Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jules Bean
On 25 Jan 2005, at 08:53, Daniel Fischer wrote:
Am Montag, 24. Januar 2005 22:59 schrieb Benjamin Franksen:
getChar = 'the action that, when executed, reads a character from 
stdin and
returns it'

and that holds whether we just consider the values returned by an IO
action or take the action performed into account.
The sad truth is that IO actions in general aren't well defined 
I think the above definition is quite well defined.
I still say, getChar is not a well defined value of IO Char.
If it were, applying a function to it would always produce the same 
Take the function
printAndReturnChar :: IO Char - IO Char
printAndReturnChar ioC = do c - ioC
  print c
  return c

that produces different results every time a different character is 
handed to
getChar. And in this formulation, I see a solution to all this 
for, as I see it now, getChar is not a value of IO Char at all, it is a
function with an implicit parameter, its type is actually
getChar :: (?x :: RealWorld) = IO Char.
As such it is of course well defined.
If I'm wrong, please tell me in what way.
You are wrong in suggesting that an 'action' must necessarily give the 
same result every time it is called.

Your action (printAndReturnChar getChar) :: IO Char is a single, 
well-defined member of the type IO Char. Its denotation in a particular 
model will be something like 'read a character from stdin, print it and 
then return the value'. One can imagine a simplistic (pure haskell) 
implementation of IO in which a member of IO a is a list of 'SysCalls' 
together with a 'wiring diagram' which indicates how to connect 
together the return values of SysCalls. Others have alluded to concrete 
implementations along these lines but a bit more sophisticated.

So I suggest ending the discussion by agreeing that the question 
or not
x  mzero == mzero
holds in the IO-Monad is meaningless (at least, it's fruitless).
It is obviously plain wrong.
It is, if the above view is correct, however if you insist on getChar 
being of
pure type IO Char, I still have a problem.
I think you misunderstand 'pure type IO Char'. Being of 'pure type IO 
Char' does not mean that you will always return the same Char value.

Does it help you to think of the State monad? It is easy to imagine a 
value of (pure!) type State s Char which returns a different value 
depending on the state 's' which is passed to evalState.

In this way, the return value of an action of type IO Char depends on 
the state of the real world which is 'passed to it' by the haskell main 
loop (which is the analogue of evalState for the real world).

Now, I'd say two values of type IO a are the same if (on execution)
1. they return the same result,
2. they have the same relevant side effects.
I think, 1. should be acceptable to everybody,
1 is quite incorrect. Two values of type 'State s a' can be precisely 
the same (even syntactically the same, which is stronger) and still 
return different results when run in different states.

 and 2. as a principle too, only
the question of which effects are relevant needs to be answered. It's 
that not all measurable effects are relevant. My inclination to ignore 
side-effects stemmed from the (irrational) desire to have IO's 
instance justified, now I'm prepared to say yes, side-effects such as 
do count, so the instance MonadPlus IO is erroneous, but may be 
for practical reasons.

Is there an authoritative list of which side-effects are relevant?
The 'relevant' side effects are approximately 'Syscalls'. These include 
all such things as reading/writing, generating random numbers, opening 
network sockets, displaying windows, and so on.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Ketil Malde
Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 getChar = 'the action that, when executed, reads a character from stdin and
 returns it'

 I still say, getChar is not a well defined value of IO Char.

By this line of reasoning, I think any imperative, real-world
interacting program is ill-defined.  While in principle, I'd be happy
to champion pure functional programs, I would worry that this
definition is slighly too narrow to be useful. :-)

 If it were, applying a function to it would always produce the same result.
 Take the function
 printAndReturnChar :: IO Char - IO Char
 printAndReturnChar ioC = do c - ioC
 print c
 return c

This is an IO action parametrized by another IO action.

 that produces different results every time a different character is
 handed to getChar.

But the IO action it returns is still equal to itself, even if it
gives different results for different inputs.

 And in this formulation, I see a solution to all this confusion, 
 for, as I see it now, getChar is not a value of IO Char at all, it is a 
 function with an implicit parameter, its type is actually
 getChar :: (?x :: RealWorld) = IO Char.

Or rather:
 getChar :: (?x :: RealWorld) - (Char,RealWorld)

Which is the whole point of IO, no?  So yes, that's the essence.

 if you insist on getChar being of 
 pure type IO Char, I still have a problem.

Not if pure type IO means RealWorld - (_,RealWorld)

 Now, I'd say two values of type IO a are the same if (on execution)
 1. they return the same result,
 2. they have the same relevant side effects.

 I think, 1. should be acceptable to everybody, and 2. as a principle
 too, only the question of which effects are relevant needs to be

Well, why not use the same definition as for functions - quoted
previously in this thread.  They must have the same domain and range,
and for each value in the domain, they must give the same result.

So for (f,g :: IO a), for these to be equal, they must produce the
same value of type a if the state of the RealWorld is equal.

Relevance isn't necessary for this definition, but I guess you could
consider a dimension of the domain irrelevant if the resulting values
of f and g is independent of it.

 It's plain that not all measurable effects are relevant. 

I'm not sure.  If I can tell the difference from within my program, I
would say that they were different -- even if the difference was
irrelevant (e.g. one function taking more time than another).

But as Eq isn't defined for IO actions, it's a metaphysical question;
you can happily call two IO actions the same, even if you can measure
a different number of reductions or whatever - for getChar you usually
care about input and output, and not about pedantic resource use, so
this is not relevant in that particular case.  (In a real-time
setting, you would perhaps ha different criteria for relevance.)

Just my opinion, anyway.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jules Bean
On 25 Jan 2005, at 09:30, Daniel Fischer wrote:
putStrLn hello = (\_ - mzero)
(\_ - mzero) () That last identity holds for 'return ()' but not for 'putStrLn 

The monad law is a law for 'return'  not for arbitrary things.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Keean Schupke
Daniel Fischer wrote:
I think, 1. should be acceptable to everybody, and 2. as a principle too, only 
the question of which effects are relevant needs to be answered. It's plain 
that not all measurable effects are relevant. My inclination to ignore the 
side-effects stemmed from the (irrational) desire to have IO's MonadPlus 
instance justified, now I'm prepared to say yes, side-effects such as output 
do count, so the instance MonadPlus IO is erroneous, but may be maintained 
for practical reasons.


I am sure monads in Haskell (and other functional languages like ML) are 
on types not values. Therefore it only matters that the types are 
correct and that
the operator obeys the associative laws. I am reasonably sure the values 
returned or side-effects are irrelevent.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Keean Schupke
I think I see, but if the objects are types, arn't the morphisms functions
on types not values?
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
Keean Schupke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am sure monads in Haskell (and other functional languages like ML) are 
defined on types not values.

The objects of the category are types. The morphisms on the category are 
functions. Two functions are the same if they match each value to the 
same value. For the Functor laws and the Monad laws, the values 
certainly do matter: if they didn't, they wouldn't correspond to the 
category theory notions of functor and monad because the morphisms would 
be wrong.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jules Bean
On 25 Jan 2005, at 10:32, Keean Schupke wrote:
I think I see, but if the objects are types, arn't the morphisms 
on types not values?

No. Well: they are functions 'on' types, but functions 'on' types map 
values to values.

Analogy: In the category of sets and functions, the objects are sets 
and the morphisms are functions. The functions --- from sets to sets 
--- take objects in one set to objects in another set.

A monad T is a (endo)functor T : * - * where * is the category of 
types, together with a multiplication mu and a unit eta.

mu is a natural transformation between the functor TT and the functor T.
eta is a natural transformation between the identity functor iota and 
the functor T.

