Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Einar Karttunen
On 31.07 16:27, Brian Hulley wrote:
 None of the above type classes would be compatible with Data.ByteString! 
 (You mentioned this issue before wrt Data.Edison.Seq but it just clicked 
 with me now for the above refactoring.) For compatibility, the element type 
 would need to appear also thus:
   class Foldable f_a a | f_a - a where
fold :: (a - b - b) - b - f_a - b

With the new System FC (when it is merged) we could make these classes

class ElementType c a | c - a

instance ElementType [a] a
instance ElementType ByteString Char
instance IArray a e = ElementType (a i e) e

class Foldable c where
  fold :: ElementType c a = (a - b - b) - b - c - b

This won't work at the moment due to limitations in GHC, but seems
like a cleaner solution.

- Einar Karttunen
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Robert Dockins

On Jul 31, 2006, at 10:27 PM, John Meacham wrote:


It is best to think of haskell primitives as something completely new,
they reuse some naming conventions from OO programming, but that  

mean they suffer from the same limitations. It took me a few trys to
wrap my brain around it. I liken learning haskell to tipping over a
vending machine. you can't just push it, you gotta rock it back and
forth a few times building up momentum until bam! suddenly the  
flash of

insight hits and it all makes sense.

Do you have a lot of personal experience attaining zen-like insight  
by tipping over vending machines? I'll have to try that some time ;-)


Thanks for making me laugh this morning.


Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
  -- TMBG

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-08-01 Thread Brian Hulley

John Meacham wrote:

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 02:56:21AM +0100, Brian Hulley wrote:

Now the problem is that person C may come along and notice that
there is a useful abstraction to be made by inheriting both from
ClassA and ClassB. But both of these define foo and there is no
mechanism in the language to resolve this.

This is not true at all. every name in haskell can be uniquely

module ClassA where
class ClassA a where
foo :: a - Int

module ClassB where
class classB a where
foo :: a - String

import ClassA
import ClassB
class (ClassA a, ClassB a) = ClassC a where
bar :: a - (Int, String)
bar x = ( x, x)

Hi John -
Thanks for pointing this out. The only thing that I find slightly uneasy 
about it is that you have to keep the module names and class names in sync 
so that which means the value foo exposed by the module 
ClassA is in truth the same as the foo method of class ClassA. The 
language doesn't enforce this correspondence (indeed perhaps such a 
correspondence would be undesirable but it's difficult to get used to this 
need to keep different entities in sync instead of just being able to name 
the concept once in one place).

I'm also wondering if it would be a good idea to be able to declare
some class methods as final, so they don't clutter up the dictionary
at runtime, and so that we could end the dubious practice of
declaring some functions which are conceptually part of a class as
top level functions outside the class just to save space/time in the
dictionary and therefore needing the physical module to create the
conceptual grouping instead of using the language level grouping
provided by the class name.

I think a fundamental thing you are missing is that Haskell classes
are not like C# or Java or other OO classes. Not because of
implementation, but rather they are actually fundamentally different

The reasons people don't place certain functions in classes has
nothing to do with the size of class dicionaries. Heck, jhc doesn't
even use dictionaries at all, there is no cost for adding methods to
a class. People place them in top level functions because it makes
more sense. of course, sometimes it is gotten wrong, and something
would have been better off as a class method, but in general there
are different concerns when dealing with haskell classes than OO

An OO class could be considered equivalent to a triplet of a Haskell
data type, a Haskell existential with a class constraint, and a class
with the resriction the class type can _only_ appear as the first
argument to each method. In haskell all of these things are separate
independent tools and are much more general and powerful than the
limited and conjoined form that OO programming provides.

I think the transition from OOP to Haskell is difficult because although OOP 
is less powerful for the reasons you've mentioned, many of the decisions you 
have to make when writing Haskell code just don't exist in OOP eg in C# 
there are no modules to worry about, every class belongs to a file with the 
same name, you don't need to decide where to put the object argument and 
there are no top level functions or values.

In contrast, in Haskell you have to juggle class declarations, instance 
declarations, types, values which may or may not be part of a class, and 
decide which combinations of the above should go into which modules and what 
the names of the modules should be and manually remember to keep some module 
names and class names (or type names eg Data.Set and data Set a = ...) in 

Anyway these are probably more long term ideas but I mentioned them
now just to hopefully start the ball rolling (the above should not
be taken as a criticism of Haskell, I'm just saying that at some
point we need all the normal mechanisms that everyone else (Java,
C#) takes for granted because there's no point waiting till we
encounter the same well-known software engineering problems that
already have well established good solutions).

