Re: Add haskell-src as an official machine-readable component of the Haskell standard

2010-11-16 Thread Niklas Broberg
Thanks, I'll look into all of that when I get a chance, hopefully soonish.



On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Ben Millwood  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Lennart Augustsson
>  wrote:
>> Please explain.  Fixity information cannot be provided unless you find
>> all the imported modules and process those, so I'm not sure how
>> haskell-src-exts could do any better than it currently does.
> The tickets I had in mind were:
> and this one I've just submitted:
> ___
> Haskell-prime mailing list
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposals and owners

2009-08-02 Thread Niklas Broberg
>> I updated the code on the wiki page: the previous version didn't handle
>> prefix negation - did you implement that yourself in HLint?
> No, I didn't implement prefix negation in HLint - it never came up as
> an issue. Perhaps the underlying HSE library dealt with it for me -
> Niklas would know.

In haskell-src-exts (and haskell-src, since that's inherited), unary
minus binds tighter than any infix operator:

> exp0b :: { PExp }
>   : exp0b qop exp10b  { InfixApp $1 $2 $3 }
>   | dvarexp   { $1 }
>   | exp10b{ $1 }

> exp10b :: { PExp }
>   : 'case' exp 'of' altslist  { Case $2 $4 }
>   | '-' fexp  { NegApp $2 }
>   | 'do' stmtlist { Do $2 }
>   | 'mdo' stmtlist{ MDo $2 }
>   | fexp  { $1 }

It has never come up as a problem. Guess that's a point in case for
getting rid of unary minus as an operator. :-)


Haskell-prime mailing list


2009-07-27 Thread Niklas Broberg
Hi all,

Per request I've made a ticket and proposal page for adding
ExplicitForall to Haskell'2010:


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: ExplicitForall

2009-07-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
> Alright, let's set an actual discussion period of 2 weeks for
> ExplicitForall. If there is no opposition by then, we can add
> ExplicitForall to the registered extensions in cabal as a first step.

Slightly more than two weeks later, there has been no voices against
and at least a few in favor.

The attached patch for Cabal adds ExplicitForall to the Extension
datatype, with documentation, and adds it to knownExtensions.



Description: Binary data
Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-07-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
> Discussion period: 2 weeks

Returning to this discussion, I'm surprised that so few people have
actually commented yea or nay. Seems to me though that...
* Some people are clearly in favor of a move in this direction, as
seen both by their replies here and discussion over other channels.
* Others are wary of deprecating anything of this magnitude for
practical reasons.
* No one has commented in true support of the classic existential
syntax, only wanting to keep it for "legacy" reasons.

I'm in no particular hurry to see this deprecation implemented, and I
certainly understand the practical concerns, but I would still very
much like us to make a statement that this is the direction we intend
to go in the longer run. I'm not sure what the best procedure for
doing so would be, but some sort of soft deprecation seems reasonable
to me.

Further thoughts?


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
>> What you really want or mean when you use
>> the classic syntax with existential quantification is
>>> data Foo = Foo (exists a . (Show a) => a)
>> Having that would make a lot more sense, and would fit well together
>> with the intuition of the classic syntax.
> How would you then define
>  data Foo :: * where
>    Foo :: forall a. a -> a -> Foo
> in which the scope of existentially quantified type variable spans more than
> one field?

Good point, and one I admit I hadn't considered. Using GADT style syntax? ;-)

However, your argument certainly speaks against the style using
exists, but it doesn't do much to persuade me that the style we now
have is any less of a wart. To me it's just another point in favor of
deprecating it with the classic syntax completely.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
> ... "constructor Foo has the type forall a . (Show a) => a".

Eh, of course I meant "the type forall a . (Show a) => a -> Foo", but
you understood that I'm sure. :-)


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
> I agree. But ;-) since it's obvious not possible to get rid of the classic
> syntax completely, I see no harm in having it support existentials and GADTs
> as well. In an ideal word, in which there wasn't a single Haskell program
> written yet, I'd indeed like to throw the classic syntax out altogether.

