Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-24 Thread Uwe Schmidt
Rene de Visser wrote:

 I think a step towards support medium size documents in HXT would be to 
 store the tags and content more efficiently.
 If I undertand the coding correctly every tag is stored as a seperate 
 Haskell string. As each byte of a string under GHC takes 12 bytes this alone 
 leads to high memory usage. Tags tend to repeat. You could store them 
 uniquely using a hash table. Content could be stored in compressed byte 

Yes, storing element and attribute names in a packed format, something
similar to ByteString but for unicode values, would reduce the amount
of storage. A perhaps small shortcomming of that aproach are the conversions 
String and the internal representation when processing names.

The hashtable approach would of course reduce memory usage, but this
would require a global change of the processing model: A document then
does not longer consist of a single tree, it alway consists of a pair of a tree 
and a map.

By the way, the amount of memory used for strings ([Char] values) in Haskell is
a problem for ALL text processing tasks. Its not limited HXT, nor is it special 
to XML.

For me the efficieny problems with strings as list of chars and a possible
solution by e.g. implementing String data transparenty more efficent than other 
is an issue for Haskell' (or Haskell'') and/or it's a challage for the language 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-24 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Yitzchak Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Another question about HaXML and HXT -
 what is the level of XML spec. compliance?

In HaXml, I certainly tried pretty hard to match the (draft) XML 1.0
spec, since the library was originally developed for a commercial
entity.  But that was back in 1999, and the spec has changed a little
since then.  You're right that it is a difficult target to hit though.
The spec is unnecessarily complex.

The major area of non-compliance in HaXml is that it doesn't do anything
with input encodings.  That is partly a limitation of Haskell
implementations themselves, which have only recently gained libraries
for the purpose.

Otherwise, Dimitry Astapov has recently been sending me patches to fix
some minor compliance problems, along with the QuickCheck properties
that discovered them.  His additions will appear probably in the next
release of HaXml.

Let me emphasise that these non-compliances are very minor.  Larger
issues that remain open do not fall into the compliance spectrum, but
are more about useability in practice.  For instance: effective support
for external catalogs of references; techniques to handle XML namespaces
in a sensible fashion, etc.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-23 Thread Malcolm Wallace
Yitzchak Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Henning Thielemann wrote:
  HXT uses Parsec, which is strict.
 Is is strict to the extent that it cannot produce any
 output at all until it has read the entire XML document?
 That would make HXT (and Parsec, for that matter)
 useless for a large percentage of tasks.

Yes, and yes.

By contrast, the Utrecht parser combinator library gives online
results, meaning that it delivers as much as it can without ambiguity.
It is a bit like laziness, but it analyses the grammar to determine when
it is safe to commit to a value, essentially once no error has been seen
in a prefix of the input.

And the polyparse library has several variations of properly lazy
parsers, which only return results on demand (but there might be parse
errors hidden inside the returned values, as exceptions).  The user
(grammar-writer) decides where the results should be lazy or strict.

HaXml now uses the polyparse library, and you can choose whether you
want well-formedness checking with the original strict parser, or lazy
space-efficient on-demand parsing.  Initial performance results show
that parsing XML lazily is always better than 2x as fast, and 1/2x peak
memory usage of strict parsing.  In some usage patterns, it can reduce
the cost of processing from linear in the size of the document, to a
constant (the distance into the document to find a particular element).

I have just made fresh releases of development versions of these
libraries, for those who would like to experiment.

They are also available on

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-23 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 HaXml now uses the polyparse library, and you can choose whether you
 want well-formedness checking with the original strict parser, or lazy
 space-efficient on-demand parsing.  Initial performance results show
 that parsing XML lazily is always better than 2x as fast, and 1/2x peak
 memory usage of strict parsing.

Hey, that's great news!

 In some usage patterns, it can reduce
 the cost of processing from linear in the size of the document, to a
 constant (the distance into the document to find a particular element).

Oh oh - does that mean that Ketil's original case
(an element containing a large quantity of CDATA) could
still be a problem?