It is best to think of haskell primitives as something completely new,
they reuse some naming conventions from OO programming, but that
doesn't mean they suffer from the same limitations.

Hopefully my neural pathways will reconnect themselves soon to take 
advantage of all this new power!!! :-)

It took me a few
trys to wrap my brain around it. I liken learning haskell to tipping
over a vending machine. you can't just push it, you gotta rock it
back and forth a few times building up momentum until bam! suddenly
the flash of insight hits and it all makes sense.

Great image! We need a film or video of a day in the life of Haskell with 
these kind of things in it eg camera cutting from scene of vending machine 
satori to animated folds rippling through space gathering structure like a 
new planet forming, then another cut to a silent robed figure casting 
objects from a sack 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread Robert Dockins

On Jul 30, 2006, at 5:28 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Sunday 30 July 2006 07:47, Brian Hulley wrote:

Another option, is the Edison library which uses:

 class (Functor s, MonadPlus s) = Sequence s where

so here MonadPlus is used instead of Monoid to provide empty and
append. So I've got three main questions:

1) Did Edison choose MonadPlus just because this fitted in with the
lack of multi-parameter typeclasses in H98?

Edison's design hails from a time when MPTCs were not only
non-standard (as they still are), but also not widely used, and
before fundeps were avaliable (I think).  So the answer to this one
is pretty much yes.


Hi - Thanks for the answers to this and my other questions. One  
thing I just realised is that there doesn't seem to be any instance  
declarations anywhere in the standard libs relating Monoid to  
MonadPlus so it's a bit unsettling to have to make a random  
choice on the question of what kind of object a Sequence is...

I tried:

   class (forall a. Monoid s a) = Sequence s where ...

but of course that doesn't work, so I suppose MonadPlus is the only  
option when 'a' doesn't appear as a type variable arg of the class  
being defined.

BTW, for what purpose are you desiging a new sequence class?  You are
clearly aware of other efforts in this area; in what ways to they not
meet your needs?

The existing sequence and collection classes I've looked at don't  
do enough.

For example, when I tried to represent the text in an edit widget,  
I realised I needed a sequence of characters that could also be  
considered to be a sequence of lines, and it is necessary to be  
able to index the sequence by character position as well as by line  
position, as well as keeping track of the total number of  
characters, the total number of lines, and the maximum number of  
characters on any one line (so as to be able to calculate the x,y  
extents when laying out the widget, assuming a fixed width font  
(tabs ignored!)), with very efficient split and append operations.

So, what you want is a sequence of sequences that can be  
transparently converted to a flattened sequence and vice versa? And  
you also want to keep track of the total number of lines and  
characters within each line.  Additionally, you want to keep track of  
the maximum number of characters in any one line.

I managed to get a good representation by using a FingerTree of  
lines where each line uses a ByteString.
I made my own FingerTree class based on the one referenced in the  
paper at but  
without the symbolic names which I find totally unreadable and  
confusing, and also so I could get full control of the strictness  
of the implementation, and also as a way of understanding them  
since I'd never come across such a complicated data structure  
before. (I highly recommend this paper to anyone who wants to learn  
about FingerTrees, Monoids and other very useful concepts.)

So one thing existing sequence classes don't have (apart from  
FingerTree) is the concept of measurement which is essential when  
you want efficient updates. Eg in my text buffer, the measurement  
maintained for a sequence is the number of chars and number of  
lines and maximum line length.

Edison has support for transparently keeping track of the size of a  

It may well be possible to create a slightly generalized wrapper that  
keeps track of arbitrary measures.  (If they can be computed by a  
function which is associative, commutative and has a unit).

Humm, sort of an incremental fold I like it.

Then I needed a structure for a Trie widget a bit like (details  

 data Node = Expanded Value T | Collapsed Value T | Leaf Value
 newtype T = T (FingerTree (Key, Node))

where objects of type T could be regarded as a finite map (eg from  
hierarchical module names to modules) as well as a flattened linear  
sequence indexed by line number (for display on the screen in a  
widget given the current scroll bar position), and which also  
needed to keep track of the total horizontal and vertical extent of  
the Trie as it would appear in the widget's font.

