Re: concurrency guarentees clarification

2006-04-25 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
John Meacham [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 * Foreign concurrent calls, handle IO, and all IO actions that directly
   interact with the world outside the current process all must be
   yield-points. (in addition to any yield-points implied by the progress

If an IO call includes a long period of waiting, we don't only want
it to yield before or after it. We want it to allow other threads
to proceed during the whole wait.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: unsafePerformIO and cooperative concurrency

2006-04-24 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Ashley Yakeley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there a ticket for this? I would prefer that unsafePerformIO and
 friends not be part of the standard.

I would prefer otherwise. Every implementation supports it, which
proves that it's useful. And it's no less unsafe than FFI.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: FFI, safe vs unsafe

2006-04-13 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
John Meacham [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Checking thread local state for _every_ foregin call is definitly
 not an option either. (but for specificially annotated ones it is

BTW, does Haskell support foreign code calling Haskell in a thread
which the Haskell runtime has not seen before? Does it work in GHC?

If so, does it show the same ThreadId from that point until OS
thread's death (like in Kogut), or a new ThreadId for each callback
(like in Python)?

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: FFI, safe vs unsafe

2006-04-12 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
John Meacham [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I object to the idea that concurrent calls are 'safer'. getting it
 wrong either way is a bug. it should fail in the most obvious way
 rather than the way that can remain hidden for a long time.

I wouldn't consider it a bug of an implementation if it makes a call
behave like concurrent when it's specified as non-concurrent. If a
library wants to make it a critical section, it should use a mutex

Or there should be another kind of foreign call which requires
serialization of calls. But of which calls? it's rarely the case that
it needs to be serialized with other calls to the same function only,
and also rare that it must be serialized with everything else, so the
granularity of the mutex must be explicit. It's fine to code the mutex
explicitly if there is a kosher way to make it global.

Non-concurrent calls which really blocks other thread should be
treated only as an efficiency trick, as in implementations where the
runtime is non-reentrant and dispatches threads running Haskell code
internally, making such call without ensuring that other Haskell
threads have other OS threads to run them is faster.

OTOH in implementations which run Haskell threads truly in parallel,
the natural default is to let C code behave concurrently. Ensuring
that it is serialized would require extra work which is counter-productive.
For functions like sqrt() the programmer wants to say that there is no
need to make it concurrent, without also saying that it requires calls
to be serialized.

 Which is why I'd prefer some term involving 'blocking' because that
 is the issue. blocking calls are exactly those you need to make
 concurrent in order to ensure the progress guarentee.

What about getaddrinfo()? It doesn't synchronize with the rest of the
program, it will eventually complete no matter whether other threads
make progress, so making it concurrent is not necessary for correctness.
It should be made concurrent nevertheless because it might take a long
time. It does block; if it didn't block but needed the same time for
an internal computation which doesn't go back to Haskell, it would
still benefit from making the call concurrent.

It is true that concurrent calls often coincide with blocking. It's
simply the most common reason for a single non-calling-back function
to take a long time, and one which can often be predicted statically
(operations of extremely long integers might take a long time too,
but it would be hard to differentiate them from the most which don't).

The name 'concurrent' would be fine with me if the default is 'not
necessarily concurrent'. If concurrent calls are the default, the name
'nonconcurrent' is not so good, because it would seem to imply some
serialization which is not mandatory.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Signals + minimal proposal

2006-04-11 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How does cancelling a thread differ from sending it an exception?

It doesn't. By cancelling I mean just sending a particular async

 Can a thread be GC'd without being sent an exception first?

Yes, but I'm now changing this.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem possible to guarantee proper stack
unwinding in all cases:

POSIX threads evaporate after fork() in the child process. This means
that foreign code performing callbacks doesn't exist there, except in
the thread doing the fork; the C stacks are inaccessible. So in Kogut
in this case bound threads become unbound, and they only run up to the
end of the nearest callback from foreign code: then they are killed

Another technical limitation: in a build where OS threads are not used,
callbacks returning in a non-LIFO order must wait for the callback
using the top of the OS stack to return. It's impossible to cause such
thread to continue immediately even if it gets an exception.