Ah, but there's the thing. The classic syntax *doesn't* support
existentials and GADTs, if by classic you mean Haskell 98. You need a
separate syntactic extension, and the one we have is ad-hoc and
unintuitive (the whole universal vs existential quantification thing
is awkward), not to mention ugly. There's simply no sense to a
declaration reading e.g.

> data Foo = forall a . (Show a) => Foo a

The entities on the right-hand side of that declaration come in the
wrong order, intuitively. What you really want or mean when you use
the classic syntax with existential quantification is

> data Foo = Foo (exists a . (Show a) => a)

Having that would make a lot more sense, and would fit well together
with the intuition of the classic syntax. If we wanted to keep support
for existential quantification together with the classic style, that
should IMNSHO be the way to do it. But for various reasons (like not
wanting to steal another keyword) we don't do it that way. Instead we
have a syntax that is meant to be understood as "constructor Foo has
the type forall a . (Show a) => a". But that's exactly what we would
express with the GADT-style syntax! :-)


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
>> In other words, in your 2x3 grid of syntactic x expressiveness, I want
>> the two points corresponding to classic syntax x {existential
>> quantification, GADTs} to be removed from the language. My second
>> semi-proposal also makes each of the three points corresponding to the
>> new cool syntax a separate extension.
> I see, but why are you opposed to have the classic syntax still support
> existentials (though foralls) and GADTs (through equality constraints). I
> would make sense to me to keep this support around.

I am opposed since
a) it requires the addition of extra syntax to the language, and
b) we have another, better, way to do it.

Somewhat pointed, I don't think the C++ way of putting all imaginable
ways to do the same thing into the language is a sound design
principle. If we have two ways to do the same thing, and one of them
is considered prefered, then I see no reason at all to keep the other
around. What I'm arguing here is that the GADT style syntax is truly
preferable, and thus the other should be removed.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
> That's why one should really be allowed to group constructor's in a type's
> definition:
>  data Colour :: * where
>    Red, Green, Blue :: Colour
> This is consistent with what is allowed for type signatures for functions.

Totally agreed, and that should be rather trivial to implement too.

> More general, whatever way your proposal is going, I think you should have
> it reflect that there are two, more or less unrelated, issues here:
> 1. The expressiveness of data types: algebraic data types < existential data
> types < GADTs.
> 2. The syntax of type definitions: the classic, Haskell 98 syntax and the
> new, cool listings-of-constructor-signature syntax. (Don't call the latter
> NewTypeSyntax or anything similar in a LANGUAGE pragma; choose something
> descriptive.)
> These are really orthogonal issues: all three levels of expressiveness of
> types can be expressed in either syntax. Therefore: keep these issues
> separated in your proposal.

Well, I think my proposal already does reflect this fact, if
implicitly. The point of the proposal is that all three levels of
expressiveness of types can be expressed in the
listings-of-constructor-signature syntax, but to express the type
level power of existential data types or GADTs with the classic
syntax, we need to extend that syntax. And that's what I'm after,
that's we remove this rather ad-hoc add on syntax required to express
existential quantification with classic constructor declarations.

In other words, in your 2x3 grid of syntactic x expressiveness, I want
the two points corresponding to classic syntax x {existential
quantification, GADTs} to be removed from the language. My second
semi-proposal also makes each of the three points corresponding to the
new cool syntax a separate extension.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-27 Thread Niklas Broberg
>> I would hereby like to propose that the
>> ExistentialQuantification extension is deprecated.
> It is worth pointing out that all current Haskell implementations (to my
> knowledge) have ExistentialQuantification, whilst there is only one Haskell
> implementation that has the proposed replacement feature, GADTs.
> Of course, that in itself is not an argument to avoid desirable change to
> the language, but it is one factor to consider.