There are several different kinds of measurement going on in this  
data structure, as well as the complexity of the extra recursion  
through the leaf to a new level. Existing sequence abstractions  
don't seem to provide the operations needed to treat a nested data  
structure as a single sequence.

In summary:

1) Often a complex data structure must be able to be simultaneously  
regarded as a single flattened sequence
2) Measurements are needed for efficient updates (may need to keep  
track of several at once)
3) Indexing and size are sometimes needed relative to the flattened  
sequence not just the top level
4) It is useful to have a finite map that can also be 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Jul 30, 2006, at 5:28 PM, Brian Hulley wrote:

Robert Dockins wrote:

So, what you want is a sequence of sequences that can be
transparently converted to a flattened sequence and vice versa?

Yes as long as the conversion between them takes no time at all - the 
sequence of sequences and flattened sequence must coexist simultaneously. 
The concrete data structure is a sequence of sequences and the flattened 
sequence is a particular view of it.

And you also want to keep track of the total number of lines and
characters within each line.  Additionally, you want to keep track of
the maximum number of characters in any one line.

Edison has support for transparently keeping track of the size of a

I used this in an initial version of an edit buffer when I just used a 
SizedSeq wrapping a BinaryRandList to store the text as a sequence of chars. 
But the lack of ability to also index by line number and keep track of max 
line length was the problem that led me to use a finger tree instead.

Of course I could have used a sequence of chars, a sequence of line lengths, 
and a bag of line lengths to keep track of everything, and kept them in 
sync, but after reading the FingerTree paper I was seduced by the idea of 
being able to represent all this stuff at once in a single data structure.

It may well be possible to create a slightly generalized wrapper that
keeps track of arbitrary measures.  (If they can be computed by a
function which is associative, commutative and has a unit).
Humm, sort of an incremental fold I like it.

I got this from the FingerTree paper. A finger tree supports any measurement 
that is a Monoid (so it needs to be associative but not commutative (if it 
had to be commutative it would be impossible to use a sequence as a set or 
map, which I needed for my Trie structure)).

Well, I guess I'd suggest you attempt to identify specific problems
with already existing packages and attempt to work with those who
maintain such packages before reinventing something as basic (and
difficult to get right!) as data structure abstractions.

The problem is that some people will be using Data.Edison.Seq at the moment 
and will naturally not want it to change. However I'd suggest that all the 
common operations be factored out into separate classes eg:

   class Foldable f  where
fold :: (a - b - b) - b - f a - b
foldL :: ...

   class Reduce f where -- based on FingerTree paper
   reduceR :: (a - b - b) - (f a - b - b)
   reduceL :: (b - a - b) - (b - f a - b)

   class TakeDrop f where
   take :: Int - f a - f a
   takeWhile :: (a - Bool) - f a - f a
   drop ...

   class Filter f where
   filter :: (a - Bool) - f a - f a
   partition :: (a - Bool) - f a - (f a, f a)

   class Indexable f where
  length :: f a - Int
  at :: Int - f a - f a -- (*)
  splitAt :: Int - f a - (f a, f a)

(*) Data.ByteString.index puts the Int arg second. It's not at all clear to 
me which is best, because I often wish that the Int arg of take and drop was 
second also so I could write take g $! x+1 instead of (take $! x + 1) g 
though it's consistent with the arg order for takeWhile etc.

I know you don't agree with the no-exception-camel-case idea, but I still 
would argue that this is essential if you want to have a consistent naming 
convention. I find it extremely confusing that a word like reducer is 
supposed to be read as reduceR because the word reducer means to me 
something which reduces. It seems to me that a restructuring of the usual 
fold, reduce ops into classes is a great opportunity to perfect the naming 
of these functions to make life easier for generations to come... :-)

Such maintainers may be willing to accept patches and/or implement
requested features in order to reduce fragmentation in this space
*hint, hint*  :-)

Point taken, although in the case of the above refactoring idea, I think it 
really is a Haskell-wide task because although there appears to be a defacto 
standard use of names like take, drop, splitAt etc, it's not nearly so clear 
which ops belong together and which should be separated out, and I 
personally don't have enough experience of Haskell yet to be able to 
recommend a solution.

soapbox type=Edison plug
I personally think that Edison is a great piece of work, and I took
up maintainership because I felt it was a great shame that no one was
using it.  My ultimate goal is to make Edison the package that
everyone thinks of first when they discover they need a Haskell
datastructure for some purpose.  Even if Edison does not fill that
need, I want every Haskeller to compare his needs against what Edison
provides before striking out on his own, and I want that to be a
decision made with some hesitation.  Over time I hope to make the
cases where Edison doesn't cut the mustard fewer and 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Robert Dockins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Edison's design hails from a time when MPTCs were not only non-standard (as
 they still are), but also not widely used, and before fundeps were avaliable
 (I think).

