Re: Typing units correctly

2001-02-19 Thread Dylan Thurston

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 07:18:14AM -0800, Andrew Kennedy wrote:
> First, I think there's been a misunderstanding. I was referring to 
> the poster ("Christoph Grein") ... but from 
> what I've seen your (Dylan's) posts are well-informed. Sorry if 
> there was any confusion.

It was easy to get confused, since I was quite clueless in the post in
question.  No big deal.

> As you suspect, negative exponents are necessary.

On a recent plane ride, I convinced myself that negative exponents are
possible to provide along the same lines, although it's not very
elegant: addition seems to require 13 separate cases, depending on the
sign of each term, with the representation I picked.

There are other representations.  There is a binary representation,
similar to Chris Okasaki's in the square matrices paper.

> In fact, I have since solved the simplification problem mentioned 
> in my ESOP paper, and it would assign the second of these two 
> (equivalent) types, as it works from left to right in the type. I
> guess it does boil down to choosing a nice basis; more precisely
> it corresponds to the Hermite Normal Form from the theory of 
> integer matrices (more generally: modules over commutative rings).

Great.  I'll look it up.  I had run across similar problems in an
unrelated context recently.

> Which brings me to your last point: some more general system that
> subsumes the rather specific dimension/unit types system. There's
> been some nice work by Martin Sulzmann et al on constraint based
> systems which can express dimensions. ... To my taste, though,
> unless you want to express all sorts of other stuff in the type
> system, the equational-unification-based approach that I described
> in ESOP is simpler, even with the fix for let.

One point of view is that anything you can do inconveniently by hand,
as with the Peano integers example I posted, you ought to be able to
do conveniently with good language support.  I think you can do a lot
of these constraint-based systems using PeanoAdd; I may try
programming some.  Language support does have advantages here: type
signatures can often be simplified considerably, and can often be
shown to be inconsistent.

For instance,
   a <= b, a <= b+1
can be simplified to
  a <= b
  (PeanoLessEqual a b, PeanoLessEqual a (Succ b))
which means more or less the same thing, cannot be simplified to
  (PeanoLessEqual a b)
though probably a function could be written that converts between the
two; but I don't see how to make it polymorphic enough.

Your dimension types and Boolean algebra do add something really new
that cannot be simulated like this: type inference and principal
types.  I wonder how they can be incorporated into Haskell in some
reasonable and general way.  Is a single kind of "dimensions" the
right thing?  What if, e.g., I care about the distinction between
rational and integral exponents, or I want Z/2 torsion?  How do I
create a new dimension?  Is there some function that creates a
dimension from a string or some such?  What is its type?  Can I
prevent dimensions from unrelated parts of the program from

Dylan Thurston

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

RE: Typing units correctly

2001-02-15 Thread Andrew Kennedy

First, I think there's been a misunderstanding. I was referring to 
the poster ("Christoph Grein") of
when I said that "he doesn't know what he's talking about". I've 
not been following the haskell cafe thread very closely, but from 
what I've seen your (Dylan's) posts are well-informed. Sorry if 
there was any confusion.

As you suspect, negative exponents are necessary. How else would you 
give a polymorphic type to
  \ x -> 1.0/x

However, because of the equivalence on type schemes that's not just 
alpha-conversion, many types can be rewritten to avoid negative 
exponents, though I don't think that this is particularly desirable.
For example the type of division can be written

  / :: Real (u.v) -> Real u -> Real v


  / :: Real u -> Real v -> Real (u.v^-1)

where u and v are "unit" variables.

In fact, I have since solved the simplification problem mentioned 
in my ESOP paper, and it would assign the second of these two 
(equivalent) types, as it works from left to right in the type. I
guess it does boil down to choosing a nice basis; more precisely
it corresponds to the Hermite Normal Form from the theory of 
integer matrices (more generally: modules over commutative rings).

For more detail see my thesis, available from

By the way, type system pathologists might be interested to know
that the algorithm described in ESOP'94 doesn't actually work
without an additional step in the rule for let (he says shamefacedly). 
Again all this is described in my thesis - but for a clearer explanation
of this issue you might want to take a look at my technical report 
"Type Inference and Equational Theories".