The tongue-in-cheek response is that it should be a factor to consider
only for how long a deprecation period we want... ;-)

Seriously though, it's of course a consideration that should be made.
It also ties back to the problem of the monolithic GADTs extension,
which isn't trivial to implement in other tools - but the
ExistentialQuantification *subset* of GADTs should be easy, for any
implementation that already supports the current
ExistentialQuantification extension, since then it's just a syntactic

So might as well bite that bullet then, what if we did the following
split, in the spirit of the various increasing power of the extensions
that enable forall-quantified types ((ExplicitForall <=)
PolymorphicComponents <= Rank2Types <= RankNTypes):

* NewConstructorSyntax: Lets the programmer write data types using the
GADTs *syntax*, but doesn't add any type-level power (and no forall
syntax). Could probably use a better name (bikeshed warning).

* ExistentialQuantification: Implies NewConstructorSyntax (and
ExplicitForall). Let's the programmer use existentially quantified
arguments to constructors when using the GADTs syntax. Still requires
all constructors to have the same type, which is the one given in the

* GADTs: Implies ExistentialQuantification. Let's the programmer use
the full type-level power of GADTs.

It might make sense to merge NewConstructorSyntax and
ExistentialQuantification, though I'm not sure naming that merge
ExistentialQuantification would be accurate (naming is the bikeshed
though). Personally I would prefer the full 3-way split, to keep a
clean separation between syntactic and semantic extensions, but it's a
rather weak preference.

If we had something like this split, implementations that already
support ExistentialQuantification at the type level would "only" need
to change their parsers in a simple way (nothing hard, trust me), and
add what should be a simple check that the constructors all have the
declared type.

Would that be preferable?


Haskell-prime mailing list

Proposal: Deprecate ExistentialQuantification

2009-06-27 Thread Niklas Broberg
Hi all,

Following the discussion on the use of 'forall' and extensions that
use it [1], I would hereby like to propose that the
ExistentialQuantification extension is deprecated.

My rationale is as follows. With the introduction of GADTs, we now
have two ways to write datatype declarations, the old simple way and
the GADTs way. The GADTs way fits better syntactically with Haskell's
other syntactic constructs, in all ways. The general style is
(somewhat simplified) "keyword type 'where' decls", where keyword can
in Haskell 98 be class or instance, but with GADTs also data. The old
simple way of defining data types is the odd one out. It certainly has
its uses though, in particular when defining some simple (but possibly
large) enum-like datatype (like cabal's Extension type incidentally),
then it obviously becomes tedious to have to restate the trivial type
signature for each constructor.

Using GADTs style syntax it is possible to allow constructors with
existentially quantified arguments with *no additional syntax needed*.
It follows nicely from the standard syntax for type signature
declarations (assuming explicit foralls), e.g. the following "normal"
datatype declaration

  data Foo =
forall a . Show a => Foo a

which uses ExistentialQuantification syntax, could be written as

  data Foo where
Foo :: forall a . Show a => a -> Foo

which is syntactically just a normal type signature.

The upside of deprecating ExistentialQuantification is thus that we
keep the syntax cleaner, and we keep the old style of datatype
declarations simple (as it should be, IMO). Anything fancier can use
the GADTs syntax, which anyone that uses something fancier should be
acquainted with anyway.

The downside is that we lose one level of granularity in the type
system. GADTs enables a lot more semantic possibilities for
constructors than ExistentialQuantification does, and baking the
latter into the former means we have no way of specifying that we
*only* want to use the capabilities of ExistentialQuantification.

My own take on that is that what we have now is a wart that should be
removed, and that if we think that the latter is a problem then the
way to go would be to split the monolithic GADTs extension into
several semantic levels. There is of course also the downside that we
break existing code, but that's a standard problem with improvement
through deprecation which I will pay no mind.

Discussion period: 2 weeks



Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: ExplicitForall

2009-06-24 Thread Niklas Broberg
> What you suggest would be fine with me. Presumably ExplicitForall would be 
> implied by RankNTypes and the other extensions?

Yes, that's the idea. Rank2Types, RankNTypes, PolymorphicComponents,
ScopedTypeVariables and LiberalTypeSynonyms would all imply

> There is a danger of having too *many* choices. 
> (  In particular, you 
> might consider making ScopedTypeVariables synonymous with ExplicitForAll.  
> Once you have given up the keyword, it seems a shame not to allow lexically 
> scoped type variables!

