted just does "complement".


Description: Digital signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 1/3/06, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   Where there were no entries to the
> benchmark, there are now two.  The one by Josh Goldfoot is already
> posted, the one Einar Karttunen and I optimized has been submitted and
> will run faster/smaller.  Our code is at
>   Now for improving the fasta benchmark,
> ,
> which currently has a space leak in the Haskell entry.
>   A non-leaking version which has been optimized to run 3.5 times faster
> is now up at ( spelling
> mistake).
>   It could still be made to run about 3 times faster, if the other
> languages are any guide.  Anyone want to help polish this one?
>  Also, two other existing entries have space leaks, as can be seen at

I took a stab at the rev-comp one due to boredom. It's not a space
leak, believe it or not, it's *by design*...

My god, I think someone is consciously trying to sabotage Haskell's reputation!

Instead of reading input line-by-line and doing the computation, it
reads a whole bunch of lines (hundreds of megs worth, apparently) and
only does away with them when a new header appears.

Anyway, I uploaded a dead simple "first-naive-implementation" which is
significantly faster (and more elegant):

complement i = complArr ! i'
 where i' = toUpper i

complArr = array ('A','Z') (self ++ complAssoc)
   where self = az `zip` az
 az = ['A'..'Z']
complAssoc = [

process header@('>':xs) = putStrLn header
process x = putStrLn (map complement x)

main = do xs <- getContents
   mapM process (lines xs)

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Iavor Diatchki
Here is a short (16 lines) and readable Haskell'98 solution.
I haven't optimized it or tested it much.
When compiled with ghc(6.4.1) -O2, it takes about 10s to compute the
answer for 9,
on my P3 366MHz machine.  It seems to use about 16K of memory.

import System(getArgs)

flop xs@(x:_) = reverse (take x xs) ++ drop x xs
flops xs  = takeWhile ((1 /=) . head) (iterate flop xs)

perms xs  = foldr (concatMap . ins) [[]] xs

ins x []  = [[x]]
ins x (y:ys)  = (x:y:ys) : map (y:) (ins x ys)

pfannkuchen x = maximum (map (length . flops) (perms [1..x]))

main  = do a:_ <- getArgs
   let n = read a :: Int
   putStrLn (unlines (map show (take 30 (perms [1..n]
   print (pfannkuchen n)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 03/01/06, Cale Gibbard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I managed to do better with the following program which gets the
> following time report on my machine
> real0m8.175s
> user0m7.742s
> sys 0m0.186s
> as opposed to
> real0m23.232s
> user0m21.115s
> sys 0m0.077s
> for the shootout code.
> I didn't try too hard to optimise it heavily, but it does use a
> tree-based permutation generator I stole from some code which was in
> an n-queens solution I had laying around (pretty sure it's not mine),
> and an obvious memoisation hack when handling the flips.
Hmm, do the permutations have to be in their specific order? This
permutation generator seems to go through them in a somewhat different
order. It seems irrelevant to the problem, but since they want the
permutations as part of the output, it's a good question. :) In that
case, I wonder if it would be best to use some other generator to
print the first 30, then switch to some faster generator for the
actual computation. :)

 - Cale
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Cale Gibbard
On 03/01/06, Sebastian Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/3/06, Sebastian Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/3/06, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > >   Where there were no entries to the
> > >
> > > benchmark, there are now two.  The one by Josh Goldfoot is already
> > > posted, the one Einar Karttunen and I optimized has been submitted and
> > > will run faster/smaller.  Our code is at
> > >
> > >
> > >   Now for improving the fasta benchmark,
> > > ,
> > > which currently has a space leak in the Haskell entry.
> > >
> > >   A non-leaking version which has been optimized to run 3.5 times faster
> > > is now up at ( spelling
> > > mistake).
> > >
> > >   It could still be made to run about 3 times faster, if the other
> > > languages are any guide.  Anyone want to help polish this one?
> > >
> > >  Also, two other existing entries have space leaks, as can be seen at
> > >
> > >
> > >  And finially, the haskel entry for
> > >
> > >  is currently the *slowest* entry out of 28 languages.  It is 813x
> > > slower than the c-code, 500x slower than OCaml.  Should be easy to make
> > > it faster...
> >
> > While the implementation is far from "nice" it still finishes with N=9
> > (which, AFAICT, is what the benchmark is run with) in a fraction of a
> > second on my machine (and not anywhere near 51s as in the
> > benchmark)... I have a 2.6 Ghz P4...
> >
> > I was going to rewrite it using mutable STArrays for a pure version
> > that's still fast but i sorta feel like I lost the motivation now that
> > it turns out the existing implementation, though ugly, performs
> > somewhat okay...
> Hmm.. This may be due to laziness. Since it's only supposed to print
> out the first 30 lines it won't compute the full n! values...
> /S

You might not have been waiting for the final result. The first 30
perms print quickly, but it takes longer to get the solution to the

I managed to do better with the following program which gets the
following time report on my machine
sys 0m0.186s
as opposed to
sys 0m0.077s
for the shootout code.

I didn't try too hard to optimise it heavily, but it does use a
tree-based permutation generator I stole from some code which was in
an n-queens solution I had laying around (pretty sure it's not mine),
and an obvious memoisation hack when handling the flips.