Which brings me to your last point: some more general system that 
subsumes the rather specific dimension/unit types system. There's been
some nice work by Martin Sulzmann et al on constraint based systems 
which can express dimensions. See

for more details. To my taste, though, unless you want to express all
sorts of other stuff in the type system, the equational-unification-based 
approach that I described in ESOP is simpler, even with the fix for let.

I've been promising for years that I'd write up a journal-quality (and 
correct!) version of my ESOP paper including all the relevant material
from my thesis. As I have now gone so far as to promise my boss that I'll
do such a thing, perhaps it will happen :-)

- Andrew.

> -Original Message-
> From: Dylan Thurston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 7:15 PM
> To: Andrew Kennedy; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: Typing units correctly
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 08:10:39AM -0800, Andrew Kennedy wrote:
> > To be frank, the poster that you cite doesn't know what he's talking
> > about. He makes two elementary mistakes:
> Quite right, I didn't know what I was talking about.  I still don't.
> But I do hope to learn.
> > (a) attempting to encode dimension/unit checking in an existing type
> > system;
> We're probably thinking about different contexts, but please see the
> attached file (below) for a partial solution.  I used Hugs' dependent
> types to get type inference. This makes me uneasy, because I know that
> Hugs' instance checking is, in general, not decidable; I don't know if
> the fragment I use is decidable.  You can remove the dependent types,
> but then you need to type all the results, etc., explicitly.  This
> version doesn't handle negative exponents; perhaps what you say here:
> > As others have pointed out, (a) doesn't work because the algebra of
> > units of measure is not free - units form an Abelian group (if
> > integer exponents are used) or a vector space over the rationals (if
> > rational exponents are used) and so it's not possible to do
> > unit-checking by equality-on-syntax or unit-inference by ordinary
> > syntactic unification. ...
> is that I won't be able to do it?
> Note that I didn't write it out, but this version can accomodate
> multiple units of measure.
> > (b) not appreciating the need for parametric polymorphism over
> > dimensions/units.
> > ...  Furthermore, parametric polymorphism is
> > essential for code reuse - one can't even write a generic squaring
> > function (say) without it.
> I'm not sure what you're getting at here; I can easily write a
> squaring function in the version I wrote.  It uses ad-hoc polymorphism
> rather than parametric polymorphism.  It also gives much uglier
> types; e.g., the example from 

Re: Typing units correctly

2001-02-14 Thread Dylan Thurston

On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 08:10:39AM -0800, Andrew Kennedy wrote:
> To be frank, the poster that you cite doesn't know what he's talking
> about. He makes two elementary mistakes:

Quite right, I didn't know what I was talking about.  I still don't.
But I do hope to learn.

> (a) attempting to encode dimension/unit checking in an existing type
> system;

We're probably thinking about different contexts, but please see the
attached file (below) for a partial solution.  I used Hugs' dependent
types to get type inference. This makes me uneasy, because I know that
Hugs' instance checking is, in general, not decidable; I don't know if
the fragment I use is decidable.  You can remove the dependent types,
but then you need to type all the results, etc., explicitly.  This
version doesn't handle negative exponents; perhaps what you say here:

> As others have pointed out, (a) doesn't work because the algebra of
> units of measure is not free - units form an Abelian group (if
> integer exponents are used) or a vector space over the rationals (if
> rational exponents are used) and so it's not possible to do
> unit-checking by equality-on-syntax or unit-inference by ordinary
> syntactic unification. ...

is that I won't be able to do it?

Note that I didn't write it out, but this version can accomodate
multiple units of measure.

> (b) not appreciating the need for parametric polymorphism over
> dimensions/units.
> ...  Furthermore, parametric polymorphism is
> essential for code reuse - one can't even write a generic squaring
> function (say) without it.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here; I can easily write a
squaring function in the version I wrote.  It uses ad-hoc polymorphism
rather than parametric polymorphism.  It also gives much uglier
types; e.g., the example from your paper 
  f (x,y,z) = x*x + y*y*y + z*z*z*z*z
gets some horribly ugly context:
f :: (Additive a, Mul b c d, Mul c c e, Mul e c b, Mul d c a, Mul f f a, Mul g h a, 
Mul h h g) => (f,h,c) -> a

Not that I recommend this solution, mind you.  I think language
support would be much better.  But specific language support for units
rubs me the wrong way: I'd much rather see a general notion of types
with integer parameters, which you're allowed to add.  This would be
useful in any number of places.  Is this what you're suggesting below?