Parsing the CDATA ought to be possible to delay
if needed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-23 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Another question about HaXML and HXT -
what is the level of XML spec. compliance?

The many who have tried to implement compliant
XML parsers in various languages - and the few
who have succeeded - all agree that this is much
harder than it seems at first.

Most of the time, the final result is an FFI call to

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-23 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Malcolm Wallace wrote:
 I have been considering moving the lexer to use
 ByteString instead of String, which would neatly solve that problem too.

Doesn't the lexer come only after decoding?
Then you have Unicode. Does ByteString still help?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-23 Thread Uwe Schmidt
Yitzchak Gale wrote:

 Another question about HaXML and HXT -
 what is the level of XML spec. compliance?

Implementing the XML 1.0 Standard was
one of the goals of HXT when starting the project.
This includes full support of DTD processing,
which turned out to be the hardest part of the
whole parsing and validating stuff.
Another goal was, to stay as near as posible
to the XML spec, that meant, separate the tasks
in a clean way and do it step by step: reading, decoding, parsing,
substituting entiies, implementing the include
mechanism wiht external references, validating and normalizing.

In a second step we added a HTML parser, again
with parsec, to be able to process none standard XML.
Again we hadn't in mind to process very large XML

There is no technical reason of adding 3. parser (or a 4. one)
accepting something like XML, perhaps without the DTD suff,
which works lazily. The only reason not yet having done this
was lack of time and manpower.
So, dear Haskeller, feel free to participate to HXT
by developping a lazy parser and we will integarte
it into HXT.

This still does not solve the processing of very very large
XML document. I doubt, whether we can do this with a DOM
like approach, as in HXT or HaXml. Lazy input does not solve all problems.
A SAX like parser could be a more useful choice for very large documents.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-23 Thread Ketil Malde
Ketil Malde [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 HaXml on my list after TagSoup, which I'm about to get to work, I
 think (got distracted a bit ATM).

As it is, I managed to parse my document using TagSoup.  One major
obstacle was the need to process a sizeable partition of the file.
Using 'partitions' from TagSoup (which is implemented using the
'groupBy (const (not . p))' trick) didn't work, as it requires space
proportional to the partition size.

My solution (and please forgive me, it is getting late at night here)
was to replace it with (slightly different semantics alert):

  breaks :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [[a]]
  breaks p (x:xs) = let first = x : takeWhile (not.p) xs
  rest  = dropWhile (not.p) xs
  in  rest `par` first : if null rest then [] else breaks p rest

I have no idea how reliable this is, and I suspect it isn't very, but
on the plus side it does seems to work, at long as I compile with
-smp.  Parsing 300Mbytes of XML and outputting the information in 305K
records takes approximately 5 minutes, and works with less than 1G of
heap.  This is fast and small enough for my purposes.

Thanks for listening, and good night!

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-22 Thread Neil Mitchell
Hi Ketil,

 I'm struggling to get my HXT-based parser to parse a largish file
 (300MB), even after breaking into reasonably-sized chunks.  The
 culprit appears to be parsing one element comprising 25K lines of
 text, which apparently requires more memory than the 2Gb my computer
 is equipped with.

You can try TagSoup (
which isn't really a complete XML parser, but may do what you want.
The other option is HaXml which Malcolm has been adding lazy parsing
to - I'm not sure if that is in a released variant or not.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-22 Thread Henning Thielemann

On Mon, 22 Oct 2007, Ketil Malde wrote:

 I'm wondering what approach others use for non-toy XML data. Is the
 problem due to some error I have made, or should I just ignore the
 XML, and just parse it manually by dissecting bytestrings, or will
 another XML library serve better?

HXT uses Parsec, which is strict.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-22 Thread Yitzchak Gale
Henning Thielemann wrote:
 HXT uses Parsec, which is strict.

Is is strict to the extent that it cannot produce any
output at all until it has read the entire XML document?
That would make HXT (and Parsec, for that matter)
useless for a large percentage of tasks.

Or is it just too strict in certain cases - like the case
described by Ketil, where a certain element with
a huge amount of CDATA content blows up the stack?
That could probably be worked around.

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