A natural transformation is defined as a (natural) family of morphisms, 
so mu is defined by a family of functions

mu_a : T T a - T a
That is, for every type 'a' there is an ordinary function mu_a of type 
T T a - T a. In particular, for a == Int, there is a function mu_Int : 
T T Int - T Int.

For T as the list monad [], mu_Int is concat : [[Int]] - [Int]
For T as the IO monad, mu_Int is the function IO IO Int - IO Int given 
by 'the action which consists of doing all the actions from the outer 
IO followed by all the actions from the inner IO'

Similarly, eta_Int : Int - [Int] is (\x - [x]), eta_IO : Int - IO 
Int is 'the action which does nothing and then returns x'

Then the monad laws (associativity for mu, and left/right unit laws for 
eta over mu) must hold for all types. At each type, they refer to 
equality on functions, which is defined pointwise, so they must be 
equal at all values.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Keean Schupke
Jules Bean wrote:
No. Well: they are functions 'on' types, but functions 'on' types map 
values to values.

Analogy: In the category of sets and functions, the objects are sets 
and the morphisms are functions. The functions --- from sets to sets 
--- take objects in one set to objects in another set.

A monad T is a (endo)functor T : * - * where * is the category of 
types, together with a multiplication mu and a unit eta.
So, * is the category of Types, and functions on type (which map values 
to values), and T is
an endofunctor (mapping functions on type to functions on type).

How does this affect the IO monad though?
   m = (\a - mzero) === mzero
If we consider the state monad, surely the above makes no comment on what
the final state should be, only the final value returned...
Or is MonadPlus not definable on State monads?
If it is then considering IO === ST RealWorld, would imply that the actions
of the IO monad are not important as long as the final value returned is
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jules Bean
On 25 Jan 2005, at 11:49, Keean Schupke wrote:
Jules Bean wrote:
A monad T is a (endo)functor T : * - * where * is the category of 
types, together with a multiplication mu and a unit eta.
So, * is the category of Types, and functions on type (which map 
values to values), and T is
an endofunctor (mapping functions on type to functions on type).
T is an endofunctor (mapping functions on types to functions on types 
*and* types to types) : functors map not only morphisms but also 

How does this affect the IO monad though?
   m = (\a - mzero) === mzero
If we consider the state monad, surely the above makes no comment on 
the final state should be, only the final value returned...

Or is MonadPlus not definable on State monads?
I don't know. The reason I don't know, is I can't actually find written 
down the laws that MonadPlus is 'supposed' to obey. I agree with the OP 
(ashley, IIRC) that mzero and the IO monad behave in a surprising way.

I would think that the closest I could get to a 'sane' definition of 
MonadPlus for State Monads is something which for mzero goes into a 
'special state' representing exception (with undefined for a value, I 
suppose), and for mplus tries the left branch, if that goes into the 
exception state then tries the right branch.

If it is then considering IO === ST RealWorld, would imply that the 
of the IO monad are not important as long as the final value returned 
Well, mzero isn't a return value in the IO monad, it's an exception.  
But yes, I agree with you that the (plausible) laws I have seen for 
MonadPlus seem to say that mzero should ignore the actions. But this in 
practice is not how IO behaves.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Ross Paterson
On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 09:23:29PM +0100, Daniel Fischer wrote:
| We face a severe problem here, not only that IO a is not an instance of Eq,
| which takes this whole discussion outside the realm of Haskell, on top of that
| we find the horrible fact that x /= x may be true in the IO Monad, consider
| x = getLine = putStrLn
| or anything similar  -- actually we already have getChar /= getChar
| and that holds whether we just consider the values returned by an IO
| action or take the action performed into account.

Eq is a bit of a red herring: function types don't belong to it either,
and yet we can still prove that two functions are equal.  IO t is an
abstract type, but it can still be thought of as having values (distinct
from the values of type t, of course).

Suppose we take a concrete IO type (simplified by omitting exceptions):

 import Prelude hiding (IO, putChar, getChar)
 import qualified Prelude
 import Control.Monad

 type IO = Resumption SysCall

 data Resumption f a
   = Return a
   | Resume (f (Resumption f a))

 data SysCall a
   = GetChar (Char - a)
   | PutChar Char a

This encodes the idea that an IO computation either returns a value or
some instruction to the system, with a continuation to be entered after
the corresponding operation has been run.

We can define a monad instance for this type:

 instance Functor f = Monad (Resumption f) where
   return = Return
   Return v = f = f v
   Resume c = f = Resume (fmap (= f) c)

 instance Functor SysCall where
   fmap f (GetChar k) = GetChar (f . k)
   fmap f (PutChar c a) = PutChar c (f a)

and we can define the familiar operations:

 getChar :: IO Char
 getChar = Resume (GetChar Return)

 putChar :: Char - IO ()
 putChar c = Resume (PutChar c (Return ()))

and you can write programs as before, except that now they construct
values of the concrete IO type.  Because the type is concrete, you can
say whether or not two values of type IO t are equal (even though it's
not in Eq either).

But how do you do anything with values of the made-up IO type?  With the
built-in IO type, we say the external system grabs the result of main
and does something mysterious with it.  We can do that with this type
too, except that the first part of the execution of the action is to
transform the concrete type into the built-in IO type:

 toIO :: IO a - Prelude.IO a
 toIO (Return a) = return a
 toIO (Resume c) = doSysCall c = toIO

 doSysCall :: SysCall a - Prelude.IO a
 doSysCall (GetChar k) = do
   c - Prelude.getChar
   return (k c)
 doSysCall (PutChar c m) = do
   Prelude.putChar c
   return m

Now one can prove that toIO is a monad transformation that preserves
the primitives (ignoring some pesky liftings of types):

toIO (return x)  = return x
toIO (a = f)   = toIO a = (toIO . f)
toIO getChar = Prelude.getChar
toIO (putChar c) = Prelude.putChar c

For example, here's the proof for getChar:

toIO getChar
= { definition of getChar }
toIO (Resume (GetChar Return))
= { definition of toIO }
doSysCall (GetChar Return) = toIO
= { definition of doSysCall }
(Prelude.getChar = \c - return (Return c)) = toIO
= { monad associativity law }
Prelude.getChar = (\c - return (Return c) = toIO)
= { monad left identity law }
Prelude.getChar = \c - toIO (Return c)
= { definition of toIO }
Prelude.getChar = \c - return c
= { monad right identity law }

so we can push toIO all the way down the program we wrote, and any
equation we can prove between values of the concrete type becomes
an equation between values of the built-in one.  There may be other
equations one could postulate for the abstract type, but they require
operational reasoning about the effect of operations on the system --
they're external to Haskell.

To talk about mzero and mplus, we'd need to extend the concrete IO type
with exceptions, but that's not too hard.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jules Bean
On 25 Jan 2005, at 11:56, Keean Schupke wrote:
I guess I am trying to understand how the Monad laws are derived from 
category theory...
I can only find referneces to associativity being required.
Associativity and left and right unit laws.
Monads are defined on functors, so the associativity just requires the 
associativity of the
'product' operation on functors...

I guess I don't quite see how associativity of functors (of the 
category of functions on types) implies identity on values... surely 
just the identity on those functors is required?

The 'associativity' isn't actually saying that the functors are 
associative. (Functorial composition is of course associativity, that's 
a fundamental fact about category theory). The 'associativity' is 
saying that the 'operation' given by the 'multiplication' 
transformation mu is 'associative'.

