Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] installing streams library

2006-05-31 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Jacques,

Wednesday, May 31, 2006, 5:33:39 PM, you wrote:

 encodePtr :: (Binary a, Integral size) =  a - IO (ForeignPtr 
 x, size)
 encodePtrLE   :: (Binary a, Integral size) =  a - IO (ForeignPtr 
 x, size)
 encodePtrBitAligned   :: (Binary a, Integral size) =  a - IO (ForeignPtr 
 x, size)
 encodePtrBitAlignedLE :: (Binary a, Integral size) =  a - IO (ForeignPtr 
 x, size)

 Am I the only one who finds this encoding-of-types in the _name_ of a 
 function quite distateful?  There is no type safety being enforced here,
 no ensuring one will not be encoding a Ptr one way and decoding it 
 another.  Why not use Haskell's type system to help you there?

i misunderatood you when i wrote previous message. now that i can say:

you are right. but on practice this means more text typing and
coercion. especially when we go to ForeignPtrs. moreover, in most
cases, imho, data encoded by 'encodePtr*', will go to the FFI
libraries, so we can't use typechecking anyway

i'm not against your idea, you absolutely right that this will be more
Haskell way, but can this be implemented without additional
complications for library users?

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] installing streams library

2006-05-31 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Jacques,

Wednesday, May 31, 2006, 8:07:29 PM, you wrote:

 I am completely biased in this regard:  I have spent several years
 maintaining ~800Kloc of legacy dynamically typed [commercial] code. A
 lot of this code has a life-span of roughly 20 years [ie once written,
 it takes an average of 20 years before it gets re-written].  That 
 experience has converted me to a static-type fan, as well as a fan of 
 designs that are for the long term; short-term convenience is 
 something that is great for short-lived code ( 5 years is short-lived
 to me ;-) ). 

my own programming experience say the same - strict typing
significantly simplify program writing by ensuring it's correctness. and
Haskell catch many problems as early as i compile code. but in this
case we will add more complexity for standard use of functions (when
just Ptr required) without any improvements in reliability just to
catch potential problems with unusual usage. moreover, there are also
encode/encodeLE/... functions that produce String - they also don't
need any special String types

why i include encoding type in function name? just to simplify usage,
all the 'encodePtr*' functions can be expressed via one encodePtrWith,
but i don't think that many peoples want to write this himself:

encodePtr   = encodePtrWith put_
encodePtrLE = encodePtrLEWith   put_
encodePtrBitAligned = encodePtrBitAlignedWith   put_
encodePtrBitAlignedLE   = encodePtrBitAlignedLEWith put_

encodePtrLEWith   write = encodePtrWith (\s a- withByteAlignedLE s 
(`write` a))
encodePtrBitAlignedWith   write = encodePtrWith (\s a- withBitAligneds 
(`write` a))
encodePtrBitAlignedLEWith write = encodePtrWith (\s a- withBitAlignedLE  s 
(`write` a))

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] installing streams library

2006-05-27 Thread Jeremy Shaw
At Thu, 25 May 2006 13:42:11 +0400,
Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
 Hello Jeremy,
 Monday, May 22, 2006, 12:20:54 AM, you wrote:
  For my own needs, I cabalized and debianized the Streams library. It
  generates binary debs for ghc6 and hugs -- but I think the hugs
  version is broken. In any case, it is a start, you can download the
  packaging at:
 can i include your work in the library itself? 


 is it better to include 'debian' directory to my archive or left
 this to the debian packagers?

If someone volunteers to maintain the package -- then it is probably
better to not keep a copy of the debian directory in your archive --
because it will often be out of date and confuse people -- and debian
users will be able to get the debianized source easily by typing,
'apt-get source haskell-streams'.

On the other hand -- if there is no one officially maintaing it -- it
would be useful to provide the debian directory (with a disclaimer) so
that debian users can easily build and install the .deb, since
subverting the debian package system tends to lead to long-term

 can you say how you are use my library? it's both interesting for me
 and can be helpful in deciding how it should be further developed

I am using it to serialize/deserialize haskell data structures so I
can store them in a Berkeley database.

To get them into BDB I need to convert the haskell data structure into
a C structure that looks like this:

struct __db_dbt {
void *data; /* Key/data */
u_int32_t size; /* key/data length */

Currently I am doing it like this -- but this will clearly fail if the
serialized data structure is longer than 512 bytes...

withDBT :: (Binary a) = a - (Ptr DBT - IO b) - IO b
withDBT thedata f =
allocaBytes #{size DBT} $ \dbtPtr -
allocaBytes 512 $ \dataPtr -
do h - openMemBuf dataPtr 512
   withByteAlignedLE h $ flip put_ thedata
   wrote - vTell h
   vClose h
   #{poke DBT, data} dbtPtr (castPtr dataPtr)
   #{poke DBT, size} dbtPtr ((fromIntegral wrote) :: Int)
   f dbtPtr

I don't really need the file-system interface for this project -- what
would be nice is something like 'withCStringLen' and 'peekCString' for
the encode/decode functions:

type PtrLen a = (Ptr a, Int)
encodePtrLen :: (Binary a) = a - (PtrLen a - IO b) - IO b
decodePtr :: (Binary a) = Ptr a - IO a

I could simulate this by using 'encode' to convert the data structure
to a String and then use 'withCStringLen' to get the pointer and
length -- but having the intermediate String seems like it could be a
big performance hit.

Two alternative ideas are:

 (1) accurately pre-calculate the size of the serialized structure and
 allocate the correct amount of memory from the start 

 (2) start with a 'guess' and realloc the memory if the initial guess
 is too small.

Both of those alternatives have their own problems -- so I think only
testing will tell what works best...

I have not looked at the library exhaustively, so if there is already
a good way to do this, let me know.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] installing streams library

2006-05-25 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Jeremy,

Monday, May 22, 2006, 12:20:54 AM, you wrote:

 For my own needs, I cabalized and debianized the Streams library. It
 generates binary debs for ghc6 and hugs -- but I think the hugs
 version is broken. In any case, it is a start, you can download the
 packaging at:

can i include your work in the library itself? is it better to include
'debian' directory to my archive or left this to the debian packagers?

can you say how you are use my library? it's both interesting for me
and can be helpful in deciding how it should be further developed

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re[2]: [Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] installing streams library

2006-05-21 Thread Bulat Ziganshin
Hello Ross,

Monday, May 22, 2006, 3:59:17 AM, you wrote:

 cpphs --noline -D__HUGS__ -D__HUGS_VERSION__=2005 -DSIZEOF_HSINT=4 

 Cabal already adds -D__HUGS__ when building for Hugs, __HUGS_VERSION__
 isn't used, and the SIZEOF's aren't universally valid.  For GHC,
 the package gets them from MachDeps.h (an undocumented interface).
 Doing it portably probably requires autoconfery.

but what to do if library depends on Hugs version and word size of
target machine? GHC can solve such problems by providing all the
necessary preprocessor symbols but Hugs can't :(

Best regards,
 Bulatmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Haskell-Cafe mailing list