We’re one week out from the release of the survey. I plan on spending this 
weekend putting the finishing touches on it. Can I plan on announcing it as the 
official state of Haskell 2018 survey, supported by both Haskell Weekly and 
Haskell.org <http://haskell.org/>? 

> On Oct 17, 2018, at 7:00 PM, Jasper Van der Jeugt <m...@jaspervdj.be> wrote:
> Hi Taylor,
> Just a small comment: I would like to keep the survey open a bit longer -- I 
> would suggest two weeks.  This gives us a bit more time to push it out twice 
> to as many channels as possible (once at the start and a reminder after a 
> week or so).  My intuition is that we'll be able to gather significantly more 
> responses that way.
> Thanks again for organizing this!
> Cheers
> Jasper
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 at 00:55, Taylor Fausak <tay...@fausak.me 
> <mailto:tay...@fausak.me>> wrote:
> Thank you all for the wonderful feedback so far! I greatly appreciate all of 
> it. 
> I didn’t mean to be exclusionary with my language before, and I thank y’all 
> for correcting me there. “We’re doing this together for the benefit of all” 
> is an excellent way to say what I’m shooting for here. 
> My goal for the survey is to be useful to many different groups of people: 
> the GHC team, library authors, application developers, repository 
> maintainers, prospective employees, hiring managers, community organizers, 
> and no doubt many more groups that I’m not thinking of right now. I want to 
> avoid results that are neat but not useful. I also want to avoid results that 
> simply throw fuel onto common flame wars.
> Last year I announced the survey results and provided some commentary. I 
> suspect I’ll do something similar this year, although reading your comments 
> here makes me want to do less analyzing in favor of simply publishing. I am 
> not particularly adept at analyzing survey results and am bound to make some 
> rookie mistakes. In fact, one of the reasons that I published the results 
> last year was so that someone who actually knew what they were doing could 
> slice and dice the data. 
> As far as scheduling is concerned, I plan to keep the survey open for a week, 
> from November 1st to 7th. Publishing the results should happen relatively 
> quickly after that. I slowed myself down last year by rendering a bunch of 
> graphs, and even so I published on November 15th. 
> It sounds like the Haskell.org committee is broadly in favor of backing the 
> upcoming Haskell Weekly survey. Is that correct? In either case, what are the 
> next steps? 
> > On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:10 PM, Boespflug, Mathieu <m...@tweag.io 
> > <mailto:m...@tweag.io>> wrote:
> > 
> > Since I was pinged up-thread, might as well chime in. If only to say
> > "I agree": selection bias is what it is. Taylor's efforts to come to
> > this committee are laudable. And really could help mitigate some
> > issues we've seen with other surveys. Selection bias isn't something
> > worth agonizing over, provided we're careful to say in the analysis of
> > the results: "We found that X% of the respondents of this survey use
> > Y", not "X% of Haskell devs use Y".
> > 
> > On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 21:02, Simon Peyton Jones via Haskell-community
> > <haskell-community@haskell.org <mailto:haskell-community@haskell.org>> 
> > wrote:
> >> 
> >> | Hi Taylor. I like the way you pose things here: "I don't expect that
> >> | to remove selection bias, but it will let me (us, really) say: We're
> >> | doing this together for the benefit of all sides". I think that's a
> >> | better place to start from.
> >> 
> >> I like this too -- and like Gershom, I'd delete "sides".  We aspire
> >> to work together, not on different sides.
> >> 
> >> | earlier I've been thinking about a bit, where you wrote: "My goal is
> >> | for this survey to be *the* authoritative Haskell survey and for the
> >> | community to broadly accept it's results."
> >> 
> >> This sounds a bit too exclusive to me, and implicitly critical of other
> >> work.  Better to stick to the positives: you simply want the
> >> opinions of a broad constituency on a broad range of questions.
> >> 
> >> | Anyway, this is all a long-winded way of suggesting that it might be
> >> | good if the purpose of the survey was explicitly set out as trying to
> >> | inform developers of haskell libraries and tools (and educational
> >> | materials) regarding the systems their potential users work on and
> >> | develop, and their habits and practices in doing so, and where they
> >> | encounter difficulty. That is explicitly as a way of learning rather
> >> | than as any sort of horse-race or popularity contest.
> >> 
> >> That sounds good to me -- but again in drafting the goals I'd stick
> >> to the positives, and not speak about horse-races.
> >> 
> >> Simon
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> Jasper

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