There are also limitations caused by principles I've adopted myself.
I have scoped mutex locking and scoped unlocking. In particular
waiting for a condition unlocks the mutex and always relocks it before
returning. When a thread is waiting to relock a mutex when exiting a
scope (rather than when entering a scope), it must absolutely lock it
before it can continue, in order to guarantee consistent state of the
mutex in regions of code.

So I'm going to send threads about to be GC'd a signal rather than an
exception; it will be handled only if the thread has signals unblocked.

There is another case similar to GC'ing a thread: when the runtime
discovers that there are no threads to be run, to wait for I/O, to
wait for a timeout, and the thread handling system signals doesn't
seem to be intentionally waiting for signals (it's not blocked on a
Kogut construct similar to POSIX sigwait), the runtime attempts to
wake up the thread handling system signals with a Deadlock signal,
so the program can react to a total deadlock. Of course a deadlock
of only a subset of threads won't be detected if the threads are
not GC'd.

When waiting for the rest of threads at program exit, it might happen
that some threads won't want to return after being cancelled, e.g.
they have signals blocked or they lock up during cleanup. Such case
would normally be a deadlock (the main thread is waiting until they
finish, and they are waiting for something else), but the above
mechanism causes the main thread to be woken up and continue even
though some threads have not finished.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Signals + minimal proposal

2006-04-11 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
John Meacham [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 forkIO action = forkIO' action' where 
 action' = do
 myThreadId = onExit . throwTo PleaseExit

This would be a memory leak: even after the thread finishes,
its onExit handler would remain registered.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: asynchronous exceptions

2006-04-07 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 BTW, I just realised a better way to express block.  If block is
 supposed to count nesting, then we have a problem that you can still
 unblock exceptions even within a block by using sufficient number of
 unblocks, so the right way is to give block this type:

   block :: ((IO b - IO b) - IO a) - IO a

Or perhaps:
block :: ((forall b. IO b - IO b) - IO a) - IO a

It doesn't fit classic mutexes and conditions with my semantics of
implicit blocking, because condition wait should restore the blocking
state to the one before taking the mutex - but the condition wait is
written without explicit passing of any value from the point of taking
the mutex.

I'm not sure how it carries over to Haskell patterns though.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: asynchronous exceptions

2006-04-06 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think it's unnecessary to treat signals in the way you do - you're
 assuming that a signal interrupts the current thread and runs a new
 computation (the signal handler) on the same stack, completely blocking
 the interrupted thread until the signal handler completes.  This is the
 wrong way to view signal handlers, IMO: they should run in completely
 separate threads (perhaps a higher priority thread, if possible).

This can be emulated in my model: by designating a thread for system
signals, possibly even letting it spawn a new thread for each signal.

Most Unix signals are supposed to abort the process however, and thus
a mechanism for aborting one thread from another is needed anyway.
I think async exceptions are not that much easier than
async signals.

Async signals include the ability to pause threads in safe points,
which is needed for SIGSTOP / SIGTSTP and for my fork() wrapper. This
is not archievable with signals spawning threads + async exceptions.

   + you don't have to block signals just because you happen to
 be holding a mutex.  Synchronisation with a signal handler
 is just synchronisation with another thread.

It's still very probable that taking a mutex coincides with the need
to block async exceptions: an async exception in the middle of a
critical section implies a danger of leaving data in an inconsistent
state. Reasons for automatic blocking of async signals carry over to
async exceptions.

 I agree with your assessment of the problems with interruptible
 operations in GHC: that it is impossible to completely block async
 exceptions across a computation.  We could certainly add a way to
 do this.  Is that the substance of your objection to GHC's async
 exception mechanism?

Regarding interruptible operations, this and one more thing that I
haven't written there:

The fact that some function uses an interruptible operation internally
is a visible aspect of its behavior, both in GHC design and in mine.
This means that choosing which operations are interruptible should be
done carefully: even if some operation blocks the thread, it might be
a bad choice for an interruption point, because usage of some blocking
operations should better not have to be exposed. In my case such
blocking but uninterruptible operations include waiting for a mutex,
and waiting for a lazy variable, among others.