> To turn to the original question, I did once give a moment's thought
> to the combination of type classes and types for units-of-measure. I
> don't think there's any particular problem: units (or dimensions)
> are a new "sort" or "kind", just as "row" is in various proposals
> for record polymorphism in Haskell. As long as this is tracked
> through the type system, everything should work out fine. Of course,
> I may have missed something, in which case I'd be very interested to
> know about it.

Incidentally, I went and read your paper just now.  Very interesting.
You mentioned one problem came up that sounds interesting: to give a
nice member of the equivalence class of the principal type.  This
boils down to picking a nice basis for a free Abelian group with a few
distinguished elements.  Has any progress been made on that?

Dylan Thurston

module Dim3 where
default (Double)
infixl 7 ***
infixl 6 +++

data Zero = Zero
data Succ x = Succ x

class Peano a where
  value :: a -> Int
  element :: a
instance Peano Zero where
  value Zero = 0 ; element = Zero
instance (Peano a) => Peano (Succ a) where
  value (Succ x) = value x + 1 ; element = Succ element

class (Peano a, Peano b, Peano c) => PeanoAdd a b c | a b -> c
instance (Peano a) => PeanoAdd Zero a a
instance (PeanoAdd a b c) => PeanoAdd (Succ a) b (Succ c)

data (Peano a) => Dim a b = Dim a b deriving (Eq)

class Mul a b c | a b -> c where (***) :: a -> b -> c
instance Mul Double Double Double where (***) = (*)
instance (Mul a b c, PeanoAdd d e f) => Mul (Dim d a) (Dim e b) (Dim f c) where
  (Dim _ a) *** (Dim _ b) = Dim element (a *** b)
instance (Show a, Peano b) => Show (Dim b a) where
  show (Dim b a) = show a ++ " d^" ++ show (value b)

class Additive a where
  (+++) :: a -> a -> a
  zero :: a
instance Additive Double where
  (+++) = (+) ; zero = 0
instance (Peano a, Additive b) => Additive (Dim a b) where
  Dim a b +++ Dim c d = Dim a (b+++d)
  zero = Dim element zero

scalar :: Double -> Dim Zero Double
scalar x = Dim Zero x
unit = scalar 1.0
d = Dim (Succ Zero) 1.0

f (x,y,z) = x***x +++ y***y***y +++ z***z***z***z***z

RE: Typing units correctly

2001-02-14 Thread Andrew Kennedy

To be frank, the poster that you cite doesn't know what he's talking
about. He makes two elementary mistakes:

(a) attempting to encode dimension/unit checking in an existing type
(b) not appreciating the need for parametric polymorphism over

As others have pointed out, (a) doesn't work because the algebra of units of
is not free - units form an Abelian group (if integer exponents are used) or
vector space over the rationals (if rational exponents are used) and so it's
possible to do unit-checking by equality-on-syntax or unit-inference by
syntactic unification. Furthermore, parametric polymorphism is essential for
reuse - one can't even write a generic squaring function (say) without it.

Best to ignore the poster and instead read the papers that contributors to
thread have cited :-)

To turn to the original question, I did once give a moment's thought to the
of type classes and types for units-of-measure. I don't think there's any
problem: units (or dimensions) are a new "sort" or "kind", just as "row" is
in various
proposals for record polymorphism in Haskell. As long as this is tracked
through the
type system, everything should work out fine. Of course, I may have missed
in which case I'd be very interested to know about it.