While I agree with you (and Joel) in principle, I think this is the
wrong level to hold that discussion. I think the long-term solution
should be to keep the registered extensions cleanly separated, and
instead supply extension *groups* as a way to limit choice.
-fglasgow-exts has fit that niche admirably for a long time, I think a
lot of people just use that without thinking twice about what
particular extensions they actually use, and nothing wrong with that.
I think the move towards LANGUAGE pragmas instead of compiler options
is a good one from a standardisation and implementation point of view,
but to avoid tedium and unnecessary choice for the programmer I
strongly feel that extension groups need to be introduced at this
level too. But as I said, that's for a different discussion...

> On ExistentialQuantification, I personally think we should deprecate the 
> entire construct, suggesting GADT-style syntax instead.

+1, though I was afraid to suggest something that radical. I might
write a separate proposal for that then, to keep the discussion here
focused on ExplicitForall.

> If you can form a consensus, go for it.

Alright, let's set an actual discussion period of 2 weeks for
ExplicitForall. If there is no opposition by then, we can add
ExplicitForall to the registered extensions in cabal as a first step.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Proposal: ExplicitForall

2009-06-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
Hi all,

(I'm writing this to several lists since it involves GHC
(implementation of extensions), cabal (registration of extensions) and
some future Haskell standard (formalisation of extensions).)

In my quest to implement all known syntactic extensions to Haskell in
my haskell-src-exts package, I've become painfully aware of the
sometimes ad-hoc nature that these extensions have been added to GHC.
This should not be taken as criticism per se, GHC is awesome and I'm
sure a lot of thought and research has gone into all of these
extensions. I think the problem (from my point of view) is rather that
most of the extensions are only really "interesting" on a type system
level, whereas the syntactic level is rather trivial, and thus the
latter has (rightly) gotten far less formal attention. I hope my
putting the light on these issues will be a help and a kickoff towards
improving the state of formalisation of the known and registered (with
Cabal) extensions.

One of the most blatant and (to me) problematic such issues is the
matter of using 'forall'. GHC has a number of extensions relating to
the use of forall-quantified types in various interesting ways. With
none of these extensions on, forall is not considered a keyword, so
the syntax with explicit forall quantification cannot be used at all
('forall' is considered a varid). However, with *any* extension on
that relates to forall-quantified types, forall is a keyword, and can
syntactically be used in types *anywhere*. This doesn't mean all such
types will pass the type checker, most of them won't in fact, but
syntactically there is really no (or at least very little) difference.

Conceptually, all of these extensions (specifically
PolymorphicComponents, Rank2Types, RankNTypes, LiberalTypeSynonyms and
ScopedTypeVariables (and strangely also ExistentialQuantification))
thus have one thing in common. They all enable syntactically
forall-quantified types. They allow different uses of these types as
far as the type system is concerned, but syntactically there is no
difference between type and type (in fact there cannot be, as I
discussed in a recent blog post [1]).

Funnily enough there are also some uses of forall-quantified types
that are common to all of these extensions - using a forall just to
make polymorphism explicit in a type doesn't change anything as far as
the type system is concerned, so e.g. the types '(Eq a) => a -> Bool'
and 'forall a . (Eq a) => a -> Bool' are equivalent. The latter type
can be given to a function when any of the listed six extensions are
given, even if most of them have nothing to do with this at all!

So, what I'm getting at is an idea that Isaac Dupree gave as a comment
to my blog post. He said:

   "I wish there was a plain old ExplicitForall extension that enabled
the keyword in types (without extending the type checker -- only like
(id :: forall a. a -> a) would be allowed)".

I think this is a really great idea. I find it conceptually appealing,
since I think it covers exactly that blind spot that is the seemingly
unintended intersection between all these extensions. And it also
makes the separation of concern between the syntactic level and the
type system more clear. Any formalisation of any of the type system
extensions would not need to bother with syntactic details, but can
simply be said to imply ExplicitForall.