The proliferation of scare quotes is because monad are not monoids. 
They are a slightly different notion, but the analogy with monoids is 
strong, and the words used (multiplication, left and right units, 
associativity) are borrowed from the words used to talk about monoids.

The associativity law says that, given mu : T T - T (a natural 
transformation), there are two possible ways of going from T T T - T 
using mu, as in (T T) T -mu- T T -mu- Tand   T (T T) -mu- T T 
-mu- T.

We require that these two ways be equal as natural transformations. A 
natural transformation is a natural family of morphisms, and for two 
natural transformations to be equal, each morphism must be equal. A 
morphism in this case is a haskell function, and for two morphisms to 
be equal they must agree on every value.

The concrete example for [] is:
concat . (map concat)
should be the same (on all values of all types [a]) as
concat . concat
If it helps, the unit laws are that these two functions:
Prelude :t (\x - concat [x])
(\x - concat [x]) :: forall a. [a] - [a]
Prelude :t concat . (\x - [x])
concat . (\x - [x]) :: forall a. [a] - [a]
Are both equal (pointwise) to id : [a] - [a]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jules Bean
On 25 Jan 2005, at 12:22, Jules Bean wrote:
The concrete example for [] is:
concat . (map concat)
should be the same (on all values of all types [a]) as
concat . concat
..tiny correction, sorry. 'On all values of all types [[[a]]]'.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires
On Tuesday 25 January 2005 02:25, Jan-Willem Maessen wrote:
 On Jan 24, 2005, at 8:53 PM, Jorge Adriano Aires wrote:
  And it would say nothing about things like:
  return 4  return 5  ==?== return 5
  I can live with it.

 I feel obliged to point out (because the repeated references to the
 question are driving me up the wall) that this simple equality holds in
 every monad:

 return 4  return 5
 return 5

Opss, of course...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Keean Schupke
Jules Bean wrote:
Well, mzero isn't a return value in the IO monad, it's an exception.  
But yes, I agree with you that the (plausible) laws I have seen for 
MonadPlus seem to say that mzero should ignore the actions. But this 
in practice is not how IO behaves.

I can see three possible solutions:
   1) IO is not an instance of MonadPlus (but may still be an instance 
of MonadError)
   2) Side effects are ignored (or state is ignored) and IO may be an 
instance of MonadPlus

   3) bind (=) is redefined for IO. As the IO Monad is a function 
which resturns a computation,
   bindIO can be changed such that (a  mzero === mzero). In other 
words if the RHS is mzero, the
   LHS is not included in the final result (and its actions would not 
get executed), however this
   must be inconsistent if we consider:

  f = getChar = (\a - if a == F then mzero else return a)
   In this case if the LHS returns F the LHS should not have been 
run... this contradicts itself, so
   this is a non option I guess.

Acutally looking at GHC CVS libraries, there is not a definition for 
MonadPlus on the state or IO

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Jules Bean
On 25 Jan 2005, at 13:20, Keean Schupke wrote:
  f = getChar = (\a - if a == F then mzero else return a)
   In this case if the LHS returns F the LHS should not have been 
run... this contradicts itself, so
   this is a non option I guess.
Good paradox. That is what is upsetting me, too.
Acutally looking at GHC CVS libraries, there is not a definition for 
MonadPlus on the state or IO

It's in Control.Monad.Error. Not documented though.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-25 Thread Keean Schupke
Jules Bean wrote:
It's in Control.Monad.Error. Not documented though.
Ahh, so it is:
instance MonadPlus IO where
   mzero   = ioError (userError mzero)
   m `mplus` n = m `catch` \_ - n
So, the author of this obviously subscribed to the view that 
side-effects are not
counted when considering function identity...

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Keean Schupke
Ashley Yakeley wrote:

If you remember your category theory, you'll recall that two morphisms 
are not necessarily the same just because they're between the same two 
objects. For instance, the objects may be sets, and the morphisms may be 
functions between sets: morphisms from A to B are the same only if they 
map each element in A to the same element in B.

Yes, but I though the 'objects' in this case are endofunctors from a 
type to itself... the the morphisms operate on these endofunctors, the 
morphisms are unit and join such that joining 'unit' to the 
endofuntor retults in the endofunctor.

But I think that as the endofunctor is from the type to itself, the 
value does not
come into it.

   A - A `join` unit  = A - A
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jules Bean
On 24 Jan 2005, at 18:18, Keean Schupke wrote:
Ashley Yakeley wrote:

If you remember your category theory, you'll recall that two 
morphisms are not necessarily the same just because they're between 
the same two objects. For instance, the objects may be sets, and the 
morphisms may be functions between sets: morphisms from A to B are 
the same only if they map each element in A to the same element in B.

Yes, but I though the 'objects' in this case are endofunctors from a 
type to itself... the the morphisms operate on these endofunctors, the 
morphisms are unit and join such that joining 'unit' to the 
endofuntor retults in the endofunctor.

But I think that as the endofunctor is from the type to itself, the 
value does not
come into it.

I've lost track of what you mean by 'this case' and indeed of what you 
mean by 'join' (did you mean mplus? the word join is normally used for 
the operation of type m (m a) - m a, which is not often used directly 
in haskell)

However, even addressing your point about endofunctors: for two 
endofunctors to be equal, they must be equal on all objects and all 
morphisms, which effectively means they must be pointwise equal on all 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires

 Right, but we are dealing with the type system here. Remember Haskell
 monoids are functors on types, not on values ... (ie the base objects the
 'category theory' is applied to are the types not the values)...

 Therefore we only consider the types when considering Monads.

How so? Functors map morphisms and objects from one category into another.

class Functor f where 
  fmap :: (a-b) - f b - f a 

We have the two maps there. 
- The type constructor, maps the objects  (types).
- The fmap higher order function, maps the morphisms (function between types).

Monads are, in particular, functors. So again, the type constructor maps the 
objects (types) and the mapping on morphisms (functions from one type to the 
other) is given by liftM (that is, fmap = liftM).

Like Ashley Yakeley said, we can have many different functions (morphism) 
between two types, namely IO a types.

 As such if you wished to consider the examples you gave distinct, the
 type system would need to distinguish side effects... 

Why? I don't see how side effects make any difference here... How do you 
distinguish morphisms f and g:

f,g :: Int - Int
f n = 2*n
g n = 2+n

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Keean Schupke
Jules Bean wrote:
I've lost track of what you mean by 'this case' and indeed of what you 
mean by 'join' (did you mean mplus? the word join is normally used for 
the operation of type m (m a) - m a, which is not often used directly 
in haskell)

However, even addressing your point about endofunctors: for two 
endofunctors to be equal, they must be equal on all objects and all 
morphisms, which effectively means they must be pointwise equal on all 

I think the endofunctors are defined on the types, not the values 
though. So the object of the category is the endofunctor (Type - Type), 
and unit and join are the identity and binary associative operator on 
which a Monad is defined. return and bind are defined in terms of unit 
and join. So unit is the identity which when joined to the endofunctor 
(Type - Type) results in the same endofunctor... Therefor:

   (Type - Type) `join` unit = (Type - Type)
Now as the type of the IO monad is IO a we end up with:
   (IO a - IO a) `join` unit = (IO a - IO a)
This is true irrespective of any side effects IO may have, as the type 
is the
same for the IO action no matter what side effects it generates.

At least thats how I understand it...
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag, 24. Januar 2005 11:47 schrieb Jules Bean:
 Here are the three monad laws as written on the nomaware site:

   1.  (return x) = f == f x
   2.  m = return == m
   3.  (m = f) = g == m = (\x - f x = g)

 Taking rule 1, we do not simply mean that return x = f and f x have
 the same type. (This is obviously true). We require that they are equal
 as values of the type m a. In the case of IO, this means that they
 perform the same action before yielding the same result.