- Andrew Kennedy.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 5:02 PM
> Subject: Re: Typing units correctly
> Hi,
> I don't know if this is useful, but in response to a link to that
> article that I posted on Lambda, someone posted a link arguing that
> such an approach (at least in Ada) was impractical.  To be honest, I
> don't find it very convincing, but I haven't been following this
> discussion in detail.  It might raise some problems you have not
> considered.
> Anyway, if you are interested, it's all at
> Apologies if it's irrelevant or you've already seen it,
> Andrew
> On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 01:51:54PM -0500, Dylan Thurston wrote:
> [...]
> > The papers I could find (e.g.,
> >, 
> "Dimension Types")
> > mention extensions to ML.  I wonder if it is possible to work within
> > the Haskell type system, which is richer than ML's type system.
> [...]
> -- 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Typing units correctly

2001-02-14 Thread andrew


I don't know if this is useful, but in response to a link to that
article that I posted on Lambda, someone posted a link arguing that
such an approach (at least in Ada) was impractical.  To be honest, I
don't find it very convincing, but I haven't been following this
discussion in detail.  It might raise some problems you have not

Anyway, if you are interested, it's all at$818

Apologies if it's irrelevant or you've already seen it,

On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 01:51:54PM -0500, Dylan Thurston wrote:
> The papers I could find (e.g.,
>, "Dimension Types")
> mention extensions to ML.  I wonder if it is possible to work within
> the Haskell type system, which is richer than ML's type system.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: Typing units correctly

2001-02-13 Thread David Barton

Tom Pledger writes:

   In both of those cases, the apparent non-integer dimension is
   accompanied by a particular unit (km, V).  So, could they equally
   well be handled by stripping away the units and exponentiating a
   dimensionless number?  For example:

   (x / 1V) ^ y

I think not.  The "Dimension Types" paper really is excellent, and
makes the distinction between the necessity of exponents on the
dimensions and the exponents on the numbers very clear; I commend it
to everyone in this discussion.  The two things (a number of "square
root volts" and a "number of volts to an exponent" are different
things, unless you are simply trying to represent a ground number as
an expression!

Dave Barton <*>

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Typing units correctly

2001-02-12 Thread Tom Pledger

Dylan Thurston writes:
 | Any such system would probably not be able to type (^), since the
 | output type depends on the exponent.  I think that is acceptable.

In other words, the first argument to (^) would have to be
dimensionless?  I agree.  So would the arguments to trig functions,

Ashley Yakeley writes:
 | Very occasionally non-integer or 'fractal' exponents of dimensions
 | are useful. For instance, geographic coastlines can be measured in
 | km ^ n, where 1 <= n < 2. This doesn't stop the CIA world factbook
 | listing all coastline lengths in straight kilometres, however.

David Barton writes:
 | Even without fractals, there are cases where weird dimensions come
 | up (I ran across this in my old MHDL (microwave) days).  Square
 | root volts is the example that was constantly thrown in my face.

In both of those cases, the apparent non-integer dimension is
accompanied by a particular unit (km, V).  So, could they equally well
be handled by stripping away the units and exponentiating a
dimensionless number?  For example:

(x / 1V) ^ y


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Typing units correctly

2001-02-12 Thread Dylan Thurston

On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 10:08:02AM +0100, Bjorn Lisper wrote:
> >The main complication is that the type system needs to deal with
> >integer exponents of dimensions, if it's to do the job well.
> Andrew Kennedy has basically solved this for higher order languages with HM
> type inference. He made an extension of the ML type system with dimensional
> analysis a couple of years back. Sorry I don't have the references at hand
> but he had a paper in ESOP I think.

The papers I could find (e.g.,, "Dimension Types")
mention extensions to ML.  I wonder if it is possible to work within
the Haskell type system, which is richer than ML's type system.

The main problem I see is that the dimensions should commute:
  Length * Time = Time * Length.
I can't think of how to represent Length, Time, and * as types,
type constructors, or whatnot so that that would be true.  You could
put in functions to explicitly do the conversion, but that obviously
gets impractical.

Any such system would probably not be able to type (^), since the
output type depends on the exponent.  I think that is acceptable.

I think you would also need a finer-grained heirarchy in the Prelude
(including than in my proposal) to get this to work.

> It would be quite interesting to have a version of Haskell that would allow
> the specification of differential equations, so one could make use of all
> the good features of Haskell for this. This would allow the unified
> specification of systems that consist both of physical and computational
> components. This niche is now being filled by a mix of special-purpose
> modeling languages like Modelica and Matlab/Simulink for the physical part,
> and SDL and UML for control parts. The result is likely to be a mess, in
> particular when these specifications are to be combined into full system
> descriptions.

My hope is that you wouldn't need a special version of Haskell.

Dylan Thurston

Haskell-Cafe mailing list