 - Cale
import Data.Word
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import System.Environment

type Perm = Word8 -> Word8

comparing p x y = compare (p x) (p y)

main = do [ns] <- getArgs
  let n = read ns
  ps = perms n
  p = maximum $ map (flops n . perm) ps
  mapM (putStrLn . (>>= show)) (take 30 ps)
  putStrLn ("Pfannkuchen(" ++ ns ++ ") = " ++ (show p))

   -- NB. element subtree siblings! This is an n-ary tree
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty

flop n f = fs `seq` \x -> fs ! x
where fs :: UArray Word8 Word8
  fs = array (1,n) [(k, f' k) | k <- [1..n]] 
  f' x =
if x <= n
  then f (n-x+1)
  else f x
where n = f 1

flops n = length . (takeWhile ((/= 1) . ($ 1))) . (iterate (flop n))

showPerm n f = [1..n] >>= show . f

perm :: [Word8] -> (Word8 -> Word8)
perm [] n = n
perm (x:xs) 1 = x
perm (x:xs) n = perm xs (n-1)

paths depth t =  -- paths from the root of t to given depth
 let across d ancestors  Empty   rest = rest
 across d ancestors (Node e l r) rest =
down d (e:ancestors) l (across d ancestors r rest)
 down d ancestors t rest =
if d >= depth then ancestors:rest
else across (d+1) ancestors t rest
 in across 1 [] t []

build n = 
   t = toplevel n  

   toplevel m =
 if m < 1 then Empty
 else Node m (f n m t) (toplevel (m-1))

   f col banned  Empty= Empty 
   f col banned (Node a subtree sibs) =
let others = f col banned sibs
in if banned == a then others
   else Node a (f (col-1) banned subtree) others
 in t

perms n = paths n (build n)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Chris Kuklewicz
Discussing the fannkuch entry

Sebastian Sylvan wrote:
> On 1/3/06, Sebastian Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On 1/3/06, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> And finially, the haskel entry for
>>> is currently the *slowest* entry out of 28 languages.  It is 813x
>>>slower than the c-code, 500x slower than OCaml.  Should be easy to make
>>>it faster...
>>While the implementation is far from "nice" it still finishes with N=9
>>(which, AFAICT, is what the benchmark is run with) in a fraction of a
>>second on my machine (and not anywhere near 51s as in the
>>benchmark)... I have a 2.6 Ghz P4...
>>I was going to rewrite it using mutable STArrays for a pure version
>>that's still fast but i sorta feel like I lost the motivation now that
>>it turns out the existing implementation, though ugly, performs
>>somewhat okay...
> Hmm.. This may be due to laziness. Since it's only supposed to print
> out the first 30 lines it won't compute the full n! values...
> /S

If you look at the code, then you may see that

> findmax :: Int8 -> [[Int8]] -> Int8
> findmax soFar [] = soFar
> findmax soFar (x:xs) =
>max (flop 0 x) (findmax soFar xs)

is broken. The soFar parameter (which is originally 0) does absolutely
nothing.  I think this would be more appropriate:

findmax' xs = foldl1' max $ map (flop 0) xs

They use (!!) on lists instead of, as you said, STArrays.

For truly optimal performance mallocArray of Word8 would actually model
the c code much better than the lists.

They have [a] types and fromIntegral when it is all Int8, as far as I
can see.

And for sanity's sake, I wish one of the entries would have documentated
a clear way to understand the permutation generator.   The PHP and Lua
versions are almost legible.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 1/3/06, Sebastian Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/3/06, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >   Where there were no entries to the
> >
> > benchmark, there are now two.  The one by Josh Goldfoot is already
> > posted, the one Einar Karttunen and I optimized has been submitted and
> > will run faster/smaller.  Our code is at
> >
> >
> >   Now for improving the fasta benchmark,
> > ,
> > which currently has a space leak in the Haskell entry.
> >
> >   A non-leaking version which has been optimized to run 3.5 times faster
> > is now up at ( spelling
> > mistake).
> >
> >   It could still be made to run about 3 times faster, if the other
> > languages are any guide.  Anyone want to help polish this one?
> >
> >  Also, two other existing entries have space leaks, as can be seen at
> >
> >
> >  And finially, the haskel entry for
> >
> >  is currently the *slowest* entry out of 28 languages.  It is 813x
> > slower than the c-code, 500x slower than OCaml.  Should be easy to make
> > it faster...
> While the implementation is far from "nice" it still finishes with N=9
> (which, AFAICT, is what the benchmark is run with) in a fraction of a
> second on my machine (and not anywhere near 51s as in the
> benchmark)... I have a 2.6 Ghz P4...
> I was going to rewrite it using mutable STArrays for a pure version
> that's still fast but i sorta feel like I lost the motivation now that
> it turns out the existing implementation, though ugly, performs
> somewhat okay...

Hmm.. This may be due to laziness. Since it's only supposed to print
out the first 30 lines it won't compute the full n! values...


Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Progress on shootout entries

2006-01-03 Thread Sebastian Sylvan
On 1/3/06, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   Where there were no entries to the
> benchmark, there are now two.  The one by Josh Goldfoot is already
> posted, the one Einar Karttunen and I optimized has been submitted and
> will run faster/smaller.  Our code is at
>   Now for improving the fasta benchmark,
> ,
> which currently has a space leak in the Haskell entry.
>   A non-leaking version which has been optimized to run 3.5 times faster
> is now up at ( spelling
> mistake).
>   It could still be made to run about 3 times faster, if the other
> languages are any guide.  Anyone want to help polish this one?
>  Also, two other existing entries have space leaks, as can be seen at
>  And finially, the haskel entry for
>  is currently the *slowest* entry out of 28 languages.  It is 813x
> slower than the c-code, 500x slower than OCaml.  Should be easy to make
> it faster...

While the implementation is far from "nice" it still finishes with N=9
(which, AFAICT, is what the benchmark is run with) in a fraction of a
second on my machine (and not anywhere near 51s as in the
benchmark)... I have a 2.6 Ghz P4...

I was going to rewrite it using mutable STArrays for a pure version
that's still fast but i sorta feel like I lost the motivation now that
it turns out the existing implementation, though ugly, performs
somewhat okay...

Sebastian Sylvan
UIN: 44640862
Haskell-Cafe mailing list