Yes.  Chris Okasaki's original version of Edison was standard H98.

 I've considered
 reformulating the Sequence class to be more similar to the Collection classes
 (which use MPTCs, fundeps and mention the element type),

The redesign of the Collection hierarchy was from my tree.  The main
reason why I changed it was that ternary tries couldn't really be typed
properly.  (Chris' implementation of Patricia trees used a phantom key
type along with a stern warning to only define the Int instance.  That
didn't work for ternary tries, since the key type is polymorphic.)

I didn't get around to fixing Sequence because there wasn't a need for
it yet, but yes, it should be done.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The problem is that some people will be using Data.Edison.Seq at the moment
 and will naturally not want it to change. However I'd suggest that all the
 common operations be factored out into separate classes eg:

While I think the huge typeclass is unfortunate, one of Edison's
greatest strengths is that every sequence supports every sequence
operation.  (The catch, of course, is that the operation may be

This was a deliberate design decision, and I'd be sorry to see it go.
Many is the time in C++ when I started, say, with a std::stack, then
discovered soon after that I needed to peer at the top few elements
on the stack, only to find that std::stack doesn't support that.

Supporting all operations supports exploratory/agile programming.  You
don't have to decide up front what operations you need to be fast.  You
can discover this as you go.

Yes, this is orthogonal to breaking up the huge typeclass, but I thought
I'd just mention it.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread David Menendez

 G'day all.
 Quoting Robert Dockins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I've considered reformulating the Sequence class to be more similar
  to the Collection classes (which use MPTCs, fundeps and mention the
  element type),
 The redesign of the Collection hierarchy was from my tree.  The main
 reason why I changed it was that ternary tries couldn't really be
 typed properly.  (Chris' implementation of Patricia trees used a
 phantom key type along with a stern warning to only define the Int
 instance.  That didn't work for ternary tries, since the key type is
 I didn't get around to fixing Sequence because there wasn't a need for
 it yet, but yes, it should be done.

That's a tough call to make. Changing the kind of Sequence to * from *
- * means losing the Functor, Monad, and MonadPlus superclasses and all
the various maps and zips.

I guess you could separate those into an auxiliary class,

class (Functor s, MonadPlus s) = SeqFunctor s where
mapWithIndex :: (Int - a - b) - s a - s b
zip :: s a - s b - s (a,b)

and require that any instance of SeqFunctor also be an instance of

A pity we can't do something like,

class (Functor s, MonadPlus s, forall a. Sequence (s a) a) =
SeqFunctor s where

David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED] | In this house, we obey the laws  |of thermodynamics!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread David Menendez
Brian Hulley writes:

 1) Did Edison choose MonadPlus just because this fitted in with the
 lack of multi-parameter typeclasses in H98?

Instances of Monoid (and your ISeq) have kind *. Instances of MonadPlus
(and Edison's Sequence) have kind * - *.

Functions like map, zip, and their variants are best defined in terms of
type constructors.

With Sequence, you have

zipWith :: (Sequence s) = (a - b - c) - s a - s b - s c

With ISeq, you'd have to do something like

zipWith :: (ISeq s1 a, ISeq s2 b, ISeq s3 c) = 
(a - b - c) - s1 - s2 - s3

which isn't able to make any assumptions about s1, s2, and s3 having the
same structure.

 3) Is it worth bothering to derive ISeq from Monoid (with the
 possible extra inefficiency of the indirection through the
 definitions for append = mappend etc or does the compiler completely
 optimize this out)?

I would expect the compiler to inline append.

 4) Would it be worth reconsidering the rules for top level names so
 that class methods could always be local to their class (ditto for
 value constructors and field names being local to their type

Qualified module imports are the way to go, here. Do you really want to
start writing if x Eq/== y Num/+ 1 then ... ?
David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED] | In this house, we obey the laws  |of thermodynamics!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread ajb
G'day all.

Quoting David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 That's a tough call to make. Changing the kind of Sequence to * from *
 - * means losing the Functor, Monad, and MonadPlus superclasses and all
 the various maps and zips.