I would thus like to propose the following formalisation of the
ExplicitForall extension:

ExplicitForall enables the use of the keyword 'forall' to make a type
explicitly polymorphic. Syntactically, it would mean the following
change to Haskell 98:

* 'forall' becomes a reserved word.
* '.' (dot) becomes a special (not reserved) operator.
* The following syntactic rule changes:

type  -> 'forall' tyvars '.' type
   | context '=>' type
   | ftype

ftype -> btype '->' type
   | btype

gendecl   -> vars '::' type

It does not allow the use of explicitly polymorphic types in any way
not already allowed by Haskell 98 for implicitly polymorphic types.

One thing to note is that I haven't touched the matter of
ExistentialQuantification in the above. Syntactically this is a
different beast entirely, and could well be handled separately, though
it's really an artifact of the way we (by default) write our data type
declarations. Using GADT-style declarations, existential
quantification goes nicely along with the others by following the same
syntactic rules for types, even though from a type system it is of
course still quite different from the rest. But with the ordinary
Haskell 98 declaration style, we could define the syntactic part of
the ExistentialQuantification extension as the following:

ExistentialQuantification allows data constructors to take
existentially quantified arguments. Syntactically, it means the
following changes to Haskell98:

* 'forall' be

Re: PROPOSAL: Make Applicative a superclass of Monad

2008-06-27 Thread Niklas Broberg
>  > I want to see this change, *and* I want to see class aliases. :-)
> I want class aliases, and I want to see this change but *only if* we get
>  class aliases. Functor =/=> Monad is annoying enough, we shouldn't make
>  it worse without fixing the underlying limitation first.

Yes, agreed, I should have made my point more clear. That's how I feel too.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: PROPOSAL: Make Applicative a superclass of Monad

2008-06-27 Thread Niklas Broberg
>  Haskell' is about fixing existing practice, if it did go in, you would
>  need some mechanism (i.e. class aliases) to ensure that it didn't
>  break code.

... which is why we need class aliases!!

I want to see this change, *and* I want to see class aliases. :-)


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Composition again

2008-04-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
>  I don't think it makes sense to make a special case for requiring spaces
>  around "$", as TH won't be in H'.

I agree, there's absolutely no need to treat $ differently in H'. The
situation will already be better than it is now, since by the special
treatment of . (and - and !, which I also agree with), there will be a
precedent to follow (assuming it gets accepted of course). That alone
makes it much easier to define the meaning of extensions like $ in TH.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add ""Make $ left associative, like application"

2008-04-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
> I'm very suspicious about the power/weight ratio of this change.
>  Normally, for simple value-level stuff like this, provide both options:
> mapM / forM. =<< >>=
>  So how about, rather than break things, just provide an alternative to ($).

Alright, I'm not sure what the proper channel for doing this is, but I
reckon here is as good as anywhere. I would like to propose that the
Haskell' Prelude includes the function

f $$ x = f x

with the same fixity level as $ (presumably 0) but being left
associative instead. And that $ is left as is.


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Re[2]: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add ""Make $ left associative, like application"

2008-04-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
> it's not refactoring! it's just adding more features - exception
>  handler, progress indicator, memory pool and so on. actually, code
>  blocks used as a sort of RAII for Haskell. are you wanna change all
>  those ';' when you add new variable to your C++ code?
>   bracketCtrlBreak (archiveReadFooter command arcname) (archiveClose.fst) $ 
> \(archive,footer) -> do
> bad_crcs <- withList $ \bad_crcs -> do
>   doChunks arcsize sector_size $ \bytes -> do
> uiWithProgressIndicator command arcsize $ do
>  or
> handleCtrlBreak  (ignoreErrors$ fileRemove arcname_fixed) $ do
> bracketCtrlBreak (archiveCreateRW arcname_fixed) (archiveClose) $ 
> \new_archive -> do
> withJIT (fileOpen =<< originalURL originalName arcname) fileClose $ 
> \original' -> do
>  is just two examples from my code

... and neither of those examples would be broken by changing the
associativity of $. If that kind of code had been broken, I would have
complained too. So what was your point again? ;-)


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Meta-point: backward compatibility

2008-04-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
> An interesting question. What is the goal of Haskell'? Is it to, like
>  Python 3000, fix warts in the language in an (somewhat) incompatible
>  way or is it to just standardize current practice? I think we need
>  both, I just don't know which of the two Haskell' is.