But Concurrent Haskell uses a single construct of MVars as mutexes,
semaphores, or communication channels. The runtime can't recognize the
pattern of usage to distinguish these cases.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: important news: refocusing discussion

2006-04-05 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think it would be a mistake to relegate concurrency to an addendum;
 it is a central feature of the language, and in fact is one area where
 Haskell (strictly speaking GHC) is really beginning to demonstrate
 significant advantages over other languages.  We should make the most
 of it.

I agree.

Concurrency is needed for finalizers (except those which only call
system functions, without mutating other objects).

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: asynchronous exceptions

2006-04-05 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm not sure whether asynchronous exceptions should be in Haskell'.
 I don't feel entirely comfortable about the interruptible operations
 facet of the design,

I designed that differently for my language. There is a distinct
synchronous mode where asynchronous exceptions are handled by
certain operations only, similarly to POSIX deferred mode of thread
cancellation. This allows to use blocking operations without being

Actually I support asynchronous signals, not just exceptions:
the reaction to a signal can be something other than throwing an
exception. For example Linux SIGWINCH should be handled by resizing
and repainting the screen at an appropriate moment, not by aborting
any computation in progress.

 The fact that throwTo can interrupt a takeMVar, but can't interrupt
 a foreign call, even a concurrent one, is a bit strange.

When entering foreign mode in C code embedded in Kogut (which
corresponds to concurrent foreign imports in Haskell but is less
convenient to use), it's possible to specify how that thread wishes
to be interrupted in case someone else sends it an asynchronous signal
during the foreign trip.

The only implemented application of this mechanism is sending a Unix
signal. This is enough to interrupt blocking syscalls like waitpid.
If waitpid fails and errno == EINTR, pending signals for this thread
are processed and waiting continues (unless some signal handler has
thrown an exception).

Implementing this without race conditions requires a sigsafe library
or something equivalent.

John Meacham [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  * do we require the thrower to 'block' until the signal is recieved?
   (only relevant to pre-emptive implementations)

My language doesn't do it, and I'm not convinced that Haskell should
block. It's more efficient to make this non-blocking, and I think
usually this is what is needed.

  * what happens if mutilple thrown exceptions pile up before the
catcher gets to them?

In my language each thread has a queue of pending asynchronous
signals, and they are processed in order.

Handling an asynchronous signal, or throwing an exception until it is
handled, blocks further signals automatically, so more signals are
processed only after the previous signal was handled.

An exception handler is not in a tail position wrt. the catching
construct, for two reasons: the state of asynchronous signals is
restored after handling the exception, and a stack trace shown when
the exception is propagated to the toplevel without being handled
includes code in unfinished exception handlers.

There is a separate exception handling syntax when the exception
should be considered already handled, for cases when the exception
handler should be in a tail context.

  * what happns to exceptions that fall off the end of threads, or the
main thread? (should be answered anyway)

In my case a thread body ends with a value or with an exception,
and this can be examined when joining a thread, or by default the
exception is propagated in the joiner. This has a disadvantage
that errors in threads nobody waits for might be left undetected,
unless they use an explicit wrapper.

For the main thread there is a settable handler of exceptions
reaching the toplevel, which by default handles some exceptions
specially (Unix signals, and a request of program termination),
and others are printed along with a stack trace.

  * promtness? how much work is the target allowed to do before it sees
the exception? pthreads allows an implementation to delay processing
an exception to a cancellation point do we want the same thing in

Perhaps. My design includes that.

David Roundy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It would also be nice to address signal behavior, and by default state that
 signals should be converted to asynchronous exceptions.

This is not enough for SIGWINCH, or for SIGHUP used to trigger
reloading configuration files.

OTOH purity of Haskell's functional subsystem has some nice
consequences for asynchronous exceptions which don't have to carry
over to asynchronous signals which don't necessarily abort the
computation. If the signal is guaranteed to abort some part of
IO code, then it makes sense to revert thunks under evaluation.
If the signal only causes to execute some handler, then reverting
them might be wasteful, as they will soon be needed again.