We face a severe problem here, not only that IO a is not an instance of Eq,
which takes this whole discussion outside the realm of Haskell, on top of that
we find the horrible fact that x /= x may be true in the IO Monad, consider

x = getLine = putStrLn

or anything similar  -- actually we already have getChar /= getChar 
and that holds whether we just consider the values returned by an IO action or 
take the action performed into account.
The sad truth is that IO actions in general aren't well defined entities 
(unless we index them with the space-time-coordinates of their invocation).
So I suggest ending the discussion by agreeing that the question whether or 
x  mzero == mzero
holds in the IO-Monad is meaningless (at least, it's fruitless).
If you cannot agree, I have another question: is

return 4  return 5 == return 5

true in the IO-Monad?
From the 'just the result matters'-point of view, obviously.
From the 'everything matters'-point of view not.

I feel a little more at home with the former, because it matches the 
extensional equality of set theory, but I'm not happy with either.
For any mathematician, the function
\x - 2*sin x * cos x
IS the same function as
\x - sin (2*x)
(given the equality of their respective domains -- though, for ghc they 
aren't, due to rounding errors), so if we transport this extensionality to 
our problem -- I am aware that is problematical because of the side-effects 
-- we get 
putStrLn hello  mzero == mzero.


 return hello = putStrLn

 this does not only have the same type as putStrLn hello, and return
 the same value (), but it also carries out exactly the same actions.

But does it really? hugs thinks otherwise:
Prelude putStrLn hello
(28 reductions, 55 cells)
Prelude return hello = putStrLn
(31 reductions, 56 cells)
Prelude putStrLn hello
(26 reductions, 50 cells)

even the same input does not necessarily lead to exactly the same actions, 
depending on whether hello is already known or not.

 If it was simply enough that it have the same type, then it would be
 'good enough' if

 return hello = putStrLn

 had the same effect as

 putStrLn goodbye

 ...which has the same type, and the same return value.

Yes, definitely a point, if only the result matters, we must say
putStrLn hello == putStrLn goodbye,
which is somewhat counterintuitive. On the other hand, there are many 
counterintuitive truths around.

 Aside: you said a couple of messages ago:
  Yes it is, side effects are quite clearly not counted. The value
  of (putStrLn Hello  mzero) is mzero.

 This concept of 'value' only makes sense in some monads. In the List
 monad there can be many 'values' of a computation. It just happens that
 IO 'returns' a 'single value' all the time.

Yes, and return hello returns the value hello, so the concept of value 
absolutely makes sense in the IO-Monad -- though I would prefer to call 
hello the 'result' of the IO-action, rather than the 'value'. And the 
result of x  mzero is mzero, regardless of what x is.

Just thinking about this, a monad is a Functor plus two 
natural-tranformations, Unit and Join. Is there an equivalent definition 
for MonadPlus... I am not sure I understand where MonadPlus comes from? 
Is it just a Functor and two different definitions of Unit and Join 
(from those chosen to be in the class Monad?)

And these two transformations must satisfy certain conditions.
As for MonadPlus, it's just a Monad m with the additional property that 
forall objects a, the object m(a) is a monoid -- if I'm not mistaken, it also 
defines a Functor into the category of monoids in our three cases and should 
do anyway (that's something different from the fact that the object m(a) is a 
monoid, additionally we must have that for all maps f: a - b, the associated 
map fmap f (which should be liftM f) is a monoid-homomorphism; however if we 
view m as a functor into category Mon, it is no longer a Monad, because then 
even the concept of a natural transformation of Id to m isn't defined, since 
these are functors to different categories).
I haven't yet figured out, why exactly mzero  x and x  mzero must always 
yield mzero, that is, the exact interplay between 'bind' and 'fmap', but in 
our three cases it's natural enough (pace Ashley, Jules and everybody else: 
if we take the 'results only'-point of view).

In reference to the idea of splitting MonadPlus, what category
would you be operating in, if you 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Benjamin Franksen
On Monday 24 January 2005 21:23, Daniel Fischer wrote:
 Am Montag, 24. Januar 2005 11:47 schrieb Jules Bean:

  Here are the three monad laws as written on the nomaware site:
  1.  (return x) = f == f x
  2.  m = return == m
  3.  (m = f) = g == m = (\x - f x = g)
  Taking rule 1, we do not simply mean that return x = f and f x have
  the same type. (This is obviously true). We require that they are equal
  as values of the type m a. In the case of IO, this means that they
  perform the same action before yielding the same result.

 We face a severe problem here, not only that IO a is not an instance of Eq,
 which takes this whole discussion outside the realm of Haskell, on top of
 that we find the horrible fact that x /= x may be true in the IO Monad,

 x = getLine = putStrLn

 or anything similar  -- actually we already have getChar /= getChar

I wonder how you derive at this strange conclusion. Of course, getChar == 
getChar is always true. Now we clearly have to say what we mean by this kind 
of equality. Well, there is an operational model of the program inside its 
environment (OS, etc..) in identity resp. equality of IO actions are defined 
with respect to this model. For instance:

getChar = 'the action that, when executed, reads a character from stdin and 
returns it'

 and that holds whether we just consider the values returned by an IO action
 or take the action performed into account.
 The sad truth is that IO actions in general aren't well defined entities

I think the above definition is quite well defined.

 (unless we index them with the space-time-coordinates of their invocation).

No need to do that.

 So I suggest ending the discussion by agreeing that the question whether or
 x  mzero == mzero
 holds in the IO-Monad is meaningless (at least, it's fruitless).

It is obviously plain wrong.

 If you cannot agree, I have another question: is

 return 4  return 5 == return 5

 true in the IO-Monad?

Why, yes of course. That doesn't mean you can generalize it arbitrarily. It is 
true, because 'return 4' has no effect, other than returning '4' which is 
ignored by the '' operator. In our operational model, 'return 4  return 
5' has exactly the same externally visible effect as 'return 5', so they are 

 From the 'just the result matters'-point of view, obviously.
 From the 'everything matters'-point of view not.

Both are wrong. 'just the result matters' is the correct POV for functions, 
but not for IO actions. 'everything matters' is wrong even for IO actions, 
because the actual value returned when the action is executed is completely 
irrelevant to the IO action's identity.

 I feel a little more at home with the former, because it matches the
 extensional equality of set theory, but I'm not happy with either.
 For any mathematician, the function
 \x - 2*sin x * cos x
 IS the same function as
 \x - sin (2*x)
 (given the equality of their respective domains -- though, for ghc they
 aren't, due to rounding errors), 

The above equality depends on what sin and cos mean. Regarded as functions on 
real numbers it is correct. It is false if they are considered functions on 
floating point numbers (and thus only approximating the 'real' sin/cos).

 so if we transport this extensionality to 
 our problem -- I am aware that is problematical because of the side-effects
 -- we get
 putStrLn hello  mzero == mzero.

As I said, this is complete nonsense.

  return hello = putStrLn
  this does not only have the same type as putStrLn hello, and return
  the same value (), but it also carries out exactly the same actions.

 But does it really? hugs thinks otherwise:
 Prelude putStrLn hello
 (28 reductions, 55 cells)
 Prelude return hello = putStrLn
 (31 reductions, 56 cells)
 Prelude putStrLn hello
 (26 reductions, 50 cells)

 even the same input does not necessarily lead to exactly the same actions,
 depending on whether hello is already known or not.