And on the other hand, containers that need extra constraints (e.g.
sets, which need their members to be Eq at the very least) can't be
Functors or Monads anyway.

Perhaps Functor/Monad/etc are the culprits here.

Andrew Bromage
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread Brian Hulley

David Menendez wrote:


I didn't get around to fixing Sequence because there wasn't a need
for it yet, but yes, it should be done.

That's a tough call to make. Changing the kind of Sequence to * from *
- * means losing the Functor, Monad, and MonadPlus superclasses and
all the various maps and zips.

But there's no option if you want to be able to support non-polymorphic 
sequences like Data.ByteString etc. I think the Functor class is just 
fundamentally too limited - it assumes the whole world is polymorphic and it 

Also, MPTC's mean we would gain Monoid.

Regards, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread Brian Hulley


G'day all.

Quoting Brian Hulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The problem is that some people will be using Data.Edison.Seq at the
moment and will naturally not want it to change. However I'd suggest
that all the common operations be factored out into separate classes

While I think the huge typeclass is unfortunate, one of Edison's
greatest strengths is that every sequence supports every sequence
operation.  (The catch, of course, is that the operation may be

This was a deliberate design decision, and I'd be sorry to see it go.
Many is the time in C++ when I started, say, with a std::stack, then
discovered soon after that I needed to peer at the top few elements
on the stack, only to find that std::stack doesn't support that.

As an aside, if I was needing any kind of sequence in C++ I'd use a 
std::vector because it supplies all the ops you need (and is usually fast 
enough for exploratory programming). I've never seen any point in stack or 
deque etc because they're far too limited.

Supporting all operations supports exploratory/agile programming.  You
don't have to decide up front what operations you need to be fast.
You can discover this as you go.

Yes, this is orthogonal to breaking up the huge typeclass, but I
thought I'd just mention it.

As you've pointed out, there are 2 separate issues that are in danger of 
being confused:

1) Forcing all sequence instances to support all operations
2) Bundling all the ops into a single huge class

I'd suggest that while 1) may be useful for the classes that are there at 
present, there are many ops that they don't yet support and also some ops 
that are never needed. Also, surely as long as there is one concrete type 
that supports everything that should be good enough for exploratory 
programming (I'm thinking of FingerTrees which seem to be able to do 
absolutely anything in logarithmic time!!! :-) )

For 2), you could still have a Sequence class to gather all the separate 
functionality together but I'd make it inherit from all the separate pieces 
of functionality rather than being the place where all the functionality is 
defined eg:

class Viewable c a | c - a where
viewL :: Monad m = c - m (a, c)
viewR :: Monad m = c - m (c, a)
atL :: c - a  -- must be called on non-empty sequence
atR :: c - a

class Indexable c a | c - a where
length :: c - Int
at :: Int - c - a -- index must be in range
splitAt :: Int - c - (c, c)

-- in same module as Indexable
take :: Indexable c a = Int - c - c
take i c = let (l, _) = splitAt i c in l

class (Monoid c, Foldable c a, Indexable c a, Filterable c a, Viewable 
c a) = Sequence c a

This way, we'd get the advantages of being able to write (Sequence c a) as 
well as the advantages of being able to supply a sequence to a function that 
needed a Foldable - at the moment the fold methods of sequence are invisible 
to the rest of Haskell because they're trapped inside the Sequence class.

Regards, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread Brian Hulley

Brian Hulley wrote:

David Menendez wrote:

Brian Hulley writes:

4) Would it be worth reconsidering the rules for top level names so
that class methods could always be local to their class (ditto for
value constructors and field names being local to their type

Qualified module imports are the way to go, here. Do you really want
to start writing if x Eq/== y Num/+ 1 then ... ?

I'm beginning to see that qualified module imports are indeed the
only way to go,

One reason I forgot: Suppose person A writes ClassA which uses foo as a 
method name, and somewhere else, person B writes ClassB which also uses 
foo as a method name, and both classes become widely used for several 

Now the problem is that person C may come along and notice that there is a 
useful abstraction to be made by inheriting both from ClassA and ClassB. But 
both of these define foo and there is no mechanism in the language to 
resolve this.