I would hope it is both. Some changes simply cannot become current
practice since they would not be compatible with existing code, and
the only place that such changes *could* be made is in a new language
version. Like you say, fail in the Monad class is one such issue that
would not be backwards compatible, and couldn't become a current
practice without some help. Chicken or egg first?


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: patch applied (haskell-prime-status): add ""Make $ left associative, like application"

2008-04-23 Thread Niklas Broberg
When I first saw this thread, my gut response was "Aw gawds no, don't
touch my $ !!" I love $, I use it all the time, it really helps making
code more readable and more nicely structured. I would really hate for
someone to take that away from me.

So when I came across this:

>  > This wouldn't work, you'd have to rewrite it as:
>  > withSomeResource foo .
>  >   withSomeOtherThing bar .
>  > yetAnotherBlockStructured thing $ ...
> it is very inconvenient - we should use either . or $ depending on
>  that it's last block or not. imagine all the changes when editing the
>  code

... my initial response to it was yeah, Bulat is right, that's rather
inconsistent, and it would mean a lot of changes when editing (and
it's ugly too!).

But then I started questioning my own motives. What changes would that
be? Changing a . to a $ if I decided to remove the previous last piece
of the "pipeline"? Doesn't seem too hairy, and I have to do far worse
than that already when refactoring. Inconsistent? Doesn't it actually
make perfect sense that the actual application of the "pipeline" of
functions to some value is handled differently? Like Cale said,
wouldn't it actually be a Good Thing that we treated these things as
composition chains instead of application chains? And I could no
longer defend my own position, and so I started thinking for real.

Refactoring doesn't become harder with this suggestion - it becomes
easier in general, just as Dan points out in #1. And I know I've been
bitten by his #2 a bunch of times, even if I haven't realized the
source of the problem until I read this thread. It's messy having to
use a lot of parenthesis just because some argument to a function
isn't the last one, and I've found myself wishing for a way to get rid
of them. I know I have at times refactored my function definitions,
switching their arguments around just to get the one that would need
the parenthesis to be the last one.

So I dug through some of my code, picking large modules at random. As
I said I use $ *a lot*, anywhere that I can get away with it. In the
first 10 modules I looked at, I found one (1) place where I would need
to change a $ to a . to make it work. So I went to look at a bigger
module, and in what is possibly my largest self-contained module (1800
loc including comments) I had 211 uses of $, and I would have had to
change 23 of them into . instead to make it work with a
left-associative version. All the ones where the left operand is just
a function (like return) will still work. All the ones that are
followed by a '\x -> ...' will still work. All the ones followed by a
'do ...' will still work. On the other hand, I found 10 places where I
could immediately have gotten rid of some extra parentheses, and that
just by searching for uses of fmap in the code!

It should be said though that changing the associativity of $ doesn't
make all code nice and clean. Consider for instance

f (g (h x)) (k y)

We could change that into one of

f $ g (h x) $ k y
f (g $ h x) $ k y

but not get rid of the parenthesis altogether, i.e. uses of $ for
different applications won't mix. But with right-associative $, the
second one would be our only option, so at least we're no worse off
than before, and perhaps it could be argued we are better off (in this
kind of situation).

I think it is reasonable to look closely at the motivations for
wanting to retain the $ as is. Looking through this thread, I can find
only a single complaint raised (albeit an important one), namely
backwards compatibility. Yes, such a change would likely break quite a
few my modules. But like Cale, I would never have expected H' to be
fully backwards compatible with H98, and thus there would have to be
some way to migrate anyway. This one seems pretty simple, just let the
old Prelude be Haskell98.Prelude and import that in old code. Of
course changes that break backwards compatibility should not be made
frivolously, but I find it hard to buy having only that as an argument
for a change that otherwise seems highly reasonable.