And also some of the electrons on transistor 19348587434 on the CPU chip move 
with a slightly reduced velocity due to the computer user shouting curses at 
his machine...

Seriously, the model in which the 'sameness' resp. identity of IO actions is 
defined takes into account only (a subset of all) externally observable 
effects, not the way a certain interpreter/compiler executes the action 

I'll stop here; think I have made my point

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires

 We face a severe problem here, not only that IO a is not an instance of Eq,
 which takes this whole discussion outside the realm of Haskell, on top of

 that we find the horrible fact that x /= x may be true in the IO Monad,

 x = getLine = putStrLn

 or anything similar  -- actually we already have getChar /= getChar

This isn't obvious to me. So x is an action, and it does not always produces 
the same side effects when executed. But why should that make x/=x? It is the 
same action, it gets one line from the input, and then prints it...

In fact, I do not agree. See Rant 2 below.

 The sad truth is that IO actions in general aren't well defined entities
 (unless we index them with the space-time-coordinates of their invocation).
 So I suggest ending the discussion by agreeing that the question whether or
 x  mzero == mzero 
 holds in the IO-Monad is meaningless (at least, it's fruitless).
 If you cannot agree, I have another question: is

 return 4  return 5 == return 5

 true in the IO-Monad?

Yeap, I thought about it too, have no idea, and cannot afford to spend much 
time thinking about it now either, since I got work to do... :-/ 

--- Rant 1
My gut feeling would be no. I think my intuitive reasoning is too just 
consider that, every IO action is equal to itself, then take the closure with 
respect to function application, and assume all others cannot be proved. That 

x === x,  for all   x :: IO a 
f x === g x, for all   x :: a  and  f,g :: a - IO b,  such that f === g

Where equality between functions is defined the usual way.

--- Rant 2

Nope, we have to have getChar === getChar.

I think you'll agree if I say that we have:
1. return === return 
2- return 5 === return 5 
return 5   return 5 ===  return 5  return 5

Because this has nothing to do with IO.  
1. We have that, return :: a-IO a  is a function, not an action, so it must 
be equal to itself. 

2. We have that, return :: a-IO a  is a function, not an action, so it must 
return the same value when applied to the same element.  

3.  () :: (Monad m) = m a - m b - m b   
It is also a function, so  () x ===  () x. 
And by the same reasoning () x y ===  () x y. 
So from 2 we have 3.

A constant c :: a  is just morphism(function) c : 0 - a, where 0 is the 
initial object (empty set).  So we must have c === c. 
Which means getChar === getChar.

In other words, by questioning wether you can have  x ==/= x for x :: IO a, 
you are questioning wether we really have f === f for all functions f::a-b.

  return hello = putStrLn
  this does not only have the same type as putStrLn hello, and return
  the same value (), but it also carries out exactly the same actions.

 But does it really? hugs thinks otherwise:
 Prelude putStrLn hello
 (28 reductions, 55 cells)
 Prelude return hello = putStrLn
 (31 reductions, 56 cells)
 Prelude putStrLn hello
 (26 reductions, 50 cells)

 even the same input does not necessarily lead to exactly the same actions,
 depending on whether hello is already known or not.

This I don't agree with, I think you are using the word actions for two 
different things, the elements of type IO a, and their execution. What you 
just showed is that those IO () elements (actions) when executed, always 
created different side effects in the real world. Not that the actions 
themselves are different. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag, 24. Januar 2005 20:25 schrieb Keean Schupke:
 I think the endofunctors are defined on the types, not the values
 though. So the object of the category is the endofunctor (Type - Type),
 and unit and join are the identity and binary associative operator on
 which a Monad is defined. return and bind are defined in terms of unit
 and join. So unit is the identity which when joined to the endofunctor
 (Type - Type) results in the same endofunctor... Therefor:

 (Type - Type) `join` unit = (Type - Type)

 Now as the type of the IO monad is IO a we end up with:

 (IO a - IO a) `join` unit = (IO a - IO a)

 This is true irrespective of any side effects IO may have, as the type
 is the
 same for the IO action no matter what side effects it generates.

 At least thats how I understand it...


You lost me there.
As I see it, the objects of C are the types, i.e. 
Ob(C) = {T : T is a Haskell type}.
I'd say that a type is a set of values, but that doesn't matter really.
The Morphisms of C are the functions between types, i.e.
Mor(A, B) = {f : A - B}.

Then IO is (supposed to be) a functor C - C, that is, to every object A we 
have an associated one, namely IO(A), and to every morphism f `elem` Mor(A,B) 
we have an associated one, IO(f) `elem` Mor(IO(A), IO(B)).
Further we have a natural transformation, eta, from the identity functor to 
IO, that is, for every A `elem` Ob(C) we have an eta_A `elem` Mor(A, IO(A)), 
such that 
(forall A,B `elem` Ob(C)) (forall f `elem` Mor(A, B)) 
   (eta_B . f == IO(f) . eta_A)
and a natural transformation mu from IO . IO to IO, that is, for every A 
`elem` Ob(C) we have a mu_A `elem` Mor(IO(IO(A)), IO(A)), such that
(forall A,B `elem` Ob(C)) (forall f `elem` Mor(A, B))
(mu_B . IO(IO(f)) == IO(f) . mu_A).
Now, eta is return and mu is join, or mu_A = (= id_(IO(A))).

Finally, in order to make the triple (IO, eta, mu) a Monad, eta and mu must 
meet three conditions:
 i) mu . IO(mu) = mu . mu, or, more clearly
(forall A `elem` Ob(C)) (mu_A . IO(mu_A) == mu_A . mu_(IO(A))),
ii) mu . eta == id, or
(forall A `elem` Ob(C)) (mu_A . eta_(IO(A)) == id_(IO(A))),
iii) mu . IO(eta) == id, or
(forall A `elem` Ob(C)) (mu_A . IO(eta_A) == id_(IO(A))).
Each of these conditions demands the equality of some functions, and all of 
these functions are in Mor(A, IO(B)) for appropriate A and B.

So the first question to answer -- and I believe the rest will relatively 
easily follow from that answer -- is

What does equality mean in type IO(A)?

Without that, the conditions are meaningless, and IO cannot even be a functor.
And suppose we found an answer, such that indeed IO is a functor. Are then 
conditions i)--iii) fulfilled?

Condition ii) demands that
return (putStrLn hi) = id == putStrLn hi.
Let's try it out:
Prelude putStrLn hi

(16 reductions, 30 cells)
Prelude return (putStrLn hi) = id

(22 reductions, 36 cells)

Now obviously they aren't absolutely identical, in return .. = id, we 
execute the actions of first wrapping up putStrLn hi in a further IO-layer 
and then unwrapping it again. So if we insist that equality of IO-actions 
means that exactly the same actions are performed, IO is NOT a Monad.
But I don't suppose such a rigid interpretation was intended and in our 
running example, there was additional output generated, which is a visible 
difference. But is it so important whether WE see a difference or only the 
machine does?
Of course, saying that two IO-actions are equal when they return the same 
result (given the same input), is not easily accepted, but output isn't the 
perfect criterion either: what if stdout is closed? Is
putStrLn hello  mzero == mzero then?

I wish someone called Simon could shed some light on this issue.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires

 A constant c :: a  is just morphism(function) c : 0 - a, where 0 is the
 initial object (empty set). 