The language C#, which was designed from the outset for programming in the 
large, already had a solution in the very first release of C#, namely that 
the interface name could be used to qualify a method name in cases of 
ambiguity, so transposing this to Haskell, you'd have something like:

class ClassA a where
foo :: a - Int

class classB a where
foo :: a - String

class (ClassA a, ClassB a) = ClassC a where
bar :: a - (Int, String)
bar x = (ClassA#foo x, ClassB#foo x)

As I see it, Haskell, great and innovative as it is, is still stuck in 
programming in the small and some of the mechanisms needed for programming 
in the large are not yet available - it is as impossible to ensure that 
there will never be conflicts between names of class methods as it is to 
ensure that there will never be conflicts between module names in packages 
written by different groups of people, and languages like Java and C# solved 
these problems right at the beginning but Haskell for some reason has 
ignored the issues, only recently just starting to address the package 
module name conflict problem for example even though the language has been 
around for more than a decade.

I'm also wondering if it would be a good idea to be able to declare some 
class methods as final, so they don't clutter up the dictionary at runtime, 
and so that we could end the dubious practice of declaring some functions 
which are conceptually part of a class as top level functions outside the 
class just to save space/time in the dictionary and therefore needing the 
physical module to create the conceptual grouping instead of using the 
language level grouping provided by the class name.

Anyway these are probably more long term ideas but I mentioned them now just 
to hopefully start the ball rolling (the above should not be taken as a 
criticism of Haskell, I'm just saying that at some point we need all the 
normal mechanisms that everyone else (Java, C#) takes for granted because 
there's no point waiting till we encounter the same well-known software 
engineering problems that already have well established good solutions).

Regards, Brian.

Logic empowers us and Love gives us purpose.
Yet still phantoms restless for eras long past,
congealed in the present in unthought forms,
strive mightily unseen to destroy us. 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread Jim Apple


G'day all.

Quoting David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 That's a tough call to make. Changing the kind of Sequence to * from *
 - * means losing the Functor, Monad, and MonadPlus superclasses and all
 the various maps and zips.

Perhaps Functor/Monad/etc are the culprits here.

Indeed. See Oleg's message from a few months back where he shows that
we can get John Hughes Restricted Data Types (Set is a Monad) by
adding parameters to type classes:

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-31 Thread John Meacham
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 02:56:21AM +0100, Brian Hulley wrote:
 Now the problem is that person C may come along and notice that there is a 
 useful abstraction to be made by inheriting both from ClassA and ClassB. 
 But both of these define foo and there is no mechanism in the language to 
 resolve this.

This is not true at all. every name in haskell can be uniquely

 module ClassA where
 class ClassA a where
 foo :: a - Int
 module ClassB where
 class classB a where
 foo :: a - String
 import ClassA
 import ClassB
 class (ClassA a, ClassB a) = ClassC a where
 bar :: a - (Int, String)
 bar x = ( x, x)

 I'm also wondering if it would be a good idea to be able to declare some 
 class methods as final, so they don't clutter up the dictionary at runtime, 
 and so that we could end the dubious practice of declaring some functions 
 which are conceptually part of a class as top level functions outside the 
 class just to save space/time in the dictionary and therefore needing the 
 physical module to create the conceptual grouping instead of using the 
 language level grouping provided by the class name.

I think a fundamental thing you are missing is that Haskell classes are
not like C# or Java or other OO classes. Not because of implementation,
but rather they are actually fundamentally different things.

The reasons people don't place certain functions in classes has nothing
to do with the size of class dicionaries. Heck, jhc doesn't even use
dictionaries at all, there is no cost for adding methods to a class.
People place them in top level functions because it makes more sense. of
course, sometimes it is gotten wrong, and something would have been
better off as a class method, but in general there are different
concerns when dealing with haskell classes than OO classes.

An OO class could be considered equivalent to a triplet of a Haskell
data type, a Haskell existential with a class constraint, and a class
with the resriction the class type can _only_ appear as the first
argument to each method. In haskell all of these things are separate
independent tools and are much more general and powerful than the
limited and conjoined form that OO programming provides.

 Anyway these are probably more long term ideas but I mentioned them now 
 just to hopefully start the ball rolling (the above should not be taken as 
 a criticism of Haskell, I'm just saying that at some point we need all the 
 normal mechanisms that everyone else (Java, C#) takes for granted because 
 there's no point waiting till we encounter the same well-known software 
 engineering problems that already have well established good solutions).