We live in a beautiful statically typed world. If the proposed change
was such that existing code would still compile, but with a different
behavior, it would be really dangerous. That's clearly not the case
here, there's no way that code that uses $-chaining would still
compile if the associativity was changed, and any other use of $ would
still compile and work as before. The type checker is there to help
us, and it's literally a moment's work to clean up existing code to
meet these standards. (And it's even faster to import
Haskell98.Prelude if you're lazy).

So come on, give me an argument for why $ should be right-associative
instead of complaining about broken code (that I argue won't break
even half as bad as some of you would have it). Is there really no
reason at all why right-associative is to be preferred over
left-associative? And if there is, why don't we hear it? Are you truly
arguing this becaus

Re: overlapping instances and constraints

2006-02-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
Claus Reinke wrote:
> most of us would be happy if instance contexts
> would be required to uniquely determine the instance to be
> chosen, a rather conservative extension of current practice.

I'm not so sure about the "most of us", as you note yourself the
defaulting pattern is quite popular (and useful). I certainly couldn't
live without it. And even that aside, I'd much rather have the type
system infer a "most particular" instance than to have to specify that

Also IMHO, adding a new construct (type (in)equality) to the language
is a lot more obtrusive than to do something meaningful of the
constructs that the language already provides. So I'd have issues with
"conservative" as well...

Of course, this is all from the perspective of a user, not a type
inference engine implementor... ;-)

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: overlapping instances and constraints

2006-02-28 Thread Niklas Broberg
On 2/28/06, Ben Rudiak-Gould <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> > - A program that type checks can have its meaning changed by adding an
> > instance declaration
> >
> > - Similarly adding "import M()" can change the meaning of a program (by
> > changing which instances are visible
> >
> > - Haskell would need to be a lot more specific about exactly where
> > context reduction takes place.
> I think all of these problems would go away if overlap was permitted within
> a module but forbidden across modules. Are there uses of overlapping
> instances for which this isn't flexible enough?

Certainly! In HSP [1] there is a class (simplified here)

class IsXML xml where
  toXML :: xml -> XML

data XML = Element  | CDATA String

that deals with how things should be represented as XML. There are a
number of basic instances for this, such as

instance IsXML String where

instance (Show a) => IsXML a where
 toXML = toXML . show

The intention of the latter is to be a default instance unless another
instance is specified. These instances can be found in the base HSP
module, but the idea is that HSP users should be able to work with
their own datatypes and only need to define the translation into XML
via instanciating IsXML. This would have to be done in the user
modules, so overlap across module boundaries are essential for this to
work. :-)


Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: pattern synonyms

2006-02-17 Thread Niklas Broberg
> Most of this discussion on patterns (except for views)
> seems too much focused on concrete data types.
> (regexps for lists: what a horrible thought :-)
> This is just the thing to avoid in software design.
> (Don't expose implementation details, use interfaces etc.)

There's nothing in HaRP that would not work seamlessly with any
sequential datatype through an interface of destructors, and clearly
that's the Right (TM) way to go. The current implementation is just
proof of concept. :-)

IMO your comment only further speaks for my proposal to add guards to
pattern synonyms. With an interface of destructors, you could define
patterns that don't say anything about the underlying implementation,

Head x = xs | x <- head xs

where the head function comes from some interface for sequences. This
is not something that can be done currently, nor with the initial
proposal for pattern synonyms.

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Proposal: pattern synonyms

2006-02-17 Thread Niklas Broberg
On 2/16/06, Henrik Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Conor and I discussed this over lunch.
> Specifically, we talked about whether the right hand side of a pattern
> synonym would be any Haskell pattern (including "_", "~", possibly "!"),
> or restricted to the intersection between the patterns and terms, as
> Conor propose that pattern synonyms also be used for construction.
> By adopting some simple conventions, like replacing "_" by "undefined"
> when a synonym is used as a term for construction, it is clear that one
> can be a bit more liberal than a strict intersection between the pattern
> and current expression syntax.