--- Rant2 correction
Opss I messed up here. Should be terminal should 1- a  (terminal object/unit 
set). At least that's how I usually think of constants  in haskell  1 is 
()... so I think I don't know what is a constant in Haskell... Anyway, 
stopping now.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Dienstag, 25. Januar 2005 00:29 schrieb Jorge Adriano Aires:
 x = getLine = putStrLn
This isn't obvious to me. So x is an action, and it does not always produces 
the same side effects when executed. But why should that make x/=x? It is the 
same action, it gets one line from the input, and then prints it...

OK, but then the different side-effects could not be used to distinguish
putStrLn hello  mzero
and mzero. So I still believe, if you say these two are different, because 
they produce different output, you cannot easily insist on x === x.

A constant c :: a  is just morphism(function) c : 0 - a, where 0 is the 
initial object (empty set).
The empty set being an initial object means, for every a there is exactly one 
morphism from 0 to a. A constant is a function from a one-element-set to a.

 This I don't agree with, I think you are using the word actions for two
 different things, the elements of type IO a, and their execution. What you

You're right, but one of my problems is to identify elements of type IO a.
If the returned value isn't the thing, the execution must matter, but which 
parts of the execution are to be taken into account? 

 just showed is that those IO () elements (actions) when executed, always
 created different side effects in the real world. Not that the actions
 themselves are different.

But that is the problem, what does it mean for two actions to be the same?
After all, writing hello to stdout is just a side-effect, like putting 4 on 
the stack and immediately ignoring it.

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Montag, 24. Januar 2005 22:59 schrieb Benjamin Franksen:
 Both are wrong. 'just the result matters' is the correct POV for functions,
 but not for IO actions. 'everything matters' is wrong even for IO actions,
 because the actual value returned when the action is executed is completely
 irrelevant to the IO action's identity.

Now that I cannot swallow, that would mean
return 4 == return 5.
I suppose you didn't mean that, though.
Maybe, the internal workings are irrelevant, only visible side-effects and the 
returned value? But which side-effects are relevant?

 And also some of the electrons on transistor 19348587434 on the CPU chip
 move with a slightly reduced velocity due to the computer user shouting
 curses at his machine...

could that alter the number of reductions? 

 Seriously, the model in which the 'sameness' resp. identity of IO actions
 is defined takes into account only (a subset of all) externally observable
 effects, not the way a certain interpreter/compiler executes the action

 I'll stop here; think I have made my point

Yes, and I still don't know which effects do count and why these and not 

 Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires

 This isn't obvious to me. So x is an action, and it does not always
  produces the same side effects when executed. But why should that make
  x/=x? It is the same action, it gets one line from the input, and then
  prints it...

 OK, but then the different side-effects could not be used to distinguish
 putStrLn hello  mzero
 and mzero. So I still believe, if you say these two are different, because
 they produce different output, you cannot easily insist on x === x.

Agree. But I don't say that. 

  This I don't agree with, I think you are using the word actions for two
  different things, the elements of type IO a, and their execution. What

 You're right, but one of my problems is to identify elements of type IO a.
 If the returned value isn't the thing, the execution must matter, but which
 parts of the execution are to be taken into account?

How can we tell if  functions f === g? They must have the same domain, 
codomain and return the same result for every element of the domain. This is 
just the mathematical definition. For any two arbitrary functions f,g, can 
you tell if they are the same or not?

As a definition, I'd be happy to have, x,y :: IO a are the same if, given the 
same, real world, they produce the same effects and return the same result. 

Now I'm not saying we can derive that x === x, for x ::IO, from that, but it 
is certainly consistent with that point of view, so we can take it as an 
axiom. Which I think we already do. We also have that if f === g than  f x 
=== g x. That includes functions of type  f,g :: a - IO b. All seems 

Any other equality relation should include that one. 

Is it enough? It's enough to be able to tell that:
putStrLn hello  return 3 === putStrLn (he++llo) =\ _ return (1+2)

And it would say nothing about things like: 
return 4  return 5  ==?== return 5 
I can live with it.

To prove that two functions are in deed the same, we may use, say, number 
theory knowledge, which falls outside the scope of haskell. I find it 
sensible to do the same with actions. Maybe (not sure) it is sensible to 
specify return::(a - IO a), as an action with no side effects such that  
return x === return x  iff  x === x. If we add that to our knowledge of IO, 
along with an appropriate specification for (=), then we would have:
return 4  return 5  === return 5 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires
(Sorry about the recurrent self answers)

 Maybe (not sure) it is sensible to
 sapecify return::(a - IO a), as an action with no side effects such that

 return x === return x  iff  x === x. 
return x === return y iff x === y-- this is what I meant to write.

But even that is not enough, should be:
return x is an action with no side effects and that always returns x 

The previous specification is be a consequence of this one, and it failed to 
specify that the returned value was always x.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jan-Willem Maessen
On Jan 24, 2005, at 8:53 PM, Jorge Adriano Aires wrote:
And it would say nothing about things like:
return 4  return 5  ==?== return 5
I can live with it.
I feel obliged to point out (because the repeated references to the 
question are driving me up the wall) that this simple equality holds in 
every monad:

return 4  return 5
=== (definition of )
return 4 = \_ - return 5
=== (monad laws)
(\_ - return 5) 4
=== (beta reduction)
return 5
We don't need to know anything about the semantics, etc. of any other 
actions the monad might happen to define.

-Jan-Willem Maessen
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Daniel Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The sad truth is that IO actions in general aren't well defined entities
 (unless we index them with the space-time-coordinates of their invocation).

Not really.  One of the ways that IO used to be implemented (still might
be on some Haskell systems) was as a term language which was effectively
interpreted by the run-time system.  You could, in principle, define Eq
on such a term language, assuming that there weren't any non-Eq values
in subterms.  So the question is relevant.

 If you cannot agree, I have another question: is

 return 4  return 5 == return 5

 true in the IO-Monad?

It sure is:

 return 4  return 5
  == return 4 = \x - return 5 (defn of )
  == (\x - return 5) 4  (return-bind law)
  == return 5

Now what was the question again?

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Keean Schupke
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
I disagree. Clearly (putStrLn Hello  mzero) is not the same as mzero.

Yes it is, side effects are quite clearly not counted. The value
of (putStrLn Hello  mzero) is mzero.
In reference to the idea of splitting MonadPlus, what category
would you be operating in, if you have a zero but no co-product
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jules Bean
On 24 Jan 2005, at 09:36, Keean Schupke wrote:
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
I disagree. Clearly (putStrLn Hello  mzero) is not the same as 

Yes it is, side effects are quite clearly not counted. The value
of (putStrLn Hello  mzero) is mzero.
This makes no sense to me at all.
putStrLn Hello has type IO (). mzero (could) have type IO ().
But they certainly do not denote the same element of IO ()!
Monad/MonadPlus laws surely apply to the full monadic type m a, not 
just the value type a?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Keean Schupke
Just thinking about this, a monad is a Functor plus two 
natural-tranformations, Unit and Join. Is there an equivalent definition 
for MonadPlus... I am not sure I understand where MonadPlus comes from? 
Is it just a Functor and two different definitions of Unit and Join 
(from those chosen to be in the class Monad?)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Keean Schupke
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
I don't believe this represents a good understanding of IO actions as 
Haskell values. For instance, 'return ()' and 'putStrLn Hello' are the 
same type, but are clearly different actions and so are usually 
considered to be different values. That the latter prints out text might 
be better considered not so much a side effect as the actual action 

You've introduced the concept of the value of an IO action, apparently 
as something separated from side effects. I don't believe you can 
properly define this. For instance, what is the value of getChar such 
that it doesn't involve side effects?