It is best to think of haskell primitives as something completely new,
they reuse some naming conventions from OO programming, but that doesn't
mean they suffer from the same limitations. It took me a few trys to
wrap my brain around it. I liken learning haskell to tipping over a
vending machine. you can't just push it, you gotta rock it back and
forth a few times building up momentum until bam! suddenly the flash of
insight hits and it all makes sense.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-30 Thread Robert Dockins
On Sunday 30 July 2006 07:47, Brian Hulley wrote:
 Hi -

 Part 1 of 2 - Monoid versus MonadPlus

 I've just run into a troublesome question when trying to design a sequence

 class ISeq c a | c - a where
  empty :: c
  single :: a - c
  append :: c - c - c

 However I've noticed that people sometimes separate the empty and append
 operations out as sequences with these ops form a Monoid therefore:

  class Monoid c = ISeq c a | c - a where
  single :: a - c

  -- now outside the class
  append :: ISeq c a = c - c - c
  append = mappend

  empty :: ISeq c a = c
  empty = mempty

 Another option, is the Edison library which uses:

  class (Functor s, MonadPlus s) = Sequence s where

 so here MonadPlus is used instead of Monoid to provide empty and append.
 So I've got three main questions:

 1) Did Edison choose MonadPlus just because this fitted in with the lack of
 multi-parameter typeclasses in H98?

Edison's design hails from a time when MPTCs were not only non-standard (as  
they still are), but also not widely used, and before fundeps were avaliable 
(I think).  So the answer to this one is pretty much yes.  I've considered 
reformulating the Sequence class to be more similar to the Collection classes 
(which use MPTCs, fundeps and mention the element type), but for the 1.2 
version I wanted to make as few changes as I thought I could to the overall 
design decisions.

In fact, I will likely make this change at some point.  It would allow, eg, 
making Don's ByteString (or whatever it's called now, I forget) an instance 
of Sequence, which is currently impossible.  OTOH, it would require 
sacrificing the Functor, Monad and MonadPlus instances...

 2) Are there any reasons to prefer the Edison design over the MPTC design
 (apart from H98 compatibility) or vice versa?

H98 is probably the big one.  I'm currently in wait-and-see mode concerning 
MPTCs and especially fundeps.  As Edison maintainer, I've tried to use them 
sparingly in the hope that Edison can be made Haskell' compliant (crosses 
fingers).  Aside: I hope the Haskell' committee makes some sort of decision 
here soonish.

 3) Is it worth bothering to derive ISeq from Monoid (with the possible
 extra inefficiency of the indirection through the definitions for append =
 mappend etc or does the compiler completely optimize this out)?

Not sure about this one.  I suspect, however, that the appropriate SPECIALIZE 
pragmas could cover any cases that you really care about.

 and a fourth more long term question:

 4) Would it be worth reconsidering the rules for top level names so that
 class methods could always be local to their class (ditto for value
 constructors and field names being local to their type constructor).

[snip more question]

No comment.

 Part 2 of 2 - Monad versus Ancillary result type

 Another issue relates to left and right views of a sequence. If a sequence
 is non-empty, the left view is just the leftmost element and the rest of
 the sequence. The problem arises when the sequence is empty. In the Edison
 library, this is solved by returning a monadic value ie:

  lview :: Monad m = s a - m (a, s a)

 whereas from the paper Finger trees: a simple general purpose data
 structure by Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson they use an ancillary data type
 to store the result of a view:

 data ViewL s a = NilL | ConsL a (s a)

 viewL :: FingerTree a - ViewL FingerTree a

 So my question here is: what's the best choice? I can see that the monadic
 version has the advantage that it could be used in do notation in cases
 where you expect the sequence to be non-empty, but has the disadvantage
 that it treats the empty sequence as something special (resulting in
 Monad/fail) and an extra indirection to find the components when the
 sequence is non-empty.

Well, the empty sequence IS special, when it comes to looking the leftmost 
(resp. righmost) element.  You have to deal somehow with the fact that the 
operation is a partial function.

I think the arbitrary monad option is better.  It gives the user more 
flexibility about how to use the operation.  Really the only way to use ViewL 
is to put it inside a case of.  With a monad you can use any of the 
plethora of monadic operations and, as you mentioned, the do notation.  In 
addition, if you want the use case of ViewL, you can always use the Maybe 

I'm not inclined to worry too much about the extra indirection, which seems 
like a viable target for being erased by the compiler (I've not tested if 
this happens, however).