I would speak against this. I like the idea of pattern synonyms, but I
think they should be just that - pattern synonyms, and not try to mix
in expressions as well. With the current (H98) pattern situation, it
*might* be possible to tweak things so that all patterns have an
expressional meaning (e.g. "_" as "undefined"), but 1) it would be
fairly construed in many cases, and 2) it would complicate making
extensions to the pattern matching facility.

(Shameless plug:) In particular I'm thinking about our extension HaRP
[1] that adds regular expressions to pattern matching over lists. The
ability to define pattern synonyms would be really useful in
conjunction with HaRP, but if those patterns are required to also have
an expressional meaning it would make things fairly complicated, not
to say impossible.

Instead I would like to propose an extension to the proposed extension
in another direction: Adding in (pattern) guards. Consider patterns

IsSpace x = x | isSpace x
Last x = xs | x <- last xs

This would in particular go well together with HaRP, where you in some
cases need guards to be inlined, e.g.

words [ (IsSpace _)*!, (/ xs@:(_*), (IsSpace _)*! /)* ] = xs

Btw, why not consider adding regular patterns a la HaRP to Haskell'? :-)

(Disclaimer: I'm not really serious, like Lennart I don't really feel
that any of this has any place in Haskell'. But as for the future
beyond that, I am serious.)

Haskell-prime mailing list

Re: Polymorphic record update

2006-01-24 Thread Niklas Broberg
On 1/23/06, Henrik Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[snip lots of good stuff]

This suggestion would go a long way to alleviate the burden of
boiler-plate coding. It is a conservative extension, and it is
intuitive at that. Indeed I believe I have written code with the
suggested update mechanism many times without thinking on the type
mismatch (and been beaten on my fingers by the compiler of course).

> But we'd rather not have to write such functions by hand, just as
> we'd rather not write update functions by hand. Maybe the record
> update syntax could be extended so that the function that gets
> generated behind the scenes only includes constructors that
> does NOT mention a particular field. For example, the field
> name(s) that must not occur could be prefixed by "~" which suggests
> negation in some settings. It does not have this connotation in Haskell,
> but at least "~" is already a special symbol. We could then write:
> foo :: T a -> T Int
> foo x@(C1 {}) = x {f1 = 1}
> foo x@(C2 {}) = x {f1 = 2}
> foo x = x {~f1}
> Now the code for "foo" only has to be changed if new constructors
> having a field "f1" are added.
> Of course, it should be possible to combine this with the normal
> record update syntax. E.g.
> foo :: T a -> T Int
> foo x@(C1 {}) = x {f1 = 1}
> foo x@(C2 {}) = x {f1 = 2}
> foo x = x {~f1, f2 = f2 x + 1}

Is this really necessary? Adding '~' seems less intuitive to me than
just writing

 foo :: T a -> T Int
 foo x@(C1 {}) = x {f1 = 1}
 foo x@(C2 {}) = x {f1 = 2}
 foo x = x

 foo x = x {f2 = f2 x + 1}

for the last example. From an implementor's point of view, if we
expect the proper coercions to be inferred by the type checker it
would still have to check that there are indeed no more fields than
other than 'f1' that mention the parameter 'a', and also that there
are no more constructors that mention 'f1'. Wouldn't it be just as
simple to assert that for all the fields that mention 'a', none of
these appear in any of the remaining constructors?

On the other hand pattern matching would certainly be more expressive
if '~' is added, so perhaps adding it has merit of its own. If we

 foo :: T a -> T Int
 foo x@(C1 {}) = x {f1 = 1}
 foo x@(C2 {}) = x {f1 = 2}
 foo x = x {~f1}

there could still be more constructors in T a that do mention the 'f1'
field, but there is no matching clause for them in the definition of
'foo'. But I would see that as a second separate proposal, e.g. a
Proposal for Negation in Record Pattern Matching. Sure it would fit
very well with the Polymorphic record update discussed here, but I
would think they should be treated separately.

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