Right, but we are dealing with the type system here. Remember Haskell
monoids are functors on types, not on values ... (ie the base objects the
'category theory' is applied to are the types not the values)...
Therefore we only consider the types when considering Monads.
As such if you wished to consider the examples you gave distinct, the
type system would need to distinguish side effects... this can be
done with a linear-aliasing type system, but not Haskell's as far as I 
Maybe you could write such types:

   {putStrLn Hello; mzero} :: IO (PutStrLn Hello = ()) ???
But if we look at the type of the Functor:
   fmap :: (a - b) - m a - m b
Where is the IO action?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-24 Thread Jules Bean
On 24 Jan 2005, at 10:32, Keean Schupke wrote:
Right, but we are dealing with the type system here. Remember Haskell
monoids are functors on types, not on values ... (ie the base objects 
'category theory' is applied to are the types not the values)...

Therefore we only consider the types when considering Monads.
This is not true.
Here are the three monad laws as written on the nomaware site:
1.  (return x) = f == f x
2.  m = return == m
3.  (m = f) = g == m = (\x - f x = g)
Taking rule 1, we do not simply mean that return x = f and f x have 
the same type. (This is obviously true). We require that they are equal 
as values of the type m a. In the case of IO, this means that they 
perform the same action before yielding the same result.

return hello = putStrLn
this does not only have the same type as putStrLn hello, and return 
the same value (), but it also carries out exactly the same actions.

If it was simply enough that it have the same type, then it would be 
'good enough' if

return hello = putStrLn
had the same effect as
putStrLn goodbye
...which has the same type, and the same return value.
Aside: you said a couple of messages ago:
Yes it is, side effects are quite clearly not counted. The value
of (putStrLn Hello  mzero) is mzero.
This concept of 'value' only makes sense in some monads. In the List 
monad there can be many 'values' of a computation. It just happens that 
IO 'returns' a 'single value' all the time.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Keean Schupke
Jorge Adriano Aires wrote:
On the list monad, I think of the mplus operation as the union two 
non-deterministic states. Mzero is the state that works as the identity 
(which is when you have no possible state at all). 

Okay... thats a definition of a monoid.
What would happen if this was the definition?
instance MonadPlus [] where
  mzero = []
  mplus a b
  | a == [] = b
  | otherwise = a

Isn't the above a monoid as well?
   a `mplus` [] = a
   [] `mplus` b = b
Still looks like an identity to me
Is there only on correct definition of a monad/monoid on lists - or does 
anything that satisfies the monad laws count? I got the impression you 
could define anthing you liked for mzero and mplus - providing the laws 
are upheld?

Then, I'd say you're not thinking of monadic sums, but of catching errors, and 
the appropriate place for that is the class MonadError. 

I am thinking about how some monads are summed - like Maybe and
the Parser monad.
It seems there are two possibilities - either the definitions of MonadPlus
for Maybe and Parser monads are in Error, or there can be two different
acceptable definitions of MonadPlus on the List?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Keean Schupke
Aaron Denney wrote:
You can, but the other one turns it into a copy of the Maybe Monad, so
the current one is more useful.

So what does this mean in terms of Ashley's question:
But only some instances (such as []) satisfy this:
(mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)
Other instances (IO, Maybe) satisfy this:
mplus (return a) b = return a
Does it mean that both fall within the acceptable definition of the monad laws
for MonadPlus?
  1. |mzero = f == mzero|
  2. |m = (\x - mzero) == mzero|
  3. |mzero `mplus` m == m|
  4. |m `mplus` mzero == m|
So I guess I must have missed the point because the distinction between say a monad on
[] and Maybe for example seems to me to be irrelevant to MonadPlus. The distinction comes
down to mplus being the same as skipError for Maybe and different for []. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Keean Schupke
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
I think it would be helpful if all these classes came with their laws
prominently attached in their Haddock documentation or wherever. The 
trouble with MonadPlus is that the precise set of associated laws is 
either unspecified or not the most useful (I assume there's a paper on 
the class somewhere). I think everyone can agree on  these:

 mplus mzero a = a
 mplus a mzero = a
 mplus (mplus a b) c = mplus a (mplus b c)

I think it would be even better if the classes came with assertions
that 'enforced the laws'... I think this requires dependant types
 mzero = a = mzero
But what about this?
 a  mzero = mzero

Well it was in the list I saw... I we consider the familar arithmetic 
a * b * 0 -- it is clear that an mzero anywhere in a sequence should result
in mzero:

a  b  mzero  c  d = mzero
But that says nothing about the co-product... where mzero should be the
identity IE:
a `mplus` mzero = a
mzero `mplus` a = a
But I am not sure there are any requirements on commutivity or associativity
on the co-product operation?
It's satisfied by [] and Maybe, but not IO (for instance, when a is 
'putStrLn Hello'), but IO has been declared an instance of MonadPlus. 
And then there are the two I gave:

 (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)

This was not on the list I saw - guess it could either be an omission,
or it has nothing to do with MonadPlus ... monads with identity and
...which is satisfied by [], but not Maybe or IO.
 mplus (return a) b = return a
...which is satisfied by Maybe and IO, but not [], although your 
alternative declaration would make [] satisfy this and not the previous 

But one could make up any arbitrary law that is satisfied by some
definition of a Monad and not others. Presumably there has to be
some sound category-theoretic reason for including the law?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Ashley Yakeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But only some instances (such as []) satisfy this:

   (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)

 Other instances (IO, Maybe) satisfy this:

   mplus (return a) b = return a

 I think mplus should be separated into two functions.

This would prevent using mplus in a single parser which - depending on
the underlying monad used - backtracks or not.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires
 What would happen if this was the definition?
 instance MonadPlus [] where
mzero = []
mplus a b
| a == [] = b
| otherwise = a

 Isn't the above a monoid as well?


 Is there only on correct definition of a monad/monoid on lists - or does
 anything that satisfies the monad laws count? I got the impression you
 could define anthing you liked for mzero and mplus - providing the laws
 are upheld?

I'm not arguing that definition would be wrong. It is a monoid. This is the 
instance for ():

instance MonadPlus() where
  mzero = ()
  mplus a b = ()

And this would be correct too:

instance MonadPlus Maybe where
  mzero = Nothing
  mplus a b = Nothing

instance MonadPlus [] where
  mzero = []
  mplus a b = []

Which are not really useful. I'm claiming that the fact that Maybe is a 
trivial Monoid doesn't mean we should dumb down other instances, like the 
one on lists. The usual definition of Monoid on lists is [] as identity and 
++ as the monoid operation. That is how it's defined  in class monoid, and I 
expect this relation to hold:

instance MonadPlus m = Monoid (m a) where
   mempty = mzero
   mappend = mplus

 Then, I'd say you're not thinking of monadic sums, but of catching errors,
  and the appropriate place for that is the class MonadError.

 I am thinking about how some monads are summed - like Maybe and
 the Parser monad.

But, this is not how monadic parsers are summed. Just look into the instace of 
MonadError for Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP.P. Again it would be the case for 
parsers that would return just one possible parsing, but not for parsers that 
return [(a,String)].


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires

  One common example is using MonadPlus for some backtracking algorithm,
  then instantiatiating it to Maybe or List instance depending on wether
  you just want one solution or all of them.

 Backtracking only works with the first kind, even if you're only
 interested in the first solution. This must hold:

   (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)

Not really. If the recursive call is something like msum 
[all_possible_paths], then you are backtracking. The difference is that by 
using Maybe you'll stop as soon as you succeed, and with list you will find 
all possible paths. 