 Anyway these are my main questions for now - any feedback appreciated ;-)

BTW, for what purpose are you desiging a new sequence class?  You are clearly 
aware of other efforts in this area; in what ways to they not meet your 

 Thanks, Brian.

Rob Dockins

Talk softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard, 

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The difficulty of designing a sequence class

2006-07-30 Thread Brian Hulley

Robert Dockins wrote:

On Sunday 30 July 2006 07:47, Brian Hulley wrote:

Another option, is the Edison library which uses:

 class (Functor s, MonadPlus s) = Sequence s where

so here MonadPlus is used instead of Monoid to provide empty and
append. So I've got three main questions:

1) Did Edison choose MonadPlus just because this fitted in with the
lack of multi-parameter typeclasses in H98?

Edison's design hails from a time when MPTCs were not only
non-standard (as they still are), but also not widely used, and
before fundeps were avaliable (I think).  So the answer to this one
is pretty much yes.


Hi - Thanks for the answers to this and my other questions. One thing I just 
realised is that there doesn't seem to be any instance declarations anywhere 
in the standard libs relating Monoid to MonadPlus so it's a bit unsettling 
to have to make a random choice on the question of what kind of object a 
Sequence is...

I tried:

   class (forall a. Monoid s a) = Sequence s where ...

but of course that doesn't work, so I suppose MonadPlus is the only option 
when 'a' doesn't appear as a type variable arg of the class being defined.

BTW, for what purpose are you desiging a new sequence class?  You are
clearly aware of other efforts in this area; in what ways to they not
meet your needs?

The existing sequence and collection classes I've looked at don't do enough.

For example, when I tried to represent the text in an edit widget, I 
realised I needed a sequence of characters that could also be considered to 
be a sequence of lines, and it is necessary to be able to index the sequence 
by character position as well as by line position, as well as keeping track 
of the total number of characters, the total number of lines, and the 
maximum number of characters on any one line (so as to be able to calculate 
the x,y extents when laying out the widget, assuming a fixed width font 
(tabs ignored!)), with very efficient split and append operations.

I managed to get a good representation by using a FingerTree of lines where 
each line uses a ByteString.
I made my own FingerTree class based on the one referenced in the paper at but without the 
symbolic names which I find totally unreadable and confusing, and also so I 
could get full control of the strictness of the implementation, and also as 
a way of understanding them since I'd never come across such a complicated 
data structure before. (I highly recommend this paper to anyone who wants to 
learn about FingerTrees, Monoids and other very useful concepts.)

So one thing existing sequence classes don't have (apart from FingerTree) is 
the concept of measurement which is essential when you want efficient 
updates. Eg in my text buffer, the measurement maintained for a sequence is 
the number of chars and number of lines and maximum line length.

Then I needed a structure for a Trie widget a bit like (details omitted):

 data Node = Expanded Value T | Collapsed Value T | Leaf Value
 newtype T = T (FingerTree (Key, Node))

where objects of type T could be regarded as a finite map (eg from 
hierarchical module names to modules) as well as a flattened linear sequence 
indexed by line number (for display on the screen in a widget given the 
current scroll bar position), and which also needed to keep track of the 
total horizontal and vertical extent of the Trie as it would appear in the 
widget's font.

There are several different kinds of measurement going on in this data 
structure, as well as the complexity of the extra recursion through the leaf 
to a new level. Existing sequence abstractions don't seem to provide the 
operations needed to treat a nested data structure as a single sequence.

In summary:

1) Often a complex data structure must be able to be simultaneously regarded 
as a single flattened sequence
2) Measurements are needed for efficient updates (may need to keep track of 
several at once)
3) Indexing and size are sometimes needed relative to the flattened sequence 
not just the top level
4) It is useful to have a finite map that can also be regarded as a linear 
5) Such finite maps may also be nested (when the keys are hierarchical) but 
this nesting should be hidden from the user...
6) I want a design that can allow complex data structures to be built up 
easily and instanced to the appropriate interfaces
7) Also naming conventions in the existing libs are a bit irregular and 
burdened with old fashioned lisp-isms eg in Data.Edison.Seq there are 
functions lview and reducel but I'd argue that there must be one and 
only one way of forming any identifier in any program namely that the 
function should appear first followed by qualifiers (so that related 
functionality always appears together in a lexicographical listing of 
functions) and it must use camel case with no exceptions at all, thus 
viewL and reduceL (and foldL).
8) More factoring needs to