 The only downside I can see of this as default behavior would be
 that in cooperative systems the response to a sigTERM might be
 very slow.

Right, it's a pity, and I agree that benefits outweigh this problem.

In my implementation the thread which handles system signals
(settable, defaults to the main thread) needs to be chosen by the
scheduler in order to process the signal. It might take some time
if there is a lot of threads.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk

Re: Export lists in modules

2006-02-23 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The main difference is that I'm doing away with parentheses, commas, and
 export specifiers, and using layout and full declaration syntax instead.
 (I don't really want to discuss this very rough idea any more though,
 it's just a distraction, and I'm not sure I like it anyway).

I like this general idea, I was thinking about something similar
a long time ago.

But in case of a large datatype, e.g. an AST, we certainly don't
want to duplicate it in whole. It should be sufficient in the
export section.

So perhaps what is really needed is the ability to split a module
into a public part and a private part, and allowing to duplicate
certain definitions in a partial form, e.g. have both 'data Foo'
and 'data Foo = Con1 | Con2' in the same module. The details are
not obvious though because the syntax has not been designed with
this in mind.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: FilePath as ADT

2006-02-04 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Axel Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The solution of representing a file name abstractly is also used by
 the Java libraries.

I think it is not. Besides using Java UTF-16 strings for filenames,
there is the File class, but it also uses Java strings. The
documentation of listFiles() says that each resulting File is made
using the File(File, String) constructor. The GNU Java implementation
uses a single Java string inside it.

On Windows the OS uses UTF-16 strings natively rather than byte
sequences. UTF-16 and Unicode is almost interconvertible (modulo
illegal sequences of surrogates), while converting between UTF-16
and byte sequences is messy. This means that unconditionally using
Word8 as the representation of filenames would be bad.

I don't know a good solution.

  *   *   *

Encouraged by Mono, for my language Kogut I adopted a hack that
Unicode people hate: the possibility to use a modified UTF-8 variant
where byte sequences which are illegal in UTF-8 are decoded into
U+ followed by another character. This encoding is used as the
default encoding instead of the true UTF-8 if the locale says that
UTF-8 should be used and a particular environment variable is set

The encoding has the following properties:

- Any byte sequence is decodable to a character sequence, which
  encodes back to the original byte sequence.

- Different character sequences encode to different byte sequences
  (the U+ escape is valid only when it would be necessary).

- It coincides with UTF-8 for valid UTF-8 byte sequences not
  containing 0x00, and character sequences not containing U+.

It's a hack, and doesn't address other encodings than UTF-8, but it
was good enough for me; it allows to maintain the illusion that OS
strings are character strings. Alternatives were:

* Use byte strings and character strings in different places,
  sometimes using a different type depending on the OS (Windows
  filenames would be character strings).

  Disadvantages: It's hard to write a filename to a text file.
  The API is more complex. The programmer must too often care
  about the kind of a string.

* Fail when encountering byte strings which can't be decoded.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: give equal rights to types and classes! :)

2006-02-03 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Bulat Ziganshin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 if my idea was incorporated in Haskell, this change don't require
 even changing signatures of most functions working with arrays -
 just Array type become Array interface, what a much difference?

What would 'Eq - Eq - Ord - Bool' mean?
'(Eq a, Eq b, Ord c) = a - b - c - Bool'?
  '(Eq a, Ord b) = a - a - b - Bool'?
  '(Eq a, Ord a) = a - a - a - Bool'?

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Test performance impact

2006-02-01 Thread Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
Simon Marlow [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Summary: 2 programs failed to compile due to type errors (anna, gg).
 One program did 19% more allocation, a few other programs increased
 allocation very slightly (2%).

I wonder how many programs would fail to compile if local identifier
bindings without type signatures would be treated as pattern bindings
(monomorphic, no matter whether overloaded or not) and global ones as
polymorphic. This is the solution I would make.

   __( Marcin Kowalczyk
Haskell-prime mailing list