I don't have a small, self-contained, example at hand so I'll use one by 
Carsten Schultz that I once saw posted in comp.lang.functional. Hope he 
doesn't mind.
-- ---
-- knapsack problem 

module Subset2 where
import Control.Monad

sss :: MonadPlus m = Int - [Int] - m [Int]
sss n [] | n0 = mzero
sss n (x:xs) = 
case compare n x 
of LT - mzero
   EQ - return [x]
   GT - liftM (x:) (sss (n-x) xs) `mplus` sss n xs
-- ---
sss 40 [3, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19] :: [[Int]]

sss 40 [3, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19] :: Maybe [Int]
Just [3,8,14,15]

  [*] For instance, I've missed Maybe being an instance of MonadError.
 You could define your own instance, of course.

Yes of course, and I did ;)  But I think it should be provided nontheless, and 
I even find the fact that it isn't is playing a big part in all this 
confusion. Since there is no MonadError instance for Maybe, we end up using 
its MonadPlus instance, which just happens to be the same. But it cannot be 
generalized, for other types.

Lets forget about lists, think (Either e). It's usual to move from (Maybe a) 
to (Either e a) to consider more than one kind of error. But, there is no 
natural instance of MonadPlus for (Either e a). What would mzero be? 

Yet, the Maybe like, mplus operation makes perfect sense in (Either e) or 
any other MonadError, though. You don't need Monoids at all, what you need is 
the concept of error. Just define it as:

skipError x y = catchError x (\_-y)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires

 I think it would be helpful if all these classes came with their laws
 prominently attached in their Haddock documentation or wherever. 

 The  trouble with MonadPlus is that the precise set of associated laws is
 either unspecified or not the most useful (I assume there's a paper on
 the class somewhere). I think everyone can agree on these:

   mplus mzero a = a
   mplus a mzero = a
   mplus (mplus a b) c = mplus a (mplus b c)
   (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)

I just checked the paper,
A monadic Interpretation of Tatics, by Andrew Martin and Jeremy Gibbons

And in deed, these are the listed laws for MonadPlus. On the other hand, Maybe 
is said to be an instance of MonadPlus.

So now I'm lost. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-23 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires

 Am Sonntag, 23. Januar 2005 15:58 schrieb Jorge Adriano Aires:
  I'm not arguing that definition would be wrong. It is a monoid. This is
  the instance for ():
  instance MonadPlus() where
mzero = ()
mplus a b = ()

 Maybe I'm stupid, but:

 class Monad m = MonadPlus m where
 mzero :: m a
 mplus :: m a - m a - m a

 How does () fit into this, () isn't of kind * - *, as far as I know
 () Int is meaningless -- just checked, gives Kind Error.

Nope, I am. Sorry! I was alternating between monoids and monadplus, and came 
up with that nonsense. I was obviously thinking about Monoid () and not 
MonadPlus (). 

  And this would be correct too:
  instance MonadPlus Maybe where
mzero = Nothing
mplus a b = Nothing
  instance MonadPlus [] where
mzero = []
mplus a b = []

 Both aren't correct, since mzero `mplus` x == x
 doesn't hold (they're syntactically correct, though).

Yeap. You are right again. Sorry for this terrible example, please ignore it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-22 Thread Keean Schupke
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
S. Alexander Jacobson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I assume there is a standard name for this 

  instance Foo [] where
foo [] = mzero
foo (x:_) = return x
  instance Foo (Maybe x) where
foo Nothing = mzero
foo Just x = return x

Surely they are incomplete monad definitions (has a return but no bind)...
I don't believe so. I had to write my own classes to do this sort of 

This is also a good opporunity to point out an ambiguity in the standard 
MonadPlus class. All instances satisfy these:

 mplus mzero a = a
 mplus a mzero = a
But only some instances (such as []) satisfy this:
 (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)
Other instances (IO, Maybe) satisfy this:
 mplus (return a) b = return a
I think mplus should be separated into two functions. This code shows 
the difference a bit more clearly:

   b - mplus (return True) (return False)
   if b then mzero else return ()
For the first kind this is the same as return (), for the second kind 
it's the same as mzero.

But isnt the point of Monad plus, that to have a 'zero' implies failure 
(a normal
monad cannot fail) - and failure implies choice (a `mplus` b) is a if a 
succeeds or
b if a fails and b succeeds,or mzero if both fail. if you look at your 
first identity:

   mplus mzero a = a
   mplus a mzero = a
This fits the above description, but I don't see how the following can 
be true:

   (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)
The LHS says (if a fails run b)  then run c.
The RHS says if (a then c) fails  run (b then c)
mplus (return a) b = return a
Is obvious because return a is not  mzero, so it is true for all 
Monads that can fail. 

Or have I missed the point?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-22 Thread Keean Schupke
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
Keean Schupke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This fits the above description, but I don't see how the following can 
be true:

   (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)

Try it (and my test code) with [], which is an instance of MonadPlus. 
mplus is defined as (++) for [].


but what if (a = c) causes c to fail, and (b = c) lets c succeed. In 
case the LHS will fail, whereas the RHS will succeed I think?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-22 Thread Daniel Fischer
Am Samstag, 22. Januar 2005 21:20 schrieb Keean Schupke:
 Ashley Yakeley wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Keean Schupke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This fits the above description, but I don't see how the following can
 be true:
 (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)
 Try it (and my test code) with [], which is an instance of MonadPlus.
 mplus is defined as (++) for [].

 but what if (a = c) causes c to fail, and (b = c) lets c succeed. In
 case the LHS will fail, whereas the RHS will succeed I think?


That's probably a misunderstanding due to the notation, in the [] monad, it's 

concat (map c (a ++ b)) = concat (map c a) ++ concat (Map c b),

which is easily seen to be true (if applying c to an element of a causes an 
error, neither side will go past that).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-22 Thread Keean Schupke
Daniel Fischer wrote:
That's probably a misunderstanding due to the notation, in the [] 
monad, it's

concat (map c (a ++ b)) = concat (map c a) ++ concat (Map c b),
which is easily seen to be true (if applying c to an element of a causes an 
error, neither side will go past that).


So do we consider [] to be fail?, Monad.hs defines:
instance MonadPlus [] where
  mzero = []
  mplus = (++)
What would happen if this was the definition?
instance MonadPlus [] where
  mzero = []
  mplus a b
  | a == [] = b
  | otherwise = a

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-22 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires
 But only some instances (such as []) satisfy this:

   (mplus a b) = c = mplus (a = c) (b = c)

 Other instances (IO, Maybe) satisfy this:

   mplus (return a) b = return a

 I think mplus should be separated into two functions. 

How would we implement the first kind in the Maybe instance of MonadPlus?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: what is inverse of mzero and return?

2005-01-22 Thread Jorge Adriano Aires
 Only the monoid Maybe a is not very nice (nor is the monoid IO a),since the 
 second argument of the composition is in  general ignored. 


 So I think, rather than separating mplus, one should think about whether it
 is sensible to make Maybe and IO instances of MonadPlus in the first place.
 I don't know nearly enough of the innards of Haskell to form a valuable
 opinion of that, but perhaps somebody could enlighten me?

My humble opinion follows. 

It's still a Monoid, being boring should be no reason not to include it [*]. 
By taking advantage of typeclasses, we can easily alternate between more 
elaborate approaches and dull ones (if we have the dull ones available too). 

One common example is using MonadPlus for some backtracking algorithm, then 
instantiatiating it to Maybe or List instance depending on wether you just 
want one solution or all of them. 

[*] For instance, I've missed Maybe being an instance of MonadError. 

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